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How To Use Ransom In A Sentence

  • The unit installs at the transom and emits sonar beams that ‘look’ out to 240 feet on either side of the boat.
  • That's one of the main Spanish trawler Tuesday, and a self-proclaimed pirate said the hostage-takers were paid $3.3 million in ransom. - Articles related to EU navy arrests 13 pirates off Oman
  • The twelve-panel front door is surmounted with a transom window and framed by fluted pilasters supporting an open pediment.
  • The government says it is opposed to paying ransom, but cannot prevent families of victims from making their own arrangements.
  • And when he was before the prince, he excused himself so sagely that the prince and his council held him excused, and so he fell again into the prince's love and redeemed out his men by reasonable ransoms; and the chatelain was set to his ransom of ten thousand franks, the which he paid after. Chronicle and Romance (The Harvard Classics Series)
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  • The hardships have been played down and there are only oblique references to the question of whether or not a ransom was paid. Times, Sunday Times
  • Only the transom and a small section of the keel of the vessel - owned by the Coastal Forces Heritage Trust - were left.
  • Contacts in Europe identify vessels that will command a hefty ransom and follow their voyage until they are within range of the gangs. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is sad to note that in some instances much-needed cooperation has been lacking and the economy has been held to ransom because of what one might call avaricious tendencies," the president said. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Other forms of attack include shutting companies' systems down and demanding a ransom to get them working again. Times, Sunday Times
  • The small sofa on which she had placed herself had the form to which the French give the name of _causeuse_; there was room on it for just another person, and Ransom asked her, with a cheerful accent, if he might sit down beside her. The Bostonians, Vol. II (of II)
  • He maintained that he had no money to pay the ransom demanded and that it was a case of mistaken identity.
  • Another preventative measure has been warning labels and transom placards, particularly on rental houseboats commonly used by less experienced boaters.
  • Being ransomed to him would work out best for everyone.
  • The Bertram 31 and its prototype were designed with a remarkable 23-degree angle of deadrise at the transom with three lifting strakes on each side from the keel to the chine.
  • In an Oct. 13 meeting with Minister José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, Obama said: ` ` Tell Raúl police Saturday detained 28 members of a far-right party who tried to disrupt an event held by a rival far-right tanker Monday farther out at sea than any previous assault, suggesting that pirate capabilities are growing as they increase intellectual Francisco Ayala, seen in this March 9, 2006 file photo during an interview with The Associated Press, in Spanish trawler Tuesday, and a self-proclaimed pirate said the hostage-takers were paid $3.3 million in ransom. - Articles related to Spanish PM vows sweeping reforms to boost economy
  • Today, Total Defense Research Team was informed of new ransomware circulating among Italian users, pretending to be an official statement by the Italian Police.
  • The British government says it does not pay ransoms. Times, Sunday Times
  • So the ransom is missing, he can't remember how he got shot and its Joe's job to try and help him recover his memory. An interview with Michael Robotham
  • Perhaps the end is nigh for the oil producers who hold us to ransom over prices. The Sun
  • Villagers stole cattle for beef, for a ransom payment, or in some cases for ploughing or local sale.
  • Standing near the transom opening, all six men donned their gear, including heavy weight belts and tanks, which caused the stern to submerge below the waterline.
  • They hijacked vehicles, even UN convoys, and staged kidnappings for ransom.
  • My senses were all confused as within my sight was a king's ransom - Spanish gold doubloons and shining silver reals, gold pieces of eight, old English milled gold guineas, crowns, minted silver shillings.
  • Some of them have recently started to adopt a more aggressive approach, known as ransomware, where they block critical system functionality until a license fee is paid. Softpedia News - Global
  • We certainly lived the high life, without the king 's ransom. The Sun
  • He had the captives use it to call family and friends and implore them to pay ransom, and he used it himself to call a radio station in Mindanao and proudly announce his crime. Jihadists in Paradise
  • What is remarkable in the cases of ransomware we've seen lately is the effort that the authors have put into creating different versions for every targeted country.
  • Delete or abrase the scribed mortise lines for the stiffening transoms on the side opposite the corner tenon. Chapter 7
  • So with all the angels and saints, with the cherubim and seraphim, let's all bow down in worship before the Lamb of God, who has ransomed us from death and brought us into his eternal kingdom!
  • The writer stated that Rastus was in safe hands and would be returned immediately if Mrs ramsay paid a ransom of £1000.
  • They held him for more than five months until an anonymous donor paid his ransom. Christianity Today
  • In the other email, the link downloaded ransomware, which encrypted files on the user's computer and held them for ransom.
  • In the early church, Christ was seen as the ransom for sin, the sacrificial lamb and the model of the life in God.
  • If they are redeemed, then are they delivered from all misery, virtually or actually, whereunto they were inthralled, and that by the intervention of a ransom. The Death of Death in the Death of Christ
  • I will go ahead and pay their stinking ransom so that I can keep my "earthlink" email addess, but the foul taste of Martian cyber torture will not leave my craw for a very very long time. BEWARE THE EARTHLINKS
  • No scutage nor aid shall be imposed on our kingdom, unless by common counsel of our kingdom, except for ransoming our person, for making our eldest son a knight, and for once marrying our eldest daughter; and for these there shall not be levied more than a reasonable aid. The Magna Carta
  • I had a scheme for collecting that ransom without danger of being caught by counterplots that ought to commend itself to professional kidnappers.
  • Now, in summer the openings are free of mullions or transoms and frame the lush foliage beyond.
  • His baffling new case involves a woman long presumed dead, and a mysterious ransom note sent to the man accused of her murder. The Sun
  • The hull shape is of a round bilge construction with bulbous bow and sterns keg, flared stem and transom stern.
  • They held Britain to ransom with a flask of tea and some picnic chairs.
  • The owners of a missing cargo ship that disappeared two weeks ago after allegedly being attacked by pirates have received a ransom demand, it was disclosed today.
  • If at the end of that time ransom were not forthcoming death would forthcome. Foes
  • Long distance rail commuters are not being held to ransom. Times, Sunday Times
  • She squirmed back from the transom and sat up, capping the paint can and washing out the brush with turpentine, talking as she worked. CORMORANT
  • The idealism and incorruptibility of "Ransom Stoddard" is embedded in Stewart's iconic role as the idealistic young senator in Mr. Smith Goes to Washington and other movies like You Can't Take It with You, from his pre-World-War-II career, particularly his Frank Capra movies, yet also inflected with the toughness and desperation he brought to his own post-war Westerns such as The Naked Spur. Mira Schor: Will Obama Shoot Liberty Valance?
  • The objectification of women is further underscored by Bacon's seizing them as captives for ransom.
  • I noticed they were experiencing the same things as many Papuans - they were in debt to rapacious moneylenders and held to ransom by unaccountable officials.
  • Her kidnapper successfully extorted a £175,000 ransom for her release.
  • The writer's unusual use of the decimal point and zeros hints to Van Zandt that he or she may have seen the bonus check and was reflecting the style in which the number was written. 4 - This phrasing and words like 'attache' are uncommon in ransom notes. A Case Forever Unraveling
  • But if you can't afford the king's ransom needed to buy one finger of a glove, then do what I did: take photos of the outfits and get a dressmaker to make them for you.
  • Villagers stole cattle for beef, for a ransom payment, or in some cases for ploughing or local sale.
  • A pied-piper's trail of opportunity discarded, needless abasement endured, and a grievous ransom paid in blood and treasure.
  • It is not known if their employers paid a ransom to free them. The Sun
  • They were freed after a ransom was paid. The Sun
  • Surely , surely, we have ransomed one another, with all this woe!
  • ` ` None of note enough to be put to ransom, '' answered the Captain; ` ` a set of hilding fellows there were, whom we dismissed to find them a new master --- enough had been done for revenge and profit; the bunch of them were not worth a cardecu. Ivanhoe
  • A €100,000 ransom note had been issued. The Sun
  • At the apex of The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance, there's a scene where Ransom Stoddard has a tortured burst of scrupulosity.
  • No scutage not aid shall be imposed on our kingdom, unless by common counsel of our kingdom, except for ransoming our person, for making our eldest son a knight, and for once marrying our eldest daughter; and for these there shall not be levied more than a reasonable aid. The Magna Carta
  • Spring and stern cleats hide under the gunwales with hawseholes above, and the transom also boasts a sink and rigging station and tuna door.
  • During last few decades hundreds of people from Kohat and other areas of NWFP were kidnapped for ransom many of them were released after payment of ransom by their families, good number of them were killed by the abductors, but in most of the cases people abducted from settled areas were kept in tribal areas of Pakistan, few of the abducted persons have also succeeded to escape from the prison cells of abductors, ‘last year Farooq Mechanic abducted from Kohat had escaped from the prison located in tribal area adjacent to Peshawar, he had got a chance to enter in a truck after unloading bricks from it, abductors were getting forced labor from prisoners to construct a building in tribal area,’ his agedly sister Madam Kishwar had said. Endless Abductions
  • There has still been no ransom demand.
  • Back at the hospital, Dyan's venomous account of what it meant to be Dare Ransom had torn the blinds from his eyes.
  • She could only hope that he could somehow contrive to rescue or ransom them. THE WOLF AND THE DOVE
  • A U.S. Navy official who tracks piracy issues says as long as shipping companies are willing to pay ransoms, than piracy will continue.
  • A king's ransom in a leather belt.
  • Her kidnapper extorted a £175,000 ransom for her release.
  • The U.S. Coast Guard is recalling certain models of houseboats that are built with an air cavity underneath the swim platform and transom in the wake of a series of deaths from carbon monoxide poisoning.
  • It's a kind of bolero jacket with beads all over it," Ms. McCord told the Daily Transom about the jacket that she bought at an estate sale about a decade ago. For Sale: Chloe Sevigny's Refrigerator, Kelly Killoren Bensimon's Sneakers, Chuck Schumer's Tie
  • Most of the kidnappings are by criminal groups that want a ransom, or sectarian groups that want to sow divisions.
  • `Even if we were to agree to your demands, what guarantees would we have that you wouldn't double-cross us once the ransom had been paid? CODE BREAKER
  • How would you advise other hostages and potential hostages about ransom issues? Christianity Today
  • She tied it off securely to a cleat on the starboard corner of the transom.
  • The delicate glass facades of the south and west sides with their trussed glass mullions and oiled oak transoms are surrounded by tall, elegant and immensely thin colonnades.
  • Within hours the kid napper demanded a ransom of £175,000 from estate agents Shipways.
  • Perpendicular window, the heads of the lights below the transom being cinquefoiled, while above each window is a cornice supported by small arches resting on corbels; over all is a pierced battlement, which is also crenelated at the actual east end. Bell's Cathedrals: The Cathedral Church of Winchester A Description of Its Fabric and a Brief History of the Episcopal See
  • If the doors and the transoms above weren't exactly the right height, you'd have a totally different feeling.
  • His jailers realized that his ransom would exceed those of the other prisoners, so Raymond was continuously tortured for preaching.
  • Pella's extensive decorative glass collection includes a variety of matching transoms and sidelights.
  • Other forms of attack include shutting companies' systems down and demanding a ransom to get them working again. Times, Sunday Times
  • The unions can no longer hold the country to ransom, as Jones and his partner, Hugh Scanlon of the AEEU, once did, but the threat to withdraw their financial support is like a gun to the head of today's Labour Party. Latest News Breaking News and Current News from the UK and World Telegraph
  • We haven't seen ransomware for a while, so a recent scheme that mixed elements of modern rogueware pushing and old-school ransomware attempts was rather interesting.
  • Curtain walls, sliding doors, transoms, and more can be finished in dark bronze or clear anodized and painted bronze or white.
  • They forget that there are people out there who paid a king 's ransom to come and see them. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Egyptian government denies paying any ransom to secure his release.
  • ` ` None of note enough to be put to ransom, '' answered the Captain; ` ` a set of hilding fellows there were, whom we dismissed to find them a new master --- enough had been done for revenge and profit; the bunch of them were not worth a cardecu. Ivanhoe
  • The two men were released after four months but do not know whether a ransom was paid, as unconfirmed reports have suggested.
  • You are our prisoner now and we won't release you until a ransom is paid.
  • If you wish to preserve his life, desist from the assault, and depart in peace; and bear this message to the Countess your mistress: – the Baron Malcolm will accept no other ransom for the life and the liberty of the Earl, than her beauteous daughter, whom he now sues to become his wife. The Castles of Athlin and Dunbayne: A Highland Story
  • The hard chine hull features a transverse step and a transom flap.
  • Nemeth was probably being taken to Tardonia, either to be ransomed or more likely to be unpleasantly executed, body charred and features withered by hostile magic.
  • If it be left to the spoil and sackage of common persons, if the love and service of so many nations be despised, so great riches and so mighty an empire refused; I hope her Majesty will yet take my humble desire and my labour therein in gracious part, which, if it had not been in respect of her Highness’ future honour and riches, could have laid hands on and ransomed many of the kings and caciqui of the country, and have had a reasonable proportion of gold for their redemption. Dedication
  • Abducted by the Xiongnu hordes in 195, Cai Yan lived for twelve years in Mongolia as a chieftain's wife, bearing him two children before she was finally ransomed and returned home.
  • The names of the tracks were printed on the album sleeve in wonky black type, making them look like classic anonymous ransom demands cobbled together from letters cut out of newspapers.
  • He is alleged to have made tens of millions of dollars in ransom payments. Times, Sunday Times
  • If it be left to the spoil and sackage of common persons, if the love and service of so many nations be despised, so great riches and so mighty an empire refused; I hope her Majesty will yet take my humble desire and my labour therein in gracious part, which, if it had not been in respect of her Highness 'future honour and riches, could have laid hands on and ransomed many of the kings and caciqui of the country, and have had a reasonable proportion of gold for their redemption. The Discovery of Guiana
  • Ransom attacks have become increasingly common in the past year, and not just against hotels. Times, Sunday Times
  • They had set a deadline of yesterday morning for the ransom to be paid. Times, Sunday Times
  • In reality, kidnapping, hostage taking, raping captured women and selling them as slaves or for ransom is all part and parcel of Mohammedan warfare and tradition that goes back to the meshugga prophet. Winds Of Jihad By SheikYerMami
  • Lord Dondo and I were sent as the envoys, under the flag of parley, to deliver an ultimatum to Olus and arrange the terms and ransoms. THE CURSE OF CHALION
  • Furthermore, these syndicates employing rogue anti-malware programs have turned from mining personal financial data with these crimeware programs to an extortion model whereby the attackers demand ransom for unlocking a PC that has been infected with so-called ransomware code masquerading as anti-virus software. Help Net Security - News
  • Marie's subsequent rendezvous with her husband to discuss the ransom money is quite absurdist, occurring on a very crowded street near a poissonnerie and a merry-go-round.
  • Pliny (viii. 3) quotes Herodotus about the buying of ivories and relates how elephants, when hunted, break their “cornua” (as Juba called them) against a tree trunk by way of ransom. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • Britain is refusing to pay a ransom. The Sun
  • US officials have cautioned against ransoms, saying they encourage further kidnappings.
  • If this happened, the agrichemical industry would hold not only farmers but also governments to ransom. Times, Sunday Times
  • She was only released when a ransom was paid. Times, Sunday Times
  • All around her were heaps of coins and jewels and weapons and trinkets; enough wealth for the ransom of ten kings.
  • It was said that his soul was ransomed from sin by Christ.
  • He paid the terrorist a ransom of 50000 for his kidnapped son.
  • It's a kind of bolero jacket with beads all over it," Ms. McCord told the Daily Transom about the jacket that she bought at an estate sale about a decade ago. Home | The New York Observer
  • I would also go as far as to say that the ransom note typographic style, so firmly associated with the Sex Pistols and the first wave of UK punk, was also becoming a little passé by the end of 1977.
  • New French doors, sidelights, and transom windows also open the rear of the master-suite wing.
  • The threat of being dumped by the supermarkets is omnipresent, but as one farmer put it; ‘They have us at ransom.’
  • She was only released when a ransom was paid. Times, Sunday Times
  • She squirmed back from the transom and sat up, capping the paint can and washing out the brush with turpentine, talking as she worked. CORMORANT
  • They are said to be part of a gang that allegedly demanded a ransom of about 80,000. Times, Sunday Times
  • Forced to read a scripted ransom demand, he told her that his captors wanted $10 million. Times, Sunday Times
  • The newspaper was trying to stir up a row about the morality of allowing criminals to ransom stolen property.
  • Police sources revealed earlier that the three-page ransom note had been handwritten on paper from a legal pad found in the home.
  • There was Ransome, who broke two ribs falling off a ladder in the Bodleian, and took pneumonia. TESTIMONIES
  • All three governments have publicly denied paying ransom money. Times, Sunday Times
  • ‘We will ransom them, of course,’ Lombard said.
  • The ‘IRIS II’ has been designed on traditional lines with quite a square forefoot to give as much keel length as possible, and a transom stern.
  • Meanwhile, a Sudan government spokesman referred to the abductions as "piracy," reflecting speculation of a Chinese ransom payment in return for the workers' freedom. Sudan Rebels Set to Free Chinese Hostages
  • While most of the captives were eventually ransomed, the raid stood as a clear reminder to all the colonies and to Britain as well of how dangerous was frontier life.
  • A new piece of "ransomware", a piece of malware that is actually acting like a legitimate program, has cropped up and is now demanding $400 from users that is says are violating copyright laws. Tech Support Forums -
  • Many in the party were now convinced that kulaks were holding the country to ransom.
  • French doors, double-hung windows, and transom windows face the garden.
  • They held him for more than five months until an anonymous donor paid his ransom. Christianity Today
  • The last number, The Ransomed Petticoat, is a rousing dance song with jiglike rhythm, of the type that was often used to accompany the folk dances in the country. Folk Songs of French Canada
  • The government ransomed the Philadelphia's crew, and Tripoli promised not to attack American ships.
  • The hardships have been played down and there are only oblique references to the question of whether or not a ransom was paid. Times, Sunday Times
  • Entries often showcase glass in the door, plus sidelights and transoms (windows over the door).
  • But Ransome was my man - his boy sailors steered their boats as close to the banks as possible and coiled ropes as neatly as interior decorators.
  • Although it appears that Ransom made Moorish fretwork from 1885 to 1898, his furniture work was apparently limited and concentrated toward the end of his active period.
  • The picture is chosen at ransom from the internet; I have no idea where it was taken. on December 4, 2009 at 3: 00 pm JuliaM ‘Single Crewed’ In Ruralshire « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • The English engineer William Cubitt is usually accredited with the invention of the Discipline Mill while he was chief engineer at Ransomes, a Quaker ironworks in Ipswich.
  • Crownes for the Abbey, leauing vs to take our pleasure vpon the blocke house, vvhich they said they vvere not able to ransome, hauing stretched them selues to the vttermost of their powers: and therefore the said blocke house vvas by vs vndermined, and so vvith gunne powder blowen vp in peeces. Summarie and true discourse of Sir Frances Drakes West Indian voyage
  • Patsy got up thereafter and redressed, put on her makeup and then went downstairs and found the three-page ransom note at the bottom of the spiral stairway.
  • They first replaced a single entry door with transom-topped French doors; then they lowered windows over the sink by a foot, adding a transom to fill in the void.
  • In 1932, with his wife and several associates, Kelly kidnapped Howard Woolverton, a banker in South Bend, Indiana, demanding $50,000 in ransom.
  • At the long table, under the hanging gaselier, in shirt sleeves and apron, Mr. Ransome stood. The Combined Maze
  • So for many of these responsible adults -- men and women who year-in and year-out followed the advice they received -- the choice now boils down to dropping their life insurance altogether, or paying a king's ransom to renew the term insurance they have. Pamela Yellen: An Unexpected 'Orman-Ramsey Vise' Now Squeezes Millions of Aging Americans
  • The two men muscled Stone over to the transom, which came up to his knees. SWIMMING TO CATALINA
  • His wife and driver dropped off the ransom at an undisclosed location. Times, Sunday Times
  • They demanded a huge ransom for the return of the little girl whom they had kidnapped.
  • A bar in the lobby is made from balusters, newel posts and door transoms from the original tenement staircase. For Sale: One Labor of Love
  • He was released by his abductors yesterday, two days after they kidnapped him and demanded a $100,000 ransom for his safe release.
  • When this dispute ends the government must take steps to ensure that it can never again be held to ransom by a militant, unreconstructed trade union.
  • The lower portion contains, on each side, a pair of two-light windows, glazed, each divided by a transom, and their heads having an ogee label crocketed and finished with a tall finial also crocketed. Bell's Cathedrals: The Cathedral Church of Durham A Description of Its Fabric and A Brief History of the Espiscopal See
  • The hijackers released the hostage two days later because they got the ransom money.
  • The rich family has an English butler who is masterminding a plot to kidnap Michelangelo and hold him for ransom.
  • All but one have now been released, but only after millions of dollars in ransoms were paid.
  • You know, the thing was, Australia was really held to ransom there, as far as I'm concerned.
  • Suspecting the car may be the one being ransomed, police stopped Ali Jaan before he got into the car.
  • The number of detected rogue anti-malware programs - fake security software that actually infects computers to animate assorted electronic crimes - fell by nearly 60 percent between June and July of 2009, as e-crime gangs turned away from massive distribution schemes for this kind of crimeware to mine personal data from PCs to an apparently more successful ransomware model that require less aggressive circulation to return optimal profitability. Help Net Security - News
  • Chandlers: pirates boast of plans to 'reinvest' ransom in more kidnappings - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • Issues covered include the changing nature of malware, the growing prevalence of Trojan horses and the emergence of new threats such as ransomware.
  • Pliny (viii. 3) quotes Herodotus about the buying of ivories and relates how elephants, when hunted, break their "cornua" (as Juba called them) against a tree trunk by way of ransom. Arabian nights. English
  • It made some heavy loads for a number of sumpter horses which were likewise contributed as part of the ransom price. His Disposition
  • Pairs of narrow French doors topped with transoms line one wall of the main room, offering easy access to the deck and playing up the room's dramatic vaulted ceiling.
  • The robbers want a 100,000 ransom. The Sun
  • The beam is noticeably narrower at the transom than amidships and the slight tumblehome (sides that turn in at the deck rather than flare out) at the transom of the Duffy 35 is typical of the graceful, traditional Downeast workboat style.
  • The five-bay facade features an enclosed entranceway with sidelights and fanlight transom. Willett of the Day: The Willett House(s)
  • He is alleged to have made tens of millions of dollars in ransom payments. Times, Sunday Times
  • During intercolonial wars, such repayment of ransom did not bring repatriation, as these people then became prisoners of war who possessed potentially damaging information.
  • Three days later the kidnappers demanded a ransom of $1 million for his safe return.
  • This is biblical scholarship conveyed in the format of the ransom note. The Times Literary Supplement
  • His daughter was kidnapped and held for ransom.
  • We certainly lived the high life, without the king 's ransom. The Sun
  • OGXers had a front-row seat for a Reagan Revolution, during that they saw "liberal" turn a irreverent term, as most Americans recoiled from a assorted ransom movements (sexual, feminist, gay, ethnic) of a Sixties as well as Seventies. The Original Generation X, 1954-63 by Joshua Glenn
  • Puddling style draperies over the windows and original shutters control light, and transoms over the doors help the air to circulate.
  • He was a slave ten years ago and was ransomed later by an old rich woman.
  • In addition, ransom payments should not be filmed and media vehicles should not surreptitiously tail police cars to avoid blowing their cover, he added.
  • Suddenly the balance of power shifted from the clubs to the players, who could now hold their employers to ransom as they neared the end of their contract.
  • Pyrates of Monago, and put to the ransome of tenne thousand The Decameron
  • The ransomed Sarah was delivered to the Sisters at La Chine and was baptized a Catholic at age fifteen.
  • In the last five years, at least 250 doctors were kidnapped; some were killed and others released after paying hefty ransoms.
  • His brother abroad collected a ransom thinking he was kidnapped by petty criminals.
  • Enfranchisement of slaves, often in a body, and ransom of slaves and captives became works of piety.
  • So where is the Government of the United States and why are they not freeing American Hostages held ransom by Iran? garryowen at 6:31 AM September 14, 2011 News -
  • The main saloon is nicely arranged with a transom berth and pilot berth to port and a settee/berth to starboard.
  • The militants have also kidnapped over 2,500 persons; many are still untraced even after payment of hefty ransoms.
  • Few foreigners are badly hurt during the kidnappings and ransom fees are usually paid to secure their release.
  • In 1993, Colombia's government briefly made paying ransoms illegal, but there was an outcry from victims' relatives.
  • Guard Greg Ransom was redshirted to focus on academics.
  • The heliograph, ‘View From the Window,’ will be on view at the Ransom Galleries in Austin, Texas.
  • While most of the captives were eventually ransomed, the raid stood as a clear reminder to all the colonies and to Britain as well of how dangerous was frontier life.
  • Knowledge rhetorically induced from a representative anecdote will ironically contain both of Ransom's two knowledges.
  • As the slave could generally ransom himself out of his "peculium," or "savings," if they were sufficient, the slave here either thinks, or pretends to think, that Hegio is censuring him for not taking those means, and answer, accordingly, that he has nothing to offer] [Footnote 3: _Give myself to flight_) -- Ver. The Captiva and the Mostellaria
  • --- Prior, that last flourish on the recheat hath added fifty crowns to thy ransom, for corrupting the true old manly blasts of venerie. '' Ivanhoe
  • They forget that there are people out there who paid a king 's ransom to come and see them. Times, Sunday Times
  • Then he could ransom the princess back to the Queen Mother and her consort.
  • This sort of thing was a common enough practice, for ransoming nobles was a profitable business.
  • The window is an "oriel" in the Perpendicular style, separated vertically by mullions into three lights in front, with one at each end of the projection, and horizontally by transoms into an upper and lower tier, the former having a trefoil heading to each division. Bell's Cathedrals: The Priory Church of St. Bartholomew-the-Great, Smithfield A Short History of the Foundation and a Description of the Fabric and also of the Church of St. Bartholomew-the-Less
  • He went on to state that if ransoms were paid, no one should be in danger.
  • All three governments have publicly denied paying ransom money. Times, Sunday Times

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