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radiation pattern

  1. graphical representation (in polar or Cartesian coordinates) of the spatial distribution of radiation from an antenna as a function of angle

How To Use radiation pattern In A Sentence

  • The results for element input impedance , radiation efficiency of space wave, directivity and radiation pattern are presented.
  • The frequency response of radiation pattern a linear dipole antenna by Hertz dipoles field summation approximation.
  • The distance variation of radiation pattern in the near field of an electric Hertz dipoles.
  • No clear solution presents itself at the present, only that the survival and radiation pattern could not have followed from the traditional view that it was all a simple matter of some innate dinosaurian "superiority" and competition. "Hallways...always..."
  • If you're lined up with the radiation pattern of one of the larger "omnidirectional" Wi-Fi antennas, you could easily be getting three or four times as much power as you'd get if it were a real omnidirectional antenna. How To Spot A Psychopath
  • The condition that meets the linear superposition is discussed. The Amendment technique of the lens antenna structures is improved utilizing the simulated radiation pattern.
  • Combination of ladder approach method and equivalent circuit model of slot antenna had been used to analyze its input impedance. Finally, GTD had been used to calculate the radiation pattern.
  • The condition that meets the linear superposition is discussed. The Amendment technique of the lens antenna structures is improved utilizing the simulated radiation pattern.
  • After the currents on the wall of waveguideradiation pattern of omnidirectional waveguide slot antenna is com.
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