How To Use Randy In A Sentence
Put all the fruit in a saucepan on a gentle heat and add a couple of tablespoons of caster sugar and a slug of something pleasantly alcoholic such as brandy, whisky or even sherry.
Dave's what you call the randy milkman who's giving your missus extra deliveries when you're out at work.
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I want to see Randy answer this question: 1. Accepting arguendo that mandating a person to buy health insurance is not regulation of commerce, there is no question that the rest of the bill is regulating the interstate market in health insurance*.
The Volokh Conspiracy » A Quick Response to Randy on the Use of “Unprecedented”
It was made of a mixture of roots of zedoary similar to ginger, lovage and peony, parsnip seeds, mistletoe, myrrh, castor oil and dried millipedes steeped in mugwort tea and brandy.
Tales of Passion, Tales of Woe
It is the soleras (nearest to floor) that contain the oldest brandy.

Penis envy is right -- you notice how it's always guys like Sam and Randy leading the charge for this kind of thing?
OHSU biotech breakthrough -- worthless to Portland (Jack Bog's Blog)
Randy is Mr. Lahey's obsequious sidekick, lover and Sunnyvale's assistant trailer park supervisor.
Remove mixture from heat and whisk in the brandy and vanilla essence.
Having neither opium nor hashish on hand, and being desirous of filling his brain with twilight, he had had recourse to that fearful mixture of brandy, stout, absinthe, which produces the most terrible of lethargies.
Les Miserables
The port is from Frey zinfandel grapes and the added brandy is distilled in a certified organic distillery from Frey chenin blanc grapes.
She laced his brandy with coffee.
The state makes almost a quarter of each year's wine production into brandy and the aniseed-flavoured spirit raki (like arak) which, drunk with water, is the Turks' favoured alcoholic drink.
Wine or brandy could be used as the base instead of ale.
The Friendship: Wordsworth and Coleridge
Orange rum butter Orange rum butter is a cousin of brandy butter.
Simply fry off a diced onion in butter until soft, add some chopped red cabbage, some vegetable stock and a glug of brandy.
I would like your temperate drinker to pause, and reflect upon the fact, that the quantity of brandy or rum that he took at a drink, when he commenced this downhill course, has been gradually increased; so that in the second year, what had been quite sufficient to please his palate and produce all the desired effects in the first, was then insipidly small; and more so in the third year, if, mayhap, he could with any decency lay claim to the title of _temperate drinker_ so long.
Select Temperance Tracts
It was led by Captain Pugwash with a large barrel of brandy and a look of extreme self-satisfaction on his face.
Also Randy Alcorn, a well-known pro-life apologist and Protestant pastor, published a booklet in 1998 in which he gave the reasons for why the pill is an abortifacient and he has actually counselled couples in his ministry against using the pill for that reason.
ProWomanProLife » A remarkably honest abortionist
It perpetuates the image of the boorish, boerewors eating, brandy drinking supporter when, in fact, our supporters are highly intelligent with a keen understanding of the game.
Signaling my server for more brandy, I broke the cake in two, and delicately bit off a morsel.
Proud owners carrying their birds in beautiful brandy bottle-shaped cages, decorated with fine lace covers to shade the birds.
There's just a hint of brandy in the sauce.
The teabagger view of Massa's Town Hall Phillip Dampier: More importantly, Randy Kuhl ended his term holding town hall meetings in a back room, where ...
Do you remember killing randy williams and throwing his body on the tracks?
A presentation was made to each by Co. John Bonham of a decanter and 6 brandy glasses on an inscribed tray.
He sat down in the chair before his table, which was covered in maps and a bottle of brandy.
And a whole lot more besides ... We drink brandy filled with lazy sunshine.
First prize is a large hamper, second is a small hamper and third a bottle of brandy plus various other prizes of Christmas goodies.
Add the brandy and flambé. Add damson purée so that the breasts are lightly coated all over.
My lifetime aversion to raisins, sultanas and currants meant mince pies were out and the Christmas pudding, burning with blue flames after being doused in brandy, was nothing more than an interesting spectacle.
Dark-coloured drinks, such as brandy, red wine and whisky, contain toxic additives called congeners, formed during fermentation.
Randy Krajewski, who plays accordion, bass, concertina, and piano and sings, appears to be the driving force behind this homage, and the band pulls it off nearly flawlessly.
But, indeed, nature herself seemed to have been his vintner, and at his birth charged him so thoroughly with an irritable, brandy-like disposition, that all subsequent potations were needless.
The last time he went away, he came home to find two of his serving maids pregnant and his entire supply of vintage brandy and best silverware gone.
It was important, however, and when in the 1870s James Shorb, a typical pioneer, found that many of the million bottles of wine he was making every year proved unsaleable, he reverted to selling only brandy.
Carefully - for it will flame - add the brandy or cognac to the pan.
Times, Sunday Times
A day in advance, put the citrus zests, juice, sherry and brandy in a bowl to soak.
On March 6 and 8 he portrays the randy Latin sailor in Jerome Robbins's Fancy Free.
It helps to have lots of vodka, gin, scotch, brandy, and cognac for all to swill down.
There was a dribble of brandy in the bottom of the bottle.
Frenchman, who skulked so that I made sure of him, and not a blessed anker of foreign brandy, nor even a forty-pound bag of tea.
Mary Anerley
Unless it’s drenched in cumquat brandy, of course.
Cheeseburger Gothic » Ladies Lounge
They evidently mistook this brandy-bibbing as a swaggering habit of mine; whereas I was honestly prescribing for myself what had been recommended to me as the best preventive of cholera.
Since all of the above are inventions of the high-growth period that lingered into the 1990s, I think that what we are seeing now is a combination of commercialized polish (once reserved for the massification of Taisho middle class culture and is now falling along with depato) and fast 風土 with prewar styles of community organization (rural village youth organization or collections of young people around an urban nagaya - always pretty randy).
Néojaponisme » Blog Archive » The Yanmama Boom
But my auld een's drawing thegither -- dinna hurry yoursell, my bonny man, tak mind about the putting out the candle, and there's a horn of ale, and a glass of clow-gillie-flower water; I dinna gie ilka body that; I keep it for a pain I hae whiles in my ain stamach, and it's better for your young blood than brandy.
Old Mortality, Complete
On Christmas Eve, people eat Lenten foods (no meat or dairy products) and drink hot toddies (warm brandy with honey).
They also had bottles of brandy and cans of alcohol.
Times, Sunday Times
The drink was the same fiery distillation that was known as claret, sherry, brandy, rum, whisky, or whatever else a role might call for.
Hokas Pokas
Randy was troubled by back pain at times.
She has the experience of the singer and performer that paula and randy have, she has the producing experience of Simon and Randy, she has the sharp tongue of Simon and the humor of Randy and the niceness of Paula.
Archive 2009-01-01
When the quinine ran out they gave Sharpe quassia bark instead, but still the fever raged, and even the Navy's remedy, suggested by Lord Spears, which consisted of gunpowder mixed with brandy, did not work.
Sharpe's Sword
May 15th, 2008 4: 49 pm ET no need to hit maccain you will never have the chance obama is the nominees you can fight with him, if he comes chasing after bill, thou we know what a randy he-goat bill is
Clinton campaigns in SD, hits McCain on Farm Bill
The assortments were soaked in brandy, whisky and rum to give it the real taste.
Serve the tarts warm, with a scoop of vanilla ice-cream or with apricot brandy sorbet.
ne brandy and talked of whatever danger was currently confronting the kingdom.
I'll trade in my sandals, shorts and sunnies for a hip flask of brandy and a gnarly old jacket which can't quite keep the wind out.
Add the cider, wine and brandy with the raspberries and thinly sliced bananas and serve.
The barman uses a small silver measure for brandy.
Instead, you can choose a venison escalope topped with wood pigeon or the west coast lobster bisque topped with a light brandy cream.
The oil of cajuput and its preparations may be given on sugar, or mixed with honey, or in an emulsion, or in warm brandy and water.
Gil puffed on his cigarette and sipped his brandy.
Brandy is the umbrella term for a spirit produced from grape pomace or marc (debris left over after fermentation), or from wine or fruit.
The young Mark Zane could only handle two of the anilingus angels: Brandy Aniston and
There's no brandy. I can't afford such luxuries.
A raffle will also be held on the night with prizes galore including a television, hampers, bottles of whiskey, brandy etc.
Clements was enjoying what he called his cooling ale, his standard after-dinner drink; not for him a port or a brandy, he was Aussie right through to his liver.
Autumn Maze
Do you mean by that, you 'partook' of the brandy which other sailors were drinking?
The Bushman — Life in a New Country
Excise taxes, the levy on whiskey, brandy, gin, and vodka will be standardized at $15 per liter, while rum and tafia will attract an excise tax of $10 per liter.
The six-year-old, a winner in the summer, returned to the fray at Wetherby recently and ran as though in need of the race when finishing unplaced to Brandy Wine.
The hotel is serving it cooked in butter with mushroom and cream flamed with brandy.
The brandy, not the 400 post commemorative doily, that is.
Cheeseburger Gothic » Ladies Lounge
Pour all the wine and brandy into the lake, and make a dam so that it can not escape.
Remove mixture from heat and whisk in the brandy and vanilla essence.
They emptied the bottle of brandy so both were feeling flushed but relaxed.
His excuse for drinking brandy is that it's said to aid digestion.
Randy G. Lander is a Russian descendant and she carries on the medieval Khazars tradition of jewelry trading with an emphasis on alexandrite. She can tell you alexandrite is the rarest gemstone on earth.
Describes a wine whose alcohol content has been increased by the addition of brandy or neutral spirits.
In the end she settled on a stiff dose of Courvoisier brandy poured straight into Lucy's mug.
The title scared me a little, i thought someone was transfering off ER… like scott or randy or the guild…
EXTRALIFE – By Scott Johnson - Moving on up to a new server…
Put the syrup, cocoa powder and brandy in a pan.
It wanted to turn when Luz watched Trisha biting into one of the cream-filled brandy snaps, so she was careful not to look at Rob when he helped himself to a cream dariole, a custard tart topped with red currant jelly and whipped cream.
The Glory Game
` little, small 'and English peg (Anglo-Indian slang since at least 1864 for a drink, especially of brandy and soda water); and shroffage ` commission charged for shroffing' combines shroff (an adaptation of Hindi saraf ` banker, money-lender, 'a word borrowed from Arabic) and the English suffix - age.
VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol XVIII No 1
If you like your hard rock randy, riotous, and reeking with basic chording, you'll truly enjoy this journey down the AM / FM Memorial Highway.
The Princes had as much brandy as they liked, and passed their time on the ramparts playing at dice, or pitch-and-toss (with the halfpenny that one of them somehow had) for vast sums of money, for which they gave their notes-of-hand.
I had the pan-fried goat's cheese on a bed of salad with a brandy and garlic butter.
Siaha 7-69; GATEWOOD, Randy 4-48; COOPER, Hunkie 2-15; BRYANT, Orshawante
Off one rack, Randy lifts a lime-green satin letterman-style jacket, beaming: Oh wow!
2009 February « Scavenging
The previous post in this blog was Fireman Randy and Paulson robbing from the poor.
David Stern, please bench this incompetent (Jack Bog's Blog)
Soak the fruit in brandy for a few hours before you add it to the mixture.
Guests have been asked for eight sherry glasses, eight champagne flutes, eight whisky tumblers, eight brandy goblets and two decanters.
Drank half a bottle of some sort of spirits -- probably spirits of wine; for what they call brandy, rum, &c. &c. here is nothing but spirits of wine, coloured accordingly.
Life of Lord Byron, Vol. 5 (of 6) With His Letters and Journals
Indeed, as I soothed my bruised nerves with brandy fomentations that night, I reflected that there were worse places than India; there was Aberdeenshire, with Ignatieff loose in the bracken, hoping to hang my head on his gunroom wall.
Let go, you randy old goat!
Although most brands of grain alcohol are practically tasteless, vodkas, brandy and bourbon have differing tastes according to the distiller.
Where was the stash of brandy bottles; the hidden box of dream-smoke herb so beloved of the laboring classes; the stash of gambling winnings or record of debts; the bundle of perfumed love letters from some cozening lowborn female looking to snare a Mageborn son?
Tran Siberian
He took a sip from his glass and swilled the brandy around in his mouth
Two glasses with the remnants of brandy sat on coasters on the coffee table.
Kody Zalewski, who thinks he's the next Frank Sinatra -- if Frank Sinatra had been a kick-boxer - is the first ever auditioner, that we know of anyway, to get turned down by the judges and then ask them for a hug, and then ask Randy, "Can I have a sip of your Coke?
'American Idol': Season 10, episode 3
It's been bracing to see -- during our nation'sstate of denial, distraction and dysfunctional Big Media -- just how dedicated to truthsome writers and editors, such asRandyNeal andDaneBaker remain.
Fire! Polite Applause
Resuscitation efforts were aided when a cask of the ship's brandy bobbed alongside.
For the judges, it's all about the "goosies" J.Lo's term for goosebumps — or maybe gooses, as Erica the randy bartender gets in a good squeeze of Tyler's gluteus maximus.
Matt's TV Week in Review
It was important, however, and when in the 1870s James Shorb, a typical pioneer, found that many of the million bottles of wine he was making every year proved unsaleable, he reverted to selling only brandy.
She grew up in Chadds Ford, so she likes Wyeth and those Brandywine guys.
Sit with the music, blow a little smoke, time enough to snap out of it, sip the brandy.
The war had by this time produced two comparatively new industries. One was the issuing of "shinplaster" currency, and the other was the manufacture of fruit brandy.
The end of an era,
Nothing wrong with Randy or the Redgraves, but when you've seen Dennis circa 1988 with his shirt off or Bette serve Joan a dead rat for her din-dins substitutions, no matter how nice, just don't cut it.
Randomly Roaming
He talks about the lyrics of 1960s songwriter Randy Newman in terms of metamathematics.
Professor Uses Mathematics to Decode Beatles Tunes
Don't miss a taste of ponche, a kind of Mexican hot toddy made of fruits and brandy, or the sweet bread rosca de reyes, both Christmas specialties.
Brandy covered up as she looked out to Rob, Diana, Jade and Tara, running along the shore line, splashing each other with the abundant element of the day.
Hereafter it will be more of a dander, a gentle walk along the Annalong Valley, over the Brandy Pad and to other such-like hidden icons of the adventurers' world.
But Jay sat on the bed, she had brought brandy liqueur and crystal glasses.
Randy: First off, it seems that the Prof. is arguing that when it comes to discrimination, we should weight the benefits of the organization to society and the amount of discrimination.
The Volokh Conspiracy » San Jose State University Continues to Suspend All Blood Drives on Campus
There was no pointless clutter of brandy snap baskets, tuiles, mint leaves or physalis either.
Randy Choate (0-1) allowed one run and two hits over 1 1/3 innings to take the loss in his third outing since being demoted from the New York Yankees.
International League Baseball - Columbus vs. Toledo
Aubrey sipped his brandy, nursing the balloon in both hands and studying Langford openly.
a straw, and lent his aid right willingly to disentomb and carry the brandy keg.
The Wild Man of the West A Tale of the Rocky Mountains
The groups are using the money to pay for television ads targeting Republican senators Randy Hopper in Green Bay, Dan Kapanke in La Crosse and Alberta Darling in Milwaukee.
Wonkbook: Democrats' demands and other economic and policy news
On the side, Ernest trained with me (randy stroud) to help his sensitivity in the clinch, and agressive punching with some internal martial arts concepts and western boxing. - Articles related to Suspected arms dealer may be extradited to US
I stood and watched that wealthy man's rare and expensive brandy that had taken perhaps 100 years to mature cascading over my finger and glug, glug, glugging down the plughole and I smiled.
She killed a bottle of brandy that night
Bucking the trend, however, is Armagnac, France's lesser-known brandy from the Gascony region in the south-west.
In Rook-land the rowdy-dowdy, randy-dandy, rollicky-ranky boys get up very early in the morning and go to bed in the afternoon.
Second Thoughts of an Idle Fellow
So your risk of a hangover increases as you move along the colour spectrum from vodka to red wine and brandy.
The Sun
The actual aging of Holandas in oak casks is what makes brandy into the drink we enjoy today.
The Mrs. Grandys were all away, and if the young ladies thought it was prettier to exhibit the grace of flowing tresses than to bind them up in "pugs" behind their heads, who should, who could, object?
Brook Farm
« Fireman Randy and Paulson robbing from the poor |
David Stern, please bench this incompetent (Jack Bog's Blog)
Continue baking and rolling the brandy snaps until all the mixture is used.
The Sun
She grew up in Chadds Ford, so she likes Wyeth and those Brandywine guys.
Amongst the sweets is Xmas Igloo, Christmas pudding ice cream made with brandy.
This is the place to spot the label-clad lovelies sipping their brandy sours, often accompanied by half of the racing drivers on the Formula One circuit.
Whiskey or rum taken unmixed from a tumbler is a knock-down blow to temperance, but the little thimbleful of brandy, or Chartreuse, or
Over the Teacups
How many times have I seen the kitten looking at the goldfish in the brandy balloon, or the kitten hanging from a tree branch?
Gardeners will find in it such flavorful varieties as the Brandywine tomato, with its balance of sweetness and acidity.
Pulling his protector by the sleeve, ‘Mr. Herries — Mr. Herries,’ he whispered, eagerly, ‘ye have done me mair than ae gude turn, and if ye will but do me anither at this dead pinch, I’ll forgie the girded keg of brandy that you and Captain Sir Harry Redgimlet drank out yon time.
Bob Kain, who held the title vice chairman and served as an advisor to Cleveland Browns owner Randy Lerner, has left the team.
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After what feels like two dozen weeks of auditions, Randy, Steven and Weepy McLopez made their "final judgment" as Seacrest boomingly kept calling the ep, like God crossed with Guy Smiley and unleashed on the world American Idol Season 10's Top 24...
Watercooler: American Idol's Top 24… Have At 'Em!
He claims he keeps a bottle of brandy only for medicinal purposes.
ne brandy and talked of whatever danger was currently confronting the kingdom.
It is traditional around here to drink brandy with coffee as a morning pick-me-up.
That is what I call snug," said Randy complacently.
Canoe Boys and Campfires Adventures on Winding Waters
The general downed a swallow of brandy and watched as Numair stared at his own drink, as if mentally fighting it for control.
And now that Tim Pawlenty is jumping in the race, the appeal of the 2012 GOP field is plummeting faster than Randy Savage from the top turnbuckle rest in peace, Macho Man.
HUFFPOST HILL - Jon Huntsman Latest Addition To Team Individual Mandate
Soprano Emily Albrink's pert, pearl-toned Susanna may have been the liveliest, most affectionately detailed performance of the evening, but the coltish Cherubino of mezzo Brandy Lynn Hawkins, the amusingly frowzy Marcellina of mezzo Cynthia Hanna and the winkingly flamboyant turn by tenor Jesús Daniel Hernandez as Basilio all made fine impressions.
In performance: WNO's young artists in "Nozze"
Randy's mouth watered at the sight of the brown confections.
Take Fish, Fritz & Saltz down to one of the Benson bubblers (or some activists should do a press conference there at one with the Willamette and barge or ship traffic in the background) -- or invite him to quaff an un-unfiltered Hefeweitzen at Widmers 'Gasthaus with the people (fundraiser for May?) -- for a safe drinking water refresher course .... but no matter what, don't ever let them drink Randy's Kuul-Ayde!
Wednesday showdown brewing over Portland water (Jack Bog's Blog)
He placed his unfinished cigar in the ash tray and rose from the table, leaving his brandy untouched.
Mr Williams said Luke had drunk brandy, cider and taken cannabis before he smashed a window in the house.
Randy eagerly shoved the single sheet of thin, white paper into the professor's uneager hand.
Suicide Draft
They also made their own slivovitz - plum brandy.
He made him drink brandy and called his man to him.
Emily Fox-Seton
A ‘brandy’ bar is being set up to slake their thirst.
Randy says: geosktr: The disgusting speculation from Bloomberg, the fake Republican, about this being a disgruntled health care takeover opponent is a great example about how badly the left wants to provoke the tea partiers to do something — anything — that they can use to tar them with, given that even lying US congressmen didn’t work outwell.’
The Volokh Conspiracy » Faisal Shahzad Allegedly Admits to Attempted Times Square Bombing
The records corroborate statements made earlier this month by former borough Mayor Jim Whitaker who said Miller engaged in "proxy voting" in a failed bid to oust state GOP chairman Randy Ruedrich at the 2008 Alaska Republican convention.
Joe Miller: 'I Lied' About Accessing Computers For Political Purposes
Miles motioned towards the gentlemen of the room, shrouded in a cloud of smoke and the smell of brandy.
I can’t think of any more right now, but there must be hundreds. randy, can you list similar logical outrages from the left?
Think Progress » ThinkFast PM: June 15, 2006
Apparently it contains brandy and ouzo, chased by a good suck on a sugar and coffee-coated lemon.
Others began to list camomile tea rather than 10 bottles of brandy on their riders.
Times, Sunday Times
Both Virginia and Grandy had been dreading the tiger shoots; these ritual hunts, as the highspot of the visit, were reserved until the end of their stay.
Chaplin’s Girl
He dropped a lighted match in his lap, tried to douse the flames with brandy, and turned into a fireball.
Orange rum butter Orange rum butter is a cousin of brandy butter.
He added a dash of brandy to his coffee.
I also have read of "brandy paper", where a small round of parchment paper is dipped in brandy to cover and help preserve the contents of the jar.
Naranjas Amargas para Mermelada?
Grappa - the French call a rustic version of it marc-is a type of brandy that is distilled from grape pomace, the skins and stems left over after grapes are crushed for wine.
A tantalus containing three kinds of spirit, all of a liqueur excellence, stood always on this table of luxury; but the fanciful have asserted that the whisky, brandy, and rum seemed always to stand at the same level.
The Complete Father Brown
That's right, Randy McCloy, Jr. is here because this is the closest facility to where he was in West Virginia that has what's called a hyperbaric chamber.
CNN Transcript Jan 6, 2006
I'll raise MINE when my black current brandy is ready (it's steeping in a jug in the pantry as I write) in September!
Cheers Y'all!
Since diamorphine and cocaine have a bitter taste, gin, brandy, tincture of orange, honey, and syrups are used to mask it.
In the 19th century, doctors prescribed whisky or brandy for all kinds of fevers, from influenza and pneumonia to malaria, typhus and cholera.
For a cherry red use tincture of saffron; for light amber to deep brown use sugar colouring; for brandy colour, sugar; for red use beet root or saunders; for port wine colour use extract of rhatany.
Young's Demonstrative Translation of Scientific Secrets
A much more realistic option is to start with soup, and if you need a little more fortification, slug some brandy into your coffee.
He left out one bit, and that is the final scene where Mayor Sam, Joe B, Solomon and Phil J pilot an ecto-plasm charged 72 foot high statue of Joe Friday through Downtown, while blaring Randy Newman's "I Love LA" over loudspeakers and spraying evil spirit "Bratto" with enough slime to force him forever into a painting to be hung at the new LAPD headquarters.
Los Angeles Politics Hotsheet for Monday
McIntosh will hand the lines over to regular reinsman Randy Waples on Monday and the
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After studying at University College London, Brandy traveled to Scotland to do research on the natterjack toad for her dissertation, earning herself a Masters degree in Conservation.
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Quote Of The Day
Instant marinades, using brandy or Madeira, are used for the ingredients of pâtés and terrines.
A smile played across her lips as she thought of telling Randy she would be leaving soon.
Dust the puddings with icing sugar and serve with crème fraîche, cream or brandy butter.
The Sun
A locally famous drink is the anise seed based raki, and brandy sour is another favorite with the Turkish Cypriots.
Then the hunks of bacon kicked in, along with the caramelized onion and the dusky tones of the brandy with which the beef chunks had been flambéed.
Drinks range from fine rums and whiskies to brandy, while art works and coffee table books add to an ambience of exclusive sophistication.
Elaine poured out a liberal amount of brandy to warm him.
I walked next to him for an hour or so and shared my brandy flask with him.
He fortified himself against the cold with a stiff brandy.
The ‘medicine’ that Amelia spoke of was actually a jigger of brandy followed by three pints of water.
Add the rum, whisky or brandy, and extra sugar to taste.
The Sun
If you like, pour 1 tbsp brandy over each.
Times, Sunday Times
Serve the fruit in bowls with a good dollop of the brandy cream.
Times, Sunday Times
Will you need ID to buy a Xmas pud with brandy in it?
The Sun
She remembers people laughing and drinking slivovitz plum brandy.
Why is a population that gorges itself on croissants, cheese, red meat, wine and brandy relatively slim and healthy?
Armenia's wine industry specializes in the production of strong wines and brandy.
Mahog is brandy as served in township shebeens (many now legalized as taverns) and possibly from English mahogany.
Here's a recipe for preserving fruit in brandy.
He should be out eating quail egg sandwiches, drinking extra large balloons of brandy and snorting beluga caviar off the bonnet of a Lamborghini.
As for beverage, they drank humpty-dumpty, which is ale boiled with brandy, and which is not one of the slightest charms of a gipsy's life.
RANDY DEARTH, CEO, LANXESS CORPORATION: We're bringing our biocide technology and trying to simulate what a metalworking fluid bed would be like.
CNN Transcript Sep 25, 2009
Page 22 and the good ladies brought out their foamiest cider and sweetest courtesies, while on the sideboard, according to the bad customs of that day, stood decanters of dark-hued rum and ruddy apple brandy and the fiery juice of the Indian corn, which delights to flow in the shining of the moon.
History of the University of North Carolina. Volume I: From its Beginning to the Death of President Swain, 1789-1868
Oregon pears, apples, cherries, raspberries, and grapes are transformed into grappas, brandy, and eau-de-vie.
The first few nights Mom slipped me half a Vicodin and a nip of Benedictine brandy.
He made no apologies for his rackety lifestyle, his liking for louche and even sleazy companions, his lavish consumption of cigars, brandy and champagne.