How To Use Ramshackle In A Sentence

  • There was no mail coach -- no driver in scarlet -- no mail guard -- no passengers, but only a ramshackle iron mail cart -- a "postboy" as driver and carrying no arms. The King's Post Being a volume of historical facts relating to the posts, mail coaches, coach roads, and railway mail services of and connected with the ancient city of Bristol from 1580 to the present time
  • There was no indoor tennis centre, just ramshackle old council courts and nowhere to have lessons. Times, Sunday Times
  • A makeshift wooden bridge is the only access to the ramshackle dwelling leading from the road.
  • Deep gullies run between the ramshackle dirt houses carrying away sewage in the open.
  • The opposition criticized the government's ramshackle economic policies.
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  • From afar the shanty towns resembled ramshackle collections of matchboxes.
  • Now, a tenement is not a building that is stuck up in a ramshackle way on one of the streets in the lowest ward of the city. Problems of Population
  • Various departments inhabit a ramshackle collection of buildings up and down Holloway Road, ranging through arts and crafts, neo-Georgian, brutalism and postmodernist junk.
  • About 100 kilometres away from the boma, a bare-footed lad trudged his way to a ramshackle school in Luumbo village down in the Gwembe valley.
  • The appropriate out - of - controlness started on a ramshackle ranch near Santa Fe, New Mexico.
  • Look you, Herr Doctor: months we have been on this cruise, yes, more than three months out of Heligoland, penned together in this ramshackle stinkpot, or isolated here in this God-forgotten hole, seeing nothing of life, hearing nothing of the world but what little the radio tells us -- sick of the very sight of one another's faces! The False Faces Further Adventures from the History of the Lone Wolf
  • The Blunt family home was a large, ramshackle house with an untended and brambly garden.
  • My favourite direction: 'You pass a ramshackle old farm with a very unfriendly dog but it is normally chained up. The Sun
  • It was a regular antheap all the way in, with the miners crawling over the tree-clad slopes, and the ceaseless thump of picks and scrape of shovels and ring of axes, and ramshackle huts and shanties and sluice-boxes everywhere, with dirty bearded fellows in slouch hats and galluses cussing and burrowing, and claim signs all along Sweetheart Mine, Crossbone Diggings, Damyereyes Gulch, and the like. Isabelle
  • You see, those wide-open spaces streaking past when you're rattling about on the train are ramshackle urban Edens.
  • There are more than 12,000 of these ramshackle little buildings across the island. The Sun
  • The works, while clear, are also ambiguous; a number look ramshackle, jerry-built, jumbled - even chaotic.
  • Cheap and cheerful in a neighbourhood that's full of life, with ramshackle old rum shacks and popular picnic areas. Times, Sunday Times
  • They joined with a ramshackle alliance of other rebels.
  • The bumpy road took us through ramshackle villages and dusty towns past waving schoolchildren in white uniforms. The Sun
  • The action of the play takes place in a remote ramshackle beach house built on sand dunes.
  • ‘We want to replace the current ramshackle building with one of the same size, with about ten per cent of the space used for aquatics,’ he said.
  • Nailed over the doorway of the ramshackle clapboard frontage of the building was a large rectangular sign.
  • Instead of fleeing he walked right into the house next door and calmly walked into a ramshackle apartment he had hired there.
  • To the south, athwart the mountain's lower slope, was a maze of byways and ramshackle housing for the native population.
  • Making Forty Mile with a view to dissipating his newly found wealth in a gormandizing "jag," he sent the settlers in that ramshackle camp into wild excitement by producing nuggets of a size hitherto unmatched. Colorado Jim
  • The bumpy road took us through ramshackle villages and dusty towns past waving schoolchildren in white uniforms. The Sun
  • Every time a shingle is added to the gimcrack, ramshackle governance structure that we're propping up, another door falls off its hinges. Archive 2009-04-01
  • He has since bought a degree of financial stability to the club, building new stands and converting the team's ramshackle old ground into an all-seater arena, renamed the Matchroom Stadium. Orient's Olympic-Sized Threat
  • It is a ramshackle building built on a terraced hillside in the middle of the woods, and looks like it may have been built at the first stages of settlement in the area. The Rainbow Clockwerkz
  • I am a sucker for rusty stuff - ramshackle windmills, a rotting singletree hanging on that hook where grandpa put it the last time he unhitched the team, plows, skillets, barbed wire.
  • I trudged over to a ramshackle building reminding me of a snack bar at our decrepit drive-in theater.
  • I reached his ramshackle lean-to, promptly leaned against my usual beam and opened the folded papers.
  • He lives in a ramshackle weatherboard house stuffed with musical instruments in Melbourne's eastern suburbs.
  • Ramshackle and slate-colored, the house gave the impression of being the biggest rock on a great big rock pile. It was the only house on a block dense with buildings.
  • We see him, at one point, sitting in a ramshackle hotel room in New Harmony, Ind., as his men stuff an American skunk for shipment back to his castle on the Rhine. From the Rhine to the Wild West
  • For $7, tourists sail off for a day's imbibing of stomach-churning mulberry wine on a ramshackle boat, boasting the loudest sound-system in the country.
  • In the same room, a strange, ramshackle structure of untreated timber and plywood juts from a wall. Ballardian » “Ambiguous aims”: a review of Crash: Homage to J.G. Ballard [NSFW]
  • Two of them landed next to a ramshackle building site and uniformed men hit the ground firing. Times, Sunday Times
  • His family, who live in a ramshackle house in which five people share a bedroom, said that they had often struggled for money. Times, Sunday Times
  • They pre-date the band's signing to Rough Trade and have a ramshackle charm, tenderness and vitality that can never be matched in a studio recording.
  • Sitting on one of the stonework terraces of the ramshackle Royal Caribbean Hotel, Lawson eyed a cocky little stinkpot chugging up toward Coastown under big mackerel clouds. The Season of the Machete
  • Although Uncle Roger lives in a small ramshackle cottage that looks more like a rat-infested hovel, Colin believes the man is a miser, and is sure there's money that has been stashed away.
  • “It was a frightful old trap; it rests flat on the axle; it is an actual fact that the seats were suspended inside it by leather thongs; the rain came into it; the wheels were rusted and eaten with moisture; it would not go much further than the tilbury; a regular ramshackle old stage-wagon; the gentleman would make a great mistake if he trusted himself to it,” etc., etc. Les Miserables
  • The dissidents need only look over their shoulders at the ramshackle wreckage of the last splintered, squabbling Government. The Sun
  • They entered the shop, which was a curious ramshackle building.
  • Now it is an endearingly ramshackle collection of wooden houses scattered over the hillside. THE EARTH: An Intimate History
  • In what seems to be an effort to prove the "impermanent" nature of our presence at Palmerola, the Pentagon has given the American side of the base an oddly ramshackle appearance — in contrast to the elegance of the Honduran establishment on the other side of the barbed fence. The Country of Nada
  • Many live in squalor, some in tent villages, others in ramshackle public buildings.
  • Of course the abductee lives in an ramshackle farmhouse on an island that gets surrounded by water as the tides come in.
  • There was no indoor tennis centre, just ramshackle old council courts and nowhere to have lessons. Times, Sunday Times
  • This served in a ramshackle old building with a clientele that look like backpackers. Times, Sunday Times
  • Off to one side was a gray, derelict, ramshackle house that looked ready to fall down.
  • It is at his ramshackle house that the game takes place, with Nora filling the men's glasses from time to time.
  • Although Uncle Roger lives in a small ramshackle cottage that looks more like a rat-infested hovel, Colin believes the man is a miser, and is sure there's money that has been stashed away.
  • In a ramshackle home-cum-studio, he drinks mescal, enjoys Mexican movies and radio, and avoids people and painting.
  • Every time a shingle is added to the gimcrack, ramshackle governance structure that we're propping up, another door falls off its hinges. Archive 2009-04-01
  • It was a fitting finale for a night of ramshackle invention. Times, Sunday Times
  • After 45 minutes, we arrive in the depths of a thick maple forest to find a collection of ramshackle wooden huts with smoking chimneys. Times, Sunday Times
  • The transformation from unelectable ramshackle to default party of power, was complete.
  • It's a winning fable about a bohemian family who live in a ramshackle house next to an incomplete stretch of motorway. Times, Sunday Times
  • a ramshackle old pier
  • The Blunt family home was a large, ramshackle house with an untended and brambly garden.
  • However, it's impossible not to be struck by the confidence of the production and the performers, who open the show as a ramshackle band plunking out a handful of traditional songs.
  • An American charity has launched the world's first slum theme park, complete with around 30 ramshackle hovels, a communal outdoor toilet and door-to-door detritus.
  • This ramshackle tin-roofed hole in the wall is located at the bottom of a small hill on Gip's scraggly lawn, which makes sense because juke joints are always found on the other side of the tracks in godforsaken places in the middle of nowhere. Margie Goldsmith: Driving the Alabama Tornado Away and Singing the Blues
  • Dying or not, Brooklyn was our despoiled, ramshackle, often darkly mysterious, occasionally downright venal playland. MY EMPIRE OF DIRT
  • They entered the shop, which was a curious ramshackle building.
  • It was almost incomprehensible to her that anyone could exist in this ramshackle environment, yet there were definite signs of life; not least of all the faint sound of chatter coming from up the road.
  • His design transports you to the gaudy, decrepit fairground, complete with working helter-skelter and carousel, and shows you the beauty in the ramshackle and ruinous.
  • a ramshackle antediluvian tenement
  • There was this conviction in Froude that since History is based on achievement, and since the history of the Antilles was so genetically corrupt, so depressing in its cycles of massacres, slavery, and indenture, a culture was inconceivable and nothing could ever be created in those ramshackle ports, those monotonously feudal sugar estates. Derek Walcott - Nobel Lecture
  • Tourists step on to the river bank beside a ramshackle green hut and walk along a towpath under a busy road bridge. Times, Sunday Times
  • In appearance it was a ramshackle assortment of buildings built at different times for various purposes - some with football in mind, others for the racing. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Main was little more than a ramshackle row of sausage-sandwich delis with butchered animals in the window.
  • I inhabit large but ramshackle houses whose roofs are crumbling and whose windows let in the rain. Times, Sunday Times
  • The action of the play takes place in a remote ramshackle beach house built on sand dunes.
  • The documents speak of the appalling state the Academy of Sciences was in after Razumovsky - ramshackle buildings, destitute academicians who, not unlike their counterparts today, went unpaid for years.
  • The dissidents need only look over their shoulders at the ramshackle wreckage of the last splintered, squabbling Government. The Sun
  • We don't want to be a ramshackle collection of individuals. Times, Sunday Times
  • I loitered in the courtyard watching the moon throw velvet shadows on the ramshackle palace. Exit the Actress
  • They are renting a remote, ramshackle house near the coast for the summer.
  • They entered the shop, which was a curious ramshackle building.
  • Families crowd into tiny, ramshackle homes and scrounge for food as well as soap, paper and other basics.
  • Tourists step on to the river bank beside a ramshackle green hut and walk along a towpath under a busy road bridge. Times, Sunday Times
  • It's like moving into a ramshackle house and doing it up the way you want. The Sun
  • What Lenkiewicz brings to the party is an eye for the ramshackle oddity of family life.
  • At the end of the corridor is a ramshackle guard post. In a Ruined Country
  • Wide expanses of countryside are uninhabited save for the occasional ramshackle farmhouse.
  • Television Personalities and those ramshackle strummers in The Pastels, the label managed to put out an amazing array of stellar records. Comments for BrightestYoungThings
  • Sheriffs' posses were sent from the mainland with arrest warrants, but Strang, with the help of his lieutenants, evaded capture by skirting the island's shores in a ramshackle boat.
  • The only thing standing between them and death is a discovered stash of tinned carrots and the morning dew they collect from the roofs of their ramshackle dwellings.
  • Here I was in this tiny ramshackle village, St Paul's, the complete antithesis of the metropolis.
  • It also is jeopardizing the transformation of this ramshackle beach hangout into a sparkling upscale resort.
  • They entered the shop, which was a curious ramshackle building.
  • Then a bit of back road took us past ramshackle sheds and the gilded gates of Cawton Cottage, which is huge and not a cottage.
  • Bud had a coydog that lived in chains in a ramshackle hut out back, part coyote, part alley mutt. Underworld
  • As he beds a procession of desperate chorus girls and barmaids, his long-suffering wife, Phoebe, drinks herself into oblivion in their ramshackle bedsit.
  • Most of the houses in the settlement still had ramshackle wooden or corrugated iron structures in their backyards.
  • It was a fitting finale for a night of ramshackle invention. Times, Sunday Times
  • They soon came to a small, ramshackle village and dismounted, Mishana struggling violently to be free.
  • The baile is at the top of the hill, where a bend in the street has created a large-enough space between ramshackle brick homes.
  • When I was a small child, we lived in a ramshackle house with an old pressed tin roof.
  • The opposition criticized the government's ramshackle economic policies.
  • Just upstream, behind a clump of trees rose a ramshackle spire; standing in dignified disrepair.
  • It may be only a row of ramshackle huts no bigger than garden sheds, but it suggests a cash economy growing beyond mere subsistence. Times, Sunday Times
  • I pass a ramshackle house where an old woman pulls feathers from a huge chicken. Times, Sunday Times
  • Deep gullies run between the ramshackle dirt houses carrying away sewage in the open.
  • The town is stuck with the same old ramshackle building.
  • Cabbage calls a red-eyed teenager out from the trees to run them through a ramshackle memory machine. Memory Wall
  • The hen house was a large ramshackle cage bounded by sagging wire and creosoted posts. She Closed Her Eyes
  • To have a ramshackle young woman from Hampstead patting her on the back as it were, in breezy certitude that quite soon she would improve, stirred her more deeply than anything had stirred her since her first discovery that Mr. Fisher was not what he seemed. The Enchanted April
  • The soldier entered the ramshackle beach house, which lay apart from the main camp of tents.
  • Cheap and cheerful in a neighbourhood that's full of life, with ramshackle old rum shacks and popular picnic areas. Times, Sunday Times
  • He is every flabby inch the ramshackle roisterer, who announces the keynote of his unbuttoned, spilling-over performance in his spluttering rejection of the notion that he "confine The Guardian World News
  • It's a winning fable about a bohemian family who live in a ramshackle house next to an incomplete stretch of motorway. Times, Sunday Times
  • There certainly looks little hope for a ramshackle back four which has leaked 12 goals in six games. The Sun
  • The poverty, the ramshackle buildings and the lawlessness made me so sad. The Sun
  • Lewis Blayse lives alone in a ramshackle house in the country.
  • As he beds a procession of desperate chorus girls and barmaids, his long-suffering wife, Phoebe, drinks herself into oblivion in their ramshackle bedsit.
  • We do not mean that they are a ramshackle collection of planks. Times, Sunday Times
  • Beyond the fence is an apparently ramshackle dwelling with a sagging roof and peeling white pigment on the sides.
  • Joan was just leaving the pretty hotel at Barbizon, meaning to put in some hours of work after a distracted morning, when Felix emerged from the interior of a ramshackle cab that had carried him from Melun to the edge of the forest. A Son of the Immortals
  • In May, a long period of heavy rain caused the Silie River, usually an inconspicuous trickle of water, to change into a roaring, ten-foot-tall tidal wave that one night swept ramshackle wooden shacks away like matchwood.
  • On the same night that the game's elite were tucking into a feast at the champions dinner, here was Daly selling merchandise over the counter of his ramshackle trailer.
  • Lazarus stood just inside the door to the gatehouse, a ramshackle building empty save for a nest of mice whose droppings could be seen strewn across the dusty floors and piled in untidy heaps by the wainscoting. Earl of Durkness
  • The bumpy road took us through ramshackle villages and dusty towns past waving schoolchildren in white uniforms. The Sun
  • There certainly looks little hope for a ramshackle back four which has leaked 12 goals in six games. The Sun
  • I was living in a ramshackle house that had been given an unenthusiastic upgrade.
  • The family home was a large, ramshackle house with an untended and brambly garden.
  • The action of the play takes place in a remote ramshackle beach house built on sand dunes.
  • They are followed into the ramshackle shanty town by the regular military police. The Sun
  • A ramshackle five-bedroom ranch in Sarasota, Florida, it stood out as maybe the shoddiest structure in a subdivision of stucco-over-block single-story homes on quarter-acre lots parceled off and built in the sixties and seventies. Freud’s Blind Spot
  • Borley Rectory, a rambling, ramshackle Victorian barn of a house, sprawled on an Essex hillside, had little to offer.

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