How To Use Raincoat In A Sentence
I didn't grow much until I was about fourteen by which time it was still functioning as a mini gaberdine raincoat as per the fashion and with the belt buckled around the back as you did.
On the other hand, when armed with a large umbrella or a well-fitting raincoat and perhaps a pair of gumboots, it is possible to enjoy the monsoon rains, and take time out to splash through muddy puddles and wade through waterlogged roads.
I was bought a navy gaberdine raincoat when I was about six with plenty of room to grow into.
Trek yanked on his jeans and a yellow raincoat and ran out into the storm.
It was raining, I had no raincoat or umbrella and was soaked.
The Sun

Down La Canebière I stroll, heading for the glinting, faraway turquoise eyespot of the Old Port, following women dressed in ankle-length raincoats and Islamic head scarves, long-faced men in frayed djellabas and knit skullcaps, gangly youths with scruffy beards.
Umbrella and raincoats are what people need in rainy days.
The students merely counted the number of black and beige raincoats.
Who wears a trilby, a cravat and an old raincoat around these parts?
I find a raincoat on the coat rack and pick up an umbrella and take the girls outside.
He had no raincoat on when the rain started.
Bagado lay in the back under his raincoat and looked malarial without trying.
Instead, according to the weather bureau, you'll be more comfortable in raincoats and windbreakers - if you intend venturing outdoors.
Amanda, wrapped in her heavy raincoat, dashed out, making her way around or over the street peopler opening her stride as she sought to avoid the water rushing along the gutter.
Black Blade
Some secret service agents turned up, all wearing the obligatory raincoat and hat.
Sexier than a parka and cuter than a raincoat, it's a waterproof version of a military-styled coat and it fits long like a trench.
All the queeny boys who had done their hair just right and hadn't brought their new raincoats had to laugh off their disarray in the coffee house.
I like this purple raincoat.
Those attending have been advised to come prepared for the weather, raincoat and trousers and waterproof footwear.
a construction hard hat and a raincoat to hurriedly deconsecrate a historic Anglican chapel, which had suffered irreparable damage.
He was wearing an old raincoat over his usual gray suit, button-down shirt, and necktie.
Feeling the cold air, Martina tucks her hands into the pockets of her raincoat, looking sideways towards Mike's pensive face.
He's pictured in a raincoat and holding a brolly.
The Sun
In a cartop carrier on top of the cab, two children in bulky raincoats hunkered down against the wind.
Lucifer's Hammer
At the end of the barn he saw a fragment of raincoat material between two bales.
The collar had started to fray on Jack's raincoat.
Sexier than a parka and cuter than a raincoat, it's a waterproof version of a military-styled coat and it fits long like a trench.
The range will include a Gore-Tex evening dress with a lace print made from the fabric, skirts, fitted frilly jackets and raincoats with delicate floral prints.
If you closed your eyes it was easy enough to mistake that sound, that staccato of rifle and gunfire, for rain pattering onto the surface of a raincoat.
The men are in plain clothes and wear light raincoats or light overcoats over their uniforms.
We thought fast food was what you have in Lent, a big mac was an oversize raincoat, and crumpet we had for tea.
There was something familiar about him, his fawn raincoat, his thinness, the way he moved.
Instead, according to the weather bureau, you'll be more comfortable in raincoats and windbreakers - if you intend venturing outdoors.
Cadets in gray raincoats crushed against the iron gates and spilled into the street to cheer Buchanan.
But nomatterhow optimistic the weather forecast, keep a raincoat handy if you intend taking a closeup.
A polyester shirt or dress, nylon socks or stockings, and acrylic sweater - a raincoat of PVC ( polyvinyl chloride )?
Beyond a police car and a dark van, he stopped beside a man in a raincoat and a bowler hat.
Then comes the crowning glory of Frank's act, as he peels off his raincoat to reveal a smart suit underneath.
She was wearing a short, white, belted raincoat, black stockings and black, patent leather, high-heeled shoes.
Coir Raincoat Cavity: cave situated at half of cliff, where was residence of ancient Ba people and guerilla.
The squad owns black raincoats and black parkas in a variety of sizes to accommodate all members for every type of weather.
The wireless internet is free and the passengers are often clad in fleece and raincoats.
Archive 2006-04-01
She's conjured up enchanting white raincoats, and using antique looms has reworked old cashmere cardigans.
None of the rest of us had raincoats or particularly warm clothing.
Three years ago Burberry meant outdated raincoats, but now the check has been transformed into one of the hottest fashion labels.
My brother and I would quickly grab our raincoats (mine was red and his was bright yellow) and our rubber boots, and then would rush out the door.
Standing on the bridge of Iron Duke, a small figure in a belted blue raincoat with a white scarf knotted at his neck, Jellicoe stared intently at the hazy line of sea and sky to the south.
Castles of Steel
Who wears a trilby, a cravat and an old raincoat around these parts?
Maria belted her raincoat firmly.
Umbrella and raincoats are what people need in rainy days.
On the morning of the delivery he hid in an alley armed with a baseball bat concealed under his raincoat.
Clare is great when she is just talking, on Ramblings on Radio 4 or when fronting the BBC's rugby league coverage, but here she was like a woman possessed, stalking round the Liverpool Echo Arena in a strange shortie raincoat, bobbing and weaving like a prize fighter, screaming at us.
Channel Four's Famous and Fearless was utterly pointless | Martin Kelner
In the past year, the company has reined in costs and continued to strip out unprofitable lines, curb overstocking and minimize the discounting of heritage items like raincoats and scarves to boost margins and "further purify the brand," said Ms. Cartwright.
Burberry Sales Jump 27%
Sanyo Fashions 'new raincoat sports purpose-built, antimagnetic-shielded pockets for cellphones, PDAs, plane tix, shades, wallets, etc -- all labelled for clarity.
Boing Boing: April 8, 2001 - April 14, 2001 Archives
She was wearing a bright fluorescent pink raincoat and stood out like a sore thumb.
Times, Sunday Times
At the end of the barn he saw a fragment of raincoat material between two bales.
In the past I had donned an unflattering blue raincoat - a refuse-sack with armholes - and taken the famous ‘Maid of the Mist’ boat journey right up to the Falls, to experience first-hand the sheer force and power of the roaring cascade.
We drove with the windows open, Bagado hunched in his raincoat.
`Dark grey suit... Burberry raincoat... and a deerstalker hat.
Two men in felt hats and raincoats cast long shadows outside what we take to be Parliament Buildings.
Some secret service agents turned up, all wearing the obligatory raincoat and hat.
The policeman was sitting at a table in a pea-green woman's raincoat with big glass buttons.
Enclosed are ideas for embellishing your fabric and waterproofing it to make a beautiful raincoat.
Rows of wellington boots and raincoats lined the inside porch.
From the coolest raincoats to the classiest overcoats, you're not ready for spring until you get your hands on a spring jacket.
When we use the expression a London Fog raincoat, we use London Fog as an attributive modifier of the noun raincoat.
as she sped downstairs to pull on wellingtons, raincoat and sou'wester.
And then there was the dishevelled-looking crooked old man in a dirty stained raincoat and muddy boots.
You just need to pray that it does not rain or, to be on the safe side, bring one of those plastic poncho raincoats that fits in your purse.
Then he leaves the ballroom, grabs his raincoat from the checkroom, and heads home.
The weather is so good that there is no question of wearing our raincoats.
He once turned up at Buckingham Palace in a fawn raincoat, woollen gloves and an old silk hat.
Beyond a police car and a dark van, he stopped beside a man in a raincoat and a bowler hat.
Raincoated figures scurry into the school opposite.
Is it better to have a raincoat or an umbrella?
Times, Sunday Times
Enclosed are ideas for embellishing your fabric and waterproofing it to make a beautiful raincoat.
The weather is so good that there is no question of wearing our raincoats.
He took his neighbour's raincoats by mistake, so he hung them back outside.
Yesterday I looked out of the window and saw four people wearing white plastic raincoats, gumboots, shower caps and surgical masks go into a house across the road.
‘We can sell you snow shovels in Minnesota while we're selling you raincoats in Tampa and suntan lotion in Hawaii,’ Nooney says.
From the coolest raincoats to the classiest overcoats, you're not ready for spring until you get your hands on a spring jacket.
Cadets in gray raincoats crushed against the iron gates and spilled into the street to cheer Buchanan.
The classical rhetorician called that antimetabole, though modern speech writers tend to refer to it as the reversible raincoat.
Analyzing The Text Of Obama's Inaugural Address
Then, without a word, Hitler took off his raincoat and an acolyte jumped forward to take it.
A slim reed of a man wearing a raincoat and a porkpie hat stood chewing a matchstick, hands thrust inside his pockets.
It's not Seasonal Affective Disorder or anything, just that the new year always feels like a gaberdine raincoat that's far too big and baggy and I wallow around in it for a while feeling all wrong, out of step and in danger of tripping over all day long.
His old raincoat became a running joke .
She was long-waisted and heavy in the hips but hid it well beneath tailored black slacks and a Burberry raincoat, open to show off the signature white, tan, and black tartan lining.
Some Assembly Required
Woodrow-Universal Ltd is a specialist cotton and polycotton weaving firm which makes shirts, coat linings and raincoats for major fashion labels, including Burberry.
We knew what we needed: sleeping bags, warm clothes, a raincoat, food, and money.
A polyester shirt or dress, nylon socks or stockings, acrylic sweater - a raincoat of PVC ( polyvinyl chloride )?
Florence re-emerged holding a plastic raincoat over herself and the baby, and got into the back seat.
Gloria is standing there in the durably carpeted, unnaturally wide hallway, wearing a light raincoat.
She was wearing a bright fluorescent pink raincoat and stood out like a sore thumb.
Times, Sunday Times
Umbrella and raincoats are what people need in rainy days.
We have raincoats, hats, and umbrellas - to shut out every dampened feeling that is falling upon us.
He then went into self-imposed exile in America but bounced back in 1984 to start a new line of luxury silk raincoats.
On the morning of the delivery he hid in an alley armed with a baseball bat concealed under his raincoat.
They were all wearing raincoats and trilby hats and carrying small cardboard suitcases.
The purchasing manager and safety committee had also been instructed to procure gumboots, security boots and raincoats by July 23.
But nomatterhow optimistic the weather forecast, keep a raincoat handy if you intend taking a closeup.
No raincoat would really be complete without a nice set of fitted boots to cover the feet of your furry friends!
And plan your next trip out this way - bring a picnic, camera, golf clubs, togs, walking shoes - and in winter, a raincoat just in case!
“I took out the ice axe from the raincoat, gripped it in my hand and, with my eyes closed, dealt him a terrible blow on the head.”
Matthew Yglesias » Obama’s Permanent Revolution
The man was wearing a long black raincoat and a hat and his face was hidden as he struggled with the dog.
He was clean-shaven with a fresh complexion and was wearing a light-coloured flat cap with a long dark, nylon or cotton raincoat.
Enclosed are ideas for embellishing your fabric and waterproofing it to make a beautiful raincoat.
The dancers are dressed unisexly in suits and ties, raincoats and fedoras (the brims pulled down), the colours drab brown or slate.
Two men in felt hats and raincoats cast long shadows outside what we take to be Parliament Buildings.
From beneath the folded raincoat, he produced the portable DVD player that Rosie Chaudhuri had taken to Zurich.
Until now, when one sat here in the cloakroom, surrounded by old raincoats, shaking as though struck down by fever.
Grey single breasted raincoat £375 reduced to £195, Crombie, www.
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as she sped downstairs to pull on wellingtons, raincoat and sou'wester.
There are caps, a raincoat, a water-proof jacket, an umbrella and a medium weight jerkin, all kept in his care.
Mr. DeVere had indeed become worried about his daughters, when the storm arose, and, as they had left word whither they were going, Russ and Paul volunteered to go after them, taking raincoats and umbrellas.
The Moving Picture Girls at Oak Farm or, Queer Happenings While Taking Rural Plays
The sailors were yelling orders to one another and all were dressed in big, yellow raincoats along with rubber galoshes and black hats.
There are also double-breasted coats and raincoats with large collars, straight, short coats, and pea coats with a removable double collar.
I'm not an umbrella person and walking down the high street wearing a raincoat with the sun blazing down on you and the sweat pouring off your forehead makes you feel a total plonker.
He passed on to ulsters and raincoats, divagated into the colorful realm of neckwear, debated scarf-pins and cuff-links, visualized patterned shirtings, and emerged to dream of composite sartorial grandeurs which, duly synthesized into a long list of hopeful entries, were duly filed away within the pages of 3 T 9901, the pocket ledger.
Success A Novel
She was wearing a bright fluorescent pink raincoat and stood out like a sore thumb.
Times, Sunday Times
My raincoat was caught up on the hook.
It is a specialist cotton and polycotton weaving firm which makes shirts, coat linings and raincoats for major fashion labels.
Then comes the crowning glory of Frank's act, as he peels off his raincoat to reveal a smart suit underneath.
I am pouring with sweat in my raincoat and my man-bag is dangling, pathetically and annoyingly, from my neck.
Times, Sunday Times
Some of the class are dressed as if for the gym; others look the part with leather raincoats, figure-hugging skirts and strappy tops.
There stood two older boys, both dressed in yellow raincoats with big yellow hoods covering their eyes.
: Trench coats may be movie-star cool but so is the straight cut, A-line raincoat, also known as the balmacaan.
Finding the Right Raincoat
When the rains came, they huddled under umbrellas and makeshift tents and donned ponchos or raincoats fashioned from plastic garbage bags.
as she sped downstairs to pull on wellingtons, raincoat and sou'wester.
There was a smell of desuetude, like the whiff of an old book long unopened, raincoats drooped from a hat stand like shrouds.
The men are in plain clothes and wear light raincoats or light overcoats over their uniforms.
From helmet, visors / sunglasses to raincoat, latex gloves or waterproof pants, vests and boots - we got to have them all or else you are going to travel cold, shivering and unable to focus.
A raincoat will keep you high and dry, and it's a great way to add some punch to your sweater and jeans.
That's a nod to the raincoat maker that transformed itself from tired to trendy by plastering its trademark plaid on everything from miniskirts to bikinis.
The men are in plain clothes and wear light raincoats or light overcoats over their uniforms.
Almost all the raincoats were transparent plastic and made from a variety of materials from cling film to film negatives.
He was clean-shaven with a fresh complexion and was wearing a light-coloured flat cap with a long, dark nylon or cotton raincoat.
You just need to pray that it does not rain or, to be on the safe side, bring one of those plastic poncho raincoats that fits in your purse.
Otherwise, a dark suit, clerical collar, dark hat, raincoat, and they can give me a Military Cross.
A few invincible enthusiasts, mufflered and raincoated, still bore the icy chill of the concert hall, a quorum of painters besieged the artist supply stores for the precious remaining tubes of burntumber and scarletlake, while it was presumed that in traditionally unheated garrets orthodox poets nourished their muse on pencil erasers.
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