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How To Use Rabid In A Sentence

  • And maybe she used to be a Democrat (though my experience is that the coverted are always the most rabid). Hilary Rosen: Harriet and her Friend
  • The numerous and lukewarm group outnumber the rabid partisans on both sides, though.
  • She is as rabidly anti-smoking as only a recently cured addict can be.
  • It turned out that the pork op-ed was something of a prelude to another, larger attack on the local/sustainable food movement: his recently published book, Just Food: Where Locavores Get It Wrong and How We Can Truly Eat Responsibly, in which he warns the reader of legions of rabid locavores who would build up irresponsible local food systems and disserve global ecology through their uber-local diets. Leslie Hatfield: Miles from Nowhere: Why Does James McWilliams Hate Local Food?
  • In the long-day plant Arabidopsis, flowering is accelerated under photoperiods exceeding a critical daylength.
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  • Arabidopsis and synteny between soybean and Arabidopsis PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • He's on his way out, and, rabid dog that he is, it's no great surprise he's going out foaming all the way.
  • Clinton did not mispeak, she was again misinterpreted by the rabid Obama fans that look for any excuse to criticize her campaign. Clinton apologizes for RFK assassination comment
  • The governor's repeated claim that he will raise the issue of capital punishment during the 2004 session may be no more than a bone tossed to his more rabid supporters.
  • The dicotyledonous annual plant Arabidopsis thaliana is widely used as a model organism to study how these different signals are integrated into a developmental response.
  • The studio has been transformed this morning into a hive of rabid shoe designers.
  • And plants are rife with TLRs. Tobacco has one called N protein that is required for fighting tobacco mosaic virus. The weed Arabidopsis has more than 200.
  • Yaz brings back so many good memories, my Grandfather was a rabid Redsox fan, and I spent a few treasured nights watching him play in Fenway park. The real deal (Jack Bog's Blog)
  • The protein shares 80.24 % identity in acids with a C 2 - domain protein in Arabidopsis with unknown function.
  • There is no stadium, no grandstand, no masses of rabid ultramarathon fans.
  • She published her fic as a legitimate novel, and it had a rabid online fanbase.
  • Carabids typically are sampled using pitfall traps.
  • The genetic control of flowering has been extensively studied in Arabidopsis, a quantitative long-day plant that flowers faster under long days than short days.
  • What she is spouting is rabid nonsense, and morally repugnant. Times, Sunday Times
  • Ron Paul, the one the media and rabid neocons have called a lunatic, is the only sensible candidate in this race. michael Paul set to hold separate rally during Republican convention
  • The leader of this group is like a rabid dog that has completely lost the plot but still has teeth and a temper. The Sun
  • This year we have scheduled a tiger, three lynxes, a cheetah, two pumas, a hippopotamus, and 500 rabid rats.
  • His growl is impressively rabid, and his bark could curdle a bowl of milk at 20 paces.
  • Only the heel and rabid younger officers wanted to continue, and even they were heartsick.
  • Normally wolves would not be a problem, but a rabid wolf had been shot near the town only days before and we could see that our guide and the others were visibly worried about a possible attack.
  • Perhaps this particular act of civil disobedience is seen as a radical, terroristic harbinger of waves of violence to come, as rabid gun-toters react, badly, to the intended avalanche of regulations and taxes that Congress is working on. Coyote Blog » Blog Archive » We Have Clearly Run Out of Real Law Enforcement Challenges
  • In truth, he has written as easily about love as he has about tyranny, as nimbly about rabid dictators as about powerless artists; he has given us "Vargas Llosa light," in delightfully erotic (thinly veiled autobiographical) stories, and "Vargas Llosa dark," in elaborately researched and profoundly illuminating historical novels. The power of Mario Vargas Llosa's words led the political writer to Nobel Prize
  • The new species has been located inside six average-sized underground caves, generally in the deepest areas, and may be one of the major hypogean predators in the Iberian Peninsula, with a diet that ranges from Acari to Anillini carabids. Archive 2007-01-01
  • And since its hard-bitten goaltender turned in three shutouts in the first round, the team's fans have turned rabid in the heat.
  • The silly side of me pictures a rabid white foam spewing forth when I speak. Exploring language (6th edn)
  • Try to stop even the most rabid carnivore from choosing risotto with spring vegetables, oven-roasted mushrooms with taleggio fondue or pasta with roasted fennel and olives.
  • The APR of maize and Arabidopsis thaliana follows a diurnal rhythm with maximum activity during the light period.
  • Unfortunately, the relatively small organs of Arabidopsis make the functional analysis of its plant cuticle a difficult task.
  • The public are like rabid dogs ready to punce on every new tidbit of his debauchery. BlogHer - Comments
  • I sincerely hope that inquiry is not too controversial coming from today´s rabid goat. Religious Ceremonies
  • Rutgers fans speak with envy of Midwest football schools such as Nebraska, where the fan support is rabid and the local kids stick around.
  • However, in spite of the beautiful woman who insists she wants to help him and the assaults from the assorted rabid minions, Jon and Lobo agree rescuing the child is the mission. Slanted Jack-Mark L Van Name « The Merry Genre Go Round Reviews
  • The former postman from The Hague was panicking like he had just been chased up a garden path by a rabid dog. The Sun
  • Open columns indicate possible triplicated or duplicated regions (Arabidopsis).
  • Cue frantic suggestions of random food groups that might just go together, then scavenging in empty cupboards like rabid dogs on heat. Times, Sunday Times
  • Their paranoid espousal of various conspiracy theories, rabid support of Israel and religious Zionism, and fiery preaching about the "Islamic Threat" held for me a strange fascination.
  • Coupling diurnal cytosolic Ca2+ oscillations to the CAS-IP3 pathway in Arabidopsis. The Autoimmune Epidemic
  • But games aren't played on paper, they're played in arenas and on courts surrounding by 3000 rabid screaming fans.
  • At once, they were a group of humans, not rabid beasts and they felt fear.
  • Excessive rabid zeal can be just as bad for a country as excessive do-nothing laziness.
  • Some older voters recall the rabid anti-Semites once prominent in the American far-right as well as the more genteel exclusionism practiced by more refined upper-class Republicans. Arizona's Short-Sighted Immigration Bill
  • Rabidi subcanes candidati, pretendant “no orator as Brutis is,” ut “stir men’s blood” et disturbant mentes populi ad “a sudden flood of mutiny,” ut Wilhelmus Shakespearus scripsit. Latin latin latin
  • With many generations to come, the name of César de St. Auban must perforce be familiar as that of one of the greatest roysterers and most courtly libertines of the early days of Louis XIV., as well as that of a rabid anti-cardinalist and frondeur, and one of the earliest of that new cabal of nobility known as the petits-maîtres, whose leader the Prince de Condé was destined to become a few years later. The Suitors of Yvonne: being a portion of the memoirs of the Sieur Gaston de Luynes
  • st's team grew the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana with the genes for trichomes (leaf hairs that discourage herbivores) and glucosinolate (a chemical toxic to certain pests) disabled.
  • Even rabid sitcom haters should give it a whirl. Times, Sunday Times
  • There was Newt Gingrich rallying rabid House Republican foot soldiers, exhorting them to persist in their August doldrum attacks against the Democratic leadership in a virtually empty House chamber. Gingrich Shows Up on the Hill to Shades of the Past - The Caucus Blog -
  • The last part of the name is supposed to come from a time when horehound was considered to be effective protection from the bite of a rabid dog.
  • In the majority of cases, the terrestrial hosts are (at least partially) carnivorous animals such as carabid beetles, praying mantids or crickets (Ensifera).
  • The party has distanced itself from the more rabid nationalist groups in the country.
  • Crooks & Liars, McCain booed by rabid supporters for defending Obama as a “decent person” Friday McBush/McSame Bashing
  • Endoreduplication has also been described in Arabidopsis leaf tissues and in parenchyma and cortex root cells of various species.
  • Part crazy, part mangy, all rabid, you're the pirate all the others fear might just snap soon.
  • I guarantee as this thread plays out it will be salted with philippics from rabid Palin lovers bemoaning "all the hate" being spewed by loathsome Liberals because they are so "scared" of her. Palin attorney warns media over 'defamatory' charges
  • ‘My Indian idyll came to an end four years after Independence because of a panther and a rabid dog,’ she wrote years later.
  • hollywoodcrush. - 21 hours ago Robert Pattinson's Rabid Fans Caused Heated Moments On Set For 'Remember Me' Director robert-pattinson. - 18 hours ago robert-pattinson. - MTV caught up with Chris Cooper at the ShowHype - Top Entertainment News, Videos, and Blogs
  • Scientists recently announced not only the first complete sequence of a plant genome, but also a computational analysis for the flowering wild plant Arabidopsis thaliana.
  • These protesters should have been put down like a rabid dog the first night. Times, Sunday Times
  • The show's power, though, came from the unending tango between the socially aspirant Harold, desperate to escape the ancestral pigsty, marry a nice girl and eat with matching knives and forks; and the calculating old man clinging on, needy and wheedling, that feral gurn switching between rabid contempt and wide-eyed horror of loneliness. Who's the daddy?: the greatest sitcom fathers
  • His team experimented with a type of asexual reproduction called apomixis, using the small mustard plant Arabidopsis thaliana -- normally a sexual reproducer EurekAlert! - Breaking News
  • This is one of the best pastiches of rabid right-wing moronism I've ever read. Hillary Hits Obama: "Pennsylvanians Don't Need A President Who Looks Down On Them"
  • For instance, rabies can be controlled by avoiding rabid or any stray dogs coming into contact with sheep, as the dogs that may be carriers of the disease may bite them, and transmit the disease.
  • Even rabid sitcom haters should give it a whirl. Times, Sunday Times
  • Ancient genome duplication ( events ) have been identified in diverse organisms , such as yeast, vertebrates, and Arabidopsis.
  • Carabidoid: applied to the second stage of a meloid larva, when it resembles that of a Carabid. Explanation of Terms Used in Entomology
  • The werewolf rose up howling, blood coating its white fur, fangs gleaming in the moonlight, its eyes reflecting a rabid malevolence to match its deeds.
  • The rabid Liberal became a Monarchist in petto; Lucien set his teeth in the apple of desire of rank, luxury, and fame. Two Poets
  • Sometimes genuine letters are offered without the vital signature, some rabid autograph hunter having removed it at some period.
  • Sometimes genuine letters are offered without the vital signature, some rabid autograph hunter having removed it at some period.
  • And did you, while nibbling popcorn next to a loved one, witness a man getting torn apart by rabid dogs? Times, Sunday Times
  • There was a bank about ten deep of rabid movie fans along one side of the carpet, and each time a new star would enter they would erupt in a roar.
  • st's team grew the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana with the genes for trichomes (leaf hairs that discourage herbivores) and glucosinolate (a chemical toxic to certain pests) disabled.
  • You could get stitched up and receive rabies vaccinations if you got mauled by a rabid dog.
  • Although many genes regulating root hair development have been isolated in Arabidopsis, knowledge of molecular mechanism of root hair development in monocot cereal crops is largely unclear.
  • The silly side of me pictures a rabid white foam spewing forth when I speak. Exploring language (6th edn)
  • The great family of ground beetles (Carabidæ) almost all possess a disagreeable and some a very pungent smell, and a few, called bombardier beetles, have the peculiar faculty of emitting a jet of very volatile liquid, which appears like a puff of smoke, and is accompanied by a distinct crepitating explosion. Contributions to the Theory of Natural Selection A Series of Essays
  • Many country sounds are so terrifying they could easily have come from the throat of a rabid bat mutation or a savage, cross-bred boar-wolf.
  • Cheney's promotion of torture -- and his rabid public defense of it since leaving office -- seem to me like a continuation of the post-9/11 "overcompensation" Prof. Record writes about. Sandy Goodman: Stop the Presses: Cheney's Re-emergence Is Finally Explained!
  • On the night of 14 April, as he sat with his wife at Ford's Theatre in Washington, he was shot by John Wilkes Booth, an actor and rabid Confederate supporter.
  • Now I invite you to forget also the geophilic carabids. The Song of The Dodo
  • He went on to develop a rabies vaccine that was made from the spinal cords of rabid rabbits.
  • Today's Sun promotion for SunTalk refers to him as a "motormouth" and refers to the fact that he has been called "the most rabid ranter on radio. The Guardian World News
  • Was that an act of distraction or rabid impetuousness? DeMint: Obama 'distracted' from protecting the country
  • Arabidopsis has open rosette leaves during the day and directs its leaves upward at night and this leaf movement is controlled by the circadian clock.
  • Fortunately the rabid fans in Columbus have organized a summer doldrums beater called Cannonfest so remember that event and see you there!
  • CBF1 gene from rape was transformed into Arabidopsis thaliana by Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated method to screen its transgenic plants with resistance and conduct PCR detection and GUS staining.
  • the rabid animal's frothing mouth
  • So K2 is seized as the nearest thing and defended rabidly. Je Regrette
  • The likelihood is that the pelts of the rabid foxes have been sold to furriers.
  • Although GVG-regulated gene expression has been characterized extensively in dicotyledonous and monocotyledonous plants such as tobacco, Arabidopsis, and rice, it has not been tested in gymnosperms.
  • The ponytailed, Birkenstock-wearing, granola-munching, rabid hippie in me has been both upheld and rejected with that one conclusion.
  • Maybe because they knew too many rabid fangirls would arrive at the guy's doorstep, asking for autographs.
  • Among plants, the small crucifer Arabidopsis thaliana has an increasingly important role as a developmental model for flowering plants, especially in relation to the genetic basis of plant development.
  • England; for rabid, I see you are; I read Anglophobia in your looks, and hear it in your words. The Professor, by Charlotte Bronte
  • Arabidopsis is classified as a facultative long-day plant, whereas maize is originally a short-day one.
  • After years of writing under pseudonyms, Smith wrote Nightwing a taut, terrifying horror novel about rabid vampire bats under his own name.
  • That is like believing that if you flick the privates of a rabid pit-bull it won't attack you.
  • As you may recall, Obama's fans quickly established a reputation of acting like brain-damaged weasels or rabid squirrels or distempered hyenas or crazed dingos or foul-mouthed Philistines or huns, or other such creatures. Oh, My Bad, I Misunderstood What I Thought I Heard, but I Guess I Didn't Hear What I Thought was Said.
  • In the Arabidopsis genome, several putative cellulases can be recognized.
  • What she is spouting is rabid nonsense, and morally repugnant. Times, Sunday Times
  • Pakistan, North Korea and China are also developing weapons of mass destruction but even the most rabid hawks in the US government are not talking about invading those countries.
  • I don't see a lot of rabid Monkees fans declaring themselves members of Team Tork or Team Dolenz.
  • More recently, however, the Arabidopsis root movements were reinterpreted as the combined effect of essentially three processes, circumnuation, gravitropism and negative thigmotropism.
  • BATF has a history in rabid enforcement of gun laws against people who have little or no means to fight back. Video Topic: Freedom Under Fire?
  • The anti-monarchist sites out there range from the mildly reformist to the rabidly antipathetic.
  • As to "rabid" - that may be a bit extreme almost said "bite" extreme but the fact that ms. closedmind resorts to Michelle Malkin as a proof-source should make everyone on the planet shutter. He told them they were losers for being there.
  • They took one look at the clearly uncooked meat coated in a layer of flesh-eating insects and set about badgering us like a pair of rabid wolverines.
  • A clamdigger in Maine who is watching this “Scott heard round the world” and cheering like a rabid pantload. Roger L. Simon » Sunday PJM/CrossTarget Poll: Brown up 9.6% among likely voters
  • This value was lower than the average amount of mRNA detected in all polysomes (two ribosomes per mRNA) in leaves of arabidopsis and rapidly dividing yeast cells.
  • The almost rabid Eton Dorney crowd was beginning to boil. Times, Sunday Times
  • In barley and Arabidopsis sensitive and insensitive components of the high-affinity K + uptake have been described.
  • Plus, it's worth remembering that while convention-goers may be rabid partisans, the folks at home tend to be in the middle.
  • Her client's false testimony forces the Deputy Attorney General, the rabid Canterbury-hating Zach Williams (Terry Kinney), to call the hothead father to the stand as a rebuttal witness. PopMatters
  • Cheney's promotion of torture -- and his rabid public defense of it since leaving office -- seem to me like a continuation of the post-9 / 11 "overcompensation" Prof. Record writes about. The Full Feed from
  • Went on and on about rabid rats from the Continent streaking through the Chunnel and infesting the English countryside. CORMORANT
  • The informal dog walkers phone chain alerted all to a rabid dog several years ago. Are there any herpetologists out there?
  • But they must confront all sorts of dangers, including a rabid hunter and a stampede of great beasts if they are to win the game and conquer Jumanji.
  • Outside the United States, exposure to rabid dogs is the most common cause of transmission to humans.
  • A child was bitten by a rabid dog at York, and became hydrophobous. The Dog
  • Many rabid political partisans are so thin-skinned that any unfavorable truth about their heroes muddles their thinking.
  • What she is spouting is rabid nonsense, and morally repugnant. Times, Sunday Times
  • Creatively banging together disparate sounds on a high-energy anvil, the members made use of everything from a melodica and various plug-in instruments to some sort of rabid clog dancing.
  • st's team grew the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana with the genes for trichomes (leaf hairs that discourage herbivores) and glucosinolate (a chemical toxic to certain pests) disabled.
  • But in the end, their gluttony, loneliness, and affectations - their rabid humanity is what interests me.
  • Arabidopsis plants were grown on agar containing a complete mineral complement and various concentrations of selenate and sulphate.
  • The ground beetles, or Carabidae, are just one of the largely predacious insect families designed for the job.
  • A certain portion of these teachers are incompetents and frauds; some are rabid patriots and fundamentalists - and some are ham-fisted leftists.
  • PINOID kinase regulates root gravitropism through modulation of PIN2-dependent basipetal auxin transport in Arabidopsis thaliana. SpaceRef Top Stories
  • This year we have scheduled a tiger, three lynxes, a cheetah, two pumas, a hippopotamus, and 500 rabid rats.
  • The formation of lateral root meristems, induced by low concentrations of paraquat or alloxan, was initiated in the pericycle, but not in the cortex or epidermis of Arabidopsis seedlings.
  • He bristles when asked about the band's rabid experimentation with musical styles ranging from country to ska to speed metal to prog.
  • Half an hour later he was conferring with Jones, the erstwhile elevator boy and rabid proletarian whom Daylight long before had grubstaked to literature for a year. Chapter XVII
  • Both have rabid fans ( "their" people), but everyone else (by far the majority) just plain hates their guts. Blast off
  • This means their actions are likely to get more desperate, their logic more twisted, their conspiracy theories more barmy and their rhetoric more rabid.
  • Imagine a zombie-style outbreak film told within the confines of a rinky-dink radio station, as residents of Pontypool call in with the terrifying news of their neighbors and loved ones turning into rabid, murderous creatures. Archive 2010-03-01
  • Rabid” - (David Cronenberg, 1977) - After Canada declares martial law things get a little out of hand, including a scene where a shopping mall Santa Claus is accidentally machine gunned by a police officer. Eric’s Top 10 Non-Christmas Christmas Movies » Scene-Stealers
  • It was a match that will have been relished only by rabid nationalists and others for whom victory and vengeance are the sole reasons for playing sport. Times, Sunday Times
  • In an annual such as Arabidopsis, flowering is irreversible, global, and leads to fruiting and plant death.
  • Even the survey's most rabid critics acknowledge the utility of this kind of data.
  • There's a small, but rabid group of fanatical followers.
  • I wouldn't want to be chased by rabid fangirls if I were you.
  • Many garden pests are carabid food: cutworms, codling moth larvae, tent caterpillars, slugs, snails and cankerworms to name a few.
  • And since its hard-bitten goaltender turned in three shutouts in the first round, the team's fans have turned rabid in the heat.
  • For as long as anyone can remember, Indonesian supporters have been infamous, rabid in their encouragement of winners and cruel in their criticism of the vanquished.
  • But some rabid dogs did not bark or bite in this election season. Times, Sunday Times
  • Even the survey's most rabid critics acknowledge the utility of this kind of data.
  • The Carabidae family encompasses about twenty thousand known species of mainly unspecialized, mainly predaceous beetles, abundant on all continents except Antarctica and on most islands. The Song of The Dodo
  • Although the presence of such duplications has been suggested previously, this is the first substantial evidence of a segmental duplication that post-dates the evolution of the Brassica and Arabidopsis lineages.
  • Over the course of the years most of my rabid political beliefs have been tempered somewhat by increasing understanding of the situation.
  • So why am I writing this if I'm so offended by Pharyngula's rabid anti-religionism? Archive 2009-04-01
  • In Arabidopsis plants infiltrated with avirulent bacteria, specific calcium ‘waves’ were found to occur concurrent with the oxidative burst, leading to the HR.
  • As a result of haphazard and inadequate culling, there is now a plague of rabid foxes affecting villages and cities in an arc across the Alps from Austria, through Hungary, Slovenia and Slovakia to Poland.
  • If you are using mulches in your garden, you are providing good carabid habitat.
  • Perhaps "harl" is a vegan or something but I think it's more likely that s/he's a rabid Islamophobe. The Suffering of Others
  • Secondly, rabid stray dogs do not observe boundaries.
  • But some rabid dogs did not bark or bite in this election season. Times, Sunday Times
  • Well, those of us old enough can remember Joe McCarthy, and his rabid press demagogues, cowing Americans into silence. Archive 2009-09-01
  • On July 6, 1885, Pasteur did something that no one else in human history had every done - he vaccinated a young boy who had been bitten more than 14 times by a rabid dog.
  • Way before 3/4ths of you were even alive, Grasso invented disco mixing by blending heavy rock and heavy funk (Santana, JB, War, etc.) for a rabid audience of newly sexually liberated future yuppies, guppies, and buppies.
  • rabid isolationist
  • It would have to be with the video for maximum impact, since the sight of Bono's smug histrionics reduces all sensitive sentient creatures to a state of rabid insensate rage.
  • One of the biggest forces in the underground scene right now is what's called extreme music, and it's got a rabid fanbase.
  • They were happiest dashing off into the unknown—their diaries are filled with accounts of momentous discoveries made after enduring punishing hardships: getting lost, eating raw vulture flesh, trekking through rain forests shoeless and clothesless, being sucked into whirlpools for hours on end, fending off rabid buffalo attacks, falling with their horses into hippopotamus wallows, having all their hair eaten by rats while sleeping and negotiating with armed, xenophobic natives ready to stone foreigners for trespassing on their sacred farmland. The Fruit Hunters
  • Joel Schwartzberg is a rabid horror movie fan, occasional shusher, and author of "The 40-Year-Old Version Joel Schwartzberg: Who Thinks It's Okay to Text & Tweet During Movies?
  • He radiated the power of a rabid animal, but beneath the armor she perceived pieces of a shattered soul. THREE KINDS OF KISSING - SCOTTISH SHORT STORIES
  • In the following, we shall present a solution to this problem and apply it to the divergence between the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana and its relatives among the crucifers.
  • Immunoglobulin may also be given if the bat is known or strongly suspected to be rabid.
  • Unable to hear over the cheering, I nonetheless took his rabid lip-syncing to mean that, perhaps, he was a bit displeased. heh heh heh…. Outfoxed Diary Entry
  • And Ayesha, with her curious mix of rabid work ethic and kooky naivety, looks right at home here.
  • The TOC GTPases are encoded by small gene families in Arabidopsis and other species.
  • Davis's verse is characterized by robust statements of urban themes, a fierce social consciousness, a strong declamatory voice, and an almost rabid racial pride.
  • The lamellate antennae are often found in the Scarabidae, but we aren't happy with that ID either. What's That Bug?
  • While the South was attributing to the whole North a rabid abolitionism; while the North itself was half suspecting that it had committed some wrong in the excess of its devotion to human rights; the simple fact on the contrary was, that the whole North had been and was still 'psychologized' into a positive respect for slavery, and for slaves as property, which we feel for no other species of property whatsoever. The Continental Monthly, Vol. 4, No. 6, December 1863 Devoted to Literature and National Policy
  • Um, guys, you do know that Freepers and other rabid right wingers call Democrats "dims" don't you? Poll: Hillary's Lead In Pennsylvania Drops To 11
  • To that end, he's been known to get rabid over games of four-square, and even argue over the results of tic-tac-toe.
  • His growl is impressively rabid, and his bark could curdle a bowl of milk at 20 paces.
  • Genome duplications are also proposed to have occurred in fish, maize, Arabidopsis, S. cerevisiae, and Xenopus.
  • The observed apical-basal polarity in the zygote of Arabidopsis and Fucus presages polar development during embryogenesis.
  • All except the most rabid racists considered racial segregation immoral and indefensible.
  • Some elements of the gold market, the rabid goldbugs, do espy a very dark and broken future. Gold Shines in the Big Selloff
  • Unfortunately, reality is: if one reaches out to pet a rabid dog, no amount of wishful, pretty thinking will keep that dog from biting you.
  • You do have a rabid cult following.
  • This year we have scheduled a tiger, three lynxes, a cheetah, two pumas, a hippopotamus, and 500 rabid rats.
  • Sometimes genuine letters are offered without the vital signature, some rabid autograph hunter having removed it at some period.
  • If the Baron is such a rabid dog, the King and his followers should have muzzled him long since.
  • Many garden pests are carabid food: cutworms, codling moth larvae, tent caterpillars, slugs, snails and cankerworms to name a few.
  • Mugridge seemed to be in rabid fear of the water, and he exhibited a nimbleness and speed we did not dream he possessed. Chapter 21
  • Normally he is quite close to a rabid dog. Times, Sunday Times
  • Many garden pests are carabid food: cutworms, codling moth larvae, tent caterpillars, slugs, snails and cankerworms to name a few.
  • This would all be of merely academic interest if EDR 1 was found only in Arabidopsis.
  • * FOLLOW KEITH: The reason MSNBC is getting ready to untuck the wee Carlson is because they want to make room for what viewers are actually interested in, which is more progressive politics, like the regular savagings of the rabid right by Keith Doberman. A Beautiful Corpse: Sixteen Sure Signs That The Regressive Right Is Over
  • In Arabidopsis roots, the transition from early to later stages of differentiation is characterized by the appearance of metaxylem, which is identified on the basis of reticulate rather than helical secondary cell wall thickenings.
  • Their set should prove to be an unforgettable experience for rabid fans and the curious uninitiated alike.
  • The researchers conducted the study in the root of Arabidopsis, a small flowering plant related to cabbage, where they took a closer look at the development of two types of root cells - protoxylem and metaxylem. Innovations-report
  • In some instances, such as the eugenic movement, rabid prejudice against so-called racial inferiors combined with a belief in human progress.
  • Despite the significance of carabids in orchard habitats there have been few published studies of species diversity in the 27,000 ha of Canadian tree fruit orchards.

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