How To Use randomize In A Sentence
- The wheel is designed with obstacles in the ball's path to randomise its movement.
- To further clarify the benefit of the combination of topical techniques for tumour destruction and external beam radiotherapy randomised studies are required.
- Any drift starting or stopping within the experiment may create artifacts, although the trials are randomized in a balanced order.
- Shulman CE, Dorman EK, Cutts F, Kawuondo K, Bulmer JN, et al. (1999) Intermittent sulphadoxine-pyrimethamine to prevent severe anaemia secondary to malaria in pregnancy: a randomised placebo-controlled trial. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
- Even though their HDL levels decreased, these patients showed reversal of their heart disease using state-of-the-art measures such as quantitative coronary arteriography, cardiac PET scans, thallium scans, and radionuclide ventriculography in randomized controlled trials published in leading peer-reviewed journals. Cholesterol: The Good, the Bad and the Truth
- These encouraging results in pilot studies required confirmation in prospective and randomised trials.
- Execshield also randomizes the memory address of a program stack to make it harder for malicious code to know where to gain entry into the program.
- The second algorithm involves linear programming with randomized rounding to convert fractional assignments into integral ones.
- Fig. 6.8 shows how increased bucket size delays the onset of synonym occurrence in a well randomized file.
- Some insects even cultivate chaotic output to produce randomised behaviour.