[ UK /ɹˈe‍ɪnd‍ʒ/ ]
[ US /ˈɹeɪndʒ/ ]
  1. range or extend over; occupy a certain area
    The plants straddle the entire state
  2. let eat
    range the animals in the prairie
  3. change or be different within limits
    Estimates for the losses in the earthquake range as high as $2 billion
    My students range from very bright to dull
    Interest rates run from 5 to 10 percent
    The instruments ranged from tuba to cymbals
  4. assign a rank or rating to
    The restaurant is rated highly in the food guide
    how would you rank these students?
  5. move about aimlessly or without any destination, often in search of food or employment
    The cattle roam across the prairie
    They rolled from town to town
    The gypsies roamed the woods
    roving vagabonds
    the laborers drift from one town to the next
    the wandering Jew
  6. have a range; be capable of projecting over a certain distance, as of a gun
    This gun ranges over two miles
  7. lay out orderly or logically in a line or as if in a line
    lay out the arguments
    lay out the clothes
  8. feed as in a meadow or pasture
    the herd was grazing
  1. a large tract of grassy open land on which livestock can graze
    they used to drive the cattle across the open range every spring
    he dreamed of a home on the range
  2. the limits within which something can be effective
    range of motion
    he was beyond the reach of their fire
  3. a kitchen appliance used for cooking food
    dinner was already on the stove
  4. (mathematics) the set of values of the dependent variable for which a function is defined
    the image of f(x) = x^2 is the set of all non-negative real numbers if the domain of the function is the set of all real numbers
  5. an area in which something acts or operates or has power or control:
    the ambit of municipal legislation
    a piano has a greater range than the human voice
    outside the reach of the law
    within the compass of this article
    in the political orbit of a world power
    the range of a supersonic jet
    within the scope of an investigation
  6. the limit of capability
    within the compass of education
  7. a place for shooting (firing or driving) projectiles of various kinds
    any good golf club will have a range where you can practice
    the army maintains a missile range in the desert
  8. a series of hills or mountains
    the plains lay just beyond the mountain range
    the valley was between two ranges of hills
  9. a variety of different things or activities
    he was impressed by the range and diversity of the collection
    he answered a range of questions

How To Use range In A Sentence

  • If there was any hope of holding on to even a shred of her dwindling self-respect, she should do exactly what she knew Margo would do—close the laptop, take her de-scrunchied, perfumed, and nearly thonged self down to the nearest club, pick up the first passably good-looking stranger who asked her to dance, and bring him back to the apartment for some safe but anonymous sex. Goodnight Tweetheart
  • Band leader, Ray Blue, is also a composer, arranger and performer on tenor, alto and soprano saxophones.
  • So it's a little more than passing strange that Mr. Brooks clucks about Mr. Obama's "über-partisan budget" when, given the last few weeks of shrieking and wailing from the Republicans about socialism and communism, he's been the voice of moderation in the room. Moderately Shocked
  • I'm sat in one of those chairs with a little side table to rest your notebook on, arranged in a semicircle in a darkened room.
  • A third goal at that stage would have saved Rangers a lot of bother.
  • Gwenhidwy likes to drink a lot, grain alcohol mostly, mixed in great strange mad-scientist concoctions with beef tea, grenadine, cough syrup, bitter belch-gathering infusions of blue scullcap, valerian root, motherwort and lady's-slipper, whatever's to hand really. Gravity's Rainbow
  • On the ranges of Fort Devens, the troops were put through their paces on US weapons, from the stock-in-trade M16 assault rifle to the frighteningly-effective M249 SAW light machine gun.
  • Days later, Gregg was gunned down near Belfast docks as he returned from a Glasgow Rangers football match.
  • Squatting down, Trent poured rum and squeezed orange juice into the cups.
  • It was a simple rectangle of crudely mounded basalt rocks, a distinctive arrangement reminiscent of the way Samoans and other Polynesians marked their dead in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.
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