How To Use Rancher In A Sentence

  • MASANGO PETROS M NOTTINGHAM RD FARM 20061016 confessed by stipulate torpedo Lucky Mlangeni o.b.o. rancher MASSETT ANDRE M 2OO80628 ARTIST CULLINAN SMALLHOLDING Archive 2009-12-01
  • MASANGO PETROS M NOTTINGHAM RD FARM 20061016 confessed by contract torpedo Lucky Mlangeni o.b.o. rancher MASSETT ANDRE M 2OO80628 ARTIST CULLINAN SMALLHOLDING Archive 2009-12-01
  • Je vais pour brancher une des lampes de la vitrine que ma patronne etait en train de placer dans la vitrine et la j'entends un gros BAAAAM puis des bruits de verre qui tombent a terre! Pinku-tk Diary Entry
  • Overvåg de personer, virksomheder og brancher du ønsker RSS feed
  • Many of the ranchers themselves see all this tourism as a cheeky attempt to commercialise a real and vanishing culture.
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  • In her few public appearances she resembles a well-heeled rancher's wife more than a fabulously wealthy businesswoman. Times, Sunday Times
  • Over the next hundred years the Wind River Valley attracted only a few hardy farmers, ranchers, and roughnecks.
  • One afternoon, I enjoyed a decent rendition of huevos rancheros and also a fine example of the old New Orleans dish eggs Hussard, garnished with ham, tomatoes, and a delicious though lethal mixture of bordelaise and hollandaise sauces.
  • In the last 30 years, 90 percent of our pork producers, more than 80 percent of our dairymen, and more than 40 percent of our ranchers have been driven out of business. Mike Callicrate: Feeding Our Families and Our Farmers
  • Nevertheless, many environmentalists remain concerned that any talk of restorative grazing is merely an environmental smokescreen that lets ranchers continue to devastate the land.
  • S'pose some time me _mamook_ sick, me feel all same oleman -- no more grub stop, no more smokin 'stop -- mebbyso all rancher _potlatch_ grub, _potlatch_ smokin', send doctin ', send med'cin'? Desert Conquest or, Precious Waters
  • Like the rancher, the irrigator was a conservative and despised any intervention from government. Centennial
  • This will permit breeding cattle that ranchers will know are more likely to produce consistently tender offspring.
  • The rancher must always be on guard against the dangers that nature can create.
  • In his many years as an angler, businessman, and conservation leader, this gentle demeanor helped bring together local meat fishermen, outfitters, wealthy anglers, conservationists, and ranchers.
  • They began their journey from Ocojala, a small rancheria, where both of the children were born. San Francisco, Ixtacamaxtitlan, part 1
  • Once it was primarily home to mission rancherias and then to small truck farms.
  • The Irish ranchers twitted me good-naturedly on my exploit, and patted me on the back until I felt that I had done something heroic. Chapter 4
  • In addition to sylvatic plague, a disease likely brought from Europe by ship rats, prairie dogs have suffered from aggressive poisoning campaigns by farmers and ranchers.
  • Patten, a tall, bony man with a balding dome of a forehead, makes his living loaning money to ranchers.
  • Simons sent his attorney to meet with the ranchers in hopes that they could still come to an amicable settlement.
  • Both models empower ranchers, because they complement and augment the rancher's own storehouse of knowledge and experience.
  • Steve is a fifth generation California agriculturalist and fourth generation cattle rancher, but his efforts extend far beyond his own fencerows.
  • Western heroes are often lawmen, ranchers, army officers, or a fast-draw gunfighter.
  • The grasshoppers are a concern for ranchers as well as farmer. KUSA-TV -
  • AWEP offers financial and technical assistance to help farmers and ranchers carry out water enhancement activities that conserve ground and surface water and improve water quality on agricultural lands such as cropland, pasture, grassland and rangeland. Southeast Farm Press RSS Feed
  • That's Melissa Finucane, a Honolulu social scientist who recently conducted a study on how farmers and ranchers in Hawaii perceive and act on environmental risks.
  • But now the vast Paraguayan wilderness of thorn trees, jaguars and snakes known as the Chaco is being transformed by a Christian fundamentalist sect and hundreds of Brazilian ranchers.
  • He says "America's get-up-and-go entrepreneurial culture outlived the frontier," even though he represents the kinds of big business/government combines that attacked small businessmen and ranchers on our frontier. Richard (RJ) Eskow: Mort Zuckerman Is Not Incompetent
  • Modern farmers and ranchers have discovered the efficiency of using ATVs as utility vehicles for driving around their property.
  • Ranchers help prime the sprawling pastures by torching them to burn out prairie brush, clearing the way for stands of big bluestem and other grasses that are cheap cattle feed. Range Fires Ignite Dispute
  • So park your Fiat 500 in the driveway of your Mid-Century modern rancher, doff your bouclé suit and prim pumps, and settle back in your Eames couch: In one sense, 'Mad Men' is always on these days. Fashion Highlights From 2011
  • In addition to losing land to ranchers and farmers, pastoralists have seen their mobility drastically reduced by the expansion of national game parks.
  • But what the article FAILED to mention is that Marky Racicrotch (pronounced rossicrotch, Judy mars, and steve filcher of the mt. cattlemen's ASS., which has nothing to do with Montana ranchers) have PURPOSELY done EVERYTHING they could possibly do to blow this whole issue up into a world class crisis! Buffalo Brian
  • For successful ranchers and ejidos situated in flat lands with coarse sandy soils, conversion to buffelgrass, followed by proper management, does not result in land degradation.
  • Within just a few minutes the jury of ranchers returned a verdict of not guilty.
  • But consumer groups, allied with many U.S. ranchers and cattlemen, want the labeling to begin on schedule.
  • After a spine-crushing three hour journey from the small city of Coca in an open-air ranchero, a motorized canoe transported us 150 miles from civilization into the remotest bowels of the jungle. Suzan Crane: Finding my Soul and Losing my Heart in the Equadorian Amazon: A Spiritual Journey With the Remote Huaorani Tribe
  • She reports that some land owners in the rancheria area of El Calaboz, Emergency for Texas Native Americans who own land where Government wants border fence
  • Ranchers graze cattle and water buffalo on floodplain grasslands to produce meat and secondarily dairy products.
  • Indeed, nationwide, ranchers are allowed to drive into federally designated wilderness.
  • He plays a rancher who is forced to employ a group of youths for a cattle drive after his regular crew head for the gold mines. The Sun
  • For the three months he'd spent there, he'd worked as a cowhand for Joel Diamond, the richest rancher in the territory.
  • Just as surely as the ranchers branded their cattle, your new business has probably already given itself some brand identity.
  • He was many things in his time - musician, pilot, cattle-rancher, industrialist, journalist.
  • The original Acadians and Cajuns were farmers, herders, and ranchers, but they also worked as carpenters, coopers, blacksmiths, fishermen, shipbuilders, trappers, and sealers.
  • I had never seen the rancher, who lived in the thrown-together compound of unmatched buildings down by the river, only a thin wraith of smoke coiling out of his chimney.
  • Apparently, this description is not an oversell, as Epicurious ranked Three Thieves Pinot Grigio as a Top 5 Box Wine, saying it "starts out as Granny Smith apple and green Jolly Rancher candy with hints of banana, giving way to papaya and crenshaw melon. MetaEfficient Reviews
  • Farmers and ranchers also need to be aware of recent changes in federal tax code, said Barrett.
  • Domino was the daughter to a fan-tan dancer and an Albuquerque rancher Domino
  • Many people image that the era of the Open Range in the American West was the era of the small rancher.
  • The Rancher is easy to start, thanks to its full transistor ignition with electronic advance.
  • Papa was a businessman, not a rancher, but often when I think of him, I think about the longhorns.
  • loss of livestock left the rancher bankrupt
  • Ranchers must work more closely with meatpackers and distributors to make the operation more efficient.
  • After cutting, the swather leaves the cut hay in a long row so the rancher can use a baler to make hay bales.
  • What rancher or federal manager would listen to the management suggestions of a conservationist who advocated no grazing?
  • It was a four-days 'hard march to the locality where Captain Buxton counted on finding his victims; and when on the fourth day, rather tired and not particularly enthusiastic, the command bivouacked along the banks of a mountain-torrent, a safe distance from the supposed location of the Indian stronghold, he sent forward his Apache Mojave allies to make a stealthy reconnoissance, feeling confident that soon after nightfall they would return with the intelligence that the enemy were lazily resting in their "rancheria," all unsuspicious of his approach, and that at daybreak he would pounce upon and annihilate them. Starlight Ranch and Other Stories of Army Life on the Frontier
  • Bridwell's website notes that the library was named after Joseph S. Bridwell, a businessman and cattle rancher from the area of Wichita Falls, Texas. Archive 2008-04-01
  • He was dressed in full ranchero costume, with its rich broidery and trappings; and instead of the usual "serape," he wore a purple _manga_ -- a more graceful, as well as costlier garment. The White Chief A Legend of Northern Mexico
  • In her few public appearances she resembles a well-heeled rancher's wife more than a fabulously wealthy businesswoman. Times, Sunday Times
  • We lived in a time when jack rabbits were vermin and the ranchers wanted all of them killed and I sure helped them out a bunch.
  • After all, if they do well, farmers, ranchers and consumers will do well, right?
  • Instead of being outraged, many ranchers seemed resigned.
  • To prevent "flystrike" (a maggot infestation caused by wrinkly skin, which was bred into the sheep so that they would have more wool), Australian ranchers perform a barbarous operation called "mulesing," which involves carving huge strips of flesh off the backs of unanesthetized lambs 'legs. PETA Latest News
  • During the 19th century, barbecues on these properties were legendary, with the beef cooking on a spit over a huge fire while ranchers and their ladies danced the night away.
  • Nevertheless, the sheep ranchers had their rights, and brought added pressure on the Biological Survey for government intervention.
  • Two males," whispers Mauricio Ramires, cattle rancher, bird-spotter and guide in the Monteverde cloud forest. - Articles related to Goa Tourism Minister arrested, released on bail
  • Scene repeating itself with slight variations of characters (hair color more platinum than dirty blonde, tie unloosened rather than removed, girl drinking a Jolly Rancher instead of a Grape Crush, etc).
  • Like you, I struggle to fathom what this will mean for farmers, ranchers, and rural America.
  • She looked at me again kidding and laughing and said, mejor traígame el ranchero! Developing An Ear for Spanish
  • By the end of the day, over 500 horses had been taken to be auctioned off to a local rancher. Times, Sunday Times
  • LEON COUNTY (July 26, 2010) - Retired Centerville rancher Richard Dale Worley, 63, has died after a collision between his pickup truck and an 18-wheeler Sunday afternoon in Leon KWTX - HomePage - Headlines
  • Iodine is mostly used by ranchers, in miniscule amounts, to treat thrush on horse hooves.
  • Most young rural Brazilians' dream job is cattle rancher. The Sun
  • In addition to breeding calves and colts, Glenn earns a living taking clients out for guided hunts and stalking the occasional problem cat for local ranchers.
  • The summer months in California brought such an onslaught of these that the residents of any Indian rancheria would have to burn their huts down and move to better grounds. {Pulgas}
  • They twisted the arms of every rancher, orchardist, restaurant and hotel owner between here and the Canadian border—everybody who was making a profit on migrant labor—to put this clinic together. Healer
  • The rancher wants us to Bring in more hay for his cattle.
  • The rancher must always be on guard against the dangers that nature can create.
  • But consumer groups, allied with many U.S. ranchers and cattlemen, want the labeling to begin on schedule.
  • She glared at him just as she would have glared at a foolish young brancher for acting like one of the fledglings. The White Gryphon
  • Such a practice, by both the rancher finding the estray and the brand inspector, was regarded as a courtesy of the range, observed by all and rarely abused. Stands a Calder Man
  • Logan turned to the idea of a manure digester, which is something cattle ranchers have been using to turn cow manure into energy. Chicken Poop: An Eco-Friendly, Money-Saving Source Of Power
  • Mountain Home rancher Steve Damele is the kind of cattleman who doesn't mince words - Articles related to UN wildlife trade agency backs ban on bluefin tuna
  • The plan, claim supporters, will assist farmers and ranchers dealing with severe losses caused by last year's weather.
  • Small ranchers in northern New Mexico pay to graze 1 to 25 cattle per ranch in this oasis all summer.
  • Her music is a reflection of her multicultural childhood in Mexico and her studies in anthropology in Minnesota, with its combination of Mexican folklore, boleros, borderland rancheras, opera, and American jazz and blues.
  • Ranchers and environmentalists are again coming together to fight a proposal to drill for oil and gas in southern Alberta, this time near the protected Whaleback region.
  • Aside from his publishing interests, Mr. von Rosen was also a cattleman and rancher in Oklahoma and Illinois.
  • In her few public appearances she resembles a well-heeled rancher's wife more than a fabulously wealthy businesswoman. Times, Sunday Times
  • Short-term alternatives in cases of severe drought are often painful; in the long-run, growers and ranchers can work to improve irrigation efficiency, plant less-water intensive crops, and change livestock demands. Peter H. Gleick: When Climate Changes Come and Water Policies Fail. Pray for Rain?
  • One rancher showed us a photo of his pickup half-buried in sand during a cloudburst.
  • Some ranchers believe the larger animals compete with cattle for rangeland and attract predators, but that's a matter of opinion.
  • The young rancher who filed his complaint is the same cattleman who lost twelve cattle last March.
  • Ranchers have to be careful not to put too many cattle on these ranges because overgrazing can lead to erosion.
  • VOICE OF MARTIN DAVIS, MONTANA RANCHER: Montana has spent millions of dollars through the years to get brucellosis eradicated from our livestock. CNN Transcript Apr 29, 2008
  • A Central California rancher uses drip irrigation to grow zinfandel wine grapes on a rocky hillside that was formerly unusable.
  • The cattle farmers and ranchers appealed to the Eleventh Circuit Court of Appeals.
  • Some ranchers have considered giving cattle drugs designed to treat mountain sickness in people, like acetazolamide, but the FDA has not approved the use of such drugs in animals meant for human consumption. The Full Feed from
  • The menu is huge and international (try lasagne verdure, made with eggless spinach pasta, artichoke enchiladas in ranchero sauce or Thai red pepper curry), the wine list is big and deep and the place is stylish, fun and loud.
  • Family and kin are very precious to all rancheros.
  • He knew of a depository of wax-candles, and the church of the rancheria was the place in which they were kept. The War Trail The Hunt of the Wild Horse
  • He says Florida cattle ranchers were aided by recent severe winters and drought.
  • Nevertheless, the sheep ranchers had their rights, and brought added pressure on the Biological Survey for government intervention.
  • Ejidatarios juntos con la Otra Campaña zapatista, cierran la mina de sal más grande del mundo Farmers, Ranchers, and the Zapatista Other Campaign Shut Down the Largest Salt Mine on Earth Mexico's Electoral Tribunal Orders Partial Recount to Begin on Wednesday Le autorità elettorali provocano una crisi non annunciando i risultati The Narco News Bulletin
  • Incredibly, this stable, rural world still exists two hours south of Paris in the village of St. Brancher, where small farms lie on the hillsides, and cows drowse and forage.
  • Six mounted rancheros threw lassoes trying to catch the bull's hind hooves. Receiving end of a Mexican rodeo (recibimiento á las fiestas taurinas)
  • Growers and ranchers start the day with frittatas, omelets, or chicken-fried steak and three eggs in this historic shack just off the Carneros Highway.
  • The concessionaires pay their fare and squeeze whatever cumshaw they can out of the women themselves and the miners or ranchers to whom their contracts are assigned. Podkayne Of Mars
  • Previously, ranchers and farmers were allowed to request that portions of their agricultural lease be put up for public auction.
  • As for the Mexicans who have offered a $10,000 bounty on his head and those of other ranchers who run the round-ups: ‘Let them come, too.’
  • Shrimp ranchero is five jumbos drenched in a stewlike spicy tomato sauce and served with thick tortillas.
  • It is unpalatable to livestock because of its bitter taste so ranchers consider it to be a noxious weed.
  • Rivulets 'neath the myrtle shade and Bán's fair branchery; Arabian nights. English
  • So here is the ultimate Mexican egg dish, huevos rancheros, to spice up your weekend.
  • They are the direct result of Jesuit consolidation of the dispersed population from over eighty rancherias into eight mission towns by the 17th century.
  • Rizzuto had already ordered his eggs ranchero by the time Picone went into Denny's and sat down at the table in the smoking section. THE SERPENT'S MARK
  • My rancher friend Lee, on whose ranch we do most of our hunting, came over to to me the other day at the Post Office, a bit bemused, to tell me to keep my dogs off his entirely "deeded", ie private acreage for the next couple of weeks, because the Government trappers were cleaning out coyotes there. Archive 2006-02-01
  • Shortly after the Civil War, the ‘dispossessed and freebooters,’ as one rancher described them, established sprawling cattle ranches on the rich bottomlands of the Yellowstone River.
  • I called rancher and told him R was home and water was off. From Twitter 01-07-2010
  • In 1723 they recorded a bloody attack against an Apache rancheria. EMPIRE OF THE SUMMER MOON
  • We throve astonishingly in that first week, just as Susie had predicted; our fame spread, and the dago quality began to come in, not only from Santa Fe but from the valley below Albuquerque even, and the rancherias in the country round. Isabelle
  • The only possible predators - the dingo and the Tasmanian wolf - were already being shot and kept in check by the sheep ranchers.
  • My take on the subject of constitutionality is that the federal government is constitutionally obligated to protect the economic and social interests of the minority (ranchers in WY, MT, ID, et. al.) from the capricious wishes of the majority (the liberal, big-city types coalesced into the various environmentalist groups like GreenPeace). Bush Administration v. Environmental Groups
  • This destruction is accelerated by the activities of cattle ranchers who grow beef for export to fast food chains in the United States.
  • This pinch-faced orphan—bummers, his father called them, though most ranchers referred to them as dogies—had swollen eyes and a nose cracked from lack of milk. Plain Language
  • Then, they may be safe, but a Senate aide notes: "Don't try to bite directly into any whole jawbreaker, gobstopper, jolly rancher, or for that matter, atomic fireball, before you soften it up, as it can damage your teeth. Atomic Fireball threat contained on the Hill
  • Governments have frequently made matters worse by granting concessions to cattle ranchers on terms that have created incentives for reckless exploitation.
  • No, I was denied their stage, their Jolly Rancher candy colored lights, their bronzing lotions, their mustachioed esprit de corps. The Widow Teasdale and the Ineffable Warmth of Personal Services
  • Local ranchers and farmers have questioned why the pipeline needs to pass through an area where the aquifer runs just a few feet below the ground and the sandy soil makes it harder for vegetation to regrow once it's been disturbed. Great Plains oil pipeline plan sparks grass-roots activism, high-stakes lobbying
  • The day passed quickly, filled with scary word puzzles and history trivia games with Jolly Rancher prize pots.
  • Many of the ranchers themselves see all this tourism as a cheeky attempt to commercialise a real and vanishing culture.
  • Just as surely as the ranchers branded their cattle, your new business has probably already given itself some brand identity.
  • Although usually connected with mariachi, rancheras are performed by all regional Mexican music ensembles.
  • The wolves have come back in numbers better than anticipated, and ranchers have lobbied for a return of sport hunting, to keep the wolf population numbers down and minimize "depredation"-that's cow-country jargon for "killing cattle. Boing Boing
  • Since 15 to 25 percent of male sheep in U.S. flocks don't mate, ranchers want to find a way to identify good breeding rams.
  • A disease that has buffaloed scientists, veterinarians, and bison ranchers is yielding some of its secrets.
  • Farmers and ranchers were given photomaps of their property, with information about its state appraised productivity and land use.
  • Par contre, peut-être si, à la manière d'Europe 1 grande époque, on lui offrait un décodage de l'info façon "Pas vu à la télé", soit quelques commentaires acides des communiqués de presse qu'il entend en direct live, peut-être prendrait-il le temps, le soir, de se brancher pour charger ça. Entretiens / Interviews / Entrevistas
  • Not long afterward, the idea of apportioning the river by interstate compact was proposed by a rancher and attorney from Greeley, Colorado, who had been fairly steeped in water law for his entire legal career and also had the ear of his close friend, Colorado governor Oliver Shoup. Colossus
  • The owner or manager of a ranch ; a rancher.
  • Waving lassoes overhead the rancheros drove him back into the bullpen. Receiving end of a Mexican rodeo (recibimiento á las fiestas taurinas)
  • Nevertheless, the sheep ranchers had their rights, and brought added pressure on the Biological Survey for government intervention.
  • Je compatis, mais je ne comprends pas que des gens aient laissé des commentaires juste alors que la ouaibemaîtresse avait dit qu'elle aurait des difficultés à se brancher…était-ce bien utile? Peu de connection internet ces prochains jours — Climb to the Stars
  • So park your Fiat 500 in the driveway of your Mid-Century modern rancher, doff your bouclé suit and prim pumps, and settle back in your Eames sofa with a chilled martini. Fashion's Top 10 Moments
  • The original Acadians and Cajuns were farmers, herders, and ranchers, but they also worked as carpenters, coopers, blacksmiths, fishermen, shipbuilders, trappers, and sealers.
  • Asked about other marketing opportunities, he says ranchers are buying his organic cottonseed for feed.
  • Just as surely as the ranchers branded their cattle, your new business has probably already given itself some brand identity.
  • Simons sent his attorney to meet with the ranchers in hopes that they could still come to an amicable settlement.
  • Nearby, strings of bare-bulbed lights illuminate an outdoor fiesta where dozens of Tecate locals in cowboy boots and chunky heels dance to the rowdy ranchero band Los Incomparables. Worlds Away
  • My take on the subject of constitutionality is that the federal government is constitutionally obligated to protect the economic and social interests of the minority (ranchers in WY, MT, ID, et. al.) from the capricious wishes of the majority (the liberal, big-city types coalesced into the various environmentalist groups like GreenPeace). Bush Administration v. Environmental Groups
  • This is branding of the same literal sort that ranchers practice when they burn their symbols on the hides of cattle.
  • The breed became so popular among Queensland ranchers that it came to be known as the Queensland heeler or Queensland blue heeler.
  • I know many ranchers who purchase semen that is used to inseminate wild does. How Big Can They Get?
  • And so the rancher, who used to tie his horse to a post outside the store and proceed to trade in leisurely fashion became an "intensive farmer" and his needs grew many. Canadian Cities of Romance
  • Cattle ranchers were able to work it, though, after King Kamehameha III stopped exiling criminals.
  • When tired rancheros were welcomed back from the range with a big bowl of chili, the evening's entertainment was more likely a hoedown than a movie with the kids.
  • Mexican music - norteño, ranchero - is poised to cross over, as black music did in the 1950s.
  • Schuyler cattle might turn up on Spencer land, or Brenton cattle on Schuyler ground. egally, specific sections were owned by specific people; practically, each rancher used the entire valley. Wyoming Territory
  • A growing segment of people are concerned about food quality and want to keep local ranchers and farmers in business, Antonio argues.
  • There are reports that clenbuterol, which is used to fatten cattle before slaughter, continues to be administered illicitly by some ranchers in Spain. Basque officials insist their beef is clenbuterol-free
  • Somewhat akin to Tex-Mex tejano and banda styles, ranchera norteña sways with sweeping vocals, accordions, and the full gamut of synthesized sounds.
  • Within its boundaries live over a hundred human residents, many of whom are farmers or cattle ranchers.
  • That short list includes farmers, ranchers, professional outfitters and rural property owners.
  • The rancher must always be on guard against the dangers that nature can create.
  • The States and Feds spent millions erradicating wolves and coyotes from the West over many years for the benefit of ranchers and stockmen. Would you Report Illegal Wolf Kills?
  • But the parade and programs pay little homage to the actual history - the events give us a weeklong chance to dress in the outfits of Nashville cowboys and Mexican rancheros.
  • Many of the ranchers themselves see all this tourism as a cheeky attempt to commercialise a real and vanishing culture.
  • Then one day, the ranchers widow said to the hired hand, "You have done a really good job and the ranch looks great.
  • In an earlier edition, this also appeared: "Even George W Bush, who tried to portray himself as a homespun Texas rancher, would put on white tie and tails when banqueting with the Queen of England" Cameron has spent years trying to play down his privileged background ..., 22 April, page 5, G2. Corrections and clarifications
  • The fourth meatpacker bids somewhat higher, ensuring that the rancher has little choice in deciding whose bid to accept. Beef Industry: Less Demand Could Mean Lower Quality Meat
  • In the future, the lab's work with hormones and genetics may help ranchers and breeders help their heifers even more.
  • Some nomads were settled as farmers, ranchers, or fishermen.
  • Franklin has surveyed ranchers using llamas to protect sheep, and found that llamas seem to be earning their keep.
  • It was a really wonderful assemblage of pointed arches, lace-work, branchery, and gigantic flowers. Aventures d'un jeune naturaliste. English
  • “The cold-blooded killing of an Arizona rancher is a sad and sobering reminder of the threats to public safety that exist in our border communities,” Giffords said. Think Progress » Lou Dobbs: ‘I’m A Man About Building Solutions,’ Not ‘Radicalism’
  • Like other agriculturalists across the country, ranchers are usually land rich and cash poor.
  • I called a rancher 13 miles thataway for help; he was about to put out some feed, but said he'd come with tools and help me get the water turned off wasn't sure I could do it by hand. From Twitter 01-07-2010
  • Even George W Bush, who tried to portray himself as a homespun Texas rancher, would put on white tie and tails when banqueting with the Queen of England. David Cameron reverts to type for the royal wedding | Alexander Chancellor
  • At the same time, the rancheros entered with a leading role in the land lease market as the major source of demand.
  • Turning fully to organic which automatically sequesters carbon?] * Supporting the profitability of farmers and ranchers by providing a safety net [The absolute best (and totally free to tax payers) safety net would be stopping NAIS] that works for all of agriculture, including independent producers andlocal and organic agriculture, [How's he plan to do that when those people will be gone after NAIS and the seed contamination regulations under the FDA go into effect. The politically correct Vilsack: Lipstick on a ...
  • You can't go on forever huntin 'bear an' tamin 'cats, "protested the old rancher. The Man of the Forest
  • If this is "sparky" he is neither a sheep rancher nor a retired teacher … he is a shill. Libertarian Blog Place
  • In the 1880s, the frontiersmen were the cowboys, cattle ranchers and railroaders. Standing on the Corner
  • Nort and Dick, though "tenderfeet" at the beginning, had quickly fallen into the ways of the west, and in the first volume of this series, "The Boy Ranchers," I was privileged to tell you how they helped solve a mystery that revolved around Diamond X. The Boy Ranchers on the Trail
  • The film revolves around Captain Lance Deakin who, after returning to civilian life as a Texas rancher, is attacked by members of his former Special Forces unit. IN THE WORLD OF SCI-FI: NEWS FOR 10/21 | Open Society Book Club Discussions and Reviews
  • The farm belongs to rancher Ramon Sierra, who, with son-in-law Hector Soto Vargas, is providing sturdy Patagonian criollo horses, still shaggy in their winter coats, to get us up the Soler.
  • Oui, au début je pensais faire par Bluetooth, mais iSync a râlé en disant que je devais brancher le câble. Nokia 6280 compatible Mac :-) — Climb to the Stars
  • Under law, a rancher may obtain a permit to kill a lion that is attacking his livestock.
  • U.S. farmers and ranchers are also plunking down thousands of dollars to duplicate prize bulls, cows, and pigs.
  • Already suspicious of citified strangers without cowboy boots, the Wyoming rancher and his son, who requested to remain anonymous, spotted him moseying their way and, quite naturally, took some precautions.
  • The conflict between a group of free grazing cattlemen and a wealthy, unscrupulous rancher lies at the center of Open Range.
  • The difference between federal assistance and marketing is a symptom of the income shortage farmers and ranchers are experiencing in this country today.
  • Due to its low value for livestock forage, it is a concern to livestock producers and ranchers.
  • Farmers and ranchers can even turn to the Internet for products and services.
  • But what gained greatest attention, especially from ranchers in the west, was his discovery in subsequent years of handsome skeletons of four of the progenitors of the horse: eohippus, mesohippus, miohippus and the crucial, determinative merychippus. Centennial
  • He was many things in his time - musician, pilot, cattle-rancher, industrialist, journalist.
  • His firm works for a wide range of clients, including mining interests, ranchers and government agencies.
  • Local ranchers and townsfolk would gather about the set hoping to catch a glimpse of the stars.

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