How To Use Radiologist In A Sentence

  • The radiologist firmly positioned Phoebe in front of a ferocious-looking machine.
  • The treatment is performed by interventional radiologists.
  • Dr Pratten a radiologist was a pioneer of the Geographe region and a pioneer of viticulture.
  • He didn't want to commit (cos the photos are so small… better to wait til the radiologist has had a good look at the nice color piccies on screen) but he thinks there's more arthritis and some herniated disk issues.
  • The houseman is in the middle of a ward round with my specialist registrar, and, since I am going past the x ray department on my way to a ward visit, I decide to drop the MRI request in to the radiologists.
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  • Interventional radiologists found no difference between the two age groups when it comes to "patency" or the openness of AV fistulas or accesses needed for dialysis. EurekAlert! - Breaking News
  • A routine trip to DJ's doctor turned into a trip to the radiologist and x-rays and sonograms and all the stuff that comes with that.
  • Most of our specimens were obtained percutaneously either by the clinician, cytopathologist, or radiologist.
  • A new, non-invasive technique for tracking stem cells after transplantation has been developed by a cross-disciplinary team of radiologists, chemists, statisticians, and materials scientists at the Stanford University School of Medicine.
  • Assessment is best carried out by a dedicated assessment team consisting of an experienced radiologist, surgeon, and pathologist supported by radiographers and a breast care nurse.
  • An example of this is in specialty guidelines for colon cancer screening, where radiologists recommend barium enemas while gastroenterologists recommend colonoscopy.
  • The videofluoroscopic swallowing study with barium is a multidisciplinary evaluation with collaboration between a radiologist and a speech-language pathologist.
  • If you're going to a new facility for your mammogram, the radiologist will find it helpful if you bring prior mammograms along for comparison.
  • Core knowledge of the radiologist includes radiobiology, which is the study of the effects of ionizing radiation on living tissue. Arab Times Kuwait English Daily
  • My favorite this year (probably because I read and occasionally write fantasy novels, and thus have a possibly unhealthy interest in swords) was the award in medicine, given to radiologist Brian Witcombe of Gloucester and professional sword-swallower Dan Meyer of Tennessee for their medical report “Sword Swallowing and Its Side Effects.” The 2007 Ig Nobel Prizes
  • The radiologist felt that there was slight bilateral raising of the diaphragm and some blurring at both bases.
  • Also patron of battle, the dead, mariners, paratroopers, police officers, and radiologists.
  • The radiologist can visualize the cancerous liver
  • The man was an experienced radiologist with excellent reference checks.
  • I had a peek at the control panel on the camera while the radiologist was out looking at the first set of snaps: huge, chunky, twiddly dials that looked as though they came from the first nuclear power plant.
  • The radiologist is able to move the fluoro tower around to follow the contrast material wherever where it goes. Fluoroscopy
  • Siemens has just announced the release of the Neuro PBV IR computed tomography suite that provides a live look of inracranial blood flows for neuroradiologists performing clot lyses, stent placements, ablations, etc. Medgadget
  • The confusion started right away, the minute I got the call from one of the big hospitals in Boston: "Don't let the word 'carcinoma' fool you," the radiologist said. Laura Zigman: 'You Should Apologize for Saying You Had Cancer (Because The New York Times Says it Probably Wasn't Cancer)'
  • The radiologist is then in a better position to decide whether the computer's judgment is valid.
  • I nodded, told Brenda to get the duty radiologist on the phone. NIGHT SISTERS
  • The local hospital has three urologists and a radiologist specialising in urology.
  • The book was written for practicing and teaching pathologists, but it should also be appealing to radiologists, medical and surgical oncologists, and radiotherapists.
  • The computer doesn't replace the radiologist, it just double-checks his work.
  • Our radiologist was a doctor named Srini Malini, and we watched her as she studied the incomprehensible flecks of white scoring the dark gray screen. Spoken from the Heart
  • HSS radiologists and surgeons rely on a variety of imaging techniques such as MR arthrography, special ultra-high-resolution MRIs or 3-dimensional CT scans that can provide a more complete and accurate image that can aid in properly diagnosing a patient. Health News from Medical News Today
  • The ER and hospital are covered off hours, holidays, and weekends, by the ER doctors, the radiologists, and the hospitalists.
  • The radiologist is then in a better position to decide whether the computer's judgment is valid.
  • Preferred access at any age: Comparison by interventional radiologists shows no difference in 'patency' or openness of arteriovenous (AV) fistulas EurekAlert! - Breaking News
  • Also patron of battle, the dead, grocers, paratroopers, police officers, and radiologists.
  • Once the nerve endings are dead, interventional radiologists can perform osteoplasty. EurekAlert! - Breaking News
  • Radiology and oncology, which are both examined by the Royal College of Radiologists, were analysed separately.
  • Our Embassy doctor asked me to get an MRI so I called a radiologist downtown. Think Progress » Bachmann Suggests Critics Of Health Care Reform Will Be Put On A ‘List’ And Denied Treatment
  • The image created is viewed and interpreted by a doctor, called a radiologist, to detect and diagnose medical conditions in the body. General Radiography (X-ray)
  • The radiologists who read the radiographs at each institution were blinded to the results of the Ottawa knee rule assessment.
  • On an X-ray, the radiologists could see collections of fluid in his shoulders and elbows, and septic emboli—clots of infected tissue that had broken off from somewhere else in his body—that had lodged in his lungs. SUPERBUG
  • Any sign of cancer should be communicated to the radiologist with the referral for a diagnostic mammogram.
  • The radiologist reported two anomalies to the doctor: an “ill-defined density” in the subareola region and an enlarged lymph node or nodes, measuring four-by-two centimeters, in the right axilla armpit. Law In The Health and Human Services
  • I've been a Republican my whole life, but I'll be doggoned if Al Gore isn't right," says Prim, 64, a retired radiologist. Opposition takes on coal plants
  • The images are interpreted by a radiologist.
  • Whenever I get a free day, I head into the Overdue Results Folder for a big cleanout, scanning each patient's chart to see if the overdue test actually did come back and forwarding the ones not done to my secretary so she can call the radiologist before she sends a note or calls the patient. Tickler Systems and Thoughts on Mandating the EMR
  • My sister and I took him to the radiologist yesterday, where we were given lead aprons and had to squash Harri at several uncomfortable angles to get the x-rays.
  • Disability aside, one of her top priorities is to be a role model and mentor to aspiring radiologists.
  • Ultrasound -- a high-resolution, 3-D ultrasound performed by radiologists who specialize in prenatal diagnosis allows targeted evaluation of the fetus and any structural anomalies. About Your Visit
  • The radiologist firmly positioned Phoebe in front of a ferocious-looking machine.
  • All cancer screening should be performed in consultation with a pediatric oncologist, and radiology studies should be reviewed by a radiologist with pediatric expertise. Beckwith-Weidemann Syndrome
  • Under her leadership the small department of radiology increased to involve five other radiologists.
  • All radiographs were read by a board-certified orthopaedic surgeon and a musculoskeletal-trained board-certified radiologist.
  • In the old days there were some incredibly high quality images, " said radiologist Ron Eisenberg of Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston and the author of 20 books on radiology.
  • Interventional radiologists often couple osteoplasty with heat or cold treatments to kill tumor nerves, if needed. EurekAlert! - Breaking News
  • Despite last week's political row, the underlying question that has emerged is whether Scotland's surgeons, anaesthetists, radiologists and senior medics are worth the money.
  • A radiologist is a physician who has specialized in image interpretation with four years of dedicated post medical school training. Helene Pavlov: Expert Imaging Leads to Expert Diagnosis
  • Slowly the radiologist tracked back and, increasing the resolution, focused on the critical region around the brain stem. GRACE
  • An accrediting group last year stripped the hospital of its ability to train aspiring surgeons and radiologists and recommended closing the neonatology training program. Medpundit
  • A computer program reads the same scans the radiologist views, and the combined judgment of the computer and radiologist helps detect more cancers, the researchers found.
  • It's unlikely that your oncologist or radiologist would tell you at this point that there are other options.
  • Percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy/jejunostomy placement is performed by an interventional radiologist. GI services
  • The radiologist commented on poor peristaltic activity.
  • An interventional radiologist may guide a special wired instrument called a catheter through an artery in the upper part of the child's leg up to the area where the ruptured aneurysm or AVM is located. Hemorrhagic Stroke
  • Today after hearing that the Commander wasn't getting better, she called the radiologist and they decided to not do the invasive procedure we had on the books for the Commander and just do the ultrasound. Making the Rounds
  • The radiologist uses fluoroscopy for a total of 10 to 15 minutes during the entire procedure, and the exposure is intermittent.
  • She comes from a long line of medicos - her father was a pathologist and two uncles were radiologists.
  • One independent experienced radiologist evaluated all the MRI examinations.
  • Under her leadership the small department of radiology increased to involve five other radiologists.
  • If a radiologist with special training in gastrointestinal radiology is available, multiphase barium upper gastrointestinal studies are an acceptable alternative.
  • CT scans had been interpreted by an experienced chest radiologist.
  • Which is why we do eveything we can to help the patien, including sending the relase ourselves to the prior doc, calling the radiologist ourselves for the report, etc. A Team of One
  • The 72 - year-old retired radiologist monitors the company from his Beverly Hills home.
  • Now he is a radiologist in a suburban hospital of 650 beds.
  • They gave approval to recruit a clinical team of consultant surgeon, radiologist and pathologist.
  • Our radiologist located the otosclerosis adjacent to the stapes. John W. House, M.D.: Too Many Tests!
  • Your radiologist attends the fair to assist in interpreting these screening tests.
  • Most radiologists also continue their training with another year of Fellowship in a sub-specialty such as musculoskeletal imaging, neuroradiology, gastroenterology, etc. Helene Pavlov: Radiology Myth Buster: Radiologist - Technologist or Physician?
  • I have a friend in America who is a consultant radiologist.
  • The radiologist firmly positioned Phoebe in front of a ferocious-looking machine.
  • Despite last week's political row, the underlying question that has emerged is whether Scotland's surgeons, anaesthetists, radiologists and senior medics are worth the money.
  • A Board certified radiologist specializing in mammograms told me this over dinner.
  • Further imaging that may be done by a gastroenterologist or interventional radiologist includes endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography and percutaneous transhepatic cholangiography.
  • She sought clarification about equivocal referrals; organised imaging; reviewed results with a paediatric nephrologist, radiologist, and medical physicist as necessary; and informed the doctor and family of normal test results.
  • On closer inspection a radiologist's report confirmed an impacted fracture, but the report never reached Dr Blakeley.
  • The story isn't entirely that stenting is bad," said Colin Derdeyn, an interventional neuroradiologist at Washington University, St. Louis, and a co-author of the study. Drug Regimen Outdoes Stents in Stroke Study
  • Percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy/jejunostomy placement is performed by a gastroenterologist and an interventional radiologist. Pediatric Enteral Access Center
  • The radiologist was waving at him from a table in the corner. GRACE
  • The images that are sent to the radiologist are a sampling of "static" images. Ultrasound
  • More recently radiologists have become involved also in ultrasound and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).
  • The radiologist connects a barium bag to the tube to deliver liquid barium into your colon.
  • A trained SVM and one expert chest radiologist classified 136 cases to benignancy and malignancy.
  • Part of the funds has already been used to fund mammography training for two radiologists at the hospital.
  • Discordant findings were resolved by consensus review by a third gastrointestinal radiologist.
  • This could be accomplished by having a radiologist present during mammography to review films.

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