How To Use Radially In A Sentence
One modern example is a space capsule in orbit around the earth; another is a capsule falling radially toward the Earth.
Embryonic coelomic structures have specific fates as the bilaterally symmetrical larvae metamorphose into radially symmetric adults.
Their larvae are free-swimming and NOT radially symmetrical.
Starfish sex. | My[confined]Space
A deep, radially fluted central cavity divides the mediolateral plates.
Chromatophores of brown or green colors present and usually grouped radially about a central amylum granule.
Marine Protozoa from Woods Hole Bulletin of the United States Fish Commission 21:415-468, 1901
Radially sawn timbers give better yields and more stable sections than conventionally milled timbers.
What happens in plants such as buttercups, in which radially symmetrical flowers are the norm?
Brown chromatophores may or may not be arranged radially about a central amylum granule.
Marine Protozoa from Woods Hole Bulletin of the United States Fish Commission 21:415-468, 1901
A common fossil in the basal impure limestone beds is a bivalve that Silberling referred to as ‘an unidentified concavo-convex radially ribbed oysterlike pelecypod.’
The amino acid side chains extend radially outward, away from the helical backbone.
There are some animals that don't belong to the Bilateria, though: members of the phylum Cnidaria, the jellyfish, hydra, sea anemones, and corals, which are typically radially symmetric.
The outer cable conductor is enclosed by a contact sleeve which has a plurality of radially resilient segments.
The round bar to be cutis fixed and the grooving tool is rotating with spindle, in the meantime, the tool is fed in radially.
Reacting gases flow radially across the porous ceria cylinder, while products from the reaction exit the cavity through an axial outlet port.
quartered" and then the quarters sawn up as nearly radially as is desired.
Handwork in Wood
These rays produce the "flakes" or "mirrors" that make quartersawed (radially cut) wood so beautiful.
Studies of Trees
Cnidarians are radially symmetrical, meaning that they're symmetrical around several axes, like the spokes in a bicycle wheel, whereas all the organisms depicted to the right of the cnidarian are bilaterally symmetrical, meaning they're only symmetrical around the head-to-tail axis (except for the echinoderms, which evolved radial symmetry independently).
2005 June - Telic Thoughts
A transducer carrier is radially positionable relative to the magnetic recording surface and can be moved between recording portions and idling portions of the annular surface.
Chicory rhizomes or roots are readily detected, upon fracture, by their radially arranged laticiferous vessels in the bark region.
He's got stuff you can't get anywhere else and is constantly adding new items, like axially - and diametrically-magnetized NIB wedding rings and radially-magnetized ring magnets.
Boing Boing
The collet closer is shaped and sized to, on tightening of the collet closet, radially compress the collet to grip the sheath.
Under the polarized light microscope, addition of a full waveplate to the optical set-up showed that spherulites grown in the absence or presence of salt contain radially oriented amyloid fibrils.
Solitary cells or cordiform couples are always slightly distant from one another with remarkable spaces between them, sometimes slightly radially displaced from one another.
an imaginative dispersal of the pews radially from the central focus of the pulpit
This worthy minister was somewhat of a mechanic, and in connection with a coach-axle maker named Rollason, the plan was conceived of "faggoting" bars of iron radially round
Personal Recollections of Birmingham and Birmingham Men
At this point it requires some rheology of materials, but if the planet were rotating the bulge would remain pointing radially towards the star and the rotation would force the material to deform as it rotates.
Planet of Lava a Former Gas Giant | Universe Today
Here it presents a series of radially arranged furrows, in which the ciliary processes are accommodated and to which they adhere, as is shown by the fact that when they are removed some of their pigment remains attached to the zonula.
X. The Organs of the Senses and the Common Integument. 1c. 2. The Refracting Media
biradially symmetrical
Radially symmetrical flowers, such as buttercups and tulips, have a single type of petal arranged the same way all around a center.
The ‘Or’ gyrons do not quite meet in the center, and appear almost as piles issuing radially from the edge of the field.
In a low-pressure cell, centrifugal force acts radially outward but the pressure gradient force radially inward.
On the proximal arm segment the arm spines meet midradially forming a single fan.
Wild-type conidiophores are radially symmetrical and consist of a stalk with a single vesicle from which multiple primary sterigmata bud.
In the case of a uniformly conducting soil, the current disperses radially, generating circular equipotential lines.
1. Swer, a low cost rural distribution system using single wire earth return.
All are radially costate, with costae varying from simple and evenly distributed to variously branched and unevenly spaced.
The elongate lepidocentrids typically are preserved on their sides with the small spines pointing radially, with nearly as many aborally compressed.
Disk florets have a tubular corolla with five small radially symmetrical lobes and five connate anthers forming a cylinder around the style.
The dome is typically convex in shape and ice flows radially from the centre outwards.
All of these reach a large size and are radially plicate.
In this way the stalk expands radially to form a hemifusion diaphragm.
Most radially symmetric animals are sessile, however, echinoderms are able to move.
The majority of the rays of the spicules are arranged radially and in a plane.
On the proximal arm segment the arm spines meet midradially forming a single fan.
Many of the cysts are elongated and radially arranged from the center of the kidney on the right, much like spokes on a wagon wheel.
The most common nodules are pure azurite in radially fibrous masses that exhibit a peculiar satiny sheen or chatoyancy on broken surfaces.
Embryonic coelomic structures have specific fates as the bilaterally symmetrical larvae metamorphose into radially symmetric adults.
There are 4-5 smooth arm spines, the proximal ones well separated midradially, not forming a fan.
Common larval types are used to deduce a radially symmetrical, medusa-like organism as the common ancestor for all animal groups above coelenterates, i.e., for all triploblastic animals.
starfish are actinoid--that is, they are radially symmetrical
Xinglong the river more, more from the central mountainous county, radially diverted to the neighboring districts.