How To Use Rain forest In A Sentence

  • They live in a small hothouse - filled with plants - that is supposed to simulate a rain forest.
  • In the rain forests of Southeast Asia live the most agile of all mammals: the slender, long-limbed gibbons.
  • For rain forests, I hope to be a grandfather that can walk in the rainforest with his grandson or daughter and tell him, "Well, this macaw nest on this shihuahuaco tree here, it's exactly the same way I remember it 20 or 40 or 60 years ago, and it's still producing chicks every year. Wendy Diamond: In The Jungle With PeruNature's Kurt Holle
  • Despite numerous surveys, the amphibian has not been recorded in its rain forest habitat since 1986.
  • Volunteer guides roam the greenhouses ready to answer questions about rooms filled with rain forest tropical plants, blooming orchids, aroids and gesneriads.
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  • The dam would flood the Macal River valley - a so-called ‘Biogem’ of rain forest and fertile flood plain that is home to many endangered species like the howler monkey, jaguar, and tapir.
  • I have spent much of my life working in and campaigning for tropical rain forests and their people.
  • Mendes led a movement to stop destruction of the rain forest.
  • Dangerous and wild animals, like poisonous snakes and stinging ants, inhabited their rain forests.
  • The storm destroyed many of the blossoms and rain forest fruits that flying foxes eat, forcing the bats to alter their normally nocturnal habits.
  • Mendes led a movement to stop destruction of the rain forest.
  • They pointed out, for example, that the spread of cattle ranching in South America to meet U.S. demands for beef was contributing directly to the destruction of the rain forests.
  • Over large areas, either of two eucalypts, messmate stringybark Eucalyptus obliqua and Smithton peppermint Eucalyptus nitida, is found emergent from rain forest, the former species on the better soils in the east and the latter on the poorer soils mainly in the west. Tasmanian Wilderness, Australia
  • Yet, some of these species have also been reported in other habitats; for instance, P. cancrivorus is common in savanna forests, far from mangrove stands, and D. petechia can be found in grasslands and rain forests. Coastal Venezuelan mangroves
  • In the spatial distribution of Arctiidae, the species occur in maximal quantities in tropical mountain rain forests but the peaks appear in tropical semideciduous monsoon.
  • We hiked up Vermont Valley with a guide, Ellroy, to look for indigenous wild St. Vincent parrots, through thick rain forest of figs, palms, balsa and incongruous pine trees.
  • A plum-throated cotinga, like the one shown above in a lowland rain forest, is one species of over a thousand that make Peru a birder's paradise.
  • It is an area dense with the thick woods and craggy terrain of a largely virgin Arctic rain forest.
  • A checkered garter snake gave birth to three baby snakes in the ginger belt at the edge of the rain forest.
  • As the researchers walked around barelegged, often climbing mountains into cooler, beclouded rain forests beloved of leeches, they were mercilessly stung by mosquitoes.
  • Tropical rain forests used to cover 10% of the Earth's surface.
  • The first part of the trip explores the coast, a region of emerald rain forests, deep fjords, rich sealife, and tidewater glaciers that crumble into icy seas.
  • Tropical rain forests used to cover 10% of the Earth's surface.
  • Today, their thick white walls and ocher terracotta roofs stand out from the lush green rain forest that surrounds them.
  • The system represents a remarkable evolutionary adaptation of human behaviour patterns to the conditions of the rain forest.
  • Located 250 miles off the eastern coast of Africa, the island is slightly less than twice the size of Arizona yet has six different microclimates ranging from rain forest to desert.
  • The fifth route is for Xishuangbanna tropical rain forest and Dai ethnic folklore.
  • Arnold noted that, curiously, many species of parrots that live in rain forests have not evolved fluorescent pigmentation.
  • By contrast, the southern hill slopes along the southern coasts are kept moist during the dry season by the southeast trade winds, and dipterocarp rain forest occurs on the southwest hills of both Lombok and Sumbawa. Lesser Sundas deciduous forests
  • For the environmentally minded contractor, several lumber companies in California are now marketing ethically chopped tropical rain forest timber.
  • One wishes here, though, that the spongy, osseous kelp forest underneath was extended above the water line: a spongy, osseous rain forest within which fishes swarm. Fish Works
  • In the Border Ranges, approximately 140 dicotyledon genera are Gondwanan in origin, including rain forest genera (Nothofagus, Ceratopetalum, Akania) and non-rainforest genera such as Cassinia, Bauera, Hibbertia, and Leucopogon. Eastern Australian temperate forests
  • The rain forest may disappear forever.
  • Nasi said properly managed logging concessions can help to preserve rain forest biodiversity in other areas.
  • The vegetation in Niue is very lush – which we should have expected since part of the island is a rain forest. The benefits of a managed spectrum « Baby is 60 – Tim Panton on voice and computers
  • The Amazon rain forest, the world's largest is thought to contain at least 30 percent of all plant and animal species on the planet, most of them uncatalogued.
  • Over large areas, either of two eucalypts, messmate stringybark Eucalyptus obliqua and Smithton peppermint Eucalyptus nitida, is found emergent from rain forest, the former species on the better soils in the east and the latter on the poorer soils mainly in the west. Tasmanian Wilderness, Australia
  • West African jongleur Gabin Dabiré is from Burkina Faso, which is bounded by the Sahara Desert and coastal rain forest. Phil Ramone and Danielle Evin: Dog Ears Music: Volume Sixty-Seven
  • The Buru Rain Forests are located on the small mountainous tropical island of Buru in the Banda Sea, part of the region known as Wallacea, which contains a distinctive fauna representing a mix of Asian and Australasian species. Buru rain forests
  • Ironically, a road-paving team spotted the golden-crowned manakin in the heart of the rain forest of Brazil.
  • Huge swathes of rain forest are being cleared for farming and mining.
  • Individual species have adapted to a wide diversity of ecosystems ranging from desert-like habitats to rain forests and swamplands.
  • South American sugar cane ethanol also relies on slash and burn agriculture on thin topsoil creating ever increasing dead zones in the rain forest. Archive 2009-10-18
  • The swamps include sago palms, mangroves, and patches of tropical rain forest.
  • The rain forest was literally steaming
  • Along the border between the Guineo-Congolian zone and this ecoregion, Gilbertiodendron dewevrei, a common rain forest evergreen forms extensive, mono-dominant stands in well-drained red-clay soils with high soil water capacity in the Ubangi and Ule regions. Northern Congolian forest-savanna mosaic
  • The region encompasses a variety of vegetation types including dense lowland rain forest, dense submontane rain forest, open-canopy submontane rain forest, and woodland savanna. Madeira-Tapajós moist forests
  • Over 80 percent of Gabon is tropical rain forest, with a plateau region in the south.
  • The local source can be divided into two categories: species that are characteristic of lowland rain forest, such as Dipterocarpaceae, Bombacaceae, and the genus Ficus (figs), and those that have a large global latitudinal distribution such as pines, Cruciferae (e.g., mustard), Theaceae (e.g., tea), and tree ferns. Sumatran montane rain forests
  • We sat on matching raw-silk club chairs surrounded by a rain forest of Chinese fan palms, parlor palms, and sago palms. AFTER ALL THESE YEARS
  • In uneven-aged tropical rain forest ecosystems, the same principle seems to apply.
  • The swamps include sago palms, mangroves, and patches of tropical rain forest.
  • This region of dense tropical rain forest is situated on the lowland plateau in the central northern portion of the Amazon Basin in Brazil with tiny sections just touching Colombia and Venezuela. Japurá-Solimoes-Negro moist forests
  • Mango, papaya and genips grow wild in the forest, which is not technically a rain forest but looks the part with dripping trees and muddy trails to hike along.
  • The lowland evergreen dipterocarp rain forest, which naturally occupies 31 percent of the island, is dominated by Agalai spp., Palawan rain forests
  • In the latter approach, by contrast, the moment of “matters of concern” or com-plication is the appearance of a new actor such as massive cultivation of bovine livestock that require the clearing of rain forests and that significantly increase contributions to greenhouse gas emissions. Archive 2009-08-01
  • The newlyweds then jetted off to Costa Rica for an active honeymoon of hiking, diving and exploring the rain forest.
  • In the background, the roar of Cascade Creek provided a constant backbeat, a reminder that this part of Alaska really is a rain forest, getting more than 100 inches of rain annually.
  • The drive is spectacular: gorges and tropical rain forests and waterfalls on every hand, but I thought only of Poppy.
  • dank rain forests
  • Inselbergs are rock outcrops, several tens to several hundreds of metres high, emerging from savannas or rain forests.
  • The widely used anticancer drug was derived from the Pacific yew, a tree found in temperate rain forests.
  • The first part of the trip explores the coast, a region of emerald rain forests, deep fjords, rich sealife, and tidewater glaciers that crumble into icy seas.
  • A simulated rain forest will be installed inside two climate-controlled buildings, also in the post-2006 phase.
  • A hectare of pasture cleared out from the rain forest will produce about 50 kilograms of weight gain for the cattle run on that piece of land. Ice Time: Climate, Science, and Life on Earth
  • The equatorial climate of the Amazonian rain forests is hot and wet.
  • The destruction of the rain forests is an ecological disaster that threatens the future of life on Earth.
  • The stripes represent the three major geographic areas: green for the rain forest, red for the laterite soils of the savanna, and yellow for the sands of the sahel.
  • Much of this humid rain forest ecoregion has a high canopy (30 to 40 meters (m), with emergents to 50 m), but the region is broken by low canopy (less than 20 m) summer-dry forest with mesophyllous, semidecidous, and xeromorphic elements, and some open campos, or meadows;. Uatuma-Trombetas moist forests
  • So before u save the rain forest from the parasites of ur parents' generation, try "delousing" the closet in ur own room.
  • The rain forest is characterized by upper strata species such as piccabeen palm Archontophoenix cunninghamiana, hoop pine Araucaria cunninghamii, kauri pine Agathis robusta and carrol Backhousia myrtifolia. Fraser Island, Australia
  • Song: Sugar Man West African jongleur Gabin Dabiré is from Burkina Faso, which is bounded by the Sahara Desert and coastal rain forest. The Full Feed from
  • Coley found that leaf toughness was the most important factor determining leaf palatability for herbivores on persistent and pioneer trees of the tropical rain forest in Panama.
  • Elephant and buffalo ambled out of the rain forest to wade in the weedy shallows and to drink. Into Africa - a social history of the East African Safari
  • The kapok is a rain forest tree from Tropical America, and the pillow is stuffed with fluff from its fruits. All Media from ABC Local
  • So before you save the rain forest from the parasites of your parents' genernation , try "delousing" the closet in your own room.
  • Most are from tropical rain forests, and 95 percent have been studied, Collins said.
  • The tropical islands that constitute the complex and mountainous terrain of the Halmahera Rain Forests are an important part of the region known as Wallacea, which contains a very distinctive fauna representing a mix of Asian and Australasian species. Halmahera rain forests
  • Most species live in tropical rain forests.
  • A checkered garter snake gave birth to three baby snakes in the ginger belt at the edge of the rain forest.
  • I was at a rain-forest benefit back in 1990 at the Twentieth Century Fox studios, and right there on the soundstage was lauan plywood, which must have been ripped out of the rain forest. Talking With Ed
  • The dam would flood the Macal River valley - a so-called ‘Biogem’ of rain forest and fertile flood plain that is home to many endangered species like the howler monkey, jaguar, and tapir.
  • The issue of the tropical rain forests illustrates some of the central debates of global politics today.
  • With nearly 80 percent of its original forest still intact, the Halmahera Rain Forests ecoregion is largely free of intense habitat conversion threats. Halmahera rain forests
  • Despite the stark imagery from the famines of the 1980s, it is well endowed with large areas of cultivatable land as well as mountain ranges, swamps and rain forests.
  • They grew tall with curving trunks, like the tree ferns that still thrive in tropical rain forests.
  • The destruction of the rain forests is an ecological disaster that threatens the future of life on Earth.
  • And I have, for years, kind of brooded about the prospect of having a global alliance between governments, chemical companies, and others that would have an interest in it, in joining together, in effect, to pay to save the rain forests. Remarks At Fifth Millennium Evening At The White House
  • Most of the remaining habitat in this ecoregion is semi-evergreen rain forest and includes eight characteristic dipterocarp species: Anisoptera thurifera, Hopea gregaria, H. iriana, H. novoguineensis, Shorea assamica, S. montigena, S. selanica, and Vatica rassak. Halmahera rain forests
  • The kids rent a rain forest cocoa tree as an Earth Day present for Ms. Frizzle. But when the harvest arrives, there's only one shriveled cocoa bean! Ms.
  • During the dog days of summer, there's no finer place to relax than on a carpet of moist, green moss in the cool, shady rain forests of the Olympic Peninsula.
  • The fight against "biopiracy" has won the support of indigenous communities and defenders of the Amazon rain forest who say corporations unfairly benefit from medicine and other products derived from Brazil's exotic plants, poisonous snakes or brightly colored frogs. Reuters: Top News
  • Mendes led a movement to stop destruction of the rain forest.
  • These birds belong in the tropical rain forests and are spectacular in the wild.
  • The most luxuriant rain forests occur in northwest Morotai and north Halmahera, as opposed to the south arm of Halmahera, which is in the rain shadow of north Halmahera and Bacan. Halmahera rain forests
  • The western mountain section is lowland equatorial rain forest between 700 and 1,200 m, with transitional forest between 1,200 and 1,500 m. Kahuzi-Biéga National Park, Democratic Republic of Congo
  • Meanwhile, the felling and burning of tile Amazonian rain forest had also become a major story.
  • In the upper reaches of the Amazonian rain forest are strange areas, sometimes the size of a football field, in which grows only one kind of small tree.
  • The main vegetation here comprises large tracts of tropical rain forests, semi-evergreen as well as moist deciduous forests, plantations and grasslands.
  • Gibbons are arboreal apes who live in the tropical rain forests of southeast Asia.
  • The rain forest may disappear forever.
  • Huge swathes of rain forest are being cleared for farming and mining.
  • impenetrable rain forests
  • CORWIN (voice-over): But it is only here, in these remote rain forests in eastern Madagascar, that the indri exist. CNN Transcript Oct 22, 2007
  • CAFFERTY: The okapi is a relative of the giraffe, can be found in the nature of the rain forests in central Africa. CNN Transcript Feb 11, 2005
  • Brazil is frequently criticized for the destruction of the Amazon rain forest.
  • In Malaysia some of these reports are leading to scientific research teams heading into the rain forest to find a Sasquatch, or evidence thereof.
  • Although the families of plants involved are ancient, they are represented in tropical rain forest to different extents in different continents.
  • The direst predictions come from the British meteorological office's Hadley Center, where a team led by Peter Cox forecast a massive "dieback" of plants, killing the rain forest by 2100. Forests Are Not Green
  • For the new study, he considered the region's 65 endemic rain forest species, including ring-tail possums, the golden bowerbird, and microhylid frogs, which skip the tadpole stage.
  • From there we stopped at the tiny islands of Providencia and San Andres, finally landing in the rain forests of Panama.
  • They were hit by the sort of downpour that would not have looked out of place in a tropical rain forest. The Sun
  • It is ideal for trees; and this, indeed[Sentencedict], is the region of tropical rain forest.
  • The tropical regions are also home to the rain forests where despite the extraordinary conditions, life is abundant.
  • They say loggers are destroying rain forests and trampling on the rights of natives.
  • The tamarins are a highly endangered species found only in the rain forests of Colombia.
  • The African dwarf clawed frog is native to rain forests of central and western Africa and is a common pet in household aquariums.
  • Elephant and buffalo ambled out of the rain forest to wade in the weedy shallows and to drink. Into Africa - a social history of the East African Safari
  • The 37 areas that qualified for wilderness status include tropical rain forests, wetlands, deserts, and arctic tundra.
  • The landscape ranges from volcanoes and Afro-alpine mountains to savanna and lowland rain forest.
  • ‘If I didn't know better, I would of thought all of you damsels were rain forest naiads,’ he laughed.
  • Scott said the industry had picked up in the past 10 years in the province, which boasts different habitats, from rain forest to valley bushveld.
  • After such a dry and thirsty summer it is good that we now have some soft showers to give us a foretaste of what it will be like in the lush rain forests of the lower slopes of Kilimanjaro.
  • For the environmentally minded contractor, several lumber companies in California are now marketing ethically chopped tropical rain forest timber.
  • Temperate rain forest, covering less than 30% of the area below the treeline, is characterized by the dominance of Antarctic tree species, a generally low diversity of higher plants and a rich cryptogamic flora. Tasmanian Wilderness, Australia
  • They were happiest dashing off into the unknown—their diaries are filled with accounts of momentous discoveries made after enduring punishing hardships: getting lost, eating raw vulture flesh, trekking through rain forests shoeless and clothesless, being sucked into whirlpools for hours on end, fending off rabid buffalo attacks, falling with their horses into hippopotamus wallows, having all their hair eaten by rats while sleeping and negotiating with armed, xenophobic natives ready to stone foreigners for trespassing on their sacred farmland. The Fruit Hunters
  • The kids rent a rain forest cocoa tree as an Earth Day present for Ms. Frizzle. But when the harvest arrives, there's only one shriveled cocoa bean! Ms.
  • Mothers of the Jamaican cave frog species - Eleutherodactylus cundalli - carry their froglets from the cave into the rain forest.
  • The Amazon rain forest, the world's largest is thought to contain at least 30 percent of all plant and animal species on the planet, most of them uncatalogued.
  • Large tracts of virgin forest play a role in global ecology comparable to rain forests.
  • Combined with Auzet's clitter clatter, the effect is reminiscent of an imagined rain forest tribal dance.
  • It is an area dense with the thick woods and craggy terrain of a largely virgin Arctic rain forest.
  • Make no mistake about it; there is an art to driving your huge tyred monster through the swamps, mulga and rain forest.
  • Elephant and buffalo ambled out of the rain forest to wade in the weedy shallows and to drink. Into Africa - a social history of the East African Safari
  • We flew south-southeast, the land greened up underneath us, dry savannah, wet savannah, then true rain forest. TROPIC OF NIGHT
  • When the riser halted and the portal reopened, she was greeted by a vista of tangled alien rain forest, wondrous aromas, and ferine screeching. Diuturnity's Dawn
  • One of the most endangered species in the world and the largest living primate, the lowland gorilla originates from the tropical rain forests of equatorial Africa, particularly the Congo and Cameroon.
  • The African rain forest is the second largest contiguous tropical forest in the world after the Amazon.
  • Much of the destruction of the rain forest is at the hands of out-of-work and dislocated campesinos trying to feed their families. The Oaxaca Newsletter volume 5, No. 14: August 15, 2000
  • Comprises seven main vegetation types: closed forest including rain forest and tall eucalypt forest dominated by satinay and brushwood; blackbutt forest; scribbly gum and wallum banksia communities; communities of wet sites often dominated by Melaleuca spp.; coastal communities; Callitris forest and woodlands; and mangrove and salt marsh. Fraser Island, Australia
  • The tall eucalypt forests, dominated by pure stands of blackbutt Eucalyptus pilularis, occur mainly on the high dunes adjoining the rain forests. Fraser Island, Australia
  • The forest cobra is a large, thick-bodied, black snake from the tropical and subtropical rain forests of Africa.
  • Best known for being home to the architectural feat called the Panama Canal, this lively Latin American city is just a stone's throw from some of Central America's richest rain forests. Tip Sheet
  • Cola trees are large and grow best in tropical rain forests.
  • Deep in the rain forests of Central America, lumberjacks hew the primavera tree in the dark of a moonless night.
  • Father Luis is a Jesuit missionary, sent to punish a disobeying priest in the middle of Amazon rain forest - which is a perfectly normal thing to happen since Father Luis lives in the 18th century. Ian McDonald - Brasyl (Book Review)
  • The Sumatra rain forests are home to some of the world's most charismatic flowering plants: Rafflesia arnoldii, which produces the largest flower in the world (up to 1 meters (m) wide), and Amorphophallus titanum, which stands more than 2 m tall and produces aroid flowers. Sumatran lowland rain forests
  • In addition, the rain forests are restricted to dolerite-derived red clay soils, which are highly moisture retentive. Eastern Zimbabwe montane forest-grassland mosaic
  • Mendes led a movement to stop destruction of the rain forest.
  • By the early 1990s, he was noticing that blue-crowned motmots, brown jays, golden-crowned warblers and other birds of drier, lower-elevation rain forests had begun nesting in his study area.
  • A catlike civet known as a fossa prowls the rain forest of Madagascar's Ranomafana National Park.
  • Rainfall is heavy, and the area is dense with rain forests with mahogany, teak, and ebony trees.
  • Thus, we start in the polar ice and tundra, move on to grasslands, thence to rain forests and marshes, then uplands, seaboards and maritime civilisations.
  • It would prevent the destruction of rain forests and save our climate.
  • One call sounded like something from a rain forest soundtrack - was surprised to see it come from a pileated woodpecker. How many folks out there just enjoy watching deer? My wife and I saw around 25 Saturday and Sunday.
  • Tropical rain forests used to cover 10% of the Earth's surface.
  • Rain forests are filled with amazing creatures.
  • Human beings fill every ecological niche on the planet, from the icy tundra to the tropical rain forests to the deserts.
  • Tropical rain forests used to cover 10% of the Earth's surface.
  • Its unbelievable- monster houseplants towered over me and 'fecund' is really the best word to use in describing the rain forest. Day Dreams
  • Severin also travels into the Central American rain forest to mingle with the Kuna.
  • In the Australian physiognomic classification system, the CFF is considered a complex notophyll vine forest type that is more generally defined as a submontane tropical rain forest.
  • Her work includes identifying local herbs and spices, plus resurrecting centuries-old harvesting and curing methods that preserve and regenerate rain forests.
  • Diversity and structure of tropical rain forest of Tutuila, American Samoa: effects of site age and substrate. Samoan tropical moist forests
  • Jaguars occupy a diverse habitat ranging from tropical rain forests to arid deserts.
  • Twenty meters above them, earthlight slanted down through thick panes of polarized glass, illuminating a miniature rain forest. Analog Science Fiction and Fact
  • Short-term maxima in the most productive crop fields can be close to 5%, whereas even the tropical rain forests, the planet's most productive natural ecosystems, do not average more than 1%. Global material cycles
  • Vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizae affect lowland tropical rain forest plant growth. Chapter 8
  • However, in the tropical rain forests, some tall arbor plants, also die away after they blossom and fructify one time; and this is little known to common people.
  • West African jongleur Gabin Dabiré is from Burkina Faso, which is bounded by the Sahara Desert and coastal rain forest. Phil Ramone and Danielle Evin: Dog Ears Music: Volume Sixty-Seven
  • These insects are found in rain forests, highlands, and deserts such as the Persian Gulf.
  • The scientists say the rain forests are made vulnerable to clear-cutting by the networks of access roads left behind by logging operations.
  • A meat-eater may become upset when it is suggested that her everyday eating habits contribute to the destruction of the rain forests; to the meat-eater, the hamburger is congruous with sustenance, not destruction.
  • The destruction of the rain forests is an ecological disaster that threatens the future of life on Earth.
  • Today, their thick white walls and ocher terracotta roofs stand out from the lush green rain forest that surrounds them.
  • Travel deep into the Guyanese rain forest by canoe, as part of a trip with Wilderness Explorers.
  • The mountains and the rain forest are unlike anything I've ever seen.
  • A smaller chain of mountains, nowhere near as tall as Zenith ran along the outer rim of the rain forest of the northern territory, separating the land of the lizards from the rest of Darikoth to the south.
  • Rain forests are filled with amazing creatures.
  • The equatorial climate of the Amazonian rain forests is hot and wet.
  • Are the biogeographic and ecological responses of tropical-rain forest species representative of those of other fragmented biomes?
  • Brazil's dilemma: Allow widespread - and profitable - destruction of the rain forest to continue, or intensify conservation efforts.
  • The ringtail lemur, of course, has a beautiful ring tail that they hold up to locate each other in the rain forest.
  • Northern visitors 'first reaction to the storied Amazon rain forest is often disappointment. 1491
  • In 164 photographs, taken during a trip from the coast inland, he examines the results of generations of logging that have left swaths of barren landscape where lush rain forests once grew.
  • Certain types of ecosystems and biotic communities, such as tropical rain forests and wetlands, might completely disappear.
  • The Ubangi and Uele Rivers demarcate the central and eastern borders with the northeastern Congo rain forest, while the Bar al Ghazall, part of the Upper Nile drainage, delineates the transition to the Saharan flooded grasslands to the east. Northern Congolian forest-savanna mosaic
  • They say loggers are destroying rain forests and trampling on the rights of natives.
  • Unfortunately, there is not enough money or park staff to stop the poaching and illegal timbering that are nibbling at the edges of the rain forest.
  • His mission was to spread the word of God to people living in the depths of the Amazon rain forest.
  • Up to half of the tropical rain forests cut down or burned are transformed not into wasteland but into secondary forest.
  • Indigenous to every continent except Antarctica, palms grow in arid deserts and brackish or fresh water swamps, in dry mountainous regions and tropical rain forests.
  • Deforestation is destroying large areas of tropical rain forest.
  • Huge swathes of rain forest are being cleared for farming and mining.
  • From deep in the rain forest comes a low, booming sound.
  • Vegetation types on Palawan are diverse and include beach forest, tropical lowland evergreen dipterocarp rain forest, lowland semi-deciduous forest, montane forest, and ultramafic and imestone forest. Palawan rain forests
  • American cutaneous leishmaniasis is transmitted by sandflies in rain forest areas mainly among mammals and occasionally humans.
  • Mendes led a movement to stop destruction of the rain forest.
  • Comprises seven main vegetation types: closed forest including rain forest and tall eucalypt forest dominated by satinay and brushwood; blackbutt forest; scribbly gum and wallum banksia communities; communities of wet sites often dominated by Melaleuca spp.; coastal communities; Callitris forest and woodlands; and mangrove and salt marsh. Fraser Island, Australia
  • This is one of the reasons we destroy the rain forests at our peril.

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