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racial profiling

  1. a form of racism consisting of the (alleged) policy of policemen who stop and search vehicles driven by persons belonging to particular racial groups

How To Use racial profiling In A Sentence

  • Also, I'm increasingly willing to call bravo sierra on most complaints of racial profiling generally (See Heather Mac Donald for the sustained argument here). The Corner on National Review Online
  • Obama said the Cambridge cops had "acted stupidly" and went on to elaborate, on nationwide TV, on the sad history of racial profiling of blacks and Hispanics by police.
  • They banned racial profiling and barred judges and expert witnesses in the course of sentencing from using a defendant's race or ethnicity to determine his or her future dangerousness.
  • That is how much money they were willing to accept to give up all the privileges of whiteness: the ability to not suffer from racial profiling, not to be shot to death in a hail of 50 bullets fired at you; not to be called lascivious/wanton/aggressive because of 400+ year-old stereotypes; not to be questioned on your intellect; not to be written off before you even get your foot in the door; not to be followed nor harassed while shopping; not have your voice dismissed or disregarded in a group where you are the only Black; not to have to teach your children to navigate the systemic racism that affects their lives on a daily basis. BEAUTIFUL, ALSO, ARE THE SOULS OF MY BLACK SISTERS
  • The Muslim Council seems to be basing their racial profiling on language - which must be wrong.
  • Would that not be better than indulging in armchair racial profiling? Can Anybody Figure This Out?
  • Jerry - I'm not accusing the officer of racial profiling, I am rather saying that my ethnicity is an inseverable part of my identity, because society has made it that way (when you ask your friends to describe people, how often is ethnicity a part of that, just naturally?). Running While Black
  • It is easy to dismiss racial profiling and other examples of prejudice as minor vexations when the nation faces deadly attacks on its citizens both here and abroad.
  • Isn’t Bible Spice the one who supports racial profiling by saying, “political correctness run amok is going to destroy our country”? Think Progress » Palin aide refuses to criticize Limbaugh by name when calling his ‘retard’ comments ‘crude and demeaning.’
  • Hispanic males are now the majority in Maricopa County (AZ) jails due to a series of law enforcement measures that target immigrants and some say have led to rampant racial profiling. Wonk Room » The WonkLine: July 7, 2009
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