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How To Use Randomised In A Sentence

  • To further clarify the benefit of the combination of topical techniques for tumour destruction and external beam radiotherapy randomised studies are required.
  • Any drift starting or stopping within the experiment may create artifacts, although the trials are randomized in a balanced order.
  • Shulman CE, Dorman EK, Cutts F, Kawuondo K, Bulmer JN, et al. (1999) Intermittent sulphadoxine-pyrimethamine to prevent severe anaemia secondary to malaria in pregnancy: a randomised placebo-controlled trial. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Even though their HDL levels decreased, these patients showed reversal of their heart disease using state-of-the-art measures such as quantitative coronary arteriography, cardiac PET scans, thallium scans, and radionuclide ventriculography in randomized controlled trials published in leading peer-reviewed journals. Cholesterol: The Good, the Bad and the Truth
  • These encouraging results in pilot studies required confirmation in prospective and randomised trials.
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  • The second algorithm involves linear programming with randomized rounding to convert fractional assignments into integral ones.
  • Fig. 6.8 shows how increased bucket size delays the onset of synonym occurrence in a well randomized file.
  • Some insects even cultivate chaotic output to produce randomised behaviour.
  • Doctors and patients need evidence about complementary treatments, but randomised controlled trials need to be carefully designed to take holism into account and avoid invalid results
  • Primary angioplasty versus intravenous thrombolytic therapy for acute myocardial infarction: a quantitative review of 23 randomised trials. Clive Meanwell, M.D.: Heart Attack Care: Why Finding the Best Hospital Makes a Big Difference
  • Methods A randomized, double-blind , multicenter, controlled trial of complex prescription cromolyn sodium and lovocabastine nasal spray was performed in the treatment of allergic rhinitis.
  • One hundred trial and error searches were run with the starting order of taxa randomized for each run, both with and without the new codings.
  • They base their recommendations on an analysis of 19 randomised controlled trials that examined the effectiveness of surgical interventions for glue ear.
  • The current absence of evidence from randomised trials should not be used as an excuse for neglecting basic care for patients with stroke.
  • The order of the response options was randomized across stories and subjects.
  • Patients were randomized to the study drug -- a fixed-dose combination of 2 mg perindopril and 0.625 mg indapamide (Preterex) -- or placebo for six weeks. - medical news plus CME for physicians
  • Nine other studies were not included because they were not randomized, double-blind trials, meaning that their results could be biased.
  • Patients N=148 enrolled in an open-label randomized two-arm single crossover study. FDA Issues Complete Response Letter for Lower-Volume Glatiramer Acetate sNDA - Yahoo! Finance
  • In a randomized, double-blind controlled study of 297 patients at 30 sites, those treated with the Alair device had a 32% reduction in asthma attacks, an 84% reduction in emergency-room visits and a 66% reduction in school or work days lost due to asthma. New Surgery to Treat Asthma
  • In the former, the researcher can draw very strong inferences from comparisons between randomized groups.
  • A multicenter, randomized, double-blind trial was conducted at 45 health centers in Norway between 1996 and 1998.
  • All patients enrolled in the TEC-006OL trial first participated in the TEC-006 trial, which is a multicentre, randomized, double-blind and placebo-controlled trial comparing the efficacy and safety of TTX to placebo in approximately 120 patients with moderate to severe inadequately controlled cancer-related pain. The Earth Times Online Newspaper
  • We retrospectively reanalysed data from our single blind, randomised and controlled study of early identification of depression and pragmatic intervention by psychogeriatric consultation.
  • Following a two-week placebo or vitamin capsule lead-in period, a randomized crossover treatment paradigm was utilized.
  • Patients two to 21 years of age with acute lymphoblastic leukemia who are receiving hepatotoxic chemotherapy are being recruited for a second phase randomized pilot trial of silymarin.
  • And it isn't clear how much of that research would meet the gold standard in clinical research, the controlled, randomised, double-blind trial.
  • Two reviewers assessed all relevant randomized controlled trials and independently selected trials for inclusion.
  • The study was a double-blind, randomized, crossover study in which the subjects used identical inhalers containing placebo or salbutamol for 6 weeks.
  • The requesting node will cache downloads temporarily, although the mechanism by which locally cached data will be purged or randomized once the download is complete is not clear to us.
  • In a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study to assess potential abuse in adult patients, Strattera was not associated with a pattern of response that suggested stimulant or euphoriant properties.
  • The syndrome is cyclic with exacerbations and remissions occurring in a randomized pattern.
  • Fraser et al., “Multicenter, randomized, controlled trial of delayed pushing for nulliparous women in the second stage of labor with continuous epidural analgesia,” Obstetrics and Gyne-cology 99 2002: 409-18; S. Pregnancy, Childbirth, and the Newborn
  • Most prospective cohort studies and randomised controlled trials today include only individuals who are followed to observe outcomes.
  • Sorted deck - a pack of cards not randomized from its prior condition.
  • -- On November 25, 2009 - Ipsen announced the initiation of an international, multi-center, controlled, randomized Phase II clinical trial to evaluate the safety and efficacy of BN83495, its investigational first-in-class steroid sulfatase (STS) inhibitor, in advanced endometrial cancer. News Articles
  • The telephone numbers in the sampling frame were then randomized to produce a baseline data bank.
  • This pivotal Phase IIb open-label immunogenicity study1 randomized 1,885 infants to receive Bexsero at 2, 4, 6 months together with routine infant vaccines; at 2, 4, 6 months with routine vaccines given separately at 3, 5, 7 months; or at 2, 3, 4 months together with routine infant vaccines. Reuters: Press Release
  • Main outcome measures - Improvement in mean scores on Hamilton depression rating scale for 55 randomised controlled trials.
  • The same regimen is being compared with daunorubicin plus cytarabine in a pivotal randomised phase III trial, ACCEDE, which is expected to report data in late 2010 or early 2011. Marketwire - Breaking News Releases
  • Results of randomized studies assessing the efficacy of triple antibiotic ointment (e.g., polymyxin, bacitracin and neomycin) are indeterminate.
  • Combining insulin with metformin or an insulin secretagogue in non-obese patients with type 2 diabetes: 12 month, randomised, double blind trial.
  • The order in which the trials were presented was randomized separately for each participant.
  • To evaluate our first impressions we examined transmission electron microscopy findings in 40 H pylori positive cases out of 94 randomised cases.
  • A single blinded, randomized, controlled, prospective study was performed at St. Paul's Sinus Center, Vancouver, a tertiary referral rhinology center.
  • The study was conduced as a randomized, double-blind crossover trial over 7 consecutive weeks during the months of November and December.
  • Trials were randomized by the throw of a die, and for each trial, each caller was assigned a number from 1 to 4.
  • The efficacy and tolerability of a butterbur root extract (Petadolex [R]) for the treatment of asthma was analyzed in a prospective, nonrandomized, open trial.
  • The treatments involved early turnout of cows to grass for 2 h per day at two residual sward heights and two silage allowances, plus a control treatment, in a randomized block design.
  • Cluster randomized trial, controlled and multicentric. BioMed Central - Latest articles
  • We stratified patients in each centre according to degree of obstruction and randomised them to treatment by consecutive sealed opaque envelopes.
  • We reduced confounding variables by using a randomised crossover trial and the same browser for searching both schemes.
  • To evaluate our first impressions we examined transmission electron microscopy findings in 40 H pylori positive cases out of 94 randomised cases.
  • Figure 2 demonstrates a disk that was randomized properly before being formatted to contain an encrypted filesystem.
  • Prospective randomized study of X-ray pelvimetry in the primigravida. 7. REFERENCES
  • While these effects seemed small and discouraging to me, they are much larger and stronger than the effects found in randomized trials done in rich countries; Archive 2008-04-01
  • Following up the placebo arm of a randomised trial can be a good way of tracking the course of benign diseases.
  • They showed reversal of their heart disease using state-of-the-art measures such as quantitative coronary arteriography, cardiac PET scans, thallium scans, and radionuclide ventriculography in randomized controlled trials published in leading peer-reviewed journals. Ask Gary Taubes a question | The Blog of Michael R. Eades, M.D.
  • The study was a prospective, randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind crossover trial in healthy volunteers.
  • The study randomized 21 patients with tennis elbow into two groups.
  • Several case studies and one randomised controlled trial have shown that screening significantly reduces the prevalence of genital tract infections and pelvic inflammatory disease in women.
  • But just a few years ago, he would have had to splice reel-to-reel audio tapes to make his test materials - several times, in order to get randomized presentation orders.
  • In the absence of atrial fibrillation the use of digoxin and digitoxin has been more controversial and until recently it was evaluated in randomised controlled trials with major methodological flaws.
  • The effect of a nonabsorbed oral antibiotic rifaximin on the symptoms of the irritable bowel syndrome: A randomized trial. The UltraMind Solution
  • Two weeks earlier Claudia had sent out the randomised pairings via e-mail and set the limit to £10 per gift.
  • These are a kind of short-term randomized trial done with volunteers living in special hospital or clinic wards eating specially prepared meals. Eat, Drink, and Be Healthy
  • In an open-label randomized phase II trial, adding the compound -- boceprevir -- to standard therapy in various combinations increased the so-called sustained virological response compared with a control group who got only standard care, according to Paul Kwo, MD, of the Indiana University School of Medicine in Indianapolis, and colleagues. - medical news plus CME for physicians
  • Plants were randomized within the aquaria, and re-randomized following a water change.
  • Although women report that hormone replacement therapy improves various menopausal symptoms, randomised clinical trials have proved that it is effective for only vasomotor and urogenital symptoms.
  • We included nine randomised controlled trials eight of which compared a lactam antibiotic with a lactam and aminoglycoside.
  • Hojer et al. 14 — a randomized, double blinded, placebo-controlled trial of 105 patients admitted with suspected drug overdosage. Flumanazil
  • This paper introduced the idea of minimax reasoning for lower bounding randomized algorithms, and appeared only in FOCS 83.
  • Patients were randomized to 52 weeks of treatment with either prandial inhaled insulin plus bedtime insulin glargine or twice daily premixed biaspart insulin (30% short-acting insulin analog, 70% intermediate-acting NPH insulin), both titrated to perceived treatment goals. - medical news plus CME for physicians
  • OBJECTIVE: A prospective randomized unblinded controlled trial was conducted by comparing acellular dermis with temporalis fascia as graft materials in tympanoplasty (type 1) in terms of operative time, postoperative pain, graft success rate, and audiologic outcome. Medlogs - Recent stories
  • The authors are crusaders for hard-nosed research and evaluation in particular, randomized controlled trials, the social science gold standard of anti-poverty programs to inform an idealized donor, foundation program officer or social investor of the future, namely, the perfectly rational decision-maker. Jonathan Lewis: Social Impact Evaluation: Useful? Utopian? (Part 1 of 4)
  • In Year 2 subjects were randomised again to one of two groups: 9ug / strain / dose intradermally or 15ug intramuscularly. BioMed Central - Latest articles
  • Exercise order was randomized so an equal number of subjects performed either exercise first.
  • Prospective randomized study of X-ray pelvimetry in the primigravida. 7. REFERENCES
  • A randomized controlled trial showed that radiographic pelvimetry is not able to reliably predict the route of delivery.
  • Could a randomised trial answer the controversy relating to elective caesarean section?
  • Forty patients with SAD were randomized to five weeks of bright light (3,000 lux fluorescent light box for two hours/day) or fluoxetine.
  • Carter et al did a randomized, crossover study of treatment with heliox in 11 children hospitalized with acute asthma.
  • The potential of probiotics to control allergic inflammation at an early age was assessed in a randomized double-blind placebo-controlled study.
  • In Year 3 subjects were randomised a third time to one of two groups: 9ug intradermally or 15ug intramuscularly. BioMed Central - Latest articles
  • The randomized phase II study involved the PROSTVAC-VF vaccine, a combination of two weakened poxviruses that have been genetically programmed to produce slightly irregular versions of prostate specific antigen (PSA) a protein on the surface of prostate cells that is abnormal in many prostate cancers and three costimulatory molecules that spur the immune system to a more vigorous attack on tumor cells. Medlogs - Recent stories
  • Two "motor wheels" imparted a "stutter" or semi-randomised effect to the codes. Comments from all Computer Weekly blogs
  • Few randomised trials exist that directly compare supervised and unsupervised exercise training.
  • Those patients randomized to respire supplemental oxygen during exercise training succeeded in training at higher training intensities than those respiring supplemental air.
  • Over 1000 nulliparous women who requested epidurals in labour participated in a randomised controlled trial comparing low dose spinal anaesthetic, low dose epidural, and conventional epidural.
  • The study is called randomized because there is no rhyme or reason to whether a woman ends up getting the treatment or the placebo. Our Bodies, Ourselves: Menopause
  • Summary of Background Data. We performed a prospective, randomized double-blind study in patients undergoing multilevel cervical corpectomy procedures.
  • No randomised study has ever shown that these negative aspects of childbirth are a result of epidural analgesia.
  • Several randomized trials have shown that beta blockers such as propranolol and nadolol can reduce the risk of initial variceal bleeding from about 45 percent to 22 percent.
  • The study was a randomised double blind placebo controlled crossover trial.
  • Dr. Kurtzberg: This fall, we'll be embarking on a study we call a randomized trial where we'll be treating half the children enrolled with their own cells at the time we first meet them and the other half a year later, and we won't know which children got their cells at which timeframe. WTVY - HomePage - Headlines
  • There are no randomized prospective studies available comparing expectant management to early surgical intervention.
  • Our study was designed as a prospective, randomised, double blind, placebo controlled trial.
  • This is a randomized, prospective open label blinded end-point (PROBE) trial due to enrol BioMed Central - Latest articles
  • Sixty optimally treated patients, with a mean age of 56 years and an average of two months following heart surgery, were randomised to either six weeks of aerobic training three times per week on the cycloergometer or to a non-exercise control group. Science Blog - Science news straight from the source
  • Ipsen (Paris: IPN) today announced the initiation of an international, multi-center, controlled, randomized Phase II clinical trial to evaluate the safety and efficacy of BN83495, its investigational first-in-class steroid sulfatase (STS) inhibitor, in advanced endometrial cancer. THE MEDICAL NEWS
  • The vials were randomized within the growth cabinet and weighed on an analytical balance at 1-2 h intervals.
  • Participants were randomized to receive usual care for pneumonia or early mobilization along with usual care.
  • But a randomized version of the procedure can't be outguessed so easily; the adversary can't know where to hide the target because the program doesn't decide where to search until it begins reading random bits.
  • To further clarify the benefit of the combination of topical techniques for tumour destruction and external beam radiotherapy randomised studies are required.
  • BL (2002) Visualization of k-tuple distribution in procaryote complete genomes and their randomized counterparts. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • The study was conduced as a randomized, double-blind crossover trial over 7 consecutive weeks during the months of November and December.
  • Four randomised controlled trials have confirmed that H pylori ‘test and treat’ is more cost effective than endoscopy, and many guidelines now recommend this approach for young dyspeptic patients.
  • Interim results of a prospective randomized study of self-examination for early detection of breast cancer Russia/St. Fran Visco: The Truth About Breast Cancer
  • ATLANTA -- Coronary artery bypass grafts taken from the radial artery may provide short-term patency that is just as good as standard saphenous vein grafts, researchers found in a randomized trial. - medical news plus CME for physicians
  • Harper et al., “A randomized controlled trial of acupuncture for initiation of labor in nulliparous women,” J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med 19 2006: 465-70; M. Pregnancy, Childbirth, and the Newborn
  • When weighing the reliability of studies, randomized control trials signify greater reliability than meta-analyses (also known as pooled data). Trevor Butterworth: So What Did We Learn From Avandia? (Hint: The Media Are a Hazard to Public Health)
  • Following its press run, the magazine's signatures were hand-shuffled at the bindery according to a set of rules that preserved the order of the text (as pre-determined by the editors), but randomized the order of the art.
  • Any drift starting or stopping within the experiment may create artifacts, although the trials are randomized in a balanced order.
  • A randomised controlled trial comparing prompted care with continuing hospital clinic care was undertaken.
  • On day 8 they were randomized to nonsteroid placebo or to continued prednisone at a dose maintained at 5 mg per day after six months. - medical news plus CME for physicians
  • Even though their HDL levels decreased, these patients showed reversal of their heart disease using state-of-the-art measures such as quantitative coronary arteriography, cardiac PET scans, thallium scans and radionuclide ventriculography in randomized controlled trials published in the leading peer-reviewed journals. The Garbage Trucks in Your Blood
  • The application of randomized class grouping and examinatorial permit cards can effectively prevent cheating and frauds in an examination.
  • We did find information in the form of randomised controlled trials of tetrahydrocannabinol and synthetic cannabinoids.
  • Compared with CHOP -- cyclophosphamide, hydroxydaunorubicin, vincristine (Oncovin), and prednisone -- plus rituximab, the combination of bendamustine and rituximab showed substantially lower toxicity and better complete response rates in a randomized Phase III trial, reported Mathias Rummel, MD, PhD, of University Hospital in Giessen, Germany. - medical news plus CME for physicians
  • The trial was a multicentre, pragmatic randomised controlled trial stratified by centre.
  • This finding was confirmed by a study that randomised 112 patients to treatment or placebo.
  • We performed a randomised, double blind, placebo controlled, crossover trial in seven healthy men aged 21 to 27.
  • The study was a prospective, randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind crossover trial in healthy volunteers.
  • The trial included an open-label immunogenicity and tolerability subset in which participants were randomized to receive one of three lots of 4CMenB vaccine with routine infant vaccines, or routine vaccines alone. WebWire | Recent Headlines
  • The minimization method is a dynamic randomized algorithm, and applied to make random case distribution in clinical research.
  • Properly randomized studies are only now being completed.
  • The order of the questions was randomized but was the same for all participants.
  • A randomized, multicenter, phase II study to evaluate the safety and efficacy of oral ICL670 (deferasirox) 20 mg/kg/day relative to subcutaneous deferoxamine in sickle cell disease patients with iron overload from repeated blood transfusions Sickle cell disease research at The Children's Hospital
  • They say, "this study is perhaps the only randomized controlled trial that has evaluated the effectiveness of the use of long-term postoperative OCP treatment to prevent endometrioma recurrence. EurekAlert! - Breaking News
  • To further clarify the benefit of the combination of topical techniques for tumour destruction and external beam radiotherapy randomised studies are required.
  • Maberly and I reported results in inpatients with asthma and are doing an outpatient double blind randomised trial of neutralisation.
  • No randomised trials were identified that studied the efficacy of carbon dioxide laser, surgical excision, curettage or cautery, formaldehyde, podophyllin, or podophyllotoxin.
  • They showed reversal of their heart disease using state-of-the-art measures such as quantitative coronary arteriography, cardiac PET scans, thallium scans, and radionuclide ventriculography in randomized controlled trials published in leading peer-reviewed journals. Ask Gary Taubes a question | The Blog of Michael R. Eades, M.D.
  • Effect of Patient-controlled Perineural Analgesia on Rehabilitation and Pain after Ambulatory Orthopedic Surgery: A Multicenter Randomized Trial.
  • The experiment was a completely randomized design, with eight treatment combinations, forming a 4 x 2 factorial (four clones and two watering regimes) with five plants in individual pots per treatment combination as replication.
  • We randomised patients individually using sealed, opaque, sequentially numbered envelopes.
  • The figure illustrates the cumulative ulcer free survival curves of patients randomised to each drug.
  • Thirty three patients on the surgical waiting list were randomised to receive either technical accessories or accessories plus splints, alongside extensive support on how to deal with the activities of daily living.
  • TDR has conducted randomised multicentre trials with intramuscular artemether and is currently developing arteether for severe/complicated disease. Chapter 2
  • The authors studied 29 randomized, double-blind trials that documented reductions in lesions, and several systematic reviews.
  • Randomised controlled trial of usual care compared with intervention delivered on hospital wards by cardiac rehabilitation nurses.
  • All randomized trials of at least 12 weeks in duration that enrolled only adults and assessed interventions as they are usually provided to the public, or case series that met these criteria, stated the number of enrollees, and included a follow-up evaluation that lasted 1 year or longer were examined. Dr. Sharma’s Obesity Notes » Blog Archive » Review of Commercial Weight-Loss Programs
  • Both sets had identical problems but presentation order was randomized for each set for each participant.
  • A roughly similar result was seen when part of the sequence of a small bacterial protein was randomized to generate a library containing about forty million members, and when a library of fifty million artificial “minibodies” was probed for binding to a protein called interleukin Nord, K., Gunneriusson, E., Uhlen, M., and Nygren, P. The Edge of Evolution
  • You can search by subdiscipline, such as cardiothoracics or geriatrics, or by type of study, randomized controlled trial, or review.
  • In a randomized control study of 32 patients, researchers successfully demonstrated a response to low-dose hydrocortisone.
  • In a double blind, randomised, placebo controlled trial, Murphy et al compared local injection of betamethasone plus lignocaine in 14 subjects with lignocaine alone in 10 control subjects.
  • Stage 2 followed randomized patients from 25 to 33 months; in this stage, parents were unblinded.
  • This is the first multicentre randomised trial including more than 1500 patients followed for more than a year.
  • To determine a possible role of this agent in treatment of MDS-RA, we conducted a prospective randomized trial assessing the safety and efficacy of menatetrenone. Free the Animal
  • All of today's video machines, like video poker, video blackjack, and video keno, operate using the same microprocessor technology and randomized sequencing as slot machines.
  • However, this review will be narrower in its focus by summarizing the randomized clinical trials.
  • Most randomised trials allocate individual participants to different treatments.
  • There are no valid randomised comparative studies of surveillance versus treatment.
  • Several randomized and observational studies with controls show that either wet or dry shaving the evening before the procedure results in a significantly higher infection rate than depilation or electric clipping.
  • Far below the layers of undirected but intense anger and randomized rebelliousness, Pennywillow did have a spark of romance in her soul.
  • Randomized trials of high dose folate supplementation were performed in individuals with a history of precancerous polyps of the colon. Folic Acid Supplementation - Too Much of a Good Thing?
  • A randomised trial can prove that a remedy works, without necessarily showing why.
  • Abstract For multi - ellipse detection , this paper proposed a randomized fast detection approach.
  • Digital scolds bemoan tweeting as the ultimate signifier of our busted attention spans, but old-timey newspapers used to run randomized factoidal gibberish like this by the yard. Chicago Reader
  • Methods: According to the Clinical Guideline for Anti - Opiumism Drugs, a multicenter randomized controlled trial was carried out.
  • In randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trials, both medications helped to reduce the frequency of hot flashes by 46 to 80 percent in healthy women and those with breast cancer.35 Negative effects for clonidine and methyldopa include dizziness, unusual tiredness, and weakness. Our Bodies, Ourselves: Menopause
  • The order of the treatments was randomized to control for a time effect.
  • Researchers found only two randomized controlled trials comparing individuals wearing surgical masks with those not wearing surgical masks.
  • One randomized controlled study using a commercial product containing both passion flower and valerian showed benefit in the treatment of adjustment disorder with anxiety.
  • They compared the efficacy of telmisartan vs valsartan in a randomized double blind pilot trial assessing insulin resistance, cytolysis and NASH activity score (NAS) in 54 patients with NASH and mild-to moderate hypertension. Medlogs - Recent stories
  • Infants randomised to the dummy groups received a dummy on entry into the trial.
  • A'sorted deck'is a pack of cards not randomized from its prior condition.
  • To identify effective interventions and their relative effectiveness in preventing such falls, we conducted a meta-analysis of relevant randomised controlled trials.
  • The trial was a prospective, randomized, crossover study of 12 patients in an outpatient anticoagulation clinic.
  • Randomised controlled trials are the best way to assess new methods of management.
  • In the first phase, more patients are randomised to placebo than to active treatment.
  • This randomised study is often seen as having ushered in a new era in making fair comparisons of alternative treatments.
  • Randomized controlled trial of biofeedback for fecal incontinence.
  • The order of presentation of these blocks was completely randomized across participants.
  • The results of randomised controlled trials are less encouraging.
  • Before beginning senior clerkships, traditional entry-level PhannD students were randomized into two groups.
  • This new systematic review and meta-analysis looked at 3229 participants in ten randomised controlled trials, with the primary outcomes being death or bronchopulmonary dysplasia* at 36 weeks 'postmenstrual age, death or severe adverse neurological event, or any of these outcomes. - latest science and technology news stories
  • We randomised patients managed by general physicians and general practitioners, who care for most people with chronic heart failure.
  • The trial randomized 1,033 patients in 27 countries to early surgery or conservative treatment.
  • Experimentalists suggest that randomized assignment is much more possible in the real world than many people suspect.
  • The study design was a randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind crossover trial of 25 patients with asthma.
  • This review summarises the evidence from randomised controlled trials of the effectiveness of exercise as a treatment for depression.
  • A multicentre randomised controlled trial of routine antenatal care by general practitioners and midwives compared with shared care led by obstetricians.
  • The five-week trial was a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, crossover study.
  • To date, no randomized, placebo-controlled trials of inhaled [beta] lactams have been reported, and thus it is not possible to evaluate the efficacy and safety of this antibiotic class.
  • No randomized studies have shown that use of tocolytic therapy after cerclage is effective.
  • The effectiveness of medical interventions is best evaluated by a systematic analysis of randomised controlled trials.
  • The treatment of pollinosis with Galphimia glauca D4—a randomized placebo controlled clinical trial. The Best Alternative Medicine
  • The magnetic domains will remain aligned until randomized by thermal agitation or by some other external force which can do work in rotating the domains within the material.
  • As stated, the difference between magnetized and demagnetized material was that electrons in a magnetized object are aligned to go in a single rather than a seemingly randomized direction.
  • They conducted a group randomized trial at multiple sites to assess the impact of early mobilization in hospitalized adult patients.
  • This adherer effect is why randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled studies are needed to determine the efficacy of any drug, and even then the adherer effect should be controlled for. The adherer effect | The Blog of Michael R. Eades, M.D.
  • The approval was based on data from a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, multicenter study (n = 275), showing that SCE-A vaginal cream was significantly more effective than placebo for reduction of symptoms of vaginal dryness (P = .0016) and dyspareunia (P = .0002) during a 12-week period. If this is what the FDA approves...
  • Data from 10 schools participating in a group randomised controlled crossover trial were pooled and analysed.
  • Results of randomized studies assessing the efficacy of triple antibiotic ointment (e.g., polymyxin, bacitracin and neomycin) are indeterminate.
  • Investigators responsible for trials that had randomised fewer than 200 patients were asked only for the tabular summary of the numbers of patients and outcomes (although a few such studies did contribute individual patient data).
  • Policy makers should consider testing health service innovation using cluster randomised controlled trials with the hospital as the sampling unit.
  • In this paper we use statistical techniques to examine data from two randomised controlled trials.
  • Scheiman M, Mitchell GL, Cotter S, Kulp MT, Cooper J, et al. (2005) A randomized clinical trial of vision therapy/orthoptics versus pencil pushups for the treatment of convergence insufficiency in young adults. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • A number of studies have examined the role of corticosteroid therapy for tuberculous pleural effusions, but only two have been prospective, double blind, and randomized.
  • Mothers were then randomised to the intervention or control group within two strata.
  • The approach typical of clinical practice, the disjunctive approach, identifies a dramatically larger and more heterogeneous group than the conjunctive approaches that typify randomized clinical trials research.
  • It is. Randomised trials in Africa in the middle of this decade proved it beyond doubt.
  • The minimization method is a dynamic randomized algorithm, and applied to make random case distribution in clinical research.
  • A one-year open label, non-comparative extension to a randomized, multicenter, phase II study to evaluate the safety, tolerability, pharmacokinetics and the effects on liver iron concentration of repeated doses of 5-30 mg/kg/day of ICL670 (deferasirox) relative to deferoxamine in sickle cell disease patients with transfusional hemosiderosis Sickle cell disease research at The Children's Hospital
  • Thirty participants were evaluated in a randomized crossover trial of three 30-day diets.
  • This combination of factors yielded 216 trials, which were randomized and divided into two separate blocks.
  • Even though their HDL levels decreased, these patients showed reversal of their heart disease using state-of-the-art measures such as quantitative coronary arteriography, cardiac PET scans, thallium scans and radionuclide ventriculography in randomized controlled trials published in the leading peer-reviewed journals. The Garbage Trucks in Your Blood
  • Even though their HDL levels decreased, these patients showed reversal of their heart disease using state-of-the-art measures such as quantitative coronary arteriography, cardiac PET scans, thallium scans, and radionuclide ventriculography in randomized controlled trials published in leading peer-reviewed journals. Cholesterol: The Good, the Bad and the Truth
  • Eskola and colleagues reported the results of a large, randomized, double-blind trial in Finland to test the ability of a heptavalent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine to prevent acute otitis media.
  • A randomized controlled trial of the effect of d-cycloserine on extinction and fear conditioning in humans [An article from: Behaviour Research and Therapy] by A.J. Guastella OpEdNews - Quicklink: Ancient Volcano 's Devasting Effects Confirmed
  • This was illustrated in a randomised trial of screening for cancer of the lung.
  • The randomized phase II study involved the PROSTVAC-VF vaccine, a combination of two weakened poxviruses that have been genetically programmed to produce slightly irregular versions of prostate specific antigen (PSA) - a protein on the surface of prostate cells that is abnormal in many prostate cancers - and three costimulatory molecules that spur the immune system to a more vigorous attack on tumor cells. - latest science and technology news stories
  • For example, Brody has argued that patient equipoise is present if ‘a reasonable person of an average degree of altruism and risk adversiveness might consent to being randomised.’
  • To date, only a single randomized placebo-controlled trial has been done to determine whether augmentation therapy attenuates the development of emphysema.
  • For example, preschool education and early family support have, in randomised trials, been shown to have positive health outcomes in terms of reduced child abuse, neglect and injury, drug misuse, and teenage pregnancy.
  • The results also validate previously reported randomised controlled trial data.
  • Long-term donepezil treatment in 565 patients with Alzheimer’s disease AD2000: randomised double-blind trial. The UltraMind Solution
  • In one randomized, placebo-controlled crossover trial, chiropractic therapy was associated with a decrease in PMS symptoms.
  • When there is no direct randomised evidence, the adjusted indirect method may provide useful information about relative efficacy of competing interventions.
  • De Groot showed that being an expert in chess does not improve one's memory for randomized chess positions.
  • They reckon they can prevent copying with their 'multi-randomized, polymorphic quantum physics encoding approach to digital protection'.
  • This evidence led to a multicentre randomised controlled trial in women with osteoporosis.
  • This Phase III randomized, multi-center, clinical trial compares standard therapy to prevent repeated stroke and the management of iron overload in pediatric patients (red cell transfusions and iron chelation) with an alternative therapy consisting of the medication, hydroxyurea, combined with phlebotomy, which is the removal of red blood cells. Sickle cell disease research at The Children's Hospital
  • Technical limitations in the current study meant that the order in which the homophones were presented could not be separately randomised for each participant.
  • The sample was randomly selected using a process called stratified sample with replacements, where the randomised sample is proportionate to the population on a number of sampling stratum, key characteristics thought to be important in the heterogeneity of the sample as a whole, resulting in relatively homogenous groups when separated out. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • In principle, considerations about generalisability should not affect the internal validity inherent in a well performed randomised controlled clinical trial.
  • I also personally did a randomized doorknock survey in Glasgow for publication in the academic journals - and several journals did in fact publish the results.

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