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How To Use Rainwater In A Sentence

  • Sewers overflowed and mixed with rainwater and entered houses through drain pipes.
  • The waste water is kept entirely separate from the rainwater.
  • Alifabs Ambassador extruded aluminium fascia gutter and rainwater system is the design ideal for both new and existing buildings.
  • There's a channel in the middle of the old street to help rainwater flow away.
  • The effect of the cold rainwater soaking his collar from the inspector's awkwardly held umbrella had diminished. THE LAST RAVEN
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  • Rainwater typically has very low hardness levels, which reduces the use of soaps and detergents, and eliminates the need for a water softener.
  • In the Eklakhi Tomb we see for the first time an Islamic curved roof inspired from the bamboo version, and the slight slope on the roof is a departure from traditional cubical construction and served to throw off rainwater.
  • Previously they were left to lie fallow allowing rainwater to collect in the plough furrows.
  • In keeping with a project goal to make greening strategies visible to the public, the rainwater not retained by the vegetated roof is directed via surface runnels to water storage.
  • The resin found its way into the trading estate's balancing pond, which catches rainwater from roofs and car parks.
  • They came to the creek-bed bordered by salmonberry and horsetails, where the rushing waters had begun to rejuvenate with the infusion of October rainwater. The Good House
  • Glassed swale, which is widely used in urban stormwater management is an ecological facility of rainwater collection, convey and purification.
  • Though the roof has been mended,the rainwater is still running in.
  • The source of the dampness penetration can be - and must be - eradicated and quite clearly this will require simply replacing the defective rainwater downpipes.
  • There is information on rainwater harvesting, roof water collection, a chart of wastage caused by unintentional use of water, and how to prevent this by simple methods such as stopping a faucet from leaking.
  • The earth could not absorb the rainwater; as a result groundwater aquifers could not recharge.
  • It's a common problem to most cities, especially those with combined sewers, like ours that trap rushing rainwater.
  • However, even an unpolluted atmosphere may contain a variety of acidic and alkaline substances so that the pH of rainwater may be quite different from 5.6.
  • The conservatories are humidified with rainwater.
  • I wandered around a bit and ended up by the two big tanks that collect rainwater from our roof.
  • Let the rainwater run through this pipe.
  • Or they're covered in clouds, and looking to see if they're there means an eyeful of rainwater.
  • I wandered around a bit and ended up by the two big tanks that collect rainwater from our roof.
  • Let the pots stand in a saucer of water, ideally rainwater, then let them dry off a bit over the winter.
  • The architect ensured that some rainwater would go into the soil by specifying permeable grid pavers.
  • Airproof aluminum profile and aluminum board are combined firmly around to withstand rainwater penetration.
  • The problem with rainwater reclamation is that usually the optimal storage is 10 days. Ccfinlay: A few blocks away from where I work, a d
  • The proposal for digging rain pits to store rainwater may look good on paper.
  • The girls had the distinction of being successful rainwater harvesters.
  • Uncontaminated surface water run-off and rainwater from roofs shall be collected separately from slurry and shall be disposed of directly to the nearest drain, ditch, soakpit or watercourse.
  • And their tanks are rainwater tanks and so the amount of water they receive from our header tanks is basically just enough to subsist on until the next big rain event.
  • All concrete surfaces should be pierced at regular distances so that rainwater percolates into the ground.
  • The point he has missed is, a large percentage of India's surface area is still in villages where rainwater recharges the soil much more than it does in urban agglomerates.
  • You look at the average lot size, some 500 to 600 square metres, it starts to get very challenging fitting a rainwater tank in, particularly when we're looking at rainwater tanks that will be somewhere between 7 to 10 kilolitres in size.
  • Trevor had a mental picture of it pouring out of his gut virtually unchanged, like rainwater from a broken downpipe. PROSPECT HILL
  • The walls shone with rainwater trailing through the grime and the ground was thick with mud between the uneven cobblestones.
  • Our streets are flooded even after short rainfalls due to acute lack of rainwater outlets and clogged storm water drains.
  • While one half of the marsh receives saline water, the other half is filled with natural rainwater.
  • The reservoir is an example of using natural topography for rainwater harvesting.
  • You look at the average lot size, some 500 to 600 square metres, it starts to get very challenging fitting a rainwater tank in, particularly when we're looking at rainwater tanks that will be somewhere between 7 to 10 kilolitres in size.
  • The cistern is the central part of our grey water system, collecting rainwater that we then use in the greenhouse and elsewhere. Nigel Sheinwald: The Greenest Garden in Washington
  • Save rainwater and dishwater for re-use in the garden
  • Rainwater harvesting also lessens local erosion and flooding caused by impervious cover such as pavement and roof.
  • A permanent coating of titanium oxide causes rainwater to slide in cleansing sheets rather than in dirt-streaked rivulets.
  • Rainwater came through the roof and poured down the walls at the height of the downpour.
  • These white, concrete basins collect valuable rainwater, which is distributed to the pools and fountains and is also used to humidify the interior air.
  • The banks are still perforated in places by flapped devices which allow the outflow of rainwater at low tide, while preventing inundation by the incoming tidal surge.
  • Soil here is extraordinarily thin, sandy, and well-drained owing to highly vertical relief and millennia of rainwater surface denudation.
  • Her hair was still wet but she had toweled it off, soaking up the excess rainwater.
  • The trees around her all dripped with rainwater after the sudden downpour that took place only fifteen minutes ago.
  • The microscopist will keep your weight up; Pops and I will be fine on our own, with the roaming peacocks and rainwater collecting in the rusting satellite dish. Florida
  • Live off-grid, unplugged from the system with solar panels and rainwater harvesting.
  • We will actively explore the use of water reclaiming, rainwater collection and seawater desalinization , and non-traditional water rate will exceed 50%.
  • The effort to harvest rainwater has been started on a macro level by INTACH and other organisations, and at the micro level by residents of welfare associations.
  • Rain Reviva is a system of flexible plastic sacs for storing rainwater - or recycling waste water - under the house.
  • Rainwater in volcanic areas can descend as far as several kilometres into the crust, later rising to the surface in hot springs or geysers.
  • I run to the rainwater barrel and fill the dipper.
  • However, even an unpolluted atmosphere may contain a variety of acidic and alkaline substances so that the pH of rainwater may be quite different from 5.6.
  • the percolation of rainwater through the soil
  • There's a channel in the middle of the old street to help rainwater flow away.
  • Whose job is it to clear the accumulated rainwater from the streets?
  • One easy thing homeowners can do is disconnect their downspouts, redirecting rainwater from roofs out onto porous ground.
  • gutters carried off the rainwater into a series of channels under the street
  • The common areas contain an innovative natural drainage system, a network of creek beds, swales, and pond areas that allow rainwater to be absorbed into the ground rather than carried away through storm drains.
  • In both projects, the rainwater falls from the roof without gutters, and open gravel trenches redirect the surface water.
  • For some two hours, we drove on rutted gravel running with rainwater.
  • For one thing, there are wristwatches, cell phones, digital diaries and calculators that most people carry with them, that have to be protected from rainwater.
  • It is heated and cooled using the power from the nearby lake and solar panels on the roof, and the toilets are flushed using rainwater.
  • From digging rainwater pits to cleaning of ponds, the local bodies in Ernakulam district have taken up water conservation programmes in a big way.
  • All the rainwater on the roof runs into the pipe.
  • A length of wooden guttering ran along the front, with a downspout at the end for disposing of rainwater.
  • We drank rainwater funnelled by guttering from the house roof into a galvanised iron tank. Where did the Stormlord come from? at SF Novelists
  • Many soils have an uneven distribution of resources owing to fertilizer applications and the periodic saturation of topsoil with rainwater.
  • Rainwater can be collected in plenty during rainy seasons, but we waste it by allowing it to flow into the sea.
  • The rainwater discharges into the outer two tanks in the row.
  • Sure, every available space underneath the benches is full of two-liter bottles of rainwater, but they do wonders to keep everything from freezing, and I've never had to put in a heater. "A house on fire or a rising sea?" (2)
  • Alifabs Ambassador extruded aluminium fascia gutter and rainwater system is the design ideal for both new and existing buildings.
  • And sand will provide a stable base providing rainwater can not reach it.
  • I don't know what sort of pseudo-science you're using here, but from where I'm standing our gutter is perfectly clean -- it's so clean I can actually see pure rainwater flowing over the front edge of it. Jilly Gagnon: A Global Warming Skeptic Tackles His To-Do List
  • Exposure to rainwater, sea spray, and endolithic organisms may also bring about changes in the rock texture and mineralogical composition.
  • Their shoes squished because of the rainwater.
  • Tonnes of gunge has been cleared from the drainage system so that the rainwater that is very much part of Greenock life can seep away, and the home improvements are continuing.
  • He stoops down, cups his right hand and scoops from the rainwater puddle and drinks.
  • There are more hotels than schools here," I was told last week during a lightning visit to Juba as we bumped along the city's unpaved roads, where 4x4s weave like dodgem cars to avoid pot holes filled with rainwater. South Sudan's capital idea | Mark Tran
  • Still moving slowly and patiently, frequently wiping rainwater from his protuberant eyes, he tried to pick out one lorqual that looked a little drowsier than the others. The Cat is a Metaphor
  • This area is what we refer to as a wash, meaning it is a place that is -- I guess you could say it's kind of a roadway for heavy rainwater, for floodwaters to go through and then move out towards the open ground, out towards the desert, and then dissipate. CNN Transcript Aug 24, 2006
  • They develop in almost any container that collects rainwater, such as barrels, tanks, old tires, cups, cans, and bottles.
  • Outside, power lines were dragging in pools of rainwater and in the hotel corridors solid wood doors lay in splinters.
  • Giant jerry cans turn into receptacles for rainwater harvesting.
  • All the rainwater on the roof runs into the pipe.
  • It is at least another day's drive to el Geneina, if the road is not cut by wadis carrying rainwater from the massif of Jebel Marra.
  • Next time it rains, these students can go to the centre and see for themselves how rainwater can be harvested.
  • By employing wooden palings, building channels to divert rainwater and cultivating indigenous vegetation, the engineers claim to have demonstrated that Mother Nature can be nursed with ‘ecological therapy.’
  • It's a place with endless noise, endless traffic and constant gusts of exhaust on those days when rainwater is not washing over the kerb.
  • Alifabs Ambassador extruded aluminium fascia gutter and rainwater system is the design ideal for both new and existing buildings.
  • Recycled rainwater will be used to flush the toilets and water the gardens.
  • With recent heavy rains the ground is even more saturated now and massive puddles of rainwater cover a large percentage of the site.
  • The coating is hydrophilic and photocatalytic; i.e., it causes rainwater to sheet on the surface and it oxidizes dirt and organic deposits, breaking their adherence to the glass.
  • The Ogallala is a giant sponge of sand and gravel soaked with rainwater and snowmelt, stored mostly when the eastern portion of the Rocky Mountains eroded more than a million years ago.
  • Also outside ‘there was a huge rain tub which mum used for her washing and also for our baths, but it was lovely soft rainwater’.
  • Saw on the news tonight they found a waterlogged over-sized novelty green hat floating in the rising rainwater around the culvert on Stewart Road. Cheeseburger Gothic » Sweet jeebus, lookit this mess!
  • Trickles of rainwater dripped into the cabins and soaked any clothing that was not safely stowed in watertight kit-bags.
  • It lay in a puddle of rainwater on the asphalt ground.
  • This is running off the parapet above and is caused from defective rainwater disposal at second storey level to the external balcony.
  • It's worth mentioning that if you have a problem with limescale in your kettle, your camellia should be watered with lime-free rainwater.
  • Almost no light seeped through the grilles above her, making little ripply moonlit patches on the rainwater river.
  • To counter the drain on scarce water supplies, rainwater will be collected in underground tanks and a new breed of wildlife-rich village pond.
  • The rainwater goods, a mixture of plastic, asbestos and cast iron were fit for the scrap heap.
  • Instead of installing an expensive storm water system of pipes and treatment plants, rainwater will be channeled into plant-filed swales that will slowly clean the runoff before depositing it into the Rouge River.
  • There will be working models and sectional views to explain how important it is to conserve and tap rainwater.
  • According to the letter, they ate whatever crawled into or near their cages and drank only rainwater they caught in cupped hands. Heroes or Villains?
  • Luckily their cargo included rice which they supplemented by catching fish and collecting rainwater.
  • Little children carrying large bags and lunch baskets jump the two feet to the ground from the van, in the mornings, hop over puddles of rainwater, to streak into the classrooms.
  • The way that I read the article (and know from talking -- the developer is the dad of one of my kid's classmates at school), is that the rainwater reclaimation is only going to be used for landscape and exterior watering -- no toliet flushing, or anything internal, which will come off the mains. Ccfinlay: A few blocks away from where I work, a d
  • Rainwater tanks and stormwater harvesting are mentioned as alternative water sources but little detail is provided.
  • Rainwater routinely collects in a dip under Waddington Road Bridge during extreme weather because of drainage problems.
  • By priming the pump and plugging it in, I can use my supply of soft rainwater for many things.
  • They get their water from a big trough replenished by rainwater from the roof gutter on the barn.
  • Decorative moldings installed at the base of the dome are not sloped outward to shed rainwater. The cupola: Spain's gift to Mexico's colonial architecture
  • Lakes and ponds were tapped, water from the Lys sterilized and stored in barges, and cisterns built to trap rainwater.
  • With luck, the place would have a working fountain, or at least rainwater in the peristyle garden.
  • If he had requested, prior to the ingress of water, that Richmond check the rainwater downpipes and outlets, one might have expected him to have mentioned that in this letter.
  • The idea of diverting and channelising rainwater to open wells stumbled upon them.
  • Pearce also examines the low-tech solutions, from rice terracing to rainwater harvesting, that have sustained communities for hundreds of years.
  • With recent heavy rains the ground is even more saturated now and massive puddles of rainwater cover a large percentage of the site.
  • Modern plastic butts hold about 190 litres of rainwater.
  • Ruth loved the smell of the rainwater steaming off the asphalt; that sensation, more than any other, defined summer.
  • Such investments can target drought-resistant crops, catalyse the use of rainwater-harvesting and water-conserving technologies, and improve irrigation systems. Horn of Africa: How can the region be better prepared for recurrent drought? | Vinod Thomas
  • Concrete sunshades are not only useless, but damage the building by splashing rainwater over the walls.
  • It also disrupts the water table by preventing rainwater from seeping down through the soil.
  • The rainwater drainage system recharges the groundwater with runoff.
  • One easy thing homeowners can do is disconnect their downspouts, redirecting rainwater from roofs out onto porous ground.
  • They went organic this year, and also run wormeries and collect rainwater. Times, Sunday Times
  • But, it also made people wonder why the much needed rainwater harvesting structures were not extended to some areas where water simply stagnated.
  • Though the roof has been mended,the rainwater is still running in.
  • He concluded that the pseudomorphs were derived when rainwater penetrating the near-surface layers leached out the sodium carbonate from the original shortite, leaving behind calcium carbonate.
  • Rainwater soakaways will not be appropriate since they would only increase the saturation of the ground.
  • It is time we move in the direction of rainwater harvesting, watershed development and the conjunctive use of rain, river, ground, treated sewage and sea water on the one hand, and river water linking on the other.
  • The village community, through voluntary labor, create diked pastures on rectangular plots of land, called chaukas, to store the rainwater.
  • They took a sample in the rain catchment areas where rainwater would have washed down.
  • We have a big barrel to catch the rainwater
  • The project will involve constructing a new timber roof deck above clock faces, dismantling and rebuilding parapets and pinnacles, recovering the lead roof, repointing buttresses and repairing knave roof timbers and rainwater goods.
  • We can teach them that a puddle of fresh rainwater is unpleasantly wet and cold or that playing in it can be fun.
  • Austen came back with two oil drums full of water and I helped him drain them into one of the rainwater tanks which were sunk underground. WHITE LIES
  • He went behind the cabin and bathed in rainwater and then got into some of his best clothes, his `Sunday clothes". WEB OF DREAMS
  • All streets in the Lake Chapala region lead to the lake, and there is not the need to drain to a "pozo" however, you could in the case of a backyard that is lower than the street level, use the underground drywell to handle excessive rainwater accumulating on the ground surface. Grading and drainage in Lake Chapala real estate
  • They get their water from a big trough replenished by rainwater from the roof gutter on the barn.
  • Environmentally friendly features of the armory include a water catchment system to harvest rainwater for use in art features and plumbing, onsite electrical generation through a natural-gas fired microturbine, and fuel cells, daylighting, and natural ventilation to reduce dependence on air conditioning.
  • A seat on the handlebars, and the tires spritzing rainwater with each revolution.
  • In northern climates where rainwater is the sole water source, it may be necessary to oversize the cistern to provide carry-over during a significant portion of the winter when snow falls instead of rain.
  • Use a soda can to collect and store rainwater.
  • The building's entire roof is a rainwater collector, feeding two 30,000-gallon (114 - kiloliter) cisterns, which store water used for irrigation via an automatic sprinkler system.
  • The hydraulic calculation method of probability limit state of rainwater pipeline is put forward.
  • Rainwater outlets are to be checked for condition and capacity, and repairs to outlets and down pipes are to be carried out as necessary.
  • Jerome, muttering and dripping thick mud and rainwater, brought up the rear of this merry parade.
  • It began to respond to the demands of Britain's burgeoning towns and cities for cast iron - for rainwater goods, street furniture, fireplaces, hobs and grates and all manner of other items.
  • It is also important not to seek shelter underneath the manchineel tree during a storm, as rainwater can carry the poisonous sap and consequently burn the unfortunate refugees.
  • When there were less built-up areas and the storm water channels were free of blockages and more tanks to collect rainwater, the monsoon barely made any difference.
  • Strings of glimmer fluoresced across its edges, betraying a bellyful of rainwater. It Wasn't Me.
  • Parts of my white peasant shirt had become transparent with the rainwater, two points in particular, and I felt my face flush as I pulled my brown cable-knit sweater closer around me.
  • Entirely is the rainwater inside the tent, we have all jumped inside the sleeping bag.
  • CarbFix's designers, in effect, are radically speeding up the natural process called weathering, in which weak carbonic acid in rainwater transforms rock minerals over geologic time scales. The Seattle Times
  • In carbonate-rich soils, rapid neutralization of rainwater by carbonate minerals restricts the mobilization of aluminosilicates and oxides.
  • We drank rainwater funnelled by guttering from the house roof into a galvanised iron tank. Where did the Stormlord come from? at SF Novelists
  • Let the pots stand in a saucer of water, ideally rainwater, then let them dry off a bit over the winter.
  • Our streets are flooded even after short rainfalls due to acute lack of rainwater outlets and clogged storm water drains.
  • Beads of sweat poured down King Louis' brow, indistinguishable from the rivers of rainwater that dripped earthward from his face.
  • Two new rainwater drainage pipes have been installed.
  • He opened his eyes and quickly blinked as the rainwater seeped into his eyes.
  • He used native timber from the forest, then installed solar-heated rainwater tanks, a picture window and a petrol powered generator.
  • Report that was bottom draw-ed sugested that all the whizzo rainwater tanks the gov had paid for, were going to act as a mosquito superhighway leading Dengue straight into the Western Suburbs of Brisneyland. Cheeseburger Gothic » A day of arse.
  • It is hoped Los Angeles, Atlanta and other cities will continue to explore and implement conservation alternatives, when viable, such as desalinization processes, smart irrigation systems, recycled water programs, urine diversion toilets, groundwater replenishment systems and rainwater capture plans. Religion vs. the Sprinkler Police
  • There the flowers are surrounded by thick tissue and, in some cases, even a protective moat filled with rainwater or the plants' own secretions.
  • Rainwater is naturally soft and free of minerals, chlorine, fluoride and other chemicals.
  • Apart from a tiny percentage of the world's population, who drink desalinated seawater, the only water we drink is rainwater.
  • Maintenance is required to stop rainwater getting into the structure and corroding the steel framework of the tower.
  • Paddy fields functioned as ‘storing ponds’ of rainwater and helped in recharging the groundwater.
  • Slug pellets only work in the soil, where the molluscicide is released in rainwater. Times, Sunday Times
  • The beginning involves a slick, wet cobblestone street and gutters flooded with England's notorious rainwater.
  • Though the roof has been mended,the rainwater is still running in.
  • A further pong of ‘rotten eggs’ was found coming from a lagoon that stores contaminated rainwater before it is discharged into the Thames.
  • The building's entire roof is a rainwater collector, feeding two 30,000-gallon (114 - kiloliter) cisterns, which store water used for irrigation via an automatic sprinkler system.
  • Some municipal water users sometimes switch to harvested rainwater as a way to avoid chlorination and fluoridation treatments.
  • Apart from the bookshops, they can be found on numerous unattended open-air bookstalls, exposed to the elements: sun-beaten and often soaked with rainwater.
  • Possible sources of on-site sources include, but are not limited to: •Rainwater harvesting •Reverse osmosis (RO) and nanofiltration (NF) reject water •Stormwater harvesting •Greywater (untreated) •Air conditioner condensate •On-site treated wastewater (including graywater) systems •Swimming pool filter backwash water •Foundation drain water •Cooling tower blowdown Bill discusses how these sources have been successfully used, describes quality, quantity and design considerations, and describes how the use of these sources fits into Green Building. - Business News
  • The most acid rain recorded was in Glasgow, Scotland; the reported value (representing an average of several individual samples) was 109.16 grains of sulfuric anhydride per gallon of rainwater. Smith, Robert Angus
  • The double doors were missing, a fine veil of rainwater masking the entryway.
  • In the backyard there was a large receptacle for catching rainwater.
  • Beneath the body was a dark liquid stain that looked as if it might have been left by oil dripped from the leaky sump of a parked car or an evaporated puddle of rainwater.
  • The book concludes that rainwater-harvesting programmes executed in some parts of the district are expected to save more than 750 million cusecs of water during the ensuing season.
  • A gentle breeze wafted through the air, rustling the dogwood trees and shaking sprays of rainwater from their branches.
  • Birds love water, and wildlife authorities are planning to create a few more ponds inside the Guindy National Park to impound rainwater more effectively.
  • The conservatories are humidified with rainwater.
  • If a hurricane near New Orleans is accompanied by lots of rain these things are known to happen, the city's own, quite famous, pumps will move the rainwater to three "outfall" canals built for that purpose. Harry Shearer: "Katrina" Plus Six
  • This volume would be reduced further if rainwater was collected and piped into troughs.
  • For watering our garden, we direct rainwater from our roof gutters.
  • After a quick ineffectual glance up at Anderson's house, she ran towards the driveway, splashing spouts of mud and rainwater up at her jeans.
  • Further to the impluvium there was an underground tank connected to it which could catch any excess rainwater.
  • This is the process by which rainwater erodes limestone cliffs and creates limestone caves and sinkholes.
  • Men with brooms tried valiantly to sweep excess rainwater off the stage but it was a losing battle.

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