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How To Use Raccoon In A Sentence

  • I would rele like them to see what this world would be like if we didn't have hunting. they would see more deer killed on the streets and they would litterally have raccoons in their beds. Sea Kittens PETA
  • This is their idea of a holiday and they've paid $1, 800 U.S. to scour these rocks for scat from raccoons, pygmy skunks, ocelots, coyotes and jaguars.
  • Raccoon removal squirrel control Fredericksburg, Stafford, Virginia, and wildlife snake Skunk Valley pest control services experts bats, squirrels, mice, and remove the raccoons.
  • Debbie grabs Biscuit's trunk and tries to yank her free, but the raccoon's teeth refuse to unclamp. How the Rabies Epidemic Is Affecting Deer and Other Wildlife
  • This, after all, is a woman who dislocated her shoulder three years ago while forearming a raccoon off her deck to protect her Labrador retriever. NYT > Home Page
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  • For example, Itzaj form a group of arboreal animals, including monkeys as well as tree-dwelling procyonids (kinkajou, cacomistle, raccoon) and squirrels (a rodent). How To Study Intuitions: Examples from the Adult and Developmental Literatures
  • In this terrain the cacomistle, a catlike raccoon, lives in rock crevices.
  • A coatimundi raccoon is still on the rescue centre site because it can't be moved as it comes under the Dangerous Wild Animals Act.
  • Many species of warblers sensitive to forest fragmentation live there, too, along with beavers, muskrats, deer, foxes, raccoons, opossums, groundhogs, and other four-legged animals.
  • Trace elements of fur tissue on fur-bearing animal raccoon dog were analyzed by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry(ICP-AES).
  • Trace elements of fur tissue on fur-bearing animal raccoon dog were analyzed by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry(ICP-AES).
  • In addition, one million hunters spent 19 million days hunting other animals such as raccoons and woodchucks.
  • During a mass emergence of periodical cicadas, almost any animal, from raccoons to raptors, will prey on them.
  • Virginians are accustomed to counteract with a mint julep, and such as cloudy heads iind conf'emal to corritation; that the Sa pecanoe boys, the Ohio militia, the Michi - iran raccoon catchers and a band of music, were all disembogued upon the opposite shore. The wars of the gulls; : an historical romance in three chapters; chap. I, Shewing how and why and with whom the gulls went to war: chap. II, Shewing how the gulls make the deep to boil like a pot: chap. III, Shewing how a certain doughty general of the g
  • The raccoons made it through the long winter as their nightly raids on our bird feeders attest, and we all know that nothing gets the best of the squirrels and chipmunks!
  • Later, in a bit of synchronicity, my father told me on the phone about how friends of his had saved a baby raccoon from a tree that was being cut down. Archive for » 2008 » June : Sustainablog
  • Unlike the activities of the woodpeckers, a raccoon that denned in a hollow on the Indiana myotis roost tree made clear attempts to capture bats as they exited the roost.
  • Raccoons may be cute, but many of them carry raccoon roundworm, an ascarid that can infect children.
  • Don't put out any more seed than can be eaten by the birds by nightfall, especially where raccoons, opossums, deer, or rodents are a problem.
  • Don't worry about the squirrel eatin ', raccoon hat wearin', horse marryin 'voters in WV and KY ..... there primary won't mean zilch this week. Clinton holds big leads in West Virginia and Kentucky
  • Raccoon: Linda suggested Nekko as well, also Nikko which is where we saw the Shrine Maiden dance! N.D.Y., cats and the name game.
  • Raccoons, civets, jackals, badgers, skunks, and bears also eat fruit, honey, seeds, roots, and other plant foods.
  • Recent DNA analysis indicates that giant pandas are more closely related to bears and red pandas are more closely related to raccoons.
  • The coati was conversing rapidly with three of the four raccoons. The Lives of Felix Gunderson
  • Woodlands near water are their preferred habitat, although raccoons may also be found in farmlands, suburban or urban areas.
  • House Bill 1486 allows hunters to use snares to trap animals such as raccoons, foxes and beavers on land.
  • For the raccoons, he left food scraps in a hubcap dish leashed by chain to a tree so the animals wouldn't drag it under the cottage.
  • Typical species are considered the yellow warbler (Dendroica petechia), the bicolored conebill (Conirostrum bicolor), the clapper rail (Rallus longirostris), the great-tailed grackle (Cassidix mexicanus), the spotted tody-flycatcher (Todirostrum maculatum), the rufous crab-hawk (Buteogallus aequinoctialis), the crab-eating raccoon (Procyon cancrivorus), the American crocodile (Crocodylus acutus) and the arboreal snake (Corallus hortulanus). Coastal Venezuelan mangroves
  • The lesser sort appeared in yellow and black dogskin coats, but Kennicott was lordly in a long raccoon ulster and a new seal cap. Main Street
  • Raccoons, civets, jackals, badgers, skunks, and bears also eat fruit, honey, seeds, roots, and other plant foods.
  • As forests become chopped up into ever smaller chunks, the amount of ‘edge’ habitat increases for predators such as blue jays, crows, raccoons, opossums, feral cats, black rat snakes, and others that prey upon birds or their eggs.
  • Crickets are eaten by small owls, birds, snakes, mice, frogs, raccoons, opossums and many other creatures.
  • Not a raccoon nor a muskrat is the wayfarer likely to meet with here to-night; but the gray rat of civilization is to be dimly discerned, as he lopes along the gutters in his nightly prowl. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 20, No. 121, November, 1867
  • And if it has young back in there, a mother raccoon is going to just tear another hole into the structure to get back in. D.C. Council tentatively approves bill on animal- and pest-control firms
  • Not far away a raccoon slipped from a hiding place and moved stiffly away, its kinesic message irritation at the disturbance. Roadside Crosses
  • A large contingent of coatamundis (raccoon-like animals) patrolled the rear arena of the tower hoping for kitchen scraps, and every evening the staff attracted a kinkajou with a banana placed at eye-level spot for our pleased viewing.
  • The Pact includes: religious iconography, a stultified house, a sexy tough girl protagonist played with equal parts fragility and ferocity by Caity Lotz, a newly-dead and much-despised mother, a serial killer on the loose, a fragile girlwoman with raccoon eyes who sees dead people, wiry bald men slithering through small spaces, a hot cop who would like to save the day, but instead provides the movie's nod to gore. Heather Donahue: Sundance 2012: The Pact
  • Whereas the largest are fairly well researched, knowledge of the fisher, wolverine, river otter, mink, lynx, bobcat, and raccoon is almost entirely from anecdote.
  • Snakes are prey to many animals, including large birds, foxes, raccoons and crocodiles.
  • Just listing some berries will give a rough idea of how many indigenous fruits we’ve never tasted: crackleberry, whimberry, bababerry, bearberry, salmonberry, raccoon berry, rockberry, honeyberry, nannyberry, white snowberry and berryberry. The Fruit Hunters
  • Using a standardized checklist, the vets will be looking for practices that would prevent the herd's exposure to infected rodents or wildlife, such as raccoons or foxes, or to raw garbage.
  • For those of you who don't know (and I certainly didn't), a serval is a medium sized African wildcat and a coatimundi is part of the raccoon family. Carrie Pollare: Saving the Big Cats: One Woman's Safe Haven for Abused and Abandoned Lions and Tigers and Cougars, Oh My!
  • All kinds of critters like to dine on poultry, including raccoons, skunks, opossums, weasels, foxes, coyotes, dogs and feral cats.
  • So it's up to Alice and a bunch of highly-trained killing machines to escape Raccoon City before Umbrella nukes the town and… oh, who cares?
  • In March, that brief summary of a bear, the raccoon, comes out of his den in the ledges, and leaves his sharp digitigrade track upon the snow, -- travelling not unfrequently in pairs, -- a lean, hungry couple, bent on pillage and plunder. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 17, No. 101, March, 1866
  • The surreal nature of the story is amplified by the fact that the raccoon is an actor in a fur hat and makeup, the father is played by a woman and the characters' movements are pixilated through frame-by-frame animation.
  • Then comes the Canada otter; the vison or minx; the clever little tree-loving raccoon; the American badger, differing from his European relative; and the pekan. The Western World Picturesque Sketches of Nature and Natural History in North and South America
  • In this arresting poem, she describes treeing a raccoon at night and capturing it on film.
  • Notably, those carnivoran species that have become human commensals are all generalized omnivores smaller than most wolves: raccoons Procyon lotor, Red foxes Vulpes vulpes, Golden jackals Canis aureus and coyotes C. latrans. Archive 2006-10-01
  • The word panda means bamboo-eater in Nepalese, so it’s no surprise to learn that these raccoon-sized critters love to munch on tasty bamboo leaves. ZooBorns
  • The forepaws resemble slender human hands and make the raccoon unusually dextrous.
  • He mentioned in passing that as a kid here he could tell the difference between the footprints of foxes, groundhogs and raccoons.
  • Smaller animals such as raccoons, squirrels and rabbits are also hunted for sport.
  • Still other eutherians, such as raccoons and bears, are omnivores, eating both meat and plant material.
  • WOODBRIDGE - A raccoon trapped in Woodbridge has tested positive for rabies. Home News Tribune - News
  • I'm going to say the small skull behind it is a raccoon skull minus the mandible, but its hard to tell from this angle as the maxilla is shortened due to the angle. What Is On My Desk?
  • Domestic dogs and cats can pick up the infection if exposed to wild animals with the disease such as foxes, wolves, jackals, skunks, mongooses, raccoons and bats.
  • Carnivora is the order of eutherian mammals that includes wolves - like this arctic wolf - dogs, cats, raccoons, bears, weasels, hyaenas, seals, and walruses, to name just a few.
  • Rattler for rattle-snake, pike for turnpike, draw for drawbridge, coon for raccoon, possum for opossum, cuss for customer, cute for acute, squash for askutasquash—these American back-formations are already antique; Sabbaday for Sabbath-day has actually reached the dignity of an archaism, as has the far later chromo for chromolithograph. Chapter 6. Tendencies in American. 3. Processes of Word-Formation
  • To those who apparently don't know much about paintball, the output is adjustable, plus the fact that if an 8-year-old isn't damaged, I'm pretty sure a live raccoon would appreciate it better than a dead one. I've been thinking of using a paint ball gun for coyote hunting!
  • Varmints, those troublesome, unpleasant or despicable animals, include coyotes, fox, raccoons, ground hogs, ground squirrels, prairie dogs, jackrabbits and other small rodents.
  • Where available raccoons may also eat peaches, plums, figs, citrus fruits, watermelons, beech nuts, and walnuts.
  • My neighbors include a family of armadillos, a crafty old opossum and a resourceful raccoon.
  • OK, so they're everywhere, they're huge, and they're spreading the raccoon roundworm, which is blinding and brain damaging everyone! News
  • The Norwegian delegation will be dressed in red and white gear equipped with hoods rimmed with fur, probably from Chinese raccoon dogs, but the sports federation is investigating the fur's origin. - Moguls skier Mayer heads to Olympics with heavy burden
  • At the visitor center, you can learn about the park's many inhabitants, among them deer, peccaries, and coatimundis (a raccoonlike animal ranging from Central America into Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona).
  • On a recent day, a raccoon's tracks mark the surf-soaked sand.
  • For the raccoons, he left food scraps in a hubcap dish leashed by chain to a tree so the animals wouldn't drag it under the cottage.
  • Remember not to leave unattended garbage around for local raccoons or opossums.
  • Also this period saw the appearance of the mastodons, raccoons, and weasels.
  • An enormous raccoon, tranquilly munching a smoked trout, dropped its prey at sight of her, dashed between her legs, and made off like a fat banker in flight from creditors, making loud birring noises of alarm. A Breath of Snow and Ashes
  • Where available raccoons may also eat peaches, plums, figs, citrus fruits, watermelons, beech nuts, and walnuts.
  • The attraction's other Easter babies include wallabies, chicks, lambs, goats, guinea pigs, mara and raccoons.
  • The forepaws resemble slender human hands and make the raccoon unusually dextrous.
  • Tissue around or under both eyes of the patient are discolored (\ "black eye (s) \" or \ "raccoon eyes\"). Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • Something is trying to chew through the roof — probably a squirrel or raccoon from the sound of its feet. Summer’s End | Heretical Ideas Magazine
  • A call to the Allegheny County Health Department confirms our worst fears: The source of this moisture is almost certainly raccoon saliva. How the Rabies Epidemic Is Affecting Deer and Other Wildlife
  • During a mass emergence of periodical cicadas, almost any animal, from raccoons to raptors, will prey on them.
  • the masked face of a raccoon
  • Rabies so ravaged the population that there were very few raccoons left.
  • Deer eat acorns like popcorn, as do feral hogs, squirrels and raccoons.
  • Raccoons managed to pry the lid off the garbage pail
  • Desert woodrats are vulnerable to predation by coyotes, raccoons, owls, gopher and rattlesnakes, and hawks.
  • Mammalian predators such as raccoons readily prey on frogs with seemingly no ill effects.
  • From North America came squirrels and raccoons, bears and bison, eagles and an elk.
  • Our results show distinctive and predictable temporal patterning to epizootic rabies occurring among raccoons at the level of counties.
  • She heard cricket chirps, the occasional owl hoot, and the sound of a nearby raccoon.
  • Perhaps she has forgotten that every year, millions of animals, including rabbits, minks, foxes, and raccoons, are trapped in the wild in barbaric steel-jaw leghold traps.
  • Raccoon Island, one of the most densely populated islands with birds in the entire state was left with one layer of deflective inner harbor type boom, which was completely useless against the waves and the wind from a storm in early July. Georgianne Nienaber: Flyover at the Macondo Wellhead: Damage Control at "The Source"
  • Compounding the raccoon problem is the fact that the normal predator/prey balance of the coastal ecosystem has been disrupted by the elimination of red wolves and panthers, which once preyed on raccoons, by human activity.
  • Gone are the days of, say, Harvard vs. Yale, when, at tailgating — or "Yale-gating" — parties men wore full-length raccoon-fur coats (beanie optional), white linen tablecloths were laid upon fold-out tables, jalopies were crammed with silver sets and champers in ice buckets, and Astroturf had yet to be invented. The Gentleman
  • Over the years I kept a number of raccoons as pets; I'd get them really young, before their eyes were open, and then I'd hand-feed them with a bottle until they were weaned. Steven Rinella: Cooking Raccoon Roadkill
  • From North America came squirrels and raccoons, bears and bison, eagles and an elk.
  • This reminds me of the time my sister caught a whole jarful of wee black tadpoles, and overnight a raccoon tipped them over onto the front steps. Magic Eye
  • The red wolf diet consists mainly of white-tailed deer and small mammals such as marsh rabbits, raccoons and nutria.
  • Cougars normally eat deer, but will also prey on raccoons, cats and dogs if the opportunity presents itself, he said.
  • If you domesticate this raccoon, it will have trouble living in the wild.
  • Who wants a heavy burden that hangs around your neck for years like a dead raccoon?
  • Raccoons, bob cats and armadillos roam the land and gentle manatees (sea cows) swim in the waters of the Indian River.
  • This work shows that five marsupials, two hedgehogs, a shrew, a mole, four mongoose, a raccoon, two mtistelids, and 15 rodents (including three sciurid and eight murid rodents) have some form of resistance to venom toxins.
  • Martins tend to avoid such housing as it is much more accessible to predators such as cats, raccoons, and squirrels.
  • A raccoon on a patio chomps eagerly on a stolen morsel of food.
  • Mammalian predators such as raccoons readily prey on frogs with seemingly no ill effects.
  • From North America came squirrels and raccoons, bears and bison, eagles and an elk.
  • The raccoons made it through the long winter as their nightly raids on our bird feeders attest, and we all know that nothing gets the best of the squirrels and chipmunks!
  • Raccoon and Robot Radio dance together in comradeship and joy. Archive 2008-11-01
  • The principal function of the fence was to keep animals out, particularly rabbits, but also skunks, raccoons, and groundhogs, all notorious crop destroyers.
  • When raccoons, coatis, foxes, coyotes, skunks, or bears bit the models, they left tooth marks in the plasticine.
  • Looking up at the cry, Anna discerned among the clustering leaves of the black oak a huddled figure, with raccoon-like eyes, peering down at the mounting snake, to escape from which he had, in fact, climbed the tree. The Junior Classics — Volume 8 Animal and Nature Stories
  • And so, among the tifo from the crowd: Olsen as Rambo, and Olsen with RFK's now-famous raccoon. Ben Olsen as Rambo
  • In addition, one million hunters spent 19 million days hunting other animals such as raccoons and woodchucks.
  • Birds of prey, crows, ravens, and raccoons try to steal their eggs and chicks.
  • Smaller animals such as raccoons, squirrels and rabbits are also hunted for sport.
  • In addition, these mangrove forests shelter a large number of species in certain groups such as 42 species of birds, including Pelecanus occidentalis, Columbina sp., and Fregata magnificens; carious mammals such as crab-eating raccoon (Procyon cancrivorus), mantled howler monkey (Alouatta palliata), white-faced capuchin (Cebus capucinus), and jaguar (Panthera onca), and reptiles like Iguana iguana. Manabí mangroves
  • White-tailed deer, black bear, elk, fox, opossum, raccoon, squirrel, rabbit, turkey, and pigeon were hunted for food.
  • He mentioned in passing that as a kid here he could tell the difference between the footprints of foxes, groundhogs and raccoons.
  • That's when the animals are most active and it's fun to see the deer, raccoons, opossums, rabbits, and birds.
  • Within 10 million years of that event the procyonid group split into Old World procyondis represented today by the red panda and the New World procyonids (for example, raccoons, coatis, olingos, kinkajous).
  • Whereas the largest are fairly well researched, knowledge of the fisher, wolverine, river otter, mink, lynx, bobcat, and raccoon is almost entirely from anecdote.
  • From North America came squirrels and raccoons, bears and bison, eagles and an elk.
  • When I was a youth and trapping raccoon, fox and mink I caught so many skunks I had to quit because people were starting to call me "stinky" and had to live in the milk barn. A skunk in the trap
  • Meanwhile, creatures that benefit from living around people follow them into disturbed areas, including opossums, raccoons, pigeons and dumpster-diving rats.
  • He was the top bird and raccoon hunting dog in the small town of Heron, and the whole state of Montana was proud of him for holding the record for most coons caught in an hour.
  • Many eggs are destroyed by this unfortunate timing, and predators (mainly coyotes, raccoons, opossums and coatis in Costa Rica) account for further losses.
  • We passed one of the elaborate clan houses, this one festooned with magnificent raccoon carvings; one was seated atop the ridgepole over the doorway, his forepaws dangling. Fire The Sky
  • Personally, I am convinced that my daemon is a raccoon, too curious for her own good and always into stuff. Androne here
  • Looking that way, he saw a pair of raccoons dunking their paws in the river, obviously after crayfish.
  • For those of you who don't know (and I certainly didn't), a serval is a medium sized African wildcat and a coatimundi is part of the raccoon family. Carrie Pollare: Saving the Big Cats: One Woman's Safe Haven for Abused and Abandoned Lions and Tigers and Cougars, Oh My!
  • Whitetail deer, coyote, red fox, snowshoe hare and raccoon often make appearances.
  • The word connoisseur means, 'the people that think your tastes are so far below them, you are no better than a garbage scouring raccoon'. Archive 2008-02-01
  • That is what's left . Raccoon City , after the military fired a missile.
  • MONTREAL - Quebec wildlife officials will strategically place vaccine-laced cookies just outside Montreal to create an artificial barrier to keep a virulent strain of raccoon rabies out of the city. Raccoons of Mont Royal
  • The tail of the raccoon is full and bushy, which is not true of the cat's tail. The Hunters' Feast Conversations Around the Camp Fire
  • You don't' have to accept those raccoon-like eyes anymore!
  • It is also true that not all Carnivora are carnivorous; some, such as bears and raccoons, are decidedly omnivorous, and at least one, the panda, is primarily vegetarian.
  • This activity requires a single untied Raccoon Circle, stretched into a straight line.
  • We passed one of the elaborate clan houses, this one festooned with magnificent raccoon carvings; one was seated atop the ridgepole over the doorway, his forepaws dangling. Fire The Sky
  • The black bears that once roamed Point Pelee National Park are now gone, but coyotes, red foxes, raccoons, opossums, weasels, and muskrat are still around.
  • Although demand is no longer as high, raccoon pelts may still be sold as imitation mink, otter, or seal fur.
  • The raccoon was taken into custody and the vehicle was impounded.
  • On the raw fur process, Zhonghui can tan the fur of mink, blue fox, raccoon, rabbit, sheep goat and so on.
  • Other common predators include minks, otters, raccoons, turtles, hellbenders, fish, some species of birds, and humans.
  • The enigmatic pilferer was working to retrieve his family's sacred book The Thievius Raccoonus, stolen by the dastardly mechanical Clockwerk, a bird-like villain who did away with Sly's parents when he was young.
  • This is because the giant panda and its cousin, the lesser or red panda, share many characteristics with both bears and raccoons.
  • Raccoons and striped skunks tell the story of scientists using DNA to track down distinct strains of the rabies virus.
  • He doffed his cap, also made from the skin of a dead animal - I later learned it was a raccoon.
  • These include a myriad assortment of insects, arachnids, rodents, and the occasional raccoon.
  • Glide, flap, sharp quill , hare, fur, waterfall, otter , raccoon, snow line.
  • That's when the animals are most active and it's fun to see the deer, raccoons, opossums, rabbits, and birds.
  • A raccoon-like coati scurried across the road and into the adjacent woodland, just as one did thirty years before.
  • My hat was raccoon, my coat was made from the skins of a flock of sheep, and I had knee-high reindeer boots.
  • DALLAS, Feb. 2 (UPI) -- U.S. retailer Neiman Marcus has agreed to pay a $25,000 fine for advertising "faux fur" on coats trimmed in Asian raccoon dog, authorities said. Latest News -
  • Raccoons used to be trapped for their fur.
  • For example, President Benjamin Harrison's son had a pet goat. President Calvin Coolidge had raccoons.
  • Still other eutherians, such as raccoons and bears, are omnivores, eating both meat and plant material.
  • The most common goldfish predators are herons, raccoons, and cats.
  • The savanna deer (Odocoileus virginiaunus gymnotis), lives together with the puma (Puma concolor), and several other carnivores such as the crab-eating raccoon (Procyon cancrivorous) and the jaguarundi (Herpailurus yaguaroundi). in the open grasslands taking refuge in the forest patches remaining and along the water currents. Sinú Valley dry forests
  • This was a lonely place where foxes and raccoons were often seen in those days.
  • Raccoons' habit of moving on to the next ear of corn before finishing the first makes them especially damaging to fields of both sweet corn and field corn.
  • After my ski trip, my face look like a raccoon.
  • Models careered between fake gothic arches wearing corsets, PVC leggings, black tailoring with pinched, exaggerated shoulders and raccoon fur sleeves. Paris fashion week turns to Lady Gaga – and a quiet Belgian
  • Philly-based alt-rock quintette Dr. Dog started as a side project by vocalists/songwriters Toby Leaman (bass) and Scott McMicken (guitar) of Raccoon back in '99. Phil Ramone and Danielle Evin: Dog Ears Music: Volume 126
  • Hunting dogs have an easier time treeing a raccoon than forcing it out of a burrow.
  • A woman reported that a raccoon had tried to steal her purse at Algonkian Regional Park. Loudoun County Animal Watch
  • All kinds of critters like to dine on poultry, including raccoons, skunks, opossums, weasels, foxes, coyotes, dogs and feral cats.
  • Crickets are eaten by small owls, birds, snakes, mice, frogs, raccoons, opossums and many other creatures.
  • The cheetah and raccoon didn't normally pal around together, but they had shared a cab from their hotel to the same area of town.
  • Mammals although not as numerous as birds, include species such as paca (Agouti paca), mantled howler monkey (Allouatta palliata), white-throated capuchin (Cebus capucinus), pygmy anteater (Cyclopes didactylus), Central American otter (Lutra annectens), white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) (feeds on leaves in A. bicolor and L. racemosa forests), northern raccoon (Procyon lotor), crab-eating raccoon (P. cancrivorus) [can be found both on the ground and in the canopy consuming crabs and mollusks], Mexican anteater (Tamandua mexicana). Moist Pacific Coast mangroves
  • I also skinned out a raccoon last winter that was road kill (donated from the same friend). With Mr. Heavey's latest column in mind, have you ever picked up a road kill?
  • The northern diamondback terrapin, red fox, snapping turtle, raccoon, rabbit, skunk, opossum and blue crab, all animals that do well living close to people, have adapted nicely to the rapid changes of the Meadowlands.
  • “Okay, I want to see exactly where we stand,” Catherine said, thinking with dour amusement that it almost seemed a loaded statement, given that everyone at the conference table looked utterly discombobulated, their weariness evident from their raccoon-ringed eyes, scrambled and beaten hair, and wrinkled clothes. CSI: Crime Scene Investigation: Skin Deep
  • 1994 Nature Conservancy May-June 18/2 People, who scare turtles, also bring litter, which..also brings more raccoons to predate nests. Mind your words ...
  • The Cuban hutia (also called hutia conga) is about 60 cm long, with coarse fur, a raccoon-shaped body, and a thick tail covered with sparse bristles. 15 Agouti
  • Sitting on the seat of the exercise bike with paws on the handlebars was a raccoon that looked big enough to be a small bear. Sunlight Through The Shadows Magazine Volume 2 Issue 2 (ANSI Edition)
  • Besides nest robbers such as the great horned owl and the raven, and a couple of egg-sucking varmints like the raccoon, there isn't much in nature that ospreys fear.
  • Inside, the mounted menagerie includes a duck, a pheasant, a raccoon, a brown bear and a two-headed calf, who are kept company by three unstuffed but very old cats.
  • We never observed the raccoon take an Indiana myotis, but predation was the likely intent, given that raccoons are known predators on bats.
  • If predators such as raccoons are superabundant in small forest fragments, then increased predation from these animals could be an important source of mortality for bats roosting within these habitats.
  • Likelier to be encountered are javelinas (collared peccaries) and coatimundis (large, ring-tailed cousins of the raccoon).
  • He mentioned in passing that as a kid here he could tell the difference between the footprints of foxes, groundhogs and raccoons.
  • During extremely cold, snowy periods raccoons have been observed sleeping for long periods at a time, but do not hibernate.
  • All kinds of critters like to dine on poultry, including raccoons, skunks, opossums, weasels, foxes, coyotes, dogs and feral cats.

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