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How To Use Rana In A Sentence

  • Solomon himself impersonated the phallic god Baal-Rimmon, "Lord of the Pomegranate," when he was united with his divine bride, the mysterious Shulamite, and drank the juice of her pomegranate Song of Solomon 8:2. Archive 2008-03-01
  • She arranged for a sizeable loan from the temple based on her deposits there and then purchased a great store of corn from the temple granaries.
  • Rohitha bought several bunches of bananas and all the papaya fruits on display, while Pala bought a packet each of the green gram, sesame and ranawara.
  • The Sanskrit word for “control” is yama, and the second limb of Yoga is called pranayama: “breath control of the life force.” Spiritual Teachings of the Avatar
  • Truly, Ranald, my trusty friend," said Dalgetty, "I will not deny that the case may be soon my own; for I am so forfoughen (being, as A Legend of Montrose
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  • Veche din Berlin, solişti: Efrat Ben - Nun - soprană, Andreas Scholl - contratenor, James Taylor - tenor, Klaus Häger - bas Latest posts
  • The patrons' tables are constantly resupplied with clear, cool, tart pomegranate juice and hot, flat white bread extracted with long-handled wooden spatulas from the ovens through openings in the walls.
  • Adei, dan kerana tak cukup rehat aku dah sagat kete honda dia kat palang umah. .hahahahah..sib baik dia tak kisah. .hahah … gomenasai. Newbie Webmaster
  • While Charu bathed Pranav, my nephew, I went to make a quick biryani that I served with plain curd and papad. Cauliflower Biryani
  • Bab dia nih, aku tatau aaa jatuh hukum harus ke tak. tp dr satu segi ade benefictnye sbb kes buang bayi semakin hari makin kejam … tensen tol aku tgk berita … apa daaaa … tau buat tahu branak tanggung le … ank tu rezeki, yg haram tu hubungan mak bapak bukannya baby yg haram, ank dia tetap suci disisi Allah. Planet Malaysia
  • Atlético Paranaense warmed to the aggressive midfielder from the Minas Gerais province, only to have second thoughts. Sandro: 'I told my brother: I'll be the player we should both have been'
  • Thylakoids of grana stacks are mostly abundant in PSII complexes, while PSI complexes are predominant in stroma lamellae.
  • At another time it might have been a pretty journey, the hills just turning the colors of pumpkin and hay and pomegranate and the skies depthless and clear, but now everywhere one looked most of the trees had been felled for fuel and there was only a hazy, oppressive brightness refracted from the shorn hillsides. Excerpt: The Surrendered by Chang-rae Lee
  • One of the best perks of the buffet is regional produce, including the granadilla, a yellowish-green fruit with sweet, pomegranate-like seeds.
  • In others, such as Alessandro Allori's image of a magnificently dressed and bejeweled, strong-minded young woman c. 1580s, the name of the subject is unknown, while in still others, such as Jusepe de Ribera's imaginary portrait of an ancient philosopher or Lucas Cranach the Elder's modishly attired 16th-century Saxon charmer, we are given an ideal or a general type, rather than a specific individual. See Their Worlds in Their Faces
  • The lure, according to Ginny, is "wholesome Scottish oats, and local recipes like cranachan - a swirl of raspberries, honey and cream sprinkled with toasted oats - or the punchier whisky and honey, that other great Scottish combination. The Independent - Frontpage RSS Feed
  • The height of the one pillar was eighteen cubits, and the chapiter upon it was brass: and the height of the chapiter three cubits; and the wreathen work, and pomegranates upon the chapiter round about, all of brass: and like unto these had the second pillar with wreathen work. Villaraigosa And Nunez Cut And Run - Video Report
  • For in opening their lives to the entire expanse of Greco-Arabic and Hebrew learning, the dictionally pure Jewish poets of Cordoba, Granada, and Saragossa carried out an act of profound, if paradoxical, cultural redemption. The Lost Jewish Culture
  • Granados was eventually deported, and the paper's budding relationship with the Latino community tanked.
  • The Richards took over the Taranaki lighthouse in 1976 when previous keeper Charlie Mallowes died from a heart attack.
  • León and Granada might be at opposing political extremes, but they are matching twins in their architecture.
  • Ruby's overanalytical, fast-paced and authentic narration will win over new devotees, while her loyal fans will no doubt hope for more. E. Lockhart's Blog:
  • Like it or hate it, there's really no reason to overanalyse it, it wears it on its sleeve. MSM's knee-jerk reporting: Nepal as an example
  • Kruse-Elliott's collaborator, Jess Reed has been working with other foods such as pomegranates and grape seed extract, as well as whole cranberries.
  • At the moment the hot picks are avocado, pomegranates, yuzu goji chia tea, urple ... The Sun
  • Another was sledged almost halfway up Mount Taranaki, to provide accommodation for visitors.
  • I truly believe that we all want to love and be loved and that this overanalyzing and pickiness has become an epidemic, at least on the west side of Los Angeles, if not everywhere. Julie Spira: Are You Too Picky?
  • My apartment in Granada had neither heat nor air conditioning. World Thermostat Settings | Heretical Ideas Magazine
  • First, the council are of opinion that you should now begin to stir in the thirlage cause; and they think they will be able, from evidence NOVITER REPERTUM, to enable you to amend your condescendence upon the use and wont of the burgh, touching the GRANA INVECTA ET ILLATA. Redgauntlet
  • Don't overanalyze, anguish or ask… Just do it!
  • They bombed granaries and rural villages, destroyed crops and irrigation systems, mined pastures and fields, destroyed herds and launched sweeps through rural areas - conscripting young men and destroying the infrastructure.
  • The thing is reduced to a cruel mockery when stores and granaries are over-gorged, while people clamor in vain for clothing and food, and drop dead within reach of these prime elements of warmth and sustentation. Black and White
  • The Mississippi gopher frog (Rana capita sevosa) was once found in suitable habitat within the Lower Coastal Plain from Florida to eastern Louisiana.
  • Opposite this doorway is a small granary that is on staddle stones and is the perfect resting place for the Labrador dog that happily ran up to lick our hands!
  • Pranava, Aum, is the root mantra and primal sound from which all creation issues forth.
  • However, she warned diabetics to be wary of fruits with moderate calorific values such as mango, pomegranate and jackfruit, and high calorie fruits such as dates and grapes.
  • But before you stock up, consider this: The Food and Drug Administration in 2009 warned consumers not to use any intranasal zinc products because of concerns that it can make people lose their sense of smell. No cure in sight for fighting the common cold
  • The biggest changes in a women's nature are brought by love; in man, by ambition. Rabindranath Tagore 
  • An analysis of breath samples taken from 11 U.S. health-care workers before they received the 2009 H1N1 live intranasal vaccine and daily for the next seven days found that nitric-oxide levels peaked on the third day after vaccination. Dental Exams May Help Diagnose Diabetes
  • Let me not pray to be sheltered from dangers, but to be fearless in facing them. Let me not beg for the stilling of my pain, but for the heart to conquer it. Rabindranath Tagore 
  • Can the India of the Vedas and the Puranas make her mother's dream existence comprehensible to Rakhi, unravelling a lifelong puzzle?
  • Today is the last day Granada can alter its bid unless a new bidder prepares a competitive offer.
  • Sweet and spicy flavors, including date, pomegranate, coriander, and cumin, suffuse the foods spread out on a nearby buffet.
  • While Ranade deploys the resources of the surrealist tradition to achieve his ends, it would be simplistic to gloss his work under that rubric.
  • Add the labneh, garlic, olive oil, pomegranate molasses, coriander, ¾ tsp salt and ½ tsp pepper. Times, Sunday Times
  • As Tharanal had led them towards it yesterday, he'd seen thick plumes of smoke - and other, more noxious vapors - rising from outlying ventilation shafts like the fumaroles of volcanos.
  • You could plant some tall growers, such as Cleome hasslerana, which is a favorite of hummingbirds, and at their feet cluster a few dwarf dahlias and some alyssum, which are easily grown in planters.
  • A fractionated extract of Astragalus membranaceus potentiates lymphokine-activated killer cell cytotoxicity generated by low-dose recombinant interleukin-2. The Best Alternative Medicine
  • Experience brings wisdom to some, but overanalysis to most. Times, Sunday Times
  • But there is a danger of overanalysis. Times, Sunday Times
  • I don't know if I really want to "overanalyse" the games I play: P What My Parents Taught Me About Video Games
  • It is He who brings gardens into being: creepers and upright trees, the palm and all manner of crops, olives, and pomegranates alike and different.
  • En los próximos días planearemos más pláticas con la comunidad para que sean ellos mismos quienes resguarden y protejan el patrimonio arqueológico que poseen ya que el fin de semana pasado recuperamos un metate2 (al parecer de época temprana por su forma) que alguien había parcialmente saqueado del montículo de la capilla. Luego del reconocimiento de superficie « Interactive Dig El Carrizal – Rescuing a Mesoamerican Site
  • Colombian President Andres Pastrana, a light breeze riffling his silvered hair, steps forward to accept this generous gift from the American people.
  • The major agricultural crops are cotton, tobacco, grapes, sunflowers, tea, pomegranates, and citrus fruits; vegetables, olives, wheat, barley, and rice also are produced.
  • The road on the Albanian side is very good from Shkodër down to Tirana, which is basically the southern two thirds of the route. Podgorica and Tirana
  • But as the texts declaring the passing out, and so on, of the prâna, prove it to be of limited size, the all-embracingness ascribed to prâna in those other texts must be interpreted to mean only that the life of all living and breathing creatures depends on breath. The Vedanta-Sutras with the Commentary by Ramanuja — Sacred Books of the East, Volume 48
  • One day it would be noodles with garlic-butter sauce and a glass of pomegranate juice, the next it would be roasted grouse, bread, and a mug of sweetened milk.
  • Fascists themselves claimed that ultranationalism was their motive force, and that the realization of the mobilized national community was their goal.
  • He ordered the establishment of an emergency granary to store a tenth of the harvest each season to be used in times of emergency.
  • Faith is the bird that feels the light and sings when the dawn is still dark. Rabindranath Tagore 
  • During aestivation in the lab, the oxygen consumption rate of Cyclorana cultripes fell significantly by 70%. Archive 2006-04-01
  • Faith is the bird that feels the light and sings when the dawn is still dark. Rabindranath Tagore 
  • He says the first line of prescription drugs for hay fever are intranasal corticosteroids, which shrink swollen nasal passages. Allergy sufferers journey into the season of symptoms
  • So stop trying to alienate everyone who's not an ultranationalistic right winger from the US like you are! Obama: U.S., Russia 'quite close' to forging new START treaty
  • The key is to not overanalyze this election's results and don't get discouraged. Alvin McEwen: Five reasons why I am happy that the Republicans took over the House of Representatives
  • October 16, 2007 4:12 AM fast and the fuirous four sounds good. muscle cars all the way. i dont care where it is set but how about some aussie muscle monaro, chrysler charger r/t, ford xy gtho, ford xa gt MAD MAX car, torana we might not have as many old muscle cars as u.s but they are there. Filmstalker: Fast and Furious 4 in development?
  • Products containing guarana, garcinia, and bladderwrack are being touted as effective, although there isn't any scientific evidence that they'll help shed pounds.
  • George Mason coach Jim Larranaga admitted the Patriots were intimidated from the start.
  • At what levels should these forums exist - local, national, or supranational?
  • He founded the Institute for Democracy and Mediation, a non-governmental organization, in Tirana.
  • Pandit Sunayana Hazarila the Kathak danseuse from Banaras gharana of Pandit Jankiprasad performed at IGIDR as part of SPIC-MCCAY on 28 March 2009. Archive 2009-03-01
  • This tiny insect causes major problems in granaries worldwide, reducing the grain's nutritional value and ability to germinate and exposing it to odor, mold, and heat damage.
  • Awnings shade raucous vegetable sellers while swarthy men with wooden carts hawk pomegranates, dates and mangoes.
  • MLEs were detected in the summer fruit tortrix Adoxophyes orana fasciata and the tea tortrix Homona magnanima, but no MLEs were detected in the parasitoid wasp Ascogaster quadridentata.
  • But the black smoke of the granary belching against the white hills, or the kyloe, houghed and maimed, roaring in its agony, or the fugitive brought bloody on his knees among the rocks -- God's mercy! John Splendid The Tale of a Poor Gentleman, and the Little Wars of Lorn
  • We have twelve olive trees, four fig trees, one pomegranate and a couple of as-yet-unidentified trees.
  • He had built himself another granary on the north side of the mistal. The Three Sisters
  • The farmstead had storage pits, drying frames and granaries, and was surrounded by a stockade.
  • In the back are pots containing a fruit paradise of quinces, medlars, lemons, pomegranates, citrons, even a limequat that apparently makes a mean marmalade.
  • Boku niwa keisatsuyori mo naniyori mo Minna ga itakureru koto no houga kokoro tsuyoi desu yo Giseki wo okosu no minna ga chikara wo awasenakute wa naranai Saa, anata mo isshou ni ikou Omoi dori ni sasewa shinai Kono - Business News
  • To determine whether the partially enhanced lung inflammation was dependent on the dose of LPS, WT and CD14KO mice were treated intranasally with lower amounts of S-LPS or R-LPS and analysed 6 hours later. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • The Bhagavata Purana says that men and women have lived on earth for a vast period of time called the Day of Brahma, which is composed of a thousand yuga cycles. Matthew Yglesias » The Gaza Tunnels
  • No pomegranate seeds, that was the rule, though it would be difficult to fend off the repeated offers. THE GOSPEL MAKERS
  • In the back are pots containing a fruit paradise of quinces, medlars, lemons, pomegranates, citrons, even a limequat that apparently makes a mean marmalade.
  • Every child comes with the message that God is not yet discouraged of man. Rabindranath Tagore 
  • Besides the usual bitters, vermouths and liqueurs, bartenders usually had a choice of sweeteners: simple syrup, grenadine which, if it's the real thing, is pomegranate syrup and raspberry syrup. Cocktails That Complete Me: The Knickerbocker and Blinker
  • A forage barn and granary is usually built to hold a fortnight's supply, and a chaff-cutter driven by horse power is fixed close by. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 3, Part 1, Slice 3 "Banks" to "Bassoon"
  • Mamirauá: Because of flooding, much of the wildlife, except for the ichthyofauna, is higher in endemism than diversity, especially in the campinaranas. Central Amazonian Conservation Complex, Brazil
  • And yet the name linden was writ large on those trees, -- on the beautiful gray bark, the alternate method of twig arrangement, the fat red winter buds, which shone in the sunshine like rubies, and especially on the little cymes of pendulous, pea-like fruit, each cyme attached to its membranaceous bract or wing. Some Winter Days in Iowa
  • There was no tenderness on bony palpation over the paranasal sinuses.
  • I had ended up with two large bottles of water, four Granny Smiths, a loaf of granary bread and a jar of lemon curd.
  • Well I did read that the granadilla tends to deteriorate quickly shortly after harvest. Me and my granadilla..
  • She was clad in brocades befitting Kings; her breasts were like twin pomegranates, a woven zone set with all kinds of jewels tightly clasped her waist which expanded below into jutting hips; and her hinder cheeks stood out as a mound of crystal185 supporting a silvern shaft. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • paranasal sinus
  • By 1912 the term pomegranate, or Pommy Grant (especially relevant to the ruddy-faced English migrants) had taken its place alongside Jimmy Grant as insults for newcomers or new chums.
  • We read this image afresh through the author's eyes, seeing how to interpret the crucifix which is at the heart of Luther's service of the word, as well as a constant presence in Cranach's altarpieces.
  • Finally Jentilisa reports that young reservists of the army who fought by Rajoelina's side early in the crisis are now demanding that Rajoelina keep his promises (mg):. .ny rezervista tanora, nitolona tamin'ny andron'ny TGV, hidina an-dalambe izy ireo hitondra sora-baventy satria tsy tanteraka ny fampanantenana natao tamin'izy ireo, toy ny hanomezana asa ho azy ireo tahaka ny hoe fampidirana azy ho miaramila ary hotsinjovina manokana ny rezervista nanohana ny tolona. Madagascar Delegation Barred from UN General Assembly Stage
  • The 15,000-strong rebel group has participated in peace talks with President Andres Pastrana but has refused to sign a ceasefire.
  • The plant produces small berry-like fruit called granadilla or water lemon. CreationWiki - Recent changes [en]
  • The usual ingredients are aatop rice, ground glass, a spice called taal magna, a resin-like material called ranamastaki, a fragrant cardamom-like spice called tosh, powdered ruby and lapis lazuli and, in some cases, even diamond dust. The Telegraph - Calcutta (Kolkata) - Frontpage
  • The classic Peranakan dish of chicken cooked with tar-black stuffed candlenuts is unbelievably delicious.
  • These little mints contain ginseng, gingko and guarana for a sweet boost of energy.
  • It will take genuine multilateralism and internationalism; radical innovations and new forms of collaboration with civil society and supranational institutions.
  • The chloroplasts with large grana stacks were seen in 50% of cases but none of the parameters significantly explained the occurrence.
  • I found my first students by sticking up posters in the streets of Granada. Times, Sunday Times
  • Nasal irritation, dryness, and rhinitis have been the most common complaints with intranasal calcitonin.25 As with all other treatments for osteoporosis, adequate intake of calcium and vitamin D is essential with calcitonin.
  • His magically dancing legs and sexy hip & waist originally came from the supranatural African instinctual rhythmicity.
  • Mejorana (marjoram) origanum onites: Along with thyme, marjoram is the ingredient in the traditional manojo de hirbas de olor - handful of fragrant herbs - mentioned in countless recipes for soups and stews. A Culinary Guide to Mexican Herbs: Las Hierbas de Cocina
  • Sri Aurobindo distinguished practices like pranam, which had “living value”, from “old forms” like sraddha for the dead or namaz, which he believed might eventually fall away Letters on Yoga, p. Archive 2009-08-01
  • I run down Courtenay Place, sidestepping someone as I swerve at speed onto Taranaki Street, passing the doctor's and the florist and leaping across the road beside the bookstore.
  • Coupled with tyrosine, the caffeine in guarana helps promote muscle performance and neurotransmitter regeneration.
  • We must break the present supranational controls over nation-states, by the financial oligarchy.
  • Depth of friendship does not depend on length of acquaintance. Rabindranath Tagore 
  • A yogi, should master himself eat salutary and moderate food, as well as practice pranayama.
  • New versions of existing vaccines: acellular pertussis vaccine (DTaP - 1997); intranasal influenza (2004) History of Vaccine Schedule
  • Frank Sheldon Anthony, a pioneering exponent of the New Zealand comic yarn, lived as a backblocks farmer in south Taranaki from the 1890s till 1924.
  • Try pomegranate, blueberry and acai. The Sun
  • This reward-lacking orchid is pollinated either by workers or drones of Apis cerana japonica which fix pollinaria on the scutellum.
  • Di acara santai-santai itu juga blogger nampak happy kerana dapat bersua muka dan bergambar. Teater
  • Their granaries were overflowing with plenitude; yet they wanted to keep the sharp famine-edge of their love undulled. WHEN GOD LAUGHS
  • There used to be Apis cerana, Apis dorsata, Apis florae and Apis mellifera. Venom
  • In yoga, the most powerful type of breathing is called pranayama, and its practice seeks to unify body and mind. The Source
  • You might consider trying to duplicate your institution's colors in the flower and candles, unless they are something like pomegranate and puce.
  • Yoga and breathing exercises help in getting rid of the spasm by loosening the muscles and maintaining balance of ‘prana’ throughout the body.
  • True, the Solamnics would never mention him or name Medan a hero, but Gerard guessed that if Laurana had died, the gallant Marshal had preceded her in death. Dragons Of A Vanished Moon
  • This story says that a Waitangi Tribunal report to be issued today will find that Taranaki Maori are entitled to a share of the profits from our oil and gas fields.
  • Plattsburgh, which is situated at both sides of the Saranac River. Journal of a Voyage across the Atlantic
  • Over a traditional Gujarati thali in a marquee on the lawn, we learnt how Maharana Vikramsinhji had seen off developers to preserve his estate as one of the few green lungs in the state of Gujarat.
  • That greedy _Ranatra_, who eats so much, and never looks a bit the more solid for his meals, crept up a reed and sunned his wings; the water-gnats skimmed and skated about, measuring the surface of the water with their long legs; the "boatmen" shot up and down till one was quite giddy, showing the white on their bodies, like swallows wheeling for their autumn-flight. Brothers of Pity and Other Tales of Beasts and Men
  • After the spirit of Covetousness has secured the bounties and luxuries of this life, the "sottish" Ahaz (Possessor) turns to the worship of Rimmon (Pomegranate), a god of agriculture and the fit representative of Gluttony. Milton's Angels
  • The Bhagavat Purana is full of stories of individuals who were ready to forgive the perpetrator for even the most grievous of offenses. Gadadhara Pandit Dasa: My Religion Is Better Than Yours
  • And here I am scoffing grapefruit, kiwi fruit, and granadilla in one sitting, plus muesli and yoghurt for breakfast - and I can't get enough of it. The Orange Problem
  • You can't cross the sea merely by standing and staring at the water. Rabindranath Tagore 
  • Yeltsin is taking shots from Communists, ultranationalists and even the progressive democrats who used to be his allies.
  • Treatment of idiopathic membranous nephropathy with the herb Astragalus membranaceus. Dr. Richard Palmquist: Using Herbs to Comfort Veterinary Cancer Patients
  • -- 1996, Apirana Turupa Ngata, Kt, MA, LLB, DLit, MP: Ana Tuhinga i Roto i te Reo Maori, nga etita ko Wiremu raua ko Te Ohorere Kaa, Victoria University Press, Wellington. Book & Print in New Zealand: A Guide to Print Culture in New Zealand
  • The Lolita Pomegranate Margarita and Martini glasses are sold individually, for about $25 each, and they come in beautiful "hatbox" - style packaging that needs no wrapping. Blisstree
  • I pray: ruega para mi he is my brujo lobo blanco he is my amor y arana and my prayers are as dark and as deep as his night as the hole he will fill with his eyes here in me laughing he opens my Williamsburg thighs. Williamsburg Poem
  • I think, perhaps here in Washington, we are overanalyzing the health care piece of this.
  • In addition to the palace, Granada gives off the air of a ‘real’ Spanish city with cobblestone streets, bullfighting arenas and winding streets.
  • The dry corn was stored in the granary by late November.
  • Cook only partially reported what Marana officials did when they gobbled up 1, 200 acres at Tangerine and Thornydale roads.
  • Canada, long known as the granary, is also the "woodyard" of the Empire, and had a wonderful display of pulp and paper covering a thousand square feet. The British Empire Exhibition, A Study in Geography, Resources, and Citizenship of the British Empire
  • Originally, natural dyes from amla, henna, pomegranate, indigo and turmeric were used to dye the silk.
  • It's like watching Good Will Hunting, when you talk to people who like to overanalyze thing, when Affleck gets humiliated for not having culture and Will shows everybody that the guys is just talking out of his ass. Lady Gaga’s “Telephone” Video Features the Pussy Wagon From Kill Bill | /Film
  • Amazingly, Branagh proves himself more than equal to the task, bringing a sunny boisterousness to Much Ado About Nothing that is both charming and fresh.
  • The granadilla is the fruit of a species of passion flower (Passiflora quadrangularis), often six to eight inches in diameter. Journal of a Lady of Quality; Being the Narrative of a Journey from Scotland to the West Indies, North Carolina, and Portugal, in the Years 1774 to 1776
  • It belonged to a Ford Granada parked alongside a blue and gold caravan, slightly travel-stained but otherwise in good condition. THE ONLY GAME
  • The pharmaceutical composition is mainly prepared by glabrous sarcandra herb, pomegranate rind and common ginger charcoal according to certain mix ratio by weight.
  • Pearls signify both tears and teeth; the latter are sometimes called hailstones, from their whiteness and moisture; the lips are cornelians or rubies; the gums, a pomegranate flower; the dark foliage of the myrtle is synonymous with the black hair of the beloved, or with the first down on the cheeks of puberty. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • Now we consider the primary species of dark matter as the neutralino, which might be a Majorana spinor field and act as its own anti-matter. Early Galaxy Pinpoints Reionization Era | Universe Today
  • Other than that, however, it is bare earth with occasional pomegranate, olive, apricot and other trees found near the buildings.
  • In the Roman period, below-ground silos are replaced by granaries, often with suspended floors supported on timber or stone posts.
  • The waves of the angry sea threw Lorana into her uncle, Koric, who held on to the oar with all his strength.
  • Winningham lived near Granada Hills High but got an opportunity transfer to study theater at Chatsworth.
  • The present-day areal extent of the province is highly asymmetric with most of the outcrop preserved today in the Parana basin, on the South American continent.
  • Two boiled eggs served with a slice of granary or wholemeal toast and a small glass of orange juice. The Sun
  • The latter arise from the paranasal sinuses and protrude into the nasopharynx through the sinus ostia.
  • Lynskey is now head of Taranaki Health's orthopaedic team.
  • The results of our pilot trial demonstrate that the administration of intranasal insulin stabilized or improved cognition, function and cerebral glucose metabolism for adults with aMCI or AD Alzheimer's disease, Suzanne Craft, of the Veterans Affairs Puget Sound Health Care System and the University of Washington School of Medicine, and colleagues said in a journal news release. Insulin spray may improve Alzheimer's symptoms
  • ¿Será cuando el ocaso sea venerado y el fuego imaginario de tus entrañas hambrientas te delate las pausas y las corridas? Cruda Diary Entry
  • The students were hoist by their own petards, however, as Granada decided to transmit the programme anyway.
  • Hence, these items are either procured from the nearest "kirana" store or from the nearby "small vendors" at a higher frequency in a week. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • This is about the appointment of a second chief executive to a Taranaki public health bureaucracy.
  • This was very baffling to his suit; but then these slumbers were accompanied by agreeable dreams, which completely inthralled the senses of the drowsy lover, so he continued to dream on, while all Granada scoffed at his infatuation, and groaned at the treasures lavished for a song. The Alhambra
  • The day after President Obama's big yearly speech to Congress and the American people, most pundits and talking-head types in the media are vying to outdo each other on stating "what it all means" or similar high-flown overanalysis. Chris Weigant: Obama's New Ideas
  • El Licenciado Lope de Leon su Padre, siendo uno de los mayores letrados de su tiempo, vino por Oidor a Sevilla, donde hizo oficio de Asistente, i en ella tuvo (para onra de nuestra Patria) este ilustre hijo, que siendo promovido luego ala chancilleria de Granada, nacio en ella, elano 1528 para engrandecer l 'Andaluzia la Nacion Espanola, i el mundo. Fray Luis de Leon
  • Rana, a Canadian of Pakistani origin, had put out an advertisement in English dailies asking youths willing to immigrate to US and Canada to appear for interview at a five-star hotel in Kochi last year. Top Headlines
  • The Old Granary 01929 552010, is an imposing former grain house overlooking the River Frome. Secret beaches of the south-west: Shipstal Beach< Dorset
  • Wednesday is a free day so Liz can wander the area on her own or take part in an optional trip with the group to Granada.
  • His latest film Peter's Friends is due out this week with Branagh serving as producer, director and star.
  • Cranach's woodcut known as Passional Christi und Antichristi is an illustration for Philipp Melanchthon's 1521 prayer book.
  • I started out with some fresh ricotta, added some sliced peaches and scraped all the gooey pulp out of my granadilla. Me and my granadilla..
  • More than a century ago, to give his womenfolk an illusory monsoon during the hottest months, a maharana created the Maids of Honour garden.
  • The Granada TV frontman is the master of ceremonies who will introduce an action-packed programme.
  • The other pins its hopes on the transformative power of a supranational politics that will gradually catch up with runaway markets.
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  • Granada Plus is giving us the chance to wallow in nostalgia by rerunning the series each weeknight.
  • The combination of these three physical faculties – the physical faculty for sentience, the physical faculty for self-awareness, and the physical faculty for a mind – is called the “internal agent” (nang-du byed-pa, Skt. anta: karana). Basic Tenets of the Samkhya and Yoga Schools of Indian Philosophy
  • On this island are palaces, palm trees, pomegranate orchards, and huge water buffalo.
  • Granada, in the heart of their great conquest; and it is a most beautiful church, of a mingled Saracenic plateresque Gothic, as the guide-books remind me, and extravagantly baroque as I myself found it. Familiar Spanish Travels
  • Breakfast: Two poached eggs on a slice of granary toast and a little butter with a glass of orange juice. The Sun
  • Of course, in the furrows and stubble of Branagh's pudgily perplexed face, all of this misery was an absolute delight. news, business, sport, the Daily Telegraph newspaper, Sunday Telegraph
  • There are the kiwi fruit, watery rose apple, carambola, passion fruit, eggfruit, figs, strawberry guava, lovi lovi, mangostein, pomegranate.
  • My girlfriend, Lisa, says I overanalyze my assignments.
  • From an inner pocket, Davichand Rana took an envelope with Sen Gupta 's name typed on it. TANK OF SERPENTS
  • Queen Ranavalona does not like darkness, so we condemned it at once -- unanimously -- for we could not for a moment tolerate anything with _darkness_ in it. The Fugitives The Tyrant Queen of Madagascar
  • Ana Arana is an investigative journalist who has reported extensively on Latin America.
  • This system of inner discovery begins with asana, sitting quietly in yogic posture, and pranayama, breath control.
  • Plus, those drinks often have a slew of other ingredients of dubious value, such as taurine, l-carnitine, guarana also a source of caffeine, and glucuronolactone. Coffee and kids
  • Plant an espaliered pomegranate or other fruit tree against a bare wall and train the branches into a living sculpture.
  • He says the government is trying to secure loans to build granaries and depots to store food to help the people through difficult times.
  • Sugar cane is also grown there and the whole region is known as ‘the granary of the sub continent’.
  • His magically dancing legs and sexy hip & waist originally came from the supranatural African instinctual rhythmicity.
  • Characteristic or common trees at lower elevations are, amongst others: Swietenia macrophylla, Apeiba membranacea, Bursera simaruba, Carapa guianensis, Casearia arborea, Cedrela odorata, Eugenia sp., Río Plátano Biosphere Reserve, Honduras
  • In short, a domestic policy of austerity would be anchored in a supranational regime, a regime designed to provide ‘stability’.
  • It can also be melted, vaporized, and inhaled intranasally, or smoked in a "base pipe," a process called "freebasing. Cocaine Toxicity
  • The event was deemed newsworthy, with this report appearing in the Taranaki Herald two days later.
  • It's the product of a stunted, overanalytical mind that demands unfairly that all ancient art, art which is by nature expressive and non-rational, must be reduced to purely non-religious origins and meanings, even when a religious interpretation is wholly unavoidable given a competent understanding of greater context. The myth of the secular

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