How To Use Quote In A Sentence

  • The overall seaminess of that enterprise is so underreported that just last week, one of the Post's own reporters felt like they had to obtain a quote in order to get the dictionary definition of "lobbyist" into their story. Peter Orszag's Move From The White House To Citigroup Should Definitely Trouble You
  • None of the books quotes any sources or authorities for its statements, and all have pathetic indexes.
  • I can't quote you chapter and verse but I think it's a line from 'Macbeth'.
  • ‘It will therefore serve a better purpose to issue official statements for media consumption,’ Bernama quoted him as saying.
  • From the outset, we get the kind of writing beloved of a certain kind of creative writing teacher: the kind you can pluck out and quote admiringly.
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  • When Carol Thatcher returns to these shores from the jungle she may well be rather surprised to find her ‘good friend’ Linda McDougall quoted in most of the papers. Carol & Linda to Heal the Rift?
  • The member did not read out correctly either the exact quote of what the Minister said or what is written here on the Order Paper.
  • I quote it at length, with O'Reilly's rather selective quotation in boldface.
  • The IP pellet was resuspended in final wash buffer and aliquoted for subsequent biochemical analyses.
  • Chylific fan whole life quote meliaceae, panegyrical adaptational cd viewpoint ii, coltish oblateness lubricant, eventration skinny mnemonic, litterbug, and illegibly ridiculously copiously! Rational Review
  • And that's not just because Rob autographed my free copy and quoted me on pages 133 and 202!
  • Many, if not most, complaints about misquotes, I believe, stem from a person's remarks being taken out of context.
  • This pushed up his quotes because insurers use this information to verify applicants' identity. Times, Sunday Times
  • Reporter - unquote "unquote" is looking for a confident, competent and ambitious reporter with language skills, specifically French or Scandinavian, to work as part of the unquote "team. News from
  • ‘Thou still unravished bride of quietness,’ he quoted. Lady Chatterley's Lover
  • The one quote that strikes me as quite unsound is the one at the very end, though of course it's always impossible to tell if some relevant context might have been inadvertently cut in the editing.
  • She says they're, quote 'just good friends' unquote.
  • The exact particulars of the similarity never came to light, but apparently the lady had, in a fit of high-minded inadvertence, had gone through the ceremony of marriage with, one quotes the unpublished discourse of Mr. Butteridge — “a white-livered skunk,” and this zoological aberration did in some legal and vexatious manner mar her social happines. The War in the Air
  • The judge, clearly no law-and-order zealot, is quoted as saying, I was brought up in the era of Just William. Stromata Blog:
  • (Salmon, salt, pepper, sugar, and dill – the osmotic pressure semi-dehydrates the salmon, creating a brine that it sits in.) Chris Travers (Quote) The Volokh Conspiracy » Are Carbs Worse than Fat?
  • The U.S. S.ate Department Monday expressed surprise at the -- quote -- "abruptness" and said other countries face their own decisions on whether to stay or go. CNN Transcript Apr 19, 2004
  • ‘There were seven misquotes, 32 errors of fact,’ he says, overlooking his own book's refreshingly loose association with accepted English grammar and punctuation.
  • Companies quoted on the London Stock Exchange are required under stock market listing rules to provide timely information on news that might affect their share price.
  • Putting in a quote there breaks the flow of your speech.
  • So much so that people still endlessly share their images and quotes today. The Sun
  • Her reply was quoted out of context and seemed to mean something quite different from what she had intended.
  • Harry's a mixed breed - ‘the couture of dogdom’ to quote the Italian actress and model.
  • ‘I must have misspoke,’ Bartlett, now White House communications director, was quoted as telling the Globe in a recent interview.
  • Their quotes and epigrams take up a sometimes shocking amount of space in columns and essays.
  • Danny Dyer and Zoo magazine in row over 'misquote' claim guardian., Monday 10 May 2010 12.02 BST Film |
  • For all you one-way ticket holders remaining on board, to quote Marlon Brando in "On The Waterfront," next stop: "Palookaville"!
  • He quoted recent test results to support his viewpoint.
  • Curt Gowdy, baseball trivia, quotes, what i've learned, major league, baseball history, opening day curt gowdy broadcaster interviewed 2003 Article Feed
  • Once, a joky quote would be reported in the manner in which it was delivered.
  • And Garver used "doggone" when quoted after he screwed up his finance report. Doggone it
  • Google says they will be, quote, "unobtrusive" -- uh-huh, likely story -- and will appear at the bottom of some of the videos for 10 seconds. CNN Transcript Aug 22, 2007
  • I don't particularly care whether a stock quote is 20 minutes late, but if I wanted current information I'd probably go to Bloomberg.
  • On this occasion the always quoteworthy mezzotintist, James Huneker, wrote: Contemporary American Composers Being a Study of the Music of This Country, Its Present Conditions and Its Future, with Critical Estimates and Biographies of the Principal Living Composers; and an Abundance of Portraits, Fac-simile Musical Autographs, and
  • No wonder the fees quoted in America have caused such a rumpus. Times, Sunday Times
  • He quotes from the diary: ‘a doodlebug comes over our bus and we all crouch down to avoid the shattering of the window-glass.’
  • Their study of the Aranda Aborigines of Central Australia is still widely quoted.
  • The ",nq" suffix here just asks the expression evaluator to remove the quotes when displaying the final value nq = no quotes. Site Home
  • i helpful, there is "=" and ": =" with = you don't use quotes, eg. this = This is GREAT! but how to use vars? put them in \% here\%. but: = works different. you need quotes. this: = "something is here" vars are naked this: = "the answer is" answer gives you the \% answer\%. and not ... the actual answer. AutoHotkey Community
  • The rest of the library-in-the-round alternated between displays, TV videos, and various quotes/info on the walls.
  • She quoted from the report to support her point.
  • From the figures quoted above, between 119 and 429 additional cases of endometriosis would be expected.
  • She's been out pricing new cases, protective screens, memory expanders - you name it, she's got a quote for it.
  • Another “famous” quote from my alma mater is “where the men are men, and so are the women” … See also: The engineering department.
  • The G.A.O. concluded, quote, "Some of these concerns were reported to have caused local problems at federal elections, resulting in the loss or miscount of votes. Elizabeth Edwards: John Wanted To "Fight" 2004 Election Results, Was Overruled
  • Every mom has a favourite quote and a special tone to or teach a lesson to their kids.
  • But the thing that really bugs me about Cheney's quote (again, he said, regarding torture, that: "The fact of the matter is the Justice Department reviewed all those allegations several years ago.") is that in using the Justice Department as justification, he brings to mind the old story used to define the Yiddish word chutzpah: Someone who kills his parents and then throws himself on the mercy of the court as an orphan. Mitchell Bard: Hypocrisy Alert: Cheney Relies on the Objectivity of the Justice Department to Defend Torture
  • Cicero - The man who backbites an absent friend: A quote for Gordon & Peter Mandelson. Archive 2008-12-01
  • The bigger thing for people to understand when is you put it on the unsubstantiated word of a reprobate witness who's getting "bribed" -- quote unquote -- by the government, paid by the government, and the 10th circuit mentioned that. CNN Transcript Aug 19, 2003
  • The Sana news agency quoted an unnamed official as expressing "regret" that Arab states had "completely ignored facts on the killing and sabotage committed by armed terrorist groups".
  • Concerntug the v* - trade* the force of my argument goes no farther than this; — that its Juppftfliou, by the ISrihfli government only, other nations continuing the trade as ufua\ % who would of cotirfe felSC on what we funender, would anfwer the purpofes of humanity, cither to the negroes tn Africa, or to thofe already in the Weft Indies; and I have quoted* in fupport of this opinion, the authoiitiesof men (naval commander! and others) who arc intimately acquainted with the trade, though no ways intended in its continuance; and I have not yet met with any evidence or argument* to Kivtttdate their testimony. The Monthly Review
  • The most frequently quoted remark was one made by the great English engineer Robert Stephenson, builder of the famous Britannia railroad bridge, a tubular iron bridge, over the Menai Strait the trains ran through a succession of enormous iron boxes set on stone piers. The Great Bridge
  • Buzz about your managerial style, your thirst for power, your "helpmate" President Clinton, who has already been quoted as saying he feels he owes it to you to do everything he can to win you this election. Stacy Parker Aab: Hillary Clinton as Mob Boss, Possibly on Verge of...
  • observer" was quoted as saying John Terry was completely blottered and dancing like an "old dad" to Britney Spears at the Whisky Mint club. Kickette Blog
  • The OTCBB provides access to more than 3300 securities, includes more than 230 participating market makers, and electronically transmits real-time quote, price, and volume information in domestic securities, foreign securities and adrs. - Financial News
  • The former chief of the judiciary and close ally of Khamenei, Ayatollah Mahmoud Shahroudi, was quoted Monday in Iranian newspapers as calling the postelection rifts a "family dispute" that can be worked out through dialogue. Newsvine - Get Smarter Here
  • The quote was recorded six months before Dall was shoved aside by Ranieri to be left twisting in the wind by Gutfreund.
  • The fund will invest about 80% of its portfolio in quoted stocks in both Europe and the US with the remaining 20% investing in unquoted health and biotech companies which are about 18 months away from flotation.
  • House Speaker Dennis Hastert was told directly by the president on Saturday that this would be happening, and then this morning, I'm told by his aide that he says his mind is very focused on the men and women, the sailors, the soldiers, carrying out this mission, and he wishes them -- quote -- "Godspeed" -- John. CNN Transcript Oct 8, 2001
  • The learned Sanskritist, H.H. Wilson, quotes the name Pippilika = ant-gold, given by the people of Little Thibet to the precious dust thrown up in the emmet heaps. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • PCP produce flowers as you take flexeril to get rewards credit cards One such pharmacy sacred heart diet for the medicine business schools so mortgage loan rate bioterrorism health insurance quote sensitive mortgage broker career for successful internet gambling home fosamax call a elavil determine paxil asthma can be obesity say new drugs viagra alternative suicidality whether or progressive triple 7s blackjack suppressant medicine is var r = document. referrer; document. write ( '') Horses Mouth February 22, 2007 4:57 PM
  • This new website can book them a berth in a marina, get them an insurance quote and identify the nearest marine surveyor.
  • Whatever it is that day, we make our gripes, put his "progressiveness" in meanie scare quotes, or maybe even go all the way with "so-called progressive. Josh Mull: What's worse: Steele's Afghanistan comments or the reaction?
  • When derided for mounting a pair of Government "bluchers," tied over bare feet, with bits of glaring tassel-string from his camel-saddle, he quoted the proverb, "Whoso liveth with a people forty days becomes of them. The Land of Midian — Volume 1
  • Harkin, antifilibuster quotes from Joe Biden and Barack Obama and the enthusiasm of his colleagues in the classes of 2006 and 2008 in the Democratic caucus. NPR Topics: News
  • I've always liked the Hilaire Belloc quote: "When I am dead, I hope it may be said: His sins were scarlet, but his books were read.
  • Looking annoyed, Thomas clears his throat, and not to be outdone as a bardolater, quotes the same again.
  • Yes | No | Report from huntnow wrote 8 weeks 5 hours ago to quote myself from earlier this month, "the ancient art of trapping is vastly underrated". How would i get rid of raccoons that won't get out of my garbage?
  • Please quote our reference when replying.
  • The London Hungarian Committee in 1849 quoted Article X, by Leopold II, of the House of Hapsburg, in 1790, which definitely stated that "Hungary with her appanages is a free kingdom, and in regard to her whole legal form of government (including all the tribunals) independent; that is, entangled with no other kingdom or people, but having her own peculiar consistence and constitution; accordingly to be governed by her legitimately crowned king after her peculiar laws and customs. Memoir and Letters of Francis W. Newman
  • But in the scope of this metaphor, the implication is that euthanizing the whales will somehow make room for "better" (sneer quotes) classes of whales to evolve that aren't disoriented by subchaser pings. Undefined
  • The postcard is from my homeland, and includes a famous quote by Mahatma Gandhi.
  • In most cases, I know the bible better than they have, and can outquote them any day. The Volokh Conspiracy » Atheism and Proselytization:
  • None of the books quotes any sources or authorities for its statements, and all have pathetic indexes.
  • I found a quote on Anatoli Boukreev's chorten especially touching: "Mountains are not stadiums where I satisfy my ambition to achieve," he said. Simply Because It's There?
  • I don't see any reason to "pussyfoot" (to quote a famous Democrat racist, George Wallace). - Exposing Liberal Media Bias
  • More generally, it’s the expression to be defined, as opposed to the definiens, which is the phrase doing the defining.beamishQuote The Volokh Conspiracy » Definiendum
  • All quotes, except those cited by link, consist entirely of hearsay, malefactions, and poorly-conjured misrepresentations.
  • Messrs. Frick and Gary, as set forth in the letter quoted above, to the effect that I did not deem it my duty to interfere, that is, to forbid the action which more than anything else in actual fact saved the situation. Theodore Roosevelt; an Autobiography
  • HuffPost's Sam Stein writes, Unwilling or perhaps uneager to let go of last week's scuffle over Mitt Romney's controversial distortion of an old Barack Obama quote, the Democratic National Committee announced on Monday a major ad campaign attacking the former Massachusetts governor's character. HUFFPOST FUNDRACE - Obama Takes A Page From Bush, GOP Targets Obama Through TV Ads, Palin Dead Enders Want Her To Reconsider
  • I mean, they were sort of old fashioned in the way he would post the quotes, and yet it was a very skillful use of medium and I thought, you know, politicians kind of quaked when they went on there. CNN Transcript Jun 13, 2008
  • In those northern countries, the people are therefore generally dull, heavy, and many witches, which (as I have before quoted) Saxo Grammaticus, Olaus, Baptista Porta ascribe to melancholy. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • If you look at Obama's full quote -- which you can read right here -- it's very clear that Obama was not directly "regretting" the failure of the court to be "radical. McCain Campaign Falsely Claims Obama Described Court's Failure to Redistribute Wealth As "Tragedy"
  • Another baffling call from our friends the bookmakers as they quoted Waterford at a very generous 6 / 4.
  • Most of them are elderly people coming for balneology treatment, for which they pay EUR 290 on top of the main package of EUR 1 000, said the Manager of Kur-Club, Krasimira Georgieva, as quoted by BGNES. (Sofia News Agency)
  • We define female breasts as "hypersexual" (quotes because it's not the perfect term, but gets at the meaning). what's new online!
  • Hillary Clinton and John Edwards caught making comments about getting rid of other candidates in debate the ones who quote, "trivialize" debates. CNN Transcript Jul 15, 2007
  • The quote from the acceptance speech, which was delivered shortly before his death, serves to emphasize the consistency of his life and his theory.
  • Many recent papers still quote the 2002 figure, but assuming 17% growth during 1994-2001, 25% growth* between 2002-2010 would mean: Asian Correspondent: Bangkok Pundit
  • The ironic tone is a visual effect produced by encapsulating quoted matter in the balloons - a cartoonish medium that gives us permission to laugh again.
  • Step 7 Close the dialogue box and click on the icon to produce a quote.
  • The New Testament writers never quote from any of the apocryphal books.
  • Her promise was deliberately misquoted by her opponents, who then used it against her.
  • Equity capital that is not quoted on a public exchange.
  • Given the difficulties he is experiencing with Waterford Wedgwood, another of his publicly quoted ventures, we're not sure why O'Reilly wants the aggro that goes with keeping this vehicle in the spotlight.
  • In a hearing before the New Hampshire Public Utilities Commission, consumer advocate Meredith Hatfield quoted a recent report by consultants hired to monitor FairPoint's "cutover" from Verizon that suggested FairPoint is underestimating the number of customer orders that have gone unfilled since the official transition began in late January. local, state, business and sports news
  • But I’ve never been one for the male bimbo look, especially when (as the folks at Defamer reported) said male bimbo bares his, ahem, "peen" (to quote my esteemed colleague Michael Slezak), while playing the didgeridoo. The real reason Matthew McConaughey's 'Surfer, Dude' went under |
  • And spurring that doubt are a growing crop of policy makers like Darrell Issa, profiled recently in the New Yorker, as a Republican representative poised to become Chairman of the Oversight Committee, who last year quoted Genesis at a congressional hearing to dismiss the dangers of climate change, As long as the earth endures, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night will never cease... Kate Otto: "Rapid Response" to an Ancient Issue (VIDEO)
  • Judging from the principal's form response to correspondents it sounds like he was also misquoted by the Rutland Herald and has even used blogging in the classroom himself.
  • It has come to my attention that if you do a Yahoo (but not Google) search for (no quotes) etymologic form of janitor you will hit one and only one site. Archive 2005-07-01
  • Note also that the price is a quote, so the company that underquotes the cost by the most has the greater chance of winning the contract.
  • Listing 11 shows an example of the escape sequences for a string that uses a single quote as an apostrophe.
  • The longer-term plans are for the next three to five years and the couple have yet to find quotes for the work. Times, Sunday Times
  • The quote is apt for a company that soon will be amongst the most modern and well equipped in the world.
  • But the man didn't quote Scripture, just drifted away.
  • The second pronunciation of "garrote" sounds like "quote" and the current meaning of garrote is to execute by strangulation. Sarah Palin's most famous quote and the problem of a quote becoming famous in a misremembered form.
  • He quoted the example of France as a country with an excellent rail service.
  • They insist they were, quote, "ambushed" by the FBI. CNN Transcript Nov 24, 2008
  • A few experiences like that and no sane person will want to commit themselves to anything quoteworthy or definite. Unsolicited Advice, Part Six: Talking to the Media
  • Because in fourteen of these traditions the person who quotes her is the fourth-century Babylonian amora Abbaye (278 – 338), it is usually assumed in scholarly circles that she was his mother, and that Em is a description (mother) rather than a name. Female Personalities in the Babylonian Talmud.
  • In the front matter of Moby-Dick, William Paley's Natural Theology is quoted: "The aorta of a whale is larger in the bore than the main pipe of the water-works at London Bridge, and the water roaring in its passage through that pipe is inferior in impetus and velocity to the blood gushing from the whale's heart. Stefan Beck: Beaches: Bergman's The Seventh Seal & the Wellfleet Oyster Festival
  • We could then feed that back into the business so we can better quote for jobs. Times, Sunday Times
  • Police sources have been quoted as saying the protesters will be dealt with harshly.
  • The quote from his impromptu speech regarding space travel and its relation to human bone deterioration was hilarious.
  • Date: March 5, 2007 9: 57 AM using terminology phentermine contribute independently viagra sleep aids texas holdem treatment of depression car insurance PCP produce foxwood casino raise your dose uk mortgage advisors or complications car insurance quotes all too black jack Viagra is a effexor SR is home equity loan They free slot games hours after a viagra service US licensed black jack The recent deliberate phentermine one parent phentermine take that product budget car rental been clearly proven casino games and certain infections online casino trials CIALIS tramadol why viagra its Horses Mouth January 22, 2007 4:24 PM
  • But for share portfolios a distinction is drawn between shares in companies listed on a recognized stock exchange and shareholdings in unquoted or family businesses. No Escaping the Taxman
  • One of the quotes which was repeatedly cited by Stalin concerned the difference drawn by Marx between socialism and communism.
  • Lars, I heard Mike tell us two different times not to use self-closing tags, so I know I got the quote right. Web Teacher › Report from WDN 09: Educating the Next Generation of Web Professionals
  • The birds would no longer flute to us of lost loves, but of found worms; we should realise how terribly selfish they are; we could never more quote 'Hark, hark, the lark at heaven's gate sings,' or poetise with Mr. Patmore of 'the heavenly-minded thrush.' Prose Fancies
  • Who is going to dox these quotes?
  • Head of the team from the Christian-Albrechts University in Kiel, Professor Rainer Horn, is quoted by the Sunday Express as saying: The natural decomposition processes are being slowed down. Boing Boing: March 17, 2002 - March 23, 2002 Archives
  • The quote was diligently flashed around the world by wire agencies, including the Press Association.
  • This quote startlingly original novel unquote is both boring and badly written.
  • It is the repository of ‘reasons’ of which Owen speaks in the above quoted passage.
  • I love his quote:'Success consists of going from failure to failure without the loss of enthusiasm. The Sun
  • The extracts quoted by Eutocius from Diocles’ On burning mirrors showed that he was the first to prove the focal property of a parabolic mirror.
  • Chomsky quotes him describing the Vietcong as " a powerful force which cannot be dislodged from its constituency so long as the constituency continues to exist ".
  • The amount paid out is often not as generous the figure you were first quoted. The Sun
  • TAYLOR: Well, I think when the term smoking gun is used, when, it might, in the quote you mentioned from "Newsweek," I was making a technical answer. CNN Transcript Feb 3, 2003
  • That quote made me wonder if the commission is authorized to smack people. Augustine Committee Meets at MSFC Today - NASA Watch
  • Why did he not quote the decisive passages which they contained?
  • In practice, managers usually quote prices somewhere in that band, with a dealing spread of about 6 or 7 percent.
  • Make sure that you include your payment terms on all quotes and invoices that you send out. The Sun
  • Fill them out with examples drawn from your texts and analyse anything that you quote or refer to.
  • The passage is quoted in full.
  • Anyone that quotes that is another Opus Dei cult whacko from the clique of MizzWrong. Think Progress » From “Mission Accomplished” to “Tough Days Ahead”
  • The article goes on to quote from Darwin's "Origin of Species".
  • Against police guidance, some individuals forced the security cordon in an anarchical way, insulting passers-by and police officers and saying they wanted to the head to the palace," the police said in a statement quoted by Angolan state news agency Angop. Several injured in Angola anti-government rally: report
  • I quote from Mr Edmund Gosse in the Sunday Times of May 30th, 1920: "Unless something is done to stem this flood of poetastry the art of verse will become not merely superfluous, but ridiculous. The Second-Order Mind
  • Here, Ann's emailer might not have put blog in quotes because he believes a "highschool girl' s diary" is not worthy of such a title, but rather because he believes the very word "blog" is an annoying, unharmonious contraction of weblog. I get email.
  • Difference of cationic FDY filament quote while stationary, but the actual transaction discount allowance.
  • Quote: “He was known as the brainiest boxman in the history of latter-day baseball.” The Neyer/James Guide To Pitchers
  • And some skill 19th century, CASINO MOVIE QUOTES the term casino came have. Horses Mouth February 14, 2007 1:30 PM
  • The emetic was a disgusting practice of Roman _bon vivants_ who were afraid of indigestion.] [Footnote 3: The verse which Cicero quotes from Lucilius is fairly equivalent to this.] [Footnote 4: Probably by way of salute; or possibly as a precaution.] Cicero Ancient Classics for English Readers
  • Instead of giving the full title, he only gives a brief quote from the middle of the hymn, which matches that of the Veni, redemptor gentium. The Christmas Office
  • Her promise was deliberately misquoted by her opponents, who then used it against her.
  • Take a look at this blogger for this time last year, when most of what I seemed to be doing was chasing permissions for song lyrics I'd quoted.
  • Huh? Anyway, San Diego writer Michael Hemmingson had a little velitation with O'Reilly over a quote from O'Reilly's novel that Hemmingson used in one of his own novels. October 2004
  • Well it was a quote from Theodore Roosevelt, which I put into my wallet very early on in my career after a particularly bad trot.
  • Steve posts, y'know, a link and a quote from Bloomberg News (and downthread, from the Financial Times). Obama: Nationalization Would Be More Expensive Than Our Plan
  • On Friday, Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Michael Pastor scolded White for a media report in which he was quoted as uttering the word "scumbag" in court after a prosecutor aided in Shafer's IV system demonstration on Thursday. Reuters: Press Release
  • Having myself asked several haulage firms for a similar quote, the price ranged from £75 to £100 per load.
  • To support his argument, he quotes opinion polls showing that people in prosperous societies are often unhappy with their lives.
  • And in the world of imperial corporate media, there are no such things as the Iraqi resistance (to the U.S. occupation), resistance fighters, or even a U.S. occupation; even if there are, the labels aremade to appeartoo mild or otherwise inappropriateby a flurry of inflammatory quotes from “official sources,” orby immediatelyshifting the focusonto somenegative act committed last week or even decades ago by theanti-occupationactors. When Corporate Media Were Imperial Shills, or: Now and Always
  • The words of Father John A. Conway, S.J. (in the preface to Fr. von Hammerstein's work, "Edgar, or from Atheism to the Full Truth") may well be quoted in this connection: "Who can read the words that teem from the German The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 6: Fathers of the Church-Gregory XI
  • In a recent article, John Pilger quotes historian Mark Curtis 'characterization of "unworthy victims" as "unpeople" while Herman and Chomsky explain the "propaganda system," played out in the dominant media, characterizes people abused and victimized by us or our client states as "unworthy. "Worthy and Unworthy Victims"
  • Hey, how do we do the cool word ballon quote thing? Comic Book Urban Legends Revealed #138 | Comics Should Be Good! @ Comic Book Resources
  • They are constantly quoted as evidence that man-made climate change is not happening.
  • It's not a coincidence that I quoted his notions of raciality in fantastical races above. Ishoo Wun
  • The string (enclosed in quotes) that follows the cmdlet is the text that is displayed to the user. Simple Talk rss feed
  • Ask for a few quotes and follow up personal recommendations. Times, Sunday Times
  • The following quotes and excerpts ought to provide you with a good springboard for further research into the topic.
  • Two quotes help to illustrate the importance of giving people belief in their own cultural values.
  • Here's a quote from Barbara Walker's "The Woman's Encyclopedia of Myths and Secrets:" "After castrating Set, Horus spread his blood on the fields to render them fertile - the usual fructification-by-male-blood found in the oldst sacrificial Mysteries. Archive 2008-03-01
  • Spread betting involves betting on the outcome of a financial or sporting event based on a ‘spread’ quoted by the bookmaker.
  • Liberal writers from the permissive society of the 1960s are quoted and their opinions are taken to have been effective.
  • I will selectively quote what I find interesting; you can find the entire speech here.
  • This he learns by repeated perusal, till he can quote almost every passage literatim. Personal Narrative of a Pilgrimage to Al-Madinah and Meccah
  • The quoted stats of doom are actually quite amusing. Times, Sunday Times
  • Today more than two-thirds are quoted non-standard rates and weight is playing an enormous role in that change.
  • Bradford: The correction of obvious inaccuracies is better left to non-scientists who can quote from the papers of scientists. Advocacy in Science: a Parasitic Practice
  • For products from suppliers with e-commerce capabilities, the site also allows users to solicit sample materials, request price quotes, and place purchase orders.
  • Sorry but it makes no sense to quote Reagan redware Blackballing Toomey and Hating DeMint - Erick’s blog - RedState
  • In a follow-up, Chico was quoted as calling Rahm a "pathological evader of the truth. The Countdown: Candidates Debate, Alderman Spins Wax
  • They are publicly quoted companies that fund and guarantee mortgages. Times, Sunday Times
  • I therefore asked Eliot if I might quote his name as a reference.
  • Quotes are fine and sometimes apropos depending on the conversation's tone and topic, however, keep in mind who will be reading the e-mail and the perception your opinion via the quote you include will leave.
  • When he made use of such a phrase as that quoted above, it was to be presumed that he in some sort meant what he said; and so he did, and had intended to signify that Crosbie by his conduct had merited all such condemnation as was the fitting punishment for blackguardism of the worst description. The Small House at Allington
  • This is an extreme case; it is perhaps fairer to quote lines such as si puteal multa cautus vibice flagellas (iv. Post-Augustan Poetry From Seneca to Juvenal
  • I quote from its conclusion: In sum there are certain defining characteristics of the school which emerge from our study.
  • In all future letters on this subject, please use/quote our reference JW/155/C/1991.
  • The poem is too long to quote in its entirety.
  • It's one thing to bowdlerize copy for family consumption, it's quite another to make it sound like someone is being suspended in an act of ultra-PC idiocy because you don't print the actual quote that got them in trouble.
  • But I've never been one for the male bimbo look, especially when (as the folks at Defamer reported) said male bimbo bares his, ahem, "peen" (to quote my esteemed colleague Michael Slezak), while playing the didgeridoo. Entertainment Weekly's PopWatch
  • I guess I will just have to 'freeload' if I lose my job ... blablabla .... this quote was from conservativepro "" You have a moral dilemna if you eliminate preexisting condition clauses. Denver Post: News: Breaking: Local
  • And let the last word quoted here be one of Elizabeth's own, illustrative of her strangely mingled temperament of queenliness and insolence.
  • ColdFusion will note the lack of quotes, evaluate the variable and create a variable x with a type of "numeric" - all hidden from you. full roast blend
  • A woman who reads her Bible, can quote chapter and Verse in any given situation.
  • Start Button\Run\ "cmd" - don't enter the quotes, it's just to show what you need to type. Wilders Security Forums
  • Then, Iran responded by announcing that Britain has, quote, "miscalculated" this issue, saying that, in this case, these sailors may now face, quote, "a legal path. CNN Transcript Mar 29, 2007
  • Most standard sizes of steel coils and cut sheets are sold by weight, typically the price is quoted per hundredweight (which is 100 pounds and abbreviated as "cwt"). Purchasing - Top Stories
  • The Member for Essex delivered a fiery speech, but I think the quote of the day goes to a Member from the Bloc whose riding I didn't catch.
  • Barely a negative vibe will be emitted from any of the bidding nations, nor a single quote uttered which might seem remotely downbeat or pessimistic.
  • Please excuse any misquotes and the hasty sketch.
  • DiversityHire says: troll_dc2: thanks for the gawker link, the comments are priceless: Mean Girls 2: When Hate-y met SluttyDiversityHire (Quote) The Volokh Conspiracy » Caution About Sending E-Mails — and About Trust
  • My advice for people is: watch out, get three quotes on the insulation and keep the new gas boiler running for another decade. Times, Sunday Times

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