How To Use Quittance In A Sentence
Garrio and Nasthai exchanged a few words, and likewise some quittance passed from hand to hand, and Garrio said in the High, “Bring your belongings.”
He was a fraudulent guardian who wanted a quittance for his contract.
To any man who would leave, I will give a signed note of quittance, and never think less of his courage.
Accordingly, on the morrow he gave him a thousand dinars and a suit of clothes and a black slave and mounting him on a she-mule, said to him, Allah give thee quittance of responsibility for all this,29 inasmuch as thou art my friend and it behoveth me to deal generously with thee.
The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
And will any way when my bell of quittance is heard in the gloom
Archive 2008-11-01

Page 12 non-slaveholding white killed a negro, payment of the price of the bondman was his acquittance; in no case was imprisonment or the death penalty inflicted.
The American Negro: What He Was, What He Is, and What He May Become: A Critical and Practical Discussion
Upon partial payment, the creditor may insist on receiving a new bond for the remnant, or he may give an acquittance for the part paid.
Young Marcovich owed Young Dick two dollars, and Young Dick accepted the payment of a dollar and forty cents as full quittance of the debt.
If he would give him a written quittance for the insurance money, Peter would take no further steps in exposing him.
But if I would take a draft for 100 pounds, and sign an acquittance in full of all claims, I might have it, upon proving my identity.
Dollars I do here in due form give him my full recept and aquittance.
Privateering and Piracy in the Colonial Period Illustrative Documents
If expenses incurred exceeded the value of the travel advance, approval from the Group Head is required prior to submitting the acquittance to your Interface Administrator.
Queen, to obtain my acquittance and full discharge from even nominal custody.
Lorna Doone
“On my head and eyes be it!” quoth Judar and took the bread and money saying, “To morrow the Lord will dispel the trouble of my case and will provide me the means of acquittance.”
The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
Missing from the acquittances are the parishes on the west of the county in Wigmore, Huntington and Ewias Lacy hundreds, including Leominster.
His rights cannot be established by possession from time immemorial, nor by innumerable and regular acquittances; he must produce the act of enfeoffment which is many centuries old, the lease which has never, perhaps, been written out, the primitive title already rare in 1720, [2229] and since stolen or burnt in the recent jacqueries: otherwise he is despoiled without indemnity.
The French Revolution - Volume 1
After a superb re-acquittance with Royce and Hadrian in the first several pages, “Avempartha” actually continues more as a series opener with a ton of build-up in the first half of the novel, while the second half is just superb non-stop action, especially when the two threads following Royce, Hadrian and Princess Arista respectively converge at the elven castle...
Archive 2009-03-01
The generous officer would have included Mr. Jarvie and me in this general acquittance; but the Bailie, disregarding an intimation from the landlady to “make as muckle of the Inglishers as we could, for they were sure to gie us plague eneugh,” went into a formal accounting respecting our share of the reckoning, and paid it accordingly.
Rob Roy
It was impossible for him to leave all these arrears of suffering behind him, and he wished, before entering joyously into the future, to obtain a quittance from the past.
Les Miserables
And every hour of love, I have heard him say, pays for itself, on both sides, quittance in full.
This was a task more difficult than that of self acquittance.
The Romance of the Forest
Requirements to be met so that paid cheques do not have to be obtained from banks by public health organisations as acquittances for payment made.
The University will provide accurate and timely acquittances to granting bodies in accordance with the terms and conditions specified in each grant contract or agreement.
A charge very clearly made out against Peytel, is that of dishonesty; he procured from the notary of whom he bought his place an acquittance in full, whereas there were 15,000 francs owing, as we have seen.
The Paris Sketch Book
Forbearance, though it be no acquittance, is sometimes a piece of needful and laudable charity.
Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume V (Matthew to John)
If thou do this, perhaps the device will impose upon the Wazir and the people, and they will believe that thou broughtest her not to the bazar, but for the quittance of thine oath.
The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
I did so, and Bailie Jarvie was looking anxiously around for another, the Scottish law requiring the subscription of two witnesses to validate either a bond or acquittance.
Rob Roy
They stole one hundred and forty five louis d'or and paid me with an acquittance for a tax for the sans-culottes, which is another robbery done to the citizens of this commune where I have neither home nor possessions.
The French Revolution - Volume 3
He might have writ himself _armigero_ in many a bill, or obligation, or quittance, or what not; he might have left something behind him save unpaid tavern bills; he might have heard cases, harried poachers, and quoted old saws; and slept in his own family chapel through sermons yet unwrit, beneath his presentment, done in stone, and a comforting bit of Latin: but he is dead long since.
The Line of Love Dizain des Mariages
So the Caliph rejoiced in the acquittance of the youth and his truth and good faith; moreover, he magnified the generosity of Abu Zarr, extolling it over all his companions, and approved the resolve of the two young men for its benevolence, giving them praise with thanks and applying to their case the saying of the poet,
The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
En plus du Website Pro Day, je propose de tenir début janvier le World Wide Paperwork and Administrivia Day, consacré à régler ces histoires de paperasses j'ai des tas de quittances à trier et à envoyer à ma comptable, par exemple une fois pour toutes.
World Wide Paperwork and Administrivia Day (WoWiPAD) and Website Pro Day (WPD) — Climb to the Stars
Ay, and rato-lorum too; and a gentleman born, Master Parson; who writes himself armigero, in any bill, warrant, quittance, or obligation, armigero.
Act I. Scene I. The Merry Wives of Windsor
Hauing paid the custome, it behoueth to haue a quittance or cocket sealed and firmed with the customers hand, in confirmation of the dispatch and clearing, and before departure thence, to cause the sayd customer to cause search to be made, to the end that at the voiages returne there be no cauilation made, as it oftentimes happeneth.
The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
Ay, and 'rato-lorum' too; and a gentleman born, Master Parson, who writes himself 'armigero' in any bill, warrant, quittance, or obligation -- 'armigero.'
The Merry Wives of Windsor