How To Use Racine In A Sentence
Back in the capital, ebullient Creole evangelical hymns still reverberate in the mornings from the mountainsides and ravines that crisscross the city, and radios still pump out a non-stop diet of sinuous konpa music of the kind that first brought Michel Martelly to prominence along with the driving racine rhythms of vodou and endless political chatter.
Michael Deibert: Notes from Haiti's Long Hot Summer
- A lot of parents aren't too keen on the raciness of the show.
Jersey Shore's New Girl Talks Tension with Sammi and Naked Regrets
English has also "radicel" as an equivalent to "radicle" in the relevant sense, but French "radicelle" means something subtly different: Ramification de la racine principale Le Petit Robert. PLUMULE.
What propelled Racine from sleepy farm town to 20th-century Florence of the Heartland?
Still he hates to disappoint, so he did write back apologising for his apparent lack of raciness.
Hugh Muir's Diary

Mr. Bantling, who was of a rather slow and discursive habit, relished a prompt, keen, positive woman, who charmed him with the spectacle of a brilliant eye and a kind of bandbox neatness, and who kindled a perception of raciness in a mind to which the usual fare of life seemed unsalted.
Chapter XX
He talked of Les Cosmopolites and the literary scene in France before the war, of their obsession with foreign travel… the almost sexual thrill of being out of your own country: an outsider, déraciné, worldly, nomadic.
In Racine the poetry preponderates, with the drama a close second.
But Racine is much more than a whistle-stop on the dairy run.
Combining raciness and comfort, it could appeal to both courting couples and oldies with bad backs.
Times, Sunday Times
Racine wrote the play in Alexandrine verse.
It was this raciness, allied to his remarkable facility with languages and a relish for the unconventional – perhaps a distaste for the conventional as well – that led him into some of the byways of Francophone literature, including the crique-craque tradition of Haitian folk fables, which he would assert were superior to those of La Fontaine, especially to anyone who expressed the opposite view.
My lovely friend Kelly, upon hearing that I was going bra shopping after three years in nursing bras, hooked me up with 14 sets of bras and panties - a wonderful variety of colours, laciness, raciness, and sex appeal.
Archive 2009-05-01
Its jazzy recreation of fast London life played on Soutra Gilmour's shiny steel set captures the impulsive raciness of contemporary living.
Racine campaign follows Markowitz with an appeal through Obama listserv odum
Green Mountain Daily - Front Page
Ils doivent conjuguer l'enracinement dans des valeurs anciennes qui sont la fondation de leur organisation et une vision stratégique du futur qui seule peut leur assurer une pérennité.
Archive 2008-11-13
New houses in Racine, he added, are mostly built by Habitat for Humanity and other charities.
Conrad, of course, was a déraciné, which no doubt counts for a good deal in the intensity with which he renders his favourite theme of isolation.
He saw the decadence that overtook Indian culture, but he admits he was déraciné.
Semillon brings a lush texture to dry whites while Sauvignon Blanc brings an herbal raciness - a terrific combination.
J'ai essayé, et apparemment échoué, de clarifier que pour ma part je ne vois pas les semences hybrides en soi comme la racine du problème.
Crossover Dreams: Fifteen minutes of undeserved fame in Port-au-Prince
But the Daily News went after him head-to-head and they were ashamed of the kind of raciness they were gonna have to do and they didn't do it.
Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil: A Savannah Story
A maximum of five contestants vie in categories dedicated to dancehall, reggae, soukous, African, compass/racine, calypso, Latin, and gospel music.
The raciness of the show has caused a bit of a stir in some places.
In her humorous raciness, Sophie Tucker could be viewed as a precursor of today's strong female singers.
Jewish Women in Comedy - Sophie Tucker
It follows that because he is spiritually alienated from his society, he is a déraciné, an individual without roots, going from one locale to another.
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In Racine's tragedies, confusion often reigns, and from it a tragic reversal takes place.
The Chamber Choir brought the first half to a climax with an expressive performance of Cantique de Jean Racine.
Danny was alarmed at the raciness of his thoughts, as his mind very rarely traveled in that direction.
Robespierre, qui fait expier par un roi {les fautes et} les vices de toute une dynastie; quelquefois c’est un enthousiaste religieux comme Mahomet, ou Pierre l’Hermite, qui, avec le seul levier de la pensee, souleve des nations entieres, les deracine et les transplante dans des climats nouveaux, PEUPLANT
The Life of Charlotte Bronte
Any excuse to slurp a decent oyster, but Racine's Henry Harris, who has shucked a few in his time, recommends a platter of ‘wild native oysters, from a forgotten oyster bed’.
The libretto was re-written for raciness and local flavour and sung in English with surtitles, which seems redundant but was surprisingly handy.
A new classical company, Concentric Circles, kicks off with a revival of Racine's Phaedra.
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Matthew Yglesias » Mike Pence’s Ode to Rush Limbaugh
Parts of the evening had a degree of raciness the stage might not have seen before.
A Song and Dance to Celebrate Alvin Ailey
Le vent redouble ses efforts, Et fait si bien qu'il deracine Celui de qui la tete au ciel etait voisine ...
Mr. Speaker
Mr. Bantling, who was of rather a slow and a discursive habit, relished a prompt, keen, positive woman, who charmed him by the influence of a shining, challenging eye and a kind of bandbox freshness, and who kindled a perception of raciness in a mind to which the usual fare of life seemed unsalted.
The Portrait of a Lady
The libretto was re-written for raciness and local flavour and sung in English with surtitles, which seems redundant but was surprisingly handy.
Quand il est bien écumé, vous le salez légérement, et y mettez les racines convenables, comme navets, carottes, panais, oignons, cellery et poireaux, avec un clou de gerofle et une racine de persil.
Savoring The Past
"I was déraciné; an exile from the Jewish community and, I felt, not really accepted in the Christian community."
Schools opening up, foreign exchange continue to be strengthened, 2004,2005 consecutive Racine, teachers and students received the delegation of France.
We're doing the interview and whatever raciness they want to put in there, we'll run it.
Her personal adventures were poured into nine bestselling books whose raciness and brio took the publishing world by surprise.
The Times Literary Supplement
Maurice, on reaching the age to choose a career, deliberately turned towards the provinces - he who was a déraciné, born of an Alsatian father and a Savoyard mother, and educated first at Paris, then at Dijon.
Henry James was a difficult case for him to contemplate because each, in his own way, was 'déraciné'.
In Racine, Wisconsin, a 51-year-old laid-off mechanic told me he was supplementing his diet by "shooting squirrels and rabbits and eating them stewed, baked, and grilled.
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Top Headlines from World Press Review
Actors and actresses performing Racine should speak their lines as verse instead of attempting to make this formal and highly ordered language seem the natural expression of psychological states.
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Top Headlines from World Press Review
The German name is 'Mangold wurzel,' or 'Mangold root;' but it is sometimes pronounced 'Mangel wurzel,' which means _scarcity root_; and, by a strange translation, it is called in French _racine d'abondance_, as well as _racine de disette_.
Notes and Queries, Number 184, May 7, 1853 A Medium of Inter-communication for Literary Men, Artists, Antiquaries, Genealogists, etc.
I had stated that Sumner Center Church had always been "yoked" with Racine. Local News
Yet this very tragedy, in spite of its author's protestations, is nothing more than a rifacimento of Racine's drama, and rather infelicitous at that, though it must be admitted that Mendes' style is of classic purity, and some of his scenes are in a measure characterized by vivacity of action.
The Renascence of Hebrew Literature (1743-1885)
An artist who grew up in Racine, Ms. Scekic now has a studio downtown; Mr. Osborne, a software developer, is commuting from Chicago until they sell their house there.
[Footnote: Molière, Racine, and Corneille always call the dramatis personae _acteurs_, and not _personnages_.]
The Blunderer
A gentleman should know those which I call classical works, in every language; such as Boileau, Corneille, Racine, Moliere, etc., in French;
Letters to his son on The Art of Becoming a Man of the World and a Gentleman
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In June, Racine pleaded guilty to wire fraud and ‘unlawful interception of an electronic communication’ offences.
Racine - Regency Mall will close at 5 pm today Friday because of the snowstorm, mall officials said.
In response to the general 'raciness' of the photos, he said,
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The fair Rachel has been trying to revive this genre, and to untomb Racine; but be not alarmed, Racine will never come to life again, and cause audiences to weep as of yore.
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Matthew Yglesias » Mike Pence’s Ode to Rush Limbaugh
He wrote The Distrest Mother, a successful adaptation of Racine's Andromaque, but is remembered chiefly for his quarrel with Pope over the relative merits of their pastorals.
That was less than three minutes defenseman Yves Racine scored his first goal as a Shark.
But what Perceval has done is to physicalise Racine and to capture, in a confined setting, the all-powerful nature of erotic passion.
State Attorney General Peg Lautenschlager, a Democrat, said her agency was investigating reports that voters in Kenosha and Racine were wrongly told they could not register to vote at the polls on Election Day. - Kerry wins in tight Wisconsin contest
Besides the criticism of the acting, he called Voltaire "the envious bard" because it was only with much reluctance and ill-humor that he permitted the performance of Iphigenie of Racine.
Historical Essays
That excerpt is also a good indication of the clip's raciness.
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They give praise and expect it in their turns: they commend their Patrus and Molières, as well as their Condès and Turennes; their Pellisons and Racines have their elogies, as well as the prince whom they celebrate; and their poems, their mercuries, and orations, nay, their very gazettes are filled with the praises of the learned.
Lives of the Poets, Volume 1