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How To Use Rake In A Sentence

  • The aerobrake - a huge, convex disc underneath the spacecraft - was producing friction with the Martian atmosphere.
  • Under the cover of darkness, exotic sports cars come alive with red-hot glowing brakes, flaming exhausts and sparks from contact as drivers battle both the elements and other drivers.
  • Yes, the gearbox was a bit saggy and I was alarmed at how much pressure the brake pedal needed to do an emergency stop, but other than this, all was well.
  • The driver braked abruptly, causing the car to skid a little.
  • The filler is on top of the box on a small square plate just in front of the hand brake drum.
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  • Most fault conditions will set a ABS fault code in the CAB (controller anti-lock brake), which can be retrieved to aid in fault diagnosis.
  • Drake, in his _Eboracum_, says (p. 7, Appendix), "I have been so frightened with stories of the barguest when I was a child, that I cannot help throwing away an etymology upon it. Traditions of Lancashire, Volume 1 (of 2)
  • April 2, 2009 3: 07 PM great interview ... and yes parakeet is a dakudaji blogger! Interview Thursday: "I’m particularly saddened about the state of women right issues in Nigeria" - Parakeet
  • Hits With a second chain brake system, this saw is extremely safe. Stihl MS 280 C-BQ chain saw
  • In the 1970's the two-way radio made a big difference in making up trains and the brakeman were no longer giving signals with lanterns and lighted fuzees.
  • I suggest you check that your stop lights work when you press the brake pedal.
  • With a screeching halt, the driver stepped on the brake just in front of the run-down apartment building that Adrian now called home.
  • The British Biologist Dr. Rupert Sheldrake introduced the concepts of Morphic Fields and Morphic Resonance in his revolutionary 1981 book A New Science of Life: The Hypothesis of Formative Causation.
  • Illness had put a brake on his progress.
  • Both ads use the same stock video of Cofield walking forlornly alongside her shuttered brake-pad production facility. Strickland goes negative in first campaign ad
  • Once inside the plant, the Car Repair Shop removed the brake equipment, renumbered it and it remained in service for many more years before it was scrapped.
  • A considerable amount of tax collection is now done, in effect, by casinos; rather than raise taxes to pay for services, legislatures legalize gambling and then take a rake-off from the profits earned by private casino companies. The Sack of Washington
  • Armstrong said the Spaniard's tyre had punctured as they braked for a corner.
  • I can't see so well, it's getting dark and the reeds are tall here, willowy reeds that slap your face when you climb down with your rake and cull and dreg the day. Dock
  • The latter acts as a very slow brake, or a very unresponsive gas pedal on the economy.
  • The BMW M6 has deeper front valance with air intakes for the engine and brakes, more contoured sills and rear valance that includes a diffuser to increase aerodynamic efficiency.
  • He/she can ‘play’ with the gearshift or release the parking brake.
  • Rake over and re-seed bare patches on the lawn and sow new lawns by the end of September.
  • She slammed on the brakes to try to avoid the dog.
  • Gwen essayed to follow with equal skill, but the stile was a very steep and awkward one, and she needed both hands to hold the drake. The Youngest Girl in the Fifth A School Story
  • He told how he was stopped behind a tipper truck with his handbrake on when he heard brakes screeching.
  • Sometimes they use rakes, which are especially harmful. Times, Sunday Times
  • There were skid marks on the road where a car had braked suddenly.
  • Then he arose and clomb the mast to see an there were any escape from that strait; and he would have loosed the sails; but the wind redoubled upon the ship and whirled her round thrice and drave her backwards; whereupon her rudder brake and she fell off towards a high mountain. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • Immediately Drake ran over to the group, thinking that the men were laughing and teasing her.
  • In the past, asbestos has been widely used by South African companies to produce a wide range of products, including gaskets, seals, brake linings, roofing sheets, gutters and other building products, waste pipes and flower pots.
  • Drake's eyes made a quick scan of the alley to ensure that no other threat lurked nearby, then his gaze returned to the man.
  • In juxtaposition, Mandrake welcomes blue jeans, Toms and houses a minimalist environment to sip a brewski. Girl at a Bar: The Birthday Bar Conundrum
  • Buy yourself a light, plastic rake to make it easy. Times, Sunday Times
  • ZL 40 Loader dual pipeline gas pushed oil disc brake system.
  • Install rotor, caliper, and wheel and tire assembly, then adjust parking brake shoes.
  • Those wishing to breed the baraband parakeet in captivity should house pairs separately in long, spacious aviaries so they don't become overly fat.
  • Myanmar's population is divided primarily into seven separate administrative states, in addition to the Burmans: the Chins, the Kachins, the Karens, the Kayahs, the Mons, the Arakenese and the Shans.
  • The big hitters will rake in tens of millions this summer alone. The Sun
  • When the driver takes his/her foot off the brake and puts it on the accelerator, the engine re-starts automatically and almost seamlessly.
  • This species also includes tobacco, poisonous belladonna, and the toxic plants herbane, mandrake, and jimson weeds.
  • They raked through every possible place to find the missing girl.
  • I would advise against riding the moped without testing the brakes first.
  • The new Mustang has disc brakes all round, a decided improvement on the original cars.
  • An original touch, however, is the shovel-grip handbrake, which saves space as well as feeling quite butch.
  • Garret fought the urge to squirm as he felt her eyes rake over him.
  • Ramsden is a good-tempered truth-seeker, not a malevolent muckraker.
  • Drake 12.148 reports a curious instance of polyphagia. Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine
  • Those two pilots physically wrestled the plane down with all four legs straining at the brakes. Times, Sunday Times
  • Nash tried to brake and the last thing I remember was his arm flinging out to try and stop me from flying out of the car.
  • You're supposed to put the handbrake on whenever you stop on a hill.
  • Often times these men received the titles of cads and rakes and the like.
  • Drake - unbelievably - spit at Quin, who managed to dodge the slimy gob.
  • We should not rake the current religious bias regnant in America today as necessarily universal for all cultures.
  • Diagraph spring pneumatic brake valve is widely used as control valve for tractor - trailer braking system.
  • The brakes don't seem to be working properly.
  • Procar is negotiating a number of agreements for the supply of control components, including the wheels, brake pads and suspension items.
  • Some senseless piece of this place be; Make me a mandrake, so I may groan here, THE CALLIGRAPHER
  • At about 2. 50pm on Wednesday, a light truck lost control on the slippery Hume Freeway between Arkells Lane and the Wandong exit, setting off a chain reaction when the car behind it slammed on the brakes, which in turn caused the car behind that to aquaplane straight into the car in front. Star News Group
  • Saturday nights, walked through the meadows and round by the mill and back home past the creek on Sunday afternoons, taken his seat in the brake for the annual outing, shuffled his way through the polka at the tradesmen's ball, and generally seized all legitimate opportunities for sporting with Amaryllis in the shade, has a hundred advantages which your successful careerer lacks. The Man Upstairs and Other Stories
  • There was a general murmur and Guilio Orsini grinned and raked in his winnings. THE KEYS OF HELL
  • Walsingham assigns assistant secretary and chief intelligencer John Shakespeare to investigate the scheme and quickly concludes the Drake plot is tied to the murder of a relative of the Queen Lady Blanche Howard, whose corpse mutilated with numerous stabbings was found in a London fire. Martyr-Rory Clements « The Merry Genre Go Round Reviews
  • But there was further drama when the crane's brakes failed and it slid into the cab of the lorry.
  • Their emblem of the Black Kraken, which the simple thought to represent a mere giant devilfish, actually depicted this pulsing, growing, black cloud of terror. Conan Of The Isles
  • Trash fluttered in the red glow of the brake light in the rearview.
  • -- Let us revenge this with our pikes, ere we become rakes: for the gods know, I speak this in _hunger_ for bread, and not in _thirst_ for _revenge_. The Philosophy of the Plays of Shakspere Unfolded
  • I raked my shaky hand through my uncombed, disheveled hair.
  • That extra tail-weight partly explains why the Octavia feels eager to point into a corner despite its soft and very comfortable springing, making it a surprisingly enjoyable car for a keen driver, apart from the overly snatchy brakes.
  • The brakes consisted of two inefficient rear brakes and one transmission front brake, usually full of oil.
  • The Bertram 31 and its prototype were designed with a remarkable 23-degree angle of deadrise at the transom with three lifting strakes on each side from the keel to the chine.
  • We gathered round the boat with all the sense of adventure of Drake rounding the Horn.
  • The reelman — a most important member of this team— will release the brake as the beltman places his belt.
  • Fishing the Drake hatch in late May is somewhat of a festival.
  • Weedy John keeps being called a walking pustule by everyone, though Joseph Drake's skin seems to be a pimple-free zone. Reasons to Be Pretty; Juno and the Paycock; The Lion in Winter – review
  • It stretches the powers of even the most experienced muckrakers and soapbox haranguers to find the least routine and boring bits of nonsense to present to us as the news.
  • Compared with electromagnetic braking (EMBr) ruler, the brake effect of the the jet–pattern magnetic field on the flow discharged from the nozzle and the flow at the meniscus are the better.
  • It's like we're doing 55 down the highway and then someone applies the brakes. mang This Week In Trailers: Valhalla Rising, Reel Injun, Black Field, Oil City Confidential | /Film
  • We are a company specialized in manufacturing brake calipers, master brake cylinder, wheel cylinder and other chassis parts.
  • His agent raked a quarter off everything he earned this time.
  • His tachograph showed that the brakes had not been applied at all, said the prosecutor.
  • He cut a right rear tire on lap 94, putting him 12 laps down because the brake caliper broke off the housing.
  • "The transmission is shot, the brakes are on their last legs, and all things considered I don't think a person as successful as you should be tooling around in a beat-up old junker like this," the car will good-naturedly inform the owner.
  • Granular parakeratosis (GP) is an uncommon, benign cutaneous eruption of intertriginous areas that represents a distinctive clinicopathologic entity.
  • Neither accelerator nor brake is fierce, the steering is accurate but requires no great effort.
  • Sheila Jones is indisposed, so the part of the Countess will be sung tonight by Della Drake.
  • This bacterium is primarily carried by birds such as parakeets, parrots, pigeons, turkeys, and ducks.
  • All the miracle of sails; the steady foresail; the sensitive jibs; the press canvas delicate as bubbles; the reliable main; the bluff topsails; topgallants like eager horses; the impertinent skysails; the jaunty moonraker, were just canvas stretched on poles. The Wind Bloweth
  • And that will put a brake on industrial well-being.
  • Here are to be found not only the silks and pottery, the Jewish goldsmiths 'work, the arms and embroidered saddlery which the city itself produces, but "morocco" from Marrakech, rugs, tent-hangings and matting from Rabat and Salé, grain baskets from In Morocco
  • At the rear, the taillight clusters are stacked vertically, positioned high out of harm's way, and a high-level brake light is integrated into the roofline above the two rear doors.
  • You tend to dwell on the past and rake up old issues which open old wounds and bring fresh pain in relationships.
  • In front of our building was a patch of raked gravel with flowerbeds full of geraniums and palm plants.
  • They rake in money from other scams too. The Sun
  • So Parliament offers no forum for considered debate and no brake on the unbridled ambition of an unscrupulous Prime Minister.
  • He would accelerate, then pull the handbrake up and then he would have to keep really good control of the steering wheel as the car spun round.
  • The Government is determined to put a brake on public spending.
  • But it switches off when cruising and is recharged when the car slows or brakes. The Sun
  • The steering system is lighter and more compact than a steering column and rack and the brakes occupy the same space as a conventional caliper.
  • Or you can set the adaptive cruise control to maintain a selected safe distance, get too close and the car automatically brakes for you. The Sun
  • Simulation results show that the system based on neural network is superior to a conventional system in the aspects of robustness and brake efficiency.
  • But a friend who worked as a car mechanic insisted the brakes had another 15,000 miles of wear on them.
  • Remember, back-pedal to brake (counter-intuitive to my brain I think, but I managed).
  • He threw away the empty magazine, snapped on a third, turned towards the huts and raked them with fire. TANK OF SERPENTS
  • Christopher Barreca's set is a round arena behind which stretches a steeply raked platform, half of which sometimes turns into a set of stairs.
  • In southern Florida, utility companies now grapple with monk parakeets and the massive, nettlesome nests they build atop transmission poles.
  • With the looping left-right into the semicircular end-turn coming up fast, go hard on the brakes, and turn in firmly before pushing up the power again to aim for the exit.
  • The author suggests that the mandrake tradition may have originated in Persia, and other plants may have been previously similarly used in Northern Europe (e.g. bryony, Bryonia dioica) and in China (ginseng, Panax ginseng).
  • One thing that dramatically influences aerobrake design is the GN&C of the vehicle. Why the Moon? Here's Why. - NASA Watch
  • Dig in some compost or well-rotted horse manure (fresh manure will damage the plants) and rake level, removing any large stones.
  • Check your bicycle brakes before you ride.
  • On the wall behind the three people there is a hayfork and rake.
  • But as I was coming in to land, I went through some turbulence and, as I tried to brake, one side of the canopy collapsed and I went cartwheeling out of control.
  • The operation of the handbrake, steering, brake and clutch oozes quality, and the fittings are impressive.
  • It connects with engine electronics and beeps when the driver brakes hard, takes a corner fast or accelerates quickly.
  • I couldn't pull over without forcing some one else to brake and I simply didn't have the power to get away.
  • ‘The new alloy is ideal for high-temperature cast components used in engines such as pistons, connecting rods, actuators, brake calipers and rotors,’ said Lee.
  • The bonnet and boot lid are carbon fibre and the brakes carbon ceramic Why should I care? Times, Sunday Times
  • [grund] sele, 2140. grund-wang, st. m., _ground surface, lowest surface_: þone grund-wong (_bottom of the sea_), 1497; (bottom of the drake's cave), 2772, Beowulf
  • I braked at the second corner and changed down to third.
  • A duck (of either gender - the term drake is not used in a culinary context) is usually six months old or more, while a duckling is younger.
  • Minister of Foreign Affairs Pik Botha acted as a "handbrake" on cross-border military raids by the South African Defence Force when he served on the State Security Council, he said on Wednesday. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • But when they park the bus at the Nou Camp they must remember to leave the handbrake off. The Sun
  • The talk was by Abby Drake, then a grad student, and reported on a huge digital morphometric comparison of the skulls of dogs and many representatives from the order Carnivora dogs, cats, bears, sea lions, etc. "Intraspecific macroevolution" within domestic dog breeds - The Panda's Thumb
  • Don't be surprised if your child wants to put the brakes on the process once she has told you.
  • The basis of this weekly Robin installment is Baldeon's full-page image (click on thumbnail to the right) of the current Robin (Tim Drake) and the original Robin, now Nightwing (Dick Grayson), about to confront each other over ... well, some pool of immortality thing -- I wasn't really following. Archive 2008-04-01
  • The Scoop: Almost 30 years after the first fantasy film, Perseus, mortal son of Greek god Zeus, is back to take on Medusa and the Kraken to stop their evil from spreading to earth and the heavens.
  • Their steeply raked windshields and low seats gave them a track-ready look but made them awkward to use (though they are comfortable enough once you're inside).
  • I can still see him, just, brake lights winking as he catches up with a line of cars ahead.
  • It was Godfrey that straked him out all alone on this table. Old Man Savarin and Other Stories
  • It was underpowered, the brakes were very mushy, and the styling and interior were very blah.
  • The babymoon culminates with dinner for two and a half on the beach, all heartshaped raked sands and napkin art. Times, Sunday Times
  • As the programme changed, the room filled with the screech of brakes and rapid gunfire of a pseudo Western. PRETTY MAIDS ALL IN A ROW
  • It has a punchy 1.6 litre petrol engine and lots of useful gadgets, including an electric handbrake and automatic lights and wipers, as well as lots of useful storage space.
  • It will target cyclists who flout road regulations by, for example, riding without lights or having faulty brakes.
  • (The most straight lines i could find in my photos of some harakeke or flax (phormium tenax) that of course aren't straight at all) Expectations, bottom lines and other geometry
  • Adam slammed on the brakes when he got a glimpse of the animals milling around in a large lot.
  • The community should provide adequate programs to help juvenile delinquents setup criminal lexus company brick rear donation school stuff direct detective cover factory brake pony cement man church admission feet attack sim politics tiger audi boyfriend home actor flat blast keyboard wolf case display samurai technologies laptop acura block monte will read it later. Firefighters Union Initially Snubbed Giuliani For "Disgraceful Lack Of Respect" After 9/11...And Other Campaign Updates
  • The executive jet settled on its main wheels and braked sharply as the thrust-reverse and spoilers were deployed.
  • He worked on the railways as a guard, riding at the end of the train in a wooden wagon, the brake van. The Times Literary Supplement
  • If you want a faster front crawl, hold your fingers apart like a rake, not together like a paddle. Times, Sunday Times
  • His nightmare was based on once when his brakes nearly failed going along Clapham Common.
  • Only this bike offers adjustability for toe-in in its road brakes via concave/convex washers.
  • He rakes the newspaper before breakfast every day.
  • In the spring I use the rake to make a good seed bed.
  • Fig. 9, A side view of rimmed hoop wh A strake, which is the short ifoi with which the common wheel is rung. A Treatise on Carriages: Comprehending Coaches, Chariots, Phaetons ...
  • HOFFER: And it has a kind of muckrake -- or a sort of -- you know, muckrakers at the beginning of the 20th century were attacking the robber barons, the great industries, for their abuses, the way they abused their workers, they way they abused public trust, and so on. Past Imperfect: Facts, Fictions, Fraud American History from Bancroft and Parkman To Ambrose, Bellesiles, Ellis and Goodwin
  • On the water, handfuls of gaudy drakes, cloaked in vivid breeding plumage, jockey for position near sought-after hens.
  • A preliminary simulation of the air brake system of heavy haul train, the propagation characteristic of air wave in brake system of train and the effect of parameters on brake characteristic.
  • Applying increasing pressure on the brakes with 3,000 feet of runway to go, we felt a strong thump below the jet.
  • The strakes provide an aerodynamic balance to offset the effect of the radome on the upper surface of the fuselage.
  • There was no physical act on the part of D which caused the injury but rather an omission, i.e. his failure to apply the handbrake.
  • Damn same, i thought the kraken scene would kick ass in 3d. REVIEW: Clash of the Titans « Giant Killer Squid - Film, Comics, News, Reviews and more
  • The Countryman debuts some tasteful updates to the styling language—the strake at the front fender, the turned-down corners of the of the grille—but at a glance, the Countryman looks like a Mini Cooper S that was Xeroxed at 130%. What Part of 'Mini' Did You Not Grasp, BMW?
  • What do the high-intensity headlights, anti-lock brake systems, global positioning screens and trunk- or hood-mounted light switches on your car have in common?
  • So, in a sense, the working state of pads will affect brake efficiency directly.
  • He shifted the lever into neutral and released the hand brake, then cranked the steering wheel as far to the right as he could.
  • I used to have some moonraker toys as well they were cool. Forums
  • It's not the 450 brake horsepower. Times, Sunday Times
  • A wave of claustrophobia hits her, and she slams her foot on the brake.
  • The game is spinoff from the Koihime † Musō: Doki — Otome Darake no Sangokushi Engi game, which has already been adapted into a television anime series (Koihime Muso) and a video anime. Anime Preview: Fall 2009 « Undercover
  • He would become an American or Australian Abraham, commanding like a monarch his flocks and his herds, his spotted and his ring-straked, his men-servants and his maids. Tess of the d'Urbervilles
  • This had just begun with Frank Drake's brief microwave observation of Epsilon Eridani and Tau-Ceti back in 1960 - Project Ozma.
  • The requirement to a brake of the lifting mechanism of a ladle crane is safety, reliability, without excessive shock.
  • Inside, Sparco race-style leather seats and black/blue leather steering wheel match with the aluminium handbrake, gear knobs and pedals.
  • From 1577 to 1580, Drake circumnavigated the world.
  • Greed and corruption is the formular that brakes down anything. Think Progress » U.S. Chamber of Commerce celebrates its ‘influence’ over Massachusetts Senate race.
  • Air brakes sprang from the hull and the plasma retros fired a controlled burst.
  • But it comes away pretty easily if you go at them with a sturdy rake.
  • Capt Yost continued the approach, skillfully aligning the aircraft with the runway using right rudder and fanning the speed-brakes once the landing was assured.
  • Within minutes of arriving at Crestwood Lake, we spotted a small group of green-wings, mostly drakes.
  • China one fifth of humanity braked its population growth, made a quantum leap from agrarian Marxism to industrial mercantilism, and thrived--largely because the U.S. was so open to being the "designated driver" of its export-centered growth strategy during this period. Ian Fletcher: Free Trade Isn't Helping World Poverty
  • I have no desire to rake over the past but we should have the right to refer to matters of historical record.
  • Cretan brake thus provides us a new plant material to study the mechanism of As - accumulation.
  • You could rake up the rubbish but a leaf blower would make much lighter work of it. The Sun
  • Take-off was delayed for around 90 minutes while engineers carried out safety checks and tested the brakes.
  • I'm a mover of opinions, if you will; a raker of muck, a gangster of political science, a lethal phrasemaker, a ... well you get the idea. Your Right Hand Thief
  • No one was in the car stepping on the brake pedal and after investigating, it became clear to me that for some reason the light was stuck on.
  • There were brake shoes acting both on the wheels and on the track.
  • No. If she were married she could have got out of that marriage with Rakewell on grounds of bigamy. THE RIVAL QUEENS: A COUNTESS ASHBY DE LA ZOUCHE MYSTERY
  • We stayed together, and landed on a dark, windy night with no airspeed indicator or brakes.
  • This is because applying the brake can lock the wheels and cause a skid. Times, Sunday Times
  • They are today known as Alexandrine Parakeets (Psittacula eupatria). SPIX'S MACAW: THE RACE TO SAVE THE WORLD'S RAREST BIRD
  • Call raked up a little sand and covered the chest wound with it, pulling aside his shirt. The Lonesome Dove Series
  • Then we go over the hay with this little tractor (my favorite) and an implement called a rake. (this photo doesn't show the rake) It goes down between two windrows that the swather makes and turns the hay over into the center, making a larger windrow. Making hay and a dog shirt...
  • Probably, he thought, peering out through struggling wind screen wipers at rows of brake lights ahead.
  • This was acting as a brake on much larger inflows of funds. Times, Sunday Times
  • Much easier, says one old-lady manufacturer to a smart young gigafund manager, for her to make and market her own product, and keep the money just like Mr. Doctorow, than for him to find and fund a hundred products and take a rake-off. The Author as Agent of Change
  • In addition to being effective in taking up a large amount of arsenic into its aboveground biomass in a relatively short period of time from soils containing arsenic of different concentrations and species, Brake fern also has many desirable attributes as a hyperaccumulating plant.
  • The Yamaha also has an engine brake, but it had a tendency to freewheel down hills a bit.
  • The uphill appear brake failure, should be timely reduction low block, keep the enough power up to the top parking.
  • -- The _chakwâ_, male, and _chakwî_, female, is the ruddy goose or sheldrake, known to Europeans as the Brâhmanî duck, _Anas casarca_ or _Casarca rutila_. Tales of the Punjab
  • The centre armrest is attached to the handbrake which is a neat idea and it opens up to reveal storage space for a mobile phone.
  • The steering is tauter, the brakes sharper and the whole car more grippy and planted.
  • The cutters can be produced with high positive rakes, which contribute to smooth surfaces and reduced burrs.
  • They are today known as Alexandrine Parakeets (Psittacula eupatria). SPIX'S MACAW: THE RACE TO SAVE THE WORLD'S RAREST BIRD
  • I couldn't repair your brakes, so I made your horn louder. Steven Wright 
  • Seat-mounted side-impact airbags, bundled with anti-lock brakes, are optional on the GXE and SE models.
  • Alcohol puts the brakes on fat burning. Times, Sunday Times
  • With the automatic transmission the brake is applied automatically whenever the ignition key is removed, and released whenever the gear selector is moved from the ‘park’ position.
  • On a bicycle, the rubber pincers on the hand brake squeeze the wheel rim; on a car, the brake pads squeeze against the wheels' rotors, slowing the rotation of the four rubber tires.

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