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How To Use Raiment In A Sentence

  • So he sleepeth and wotteth not whither she goeth, nor what she doeth; but we know that after giving him the drugged wine, she donneth her richest raiment and perfumeth herself and then she fareth out from him to be away till break of day; then she cometh to him, and burneth a pastile under his nose and he awaketh from his deathlike sleep. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • Poseidon clothes himself in raiment of gold, grasps his gold whip, and takes his stand upon his chariot.
  • Then he repaired to a blacksmith, after stripping her and her damsels of their silken apparel and clothing them in raiment of hair-cloth, and bade him make three pairs of iron shackles. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • Cependant, il ne s'agit pas vraiment d'un polar et nous ne devons pas attendre les toutes dernières pages du livre pour apprendre qui est le coupable. Archive 2010-07-01
  • Some necessary change of raiment, and a very few pieces of gold, were all which he thought it needful to withdraw from the general stock; the rest of the baggage and money he left with the sumpter-horse, which he concluded his father might need, in order to sustain his character as an English trader. Anne of Geierstein
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  • I want nothing but raiment and daily bread.
  • Je me suis inkiété, j'ai fait des conneries je le sais et j'ai vraiment pensé a tout, le jour ou j'suis monté sur la balance et que je pesais 58 kilos pour un metre 76, tout m'est passé par la tete le SIDA en premier une hepatite une merde comme ca ... un cancer apres et non ... Pinku-tk Diary Entry
  • The Signor Conte kept us waiting twenty minutes, whilst he shaved and exchanged his dressing-gown for the suit of sables which is the correct raiment of the Latin race. The Romance of Isabel Lady Burton
  • Ecoles sans accent sur la majuscule, chez moi c'est une question de style et d'école, justement — et pas intéressée vraiment à en discuté, déjà fait “to death” sur usenet et ailleurs Website Pro Day 3: Results! — Climb to the Stars
  • The clerical staff will not disport themselves in raiment of bright colors, nor will they wear hose unless in good repair. colors? Workplaces have been worse! | My[confined]Space
  • Some for the words -- in raiment of needlework -- propose another rendering, "on variegated (or embroidered) cloths" -- that is, in the manner of the East, richly wrought tapestry was spread on the ground, on which the bride walked. Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • Acolytes in white and brown raiment came forth, standing just before her.
  • Their long slender bodies were clothed in raiment so silky, and their staffs issued high command.
  • J'ai acheté aussi des wig ... une pour Judith parce que vraiment la pauvre ... une pour Ala ... ca me poussera a commencer sa custo! Pinku-tk Diary Entry
  • Bien qu'ayant souvent froid aux pieds l'hiver, j'ai beau essayer d'imaginer à quelles tenues assortir cet accessoire incontournable, il me semble que la seule qui soit vraiment adaptée soit la combinaison de ski! Mode
  • La traduction n'est pas vraiment mauvaise, mais on a l'impression que la traductrice s'est dit que, compte tenu de la rémunération offerte, elle avait accompli un effort suffisant. Archive 2010-06-01
  • The most rejoiced for the sake of the damsel with the white raiment, the daughter of the poor vavasor she of the gentle and open heart; but his damsel and those who were devoted to him were sorry for Yder. Four Arthurian Romances
  • Garbed was she in silken raiment of tenderest green, wrought upon with some quaint workmanship of gold and silver. Love and Life Behind the Purdah
  • D'ailleurs un proverbe arabe dit un truc dans le genre (desole je ne sais plus vraiment mais l'esprit y est): Ne baisse pas les bras car tu risques de le faire 5 minutes avant la fin de la guerre. (vous pouvez verifier ce proverbe dans le roman d'Amelie Nothomb 'acide sulfurique') Pinku-tk Diary Entry
  • Ni’amah replied, “An old woman of such and such a mien, clad in woollen raiment and carrying a rosary of beads numbered by thousands.” The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • Beds of poppies, hollyhocks, scarlet lychnis, and the most flaming flowers, border the edge of the walks, which extend till the perspective meets, and swarm with ladies and gentlemen in parti-coloured raiment. Dreams Waking Thoughts and Incidents
  • One could look at those primrose-tinted ladies of his, with their gossamer films of raiment and their flowerage always suggestive of the asphodel mead, for hours: and if one's soul had had a substantial A History of the French Novel, Vol. 2 To the Close of the 19th Century
  • Ben pour m'arreter j'ai du vraiment piler et mes pneu ont crissé et ma voiture glissée pendant bien quelques metres pour m'arreter juste un peu apres le stop (pas grand chose donc ca va) ... Pinku-tk Diary Entry
  • Israelites might have brought from Egypt more clothes than they wore at their outset; they might also have obtained supplies of various articles of food and raiment in barter with the neighboring tribes for the fleeces and skins of their sheep and goats; and in furnishing them with such opportunities the care of Providence appeared. Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • A lone figure stood on the deck, dressed in raiment of yellow and lime, bearing short white hair that stood upright, and wielding a wood staff with a white rabbit carved atop it.
  • Pas mauvais, ca sonne vraiment tres Plastic Tree mais un album comme ca apres le sublime NegaToPosi, on retourne 15 ans en arriere ... Pinku-tk Diary Entry
  • It's an especially lovely option at this time of year, with the trees donning their autumnal raiment.
  • Le drame, l'épopée savante, l'élégie attestent aujourd'hui encore la puissance et la souplesse de ce magnifique génie; seul entre les disciples de Sarasvatî [the goddess of eloquence], il a eu le bonheur de produire un chef-d'oeuvre vraiment classique, où l'Inde s'admire et où l'humanité se reconnaît. Translations of Shakuntala and Other Works
  • How now, lady, why hast thou arrayed thee in sable weeds instead of white raiment, and from thy fair head hast shorn thy tresses with the steel, bedewing thy cheeks the while with tears but lately shed? Helen
  • I am thinking, however, that for all they cry against them, the poor rates are but a small evil, since they keep the poor folk in such food and raiment, and out of the temptations to thievery; indeed, such a thing as a common beggar is not to be seen in this land, excepting here and there a sorner or a ne'er-do-weel. The Ayrshire Legatees, or, the Pringle family
  • Now here it must be related that when the Caliph went upstairs with the plate of fish he ordered the vizir to hasten to the palace and bring back four slaves bearing a change of raiment, who should wait outside the pavilion till the Caliph should clap his hands. Still Separate & Unequal
  • Now when the carousal was at an end, Al – Amin commanded one of his servants to fill the boat, wherein Ja’afar had come, with dirhams and dinars and all manner of jewels and jacinths and rich raiment and goods galore. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • The clerical staff will not disport themselves in raiment of bright colors, nor will they wear hose unless in good repair. Workplaces have been worse! | My[confined]Space
  • He stands upright, savage but mild, with his beard in curling prongs, his lean frame, his raiment of camel-skin; we can hear him speaking as he points to the Lamb carrying the hastate cross surrounded by a nimbus, pressing it to his bosom with both hands. The Cathedral
  • She had plenty to eat, as much tobacco as was good for her, and outer raiment that in gaudiness outrivalled the flame-tree and the yellow hibiscus. The Confessions of a Beachcomber
  • At the upper end rose a throne of gold whereon sat a damsel, whose face was like the moon, arrayed in royal raiment and beautified as she were a bride on the night of her displaying; and at the foot of the throne was a table of forty trays spread with golden and silvern dishes full of dainty viands. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • J'ai quand meme une legere preference pour les images qui auraient composé le plus poétique mais je ne sais pas vraiment si ca me correspond ... Pinku-tk Diary Entry
  • But she was wearing the cobalt raiment of the Angel of Death.
  • C'est vraiment la même histoire partout que la routine nous rassure (surtout nous qui approche la viellese!) que, jour par jour, la vie continue; et qu'il faut arroser les fleurs tous les jours, or tous les deux jours -- j'oublie ... c'est la maladie des anciens ... La routine - French Word-A-Day
  • At last she arose, and when she had plucked and eaten some handfuls of the strawberries which grew plenteously on the sweet ground of the eyot, she went down to the landward-looking shore, and took the water, and swam slowly across the warm ripple till she came once more to the strand and her raiment. The Water of the Wondrous Isles
  • C'est vraiment un beau pays, très hospitalier, où vous serez tentée de faire beaucoup d'achats!!! poteries, vêtements et objets de cuir, cuivres, tapis, souvenirs de toutes sortes, etc., etc ... Contretemps - French Word-A-Day
  • You are clothed in a raiment of ecru, perfectly molded to your smooth flowing curves.
  • Wherefore she deemed she had yet time, and the blue rippling water wooed her much-besweated limbs; so she did off her raiment and took the water, and became happy and unweary therein. The Water of the Wondrous Isles
  • I thought of the "breadths of silver and skirts of gold" that I had seen the Day pack away; and, inspired with the thought, fell to folding less amberous raiment, until, my duty done, I pressed the cover down, and locked my treasures in, for the journey of the morrow. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 10, No. 61, November, 1862
  • You are clothed in a raiment of ecru, perfectly molded to your smooth flowing curves.
  • J'entends c'qu'on dit je peux repondre mais pas vraiment j'ai du mal, je suis conscient de tout ce qui m'entoure mais je ne peux pas reagir du tout ... Pinku-tk Diary Entry
  • As soon as it was evenfall, he went in to her and found her robed in her richest raiment and decked with her goodliest adornments. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • Bien qu'ayant souvent froid aux pieds l'hiver, j'ai beau essayer d'imaginer à quelles tenues assortir cet accessoire incontournable, il me semble que la seule qui soit vraiment adaptée soit la combinaison de ski ! Mode
  • He was all in green velvet, and every button of his doublet was a brilliant of price; and that gay raiment by its incongruity seemed to heighten the tragedy of the moment. The Strolling Saint; being the confessions of the high and mighty Agostino D'Anguissola, tyrant of Mondolfo and Lord of Carmina in the state of Piacenza
  • After, barbered, powdered and perfumed, he passed to his vestiary, where still more acolytes helped him into his ceremonial raiment: robes of Lattakayan satin, be-jeweled breastplate, rings and slippers, and the sapphire tiara that had graced the brow of every Kingpriest since the end of the Three Thrones™ War. Chosen Of The Gods
  • I want nothing but raiment and daily bread.
  • Pas vraiment mais je dormais tout en etant conscient de se qui m'entourait, comme un etat second. Pinku-tk Diary Entry
  • And becoming pre-eminent in ascetic habits, she was wont to wear raiment of triple roughness. Psalms of the Sisters
  • Now telleth the tale concerning the sons of Gudrun, that she had arrayed their war-raiment in such wise, that no steel would bite thereon; and she bade them play not with stones or other heavy matters, for that it would be to their scathe if they did so. The Story of the Volsungs
  • Although this has been a tight and restringent year financially with us, the kind hand of Providence has mysteriously provided for every material necessity, to the extent that the children have not gone wanting for food and raiment nor has there been any lag in any of the departments of industry of the institution but all are in good condition and have made satisfactory progress. Annual report of the Colored Orphan Asylum located at Oxford, North Carolina from January 1, 1909, to December 1, 1910
  • Bon a dire vrai je n'ai jamais eu de truc vraiment grave alors la je me retrouve avec un truc qui quand meme m'empeche de respirer alors forcement des que l'occasion fait que j'entends ma respiration, je me concentre dessus, je prends conscience que je respire mal, j'angoisse, j'etouffe et hop crise de panique! Pinku-tk Diary Entry
  • The misery of the times had reduced the nobles and matrons of Rome to accept, without a blush, the benevolence of the church: three thousand virgins received their food and raiment from the hand of their benefactor; and many bishops of Italy escaped from the Barbarians to the hospitable threshold of the Vatican. The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
  • 'a coté de chez moi il y a un cinema ou ils ne passent que des films intimiste, vraiment la petite salle toute pitite juste pour 20 personnes le truc ou presque personne ne va ' Pinku-tk Diary Entry
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  • Le choix de leur distributeur de publicité est vraiment malheureux un cran au-dessus du spam, à mon sens, et clairement, il n'y a pas de dialogue entre coComment et ses utilisateurs, malgré les déclarations acharnées "d'ouverture au dialogue". More on coComment Advertising — Climb to the Stars
  • A cut of sheep's hair touched with the genius of man becomes raiment for a king.
  • He rose up and departed, without counsel of any, trusting only in God and his own strength; he bore with him neither bag nor baggage, scrip nor scrippage -- not even a change of raiment; but with a handful of fruit and the humble provision which his good mother had furnished for the harvest-field, he set forth; day and night he journeyed on the truck he knew his friend had taken to that far country, toiling in the fields to secure food and lodging for the night, and some scant aids to carry him from place to place. Chanticleer A Thanksgiving Story of the Peabody Family
  • Azuma-zi had come, clad in white but insufficient raiment, out of the stoke-hole of the _Lord Clive_, from the Straits Settlements and beyond, into London. The Country of the Blind, and Other Stories
  • Je l'essaie et tout elle est vraiment tres chaude!! Pinku-tk Diary Entry
  • Je trouvais ca vraiment etrange vu comme elle est enorme que les lettres depassent autant!! Pinku-tk Diary Entry
  • Then the Governor’s wife arose and stripped her of her jewels and silken raiment and, clothing her in petticoat-trousers of sack-cloth and a shift of hair-cloth, sent her down into the kitchen and made her a scullery-wench, saying, The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • And she did back her raiment from her thin neck, and it was white as snow under the woolen, and she did on the necklace, and Osberne thought indeed that it sat well there, and that her head and neck looked grand and graithly. The Sundering Flood
  • Chere Kristi, it was sad yet a pleasure to imagine being the recipient of your caring arm and concern for your belle-mere for this trosiemme age is but a few steps from needing such care, vraiment .. Troisième age - French Word-A-Day
  • Ceci n'est pas ironique car je suis une crevette et j'ai un poids en dessous duquel je ne dois absolument pas descendre sous peine de retrait de traitement donc toute prise de poids chez moi est vraiment un moment joyeux car cela permet de continuer a me soigner comme il faut!!! Pinku-tk Diary Entry
  • She overheard their conspiracy and intervened to thwart their plan by placing diversions in their path - attacking hounds; rich, tempting raiment dangling on elusive clotheslines; and many other such conjurations.
  • That was our plan, but we were beguiled by the mountain's glistening raiment into something rather more challenging.
  • Now, in his fantasy, he apparelled her like a man; and presently despoiling her of that habit, he gave her another of a nymph; which he took away also, to attire her with the ornaments and majesty of a queen; not leaving any raiment but he gave it unto her, either to make her wise or to make her a vaunting fool; and generally he imagined her to be grave, merry, discreet, subtle and virtuous, which parts are ill-befitting a fair comedian.
  • To them that served her she told the tale of her vow, that she might not do off her sallet that seven days; and some trowed her, and some deemed her a woman, but whereas she seemed by her raiment to be of condition none meddled with her. The Water of the Wondrous Isles
  • Azuma-zi had come, clad in white but insufficient raiment, out of the stokehole of the Lord Clive, from the Straits Settlements, and beyond, into London. The Door in the Wall, and other stories
  • Elle m'arrive et voila que je la trouve affreuse, pas photogenique et vraiment Too Much! Pinku-tk Diary Entry
  • And thus did the Ephesians play the 'March of the Goddess Hecate,' and the sound of the queenly tread of the Infernal Goddess seemed to follow the ranks of her devotees, ranks of priests and priestesses dressed in black raiment bestud with stars of gold, a crescent moon on every brow. Saronia A Romance of Ancient Ephesus
  • A quick google reveals that he is a spiritual medium, the gleaming white raiment possibly implying a familiarity with the angelic host.
  • Atmosphere has no abiding place, no set rules for its coming and going; when you walk upon the hills, their watchet raiment fades, and you cannot carry home the primrose mist of morning. The Spring of Joy: A Little Book of Healing
  • Et la franchement ce serait vraiment grave grave la galere!! Pinku-tk Diary Entry
  • Le succès est comme une grande roue; on ne peut vraiment apprécier la vue que l'on a d'en haut que si l'on redescend quelques fois. Enfants
  • Robed in raiment of beauty, diaphanous gear of Benares. Psalms of the Sisters
  • Tu t'en es super bien sortie, c'était intéressant. par contre, z'ont vraiment pris les blogs les plus intéressants du monde pour leur reportage huhu Télévision et lancement — Climb to the Stars
  • Bien qu'ayant souvent froid aux pieds l'hiver, j'ai beau essayer d'imaginer à quelles tenues assortir cet accessoire incontournable, il me semble que la seule qui soit vraiment adaptée soit la combinaison de ski! Mode
  • Many a hungry mouth can be fed from the leavings of the sumptuous tables of the rich and many a naked body can be clothed from the superfluous frillings and trimmings of their fine raiments.
  • clad in her queenly raiment
  • Signor Conte kept us waiting twenty minutes, whilst he shaved and exchanged his dressing-gown for the suit of sables which is the correct raiment of the Latin race. The Romance of Isabel, Lady Burton
  • Bien qu'ayant souvent froid aux pieds l'hiver, j'ai beau essayer d'imaginer à quelles tenues assortir cet accessoire incontournable, il me semble que la seule qui soit vraiment adaptée soit la combinaison de ski! Mode
  • C'est vraiment la même histoire partout que la routine nous rassure (surtout nous qui approche la viellese!) que, jour par jour, la vie continue; et qu'il faut arroser les fleurs tous les jours, or tous les deux jours -- j'oublie ... c'est la maladie des anciens ... La routine - French Word-A-Day
  • She was robed in the costliest of raiment and decked with ornaments the most precious that could be and withal she was of passing beauty and loveliness, a model of symmetry and seemliness, of elegance and perfect grace, with waist slender and hips heavy and dewy lips such as heal the sick and eyelids lovely in their languor, as it were she of whom the sayer spake when he said, The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • Good – Conscience; he is an austere, unearthly friend, whom maybe Torquemada knew; and the folds of his raiment are not merely claustral, but have something of the horror of the pall. Lay Morals
  • Mais le lit est affreusement bas et on voit mon epaule qui depasse alors je demande aux filles ou j'pourrais me cachers dans la chambre parce que c petit et pis j'sais vraiment pas ou aller quoi! Pinku-tk Diary Entry
  • Remorse, were not, as to the eighteenth-century rhymester, merely Greek ladies draped in flowing raiment; to him they were realities, intensely focussed in himself. Watts (1817-1904)
  • All hearts sink; Latinus goes with torn raiment, in dismay at his wife's doom and his city's downfall, defiling his hoary hair with soilure of sprinkled dust. The Aeneid of Virgil
  • C'est vraiment un beau pays, très hospitalier, où vous serez tentée de faire beaucoup d'achats!!! poteries, vêtements et objets de cuir, cuivres, tapis, souvenirs de toutes sortes, etc., etc ... Contretemps - French Word-A-Day
  • Franchement c un super magasin et une super equipe ya vraiment rien a dire. Pinku-tk Diary Entry
  • Vous avez donc compris que stressant a mort je dors avec ma lumiere principale celle de mon bureau et celle de ma table de chevet allumées ainsi que ma tele ... qui n'a pas vraiment de son mais j'eclaire ma chambre et je lui donne du mouvement! Pinku-tk Diary Entry
  • Cependant, il ne s'agit pas vraiment d'un polar et nous ne devons pas attendre les toutes dernières pages du livre pour apprendre qui est le coupable. Archive 2010-07-01
  • Standing before an expectant audience of French speakers with nothing but a few pitiful phrases and a lot of arm-waving to offer, the whole idea now appears vraiment merde.
  • Pour ceux qui connaissent Doudou, ils comprendront que cela est vraiment etrange oui oui oui! Pinku-tk Diary Entry
  • The unconquered Hercules himself, since you despise my instances as drawn from mere mendicancy, Hercules that roamed the whole world, exterminated monsters, and conquered races, god though he was, had but a skin for raiment and a staff for company in the days when he wandered through the earth. The Defense
  • Malgres ses couleurs flashi elle ne fait vraiment pas du tout "barbie" mais bien "poupee de collection" comme les autres!! Pinku-tk Diary Entry
  • Moreover, I saw a throne of red gold, crusted with pearls and gems, and seated thereon a son of Adam arrayed in the most sumptuous raiment and bearing on his head a Chosröan506 crown, diademed with the finest stones that shed a light like the light of day; but, when I came up to him, I found him stone. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • When Christ has need of us, His messenger will appear; he is clothed in raiment white as snow, and although his voice is always gentle, it is clearly heard in the rush and roar of the tempest as on a summer's day. Folk Tales From Many Lands
  • The girl always complains about lacking suitable raiment.
  • But, as the sun's "glorious raiment" is replaced by the merely reflective light of a "bright cloud," the "mild beam" of human sympathy gives way before the questionable lustre of the miser's gold (which signifies, in Visions 'imperialist context, the stolen wealth comprising the so-called commonwealth). Gender, Environment, and Imperialism in William Blake's _Visions of the Daughters of Albion_
  • Une longue tirade, malheureusement pas vraiment traduisible vu l'heure et la longueur, sur la dépendance à internet, qui est à mon avis un faux problème. Addicted to Technology! — Climb to the Stars
  • They seemed clad in the skins of beasts, so torn and bepatched the raiment that had survived nearly four years of cruising. Moby Dick; or the Whale
  • Chere Kristi, it was sad yet a pleasure to imagine being the recipient of your caring arm and concern for your belle-mere for this trosiemme age is but a few steps from needing such care, vraiment.. Troisième age - French Word-A-Day
  • The sight hindered her from her bath, so that she went not farther in nor washed, but sat staring at the Princess, till she had made an end of bathing and coming forth of the caldarium donned her raiment, whereupon beauty was added to her beauty. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • So he carried him to his place and clad his daughter in raiment, such as added to her beauty and loveliness. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • Thy raiment waxed not old upon thee, neither did thy foot swell, these forty years.
  • Bon l'medecin m'a fait un arret d'travail mais j'y retourne quand meme cet apres midi vu qu j'v deja manqué deux jours a cause de l'hospitalisation ... j'v vraiment avoir une paie minuscule - _ - Pinku-tk Diary Entry
  • Elle est souvent accompagnée d'Edward qu'elle surveille souvent de peur qu'HasH lui fasse faire vraiment n'importe quoi. Pinku-tk Diary Entry
  • Then good Aeneas rent away the raiment from his shoulders and called the gods to aid, stretching forth his hands: 'Jupiter omnipotent, if thou hatest not Troy yet wholly to her last man, if thine ancient pity looks at all on human woes, now, O Lord, grant our fleet to escape the flame, and rescue from doom the slender Teucrian estate. The Aeneid of Virgil
  • He saw Su destroy snow send of that drops bayonet on the floor of part and bring over here it wipes clean, then remind of tore off Su cripple snow small of the back get raiment.
  • C'est vraiment stressant a un point pas croyable et c'est aussi penible cet etrange double souffle que j'ai! Pinku-tk Diary Entry
  • Le pire c que je suis a moitié conscient de tout ct vraiment etrange. Pinku-tk Diary Entry
  • Je comate mais tiens tout de meme une discussion avec Severine et ma mere. je ne sais plus vraiment sur quoi. Pinku-tk Diary Entry
  • She came to the stream and found it running between blue-flowering mouse-ear and rushes, into a pool which deepened from a sandy shallow: so anon her borrowed raiment was lying on the grassy lip of the water, and she was swimming and disporting her in the pool, with her hair loose and wavering over her white back like some tress of the water-weed. The Water of the Wondrous Isles
  • Fonctionnalité sympathique, en effet, mais y a t-il vraiment une différence à divulguer son mot de passe pour établir une synchronisation, et autoriser un accès sans mot de passe ? Flickr and Dopplr: the Right Way to Import GMail Contacts — Climb to the Stars
  • La concurrence risque d'être dure et je me demande si le jeu en vaut vraiment la chandelle. “Je fais des sites internet” — Climb to the Stars
  • Many Southern women had to cook, too, and could do it well; to patch and darn, and often to provide food and raiment for the household, because the husband and father frequented drink-shops or wasted his substance in riotous living. The Congress of Women: Held in the Woman's Building, World's Columbian Exposition, Chicago, U. S. A., 1893, With Portraits, Biographies and Addresses
  • Ne’er ask me what raiment I’ll wear, for I have no more doublets than backs, no more stockings than legs, nor no more shoes than feet: nay, sometime more feet than shoes, or such shoes as my toes look through the overleather. Induction. Scene II. The Taming of the Shrew
  • Moreover, he appointed them solde and rations, and commanded to transport to their quarters all they needed of raiment and furniture and vessels of price. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • J'pense que mercredi j'arriverai a cacher tout ca si ce n'est pas parti vu l'effet des medoc (vraiment miraculeux) .... Pinku-tk Diary Entry
  • Ceci n'est pas ironique car je suis une crevette et j'ai un poids en dessous duquel je ne dois absolument pas descendre sous peine de retrait de traitement donc toute prise de poids chez moi est vraiment un moment joyeux car cela permet de continuer a me soigner comme il faut!!! Pinku-tk Diary Entry
  • Sliding between her raiment and smooth breasts, it coils without touch, and instils its viperous breath unseen; the great serpent turns into the twisted gold about her neck, turns into the long ribbon of her chaplet, inweaves her hair, and winds slippery over her body. The Aeneid of Virgil
  • Le drame, l'épopée savante, l'élégie attestent aujourd'hui encore la puissance et la souplesse de ce magnifique génie; seul entre les disciples de Sarasvatî [the goddess of eloquence], il a eu le bonheur de produire un chef-d'oeuvre vraiment classique, où l'Inde s'admire et où l'humanité se reconnaît. Translations of Shakuntala and Other Works
  • With this Masrur was confounded and could make her no answer; but presently she said, “Indeed, the master-thief, if he steal, stealeth not but what is worth his neck, and every woman who doth lewdness with other than her husband is styled a thief; so, if it must be thus and no help320, thou shalt give me whatsoever my heart desireth of money and raiment and ornaments and what not.” The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • A marvellous scent rose from her silvern raiment as she moved, and beauty was wafted from her eyes. Hesiod, Homeric Hymns, and Homerica
  • She's also been outfitted with new green and gold silk cords, a new kangaroo skin bag (hidden by her new raiment), Wygent duotone drone reeds and an old Hardie chanter from the '70s or possibly even the' 60s, which sound at a lower, and in my opinion, richer tone than the modern higher pitched chanters. ". . .not even Solomon in all his glory. . . ."
  • 14 She shall be brought unto the king in raiment of needlework: the virgins her companions that follow her shall be brought unto thee. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume III (Job to Song of Solomon)

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