How To Use Ragwort In A Sentence
Tall grassland is scattered with hawkweed, ragwort, wild carrot and melilot flowers, along with clumps of bird's-foot trefoil, lucerne and goat's rue, and there are regular uprisings of brambles and wild rose, and sprawls of sallow and birch scrub.
Country Diary: Canvey Wick, Essex
In these Lammas days, the flowers of the sun are bird's-foot trefoil, meliots, medicks, St John's wort, yellow-wort, ragwort and hawkbits.
Country diary: Wenlock Edge
It is important to go in as soon as possible as you do not want poisonous plants, such as ragwort, present in cutting or grazing leys.
FWi - All News
Daisies usually call to mind open, dry fields bathed in sun, but ragwort is one daisy that thrives in shaded, wet soil.
I thought that she might have had ingested ragwort, which is extremely poisonous, often fatal for horses.
Second Wind

BREMERTON - People throughout Western Washington are reporting unusual numbers of a poisonous weed called tansy ragwort.
The Seattle Times
One story is told of a man who saw a leprechaun bury a purse of gold in a field of ragwort.
He kicked at a clump of ragwort with his toe and left it uprooted, to perish: was that part of the plan?
These last few have been days to hold on to: bright sunshine through fat-bottomed clouds; ringlet butterflies flickering over flowering grasses; yellow-and-black-banded cinnabar moth caterpillars twitching as they spun threads to tie themselves to ragwort; bright pink lip-gloss heads of pyramidal orchids – these things once observed becoming dearly held.
Country diary: Wenlock Edge
People throughout Western Washington are reporting unusual numbers of a poisonous weed called tansy ragwort.
The Seattle Times
Common ragwort, with its distinctive yellow flowers, is a very hardy plant producing up to 150,000 seeds at a time, which can survive for up to 20 years.
On the line itself, ragwort and cow parsley grew almost as high as the platform, but in the gaps you could see the tracks were gone.
‘They are all extraordinarily sweet,’ said Siegmund to the full-mouthed scabious and the awkward, downcast ragwort.
The Trespasser
A passing comma butterfly floated into view and settled on a yellow ragwort inflorescence, shuffled around until its outspread wings were angled perfectly to absorb the sun's rays and then uncoiled its tongue to feed.
Country Diary: Durham city
Fen woodrush and the fen ragwort should also thrive.
Times, Sunday Times
She dwelled, as she passed, on all tiny, pretty things — on the barbaric yellow ragwort, and pink convolvuli; on all the twinkling of flowers, and dew, and snail-tracks drying in the sun.
The Trespasser
If the ragwort is a long way from grazing livestock (for example in the middle of woodland) then it does not need to be reported to the survey. Headlines
Ragwort supports the life cycle of a multitude of creatures, most notably the cinnabar moth.
After waiting impatiently for the full moon, Gilbert at last went out one night to work the charm, and to his great delight, had no sooner bestrided the ragwort, and said: "Up!
Up! Horsie! An Original Fairy Tale
In recent years, ragwort hysteria has led to a decline in numbers of cinnabars.
Here we tackle our first non-automatic locks (with strong-arm tactics) and cruise upstream between banks of willow herb, yellow water lilies and ragwort.
Many landowners have to spend time, effort and money to clear the ragwort from our land that has been caused by the council's infestation.
In these Lammas days, the flowers of the sun are bird's-foot trefoil, meliots, medicks, St John's wort, yellow-wort, ragwort and hawkbits.
Country diary: Wenlock Edge
Tall grassland is scattered with hawkweed, ragwort, wild carrot and melilot flowers, along with clumps of bird's-foot trefoil, lucerne and goat's rue, and there are regular uprisings of brambles and wild rose, and sprawls of sallow and birch scrub.
Country Diary: Canvey Wick, Essex
Ragwort in grazing paddocks is life-threatening to horses and other livestock.
Ragwort kills an estimated 500-1000 horses every year and by following the Code the risk of equines ingesting the poisonous plant will be minimised.
Beyond that lay the two-acre paddock -- wind-sewn with thistles and ragwort.
Tall grassland is scattered with hawkweed, ragwort, wild carrot and melilot flowers, along with clumps of bird's-foot trefoil, lucerne and goat's rue, and there are regular uprisings of brambles and wild rose, and sprawls of sallow and birch scrub.
Country Diary: Canvey Wick, Essex
Some of these hybrids, such as ragwort (Jones 2000), blackberry, rhododendron, lantana, old man's beard and spartina, have become noxious weeds in many countries (although one of my friends says concrete is actually the worst noxious weed).
Remote central
These last few have been days to hold on to: bright sunshine through fat-bottomed clouds; ringlet butterflies flickering over flowering grasses; yellow-and-black-banded cinnabar moth caterpillars twitching as they spun threads to tie themselves to ragwort; bright pink lip-gloss heads of pyramidal orchids – these things once observed becoming dearly held.
Country diary: Wenlock Edge
The council will use an organic weedkiller to get rid of the ragwort, which won't harm other wildlife.
Ragwort is the food plant for more than 70 species of insects, most notably the cinnabar moth.
The self-incompatible composite Senecio jacobaea (ragwort) exhibits geographic variation in the frequency of rayed and discoid (rayless) individuals.
A contractor will remove ragwort, which is hazardous to many animals.
While it may not win the fight against ragwort on its 'own, it still has a part to play when used with other ragwort control agents such as ragwort flea beetle and ragwort plume moth.
Museum Blogs
The splash of yellow in the foreground is ragwort, I think.
Swanlike boat, boatlike swan
By the light of the Queen Moon, now at her full in heaven, he saw that the orchard grass was clipped, and patterned with small clover, but against the hedges rose wild banks of meadowsweet and yarrow and the jolly ragwort, and briony with its heart-shaped leaf and berry as red as heart's-blood made a bower above them all.
Martin Pippin in the Apple Orchard
In these Lammas days, the flowers of the sun are bird's-foot trefoil, meliots, medicks, St John's wort, yellow-wort, ragwort and hawkbits.
Country diary: Wenlock Edge
Lesser celandine and bulbous buttercup supply colour in spring, ragwort and carlile thistle in autumn, but the main burst of flowering is in May, when the varied pinks of a multitude of thrift cushions spreads upwards from the South and West and the north-western turf is starred with the blue of spring squills.
I had a faint hope that the heat would remove that obnoxious weed ragwort from the roadsides of Cumbria.
Although the yellow-flowered ragwort is an attractive-looking plant, it is poisonous to animals and can cause skin reactions in people.
This is how you pull tansy: plant your feet wide, bend your knees at a 90-degree angle, grasp the trunk of the tansy ragwort plant near the base, take a deep breath, and pull with everything you've got.
One story is told of a man who saw a leprechaun bury a purse of gold in a field of ragwort.
Among the profusion of flowers you can find scabious, the bedstraws, vetches, ragwort,
Lessons on Soil