How To Use Rainy season In A Sentence

  • At the end of an hour, the ascent becoming every moment more abrupt, we had passed the belt of trees and bushes, and reached the smooth and scoriaceous cone, which, during the rainy season, appears from the bay to be covered with a velvety mantle of green. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 05, No. 30, April, 1860
  • Taking a natural view of the country, it is barren, sandy, and mountainous, interspersed with a few green spots, called oases, or made fertile by the inundation of some river in the rainy season. Incidents Connected with the Life of Selim Aga, A Native of Central Africa
  • Here, during the rainy season, rapid bubbling rivers flow along the bottoms of these chasms.
  • Each medicinal plant was procured in 3 batches obtained during the summer, rainy season, and winter, respectively.
  • The collapse occurred in the heavy downpours that marked the last two rainy seasons.
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  • To find the snakes, he wades - barefoot - in the knee-deep water of the Venezuelan llanos, the lowland savannah that is flooded each year during rainy season.
  • The rainy season is over, with its dull, monotonous grey skies and unpleasant humid rain.
  • The dam must be closed before the rainy season sets in, or all our labour will be lost.
  • If this is the reason for children to await rainy season, the youngsters have their plans chalked out to counter the tantalising chill in the air.
  • Those managing the illegal operations say that the rainy season is the peak period for removing trees from the forest.
  • With the rainy season, connections all along the cable need to be checked, and replaced if any water or corrosion is noted. Star Choice (Shaw)`
  • Although they prefer clear, fresh running water, they seasonally adapt to turbid water caused by runoff and flooding during the rainy season.
  • Latest reports say it is now the rainy season in Iraq, the tents are water-logged and troops sleeping on the floor in an aircraft hangar or in an airport until the tents dry out.
  • The number of nonbreeders was estimated from census data on the ratio of floaters to residents during the rainy season.
  • Getting it in sooner is ideal, but the rainy season can be quirky and no one knows this better than the farmers. Corn, beans and squash: the life cycle of the milpa
  • Once the rainy season began in April, malaria, yellow fever, typhoid and scurvy began to take their toll.
  • In the rainy season the clothesless children go to fetch water under a large leaf, which opens exactly as does a sheet of note-paper, and under this same sort of covering the grown people carry their wares. Insulinde: Experiences of a Naturalist's Wife in the Eastern Archipelago
  • Although the cotton plant can tolerate leaf damage and tip boring up to 50 per cent before yield is reduced, it is more susceptible to pest damage than most crops especially in the rainy season.
  • A story is still told fondly by elders in the regions of how in those days people used to bath in milk in the rainy season.
  • The western regions of the vast central African nation have been deluged by heavy downpours as the rainy season gets into full swing.
  • Unless they are speedily replaced, the road is liable to be interrupted in the first heavy downpours of the rainy season.
  • We should be on the cusp of the rainy season by then, inshallah, but I frankly wouldn't worry about rain geat. Fashion advice?
  • The unions want benefits, insurance and compensation for loss of income in the rainy season, when the mine becomes too dangerous and is shut down. Times, Sunday Times
  • This mission will be difficult since Liberia lacks everything, there are medical precautions to be taken (Yellow Fever vaccination compulsory, malaria treatment, cholera precautions are needed, no easily available safe drinking water, ...), accommodation is spartan and most of you will be camping out under tents in military camps under heavy rainfall (rainy season), transport is hazardous on almost inexistant roads. Tatsutahime Diary Entry
  • So this is confusing, since everything I read says SMA is a dry climate with humidity around 15% .... and yes, I've read it's higher in rainy season, but 85%? San Miguel de Allende Humidity
  • There are few roads, and some of these are impassable quagmires in the rainy season.
  • The farmers were racing against the rainy season, trying to gather in the summer crops.
  • A few final days in La Paz, a final 18 hour Bolivian flota ride, then a few sweaty days in Santa Cruz to meet up my my parents (first time I had seen them in almost a year!), and we were off for the next adventure: getting to Samaipata from Santa Cruz in the rainy season! Life blurs in constant motion « Wanderings
  • The unions want benefits, insurance and compensation for loss of income in the rainy season, when the mine becomes too dangerous and is shut down. Times, Sunday Times
  • All they could do was build the best possible shelters for themselves, before the rainy season began, while he did his best to ensure their survival and eventual escape from this benighted place.
  • Much more common in the rainy season, they tell me. Times, Sunday Times
  • Be prepared for more oppressive heat during the next two months as the dry weather will likely continue before entering the transition to the rainy season.
  • Once the rainy season began in April, malaria, yellow fever, typhoid and scurvy began to take their toll.
  • Egypt ") the Hebrew word is nahal, denoting a stream flowing rapidly in winter, or in the rainy season. Easton's Bible Dictionary
  • Because aedes aegypti is a weak flier, strong winds can push the mosquitoes far from their preferred habitat. 73 The arrival of the nortes coincided with the end of the rainy season, curtailing the breeding of any remaining mosquitoes until a new cycle could begin the following spring. Pestilence and Headcolds: Encountering Illness in Colonial Mexico
  • That it was of such importance he should go and return ere the rainy season commenced, he could not even afford a day, and that he knew, however cheerful I might talk about the matter, my heart would misgive me, when the time came for him to leave, I might not probably grant him permission to go, when it was of the most vital importance he should. Yr Ynys Unyg The Lonely Island
  • The only thing I didn't take into consideration was the fact that this was the rainy season. Times, Sunday Times
  • The pluviometer was inside the box, and therefore it would have been difficult to convince scientists that the clouds had not entirely skipped Remate de Males during the rainy season, unless the postmaster were to put the whole observatory under water by main force. In the Amazon Jungle Adventures in Remote Parts of the Upper Amazon River, Including a Sojourn Among Cannibal Indians
  • Mexico was already reeling from one of its wettest rainy seasons on record before it was battered by tropical storms this month. Times, Sunday Times
  • Drawn to freshly growing vegetation that sprouts during the rainy season, the giraffes can be seen in herds of 10 or 15, wrapping 18-inch black tongues (45-centimeter black tongues) around thorny acacia trees and combretum bush. Undefined
  • Hatching coincides with the onset of the rainy season and the concomitant flush of insect populations.
  • Anti-mosquito operations around hoggeries and at sites where migratory birds gather will be stepped up, particularly during the rainy season.
  • Rainwater can be collected in plenty during rainy seasons, but we waste it by allowing it to flow into the sea.
  • Currently, during March, in the middle of the rainy season, wood consumption for drying the tea is about 20 steres per day.
  • A major factor causing soil erosion in Zimbabwe is clean tillage involving the mouldboard plough which is often used too late (after the onset of the rainy season) and/or done too shallow (approx. 125 mm) because of a general lack of (suitable) draught animals. 1. Indigenous soil and water conservation in Africa.
  • In some cases, it might be possible to recharge aquifers by collecting precipitation during the rainy season in ponds or bunded fields - that would otherwise flow to the sea - and allow it to percolate down into the aquifer.
  • With the rainy season soon about to be busting out all over, however, he is likely to have other, equally urgent, priorities thrust upon him.
  • I had never lived anywhere that had a rainy season and could not imagine that I would open my shoe closet one day to find all my shoes a fuzzy shade of pale green.
  • The first thing that caught my eye was a neatly arranged pile of jicama, not because they are especially attractive (they're not) but because jicama is one of the signs that the seasons are changing and the produce that grew during the rainy season is being harvested for fall and winter. Jicama: a sign of changing culinary seasons in Mexico
  • The unions want benefits, insurance and compensation for loss of income in the rainy season, when the mine becomes too dangerous and is shut down. Times, Sunday Times
  • The rainy season has already begun, making access to displaced families increasingly difficult.
  • On the edges of the cities families huddle together in corrugated iron shacks, and the streets are ankle-deep in water during the rainy season.
  • In the rainy season the roads become a quagmire.
  • This acronical rising has led to the association of the group with the rainy season, and with floods. The Astronomy of the Bible An Elementary Commentary on the Astronomical References of Holy Scripture
  • The islands become greener as the rainy season begins. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Buddha and his monks were peripatetic for much of the year, but gathered together in separate monasteries for the four months of the rainy season retreat, during the North Indian monsoon.
  • The mighty River had been having one the great rainy seasons, and the was transformed. Times, Sunday Times
  • The school is run in an old shop and it floods to 5ft in the rainy season. Times, Sunday Times
  • The railway was plagued early on by frequent landslides and washouts, especially during the severe rainy season of 1979.
  • The pooja is to calm down the ferocious sea of the rainy season. Archive 2008-08-01
  • The work is scheduled to begin upriver, to protect the lake from aquatic weeds washed downriver during the height of the coming rainy season. Lake Chapala and Mexico
  • The beginning of the rainy season has made some roads impassable and the presence of militias make it dangerous to travel.
  • Originally, the community of bhikus was a mendicant order which travelled extensively, other than during the rainy season, and required only limited necessities.
  • However, he said, that now that the rainy season has ended, physical border demarcation is possible even in the disputed areas. Rising Tension And Frustration As Sudan Referendum Nears
  • Drawn to freshly growing vegetation that sprouts during the rainy season, the giraffes can be seen in herds of 10 or 15, wrapping 45cm black tongues around thorny acacia trees and combretum bush. Taipei Times
  • The unions want benefits, insurance and compensation for loss of income in the rainy season, when the mine becomes too dangerous and is shut down. Times, Sunday Times
  • The rainy season has set in.
  • There are two dry seasons and two rainy seasons, but the equatorial climate is very hot and humid year-round.
  • Floods and landslides have hit many cities and towns across the country since December during this delayed rainy season, leaving dozens of people drowned or buried under mudslides and rockfalls.
  • The area is situated on deep Kalahari sands of aeolian origin (locally known as Barotse sands), which are waterlogged in the rainy season and extremely dry during the rest of the year. Western Zambezian grasslands
  • It actually started out as one of my more brilliant artsy-craftsy inventions, born during an extra long rainy season.
  • In August the government said it intended to resettle peasants on 800 farms before the start of the rainy season in November.
  • Cuckoos were sighted and heard mostly at Los Naranjos at the beginning of June in the middle of the rainy season.
  • It may be on geological fault lines, and there is always a risk of surface rockslides, especially in Peru's rainy season.
  • The houses are built on stilts to prevent flooding during the rainy season.
  • In the rainy season, daily downpours turn the potholes into puddles as big as ponds. Times, Sunday Times
  • Young men tending camel herds during the rainy season may drink up to ten quarts of milk a day.
  • San Pancho's main street is cobblestoned, which is a true luxury in Mexico, especially in the rainy season. Playa San Francisco: San Pancho for music and art
  • Namibia Construction is building an 800 metre bridge which will elevate the road above the two drifts that have caused wash-outs in past rainy seasons.
  • A legend passed down by generations says that there was a little white dragon in the celestial lake who often amused itself by stirring the water and induced a lot of flash flood in the rainy season.
  • In the winter they rise higher, showing some connexion with the rainy season in the _rainy_ region. Travels in the Great Desert of Sahara, in the Years of 1845 and 1846
  • They should not have waited so long when the rainy season is upon us to dredge rivers and prepare for flooding.
  • Rainy season really started with a vengeance today, so the walk to the station was a little damp as it was raining and humid.
  • The rate of infection has accelerated dramatically with the onset of the rainy season.
  • A typical field in southside Jamaica would be "holed" or laid off in furrows between March and June, planted in the height of the rainy season between American Negro Slavery A Survey of the Supply, Employment and Control of Negro Labor as Determined by the Plantation Regime
  • The farmers were racing against the rainy season, trying to gather in the summer crops.
  • The rainy season in the Andes normally starts in December.
  • The maximum incidence in Pune occurred in winter and the minimum in the rainy season 40.
  • In the rainy season, daily downpours turn the potholes into puddles as big as ponds. Times, Sunday Times
  • With good organization and cooperation, the group will successfully process and market their high-quality, rainy season coffee to Europe and the US, where it will be roasted and sold.
  • Here, during the rainy season, rapid bubbling rivers flow along the bottoms of these chasms.
  • The unions want benefits, insurance and compensation for loss of income in the rainy season, when the mine becomes too dangerous and is shut down. Times, Sunday Times
  • The flyovers occur twice a year, before and after the summer rainy season.
  • Birds thrive in times of drought, both in their general health and in regard to parturition, and this is especially the case with the cushat; fishes, however, with a few exceptions, thrive best in rainy weather; on the contrary rainy seasons are bad for birds-and so by the way is much drinking-and drought is bad for fishes. The History of Animals
  • The collapse occurred in the heavy downpours that marked the last two rainy seasons.
  • The rainy season is over, with its dull, monotonous grey skies and unpleasant humid rain.
  • The western regions of the vast central African nation have been deluged by heavy downpours as the rainy season gets into full swing.
  • In the rainy season, daily downpours turn the potholes into puddles as big as ponds. Times, Sunday Times
  • It's not even the rainy season - or what we used to qualify as the rainy season, as if we knew anything about it in the first place - but the storms are stacked up out over the Pacific like pool balls on a billiard table and not a pocket in sight.
  • Each subsequent rainy season left a slowly growing number of locals stricken with the classic symptoms of fever and nausea.
  • Fruit maturation is slow and occurs during the rainy season (July - October).
  • The rainy season was unusually erratic that year in Wind Dance, and Eider had been caught unprepared for a storm of such force.
  • The rainy season has set in.
  • Let's hope that when the rainy season returns it will quickly lose its newfound tan.
  • This is in sharp contrast to the rainy season, when the raging water yearly bursts its banks and floods thousands of houses near the river.
  • I'm from Seattle where it rains all of the time and the humidity is always high during the rainy season. Dehumidifier
  • Its rainy season renders roads impassable and requires all aid to be delivered by plane. Christianity Today
  • The fastigium of weed occurrence was 20-40 days after the new root planting or old root harvest in water sugarcane land, while 20-50 days after the rainy season begin in arid sugarcane land.
  • The village lay a few latitudes above the equator and was now enjoying what the northerners might call a mild winter but for southerners, it was simply the rainy season.
  • In order to make these roads passable during rainy season, grading them to murram status is ongoing.
  • Be prepared for more oppressive heat during the next two months as the dry weather will likely continue before entering the transition to the rainy season.
  • For pod and seed production planting is usually on the flat and the seeds are dibbed in holes about 2.5 cm deep, at the beginning of the rainy season. Chapter 35
  • It was during the rainy season in 1533, an auspicious time for a coronation, and thousands of people were packed into the main plaza of Cusco to celebrate the arrival of their new teenage king.
  • The unions want benefits, insurance and compensation for loss of income in the rainy season, when the mine becomes too dangerous and is shut down. Times, Sunday Times
  • The rainy season has failed for two years running and there is now no prospect of any improvement until next year. Times, Sunday Times
  • At the start of rainy season, wildebeest gather in the Serengeti for their summer migration, and outfitters discount trips for those willing to deal with mud.
  • Have you harvested your crops? It'll be rainy season.
  • Unforgiving dry, and tempestuous rainy seasons ensure that mankind's foothold here will forever be tenuous.
  • It is rainy season, and many queued clutching umbrellas in the light morning drizzle. Times, Sunday Times
  • Less than 25 percent of those eggs would hatch in the wild, with the rest eaten by monitor lizards and feral wild pigs or drowned by rainy season floods.
  • These roads all had crushed laterite surfaces, but none were reliable for year-round travel, primarily because of flooding during the rainy season.
  • Once the rainy season began in April, malaria, yellow fever, typhoid and scurvy began to take their toll.
  • The hospital is set up simply, with multiple small buildings connected by a network of outdoor paths (covered by tin roofing to keep things dry during the rainy season). Schools and hospitals
  • Rolex Dela Pena/European Pressphoto Agency REUSE AND RECYCLE: A boy collected recyclable material from mounds of uncollected trash that have been a major cause of flooding during the rainy season at a riverside community in Quezon City, Philippines, Thursday. Photos of the Day: May 26
  • Here, during the rainy season, rapid bubbling rivers flow along the bottom of these chasms.
  • The rainy season was so heavy following the drought that it destroyed the second crop and the harvest was so poor that one man in the village hung himself.
  • The rainy season in the Andes normally starts in December.
  • It actually started out as one of my more brilliant artsy-craftsy inventions, born during an extra long rainy season.
  • It is used for corn in the dry months and for palay (paddy rice) during the rainy season. Mindanao's Forgotten Refugees
  • It has been observed that during the rainy season, most water sources become polluted and clean water is hard to find.
  • The tree itself is about 24 feet high, with, opposite trifoliated leaves, and large white blossoms, which appear throughout the year, but are in greatest abundance during the rainy season. The Commercial Products of the Vegetable Kingdom Considered in Their Various Uses to Man and in Their Relation to the Arts and Manufactures; Forming a Practical Treatise & Handbook of Reference for the Colonist, Manufacturer, Merchant, and Consumer, o
  • Jenny was concerned that the illnesses could spread further to other areas if sanitation at temporary shelters was not improved or possibly deteriorated during the rainy season.
  • Moreover, rainfall is highly variable, and the start and end of the two rainy seasons are unreliable.
  • This move is bound to jeopardise the flow of the Brahmaputra, the lifeline of the Assam valley, causing devastating floods during the rainy season.
  • During the rainy season the roof leaks. The Sun
  • In the rainy season the roads become a quagmire.

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