How To Use Radius In A Sentence
Recall that given a circle of radius r, the circumference is 2pr.
Comparisons between ions are then expressed as a radius ratio, the ratio of the cation radius to the anion radius.
In the third chapter, using the second-order momentum of beam radius, the Rayleigh range and beam propagation factor of three different polarized beam arrays are derived.
The tool has a radiused ridge for cutting and edge sealing with the shape of the ridge similar to the shape desired for the edge seal.
We have made certain that the reason of the splined spindle rapture is fatigue failure, its crack initiation lies in the minimal knuckle curvature radius surface region of the spline dedendum bottom.

The menu changes daily and at least 80 per cent of the ingredients are sourced from just a 20 mile radius.
The Sun
The larger the radius, the larger the circle, and the flatter the fretboard will be.
Results and Conclusions:Our simulations show that in order to improve the focal shape, the outer diameter of the annulus must be as large but the radius of acoustic lens must be as small as possible.
Immolation Arrow - Increased radius of Explosion effect by 33 % and Immolation effect by %.
The shock of the explosion was felt over a radius of forty miles.
QED, such as a precise measurement of the Lamb shift of the 1S ground state, and accurate determinations of the rms charge radius of the proton and the structure radius of the deuteron.
Theodor W. Hänsch - Autobiography
Nearly 40 per cent of its agro-environmental aid budget, they found, went to farms on which there were no environmental problems on site or within a seven-mile radius. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
Cartesian coordinate system with the circle of radius 2 centered at the origin marked in red. The equation of the circle is x2 + y2 = 4..
But if you want to breakfast on it just make sure you stay out of the halitotic radius.
A long, hollow conducting cylinder is kept coaxially inside another long, hollow conducting cylinder of larger radius.
LearnHub Activities
Adduction is a more extensive movement than abduction because abduction is limited by the lateral side of the radius.
Police are investigating links between the arson attack on December 27 and another three within a half-mile radius over the last few days.
The pair travel in an orbit from fourteen to forty-two times the radius of the Earth's orbit; so that when at apastron they are three times as distant from each other as when at periastron.
The Astronomy of Milton's 'Paradise Lost'
(Comst.); Trichoptera; one, two or three cells enclosed by the branches that form-the post-costal or anal vein: Odonata; an elongate cell between radius and cubitus, just before the arculus.
Explanation of Terms Used in Entomology
As speed is increased on a turn of constant radius, the steering angle must be reduced on an oversteering vehicle, and increased on an understeering vehicle.
The minimal value of porosity is around 5 % though throat radius method and porosity - water saturation method.
Rheas were considered to be solitary when no other rheas were within a radius of 100 m, whereas they were considered to be part of a group if they were within 50 m from one another.
In this paper, scattering phase function of one particle radius is calculated by recursive formula of Mie theory.
And we have microcellular approaches where we can build a cell that might serve a half-mile radius.
The distal end of the humerus, however, articulating with the radius and ulna in a fashion that no support is lent by any sort of contact with the body, is a ginglymus (hinge) joint and lateral motion, because of the long transverse diameter of its articular portions, is easily prevented by the medial and lateral ligaments (internal and external ligaments).
Lameness of the Horse Veterinary Practitioners' Series, No. 1
By 1910, San Francisco’s red-light district, known as the Barbary Coast, contained more than 300 concert saloons within a six-block radius, and the South Side of Chicago had more than 285.
A Renegade History of the United States
Because every hotel and inn and ryokan and minshuku within a very large radius was fully booked for the two nights of the festival, Echo and I had booked a room in Nagatoro, about a half-dozen stops away on the old country line railroad.
Note that this curvature is the inverse of the radius of a circle tangent to the neutral line at this point.
The situation of the radial artery is midway between the flexor carpi radialis tendon, I, and the outer border of the radius.
Surgical Anatomy
Power series, radius of convergence; function that can be expanded in a power series interval.
He said he has spent hundreds of pounds on equipment, including a bionic ear that amplifies sound by 36 times, a two-way radio with a radius of three miles, a night vision monocular and a searchlight.
The store delivers newspapers and magazines to homes and farms in a 20-mile radius and when Elvington was encircled by floodwater in 2000 carried on making its deliveries by boat.
She could tell that he was ruffled, but he wasn't able to come up with anything to say until she was clearly out of his radius.
The Ride Safe program provides rides for students, staff and faculty members from the Student Life Centre to their homes within a certain radius around campus.
Drift courses are comprised of incredibly tight decreasing-radius turns, and are almost innavigable as road courses.
A heptagon whose sides have length 2 is too large to fit tightly around a circle with radius 1.
The mechanical advantage of a winch is the radius of the axle to the radius of the handspikes.
Energy Bulletin -
The moz-border-radius is understood by all mozilla based browsers such as Firefox.
Web Teacher › Style a fieldset with rounded corners using CSS
Essential landmarks to palpate before performing this injection are the soft tissue at the center of the triangle formed by the lateral olecranon, the head of the radius, and the lateral epicondyle.
The bottom rolls into the hull sides with a radiused turn rather than a sharp corner-like edge and there is long wine glass-shaped keel integral with the hull.
If there had been a century gap while the Anomine beavered away at construction, the Primes would have expanded out to every star within a fifty lightyear radius before the generators were finished.
The Dreaming Void
Simultaneous separation of the _epiphysis of both radius and ulna_ sometimes occurs, and, as a result of severe violence, may be compound, the lower ends of the diaphyses projecting through the skin on the palmar aspect above the wrist.
Manual of Surgery Volume Second: Extremities—Head—Neck. Sixth Edition.
Considering rods & cones together and being a trifle inexact, the resolution is about 1 arcmin at the fovea, falling to around 5 arcmin at around 25° radius, and then shallowly falling further to around 10 arcmin at 60°.
MachineMachine (formerly 'The Huge Entity')
And, indeed, I would agree with that ranking, but the only reason we want a sphere of autonomy is because we happen to be sympathetic to ranking freedoms according to their radius from the center of the sphere of autonomy.
The Nanny Two-Step
This is clear for the circle, which is defined as the shape with a fixed radius from the centre.
Times, Sunday Times
Traditional machines have individual grinding heads that travel in their own radius, leaving scratches or permanent marks.
As skaters pull their arms in, their radius decreases and they spin faster.
Pronator teres is a band like, strong muscle that inserts onto the middle third of the shaft of the radius.
With SM-28 single mode fiber as the leading fibers, depth of modulation (DM) and coupling efficiency (CE) are calculated with relation to core radius and refractive index of core and inner cladding.
The rotation rate was set to provide one Earth gravity for the radius of the fore bulb, but accelerative force was inversely proportional to the radius.
Science and Science Fiction: Star Dragon
At the cancellated ends of the long bones, particularly the upper end of the femur and humerus, and the lower end of the radius, it is not uncommon for one fragment to be _impacted_ or wedged into the substance of the other (Fig. 28).
Manual of Surgery Volume Second: Extremities—Head—Neck. Sixth Edition.
When she moved, her hair swished with her movements in a way that tantalized any man in her radius, though she was oblivious to all of the attention she got.
I have been listening for half a century to clergymen intoning ‘I publish the banns of marriage…’ and can attest that fifty years ago the partners generally came from within a two-mile radius.
Even if fish caught just outside the 0.6-mile radius of the plant are consumed every day for a year, the amount of radiation will total only 0.6 millisievert per year, a quarter of the amount humans usually receive naturally, it said.
Japan Utility Dumps Radioactive Water
If the lens had an index of 1.53, the dioptric value of that radius of curvature would be 4.64 diopters.
Common osteoporotic fracture sites include the vertebrae, the hip, the distal radius of the forearm, and the proximal humerus.
Not to mention I live near Philadelphia, PA and he will not shoot outside of a certain radius away from the city, which would mean filming of BD would be nearby.
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To approximate the geometric flexibility that could be achieved in concrete, the circular steel frame that replaced it had twenty-eight radius points for laying out the plan's different curvatures.
They have been sold and resold by their masters only within a radius of five kilometres.
The influence on dispersion characteristic is analyzed for two types of hypothesis current, the different permittivity of the dielectric support and the different radius of the metal envelope.
Models ranged from fold-up commuter bikes to electrically assisted bikes, from the family-sized four-seater ZEM bike to the Radius recumbent bike, where the cyclist lies back to pedal.
This wheel has a radius of 30 cm.
The capital, which should be as high as the radius of the bottom of the column, is composed of an abacus, an echinus (a convex moulding with gently swelling curve), and annulets (or rings) next to the column.
As a brattish youngster, I remember the unfeasible joy gained from making every payphone in a five mile radius ring simultaneously.
The radius vector is shortest when the planet is at perihelion and longest at aphelion.
Behind this bone, the radius – a lower arm bone in line with the carpometacarpus – was unusually thick compared to the relatively slender companion bone, the ulna.
I used a 1/2-inch dry-grind diamond router bit to radius the top edges of the counter.
A remote access dial in user service(RADIUS) authentication, authorization and account system is constructed.
The sight was nicely radiused to match the trigger group and the two holes aligned just so.
By calculating the radiuses that the car swerves accurately, the system improves its ability of swerving and the driving efficiency.
The Prima Pasta operation is based largely within the radius of the M25.
Because of the real data does not obtain from normal incidence, hence, the radius formula of Fresnel zone for non-zero incidence angle was derived.
Mr. Stead began moving his hand down the leg. At each probing pause I mentally named the unseen bone: radius, carpus, metacarpus.
The radius, _p b_, of the upper circle is termed the _crater radius_; the line _o p_, drawn from the centre of the charge perpendicular to the surface where the explosion takes place, is termed the _line of least resistance_; the line _o b_, drawn from the centre of the powder to any point in the circumference of the upper circle, is termed the _radius of explosion_.
Elements of Military Art and Science Or, Course Of Instruction In Strategy, Fortification, Tactics Of Battles, &C.; Embracing The Duties Of Staff, Infantry, Cavalry, Artillery, And Engineers; Adapted To The Use Of Volunteers And Militia; Third Edition
We do not allow students who live within a five-mile radius to use their cars to come to college.
Hookers, johns, drunks, drug dealers and police are familiar sights in this area, which has seven schools within a two-block radius.
The hexagon is a function between the radius and circumference of the circle, and is a naturally occurring form in nature.
They deliver to within a 5-mile radius of the store.
The radius and tibia are, at an early stage in development, on the anterior edge of their respective limbs; the ulna and fibula, posterior; the former are spoken of as preaxial in position, the latter as postaxial.
Text Book of Biology, Part 1: Vertebrata
If a farmer would only realize that the contents of a circle represent the maximum of space enclosable in a given perimeter, and that a circle is merely a function of its own radius, what a lot of time he would save.
Frenzied Fiction
There are more than a dozen golf courses within a 15-mile radius of St Andrews.
The porte-cochere piers are composed of granite bases, banded brickwork with 1-inch radiused returns, and limestone caps.
Of course, the required centripetal force also decreases as we make the radius of the circle bigger.
He defined the curvature of a circle as the reciprocal of its radius.
Ribs broken and ruptured spleen. Right arm, compound spiral fractures or radius and ulna.
This distance is termed a radius because for small heel angles, the locus of successive centers of buoyancy approximates a circular arc, with the transverse metacenter as its center.
Arculus: Odonata; a small cross vein between radius and cubitus near the base, leaving an elongate triangle between them: Trichoptera; a point, often hyaline, on the forewing where the cubitus (or post cubitus) runs into the margin: in Homoptera; a cross-veinlet nearly reaching posterior margin at same point as in Trichoptera: in other orders applied to a cross-vein in similar position, apparently giving rise to the median.
Explanation of Terms Used in Entomology
The vertical defocusing arising from the increase of the average magnetic field with radius is compensated by the vertical focusing due to the azimuthal variation of the field.
Accelerators and Nobel Laureates
Thus the clockwork Earth is (2,575,342/2pi = 409,878 km) in radius (about 64x our Earth's)
Mainspring - orbital dynamics
The shock of the explosion was felt over a radius of forty miles.
Did you ever stop to consider the interesting problem of shaping the depth of the bath along a radius to allow azimuthal propagating modes?
The government said the flu was reported from a state-run duck farm in Agartala, and ordered culling the entire poultry population within a radius of three kilometers of the site.
World Watch
This lightweight insert extends the bullet nose and accommodates use of a longer ogive - the radius of the curve of the bullet tip.
A useful escape tactic to a prey is to initiate a turn before predator closure and rely on a tight turn radius for escape.
A spacecraft passing through its perigee point is moving faster than an equivalent craft on a circular orbit of the same radius.
Thus, the area of a circle is equal to half of the product of the radius and the circumference.
The effect found for tamoxifen also reduced the overall incidence of osteoporotic fractures of the hip, spine and radius by 19%.
The angle through which the radius vector rotates in going between two consecutive apsides is called the apsidal angle.
The elbow joint is formed by three bones; the humerus, radius, and ulna.
Find the radius of the circle that passes through three (non-colinear) points.
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Particularly did it differ from the Roman vault in that, while the latter had a level crown, obtained by using semicircular lateral and transverse arches and elliptical groin arches (naturally formed by the intersection of two semicircular barrel vaults of equal radius), the "Lombard" vault was constructed with semicircular diagonals, the result being that domical form which was always retained by the Gothic builders of France because of its intrinsic beauty.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 6: Fathers of the Church-Gregory XI
Growth of the distal ½ of the radius, the carpus, and the proximal ½ of the metacarpus is centered in the regions of the distal physis of the radius, the distal epiphysis of the radius, and the cuboidal bones of the carpus.
As the waist radius of the fundamental wave increases, the effect of the walk -off slowly reduces and the effect of detuning angle increases.
The lateral epicondyle of the humerus, the radius, and the thumb lie along the preaxial border of the upper limb; and the medial epicondyle of the femur, the tibia, and the great toe along the corresponding border of the lower limb.
I. Embryology. 12. The Branchial Region
Moving on to the ulna, which is the medial bone of the forearm, the radial notch may be seen clearly, articulating with the head of the radius at the superior radio-ulnar joint.
It seems sensible to find somewhere with no population centres within a two-mile radius - like offshore.
It was stated that you wish to purchase our materials and have Hayes Industries complete the entire works including snagging 4/12 and 1st Radius Area.
The minimum radius of the body for which this direct contest is established depends on the density of the body.
This current kills or stuns all fish in a radius of about two meters.
The Federal forces at Helena in the summer of 1862 did little more than scout within a forty - to fifty-mile radius of the river city.
The engine and the gear box are connected with each other by a stepless speed change device, thereby allowing the differential brake turn, small turn radius and flexible turn.
Accessory cell: a cell not commonly present in the group; in some orders of definite location as, e.g. in Lepidoptera, usually a small cell at the end of the subcosta, giving rise directly or indirectly to veins 7 to 10: = 1st radius 2 (Comst.); = areole.
Explanation of Terms Used in Entomology
Contributors must be within a five-mile radius of a certain point, such as a university building.
Times, Sunday Times
Vredefort Dome, some 120 km southwest of Johannesburg and covering 30,111 ha, is a representative part of a larger meteorite impact structure (or astrobleme), which has a radius of impact of 190 km.
Vredefort Dome, South Africa
The gadolinium and lutetium exceptions result in a marked increase in radius compared to the slight decrease in metal atom radius for the other elements.
DNA and other large biological molecules seem to use another mechanism similar to the so-called Khohlov-implosion of macromolecules, a kind of implosive diminishing of the size of the dissolved molecule where its hydrodynamic radius diminishes by a factor of 1000 or more.
Citizendium, the Citizens' Compendium - Recent changes [en]
As well as broadcasters in the commentary boxes there will be half a dozen radio engineers carrying backpacks within a half a mile radius accompanying the presenters to broadcast the reaction of the crowds on the ground.
Their pleasantly radiused shape along with the secure pocket clip make this one of the most carry friendly folders I've ever used.
I think the TTC already stopped using the turning loop that was originally at Kennedy Station meant to be a demonstration of the tight turning radius of the steerable axles, and possibly a holdover of their single-ended streetcar mode of thinking.
Transit plan promises plenty but pays for precious little « Stephen Rees’s blog
And in particular he singled out for comment the following question, which was one of those set, “Using the term circle as extending to the case where the radius is a pure imaginary, it is required to construct the common chord of two given circles.”
The standard jammer only has a radius of about 20 feet, but that's enough to shut-down any cell-phoner who's yammering away in a restaurant or who takes a call in a movie theater.
In anatomical terms, the arm is built around three bones; - the humerus in the upper arm, and the radius and the ulna in the forearm.
This allows the three-dimensional equations to be reduced to a one-dimensional equation of one coordinate of radius, r.
-- The carpal bones as they articulate with one another and with the radius and metacarpal bones, as classed by anatomists, form three distinct articular parts of the joint as a whole and are known as radiocarpal, intercarpal and carpometacarpal.
Lameness of the Horse Veterinary Practitioners' Series, No. 1
Throughout their set of high-energy emo they thanked any audience member within a 20 foot radius for moving closer to the stage.
The radius is still expanding and will ultimately articulate with three carpal bones.
The humerus articulates with the scapula (shoulder blade) at the shoulder, and with the radius and the ulna at the elbow.
The boundary element method is used to analyze the influence of pin con- tact angle and pin-hole radius on the potential function of compact tensile specimen under three current input types.
Roads with unexpected humpback bridges, tightening-radius corners and reasonably free of police and radar traps.
At only 30 feet tall and 2 feet in radius, Windspire is distinguished by its sleek propeller-free design, ultra quiet operation, rugged construction, and affordable pricing.
Sustainable Design Update » Blog Archive » Windspire
The dioptric power of this liquid lens depends on the refractive indices of the materials and the radius of curvature of the interface.
This rhomboid shaped muscle arises from the lateral epicondyle of the humerus and supinator crest of the ulna, winds laterally around the radius, and inserts on its palmer surface.
Objective:To investigate the impact of tilt changes due to distal radius fractures on wrist joint.
It is usual for the bar to have a suitable dimensional radiused groove, machined along its length to mould the penetration bead to a desired geometrical shape.
Which of the following isoelectronic species will have the smallest atomic radius?
Yahoo! Answers: Latest Questions
A check of directories shows 37 hotels and motels within a three-mile radius of Florence and LaSalle.
`Radius and ulna completely shattered," she heard Charles murmur.
A torus, or ‘buckle,’ fracture of the distal radius is a common type of fracture in children.
Mr. Stead began moving his hand down the leg. At each probing pause I mentally named the unseen bone: radius, carpus, metacarpus.
L2TP users cannot use a RADIUS server in passthrough mode plus a token-based system (a token is a separate authentication device).
Using RADIUS in Passthrough Mode
And, if anything, I'm quite nearly positive that Lancome is the guy who discovered the constant ratio of a circle's radius to its circumference.
The measured radius is influenced by the asymmetric shape and hydration of the protein molecule.
Some muscles, the biceps brachii for example which acts on both the humerus and radius, can traverse two joints bringing about an action at either or both ends.
Muscles Part 1
Scaphoid fractures are rare children and the elderly because of the relative weakness of the distal radius compared with the scaphoid in these age groups.
Atomic depth charges have a nuclear warhead and a vastly increased killing radius.
Such an idea had never entered the brain of a man more absorbed in choregraphy than geography, and who was still ignorant of the suburbs of the capital beyond ten miles radius.
Godfrey Morgan A Californian Mystery
I did have one concern, however, in that I did not understand what was going on between pages 135 and 136, when The rotation rate was set to provide one earth gravity for the radius of the fore bulb, but accelerative force was inversely proportional to the radius.
Science and Science Fiction: Star Dragon
Because of the real data does not obtain from normal incidence, hence, the radius formula of Fresnel zone for non-zero incidence angle was derived.
These flexible wings also blend successive passes and radius the outside edges of the skate lane to prevent ski tips from catching.
I grew up here and most of my family are within a half-mile radius.
Times, Sunday Times
If the finger be placed in this dimple and the semiflexed forearm be alternately pronated and supinated the head of the radius will be felt distinctly, rotating in the radial notch.
XII. Surface Anatomy and Surface Markings. 11. Surface Anatomy of the Upper Extremity
He was also able to give greatly improved data for the orbit of Venus, finding better values for the radius of the orbit, its eccentricity and inclination to the ecliptic.
The drum is graduated for the complete radius — which took some tall figuring, I assure you — and the cable, winding around the drum and shortening, draws the tractor in toward the center.
A circle and square have an equal area only if the ratio between a side of the square and a radius of the circle equals the square root of pi.
In order to get a permit-only parking designation, 67 percent of affected residents in a six-block radius must sign a petition.
In prolonged cases, osteophytes may occur at the dorsal rim of the distal radius or dorsal aspects of the scaphoid or lunate.
While beacon or transponder on the ROV remains within the reaction radius, the vessel remains stationary.
Furthermore, the degree to which ions affected membrane properties correlated with the ionic radius and electronegativity of the ions.
If they'd tried to use a bullroarer it would have been in a 3' radius, which would certainly have resulted in listener casualties, what with bouncing it off of both pillars and listeners.
Making Light: The new new TSA regulations
Once Keaton laughed so hard he scared all the birds within a ten-foot radius out of their perches.
With SM-28 single mode fiber as the leading fibers, depth of modulation (DM) and coupling efficiency (CE) are calculated with relation to core radius and refractive index of core and inner cladding.
We would have to explore three concentric circles to an outer radius of 600 metres from the buoy.
He has visited every shop within a radius of two miles.
Certainly, you could expand the age bracket, lower the income level and increase the radius of mailing, but that may increase the cost without significantly increasing the number of leads.
The front rolled edge and curved radius of this striking two-tiered kitchen island can only be accomplished in solid surface material such as granite or Corian (tm).
X-ray bright systems, (5) find binaries among ancient and nearby subdwarf stars, and (6) help calibrate the white dwarf mass - radius relation.
SpaceRef Top Stories
Its radius at the equator is slightly bigger than at its poles.
The Nobel Prize in Physics 2008 - Presentation Speech
He said he has spent hundreds of pounds on equipment, including a bionic ear that amplifies sound by 36 times, a two-way radio with a radius of three miles, a night vision monocular and a searchlight.
Wheeler had calculated the 2p-1s transition energy in Pb, using the then accepted nuclear radius 1.4 A1/3 fermi, to be around 4.5 MeV.
Val Fitch - Autobiography
The radian is a unit which connects the radius of an arc, the length of the arc and the angle subtended by the arc.
Minimum safe distances are computed by adding the maximum pattern radius plus three circular error probable.
For four or five days I thought over the history of his injury and the resulting inability to rotate the radius around the ulna -- in other words, to turn his hand over.
With Sabre and Scalpel. The Autobiography of a Soldier and Surgeon
The Digitron DT7701 Indoor HDTV TV Antenna features 40 mile omni-directional radius for pulling in high definition channels
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A complete set would include a right and left pair, a ‘topping’ plane for the top, and radiused versions for curved sections.
If one knows that the area of the circle equals pi times the square of the radius of the circle then one can also compute pi from that relationship.
I argue that rear axle radius location arm must be out of true.
Most men of these local villages, tied to the soil by villeinage but also by inclination, and likely to marry within a very few miles 'radius, tended to have a close clan resemblance and a strong clan loyalty.
The Holy Thief
The missile carries a 1,000 lb warhead with a blast radius of several hundred metres.
The variation of electronic structure leads to the increase of single bond radius and atomic volume and other changes of physical properties.
In the humerus, drill-mangabeys, drills and mandrills share a notably broad deltoid plane, a proximally extended supinator crest, a broad flange for the brachialis, and a narrow olecranon process with a deep lateral ridge, and there are also characters in the radius and ulna that unite these monkeys to the exclusion of their close relatives.
Archive 2006-06-01
Within a 35-mile radius, you can visit numerous historic places, such as Broadlands, home of the Earl of Mountbatten.
The approach of death - or a willed approach to the radius of death - brings the subject to the limen of that void.
The taxonomic literature on fungi illustrates a tremendous range in spore morphology among the basidiomycete fungi Relationship between spore volume and tube radius.
PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
The minimum radius of the body for which this direct contest is established depends on the density of the body.
A toroidally bent crystal with the bending radius in the vertical direction r V = 2R sin 2 B, where R is the radius of the Rowland circle, provides point-to-point focusing with the source spot S imaged at the image point I on the circle.
Gymnasts' wrist injury includes distal radius stress fractures, scaphoid stress fracture, avascular necrosis of the capitate, ulnar carpal abutment, and dorsal impingement.
One circle made the head and another touching circle (with radius three times as big) made the body.
Times, Sunday Times
Doctors wish to examine everyone living within a 10-mile radius of the factory.
By extending Interior Radius Vector Sweeping and combining with Boolean operations, smoothing the convex cavities in the multiply connected domain has been studied.
In Gaul a pleiad of writers and theologians develops at Lérins or within the radius of that monastery's influence -- Cassian, Honoratus, Eucherius of Lyons, Vincent of Lérins, Hilary of Arles, Valerian of Cemelium,
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 9: Laprade-Mass Liturgy
Typically this strategy is executed by popping out a Warp Prism near the opponents base and warping in Dark Templar's in its pylon radius; however, I was able to sneak a pylon in the corner of the opponent's starting area early in this game and simply use it. - Articles related to Gold slips below $1,150 as dollar hits session high
With a brafs qua - drant of three feet radius, by one meridian altitude of the fun's upper limb, all neceflary aquations and deductions confidered, I determined the latitude of the place of obfer - vation to be 10° 59 1 1 "; and by another obfervation of the fame kind made on the 6th, io° 5 9 »*J afte r which b 7 a medium of thirty-three obfervations of liars, the largeft and neareft, the firft vertical, I found the latitude to be io 59 '10";
Travels to discover the source of the Nile, in the years 1768, 1769, 1770, 1771, 1772, and 1773
The bony surfaces would of themselves constitute an enarthrosis and allow of movement in all directions, were it not for the annular ligament, by which the head of the radius is bound to the radial notch of the ulna, and which prevents any separation of the two bones laterally.
III. Syndesmology. 6d. Elbow-joint
This treatment, of course, assumes the recovery of the Kerr metric in brane-worlds which we have found to the first order in the ratio of the brane separation to the radius of the AdS$_5$, $ (ell/r) $.
Archive 2010-05-01
This curve can be plotted well against particle radius.
In addition, bill curvature was measured, taking the radius of the height of the upper mandible from the line traced from the base to the tip of the bill.
An existing well, drilled with a section through a tight sand interval was judged unlikely to fully drain the panel, so a sidetrack with an openhole drain length of 1,000 m was drilled from the 7-in. liner using an intermediate radius curve
The ejector is a long Commander style, with the nose radiused.
A circle and square have an equal area only if the ratio between a side of the square and a radius of the circle equals the square root of pi.
There is enough to see within a few miles' radius, with seaside resorts and many places of historic interest inland.
A Passion for Food