How To Use Radio telescope In A Sentence
The research is being done by the Planetary Habitability Laboratory at the University of Puerto Rico in Arecibo, which is the home of the world's largest single-dish radio telescope. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
Scientists are still in contact with both probes through the Deep Space Network of radio telescopes.
One of the best scenes takes place near a vast radio telescope.
Times, Sunday Times
We were in the dish of a disused radio telescope.
Times, Sunday Times
Accordingly, a radio telescope consists of a concave metal reflector that focuses the radio waves on a receiver.
We were in the dish of a disused radio telescope.
Times, Sunday Times
One of the best scenes takes place near a vast radio telescope.
Times, Sunday Times
Some radio telescopes can be tuned to this frequency, but some simply can't.
Whereas ground-based optical telescopes have sub-arcsecond** resolution, and Hubble is quoted as having a resolution of 0.085 arcseconds, single-dish radio telescopes can only get resolutions of a few arcminutes.
First Stellar Images
We were in the dish of a disused radio telescope.
Times, Sunday Times
Evidence for 'infalling' gas came from the radio telescope's detection of two kinds of molecules in the cloud - HCO+ and H13CO+. - latest science and technology news stories
When she observed the galaxy later using the radio telescope, she found that it is embedded in a huge disk of atomic hydrogen gas.
And if you put radio telescope there you can get a radio signal.
To get detail as fine as that from an optical instrument, radio telescopes therefore have to be much larger.
Times, Sunday Times
Remember, you can learn more about ALMA, the Atacama Large Millimeter Array, an up-and-coming radio telescope high in the Chilean Andes that will probe astrochemistry like never before, from their website, Richard Drumm's 365DoA podcast, or my first URSI update.
Archive 2009-02-13
Because microwaves have wavelengths longer than even invisible infrared radiation, they are observed in the radio region of the spectrum with radio telescopes.
Its DSL connection is busy downloading a block of radio telescope data to be analyzed later.
Once they are all in place, they will form the largest radio telescope on Earth.
European funding to design a massive international radio telescope.
Times, Sunday Times
The first detection of lightning in a Martian dust storma new detector on a radio telescope.
To get detail as fine as that from an optical instrument, radio telescopes therefore have to be much larger.
Times, Sunday Times
You can participate by running a free program that downloads and analyzes radio telescope data.
It is called a radio telescope because a radio antenna is used to observe radio waves emitted by astronomical sources.
In astronomy the transmitter is usually a radio telescope, and it usually acts also as the detector.
This is one of the stars visible to us through a radio telescope.
To get detail as fine as that from an optical instrument, radio telescopes therefore have to be much larger.
Times, Sunday Times
A 6-cm receiving system with a polarimeter, made by engineers of German Max-Planck-Institute for Radio-astronomy, has been installed to the 25 radio telescope in Urumqi, the capital of western China's Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region.
Accordingly, a radio telescope consists of a concave metal reflector that focuses the radio waves on a receiver.
I'd gotten an e-mail saying that the club's former president, Trey Wegner, who was at home recovering from an automobile accident, would be video-chatting with the club and remote observing using the Arecibo Radio Telescope during the meeting!
Zoe P. Strassfield: Secret Passages and the Invisible Universe
Despite the recent decline in interest, there were several radio telescopes set to receive the signal when it came.
European funding to design a massive international radio telescope.
Times, Sunday Times
In 1937, the first radio telescope was built, enabling astronomers to detect otherwise invisible radiation from stars.
To get detail as fine as that from an optical instrument, radio telescopes therefore have to be much larger.
Times, Sunday Times
European funding to design a massive international radio telescope.
Times, Sunday Times
The privately funded SETI Institute uses radio telescopes owned by observatories around the world to sweep the sky for signals broadcast by advanced civilizations.
The dewar is the front end of the receiver system of the radio telescope.
It will be the largest and most sensitive radio telescope array in the world.
I decline, fearful of pranging his radio telescope observatory.
So we build radio telescopes, giants dishes or arrays of dishes, or even dipoles, that collect this radio light.
Archive 2008-11-03
Evidence for "infalling" gas came from the radio telescope's detection of two kinds of molecules in the cloud - HCO+ and H13CO+.
Zee News : India National
One of the best scenes takes place near a vast radio telescope.
Times, Sunday Times
On November 16, 1974 when the so-called “Arecibo message” was broadcast from the Arecibo radio telescope in Puerto Rico to globular star cluster Messier 13, many doomsayers warned that the transmission would herald an alien invasion.
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