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How To Use Rabble In A Sentence

  • Scrabble to its list of more commonplace activity holidays, such as painting and gardening. Times, Sunday Times
  • He has become gruff and cold, a far cry from the playful, expansive carouser and rabble-rouser of the film's opening scenes. Come and Get It
  • In this context the survivors in the UK electricity market will continue to scrabble for scale.
  • February 24, 2006 4: 56 PM bibliobibuli said ... visitor - you sure naughty one chatting up the girls again. what your ah mooi going to say this time? anna - sorry you were scrabbled, but at least you can take your piccy from here Meet Up and Scribble Night
  • He seems to attract a rabble of supporters more loyal to the man than to the cause.
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  • We arrived at the grounds after following a rabble of butterflies through the streets.
  • Everyone in our office is playing email Scrabble.
  • His playing is more austere than on Big Deep, rattling off scrapes and stunted scrabbles with occasional distended, detuned bass action.
  • 'donga' or watercourse, and into this plunged a rabble of men, white and black, mules, horses, guns, and waggons. The True Story Book
  • She turned to Ian enquiringly, as the boy scrabbled frantically on the floor looking for coins.
  • ‘It's an 18 th-century anachronism invented by guys who didn't believe the unwashed rabble were smart enough to elect a leader,’ he says.
  • The newspaper ended the article with the following words: "Just days earlier, Phillips was in her car at a stoplight when someone smashed the passenger-side window and grabbled her handbag. ANC Today
  • I play the most satisfying words in Scrabble, not the highest-scoring or the most strategically advantageous and will take myself out with the lead piping if I am ever forced to play Cluedo again. TV review: The Great British Bake-Off, The Making of King Arthur and Ideal
  • Like ‘solution’ or the blank tiles in Scrabble, you can use it anywhere, though it adds no other value.
  • It might also have to do with having been the underdog for so long so that women kind of scrabble in these different jobs. The End Of The Macho Man?
  • Anyway, the point is (to get back to Scrabble) that the Scrabble-player plays anagrams with the letters in front of him or her - order out of chaos again, you see.
  • This are in essences issues we grabbled with in the first ten years of democracy. SPEECH BY OUPA MONARENG THE ROLE OF PARLIAMENT IN EXECUTING THE PEOPLES CONTRACT - STATE OF THE NATION DEBATE
  • A game of scrabble is underway, and there is much laughter and good feeling here in the relative quiet and isolation of the Jakes salt-water pool area. Calabash–Second Day and Night : Kwame Dawes : Harriet the Blog : The Poetry Foundation
  • a scummy rabble
  • bushwhack" by rabblerowzer on Thursday, Jul 26, 2007 at 10: 00: 54 AM 30 days to absolute tyranny
  • Here, brother Sancho Panza," said Don Quixote when he saw it, "we may plunge our hands up to the elbows in what they call adventures; but observe, even shouldst thou see me in the greatest danger in the world, thou must not put a hand to thy sword in my defence, unless indeed thou perceivest that those who assail me are rabble or base folk; for in that case thou mayest very properly aid me; but if they be knights it is on no account permitted or allowed thee by the laws of knighthood to help me until thou hast been dubbed a knight. The History of Don Quixote, Volume 1, Complete
  • Mud was piled everywhere, over the splintered and broken planks that had once formed the deck of the piers and been cast against the rabbled river walls, up almost to the top of the tilted and shortened stone pillars that had comprised the base of the piers. Colors of Chaos
  • I quickly scrabbled off the floor and ran to the bathroom; stripping off my clothes in a hurry.
  • Trinidad went through one of the most volatile periods in its history during the 30s as they marched to independence - you had labor struggles, government crackdowns on rabble-rousers and full-on riots in the streets.
  • The great increase of games and festivals and their enormous cost were signs of approaching trouble for the republic, and foretold the terrible days of the empire, when the rabblement of the capital, accustomed to be amused and fed by their despotic and corrupt rulers, should cry in the streets: "Give us bread for nothing and games forever! The Story of Rome from the Earliest Times to the End of the Republic
  • With white claws of foam the sea grabbled at the shore. The Fisherman and His Soul
  • Like "axion" and "cayuse." ... dont like my word, challenge it using the official scrabble dictionary and see what happens. Dailycomic Diary Entry
  • Well, if a drabble is 100 words, and a dribble is 50 words, then how about we say Hint Fiction cannot be anything more than 25 words. Hint Fiction: When Flash Fiction Becomes Just Too Flashy
  • They are still widely perceived as a rabble, and as such cannot possibly obtain funding or be taken seriously by the political class '. Times, Sunday Times
  • He's been through hard times: his hardscrabble childhood on the veld would make David Copperfield's seem cosseted by comparison.
  • Approval of words is obviously not obtained by referring to the official Scrabble dictionary, but is solely subject to the opinion of the vile rabble with whom you are playing.
  • He scrabbled for the light switch.
  • The Lunch Group is to try out a local hostelry at the end of the month and our usual groups for Scrabble, knit-and-natter and the play reading will take place this month.
  • The wealthie full of brawle and brabbles of the law: The Arte of English Poesie
  • When the brambles became impassable, we would scrabble up the canyon sidewalls and work our way along slopy, discontinuous ledges.
  • The word "taky" (= also in English) is important in this respect: it means that there ARE some (maybe most, or even all except one) Hungarians who are to blame they are Hungarians; I think this makes the sentence be really funny, as it weakens the opposition of this Švejk´s statement to Vodička´s statement "Maďaři jsou, zkrátka řečeno, holota", which means "Hungarians are, briefly said, vermin/rabble/crew". TRANSLATING SCHWEIK.
  • Beyond Mr Jefferson's high black hat, through those tangled dew-drops of flame, Mr Goosevort saw golden hair glide softly through the oasis of bodies gathered vaguely round the stage, Mr Umberto and Mrs. Jefferson laughed again together, and Mr Howle's mournful ululation could be heard adrift a lake of rabble... golden hair turning away and fluttering into the shadow of a winding stairway. Mr Goosevort
  • Should he scrabble backwards towards the house?
  • It sends adrenaline zooming through my veins, fills me with vim, zest, zip and other monosyllables containing letters that score high in Scrabble.
  • Doubtless, the rabble-rousers of the Middle Ages who led the persecution of ‘witches’ were fully aware of the viciousness of their acts.
  • Rather than leaning on his appealingly gruff Neil Diamond pipes to articulate personal stories of drunkenness and hardscrabble redemption, Bachmann takes a more imaginative approach here.
  • They remained centres of the devotion of their flocks, and the "curates," hastily gathered, who took their places, were stigmatised as ignorant and profligate, while, as they were resisted, rabbled, and daily insulted, the country was full of disorder. A Short History of Scotland
  • Fear of the marauding rabble of dispossessed poor has existed for centuries.
  • Beginning with that brabble over the “gray cloth gowne,” there must have gone on in Hudson's party the same bickerings and wranglings that went on in Greely's party, and the same development of small animosities into burning hatreds. Henry Hudson
  • Let us begin by looking at a few words in general use among us: stelling, bateau, beautician, jumbie, dharo, worker, grabble. Stabroek News
  • And for Axelson, that means a lot more scrabble, cribbage, cards in the van, more soccer and football at gas stops, and, thankfully, not much Dora the Explorer or diaper changing.
  • She scrabbled in vain for purchase on the stone floor, which was smooth from the years of pedestrian traffic pounding the irregularities into powder.
  • The clergymen of the Christian Church were often rabbled in the civil war.
  • A bulldozer blade would be similarly effective today, for use in clearing rabble and barriers during urban movement.
  • Page 191 water and grabbled roots for the liberation of Guatemala. Cabbages and Kings
  • The hostess, seeing her husband re-enter into contentions and brabbles, raised a new cry, whose burden was borne by her daughter and Maritornes, asking succour of Heaven and those that were present. The Fourth Book. XVIII. Wherein Are Decided the Controversies of the Helmet of Mambrino and of the Pannel, with Other Strange and Most True Adventures
  • Scrabble and puzzles are put away as dinner is served. Times, Sunday Times
  • The idea of a band of hardcrabble rogues having a political awakening is an incredibly cool one, but it never means anything.
  • The twelve speakers reply, in few words inclusive of much: "Bread, and the end of these brabbles, Du pain, et la fin des affaires. The French Revolution
  • Corolini is a populist rabble-rouser ," replied Sameth, quoting an editorial from the Times. LIRAEL: DAUGHTER OF THE CLAYR
  • Poetry has always been used by rabble-rousers, way back to Shakespeare and Byron… Poems reflect the world around us and can force us to challenge what we see.
  • Walks -- "Some grabble walks may lead to de jail. Slave Narratives: a Folk History of Slavery in the United States From Interviews with Former Slaves Arkansas Narratives, Part 1
  • He wasn't a rabble-rouser, he wasn't a fiery speaker, he wasn't a mobiliser of large crowds, and he certainly wasn't a guerrilla.
  • The rough bark scraped her palms raw, but she ignored the pain and scrabbled up onto the branch.
  • A drabble is an extremely short work of fiction exactly one hundred words in length, although the term is often misused to indicate a short [...] 18 | March | 2008 | Living the Liminal
  • You're speaking corresponding with someone who is outraged by the actions of ACORN, who wonders, when he votes, if his franchise has been made irrelevant by the fog of false data created by their "canvassers"; with someone who is outraged that his taxes go to support professional rabble rousers with no demonstrable purpose except to foment unrest. Jeffrey Rosen on the two important race cases that will be argued in the Supreme Court in the next few days.
  • The Norwegian, the person for whom English is a second language, thrashed us at Scrabble.
  • It was a long, tiresome walk through the outskirts of the town, where the dwelling-houses were, -- long rows of two-story bricks drabbled with soot-stains. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 08, No. 48, October, 1861
  • These big mucky-mucks are going to go in and rouse the rabble! Santa’s not welcome at detainee center in England « Dating Jesus
  • There was no reason for the rabble of butterflies that seemed to be having a rave in my stomach.
  • A drabble is an extremely short work of fiction exactly one hundred words in length, although the term is often misused to indicate a short story of less than 1000 words. Color Me Drabbled | Living the Liminal
  • the sharecropper's hardscrabble life
  • Feeling threatened she scrabbled backward when the man squatted down in front of her.
  • After days of restrained, informational talks, here was someone with a flair for theater - a rabble-rousing activist.
  • I hate playing scrabble when I can't use the words I know that aren't in "the dictionary" 'cosset' being a favorite and I get accused of making things up. A pitiful excuse for a post - A Dress A Day
  • This extraordinary film is celluloid incendiarism, rabble-rousing cinema with a delirious, delicious edge of black comedy which I estimate to be about 90-95% intentional.
  • Mental stimulation can come in many guises - crosswords, sudoku, scrabble and bridge, to name but a few.
  • Like "axion" and "cayuse." ... dont like my word, challenge it using the official scrabble dictionary and see what happens. Dailycomic Diary Entry
  • Dictionaries also can arbitrate disputes that arise during a game of Scrabble or late - night conversations.
  • She said: ‘I have been playing Scrabble for 14 years and I love the variety and challenge of it.’
  • The conc eption of PRI is introduced to harmonize the conflict among function models, w hi ch scrabble for the right to send data by network.
  • For a rabble-rouser, that's a winning combination. Times, Sunday Times
  • All was silent except the panting of the Ellingham's and the occasional scrabble at the door.
  • We had a game of Scrabble that seemed to go on forever.
  • Hung out with my parents, went to the beach and won scrabble with 'vied'. bonus: learned word skimble-scamble from websters raygun01: sites: androidguys, phandroid (my fav), androidandme, droid-life, androidcentral, androidspin ... forum: xda-developers. net. Original Signal - Transmitting Web 2.0
  • Inventor Butts 's favourite variation is double bag Scrabble, with the vowels and consonants in separate bags.
  • It was an ill-assorted gang he had joined: high-spirited youngbloods like Cornelius Cethegus, out for a fight; aging and dissolute noblemen like Marcus Laeca and Autronius Paetus, whose public careers had been frustrated by their private vices; mutinous ex-soldiers led by rabble-rousers like Gaius Manlius, who had been a centurion under Sulla. CONSPIRATA
  • I pass a rabble of rampant orange-clad Dutch fans dressed as boy scouts wearing huge cartoon clogs, larging it up, singing and laughing.
  • We portray ourselves as a rabble, and certainly are no example to the fourth form in a school.
  • Then came together from all places of the den, Beelzebub, Lucifer, Apollyon, with the rest of the rabblement there, to hear what news from Mansoul. The Holy War
  • Johnson was unpopular with the management because he was a well-known rabble-rouser.
  • Scrabble is still the best word game. Times, Sunday Times
  • Don Quixote, perceiving himself free, and delivered from so many difficulties and brabbles wherewithal as well he as his esquire had been perplexed, held it high time to prosecute his commenced voyage, and bring to an end the great adventure unto which he was called and chosen. The Fourth Book. XIX. In Which Is Finished the Notable Adventure of the Troopers, and the Great Ferocity of Our Knight, Don Quixote, and How He Was Enchanted
  • Terpandrus when he ended the brabbles of Lacedaemon, neyther pyped Rogero nor Turkelony, but reckoning vp the commodities of friendeship, and fruites of debate, putting them in mind of Lycurgus lawes, taught them too treade a better measure. The More Things Change II
  • There are several false alarms, but eventually his dogs scrabble madly at the base of a tree.
  • That's why the best words in scrabble are ones like quartzy, musquashes or zyxomma.
  • He said: ‘Laurie is amazing for her age, she does crosswords, puzzles, teasers and she plays Scrabble.’
  • Isella was found to be a mother; and then the storm burst upon her and drabbled her in the dust as fearlessly as the summer-wind sweeps down and besmirches the lily it has all summer been wooing and flattering. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 07, No. 43, May, 1861 Creator
  • I scrabble frantically for concealer and eyeliner, lip gloss and eyeshadow.
  • Watching a rabble of butterflies virtually fill a six-story auditorium should be entertainment enough for adolescents not yet ruined by videogames, but Flight of the Butterflies in 3D has the added value of a good story.
  • I made my way up very gingerly and after a slippery scrabble up the last bit, arrived back on the surface, with Alan not far behind.
  • The hardscrabble, bare-knuckle fight for power is the primitive pulse that runs through his latest novel, The Eagle's Throne.
  • She scrabbled around in her bag for her glasses.
  • Pregnancy has the further effect of burnishing Demi's biography: It makes her hardscrabble childhood seem more poignant.
  • McCarty asked her why she wanted to work in a hardscrabble neighborhood when she could earn far more in a comfortable suburb.
  • On a cold blustery March day in 1839, when she was nineteen, Susan moved with her family two miles down the Battenkill to the little settlement of Hardscrabble, later called Center Falls, where her father owned a satinet factory and grist mill, built in more prosperous times. Susan B. Anthony Rebel, Crusader, Humanitarian
  • The clergymen of the Christian Church were often rabbled in the civil war.
  • I nodded, surprised, and wondering why I'd confide in a teacher, then grabbled my backpack and left the classroom.
  • Then seeing the man lunge at her, she screeched and tried to scrabble away towards the garden maze.
  • A screen is not just a screen, though. The one-way interaction between TV and the couch potato is far different than an absorbing Scrabble play-off with a friend on a mobile phone.
  • She latched onto it and made a scrabble for safety.
  • I wasn't having a go at you or Daubney, n, my rage is aimed at the sick rabble - some of them very educated rabble too - on some of these forums who will not allow justice to take its course. The Best Possible taste
  • Revolution they refused to accept an uncovenanted king; one last brief day of triumph and vengeance they had, when they "rabbled" the conformist curates. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 4: Clandestinity-Diocesan Chancery
  • Grasso's hardscrabble early life has, if anything, burnished his reputation on the trading floor - a blue-collar stronghold where college degrees are strictly optional.
  • You have to find another bad guy, create some more paranoia to further disorientate the rabble. Global Voices in English » Georgia: Concerns emerge over opposition protests
  • When cornered by a hostile and armed rabble, it is demanded of them that they attempt to take a consensual approach.
  • 'Braver hearts never beat in English breasts, yet do but mark how they brabble and clamour like clowns on a Saturday night. Micah Clarke His Statement as made to his three grandchildren Joseph, Gervas and Reuben During the Hard Winter of 1734
  • The residents' hardscrabble backgrounds vary greatly, but Beckvold said the women seldom pass judgment.
  • The climber scrabble about widely for a handhold.
  • Nicholas removed the door-handle on the inside, and the wainscot there still showed a dull smear, rubbed by the poor creature's shoulder as she trotted round and round; also marks upon the door, where her fingers had grabbled for the missing handle. Shining Ferry
  • Except for one large canvas dependent on scrabbled zones of shockingly clear violet, most of the paintings are a little murky.
  • A discontented, lazy rabble who call the thrifty accommodations he rents them "broken down old shacks" in a "Potter's field" a typical anarchist-hippie move, disrespecting the man's good name. Doug Molitor: Doug's Dozen (VIDEO): 12 Reasons the G.O.P. Should Run Old Man Potter
  • To be thankful for coppers and not to interfere with the men while they grabble for gold, like swine round a trough, that is man's reading of the mission of women. Beyond the City
  • I have the Lady Joan and her maid to think on, 'twould be an ill fate theirs in the hands of yon filthy rabblement. Black Bartlemy's Treasure
  • Many people in the audience were skeptical, because their experience has been that it's a hardscrabble existence.
  • Terpandrus when he ended the brabbles of Lacedaemon, neyther pyped Rogero nor Turkelony, but reckoning vp the commodities of friendeship, and fruites of debate, putting them in mind of Lycurgus lawes, taught them too treade a better measure. The More Things Change II
  • They were soft-spoken men of means and education; they were not an unwashed rabble.
  • You have seen the fate of rabble-rousers and rebels.
  • At this Enela scrabbled to her feet, rushing for the door and her leave.
  • He had the gift of the public gab, and was never at a loss for a rabble-rousing piece of personal invective. THE ENDLESS GAME
  • His father moved to London in 1924 from the hardscrabble western county of Roscommon in search of work. Irish Remedy for Hard Times: Leaving
  • Not being a Scrabble player at anything other than the most amateur dinner-table level, I wonder: is ariary unusable until a new Scrabble dictionary is printed, even though as the official name of a national currency it will presumably automatically be included? OUGUIYA AND ARIARY.
  • Here came the subsistence farmers, whose hardscrabble plots had borne little during this dry year. WICKED: THE LIFE AND TIMES OF THE WICKED WITCH OF THE WEST
  • It carries with it, of course, the risk that the guilty may sometimes go free, but that is a risk worth taking where the alternative may be either the arbitrary power of the state, or the power of the populist rabble.
  • National Liar, Premier Minister of the Province, and First Juggler of its finances: -- a profligate in public in the name of the Church -- in secret in the name of Free-Thought -- _beau diseur_ -- demagogue of the rabble and chieftain of the Cave. The Young Seigneur Or, Nation-Making
  • Edwards, a wealthy trial lawyer first elected to the Senate in 1998, has built his candidacy around the belief that his hardscrabble upbringing uniquely equips him to understand the struggles of Democratic voters.
  • Okay … ‘I kicked your butt in Facebook Scrabble by playing the word abfarad. ' S play hooky
  • A balcony in Rome from which Mussolini gave rabble-rousing speeches to his Black Shirt supporters and declared war on Britain in 1940 is to be reopened to the public after decades of neglect. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • Beloved by Scrabble fans, em (/εm/) can mean the letter M or a unit of measurement in typography – hence em dash (one of which appeared just there, before hence). May « 2009 « Sentence first
  • His favourite recreations are golf and playing Scrabble.
  • If any of the rabble attempt to pass the palace gates, blast them out of existence.
  • But have you ever been able to share your love for a fellow word nerd in scrabble talk? Blog – syllable studio
  • Most of them struggle just to lead a hardscrabble life.
  • Reading itself, which "loomed for a Shillington child as an immense, remote, menacing, and glamorous metropolis," is a remarkably recognizable Brewer, with its depiction over the Rabbit series offering a nearly perfect rendering of the actual city's respectable past, attempts at renewal and hardscrabble present. Keystone to Updike's Imagination
  • Unfortunately he is merely the head of a rabble of warlords who are firmly rooted in the past.
  • It may be an idea to have no bare earth for the cats to scrabble in.
  • In the first part, the author will cast a general glimpse of Drabble's life, and education which serves as the impetus and provides rich material for her literary creation.
  • The political rabble has shown its ire in ugly racial terms, too.
  • She bedrabbled her long skirt.
  • Scrabble and puzzles are put away as dinner is served. Times, Sunday Times
  • In client choosing tactic foreign capital banks will scrabble for Chinese high quality clients.
  • Mr. Drabble relied upon two cases in particular in support of his argument that the delays were unlawful.
  • The kids scrabbled up the slope.
  • “Come here, boys, and let your gorgeous auntie grabble her hairy little monkeys!” The Almost Archer Sisters
  • Clues could be rejected or swapped, a bit like scrabble tiles.
  • She looked over at his bearish figure, snuff-drabbled waistcoat, and shock of black hair. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 08, No. 48, October, 1861
  • We ended up playing scrabble in the park, drinking vodka and ginger.
  • Gleb scrabbled about in the hay, pulled out a book and opened it.
  • A rabble gathers outside Whitechapel tube station at 2pm every Sunday afternoon, waits for the guide to make him/herself known, pays a fiver, then sets off to hear about the real history of the area.
  • Flames belch from the wreckage, degenerate human beings scrabble for survival, the screen is dark and the aspect brooding.
  • ‘Remove your hands,’ said Sean in a harsh voice while Sakura quickly scrabbled away and leaned on the wall.
  • They formed an army out of rabble.
  • The pigeons on the ledge outside scrabbled from side to side, as Catherine tapped at the glass with a fingernail.
  • It is the same unregenerate self that is manifested both in the intimate gestures and public actions, the madness of love and the frenzy of rabble-rousing: there is no difference between the private and the public self.
  • A drabble is a story of exactly 100 words that is presented on Norm Sherman’s fiction podcast, The Drabblecast. What the Heck is a Drabble Anyway? | Living the Liminal
  • The wheels rarely scrabble for grip even on the most treacherous surfaces.
  • It had begun to drizzle, as it so often does during the winter in Northern France, and this man wore a bedrabbled cloak -- a brigandish-looking cloak -- over his blue smock. Ruth Fielding at the War Front or, The Hunt for the Lost Soldier
  • Simultaneously, as the labor scholar Samuel Yellen has described, they fueled anti-immigrant sentiment by branding these same individuals--who were responsible for the bulk of their corporate profits--a savage "rabble . . . who are the offscourings of Europe. Mark Cassello: Labor and Capital in the 21st Century: Legacy of the Haymarket Affair
  • I am aware of the weakness of democracy, of its occasional stupidities and shallowness, its temptation to prefer the rabble-rousing spell binder, its habit of giving way to envy, hatred, malice and all uncharitableness.
  • We talked, listened to songs, played games like anti-tictactoe (where your objective is to force the other person to get three in a row), hangman and scrabble.
  • Today the Jacksons are so deeply associated with the showbiz slickness of Southern California, it's easy to forget their hardscrabble Rust Belt roots.
  • As a golden boy, first in his class at West Point, and a Rhodes Scholar, he stood apart from the hardscrabble world of the combat arms.
  • It was a time of guerrilla war, when the local conflicts over land and water resources that emerge in any rural setting threatened to brand villagers as rabble-rousers.
  • Would any other sane country provide a public platform for a rabble-rouser like him to demand our destruction? The Sun
  • She is far removed from the stereotype of political rabble-rouser. Times, Sunday Times
  • The serving of cheap champagne in plastic cups followed, dished up by a tour guide so obviously bored by the daily grind of conveying rabbles of foreigners around the rock that I couldn't help wondering why he was there.
  • Now the shadows were coming into focus; they were a motley rabble of creatures, ranging from otters to voles, stoats and squirrels, and even a few moles.
  • And it's no surprise. Nobody with any choices would agree to stand up in front of an undisciplined rabble every day.
  • How do we keep the rabble of criminals and delinquents at bay since they now pose a threat to all of us - rich, poor, powerful or inconsequential?
  • The very ground the houses stood on seemed weary and drabbled, almost asking for rusty tin cans. Kangaroo
  • He uses their millions to advertise his hardscrabble origins and oneness with the masses.
  • His comment to the media was that he wouldn't, as a matter of principle, talk to a rabble that used this method (marching in the streets) of expressing their views.
  • When a greater spread of sail was required, a piece called a bonnet was added to the foot of the sail, and a further piece called a drabbler could be added to that.
  • They were followed by a wild though picturesque rabble of rabona women, carrying great bundles tied on their heads or backs, shrieking and chattering in their native tongue like gariho monkeys. The Story of Paul Boyton Voyages on All the Great Rivers of the World
  • Over the next hour the class descended into a noisy rabble. Times, Sunday Times
  • It's certainly frustrating when you hold a report from your delegation and a handful of people come to it and you say, 'Why are not more people grabbled by this, involved in this -- what's going on? Women Who Dared - Judy Somberg on CHALLENGES
  • Certainly we never thought of him as a rabble-rouser - quite the reverse. POLITICAL SUICIDE
  • His fingers scrabbled over the plastic plating on the door next to him until they curled over the cold metal handle.
  • Recently I have gone in to play with Archie and Quentin after they have gone to bed, and they have grown to expect me, jumping up, very soft and warm in their tommies, expecting me to roll them over on the bed and tickle and "grabble" in them. Archie and Quentin
  • History is littered with the debris of self-righteous, intolerant, xenophobic, rabble-rousing ideologies.
  • Alberg scrabbled around for pen and paper.
  • He glanced back to where his wife was having to use her hands sometimes to scrabble up the steep climb, eyes intent on the rock face.
  • Tim's slowed up his release schedule the past few years, and others have gone out and done the hardscrabble archival work that he, and he alone, once undertook.
  • There was a tug, a clatter as the leash handle hit the floor, and the rapid scrabble of claws on tile.
  • Hardscrabble Pimas still live in scattered, remote shacks, but in town there are brand-new pickups and ATVs, and mansions going up with three-car garages and crenelated castle motifs. Brother-in-arms
  • A subdued atmosphere in the venue, which is designed for baseball, was mirrored by the players, who reserved their rabble-rousing for the right moments.
  • You get a six-month contract, and then you have to scrabble around for the next job.
  • There were no ranters or rabble-rousers, just an invited audience of academics, writers, politicians and sombre party members.
  • The ayatollah warned Iran would be pitiless towards rabble-rousers.
  • Camp and canny, what a smooth rabble-rouser she is. Times, Sunday Times
  • A scrabble sounded behind them and it seemed as though someone had put a blindfold over their eyes.
  • Scrabble for the iPad features all the joy and wonder of the classic word scrabble game, with the ability to play alone or with friends via Facebook or the new Party Play mode. Kotaku
  • Participants are requested to bring their own scrabble boards and tiles.
  • The acclamation had been nearly unanimous: shouts of the imperial troops at Rome, seconded wholeheartedly by the Senate, the rabble, the clergy.
  • They're not a rabble, there's some serious people there.

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