How To Use Raffle In A Sentence
Entrance costs £2.45 and there will also be a tombola and raffle.
I won a prize in the raffle.
We will have a free raffle. 10 guests will receive their very own seedling from the National Arbor Day Foundation to plant at home. Local, Sports, Business and Entertainment News
The organisers thank all who patronised the function and also everyone who donated prizes for the raffle.
The young couple was cruising slowly in the Raffles Hills housing estate.

You can enter up to ten raffle numbers but each must have a unique Sun Code.
The Sun
There will also be a raffle for hampers, vouchers, bottles etc., on the day.
He is already a Sun+ member and entered one of the Lotto raffle lines under his own name.
The Sun
Tickets are €3 each with a cheese and wine reception, door prize and a later raffle for valuable prizes.
Get into the Scandinavian spirit during this fair of Swedish arts and crafts, activities for kids, a raffle and, of course, glogg.
Free & easy
The only material difference between grand hazard and chuck-a-luck is in the layout: the grand hazard layout is more complex and provides spaces for wagering on odd or even, high or low, triples (called raffles), and any number the dice may total, from 4 to 17.
He is already a Sun+ member and entered one of the Lotto raffle lines under his own name.
The Sun
Both the counterfoil and the voting slip have identical numbers printed on them similar to a cloakroom or raffle tickets.
They raffled a bottle of whisky to raise money for cancer research.
You can enter up to ten raffle numbers.
The Sun
After losing my job it was cold comfort to be told I'd won the office raffle.
Use your raffle number from your Lotto ticket to enter the draw.
The Sun
This demonstration will be open to the public, and admission is E5 including tea and a raffle.
We would also like to congratulate all the prize winners from the raffle.
Raffle prizes ranged from bottles of wine to televisions and deep fat fryers.
A raffle will also be held on the night with prizes galore including a television, hampers, bottles of whiskey, brandy etc.
I won this doll in a raffle.
A great variety of attractive gifts drew everyone's attention for purchases at the cake stall, toys, raffles, bric-a-brac.
It was great afternoon with a variety of jazz acts, raffles and promotions raising money for staging the convention.
At 12: 34 p.m. on 2005-08-02 valval oh so happy todae .... i just got a call from raffles and i got into the next round!
Cooltwinz Diary Entry
The club secretary will now draw the raffle.
The event will include refreshments, cakes and a raffle all in support of the Fair Trade campaign.
The Church of Scotland may long have raised funds through raffles, tombolas and whist drives, but it disapproves of gambling.
Prize luck looks good, so keep your raffle tickets in a safe place.
The Sun
There will be attractions for young and old, raffles galore, which will include a Super Valu hamper.
Her mum, Pauline Russell, has also handcrafted a doll, which she plans to raffle at Comrade Social Club in Old Road, Clacton.
Tickets for a chance at this A tombola is a kind of raffle. miscellaneous collection sold for one dollar each.
The Romance of the Civil War
The money has been raised through fun weekends, tombola, raffles and special themed events.
It got worse when, attempting to summon a waiter for more wine, I mistakenly outbid everyone in the raffle for a snooker cue signed by innumerable world champions.
The money seems to have been taken from one of the main games like the tombola or raffle.
Team members who hit targets for new clients receive cash bonuses and raffle tickets for the car.
Times, Sunday Times
I'm thinking of the existing Omnigraffle basic eature set, but with the one key addition of being able to draw with your finger a shape, and the software determines what shape you were trying to draw and automatically corrects it to the properly - drawn shape.
The Tao of Mac
THE winner of a 12million EuroMillions raffle prize has just over two weeks to claim the cash before it goes to charity.
The Sun
We are going to raffle off a car for the hospital appeal.
The proceedings were opened by Fiona Richmond who cut the celebration cake and presented the raffle prized.
Raffles and games on the coach trip down should boost the money raised.
We will announce the first name of each of our winners, the town where they live and the winning raffle numbers.
The Sun
Nearly £500 was raised by women members of Harrogate Golf Club through a fashion show, raffles at a coffee morning, and whist drives.
The 43rd annual show will include refreshments, a plant sale, a tombola and a raffle.
There will be several stalls, raffles, amusements, etc.
The fundraiser received a lot of support from the local traders in Abbeyleix who contributed a wide variety of prizes, which were raffled on the night.
The raffle also took place during the break and there were prizes galore.
Tickets for the raffle which will take place during the bazaar are on sale locally.
The money was raised by the sale of raffle tickets.
Get into the Scandinavian spirit during this fair that features Swedish arts and crafts, activities for kids, a raffle and, of course, glogg.
Free and easy: A Beatles documentary and ArtFest
Raffles hopes for a handout from this suddenly rich former recipient of his kicks.
The credit union raffled three cars last year and plan to do the same this year.
Tickets cost £5 which includes a champagne reception with canapés and a raffle.
They raffled a bottle of whisky to raise money for cancer research.
There were also table football challenges, quizzes, raffles, tombolas and cake stalls.
The most popular forms of gambling were raffles, state lotteries, friendly wagers, casino gambling and office pools.
I won a bottle of wine in the office Christmas raffle.
Between the slow ticking of the cogs I listened jealously for foreign sounds, and heard at length a gentle dripping across the breadth of the boathouse; that was the last of the "portcullis," as Raffles called it, rising out of the river; indeed, I could now see the difference in the stretch of stream underneath, for the open end of the boathouse was much less dark than mine; and when the faint band of reflected starlight had broadened as I thought enough, I ceased winding and groped my way down the steps into the boat.
Mr. Justice Raffles
Kernan wrote in 1885 that in Dooley's Long-Room ‘there has come off more Irish jollifications, benefit balls, raffles for stoves, primary meetings, and political rows than in any other public place in the city.’
The most exotic of all is the rafflesia, a cabbagey survivor of ancient days, which measures up to a metre across and makes its living by devouring insects and small mammals.
Enter the raffle numbers on our site before noon on Sunday.
The Sun
Betting on horse racing, lotteries and raffles have long been a recognised way of gambling in New Zealand.
Raffle tickets for the event are now on sale and admission on the night will be £5.
Record numbers of people turned out to enjoy children's games, stalls, raffles and tombolas at the third annual Bishopthorpe Village Gala on Saturday - despite afternoon downpours.
The raffle raised £80 to support an orphanage for street children in Romania.
Troops should not have to sell raffle tickets or rely on charity.
The Sun
He's organizing a raffle for the school playground appeal fund.
The companies are Tanker Pacific Management Singapore Pte Ltd., which managed the sale of the tanker Raffles Park; the Societe Anonyme Monegasque d'Administration Maritime et Aerienne, or SAMAMA, a Monaco-based company; and Allvale Maritime Inc. of Liberia, the owner of the tanker.
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The club secretary will now draw the raffle.
Troops should not have to sell raffle tickets or rely on charity.
The Sun
I had someone on the phone today trying to sell me an $80 raffle ticket to win a new Ferrari.
Unlike other floral species, the Rafflesia exudes a smell of rotting flesh!
The raffle raised £873 to help towards the cost of replacing the stolen items.
The entry fee is 20 for a table of four and there will be raffles galore on the night so why not come along and support a good cause?
The hospices have been donated a brand-new car to give away as the star prize of the raffle but they need more help selling the raffle tickets.
The experience was "fun," but the "entertainer" guy who did the "raffles" 2 good ones- signed boxing gloves.... the rest crap like beer snuggies and baseball hats.
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The Santa Maria Bazaar and Grand Raffle await you with tasty foods, games, prizes and many surprises.
Both the counterfoil and the voting slip have identical numbers printed on them similar to a cloakroom or raffle tickets.
The garden party includes cream teas, stalls, raffles, tombolas, homemade jams and marmalades.
The organisers are short of prizes for the tombola and raffle so would be very grateful of any donations.
While a slave could be raffled off or wagered at the master's whim, freeing a slave was fraught with legal obstacles.
Neville poured a half of light and Raffles Rathbone flung a handful of silver across the counter.
And, before I knew it, I was the proud possessor of a zillion raffle coupons!
He won a car in the raffle.
There are two lovely Christmas Hampers being raffled for members of the Kiltimagh District Credit Union this week.
For full details and to enter the raffle, go to our website.
The Sun
Admission is €10 per person and all cooked dishes will be raffled.
Prizes or donations for the Raffle would be greatly appreciated.
But touching the subject of this paraffle of words, it’s not worth a pinch of tobacco.
As well as the music, the barbershop chorus will also hold a raffle in The Strand to raise funds for equipment and uniforms for the coming year.
The donation is from the proceeds of a raffle of Christmas gifts which the company had received from its suppliers and other business associates.
Sir Stamford Raffles, the then British Lieutenant Governor of Java, reported a series of titanic detonations loud enough to be heard in Sumatra 1,600 kilometres away.
Another great upshoot is that I don't have to buy a junk food product or some kind of raffle ticket for a prize I don't really need anyhow.
A confession
Spot prizes were raffled after the ride out with a magnum of champagne attracting much attention from the ticket buyers.
Prizes galore will be available on the night with vouchers and gifts being raffled off during the interval.
Raffles sat down again, lit a Sullivan, and gave what in any other man I should call a sheepish laugh.
Alfred Hitchcock's Mystery Magazine
Many marinas are having BBQs, music, raffles, charity fundraisers, beach clean-ups, regattas and boat safety demonstrations.
Home-made cakes and other goodies will be on sale but the fun only starts there as there will be games to play, videos and books to buy, a raffle with fabulous prizes and face painting.
The Estrella was a pitiful sight, the more pitiful as they approached her, and could see more clearly the raffle of wreckage dangling forward, and the rudder torn loose aft.
Hornblower In The West Indies
Along with a crackerjack game of bowls, the afternoon will feature raffles, prizes and show bags.
At the conclusion of the cabaret the winning tickets for the raffle are drawn.
This guy was there to whip up excitement about various events going on, such as welly tossing, and telling us when someone had won a prize in the many little raffles going on.
Frenchless in France
Stalls and sideshows some staffed by helpers in old-fashioned rural dress provided bargains galore, and raffles added to the fun.
We compensated participants with movie tickets and raffles for prizes for the completion of measures and attendance at the workshop.
But touching the subject of this paraffle of words, it's not worth a pinch of tobacco.
Peg Hayden, who offered her services selling raffle tickets, assisted these ladies
Use your raffle number from your Lotto ticket to enter the draw.
The Sun
It is like entering a raffle when the winning ticket has already been drawn.
Times, Sunday Times
Buy two entries and you get two raffle numbers.
The Sun
A raffle ticket can win for you.
The Sun
Translated from the greek Amorphophallus titanum means "giant misshapen penis," and while the Rafflesia has the world's largest flower, the titan lays claim to the largest unbranched cluster of flowers in the world.
Boing Boing
Enter the raffle numbers on our site before noon on Sunday.
The Sun
Leagues of volunteers will start working the room selling books of Grand Raffle tickets.
Cathy's an old pro at organizing raffles.
You can enter up to ten raffle numbers but each must be accompanied by a unique Sun Code.
The Sun
I won this doll in a raffle.
We lurked in the shrubbery until the last light had been extinguished, then broke in using the side window that Raffles had jemmied the previous evening -- the butler had evidently not thought it worth bolting the stable door, so to speak -- opened the safe, and took the stones, which were, Raffles whispered, quite undisturbed.
Alfred Hitchcock's Mystery Magazine
The admission price includes free entry to the door prize, which will be raffled that day.
So I stuck my hand in the postbag and pulled out three letters as if drawing the raffle at some village fete.
But a new raffle guaranteed at least one millionaire per draw.
The Sun
Somehow, somewhere between Orchard Road, Raffles City and Chinatown markets my sense of financial responsibility lost its oxygen supply, shrivelled up and died discreetly.
One of the highlights of the bazaar, and a great fund-raiser for the group's charities, is the raffle.
They also extend thanks to the Parish Hall whist committee and to the many people who provided prizes for the raffle at the whist drive.
A friend of mine had gone into a sporting goods store that was having this raffle, entered his own name and entered my name separately, two weeks before.
The owner of the first raffle ticket drawn will be invited to press the plunger on July 14 in front of a crowd of thousands.
A raffle with donated prizes contributed to the amount raised.
The game will commence at 8.30 pm and will include an excellent prize raffle.
The club organised a host of money-making events, including raffles, bring and buy and car boot sales, and undertook each stage of the work as they raised enough money.
Luck is linked to two charity raffle tickets.
The Sun
On offer at the open day will be information about organic growing, live music, tombola, raffle, games and refreshments in the café.
There was a breakfast morning, a sixties day for everybody in the school and some Easter egg raffles.
A big thank you to Mary Morrisson who has baked and donated a beautiful iced cake to be raffled.
The raffle operator reserves his rights to use frequent flyer miles to pay for the round trip plane tickets.
Any more raffle tickets? Twenty-five pence each or five for a pound.
Operator, could you connect me to the Raffles in Singapore?
While the Rafflesia gets big, it has nothing on another corpse flower, the Amorphophallus titanum.
Boing Boing
However, with the addition of an arcade of brand-name boutiques, the Raffles' former aristocratic hauteur seems to have been traded for a sort of self-conscious post-yuppie consumerism.
As usual the ladies committee served a beautiful tea and the lucky winners of raffle prizes were well rewarded for their investments.
Huge parades, athletics stars, circus acts, escapologists, food stalls, quick-fire raffles, musicians, and wood choppers were some of the attractions that helped the event back up its bold branding.
The money was raised by the sale of raffle tickets.
One nice thing I forgot to mention was the bottle of champagne I won in the raffle.
The admission price includes free entry to the door prize, which will be raffled that day.
Yantai Raffles Shipyard Limited is a leading offshore and marine fabrication specialist.
A fitness centre member who is a professional photographer has also kindly offered to take two portrait photos as raffle prizes.
Borneo is a botanist's paradise, with its orchids and rafflesia, the world's largest flower.
Still shy of the initial target, the Waterford News & Star came to the rescue with a Nissan Micra car which was put up for raffle.
Amazing prizes will be raffled throughout the fun-filled night.
Luck is linked to two charity raffle tickets.
The Sun
You can enter up to ten raffle lines each week.
The Sun
Many of them would welcome a diversion (from their real or imaginary ailments) in the form of producing little things such as lace, ganutil, knitted or crotcheted objects, model making, etc …. which could be raffled during certain events where their own relatives would be invited.
A charity raffle ticket wins for you.
The Sun
We raffled off a trip to the Bahamas
The street will be packed with attractions and entertainment including a raffle, live bands, balloon race, hook-a-duck, candyfloss, face painting and hoopla.
You can enter numbers from both draws and play up to ten raffle numbers each week.
The Sun
The proceeds of the raffle were given to charity.
You can enter up to ten raffle lines each week.
The Sun
Prize luck looks good, so keep your raffle tickets in a safe place.
The Sun
At the Spring Fair, there will be many attractions, (besides the dogs,) including stalls selling doggy objects, bric-a-brac, cakes, plus face painting, tombola and raffles.
A number of very valuable prizes will be raffled during the night.
Oh crikey, I thought, not another Parent Torture Association raffle.
You donated a whole sawbuck to a cancer charity when they raffled off that car.
There were some wonderful Halloween decorations entered into the monthly raffle with seasonal fare such as pumpkins and fruit.
There will also be a raffle for fabulous prizes including a fantastic hamper, so come along and try your luck.
Translated from the greek Amorphophallus titanum means "giant misshapen penis," and while the Rafflesia has the world's largest flower, the titan lays claim to the largest unbranched cluster of flowers in the world.
Boing Boing
This shop raffled off a bicycle.
My room opened upon the central gallery, and was not even on the same floor as that on which Raffles - and I think all the other men - were quartered.
He's organizing a raffle for the school playground appeal fund.
The ikebana exhibition was magnificent, there was an international bazaar and bake sale, entertainment and a raffle.
All flower arrangements displayed will be raffled on the night.
In the pubs and sports clubs they held raffles to raise money.
There are prizes galore for the best dressed male and female, and best hat, plus sweeps and raffles during the day.
There will be raffles and a sale of handknits, jewellery and many other craft items.
That night £600 was raised from ticket sales and raffles and everyone involved deserves a lot of thanks.
The couple decided to use the pen they won as a raffle prize to raise money for charity and are now looking for local businesses to donate further prizes.
They took part in a tombola, an auction - with lots donated by local businesses - and a raffle to help raise money for the cause.
Treasure September sees the launch of the appeal raffle and a treasure hunt at a venue to be fixed.
The hard work of craft-minded kids and adults will be put up for raffle and auction by the Northside Centre in Sligo town.
If all the raffle tickets sell, he said, Pipedream is expected to have around £30,000 by Easter.
They raffled a bottle of whisky to raise money for cancer research.
Stalls selling everything from books and bric-a-brac to cakes and crafts will be on the agenda, as well as games, a tombola and a raffle.
It is very galling that, after staff raised the cash via a tombola and a raffle, someone should just come and take them.
Morphological misfitsFirst identified 180 years ago in Sumatra by naturalist Sir Stamford Raffles, rafflesia has baffled botanists trying to pinpoint its close relatives.
Archive 2007-01-01
Nevertheless, from then on, during my 15 years as police chief, I was somewhat uneasy whenever I attended nonprofit organizations' luncheons or dinners and they held raffles for charitable purposes.
We won the raffle!
Thanks also to their many sponsors who donated raffle spot prizes.
There will be a sweepstake, raffles, a great atmosphere, and all the profits will go to the club.
In the filled foyer, free Oyster Boy oysters were glugged, amuse bouches were bouched and goodies were raffled off in a silent auction to raise funds for the Fringe.
A flinged graffler at the bottom of the chamber will connect the distrillitor to the varnicle.
'Twas the Day After Christmas
This shop raffled off a bicycle.
The voluntary group who need E30,000 every year to keep afloat raise money through raffles, sponsored walks and from donations.
The raffle - though somewhat unorganized because bar management forced the Shanghaiist crew upstairs at the last minute - made several prize winners very happy, some eerily so.
Music and a raffle entertained the crowds amidst the stories of historic games and victories for the club.
There will also be the usual assortment of raffle and tombola prizes.
A raffle ticket can win for you.
The Sun
-- Halted at Ghaloom's, the Rafflesiacea is found all about, anth. bilocular, apice poro-gemino dehiscent, pollen simplex, materie viscosa cohaerenti, ovula antitropa, tegumento unico.
Journals of Travels in Assam, Burma, Bhootan, Afghanistan and the Neighbouring Countries
You can enter numbers from both draws and play up to ten raffle numbers each week.
The Sun
Meanwhile his luck was still good when it came to the draw for the raffle prizes as his ticket was pulled out first from the hat.
Hold a raffle There are issues to consider with this one, such as whether it is run as a raffle or a competition.
Times, Sunday Times
A traditional raffle with a dozen prizes such as brace of pheasant, duck, woodcock or rabbit, was held to raise funds for new cages.
The 43rd annual show will include refreshments, a plant sale, a tombola and a raffle.