How To Use Radiotelegraph In A Sentence
Actually, by 1907, Ochs made a visionary technological move by working with the inventor of the radiotelegraph, Guglielmo Marconi, to innovate the world's first transatlantic wireless news service.
Ashley Rindsberg: Where Is The New York Times Going?
By 6:00 P.M. Tokyo Time it was encoded in an unbreakable State Department cryptographic system, taken across the street to the Japanese Telegraph office, and sent via radiotelegraph to Washington.26
Americans can communicate quickly with people in other countries by cable, radiotelegraph radiotelephone.
Experienced naval intercept operators could sometimes recognize individual Japanese radio operators by their unique use of the radiotelegraph key to send the dots and dashes of their code.
The escapees are often both radical and conservative, each a fitting response to being off the moorings, with only your trusty radiotelegraph to find your way back to port.
I Have a Code
Efforts were also made to use radiotelegraph and radiotelephone between aircraft and ground headquarters.