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How To Use Racy In A Sentence

  • Liberal democracy is a fraud, a cover for the power of the elite. Times, Sunday Times
  • Perhaps they will dub it the age of unreason, petty bureaucracy and utter silliness. Times, Sunday Times
  • The aristocracy are made to look like buffoons; the women swoon, the maids are oversexed, and the artist himself - the center of everyone's fawning attention - plays the dandy.
  • This came after scores of pro-Uribe legislators and other officials were indicted on conspiracy charges involving so-called demobilized paramilitaries. Council on Hemispheric Affairs
  • Bachofen was the first to discuss under the name of gyneocracy and mother-right. Houses and House-Life of the American Aborigines
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  • In an attempt to thwart piracy of its music, the label equipped a collection of 52 album releases with a type of software known as a rootkit. ITnews Australia
  • The BBC correspondent says anti - piracy mission is controversial in Japan because of its pacifist post - War constitution.
  • These new forces have synchronized with the conscious policy of a certain sector of Canadian opinion which has persistently sought to detach us from that quarter of the world's orbit and the world's people comprised in the British federacy. Whither Canada
  • In the end the sentence-for criminal conspiracy, corruption and bribery-was a compromise.
  • Since when did the US become an official plutocracy?
  • In other words, a person cannot be domiciled in a federation or confederacy.
  • Class privilege has reached the point where the entire society is ruled by a plutocracy.
  • Only later did it become apparent that the flight had also been on anti-piracy patrol.
  • Over the next few issues, we'll be working in partnership with adult literacy groups in different parts of the province to help them tell their own stories in their own ways.
  • When Yahoo bureaucracy rules, people die in the health services and the aged in nursing homes are victimised while benchmark payments are pocketed.
  • We want to defer the exorbitant, latter-day costs of all that energy binging, masquerading as democracy "preachifying"? Alec Baldwin: It's Time To Suck It Up And Pay Our Bill
  • However, the measure intended to foster democracy will result in all three party leaders imposing a three-line whip on their respective MPs – a move hardly likely to ease the public's mistrust of Parliament. European Union: The referendum is an absurd sideshow | Observer editorial
  • In heaven the seraphim criticize the cherubim, who look down on the thrones: the original bureaucracy. YESTERDAY'S SHADOW
  • The importance of germaneness in the Senate is viewed by some to be critical to democracy.
  • Then, the phrase had struck Vincent as doting and naive, but sometime during his stay in Toulio, as his grasp of the Chinese language deepened, and as he learned—or was forced to learn—from his mistakes, he had felt the title gain merit and accuracy. Heaven Lake
  • Mr Vermes, who was close to that research effort, finds good reason to criticise it for slowness and carelessness—but no ground to assert a conspiracy.
  • These reforms are meant to reinvigorate local democracy and reconnect people with politicians. Times, Sunday Times
  • After she'd gone he had drawn up a scorecard, ranging her qualities on one side - her intellectual gifts and vivid, racy conversation - and on the other all the vicious things she'd said.
  • Perhaps spurred by the era of Republican dominance and a reassertive ruling class, historians have given new attention to the plantocracy.
  • Political selection is more dependent on sophistry and less on economic literacy.
  • one of his cardinal convictions was that Britain was not run as a democracy but as an oligarchy
  • Based on the analyse of the magnetic around the wire line circuit, we design a logical structure to make sure the accuracy of GMR sensor.
  • A dashing swashbuckler of love, loss, and revenge in the midst of a plot to hide a conspiracy involving Napoleon's return to power.
  • Your first campaign stop after the convention is the capital of the Confederacy. Op-Ed: Conservatism Does Not Equal Racism
  • Havel has become his country's beacon of democracy and hope.
  • It has planned a programme of district level meetings to mobilise public opinion in favour of democracy, communal harmony and peace.
  • The very existence of the Tea Party unsettles the assertion that stable liberal democracy yields a politics governed by reason alone. Feisal G. Mohamed: Against Historical Fundamentalism: Jill Lepore on the Tea Party
  • How often I have I known him affect an open brow and a jovial manner, joining in the games of the gentry, and even in the sports of the common people, in order to invest himself with a temporary degree of popularity; while, in fact, his heart was bursting to witness what he called the degeneracy of the times, the decay of activity among the aged, and the want of zeal in the rising generation. Redgauntlet
  • Now, from the left, comes a ragtag assortment of college kids, labor unionists, conspiracy theorists and others who've taken to the streets in protests dubbed "Occupy Wall Street.
  • That is likely to give succour to all those who loathe liberal values and democracy. Times, Sunday Times
  • They have been questioned on suspicion of conspiracy to defraud, money laundering and fraud by misrepresentation. Times, Sunday Times
  • It, too, represents "quality" journalism that's really fundamental to democracy. ill lich Hypothetical peek into the feverish mind of Rupert Murdoch - Boing Boing
  • As they seated themselves at table Brahms, who had been in a brown study, suddenly proffered the company an extemporaneous criticism of Ivan's music, which he tore into miscroscopic bits, and flung upon the winds of sarcasm; after which he perorated elaborately upon his own power and the perfect academic accuracy of his style. The Genius
  • It is sad that there are ineffective ministers and somnolent bureaucracy giving the people a raw deal.
  • To say the word god in American public discourse is to conjure up a number of images and ideas that serve to undermine democracy in name of religious freedom. Rev. Osagyefo Uhuru Sekou: 'Gods, Gays and Guns' (EXCERPT)
  • Our literacy rate falls year by year, and even many who can read do not read, the so-called aliterates.
  • I had to deal with the university's bureaucracy before I could change from one course to another.
  • This is a combat flight simulator with the emphasis on action rather than accuracy. Times, Sunday Times
  • And we're offering the students a program which not only develops their writing but their oracy from the beginning of schooling.
  • Never complain, never explain. Resist the temptation to defend yourself or make excuses. Brian Tracy 
  • We have recently seen many important educational policy initiatives in the area of children's literacy.
  • You could always join the 9/11 conspiracy mill and churn out another book or website dedicated to the allegation that the “EVIL” George Bush, Dick Cheney – or THE shadowy “right wing caba” is behind the horror of 9/11. Think Progress » Bartlett On Cancelled Maliki Meeting: ‘It Was Going To Be More Of A Social Meeting Anyway’
  • They did not dare to challenge the sacred cow of parliamentary democracy.
  • This despite being part of a school system which demonstrably does not waste much of its money on bureaucracy and aggrandizement of its own honchos; the system has no trouble educating half of its students.
  • Unfortunately, there is a mentality in the federal bureaucracy that defies change and rejects innovation.
  • In effect the accuracy of the vast majority of the series' facts could not be disputed or questioned in any way.
  • Thus, arguments for participatory democracy focus on the inactivity of the large majority of the people in the political arena today.
  • This one, legally named Tracy Worcester - she insists on "Tracy" unless her lunch companion finds her title amusing - is currently having such a moment. Saturday Conversation: The Marchioness of Worcester
  • Ken helped Tracy go from renting to owning rental property.
  • Not in so many words, she viewed my new handset as just another exotic creation of a transnational technocracy using technology to get us to spend our obsessive consumerist, materialist dollars.
  • Illiteracy is widespread among the poor.
  • The politicians in them wanted to genuflect to democracy, open debate and all the new citizen journalists who seem to wield so much influence these days.
  • The foundation of lasting self- confidence and self esteem is excellence, mastery of your work. Brian Tracy 
  • During 18th and 19th centuries this area was known as the Barbary Coast and was feared for its regular piracy of European shipping. TravelStream™ — Recent Entries at
  • The policies and attitudes of the autocracy virtually ruled out the emergence of a moderate, reformist labour movement.
  • An independent appeal panel cleared her in July 1995 after doubt was cast as to the accuracy of the tests carried out.
  • Accuracy Use an impact pad to increase accuracy on moving targets.
  • Are fundamentalism and democracy mutually exclusive?
  • Full client participation is essential to ensure accuracy when compiling the information model.
  • Tracy is interested in journalism, but Sarah wants to be a doctor.
  • Pieces-of-Eight and shouting out "yarr, matey!" may have gone the way of the Dodo, but piracy is still a real threat on the world's seas. Archive 2008-03-01
  • The report also outlined plans to tackle online music and film piracy with a new agency. The Sun
  • Yesterday he was to be arraigned on new charges of insider trading, filing false tax forms and conspiracy to falsify books and records in an expanded indictment unveiled May 1.
  • Piracy, as in bootleg sales of CD ` s and DVD ` s. If King Kong could only speak …
  • Additionally, the Bombardier Beetle has the ability to direct its defensive spray toward its aggressor with pinpoint accuracy.
  • Democracy cannot consist solely of elections that are nearly always fictitious and managed by rich landowners and professional politicians. Che Guevara 
  • Next are online tests, such as numeracy and verbal reasoning. Times, Sunday Times
  • The limitations of party competition Schumpeter's redefinition of democracy as a method has been extremely influential.
  • Financial services in Bulgaria are still branded by formalism, bureaucracy and lack of interest, analysts said.
  • Cliche is symptomatic of an entropic democracy where meaningless statements are repeated unconsciously by the masses.
  • Democracy and the rule of law are yet to be firmly established in the country.
  • But folk art, on the whole, stood for a democracy of aspiration. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Even early American democracy would get low marks by contemporary standards since there was no enfranchisement for the majority of the population.
  • He got ten years for the lesser crime of conspiracy to murder.
  • Peace, prosperity, democracy, environmental conservation and the elimination of racism and ethnocentrism are all overtly gender-neutral ideals, but each of them is also a distinctively women's issue.
  • This exceptionality allows the establishment of a sort of democracy: we are all equal because we all have the right to break the law’.
  • It was possible to date these remains with a fair degree of accuracy.
  • Like all good conspiracy theories, the polio vaccine theory's originators are its worst enemies.
  • Our cowardly lion of a bureaucracy throws issue after issue into the long grass when confronted by the mice that roar. Times, Sunday Times
  • The two could no longer coexist and it was therefore a class struggle between the Southern slaveholding aristocracy and the Northern capitalist democracy.
  • He confirms the finding of manyothers that per capita income is strongly related to democracy.
  • He said people should join a planned protest on July 1 to express their calls for democracy.
  • By that time, Tracy had radioed the Los Angeles County Harbor Patrol and a rescue boat with divers was on the way.
  • The best way to avoid infections of this kind from A. buntonensis is to apply antibiotics such as gentamicin, amikacin, chloramphenicol and tetracycline to the wound immediately after the leech has released itself.
  • Jaworski says McNabb diminishes the impact of his inaccuracy by being an elite scrambler and rarely making stupid throws, and that was true even during his struggles.
  • I've come to the conclusion that democracy must fail because the demos is either too ignorant or unintelligent for it to work. Leviathan Montgomery, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • The intolerant citizens have called for a nation-wide general strike to bring down the deep-rooted stratocracy in Burma, due to the junta\'s insistence of barring the Lady to participate in the country\'s political reform process. ' Burma Question - sill a matter of regional concern
  • A New FAIR survey (Fairness In Accuracy and Reporting) reveals that the America publicprefers asingle-payer national healthcare system 59% - to-32% over a privatized system. Single Payer Health Insurance / Still Ignored By Main Steam Press
  • But there will be no democracy in the country called Europe. The Sun
  • Mr. Yushchenko said Tuesday that the reported plans to change the constitution were "an anticonstitutional conspiracy," and that any such change should be decided by referendum. Ukrainian Parties in Coalition Negotiations
  • Or on the other hand, from the governments' perspective should piracy be viewed as a handy but deniable mechanism for pressuring the software company's pricing downwards?
  • Some of the premiers had earlier expressed skepticism about creating another level of bureaucracy. Globe and Mail
  • And as an ancient sage once said, ‘Democracy is a charming form of government, full of variety and disorder, and dispensing a sort of equality to equals and unequals alike.’
  • President Ali Abdullah Saleh told supporters his government had rejected what he called a "coup" against his country's constitution and democracy. Yemen's President Rejects Resignation Plan; Protests Continue
  • The way you give your name to others is a measure of how much you like and respect yourself. Brian Tracy 
  • The magic word Literacy campaigns push back the boundaries of ignorance and give people more chance of controlling their own destiny.
  • Besides, a medley of reasons such as malnutrition, lack of hygiene and awareness-all caused by illiteracy-contributes to the cases.
  • Bewildering indeed. Conspiracy theories have emerged faster than mushrooms in a damp Exmoor field. Some claim the shooting was a fiction, dreamed up to discourage trophy-hunters.
  • The opening scene is an interview - about the wretchedness of conditions in the theatre, poking fun at the cumbersome bureaucracy which soils it.
  • We should integrate literacy into play only if it furthers a play theme in progress, and we should avoid literacy props that may distract children from make-believe.
  • Are you interested in helping adults with reading, writing, spelling or numeracy?
  • The concentration of wealth and power is a great deterrent to democracy.
  • And "The neoconservative hubris, which sort of assigns to America some kind of geo-strategic responsibility for maximizing democracy, overstretches the resources of a free country. Firedoglake » Can Republicans Put Country Before Party?
  • It makes it possible for people who have real problems of mobility to participate more easily in their own democracy.
  • There are various ways in which popular opinion can be represented with reasonable accuracy.
  • ADN if you want to download no reason why a 99$ account should not get you 50 megabit unlimited, give 9 a month to hollywood and the riaa and tell them to bugger off. make it a law and make the only way they get an increase is by national referendum, WHAT HOLLYWOOD FEAR DEMOCRACY? Rogers bill of consumer rights
  • A knowledgeable fan can predict most selections with unerring accuracy.
  • The translation sacrifices naturalness for the sake of accuracy.
  • My talk with the old Dutchman, and the lies to which I was constrained, had already given me a sense of how my conduct must appear to others; and now, after the strong admiration I had just experienced and the immoderacy with which I had continued my vain purchases, I began to think of it myself as very hazarded. David Balfour, a sequel to Kidnapped.
  • Can democracy survive a system in which politicians and political parties are dependent on the support of big business?
  • The present crisis on the docks illustrates the dead end of the nationalist and pro-capitalist policy of the trade union bureaucracy.
  • Latin wrangle before the Emperor and at the altars; but they spare me in this beloved retiracy. The Prince of India — Volume 02
  • In the midcentury era of decolonization, which saw India become the world’s largest democracy.
  • The necessary precondition for a functioning democracy is not just minimal outright poverty, but a reasonable degree of similarity between the life and life prospects of the citizens.
  • After all, isn't martial law the brand of democracy he has advocated for the country after the transfer of sovereignty?
  • The bicycle ergometer was set at a minimal tension level and had a built-in measure of distance that was calibrated for accuracy.
  • Party officials have uncovered a conspiracy to discredit the prime minister.
  • The ideals of liberty and equality were no longer the exclusive preserve of democracy. Democracy and its Critics - Anglo-American democratic thought in the nineteenth century
  • These values include individualism, liberty, democracy and the rule of law.
  • Democracy shows an independent positive association with health, which remains after adjustment for a country's wealth, its level of inequality, and the size of its public sector.
  • Betwixt the gracylament of the foote and the cuppe, it was knitte together with a handle of inestimable workemanship, and in lyke manner the foote and the bowle were of an excellent anaglyphie of foliature, monsters and byformed Scyllules, so exquisitely expressed, as could be imbossed, chased, or ingrauen by proportionate circulation. Hypnerotomachia The Strife of Loue in a Dreame
  • And in that separation, in that accommodation, there was no place for industrial democracy.
  • I provide this here so that you may see the magnitude of the battle we are waging against ignorance and scientific illiteracy.
  • By the late 19th century, telegraphic signals sent over transoceanic cables enabled clocks to be synchronized worldwide with sufficient accuracy that one had to correct for the delay due to the transmission of the telegraphic signal.
  • The output from a character recogniser requires further processing to reduce the ambiguity and hence increase the accuracy of recognition.
  • It is the product of an absurd conspiracy theory. Times, Sunday Times
  • Illiteracy threatens Britain's industrial performance. But, quite apart from that, the individual who can't read or write is unlikely to get a job.
  • All were accused of drugs and arms trafficking, money laundering, extortion and conspiracy to murder. Times, Sunday Times
  • Tracy had a very bad botte problem which he wrote about. Criss-Cross -- Don Tracy
  • Literacy: definition: age 15 and over can read and write total population: 89.6% male: 92% female: 87.2% (2004 census) GovernmentCountry name: conventional long form: Republic of Suriname conventional short form: Suriname local long form: Republiek Suriname local short form: Suriname former: Netherlands Guiana, Dutch Guiana Suriname
  • Democracy depends upon a universal capability for critical response to print manipulation.
  • (moderate) 70-80% good and beyond 80% menas democracy is working - otherwise call jai ho Nehru Gandhi and that is all. Top Headlines
  • Today's Signa and Vectra hold the road with an accuracy and tenacity alien to their ancestors, making them good fun to drive.
  • They then performed a sports commentary in complete unison, mimicking well-known sportsmen and commentators with deadly accuracy. Times, Sunday Times
  • There is no substitute for measurement and numerical accuracy.
  • He showed a slide of a sign for deafblind literacy that demonstrated concepts of best practices such as high contrast lettering, the angle of the plate that the braille was on, the raised lettering on the words. Web Teacher › Report from WDN 09: Educating the Next Generation of Web Professionals, IV
  • Individualism has such essential and non-essential characteristics as plebeianism, freedom, democracy and aggression.
  • Freedom, democracy and fraternity are people's slogans and globalization and liberalization are the slogans of imperialism.
  • These terms were agreeable to the Magyar aristocracy, but could not satisfy the revolutionaries or moderates among the lesser nobility.
  • Political selection is more dependent on sophistry and less on economic literacy.
  • Also important was whether the instruments used for temperature measurement were tested for accuracy to validate the data.
  • The free marketeers like to assure us that there's an indissoluble link between capitalism and democracy.
  • Once a year, a conglomerate of children's literacy-type people (librarians, teachers, museum workers, etc.) from the Pittsburgh area put together a lovely one-day conference featuring a bevy of children's authors and illustrators.
  • Afrikaner women were newly empowered by more extensive literacy and the franchise.
  • For registry staff to monitor effectively the accuracy and completeness of this operation requires detailed record-keeping and effortless access to data.
  • But, as a means of trying to break the deadlock and restore a little democracy, it was certainly worth discussing.
  • There is no doubt that the appropriately skilled addressee of the Patent would have known about degeneracy.
  • As we look into fiscal '10, I only hope that we are as accurate as we have been on our title slips or non-title slips, the quality of our games, the windows that we hit and the market share that we achieve because we nailed it, with almost perfect accuracy in' 09. Software Sector and Stocks Analysis from Seeking Alpha
  • The tremendous pressure placed on Louisville workers to cater to the horse aristocracy was not limited to industries in direct contact with race fans.
  • So I suppose this makes me a member of the international neocon conspiracy as well as an evil shill for the oil industry.
  • Many of them were community leaders, teachers, health workers and people in the local bureaucracy.
  • I'm a real intellectual-type guy, Tracy," James joked. "Oh, give me a break," Tracy moaned.
  • That is not democracy or power to the people - it is all power to an autarchy of unaccountable conservative central bankers.
  • Hello and welcome to the anatomy of democracy, the perils of democracy and the truth about democracy.
  • 515_; Hazlitt on, _iv. 518_; the result of pantisocracy, _iv. 521_; on Southey's The Works of Lord Byron, Vol. 7. Poetry
  • Tracy lit a fire and poured two glasses of wine and brought them over to Ryan on the couch.
  • The cost to our presumptions and our credibility as a democracy is greater still.
  • Their craft demanded literacy and numeracy as much as culinary knowledge. The Times Literary Supplement
  • He uses the term polyarchy to refer to societies in which there exists a certain set of institutions and procedures which are perceived as leading to such democracy. Elections - fresh news by
  • We present for your inspection, and then debunk, or paw at in desultory fashion, a dozen of the choicest conspiracy theories to gain traction since Jan. 20. Keeping Up with the Wingnuts
  • The spread of print, the rise of mass literacy, and print's visual nature caused a profound change in the cognition of individuals from an auditory, holistic, collective functioning towards a visual, private outlook (and inlook) of the exterior and interior worlds. Citizendium, the Citizens' Compendium - Recent changes [en]
  • Think of the reaction in your mouth when you drink a tart, racy white wine.
  • Even in Managua, the Nicaraguan capital, the illiteracy rate is very high.
  • I think the most compelling argument in favor of no age banding is the harm it might do to adult literacy and English Language learners. But enough about you. Or me.
  • Tracy rushed her sister into the toilets to cool down the affected areas while other family members took advice from an off-duty fireman who was also dining at the restaurant.
  • Musical literacy requires knowledge of major and minor scales, key signatures, intervals and triad spelling.
  • Sea temperatures are measured in a variety of ways and to varying degrees of accuracy.
  • But then it is hard to see how that arrangement could be described as, or even contribute to, industrial democracy.
  • A strong opposition is vital to a healthy democracy.
  • Cooperative learning techniques, including heterogeneous grouping, are a central component of this approach to developing literacy skills.
  • Changes that define whether piracy is for profit or not have set a threshold that will allow not-for-profit offenders to get off scot-free, Lee said.
  • This vision of cooperative self-government often produced republicanism and even democracy comparable to classical Greek democracy.
  • In the title story, a man loses a galosh on a tram and scales the mountains of Soviet bureaucracy to reclaim it, but misplaces his other galosh on the way.
  • The US purchased them in 1917 as part of a strategic passage to the Panama Canal and they are an unincorporated territory of the US, with a republican-style democracy.
  • The social democrats gambled on bourgeois democracy and the stability of capitalism.
  • Unless we wish to end up with a two-tier system, the literati and the illiterati, then there seems to be a need for the education system to change the philosophy of the last decade or so, and return to an emphasis on literacy.
  • The surname could also have changed form when migration is combined with illiteracy.
  • He's being anal about ‘Chinese Democracy’.
  • The potential victims of this autocracy were not only liberal democratic values, but also effective government.
  • From the watering down of the Kyoto protocol to biopiracy and the patenting of life, the environment has been left in the hands of corporations.
  • ICSI (intracytoplasmic sperm injection) - injection of sperm in the cytoplasm when the count of sperms is very low, oligozoospermia. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • Accuracy has a conceptual beauty which was once visible in the look of chronometers and theodolites.
  • It is also a fact worthy of notice that, four thousand years later, men of other countries and of other languages have, by much study and a careful comparison of the symbols, been able to decipher with accuracy those hierographical representations. [ The Revelation Explained
  • He emphasized that equality in America also means meritocracy, a stress on equality of opportunity among individuals regardless of social origins.
  • Our reporter joins us now with controversy that surrounds these sexy women dancing in these racy videos.
  • Even in our sensual days the strength of delight is in its seldomness or rarity, and sting in its satiety; mediocrity is its life, and immoderacy its confusion. A History of Elizabethan Literature
  • Bank of America and other mortgage companies have been under pressure to review their paperwork after employees and contractors said in sworn depositions that, because of the enormous volume, they hadn't had the time to read the documents, much less check them for accuracy. Paperwork storm hits nation's biggest bank
  • Our quest however, soon became an odyssey into a Kafkaesque bureaucracy, PDF scraping and broken links.
  • We can do this with more competitive corporate tax rates, more sensible regulation, improved K-12 education, and better job training for skills that the market demands such as the computer literacy necessary even to operate today's machinery. Washington's Knack for Picking Losers
  • Protecting dictators for geopolitical gains, flouting international laws to protect themselves and lying to their people to justify wars do not help to promote liberal democracy. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is democracy at its headiest. Times, Sunday Times
  • Accuracy and consistency, largely a facet of pump design, are the key requirements for these dispensers.
  • Something for all to ponder is this …. that no matter which "party" one is supposedly affiliated, we live in a democracy (at least last time I checked) and we have the ability to vote for whoever we feel is the best candidate that will represent our ideals. Schneider: A clear rift in the party exists
  • People should be able to see a noticeable improvement in the accuracy of forecasting. Times, Sunday Times
  • Functional illiteracy is considered anything less than a seventh-grade reading level.

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