
How To Use Ranger In A Sentence

  • If there was any hope of holding on to even a shred of her dwindling self-respect, she should do exactly what she knew Margo would do—close the laptop, take her de-scrunchied, perfumed, and nearly thonged self down to the nearest club, pick up the first passably good-looking stranger who asked her to dance, and bring him back to the apartment for some safe but anonymous sex. Goodnight Tweetheart
  • Band leader, Ray Blue, is also a composer, arranger and performer on tenor, alto and soprano saxophones.
  • A third goal at that stage would have saved Rangers a lot of bother.
  • Days later, Gregg was gunned down near Belfast docks as he returned from a Glasgow Rangers football match.
  • But he knew he would be like a stranger to her, a strange man with a repellingly scarred face. The Hidden Places
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  • But her own life was often stranger than any action-packed fiction plot.
  • Truth is not only stranger than fiction, but often saintlier than fiction. The New Jerusalem
  • Chuck Greenberg, CEO of the Texas Rangers, slammed New York Yankees fans for their actio ns during the American League Championship Series in an interview on ... Chuck Greenberg, Texas Rangers CEO, Blasts Yankees Fans On Radio
  • The dog barked loudly at the stranger.
  • This time she must seem the forlorn victim, with no resources of sinew or cunning to save her - only the kindness of strangers.
  • The Orangery restaurant is not as gorgeous as the rest of the house, partly because it is in a modern extension, but mainly because it is unattractively lit.
  • These types of changes were normally seen between complete strangers in blood, and were not usually used to indicate any form of cadency.
  • Meanwhile, I will be having a final farewell party this Friday with all my buddies, climbing friends, old coworkers, old classmates and random strangers.
  • The Jet Ranger arced upwards, a big prehistoric pterodactyl lurching blindly in its death throes.
  • Rangers should be relieved but the country as a whole should be mortified to be portrayed in this way.
  • The rangers need not fear that they are signing a vulnerable geriatric.
  • The attention shone on her, as strangers stopped her in the street to ask about her imminent arrival. Times, Sunday Times
  • The second set also starts of in a rollicky jamming way with a Stranger and a Cumberland to write home about, but then the band slows down and you get a sleepy Gloria and a communally weird Do It In The Road where "everyone" sings.
  • The sentry guard dived into his foxhole and closely observed the stranger towards him.
  • He is like the showy orchis, or the lady's-slipper, or the shooting star among plants, -- a stranger to all but the few; and when an American poet says cuckoo, he must say it with such specifications as to leave no doubt what cuckoo he means, as Lowell does in his "Nightingale in the Study:" -- The Writings of John Burroughs — Volume 05: Pepacton
  • Army, 'the professors said one to another, as, hardly stopping for a moment at the stranger's entrance, they continued to' jangle 'among themselves. A Book of Quaker Saints
  • The Sub – Prior readily obeyed the first part of the Abbot’s injunction, but paused upon the second — “It is Friday, most reverend,” he said in Latin, desirous that the hint should escape, if possible, the ears of the stranger. The Monastery
  • Of course everyone knew the reason for all the strangers - those faked tickets someone had distributed. DEATH IN FASHION
  • Police, park rangers and animal charities say that dangerous dogs are being used by gangs as status symbols and becoming a growing public menace. Times, Sunday Times
  • Gutierrez, who was recently ranked as the ninth best prospect in the Rangers system by Baseball America, tested positive for the amphetamine adderall, which is used to treated Attention Deficit Disorder. Texas Rangers
  • He speculates about the personal stories of strangers in bars and offers up tales of his childhood with the ease of a trusted friend.
  • He is a perfect stranger to us.
  • Her expression collapsed into one of forlorn reminiscence before she continued on in her stranger’s voice. Flowers in the Attic
  • Caterers, designers, arrangers, were parading in and out of the house weekly, making their presentations and answering questions. Olivia
  • E-mail also is an important way that the Net connects strangers who share personal passions.
  • Cats were slumbering noisily beneath the TV set and a smallish party of utter strangers were drinking Harp in the saloon lounge. DEATH OF AN UNKNOWN MAN
  • Thereupon Shawahi came forward and kissing the ground before the Queen, took the hem of her garment and laid it on her head, saying, O Queen, by my claim for fosterage, be not hasty with him, more by token of thy knowledge that this poor wretch is a stranger, who hath adventured himself and suffered what none ever suffered before him, and Allah (to whom belong Might and The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • What better way to break the ice with a roomful of total strangers in a foreign country whose language you don't know?
  • Prerequisite: Ranger, Hunter's Quarry class feature, Mark of Finding feat.
  • She was always suspicious of strangers.
  • Peter, an apostle of Jesus Christ, to the strangers dispersed through Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia, and Bithynia, elect.
  • He amassed similar collections of American advertising of the 1920s, plus grangerized Shakespeare, Burns, etc.
  • He is supposed to be debating to you and to fellow members of Parliament, and he should not involve strangers.
  • He has endeavoured to render THE PICTURE an intelligent _Cicerone_, without being too garrulous or grandiloquous, -- but always attentive to the stranger, leading him to every remarkable object, and giving just as much description of each, as would be acceptable to persons enjoying the full use of their eyes. Brannon's Picture of The Isle of Wight The Expeditious Traveller's Index to Its Prominent Beauties & Objects of Interest. Compiled Especially with Reference to Those Numerous Visitors Who Can Spare but Two or Three Days to Make the Tour of the
  • Online gaming is the main route for bonding with strangers, the survey of 17,000 schoolkids found. The Sun
  • Officers are expected to give her toxicology tests amid fears she may have been drugged by a stranger. The Sun
  • This must have been owing to her recollection of the audacious stranger in the neighbouring turret at the Fleur de Lys; but did that discomposure express displeasure? Quentin Durward
  • The portly old housekeeper used to play cicerone, but the portly old housekeeper, growing portlier and older every day, got in time quite unable to waddle up and down and pant out gasping explanations to the strangers. The Baronet's Bride
  • Beth felt strangely drawn to this gentle stranger.
  • Dundee United gorged themselves on a rich performance at Ibrox, but it was an afternoon which became bitterly unpalatable to Rangers.
  • Hospitality - caritas - became a duty for all Christians, whether the one to whom aid was proffered or from whom it was received was a family or tribal member, or a stranger.
  • This is all on the surface, but beneath and better than this is a kindness which leaves no stranger to a sense of loneliness, no want uncared for, and no sorrow unalleviated. The Hawaiian Archipelago
  • You could go up to a stranger and know they were on the same wavelength.
  • Protagoras (337 C-D); it is only “nomos, which is a tyrant among men,” that has made the participants in the dialogue strangers to one another, since they come from different cities. Dictionary of the History of Ideas
  • Fien is no stranger to Tormey, who recruited him when he was defensive coordinator at Washington.
  • This is a realistic story about two people who meet as strangers and remain that way, told with an elegant, refined grace.
  • ADEL - Kids ages 6 to 12 can work towards earning Junior Ranger badges Aug. 21, Sept. 18, Oct. 16 and Nov. 20 at Reed Bingham State Park in Adel. Tifton Gazette Homepage
  • Louise's logic suggests that, had Nolan managed to steer Ranger's nod down the right side of the post minutes before Coloccini's unwitting own goal let's be honest, that *would* have been undeserved, which is just absurd. The Guardian World News
  • Social parasites and criminals are strangers to positive beliefs. Their religion is: to do anything to serve their needs. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • Oh, and I am a chairborne ranger, and as my husband likes to say ‘secretary’.
  • Ne vous fachez iamais en table, quoy qu'il aduienne, ou bien si vous vous fachez, n'ent faites point de semblant, principalement y ayant des estrangers a table. George Washington's Rules of Civility
  • I just can't have a stranger roaming around my property at night.
  • The sentry guard dived into his foxhole and closely observed the stranger towards him.
  • Accepting drugs from a stranger in an unfamiliar place is very risky. The Sun
  • he was upstage with strangers
  • Yes | No | Report from ranger2 wrote 28 weeks 2 days ago any camo pattern that breaks up colors or shapes is likely to be effective, especially the generic military patterns ... and like Del said, movement is more important than the pattern you choose. I live in northwest Missouri around relatively thick forest. I was wondering whether old splotch military fatigues would work?
  • You left out the bush whackers, rump rangers, fifth column traitors, child pornographers, baby rapers, brain addled dope smoking malcontents, serial abortionists, incorrigible violent criminals and drug pushers as well as the Clintons that make up the Filthy Left wing of the Liberal Losers. Think Progress » Rumsfeld on Iran Today = Rumsfeld on Iraq in 2002
  • _The comedy of Wilmot successful: The wounded stranger seen at a distance: Oratory abandoned with regret: The dangers that attend being honest: A new invitation from Hector: A journey deferred by an arrest, and another accidental sight of the stranger_ The Adventures of Hugh Trevor
  • In some parts of the country policemen and park rangers shoot wolves and bears and lions with rubber buckshot, chase them with dogs, and scare them from houses with loud noises and bright lights.
  • To her annoyance the stranger did not go away.
  • Users can put in place screen locks and other security mechanisms to stop strangers accessing personal devices. Times, Sunday Times
  • Cars are comfortable, avoid dangerous road crossings, avoid the danger of strangers and - not insignificantly in Scotland - they avoid the rain.
  • I am walking speedily along New York's Fifth Avenue when this elegant stranger accosts me, grabs my arm in a vice-like grip and hisses, ‘Where did you get that pin?’
  • For the most part we are strangers sharing rooms.
  • Her eccentricities get stranger by the day.
  • She's shy around strangers.
  • The stranger fastened on my arm.
  • De Jong pesters Hutton down the left, and nearly gets in on goal, but the full-back is as staunch as only a former Rangers player can be. Tottenham Hotspur v FC Twente – as it happened
  • Although I wasn't in the habit of talking to strangers, he didn't seem sketchy, so I walked over to the car and bent down to get to his eye level.
  • The locals clearly were not too keen to strangers and I received a less than hospitable welcome.
  • Five students in a remote house are attacked by supernatural forces, but discover that something far stranger is at work. The Sun
  • The stranger who hangs around the building frightens me
  • I have read that stranger abductions are actually on the decline in the past couple of years.
  • When offering his terms Starkey had talked in that bland way characteristic of him with strangers. The House of Cobwebs and Other Stories
  • On France: I was a Francophobe before Francophobia was cool, but I actually had a splendid few days in France, surrounded by helpful strangers who were entirely accommodating to my recollection of 2 years of French, taken 15 years previous. Matthew Yglesias » The European Bogeyman
  • Most of the women were college graduates, thought highly of Smith, and were pleased that this stranger was so smart.
  • Boots of the Dúnedain, this specific iteration being a pair of Vasque Ranger GTX hikers in taupe and burt orange, with Strider outsole My very best William Gibson imitation
  • Had a well-meaning stranger taken him into a family home, beseeching him to rest on a red ottoman ? SOMEWHERE EAST OF LIFE
  • He took stock of the stranger.
  • Beth has already met Arleen Starr, who spoke with her prior to sending her off for another set of tests, but the doctor is still a stranger who makes Beth shrink into herself with shyness.
  • Her beautiful hands held a cup to the lips of the stranger; while her long hair, escaped from its bands, fell in jetty ringlets, and mingled with his silver locks. The Scottish Chiefs
  • In the US he not only played with numerous American bands but also honed his skills as a composer and arranger. Times, Sunday Times
  • Because many books were robbed of steel engravings to put into Granger's history, such mutilation came to be known as grangerizing.
  • Appointed first lieutenant in the Continental Navy in 1775, Jones received the command of the Ranger in 1777.
  • Well, the inquisitor in our party was curious about the specifics of the policy, and jokingly needled the ranger about the prohibition.
  • Truth is more of a stranger than fiction. Mark Twain 
  • As Mark Twain once said, " Why shouldn't truth be stranger than fiction?
  • White Fang does not make an uproar, but rather follows quietly, stalking the stranger.
  • Mr Quinn, whose businesses include insurance and investment, is no stranger to big deals.
  • By the time he died this week, it felt like he was a total stranger. The Sun
  • She's dreaming she'll be whisked off her feet by a tall, dark handsome stranger.
  • The deacon found and served Christ in the poor, the hungry and thirsty, the stranger and the naked, the sick and imprisoned.
  • He is no stranger to property.
  • But Arsheesh knew by the gold on the stranger's bare arm that he was a Tarkaan or great lord, and he bowed kneeling before him till his beard touched the earth and made signs to Shasta to kneel also.
  • The one-time Rangers youth player rose well to meet Sheridan's corner from the right, but his effort came back off the bar.
  • Park rangers regularly patrol the area and in the summer months they cover it up to 10 pm.
  • Outgoing Cah-lee-forn-ia Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger really seizing the moment: "The San Francisco Giants defeated the Texas Rangers tonight, just like California voters are going to defeat the attempts of dirty Texas oil companies to undo our clean energy laws at the polls tomorrow Proposition 23, which would suspend the state's greenhouse gas law. HUFFPOST HILL - NOVEMBER 2ND, 2010
  • The stranger wandered off the road into the forest.
  • He watched the stranger flirt with his girlfriend and got fighting mad.
  • “A poor forlorn and ignorant stranger, unacquainted with the very Alcoran of the savage tribe whom you are come to reside among — Never to have heard of Markham, the most celebrated author on farriery! then I fear you are equally a stranger to the more modern names of Gibson and Bartlett?” Rob Roy
  • Boston took two of three in Texas earlier this season, outhitting the Rangers, 27-12, in the final two games.
  • The next to be loved is the stranger, the orphan, the widow and the indigent, that is to say those citizens that are without a “defender”. Archive 2008-10-26
  • The word Xenon comes from the Greek word xenon which means stranger it was discovered by Sir William Ramsay in 1898. CreationWiki - Recent changes [en]
  • The paradox is all the stranger because the power shortage has had predictably grave consequences for economic growth.
  • Learn about wildlife from experts as the rangers take you on a wander at sunset. Times, Sunday Times
  • In the first episode a shocking, random act of violence sees a young woman knocked to the ground in an unprovoked attack by a stranger. The Sun
  • The girl drew from her pocket a little green-leather sheath, worn at the edges to whity-brown, and out of that a pair of spectacles, unconsciously looking round the room for a moment as she did so, as if to ensure that no stranger saw her in the act of using them. The Hand of Ethelberta
  • I feel strange seeing Annique so comparatively unclothed, and even stranger as we lie side by side sunbathing. A ROOMFUL OF BIRDS - SCOTTISH SHORT STORIES 1990
  • Annie Wagner in the Stranger: As a movie, Diggers is affable and lazy - its purpose obscured by a swarm of clichés. GreenCine Daily: Diggers.
  • Human beings often have an inbred dislike of the stranger.
  • Park rangers try their best to protect them, but have been ambushed and attacked as they carry out their duties in the midst of internal conflict. Times, Sunday Times
  • The disposal of the clan land to strangers without the consent of the clansmen is subject to the fiat that any other clan member can redeem that clan land on payment of the purchase price to the purchaser.
  • By singling out the single family home as a conveyor of individual wealth we have inflated its value as a social connector when in fact it is a social disconnector - separating the physical distance between strangers, alienating the wealth class from the poor, and creating "neighborhoods" that enforce stereotypes and social clichés. Milton Curry: Nixon in China and the American City: Radical Urban Revitalization Needed
  • Your description reminded me a teensy bit of the Anne Perry book “Face of a Stranger,” which is of course nothing like the McGrath book in subject, but has a similar theme of the main character haunted by a past just out of his line of sight. Patrick McGrath’s ‘Trauma’ « Tales from the Reading Room
  • They paid heavy taxes, but they were called Uitlanders, which means, "outlanders" or "strangers. An Island Story: A History of England for Boys and Girls
  • Berlin modernism, meanwhile, was an altogether different and surely stranger brew.
  • He's too shy to ask a stranger the time, much less speak to a room full of people.
  • He stopped and chatted and spoke of how this hard-won point just might be the kick-start Rangers need, the turning point in their woeful season.
  • Lawrence agreed with Read's comment that it was grangerised, declaring that he had said as much in his preface to the illustrations - ‘Why shouldn't I grangerise my own book?
  • A Mexican force soon expelled him, and his rangers burned the town of as they left.
  • She is a stranger to us.
  • No wonder he remained to be a stranger to everyone else for no one dared or risked taking a step into such a place filled with horrors and terrors that only the Shadow Assailant knew of.
  • The prospects for Alan Hollinghurst's awesomely accomplished but languidly paced The Stranger's Child, for example, were surely inferior, in a game of zippy-style bingo, to yarns that Chris Mullin's mates would hail as bona fide page-turners. The Man Booker judges seem to find reading a bit hard | Catherine Bennett
  • Officers are expected to give her toxicology tests amid fears she may have been drugged by a stranger. The Sun
  • The shine is being taken out of Ulverston because of dirty streets cleaned by street sweepers who have become strangers to brooms, the town council agreed this week, reports Jennie Dennett.
  • The cobaltic folk may be indigenes, but I think they come from still a third place, and are strangers on these shores as well. Analog Science Fiction and Fact
  • With the human who loves quarrels, speaks in the heart with the stranger the speech.
  • Berlin modernism, meanwhile, was an altogether different and surely stranger brew.
  • The mysterious stranger took his departure; Laura Lipping distinctly saw a snarl of baffled rage reveal itself behind his heavy moustache and upturned astrachan collar. Literature
  • Frank Pickles has been a park ranger with the North York Moors National Parks Authority for 12 years.
  • The Strangers’ House is a fair and spacious house, built of brick, of somewhat a bluer colour than our brick; and with handsome windows, some of glass; some of a kind of cambric oiled. The New Atlantis: Paras 1-29
  • I am reminded of the movie, Rachel and the Stranger, where the widower laments that his wife fought so hard to make their isolated cabin a home and bring beauty to it by insisting on planting flowers in the front yard, bringing her spinet to the West and playing it every evening, buying a metronome for her playing, educating their son in the home and insisting that he show good manners. Archive 2007-09-01
  • a small deckhouse, holding on by ropes, and in feebleness welcoming the stranger with hats in hand. The Diadem Rescuing the Crew of the C. W. Connor
  • In the forest the woodchopper comes first; on the fertile prairies the granger is the pioneer; but on the long, stretching uplands of the far West it is the men who guard and follow the horned herds that prepare the way for the settlers who come after. The Cattle Country of the Far West
  • He rubbed warmth into his arms, peering through the fog to see if he could spot the stranger.
  • We sometimes encounter people, even perfect strangers, who begin to interest us at first sight, somehow suddenly, all at once, before a word has been spoken. Fyodor Dostoyevsky 
  • The room was changed so completely that it was suddenly unfamiliar to her, as if she had walked into the bouse of a stranger. The Hand of Chaos
  • He is a stranger to London.
  • Then again, I sent a stranger a fake story in order to get him to call and ask me out on a date.
  • They perceived a stranger wandering in the garden.
  • Her fans can see how she has managed it in Braveworld's September 28 rental video release Family of Strangers.
  • Such philosophers, who teach estrangement in every sense, are still strangers to one another.
  • The discipline of the school was hard, not with the healthy and natural hardships of life in the open air, but with an artificial Spartanism, for it was the time when the Germans, who had suddenly awoke to feelings of patriotism and a love of war to which they had long been strangers, under the influence of a few writers, were throwing all their energies into the cultivation of physical endurance. Bismarck and the Foundation of the German Empire
  • She married a practical stranger.
  • Jigsaw has locked a bunch of strangers in a spooky old house with nerve gas slowly killing them off.
  • Stranger things have happened - good luck! The Sun
  • Lake District National Park Authority rangers will be on their bikes and inviting guests to join them as they explore cycle tracks and bridleways around the area on Monday.
  • Moreover, Zonabend states that the last-born of many siblings - starting with a seventh child in the actual case she provides - are not to have ordinary godparents and, therefore, strangers are often accepted for the task.
  • a stranger suld lack what we have, though we are jimply provided for in beds rather; for Jenny has sae mony bairns (God bless them and her) that troth I maun speak to Lord Evandale to gie us a bit eik, or outshot Old Mortality
  • They nodded to each other by way of breaking the ice of unacquaintance, and the first stranger handed his neighbour the family mug — a huge vessel of brown ware, having its upper edge worn away like a threshold by the rub of whole generations of thirsty lips that had gone the way of all flesh, and bearing the following inscription burnt upon its rotund side in yellow letters there is no fun Wessex Tales
  • Logan's military assignments made him naturally suspicious of strangers who questioned him, but Marie was different.
  • And they know it's your car because they know you and they know you because your street is a cul-de-sac and strangers have little reason to walk through it.
  • She prattled the secret to the stranger.
  • Les autorités iraniennes ont interdit hier aux journalistes des médias étrangers de quitter leurs bureaux pour couvrir les manifestations de protestation dans les rues de Téhéran. From the dept of 'oh snap'
  • It was the 11 th of the season for a man who is no stranger to the referee's book.
  • Morgan with an expression of insolence such as might well warrant the belief that he held feud with all grangers and made their discomfiture, dislodgment, and extermination the chief business of his life. Trail's End
  • Chairs creaked, and necks craned as every eye tried to catch a glimpse of the stranger.
  • She gave the stranger a wooden stare.
  • Those times were somewhat wild and barbarous, signore, and a gentleman who protected his estates and asked tribute of strangers was termed a brigand, and became highly respected. Aunt Jane's Nieces Abroad
  • Some people considered this stranger to be a devil changed into the illusion of an angel of light, or a witch.
  • It is a country where acquaintances embrace when meeting and strangers are greeted with warmth, bonhomie, and a demitasse of rich coffee.
  • Christ, a stranger to all religious practices, and breathing defiance against "sacerdotalism" and "theocracy". The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 10: Mass Music-Newman
  • The bushranger was hanged in Melbourne in 1880 after being captured in a shoot-out with police in the small town of Glenrowan, Victoria.
  • The Czech-born Jagr, 36, a right wing who has topped rosters for the Pittsburgh Penguins, the Washington Capitals, and the New York Rangers since 1990, is now playing for Avangard Omsk, of the new Continental Hockey League, in Omsk, Siberia. Exile
  • The six-year-old, no stranger to success on this course, ran a fine race to finish third here on Monday.
  • He was a total and complete stranger. Times, Sunday Times
  • Given the choice, both Celtic and Rangers would be happy to buddy up to Uefa by playing in the Champions League, because it remains the ultimate club competition.
  • Which is to say: the nosier neighbors, not strangers. Making Light: Open thread 135
  • For you, I have only to remember the identity of strangers.
  • Kalinin netted his first goal with the Rangers and first in 56 games, dating to Feb. 1 with Buffalo, 8: 59 into the third to make it 3-2.
  • Arthur Myers, who has worked on the estate near Sproatley for more than 40 years - and at the age of 83 still looks after the orangery - was at the opening with wife Jasmine.
  • With the human who loves quarrels, speaks in the heart with the stranger the speech.
  • Her eyes fell on a stranger, staring at her in a cool impertinent way.
  • Such ambivalent cultures invariably breed an extraordinary sense of personal dignidad (deeg-nee-DAHD) or "dignity," and an unbounded need for this dignity to be respected, regardless of the cost to the individual, family members, friends or strangers. I would like to know about "The Culture"
  • Simply seeing white strangers interacting positively with ethnic minorities reduces racial prejudice. Times, Sunday Times
  • And there are stranger things than these, -- fragments of spiced and bituminized humanity to be shown to visitors who are not nervous, nor given to midnight terrors. The Arena Volume 4, No. 21, August, 1891
  • "You will meet a tall, dark, handsome stranger this Thursday," says your astrologer.
  • Supreme Commander embraces the idea of vastness like a Park Ranger in Alaska. Action Commander | SciFi, Fantasy & Horror Collectibles
  • Jim (Ranger) is a retired Army Special Forces officer and terrorism counteraction (T/CA) subject matter expert who vehemently opposes this administration's WOT. I'm guessing Jim is talking about the previous administration's WOT, but you never know. Blogroll Update
  • Rangers' catcher Ivan Rodriguez bobbled the ball as Henderson slid safely.
  • Pranger and her family enjoyed sneaking out at night with a flashlight to peek at the dragonfly nymphs and tiny, two-inch-long tree frogs that had taken up residence in the ponds.
  • These six cities shall be a refuge, both for the children of Israel, and for the stranger, and for the sojourner among them: that every one that killeth any person unawares may flee thither.
  • I am a stranger , and have been a wanderer against my will.
  • After his family moved from a home close to Parkhead to a flat near Ibrox, Dalglish befriended a young Rangers player called Alex Miller and it was not unknown for him to skive off school in order to hang around the club before cadging favours from a senior pro. Kenny Dalglish expects respect but no free ride from Sir Alex Ferguson
  • He was no stranger to hardship brim of his hat. Times, Sunday Times
  • The tiger was finally rescued by forest rangers after they caught it in a fishing net. The Sun
  • Awoke to a beautiful clear blue sky again (starting to lose the "moz") and after a sumptuous breakfast of bacon and eggs (Father's Day ritual) and the normal morning routines it was into the car and we drove the 4km further along the dirt road and arrived at the ranger station at TravelStream™ — Recent Entries at
  • The workers were too stunned to react on seeing complete strangers entering their area.
  • They got on well together although they were total strangers.
  • I don't know, sir," he said, "whether you're aware of it -- I presume you're a stranger, like myself -- but all they _allow_ for what they call breakfast in this hotel is tea or coffee, rolls, and butter; everything else is charged extra. A Voyage of Consolation (being in the nature of a sequel to the experiences of 'An American girl in London')
  • Since it is a mitzvah to visit the sick, every traditional Jewish community has a group that makes hospital visits on request - to friends or strangers.
  • They've stood in long lines to get on commuter trains, they have crowded on to ferries, they've carpooled with strangers.
  • Many complained about people who take untrained, ill-behaved animals to public events as well as about people who chuckle a little embarrassed but nothing more when their dogs lunge at people while on walks or leap up on strangers and do that "if it's vertical I'll try to breed with it" behavior against everyone's legs. Pet Talk: Some people hate dogs, in no uncertain terms
  • Rangers might have run in half a dozen had Michael Mols and Shota Arveladze's finishing been better, and they had two goals disallowed and hit the woodwork twice.
  • It may be called the state police, state troopers, militia, the rangers or the highway patrol.

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