How To Use Quotidian In A Sentence

  • One thus can't claim that it was feminism that first started to regulate ‘the most quotidian, private corners of life.’
  • As an antidote to James Bond's far-fetched, murderous exotica it was perfect - a world of grimy brutalism, mundane bureaucracy and the vividly realistic, morally-empty, quotidian horror of Cold War espionage.
  • Robert Elms' excellent phone-in show on BBC London often features such mundane yet satisfying acts of gaming in quotidian urban life.
  • How could I leave a moment early only to return to my quotidian life?
  • The author's stated goal was to lead the reader to see everything, from the simple quotidian rituals of Zen monastic life to the most abstract philosophical vision, as a Buddha would.
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  • But the effect is calculatedly bathetic, since it turns out that what saves or condemns you is such embarrassingly quotidian matters as whether you fed the hungry and visited the sick.
  • And then there is the warfare of quotidian existence. Times, Sunday Times
  • The quotidian machinations of court life in the great European cities of the time are utterly bewildering - one sort of sinks into a delighted daze at the insane levels of ever-shifting information flows.
  • Television has become part of our quotidian existence.
  • The concept of 'wartime' offers more than a revisionary reading of the quotidian. The Times Literary Supplement
  • But the thing that lends a character's voice historical veracity is the quality of the quotidian details — that the journalist in "The One in White" is drinking blue agave, for example. Faraway Voices
  • Can you say a little more about how these ideas play out in design and the more quotidian worlds of publishing, packaging, branding and promotion?
  • On the one hand, at the level of ritual, ceremony and a broad range of other quotidian practices, there is a great deal of retention of local features that are quite continuous with many aspects of Hindu life and cultural practice.
  • The cover sports a photograph of Dove's grandparents, giving a sense of the ordinary people whose quotidian lives will be fleetingly sketched within.
  • This French mockumentary is blandly violent, following the quotidian activities of its despicable yet oddly loveable lead character…
  • These letters are familiar, occasionally intimate, but on the whole quotidian, recurring to her real estate woes and his ne'er-do-well relations.
  • Blom, I assume, contrasts these quotidian images from the early part of the last century with what appears to be a semblance of normality for the characters who populate the background of these works.
  • But these scenes, despite their snapshot appearance and quotidian subject matter, are scarcely authentic.
  • The neighbours' cars came and went, but with Garda door-to-door inquiries and the chronology of the previous hours slowly coming to light, it was anything but quotidian.
  • These letters are familiar, occasionally intimate, but on the whole quotidian, recurring to her real estate woes and his ne'er-do-well relations.
  • But in truth, and more interestingly, there's a private life of globalization, one that exists in the quotidian experiences of millions whose lives have been enriched by new technologies.
  • As a thorough break from London's quotidian chaos, whilst retaining all the trappings of urban civilisation, I can recommend it thoroughly.
  • Big moments, like Mark and Joanna's wedding or the birth of their daughter, are wisely avoided in favor of concentrating on small quotidian details that add up to a detailed profile of a marriage in flux.
  • Sponges, rolls of tape, a paper cup, rotating disks and coloured paper are the players in this quotidian drama.
  • How does one visually compare the inconceivable with the sensible, seeable, quotidian world?
  • Reasoning for the ordinary and quotidian experiences of observation, Diderot demanded not only the artist but also the art critic to be liberated from the studio model.
  • The immeasurable joy generated by the most quotidian of family functions reinforces this commitment on a daily basis.
  • But the home of his London followers, established in the last century by the great Cardinal Newman, has a dull, quotidian atmosphere; it is a place of quiet footsteps and mumbled greetings.
  • In the opening set piece a husband and wife breakfast together, a setting so quotidian its very normality is suspicious.
  • By making visible the invisible, she dignifies the quotidian. Anne Couillaud: Day-to-Day (PHOTOS): Artists' Daily Practices Incorporate the Time Dimension
  • Oil of the seed, given from half a scruple to half a dram, in some liquor, or a spoonful of juice in some wine, taken before the fit comes on, and the person is put to bed, cures quotidians and quartans.
  • The quotidian is the daily, the ordinary existence, the "what happens anyway". Walking Turcot Yards
  • Models sat cross-legged on the floor, smoking and poring over The Daily, Fashion Week's quotidian rag.
  • Much of the diary, rather than mapping the thrilling peaks and troughs of Meeting Mr Right, records the more deceptively challenging, quotidian slog across the lifelong plateau thereafter: Living with Mr Right.
  • Freeman has imagined an elaborate narrative set in a fantastic world, but he creates it from the easily overlooked sections of our quotidian existence.
  • And the video, the video: ‘We Close Your Eyes’ seemed to be on the Chart Show every week for a year, a sign of how functional and quotidian pop had become.
  • I never heard the word quotidian in this sense, and I imagined it to be a word of Dr. Johnson's own fabrication; but I have since found it in Life of Johnson
  • I never heard the word quotidian in this sense, and I imagined it to be a word of Dr Johnson's own fabrication; but I have since found it in Young's The Journal of a Tour to the Hebrides with Samuel Johnson, LL.D.
  • I know and use “explicate”, I know “trope”, I have a vague sense of both “quotidian” and “discursive”, and “paratactic” is a complete mystery. Waldo Jaquith - 5 words my poetry professor used during today’s lecture.
  • The ordinariness of their lives interested me most of all, as if in the quotidian of genius my own humdrum days might find their apotheosis.
  • The periods of quotidian fever are either catenated with solar time, and return at the intervals of twenty-four hours; or with lunar time, recurring at the intervals of about twenty-five hours. Zoonomia, Vol. I Or, the Laws of Organic Life
  • Austen’s heroines ask readers to choose between two versions of English identity: the familiar heroine of sensibility, who is comically out of place in quotidian England, or a pragmatic heroine of sense, who is capable of navigating the changing class structure of early nineteenth-century England. Money, Matrimony, and Memory: Secondary Heroines in Radcliffe, Austen, and Cooper
  • While never ignoring the quotidian grind, his prose is regularly vivified by invention, as with the 'brace of dreams'. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Of course, the play is novel for more reasons than just its quotidian setting: it's also the ‘first official thing’ Dean has penned for the stage and the first collaboration between him and Lemoine
  • In the wake of this devastation - which the show documented with artworks in various styles, from academic heroics to the symbolist fabulations of Moreau and Puvis de Chavannes - Impressionism emerged as an art of the quotidian, a painting that did not reassert eternal verities but documented the changes and variations that comprise ordinary life. Peter Frank: Blague d'Art: First Impressions
  • How can we possibly be expected to set about our quotidian grind so unrefreshed? Times, Sunday Times
  • The quotidian, tertian, and quartan fevers, seem to me no less sacred and divine in their origin than this disease, although they are not reckoned so wonderful. On The Sacred Disease
  • At the same time, I also felt some sympathy for an 18-year old who sounds a bit freaked out by the Blogosphere's focused attention on her quotidian activities.
  • Flight is their quotidian miracle. Times, Sunday Times
  • The title, McMillen explains, "... is both metaphoric and a bit literal," as the installation includes a looped screening of his new short film "Quotidian Man" which projected onto the billboard of the "Hotel New Empire," a kind of tilting film set raised on a catafalque of stilts over a tray of water. John Seed: Michael C. McMillen: Every Dream Is New
  • Can you say a little more about how these ideas play out in design and the more quotidian worlds of publishing, packaging, branding and promotion?
  • The orderly operation of the federal government depends upon this continuous and quotidian cooperation.
  • Far from being quotidian these glamorous fancies push fashion to the limit in their testing fusion of ego-soothing props and dreamy confection.
  • The work is filled with mentions of murders, drug heists and beatings, but the focus ultimately - and affectingly - rests on the more quotidian dramas.
  • Under his expert hand, the Wiener Philharmoniker, apt to phone it in for something as "quotidian" as Mozart's 40th, shines and sparkles with the swank and swagger only it has. Archive 2007-01-01
  • They possess the concreteness of imaginative, spiritual experience rather than the concreteness of quotidian reality.
  • It means "daily bread," but somehow "quotidian" seems right for Seinfeld, 52, a guy whose entire career is built on his bemused study of everyday life. Jerry Seinfeld
  • Using the most direct video methods, Auder captures such quotidian rituals as shaving, applying makeup, dressing and undressing, nursing, bathing, etc.
  • Tra queste, la tesi per cui internet "ruberebbe" e approfitterebbe dei contenuti e delle news prodotti dai giornali, sfruttando il lavoro altrui: tesi contraddetta dal fatto che la gran parte dei contenuti che i quotidiani italiani pubblicano viene da altre fonti. un'indagine esattamente su questo studiando la circolazione di una notizia sui giornali internazionali. Wittgenstein
  • [W] hereas there is no other felicity of beasts but the enjoying of their quotidian food, ease, and lusts, as having little or no foresight ... man observes how one event has been produced by another, and remembers in them antecedence and consequence," declared Hobbes. Andrew Belonsky: What the BP Oil Spill Tells Us About Human Nature
  • In our quotidian acts of reverence, we read these portraits with ineffable sadness, but every day we are exalted by them, joining in the community of a city that has discovered itself in a union of souls.
  • As recorded severally elsewhere in these quotidian chronicles, a frequent bringer of singular annoyances is Dr. Crow.
  • I never heard the word quotidian in this sense, and I imagined it to be a word of Dr Johnson’s own fabrication; but Journal of a Tour to the Hebrides
  • English landscape, Austen offers a sort of test case that asks how the sensibility endorsed by the eighteenth-century novel fares in quotidian England. Money, Matrimony, and Memory: Secondary Heroines in Radcliffe, Austen, and Cooper
  • Ordincm flatuit fupra conftiru - tum talem, uC quotidie Canticura Gradujm diccrent* ad Miffam Lita - nias quotidianis diebus facerent; & familiares Pfalmcs fuper Formas can - tarent. Antiquitates Italicae Medii Aevi, sive, Dissertationes de moribus, ritibus, religione, regimine, magistratibus, legibus, studiis literarum, artibus, lingua, militia, nummis, principibus, libertate, servitute, foederibus, aliisque faciem & mores Italic
  • Da nos hodie nostre pan quotidian, e pardona a nos nostre debitas como nos pardona a nostre debitores, e non duce nos in tentation, sed libera nos del mal. Archive 2006-12-01
  • Neither "turpitude" nor "quotidian" get a mention in my little English-French dictionary. Phyllis Stine Gets a Job!
  • It puts an end to the cyclic character of the six strophes and opens the door back into quotidian time.
  • On 14 February 2008 with 9 comments explicate discursive paratactic trope quotidian Waldo Jaquith - 5 words my poetry professor used during today’s lecture.
  • I concentrate, more than I think virtually any comic book artist has in the past, on the so-called mundane details of every day life - quotidian life.
  • Oil of the seed, given from half a scruple to half a dram, in some liquor, or a spoonful of juice in some wine, taken before the fit comes on, and the person is put to bed, cures quotidians and quartans.
  • But to Carlyle people in conversation requires constant practice with a master -- _consuetudine quotidiana cum aliquo congredi_ -- and he had for so long a time knocked everybody down without meeting the least resistance, that victory had palled upon him, and he had, so to speak, "vinegared" on himself. Memoirs
  • That's the main point of this book to me - over and above its function as a quite beautiful visual artifact, it serves as a powerful reminder that the essential, quotidian experience of the modern city is change.
  • The conjugal relation portrayed between husband and wife differs in both its commensal and sexual aspects from a quotidian union.
  • Of course, the criticism at Blographia Literaria remains stiff with jargon “Realistic scene-dressing is the provision of quotidian details which, because of their superfluity or excessiveness, demonstrate at least the authorial intention of anchoring the action in reality”, but at least Seal has given up moral preening for a bit. Archive 2010-02-01
  • The quotidian chores became his existential challenge.
  • In just under an hour, the film goes over the quotidian activities at the restaurant, including produce delivery, window-washing, and the daily brainteaser of its highly-coveted reservations. Roseann M. Lake: elBulli in Beijing
  • First, I had yearned to escape the workaday world where I went about my quotidian tasks and routines and travel to an isolated place filled with natural beauty and silence for my writers retreat.
  • The body which is diseased from the effects of fire is in a continual fever; when air is the agent, the fever is quotidian; when water, the fever intermits a day; when earth, which is the most sluggish element, the fever intermits three days and is with difficulty shaken off. Timaeus
  • In watching, absorbing the ritualised cycle of the days and nights among the living and the dead, maybe we can find a sense of the quotidian nature of death that can draw away so much of the fear.
  • The laid-back tone of the show is the same as ever: Big Hollywood events are sparsely interspersed with the monotony of the quotidian even if the quotidian is a high roller's. The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
  • The lens in this collection is focused very carefully upon the quotidian, with all of its utterly familiar vexations.
  • Although one got a glimpse of the colorful nature of quotidian reality in the Niger Delta from the video documentaries, a couple of large pictures showing people in vividly hued clothing would have done the trick.
  • Se il concetto di fotografie animate non soddisfa il vostro bisogno quotidiano di ossimori, pensate al creazionismo scientifico. No Fat Clips!!! : Jan Saudek. Animated Photographs.
  • What if they declare that it's time for the public to be told some of the hard truths about the intelligence community's quotidian operations?
  • She loved them for their mortality, for their casual acceptance of the dark, and for their quotidian lives, so unlike her own.
  • The details are quotidian, but the underlying questions both simple and profound: Who am I?
  • Robert Lowell's famous poem ‘Mending Wall ‘evokes the quotidian pleasure of repairing a wall.’
  • Here is an enchanted world, a sanctuary for humans as much as for animals, in which the niggling concerns of our quotidian existence seem thousands of miles away.
  • These (sung, but not high, Masses), are the Masses that are called quotidianæ in the Missal. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 12: Philip II-Reuss
  • there's nothing quite like a real...train conductor to add color to a quotidian commute
  • They depict a kind of fall from quotidian grace - evoking a realm where spills, stumbles and bumps thwart our schedules, routines and Palm Pilot agendas.
  • So a different outlook would be one which seeks to fuse again ordinary quotidian life with beauty, with art in its proper sense as ‘a thing made well’.
  • These letters are familiar, occasionally intimate, but on the whole quotidian, recurring to her real estate woes and his ne'er-do-well relations.
  • There's nothing quite like a real train conductor to add color to a quotidian commute.

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