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How To Use Rapacious In A Sentence

  • Now the girl is also changing, consuming everything with such rapaciousness that it startles him. Until the Heart Stops Beating
  • So you'd think it would be sheltered from their rapaciousness.
  • It steals from the U.S. treasury as rapaciously to enrich the corporate elite. Printing: A Farewell to Arms: Why I Left "The Left'
  • This ending is as bleak as any in the history of tragic drama - death, rape, slavery, fire destroying the towers, the city's very name effaced from the record of history by the acts of rapacious and murderous Greeks.
  • This marks an interesting divide because women - especially California women - have certainly been willing and eager to vote for that other rapacious hound.
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  • A decade of rapacious consolidation has made JPMorgan Chase the world's largest bank outside China.
  • This reading certainly invites us to look at Timon as an early modern critique of the growing and rapacious power of capitalism, which robs the aristocracy of its idealized form of patriarchy, based upon oligarchic, homosocial bonds.
  • a rapacious appetite
  • The problems of corporate governance are about much more than rapacious egotism.
  • I noticed they were experiencing the same things as many Papuans - they were in debt to rapacious moneylenders and held to ransom by unaccountable officials.
  • Charter forests are already being condemned by environmental organizations as a giveaway to rapacious loggers who want to fell national forests.
  • Here the humanoid on display was a rapaciously acquisitive creature engaged in elaborate and expensive mating rituals. Kim Kardashian Fails the P.T. Barnum Test
  • So rapacious were some accountant trustees, in contradistinction to legal practitioner trustees, that bankruptcy trusteeships were referred to in parliament and in the press as ‘legalised robbery’.
  • The problems of corporate governance are about much more than rapacious egotism.
  • Only the cry of a diving night-bird startled the stillness of the tranquil air; a rapacious filcher that quickly rose, and swept onward through the sea of night. Under the Rose
  • He could feel those fingers worming into his brain, chewing into his thoughts and rapaciously digesting what they found. Rogue Oracle
  • In the village pub - unmodernised by any rapacious brewery, although in this decade new roadhouses spread like scabs along arterial roads - Donald hears unassuming rustics quote Shakespeare.
  • His narrative is one of unmitigated Spanish rapaciousness and violence and Indian innocence and moral purity.
  • They were revealed instead as rapacious asset-strippers.
  • Centralization was the watchword of the day, the gathering in of overlapping monopolies into a few rapacious hands. SAN ANDREAS
  • But even the family of Proba herself was not exempt from the rapacious oppression of Count Heraclian, who basely sold, in matrimonial prostitution, the noblest maidens of Rome to the lust or avarice of the Syrian merchants. The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
  • The eyes belonged not to a man, but to some rapacious night-bird or to a stealthy hunting animal that keeps itself close to the ground. MAN'S LOVING FAMILY
  • The various species of rapacious animals are disappearing, together with the colonies of marmots; the insectivores are also becoming scarce in consequence of the destruction of insects, while vermin, such as the suslik (_Spermophilus_), become a real plague, as also the destructive insects which have been a scourge to agriculture during recent years. Russia As Seen and Described by Famous Writers
  • Most of all, he keeps faith with his native and then readopted community, and details its gradual death at the hands of a rapacious consumer economy and an increasingly exploitative relation to the land.
  • There may well be rapacious businesses exploiting their workers to make fat profits. Times, Sunday Times
  • The smile in your face conceals a darkness in your heart, and there are still some in this green and pleasant land unwilling to let their knees buckle before your rapacious onslaught of smarm and spin.
  • While Wall Street saw unbridled bonuses and Americans genuflected amidst a fanfare of upheaval, Main Street wasn't allowed to issue to itself the needed trillion and a half dollars to buffer itself from its own rapacious business sector. Matthew Anderson: All Hat, No Cattle
  • We practically trip into a couple of graves which are the remains of various settlements of Russian Pomors, the hardy (mad?) walrus hunters who lived, rapaciously hunted - and often died - here in the 18th century. Beth Kapusta: ...somewhere just south of the 79th parallel
  • he had so rapaciously desired and so obtusely expected to find her alone
  • A seething cloud of arcuated eyes and rapacious beaks, they darken the sky. Harlequin
  • They don't like the public being reminded that it was GOP stalwart Phil Graham's crusade for the dismantling of the Glass-Steagall Act, that was put in place after the Great Depression to protect the financial system from this kind of rapacious Republicanism, that was, in large part, the hole in the greed dam that put the economy where it is today. Brian Ross: Why Republicans May Be Barack's Best Buddies at the Stimulus Luau
  • The John Leslie case exposes the media at its sleaziest and most rapacious.
  • Men wanting to inspire the kind of rapacious passion Edward does might try reading the Twilight novels. Devra Maza: A Twilight Seduction: What Men Can Learn From Edward
  • Victims of egg-plundering skuas, which resemble large rapacious gulls, squawk indignantly.
  • Thanks in part to the rapacious greed injected into war-fighting by the liberal use of for-profit armed "security" companies, a brutal, unaccountable and unreliable swagger is increasingly the face of the U.S. in conflict zones around the world. Robert Greenwald: Profit-Chasing Guns-for-Hire Are Killing Us in Iraq and Afghanistan
  • It's as if memory functions like some swift and rapacious insectivorous plant.
  • The crowd was dismayed, because tax collectors were stereotyped as ‘rapacious extortioners.’
  • I've always thought of Sydney as ravenous, rapacious and ruthless.
  • My normally reserved father turns into a rapacious gourmand around the steaming, redolent pot, reliving his Saskatchewan youth by heaping his plate.
  • He seemed to have gained a greater self-confidence from the incredible and unexpected success of his book and he capitalized on it rapaciously.
  • These rapacious relations managed to poison her ears, arguing the new man was an impostor out to swindle her and them.
  • The strongest kitchen trend of the past decade has been the rapacious annexation of space once sovereign to the hallway or dining room. Times, Sunday Times
  • Mr Brown said there was also a global perspective to America's rapacious model of consumption.
  • The reality is that we are rapaciously destroying ecosystems and burning fossil fuels as if there were no tomorrow.
  • But it is not just the rapaciousness of corporate interests that disturbs the author. America's Enduring Ideal
  • We then follow his journey towards the training facility, the whole process of "rejuvenation" and all the consequences this corporeal change brings to a couple of thousand people with very alienated relationship towards their bodies; forming of new friendships (the clique of "Old Farts", as they name themselves) and finally John's participation in intergalactic war where the race of men battles myriad of diverse and rapacious alien races for the right of colonization and expansion. John Scalzi - Old Man's War (Book Review)
  • Edward determined on desolation, when he placed English governors throughout our towns; and the rapacious Heselrigge, his representative in Lanark, not backward to execute the despot's will, has just issued an order, for the houses of all the absent chiefs to be searched for records and secret correspondences. The Scottish Chiefs
  • In the 1980s, the CEO was a rapacious plunderer, vilified for laying off honest folk just to acquire a more lavish jet.
  • Vile intrigues, unnatural crimes, and every vice that degrades our nature, have been the steps to this distinguished eminence; yet millions of men have supinely allowed the nerveless limbs of the posterity of such rapacious prowlers to rest quietly on their ensanguined thrones. 5 5 A Vindication of the Rights of Woman
  • Others will be "rapacious," engaging in a vicious competition to seize and exploit new star systems first. The Shape of Things to Come
  • Instead of spurning these rapacious advances, local authorities were demanding a permanent share of the profits.
  • If, wherever you look, you see people lining their pockets rapaciously, without any thought for what is right, then if you do the right thing, you are made to feel stupid. Invasion of the booty snatchers: how greed is spreading out from the City
  • Castro is a fucking lowest kind of scum, the sort that strides around in flamboyant uniforms to assert their disgusting, rapacious power. Matthew Yglesias » US vs Zimbabwe
  • The trends for 2010 include rapacious tail bags, callipygous spoke nipples, and cutthroat Presta valve inserts. Hands On: The Latest In Grips
  • When he carried out a train robbery, he claimed he was defending the small farmer against rapacious railroad magnates.
  • It is quite breathtaking to realise quite how rapacious the industry is and how conceited and vapid are its practitioners.
  • In the areas under his occupation the enemy has been rapaciously plundering manpower and material resources.
  • Where this leaves the more rapacious companies remains to be seen.
  • The ruins of the resort are now covered in rapacious island vegetation creeping in from the jungle. Boing Boing: July 13, 2003 - July 19, 2003 Archives
  • From Seattle to Phnom Penh, protesters are fighting the incursion of supposedly rapacious multinational corporations.
  • In our modern era, rapaciously expanding industry and a growing population continue to threaten the world's delicate ecological balance, proof of a relationship out of kilter with nature and the elements.
  • Now there are rapacious landlords getting paid by the city to house homeless families.
  • I once loved you, and was troubled to see that thing go viral, especially with the groom what's his name again? drawn as one of Wagner's rapacious little Nibelungen, though you have to admire the artisanship, and the groom's lavish death by intestinal extrusion, which took years of study. My Super PAC Is Driving Me CRAZY
  • Janofsky alludes to federally mandated spending and to rapacious tax cutting by the states.
  • He ignores the fact that workers need the full freedom to organise to defend themselves against the rapacious greed of their employers.
  • Within them, stories unfold about gangsters, unsuccessful cowboys and rapacious music producers.
  • A decade of rapacious consolidation has made JPMorgan Chase the world's largest bank outside China.
  • Our lack of a bill of rights makes it extremely difficult for judges to protect our freedoms from a rapacious government intent on destroying them.
  • Cold Wars, Hot Wars, economic booms and busts, the rapacious scramble for resources: we hear the warnings of countries, the shouts of other countries in greedy triumph.
  • That said, I am bound to say that in our judgment the best way of protecting consumers against rapacious moneylenders is a competitive banking and finance sector.
  • It means the remorseless destruction of local distinctiveness, choice and opportunity by international mega-brands and the rapacious, conniving corporations that own them.
  • But to evidence unequivocal that the United States of America was never intended to provide even the first hint of adhesion to any religious orientation: In the latter years of the 1790s and early days and years of the 1800s, the North Africa states along what was known as the Barbary Coast — Tripoli, Tunis, Algiers, and Morocco — were rapaciously raking American shipping. The US was NEVER intended to be Christian. Herein is the Documented Truth.
  • They told me likewise that the natives inhabited this barren spot of _Al Kossir_, as being the nearest harbour on the coast of the Red Sea to the Nile, whence provisions were transported; and that the inhabitants were satisfied with slight matts instead of roofs to their houses because not troubled with rain, and the matts were a sufficient protection from the sun: but made their walls of stone to defend themselves against the malignity and rapaciousness of the _Badwis_, a perverse people, void of all goodness, who often suddenly assaulted the place in hope of plunder, and frequently pillaged the caravans coming across from the Nile with provisions and other commodities. A General History and Collection of Voyages and Travels — Volume 06 Arranged in Systematic Order: Forming a Complete History of the Origin and Progress of Navigation, Discovery, and Commerce, by Sea and Land, from the Earliest Ages to the Present Time
  • These mercenaries were, of course, a fierce and rapacious soldiery, and having an idle tale current among themselves, that a lanzknecht was refused admittance into heaven on account of his vices, and into hell on the score of his tumultuous, mutinous, and insubordinate disposition, they manfully acted as if they neither sought the one nor eschewed the other. Quentin Durward
  • The rapacious company bullied and bought its way into poorer countries by making false promises of cheap fuel supplies.
  • Even predictable repetitions of the same deception fail to open the eyes of the people to see through the façade of rapacious and false religiosity.
  • Many of the minor German states were too deficient in numbers, boundaries, and wealth to have outstood the despotic ages of Europe but for those foreign alliances, which, whether resting on friendship or a desire to preserve the balance of power, secured them against their rapacious neighbours. Thomas Davis, Selections from his Prose and Poetry
  • Both stories exemplify the rapaciousness that is the norm in our money-obsessed culture.
  • As global supplies of fossil fuels begin to fizzle out, the world's rapacious appetite for energy turns back to nuclear power. Times, Sunday Times
  • Mr. Langella plays Gregor Antonescu, a suavely rapacious monster from Romania who believes that "love is a commodity I can't afford" and made his money the old-fashioned way, by stealing it. Fraud in the Family
  • Of course, being the rapacious little beastie it is, the site always needs more submissions - get scribbling today and give my creative juices a rest!
  • MR. LOCKHART: Jake's going to tell me what "rapacious" means -- no, I know what it means. Press Briefing By Joe Lockhart
  • While I do not condone some of the more rapacious acts of Australian companies, I am not so sanguine about local small scale operators either.
  • One person's sorrow is another's opportunity - or in this case, one organisation's sorrow is another organisation's opportunity to show both its rapaciousness and its incompetence. Books
  • a rapacious divorcee on the prowl
  • Men wanting to inspire that kind of rapacious passion might try reading the novels by Stephenie Meyer on which the Twilight films are based. Devra Maza: A Twilight Seduction: What Men Can Learn From Edward
  • For many Chinese, daily life remains a grim struggle and their government rapacious, arbitrary and corrupt.
  • Bits in there about Nestle's (and other water-raiders ') ruthless rapaciousness and local communities' successful (and unsuccessful) efforts to preserve their precious irreplaceable clean drinking water from being looted, among other pearls of wisdom. Getting to third base with our pristine Columbia Gorge (Jack Bog's Blog)
  • Save OUR public health service from the same Free Market rapaciousness and destruction that has done for the economy. Forest sell-off: Social media celebrates victory | Fiona Harvey
  • Unless there is some liability cap on the rapaciousness of these individuals, the drug companies cannot prudently go forward.
  • Tamar Singer, a freelance anesthesiologist who received several of the letters, calls the city "rapacious" and has stopped working and shopping there. Beverly Hills and Surgeons
  • They have been described as ‘locusts’, rapaciously enriching themselves at the expense of ordinary investors.
  • The economy is collapsing, because of international policies, which are rapacious and stupid.
  • In our situation, positions that either advance the dictates of rapacious global social relations, or propagate the irrelevance of the national question and an adventuristic struggle against these global relations, are a sure recipe for the defeat of the National Democratic Revolution. PEOPLE'S POWER IN ACTION PREFACE TO THE STRATEGY AND TACTICS OF THE ANC
  • It is quite breathtaking to realise quite how rapacious the industry is and how conceited and vapid are its practitioners.
  • The baying hounds triggered a dim ancestral memory of rapacious wolf packs that was hard-wired somewhere deep inside his brain.
  • After the inspection the mayor told the press that he agreed there were some rapacious shop and bar owners in both streets that have selfishly put up their signboards, tables, and chairs in the public zones and footpaths.
  • Consumer passivity and inertia are the greatest allies of the rapacious banks and other financial institutions.
  • Rome was again agitated by the bloody feuds of the barons, who detested each other, and despised the commons: their hostile fortresses, both in town and country, again rose, and were again demolished: and the peaceful citizens, a flock of sheep, were devoured, says the Florentine historian, by these rapacious wolves. The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
  • But the principal enemies of peace and justice in the world today are not hare-coursing baronets, but rapacious multinational corporations and their political emissaries.
  • The town is but a decayed, honky-tonk version of the company town, with everything and everybody in it owned by Mr. Potter, the rapacious banker (and the town itself is, of course, Pottersville).
  • As one sees from his Crucifixion and his Battle of Poitiers, hung alongside, Delacroix was rapacious for colour; especially, in picture after picture, for the cruel colour of blood.
  • Especially against the doddering dairymaidens of surrender like that inveterate sleazehound KXF who so rapaciously libeled me! Excerpt from Urdoxa 2.0
  • But what really staggered me was the ability of these young actors to play with total conviction rapacious thugs and randy whores.
  • His rapaciousness included charging £6 for one pill, or £6 for a pint of an Apozem.
  • Are the legends of their rapaciousness quite fair?
  • Centralization was the watchword of the day, the gathering in of overlapping monopolies into a few rapacious hands. SAN ANDREAS
  • But this socialist market is just as rapacious as any other.
  • In our situation, positions that either advance the dictates of rapacious global social relations, or propagate the irrelevance of the national question and an adventuristic struggle against these global relations, are a sure recipe for the defeat of the National Democratic Revolution ... ANC Today
  • By admitting the stories of people of color who occupy these transitional roles in the trajectory of gentrification we find that our straightforward notions of colored suffering and white rapaciousness only tell part of the story. Gary Dauphin: Shades of Gentrification
  • The strongest kitchen trend of the past decade has been the rapacious annexation of space once sovereign to the hallway or dining room. Times, Sunday Times
  • Historically, Third World countries have been at the mercy of Western monetary policy, including what many call the rapacious banking ideology perpetrated by the “World Bank.” New Shoes on Old Debt-Current economic woes have 1980's roots
  • In more contemporary terms, an immoderate, rapacious industrialism consumes the consumer.
  • Automobile transport is used wastefully, rapaciously.
  • He drew the link between control over society's resources by a small wealthy elite and this rapacious policy.
  • the rapacious wolf
  • Surely he would be astonished to see himself inflated into yet another biographical Gargantua, not to mention in a book that feeds rapaciously on his most unattractive if not repellent aspects: his obsessive, divided sexuality, his spectacular alcoholism, his failures as husband and father. 2009 April 09 « One-Minute Book Reviews
  • As global supplies of fossil fuels begin to fizzle out, the world's rapacious appetite for energy turns back to nuclear power. Times, Sunday Times
  • The NR Board slavered rapaciously for ever more profit, and drank from only one well. Review: The Crunch by Alex Brummer
  • As global supplies of fossil fuels begin to fizzle out, the world's rapacious appetite for energy turns back to nuclear power. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Afghan insurgency feeds off frustration with the ineptitude and rapaciousness of Kabul. The General Who Would Try KSM
  • A very different beast has emerged since then -- a new future at once more rapaciously cold in its capitalism, more dominated by moral or religious issues, and less certain of further technological progress. 18 Non-Fiction Essays by Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers
  • Sounds like a clear cut case of rapacious health care companies heartlessly trying to squeeze the hospitals for the benefit of their greedy shareholders, doesn't it?
  • The eyes belonged not to a man, but to some rapacious night-bird or to a stealthy hunting animal that keeps itself close to the ground. MAN'S LOVING FAMILY
  • In our situation, positions that either advance the dictates of rapacious global social relations, or propagate the irrelevance of the national question and an adventuristic struggle against these global relations, are a sure recipe for the defeat of the National Democratic ANC Today
  • He might be an evil, undead fiend whose rapacious bloodlust terrorised Europe for centuries.
  • She is a very admirable specimen of her kind ” the mamestra brassicae species of caterpillar, and having with beautiful aplomb outmanoeuvred and flouted the rapacious cousinry, Clara is seen at the last, under the protection of Holy Church, still quietly devouring her Miranda leaf ” such is the irony of nature, and the merit of a perfect digestive apparatus. Robert Browning

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