How To Use Rainfall In A Sentence
For winemakers in the Rhone, 2002 was a disastrous year, with violent storms and huge rainfall during the harvest.
With abundant rainfall and a temperate climate, crops were plentiful; citrus and olive groves abounded.
As the IPCC report made clear, many of the models disagree even on the sign of the change in rainfall over much of the globe, especially for winter projections.
2010 March 12 | Serendipity
The hair of coastal wolves also appears to be coarser and better at shedding water, perhaps to cope with the heavy rainfall on the west coast.
Within a matter of a few months following construction the plaintiff began to receive complaints that water from rainfall was ponding on this upper parking deck and not draining away.

But, for example, if there were a long-term drought or a permanent change in rainfall patterns macroclimate, the microclimate of the microhabitats would also gradually change.
Species vulnerability traits
The formation of low and high vessel density wood coincided with the seasonal rainfall distribution.
The arid desert climate gets little rainfall, but the Rio Grande provides water for irrigation.
It may also prove possible in individual cases to quantitatively calibrate the trace elements for palaeoclimatic variables such as rainfall.
In trying to link the acidity of rainfall to the acidity of soils and water it is essential to understand the role that soils play in releasing chemicals into solution as a result of natural weathering.
Climate change predictions for the North of England suggest winters will become wetter, with more rainfall and greater inflow to estuaries and the sea.
The trip is made possible as after four years of drought, recent rainfall means crops may now grow.
Results showed that the herbaceous vegetation could weaken kinetic energy of raindrops, and had a significant diffluent function during rainfall events to reduce effective precipitation on the slope.
In the east, the water is mainly oceanic with relatively minor dilution from direct monsoonal rainfall and runoff from small streams.
Heavy rainfalls and snow across the province resulted in at least one death, forced the closure of several roads and passes, and led to rockfalls and minor car accidents yesterday.
High temperatures combined with lots of rainfall result in luxuriant vegetation and boundless wildlife.
Did you know? An enchanted lake in Veracruz rises every dry season, but falls again during the wet season
There is a general decrease in rainfall and an increase in the range of temperatures experienced as one moves away from the coast.
Monthly sunshine figures often show a close correlation with rainfall and this held true for January 1993.
The climate is exceptional, with sunshine, balmy temperatures and low rainfall.
Western Oregon had been very low on rainfall that year, and even the plants in our backyard garden were wilting.
Careful studies of silt prove beyond doubt that its primal cause is the removal of the forest cover, such as underbrush, weeds, and grasses, along the streams, which allows the rainfall to run off rapidly.
McClure's Magazine, Vol. XXXI, No. 3, July 1908.
The lack of rainfall is obviated to a degree by a well-developed irrigation system based upon a series of distributaries running from the Lower Swat Canal.
Hot climate and plentiful rainfall favor the growth of plants.
A single gauge managed to record rainfall for 90 minutes before succumbing to waterlogging.
Times, Sunday Times
It is extensively cultivated in marginal rainfall areas of the tropics and subtropics, and selected varieties are widely grown in temperate climates.
Where data does exist it may fail to consider current risks such as increased rainfall due to climate change or increased run-off of water from land due to deforestation or the drainage of wetlands.
In general, the river basins that drain into this ecoregion are of high relief, therefore seasonally intense rainfall and highly erodable soils make them prone to erosion caused the removal of vegetation for agricultural practices, timber, fuelwood, and livestock grazing.
Southern Dry Pacific Coast mangroves
Farmers who had already lost their last rabi crops due to the scanty rainfall are now losing their kharif crops, which have been badly damaged due to non arrival of rains.
The cloudburst is a localised weather phenomena representing highly concentrated rainfall over News Feed
Because of sparse rainfall during the current season, I occasionally got 'shipwrecked' a handful of times but Oliver assures that the ride is even better in the wet summer months.
Jamaica Gleaner Online
But in densely built cities, about three-quarters of the rainfall fails to sink into the ground or evaporate.
In Australia, Mangareva, parts of the U.S. Southwest, and many other locations, most of the nutrients had already been leached out of the soil by rainfall.
This is a very large catchment with a high rainfall and large swamps within the river basin.
Pawson was astonished after graphically plotting the data to discover that peaks in Israels rainfall coincided with aliya waves.
On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
(In truth, their annual rainfall is closer to half the amount we received this week alone.)
Jetlag : Bev Vincent
Roads along the coastline in north and north-east Trinidad began to rapidly erode because of heavy rainfall, sometimes closing off residents' access to the rest of the country.
Data on rainfall, rainsplash, overland flow and soil creep were collected with the help of splashboards, erosion pins, erosion plots, raingauges and channel cross-sections on slopes of 0 to 38.
Rural outbreaks were found to be heavily dependent upon the densities of these sylvatic mosquitos, which increase during periods of heavy rainfall.
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In Puerto Rico, white siris is an aggressive pioneer, forming pure stands on abandoned farms and other disturbed sites It is also common in pastures at elevations below 600 meters, including areas receiving as little as 800 mm of annual rainfall.
Chapter 37
These include rapid snowmelt, water-level changes, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, and excessive rainfall.
Rainfall erosivity is the result of the kinetic energy in raindrops striking the soil; the amount of kinetic energy increases with rainfall intensity; it leads to soil compaction and demolition of aggregates.
2.1. Factors in rainfall erosion
To study the water-holding capacities of desert soil and the soil amended with coal ash and sewage sludge, experiments were designed to simulate rainfall and natural evaporation.
A sizeable hiatus then ensued, amidst light rainfall, before a northbound carriage became available.
In recent weeks planting has been accomplished in Sokoto, Zamfara, Kebbi states, but other states are still challenged by the erratic rainfall affecting both planting and harvest seasons.
Amb. Robin Renee Sanders: 2010 Food Security Challenges in West Africa: Let's Pay Attention!
When grown in their natural environment, often consisting of hot climates with sporadic rainfalls, C 4 plants have a selective advantage over C 3 plants.
It grows even more vigorously than the jackbean under less harsh conditions (in Yucatan, where droughtiness is always a problem the jackbean does better in years of low rainfall, whereas the velvetbean does better when rain fall is higher than normal, but still scarce).
28 additional technical notes about tropical agriculture
The vapour barrier also served to protect the timber from rainfall during the time that the roof was being constructed.
The annual rainfall in this area was less than 50 mm last year.
India's production of soybean oil, sunflower oil and mustard oil, are historically difficult because of a lack of consistent rainfall.
Well, the rainfall in this area is one-third of the amount that falls on the Fort William area.
This station recorded standard climatic variables such as temperature, rainfall, daylight hours, etc.
Communities in arid climates often implement strategies for dealing with a lack of rainfall.
Tree rings can tell stories of fire history, seasons, droughts, and rainfall.
However, many species inhabit timbered country, with abundant food and regular rainfall.
Flat, gray clouds filled the darkening sky above her as the town prepared for yet another rainfall.
These provinces have the best rainfall, but steep gradients and poor farming ensure that, when rains do fall, rivers run brown.
Many of the lakes are natural bodies of water that are fed by the area's high rainfall.
The unusual amount of humidity during the fall of 1783 caused a rise in dolor de costado, insultos, pulmonías; a sudden drop in temperature in February caused these ailments to increase even more, along with "fluxes of the eyes" and fever in children. 35 The development of instruments for measuring such things as rainfall, temperature, and wind velocity stimulated further efforts to quantify climatic conditions.
Pestilence and Headcolds: Encountering Illness in Colonial Mexico
Rainfall is minimal and the land is infertile, marked by erosion and extreme dryness.
Mozambique's drought is patchy, with some areas enjoying good rainfall or able to use old Portuguese colonial-era irrigation schemes to boost production.
Groundwater is found at varying depths underneath the earth's surface, in permeable rocks known as aquifers which are saturated by the infiltration of rainfall.
The long, smooth-sided fronds are glossier still after rainfall.
Times, Sunday Times
This mission will be difficult since Liberia lacks everything, there are medical precautions to be taken (Yellow Fever vaccination compulsory, malaria treatment, cholera precautions are needed, no easily available safe drinking water, ...), accommodation is spartan and most of you will be camping out under tents in military camps under heavy rainfall (rainy season), transport is hazardous on almost inexistant roads.
Tatsutahime Diary Entry
Height and deciduousness decrease towards the south, while succulence, sclerophylly and spinescence increase; this is a pattern that closely mirrors the rainfall gradient of the area.
Maputaland-Pondoland bushland and thickets
They noticed that if there was a good water supply, low rainfall did not matter… and could even assist matters, as it meant greater control of when the crop was watered.
The abundant rainfall last autumn did not allow them to cultivate the land and sow autumn crops, and they had to substitute with sunflower and maize.
The value of such distant rainfalls is that they do contribute to the flow of the Kunene and the inflow through Ruacana.
However, in seasonal rainfall environments, whether rainfall is high or low, it is very easy to expose soil.
Lorox (linuron) and Sencor (metribuzin) have been available for more than 25 years, but still have good soil-residual activity on a variety of weeds including glyphosate and ALS-resistant pigweed when applied behind the planter and activated by rainfall or overhead irrigation.
Southeast Farm Press RSS Feed
Farmers who had already lost their last rabi crops due to the scanty rainfall are now losing their kharif crops, which have been badly damaged due to non arrival of rains.
Grassland shifts to larger plants like shrubs and if rainfall is high enough, trees.
Our streets are flooded even after short rainfalls due to acute lack of rainwater outlets and clogged storm water drains.
The main handicap is uncertain rainfall, with the occurrence at irregular intervals of very serious droughts.
Conditions in South Africa
Abundant rainfall and very fertile soils have made Gusiiland one of the most productive agricultural areas in Kenya.
The soil is extremely fertile and produces immense crops when there is enough rainfall, otherwise they are a failure.
There have been heavy rainfalls this month.
We observed surface detention over hillside and sheet flow on denuded and gullied areas during rainfall.
Three trains were derailed due to the heavy rainfall of the past few days.
The result is that more rainfall records are broken at this time of year than at any other.
These ‘anomalies’ describe the difference between anticipated rainfall and temperature and climatological average rainfall and temperature for spring or summer.
In the case of heavy rainfall or flooding, there may be an increase in leaching of toxic chemicals and heavy metals from storage sites and increased contamination of water with runoff containing persistent chemicals that are already in the environment.
Coyote Blog » 2010 » April
It is extensively cultivated in marginal rainfall areas of the tropics and subtropics, and selected varieties are widely grown in temperate climates.
Taro can be grown in paddy fields or in upland situations where watering is supplied by rainfall or by supplemental irrigation.
The inter-annual variation in rainfall and its monthly fluctuation during the season pose uncertainty concerning the success of winter crops, so that only half of the cultivable area is cultivated annually.
The driest low plains, with less than 300 mm of annual rainfall, host a semi-arid, shrub-like vegetation where wild olive (Olea europaea), carob (Ceratonia siliqua), and jujube lotus (Zizyphus lotus) once flourished.
Cyprus Mediterranean forests
The distribution of humans and anopheline mosquitoes is not continuous across this region, but generally clustered on the high-elevation areas where rainfall is abundant.
The capital encountered severe drought this year due to a sharp decrease in rainfall.
The depth of the pond varies with the rainfall.
The vegetation is a mosaic of Sahelian habitats, the product of low rainfall on halomorphic soils.
Djoudj National Bird Sanctuary, Senegal
Spadefoot toads are desert-dwelling amphibians that breed opportunistically in short lived pools filled by periodic rainfall.
The combination of high rainfall, edaphic, and topographic variability, and historical biogeographical patterns renders these forests some of the most diverse species in the world.
Solimões-Japurá moist forest
Located in the relatively high rainfall region of southwest Western Australia, this region contains forests of jarrah (Eucalyptus marginata) and marri (Eucalyptus calophylla), along with open eucalypt woodlands further inland.
Southwest Australia woodlands
After several days of torrential rainfalls, several barrier lakes near Chiufenerh Mountain in Nantou County were yesterday on the verge of collapse.
The city has received only half its average rainfall of four inches.
Wagener received the award for pioneering research on rainfall-runoff modeling in gauged and ungauged catchments.
Penn State Live
The rainfall will restrain the development of mix layer which has a feature of mature, die and rebuild fore-and-aft the duration of rainfall.
High rainfall washes more animal manure off the land into watercourses.
The heavy rainfall is also conducive to growing rice paddy in flatter areas.
In trials where rainfall is relatively high, the Charleville, Queensland provenance, a broad phyllode form, has grown more rapidly than provenances from central Australia (Ryan and Bell 1989).
Chapter 10
Over the past sixty or seventy years, rainfall has varied by 17%, population has risen 340%, the storage capacity of dams has increased by 390%, the area under irrigation has risen by 290%, the lake inflow from the Lerma river has decreased by 79% and the amount of water extracted from the lake (excluding evaporation) has decreased (Yes! decreased) by 89%.
Lake Chapala: a review of "The Lerma-Lake Chapala watershed: evaluation and management"
There is seldom a long dry spell and rainfall is abundant.
Rita is driving massive storm surges and bringing with it torrential rainfall.
It was a welcome relief from the sultry weather conditions for people as Chandigarh and the adjoining areas had a low to moderate rainfall today.
We also and chose 4 stations to analyze the decadal variability of rainfall.
Instead, Manchester has endured nearly two thirds of its average July rainfall in just two weeks.
In the east, the water is mainly oceanic with relatively minor dilution from direct monsoonal rainfall and runoff from small streams.
The eastern Himalayan region is a high-rainfall zone that yields excessive water in basins during the monsoon.
In general, the river basins are of high relief (i.e., have steep slopes), have seasonally intense rainfall, and highly erodable soils, which makes them prone to erosion caused by agricultural practices, deforestation, and livestock grazing.
Moist Pacific Coast mangroves
During times of increased rainfall, the sea exceeded its natural boundaries and encroached on land.
rainfall in the tropics is notoriously variable
Worldwide mountain climate data sets show that rainfall tends to decrease upslope in many tropical mountains, while it increases with elevation in most middle-latitude mountains.
Increased drying time may mean greater harvest losses due to untimely rainfall.
According to a report at a conference on homeoprophylaxis was held in Cuba in late 2008, sponsored by the Finlay Institute, the Cuban manufacturer of the nosode, the levels of subsequent morbidity were below those expected given the rainfall and season.
Citizendium, the Citizens' Compendium - Recent changes [en]
Meanwhile, flood-threatened parts of North Yorkshire remained on a knife-edge today, waiting for river levels to reach their peaks following record rainfalls.
The northern parts of the hotspot in Ecuador and the Colombian Chocó are characterized by extremely wet or pluvial forests that receive eight meters of annual rainfall and have a diversity per hectare of as many as 300 tree species.
Biological diversity in Tumbes-Chocó-Magdalena
Although the dry acid sand environment of S. longitunae is periodically moistened by natural rainfall, the animal appears to resist revival from anabiosis even after up to five days of rainfall.
Many of these advances had taken place at night and all occurred in spite of major rainfalls, substantial amounts of mud, and weather problems hampering the ability to provide air support.
The tall buildings increase wind drag on the city, resulting in vertical velocities - essentially a boiling action - that can enhance rainfall.
The brightness of a rainbow has more to do with the size of individual water droplets than with the density of rainfall.
I will your presence with songs like apples in a basket of straw, whispered dreams like rainfall on flowers, on cholla, on deserts, on the hungering sand.
The High Sonora - a sonata in four movements
Due to the intensive rainfall and high temperatures, disastrous weather such as thunder storms and cyclones are likely to occur.
December to April are the driest seasons, but because it has a tropical climate, there may be one or two rainfalls.
And notice, you can see that aerographic lift (ph), just some scattered rainfall on parts of the I-5 corridor.
CNN Transcript Mar 1, 2008
The rainfall was measured over a three-month period.
The observation data of rainfall, evapotranspiration and streamflow from 1979 to 1984 and 1985 to 1987 were used to calibrate and validate the modal, respectively.
White siris is a component of tropical and subtropical moist and wet forest type-c where rainfall is 1000-5000 mm/yr.
Chapter 37
Rainfall has been above normal this July.
It has been calculated that if the total rainfall over the Earth were averaged out, each place would get something like 800 millimetres of rain a year.
This paper presents a typical parallel scheduling flow to accomplish dynamically task assignment in rainfall-runoff and discharge routing computing.
Snow and heavy rainfalls were reported throughout the northern region of the Eastern Cape yesterday and residents were forced to take out winter woollies which had been packed away in anticipation of spring.
There is more rainfall in the mountains than along the seacoast.
A spokeswoman warned river levels are high and with further rainfall forecast there may be some flooding on low-lying land near to rivers.
The increasing occurrences of drought and an overall decrease in absolute rainfall promoted drier climates.
Met Éireann issued a flood warning and advised of heavy rainfall and strong easterly winds.
One of the students asked whether there was any correlation between rainfall and temperature.
It is drought tolerant, even more so than cowpeas, but benefits from adequate rainfall on well-drained soils.
Aristotle, in the 4th century BC, decided that everything had been sussed out, which included, one supposes, his belief that rainfall was not a sufficient factor to make the rivers run.
Until early this year, he had bred 600 head but low rainfall forced him to sell half his stock.
We love Washington State - the beautiful hiking is a side-effect of the large amounts of rainfall we have.
Archive 2007-10-01
Then, it was only after several days of unprecedented rainfall that the flood bells began to toll.
New South Wales has entered an early bush fire season, which is being exacerbated by extremely low levels of rainfall, dry winds and high temperatures.
The drier the environment at the mountain base, the farther upslope this rainfall peak occurs.
As air is sucked towards the equator on the trade winds and rises, it loses its moisture as rainfall before moving back towards the poles on the antitrade winds.
We are starting to have a concerning rainfall deficit.
Rainfall is infrequent and irregular, falling mainly in winter.
The fact is that, in a year of frequent and adequate rainfalls, there was not always the volume to fill or replenish dams and underground resources.
Thus far, all of the instances of pit membrane remnants occur in dicotyledons of highly mesic habitats, just as scalariform perforation plates do, although ‘mesic’ must be defined in terms of water availability, not rainfall amounts.
The idea is to desalinate some of the seawater, but to use the rest to fill Xinjiang ' s dried-up salt lakes and desert basins in the hope that it will evaporate and encourage rainfall over drought-stricken areas of northern and northwestern China.
China Officials Push Water Plan
In humid tropical areas, or areas with heavy rainfall, it may be advisable to purchase "hydrophobic" cement, since this kind of cement can be stored in damp conditions for long periods of time.
Chapter 6
The first level is to design the optimal irrigation schedule of a single crop under deficient irrigation by stochastic dynamic programming(SDP) model in which rainfall is stochastic variable.
The average annual rainfall in this region: 750 mm.
Intense rainfall in the south Kerry area completely gouged out a section of road between Kilgarvan and Bantry, as well as causing large landslides and rockfall over a mile-long stretch.
An important consequence of this tendency of the tropical atmosphere is that seasonal rainfall may be forecast several months ahead.
Oui, French wines are all about terroir - that slippery concept that ties the character of every wine to the unique soil, climate, exposure, rainfall and drainage of the respective wine's vineyard.
Right now, most parts of the country have remained unirrigated because some provinces still rely on the rainfalls.
Curbing Food Exports to Impact on Asia
In addition to the semiannual inspections, it's worthwhile to walk the roof after major rainfalls, high winds or hail to catch any damage early.
The mean rainfall for September, across much of the country, ranges between a millimetre and some four millimetres.
If rainfall or irrigation is excessive, nitrate will be leached below the plant?
A high degree of soil exposure also results in high surface evaporation resulting in years of low rainfall becoming severe droughts.
In Australia, the driest continent on Earth, the land is scarred by salinization and in South America the destruction of the rainforest and changing weather patterns has led to drier, less humid conditions with less rainfall.
The weekly Rainfall report will similarly change from the summer mode to winter fashion.
The decision to cancel was taken on Wednesday night, amid fears that heavy rainfall would have made conditions dangerous for visitors and cars on the road leading to the showground.
Cuba gave 2.4 million people two doses of a leptospira nosode as homeoprophylaxis against an expected outbreak of leptospirisis (a bacterial infection spread by rats) after unusually heavy rainfall.
Citizendium, the Citizens' Compendium - Recent changes [en]
To the normal ill effects of heavy summer rainfall is added direct physical damage to the vines and fruit.
The aerosols and particles in the haze are affecting rainfall.
Cheryl Ravelo/Reuters Students looked out from a school bus as they went home after the suspension of classes due to rainfall from Typhoon Nesat in Quezon City, Manila Monday.
Asia in Pictures
The street glistened with the sheen of light rainfall.
After the festival, the temperature will rise up and rainfall increases.
Only in a couple of instances was flooding directly linked to unusual or extreme rainfall or a storm.
However, as is typical for desert regions, the amount and distribution of yearly rainfall are highly variable.
A crowded island, the wrong type of rainfall (frequent deluges) on the wrong type of surface (increasingly concreted) and a Victorian system all conspire to give us less available water per person than Israel.
Can I use water and be green?
Several mammal species, including bilby (Macrotis lagotis VU), northern quoll (Dasyurus hallucatus), pale field-rat (Rattus tunneyi), golden-backed tree-rat, and golden bandicoot have declined, especially in the lower rainfall lowland portions of this ecoregion.
Kimberly tropical savanna
the mean annual rainfall
While rainfall registers about 50 inches per year, growers often have to irrigate their crops during extended drought periods.
Rainfall increased, too, called the Miocene pluvials. News
It should follow that February will have a level of regularity to its rainfall pattern.
Many plants growing in areas of high rainfall, use circadian plant leaf movement, or nyctinasty, to change their leaves' angles in relation to the vertical and to facilitate their opening and closing.
The elevation increases to the west, giving rise to more rainfall and woodlands with good potential for agriculture.
My studies also demonstrated that the rainfall, river flow and groundwater levels are increasing.
The rainfall has been above normal for the time of year.
More rain fell in that week than the region's rainfall for the entire year.
This series includes meteorological registers (data on rainfall, cloud and a weather diary), aerograms, anemographs, rain gauge records and rainfall charts, records of thunderstorms, wind direction and velocity, registers of synoptic reports etc produced by various climatological stations in Singapore and Malaya.
India Meteorological Department officials have predicted heavy to very heavy rainfall with thundershowers till Monday morning for Gujarat region.
When the trees are decimated in a region, a process called "desertification" tends to occur downwind because the trees are no longer there to pump groundwater back into the atmosphere to fall back to Earth as additional rainfall at some down wind location.
Matthew Stein: The Perfect Storm: Six Trends Converging on Collapse
As the ground was saturated, due to the well above normal rainfall and coupled with the burst water main, the two soakaways were unable to cope.
Monthly sunshine figures often show a close correlation with rainfall and this held true for January 1993.
These sources are particularly important because the rivers drain watersheds that don't receive much summer rainfall and where rates of evaporation are relatively high.
After almost a month of sultry weather most places of Bangladesh were showered with moderate rainfalls in the last couple of days.
Hot climate and plentiful rainfall favour the growth of plants.
He said the old road and bypasses had become ‘almost beyond repair’ following heavy rainfall in August and September.
Deforestation was believed to be a to threat to water supplies because it dried up springs and reduced rainfall.
‘Rainfall in the mountains means landslides and flooding in the valleys,’ he says.
The plant, owned and operated by Green Energy Hawaii, will use albizia trees, a hardy species that grows in poor soil on rainfall alone.
In numerical calculations, the effects of rainfall pattern, effective porosity, coefficient of permeability and shape of slope layer to the decline of subsurface flow are examined.
PANAJI: Just three weeks of intense rainfall has seen the seasonal total recorded by the Meteorological (Met) department at Altinho, Panaji, inching towards the halfway mark of 50 inches.
The Times of India
The area has a high annual rainfall.
The arrival of huge flocks of quelea birds in northern Nigeria, where low rainfall hits crop yields, has raised fears of food shortages in the region of mainly subsistence farmers.
It's a woodsy repast - birds singing in the trees, the breeze blowing, some water running in a brook, or maybe a light rainfall.
Rainfall also dipped below the usual seasonal levels at 56 mm, or 60 per cent of the average.
The desert sands of central Western Australia extend right up to the coast at Shark Bay; there are no rivers and rainfall is extremely low.