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How To Use Quintessential In A Sentence

  • It hardly needs emphasizing that in Hong Kong, the quintessential open port, such flows of goods and of people were a long-established part of everyday experience by that time.
  • The plan of the sanctuary complex, now a dignified patchwork of ruins, is quintessentially Syrian, with a small central temple surrounded by an expansive precinct known as the temenos . Temple of the 'Bride of the Desert'
  • The quintessential entertainer - entrepreneur wielded unmatched influence over our childhood.
  • He then celebrated in quintessential Paterson style, sprinting away down the line while furiously dabbing.
  • For most of his career, Iverson has been quintessential, high - scoring offensive showman.
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  • But the quintessential gold bug is an investor who expects every form of paper wealth to collapse, along with civilisation itself.
  • You know, someone who's as attractive as Peter, you know, quintessential look of an anchorperson, it sometimes is difficult - and I think it was difficult in Peter's case - to have people know where your heart is.
  • In the field of bullfighting this verb is the quintessential factor in a well-fought corrida, and it has a lot to do with the rhythm of the bull's charge.
  • _average_ novel of the third quarter of the century -- in a more than average but not of an extraordinary, transcendental, or quintessential condition -- Anthony Trollope is about as good a representative as can be found. The English Novel
  • And there's Bill Lee, a.k.a. "Spaceman," an iconoclastic cult hero to college-age Boston fans in the late '70s, a quintessentially flaky southpaw who once boasted of sprinkling marijuana on his breakfast cereal -- before the buttoned-down Red Sox brass exiled him to the Montreal Expos, in whose uniform he is (sadly) pictured in the card collection. FOUND: Lots and lots of baseball cards
  • Sure, mustard is a quintessential Texas condiment. Texas potato salad, what is it? | Homesick Texan
  • But self-delusion is the quintessential attribute of all dictators. Alemayehu G. Mariam: Ethiopia: Birtukan Unbound!
  • Schlafly Dry-Hopped APA (American pale ale) draws its flavor from Cascade and Chinook hops, two quintessential American strains noted for their citrusy and resiny qualities. Beer: Schlafly's D.C. connection
  • “” in the terrible scene where Strafford learns his doom, is only to be paralleled by the song of Mariana in “Measure for Measure,” wherein, likewise, is abduced in one thrilling poignant strain the quintessential part of the tense life of the whole play. Life of Robert Browning
  • To distinguish semantically between "gourmandise" in its proper application ( "la gourmandise proprement dite") and the common understanding of "gourmandise" as gluttony one must partake in the gourmand's powers of discrimination — unlike the lexicographers, but quintessentially like Savarin, whose prose, in portraying the gourmand's enjoyment of his expertise, takes pleasure it itself. Economies of Excess in Brillat-Savarin, Balzac, and Baudelaire
  • Not your typical Rowland Hilder either ... quite often purchased as a 'Boots' print and featuring tip-carts, mangold wurzles, oast houses and wintery trees they're even disappearing from the car boot sales as the 'ironic decor' set pick up prints of The Green Girl along with the quintessentially English RH. A Drive in the Country
  • To me this children's-song and the fleeting and now plaintive echo of it, as "Voices from Within" -- "_Verso la sera, Di Primavera_" -- in the terrible scene where Strafford learns his doom, is only to be paralleled by the song of Mariana in "Measure for Measure," wherein, likewise, is abduced in one thrilling poignant strain the quintessential part of the tense life of the whole play. Life of Robert Browning
  • He was the quintessential intellectual maverick - a man who thrived on bending the rules and violating the regulations.
  • It is a quintessential village high street with a couple of pubs, a shop and a hairdressers. Times, Sunday Times
  • These are not the orange trees that give us vitamin C, but rather bitter orange trees or citrus aurantium biga radia —"one of the quintessential 'giving trees' of the perfume world," says David Seth Moltz, the nose behind D.S. Orange Blossoms
  • This harmony between properties provides an uninterrupted period setting that is quintessential of the British countryside. Times, Sunday Times
  • Do Go back The quintessential question facing the modern movie biopic is one of distance. Times, Sunday Times
  • Telluride icon and professional ski bum Captain Jack Carey has long symbolized the quintessential adventurer in all of us.
  • Among comments there: The pickle is quintessentially 'Heinz' and is emblematic of your history. Heinz ketchup spruces up label with a tomato
  • The San Francisco Chronicle described the two main characters as ‘two plain-spoken, quintessentially American subjects’.
  • This harmony between properties provides an uninterrupted period setting that is quintessential of the British countryside. Times, Sunday Times
  • Outtrim, the Internet prodigy who cut the code for Hotdog in his loungeroom, was photographed in jeans, open-necked shirt and reversed baseball cap, the quintessential Web geek.
  • Organ Pipe is quintessential Sonoran Desert terrain, a landscape of cactus and creosote bush interspersed with jagged mountains and laced with thickets of mesquite, ironwood, and palo verde trees.
  • Constructed with fire retardant cedar roof shingles and exterior walls made of rough-hewn lumber, it is the quintessential ski retreat.
  • With its European style cafes and restaurants, murmuring waterfalls, and lush semi-tropical vegetation, an evening stroll along its shores is a quintessential San Antonio experience.
  • As discussed above, the city is the quintessential home of Auster's version of the post-modern poet.
  • He was the quintessential intellectual maverick - a man who thrived on bending the rules and violating the regulations.
  • But the universities have become the chief promoters of that quintessentially human activity, inquiry for inquiry's sake. The Times Literary Supplement
  • In the air-conditioned comfort of the ship's stately lounges my whims and caprices are anticipated by the quintessential British crew.
  • Reveillon by St. Gervais) -- I say if any of these comforters of the living anywhere grace the earth, you shall find my master Rabelais giving you the very innermost and animating spirit of all these good things, their utter flavour and their saving power in the quintessential words of his incontestably regalian lips. On Nothing and Kindred Subjects
  • Either a quintessential cult record or another cocky slice of childish bombast, the CD is still a more personal confession than many of its posey peers.
  • Berlin is still the quintessentially cool European city.
  • The band's dueling guitars harken back to the arty axe work of the quintessential NYC act Television.
  • He was a quintessential fearless big-wave rider and the first native to do aerials and floaters and 360s.
  • Bernie is the quintessential ironic protagonist, the luckless man.
  • It's quintessential to being British. Times, Sunday Times
  • Along with modesty, that other quintessentially British characteristic, self-deprecation, is on the wane - it doesn't work in a culture of swank and bravado.
  • Homophiles conceived of sexuality as a quintessentially private domain, but to support this private right, they argued, public education was necessary.
  • I started out as a wee little brat in Los Altos for 6 years where we were accustomed to NON-white Christmases, then moved to Connecticut where we lived in quintessential New England suburbia..where we OFTEN had white Christmases. White Christmas, LA style
  • Even the quintessential Good Book abounds in naughty passages like the men in II Kings 18: 27 who, as the comparatively tame King James translation puts it, “eat their own dung, and drink their own piss.” EXTRALIFE – By Scott Johnson - Almost Before We Spoke, We Swore
  • Even the most ingenious taster can be hard pressed to find adjectives to describe the quintessential flavour of Sylvaner.
  • Once there, they will perform a series of historic dances to music by the QuintEssential Sackbut & Cornett Ensemble.
  • The series deconstructs the very chocolate-box works of William-Adolphe Bouguereau, which are quintessential in their idyllic imagery and comfortably absorbed into a mainstream acceptance of art and history. Jersey City Artist Graham McNamara Talks About His Work, the Studio Tour, and the Business of Art
  • This painting style was critically embraced as representing quintessential French qualities.
  • Listen out for a relaxed, almost effortless performance: the quintessential garden singer. Times, Sunday Times
  • If he was the quintessential Parisian (in his autobiography, he describes himself as “a Parisian from the heart of Paris”), she was the fiercely ambitious arriviste. The King Is Dead
  • But his quintessential New York story should endear him to the city, enthusiasts insist. Founding Father's New Home
  • It sacralized the traditional order of things and situated history, society, and politics in the transcendent, and thus seems quintessentially premodern.
  • Jason is the quintessential 21st century action hero - young, in buffed physical shape and devoid of any trace of romanticism.
  • I believe Antonio is the quintessential Montrealer because Montreal is a quirky city.
  • The redneck king and the quintessential greenie at one.
  • George III was thus in many ways the quintessential tabloid monarch: familiar, honest, outspoken - and chary of foreigners.
  • Brands once regarded as quintessentially British now adorn the backs, arms and feet of shoppers around the world. Times, Sunday Times
  • The quintessential British confectionery is huge in Japan. Times, Sunday Times
  • It's such a relaxed and friendly place and the ethos is all part of that. quintessentiallysoho. comThis is The members' club that serves up help for homeless people
  • He branded the damage "cultural vandalisation" and described the First Folio as a "quintessentially English treasure".
  • The book celebrates some of the best recent examples of this quintessentially American style.
  • The quintessential ultramarathoner, Karnazes takes exquisite joy from the fundamental act of the sport he describes as the zenith of endurance.
  • Her classical style is quintessentially French.
  • So any mandatory reading list for young women should include at least one quintessential guy book.
  • Bert is the quintessential cantankerous old man, a know-it-all with a chip on his shoulder the size of an AARP Magazine cover. Holly Cara Price: Rubbernecking Recap: Project Runway, Episode 3, "Go Big or Go Home"
  • Brands once regarded as quintessentially British now adorn the backs, arms and feet of shoppers around the world. Times, Sunday Times
  • Perhaps too there is something quintessentially feminine about the hang. Times, Sunday Times
  • Cairo is the quintessential Islamic city.
  • To be fair to Mansbridge and Klein, both quintessentially Canadian, they probably did mean it in the "inhale" sense, as Stephanie said above, and Kim reinforced. Genericized brand names: use a tissue, not a kleenex
  • The first movie, made in 1969, was the quintessential British caper film of the 1960s.
  • But you can find the quintessential winterberry wreath everywhere this time of year. Weekend garden cleanup uncovers my winterberry « Sugar Creek Gardens’ Blog
  • The act of self-stabbing implies an unsurpassable hopelessness coupled with ferocity; it is the quintessential self-murder.
  • The quintessential English classic sportster is not an MG, a Lotus or even a Jag.
  • It heats the blood, thickens the animal spirits, and obfuscates the cerebrum with frenetical and lymphatic idols, which cloud the quintessential light of the pure reason. Westward Ho!
  • Those who are familiar with James's ghost stories will see at once that this is a quintessentially Jamesian situation, so much so that one wonders why it never occurred to him to write about it. Her Master's Voice From the Other Side
  • With its European style cafes and restaurants, murmuring waterfalls, and lush semi-tropical vegetation, an evening stroll along its shores is a quintessential San Antonio experience.
  • Save time and money with our quintessential grocery-shopping list of must-have foods.
  • The orange-tip butterfly is quintessential to our experience of spring. Times, Sunday Times
  • Eventually there were well over 250 amphitheatres in the Roman empire - so it is no surprise that the amphitheatre and its associated shows are the quintessential symbols of Roman culture.
  • Perhaps too there is something quintessentially feminine about the hang. Times, Sunday Times
  • This is a quintessentially American idea, I think.
  • Fraser physically embodies his role to perfection, as the quintessential square-shouldered, square chinned, honest American.
  • She's a quintessential bookworm, a ferocious autodidact - someone who, whatever her missteps and transgressions, commands our respect and attention.
  • By the time the duo meet years later, however, Kajol has mutated into the quintessential image of traditional womanhood, perpetually clothed in chiffon saris and polite diffidence.
  • Among oceangoing avian species, albatrosses and frigatebirds are the quintessential seabirds.
  • Think of the quintessential comfort garment - the cardigan - and your mind inevitably imagines it, at its comfiest, as beige. Times, Sunday Times
  • The meal - an al fresco affair under a starlit sky - is a quintessentially Rajasthani affair.
  • But the film medium has always had difficulty in translating effects that are quintessentially literary.
  • But there were other selves than the smoothly functioning, well-oiled, quintessentially independent Helena Latimer. DREAMS OF INNOCENCE
  • Central planning and autarkic barter systems have given way to generally capitalist principles with a resounding vote of confidence to the quintessentially American way of life. Chip Cycle Trumps The Confidence Gap
  • It is a familiar, and quintessentially British, ritual.
  • Far from being a pampered poodle, I was quintessential Mother – shopper, shlepper, builder, financier, adviser, and cheerleader. Boston Time-Out or What I did on my summer "vacation"
  • If a Beethoven symphony or a Bach fugue be played with metronomical rigidity it loses its quintessential flavor. Chopin : the Man and His Music
  • The quintessential American sports car is to go on sale in Europe. Times, Sunday Times
  • One of the quintessentially British items recently pushed from salad bowls brimming with rocket and mizuna is watercress.
  • This is a city prone to paranoia at the best of times, as personified by that quintessential New Yorker, Woody Allen.
  • We will be closer to elucidating the basis of quintessentially human qualities like language and selfawareness.
  • First impressions are that I've found the quintessential Western town, with clapboard houses and little red brick shops lining a tree-shaded square.
  • He may have been king of the aesthetes and the quintessential dandy about town - but behind the bedroom door, Oscar Wilde lived the life of a careless sloven.
  • Constructed with fire retardant cedar roof shingles and exterior walls made of rough-hewn lumber, it is the quintessential ski retreat.
  • We stopped for gas on the way home and were parking in front of her house when she turned to relate what I've come to think of as the quintessential Lisa story.
  • Barrel-chested and bombastic, he's always been the quintessential, larger-than-life, rah-rah leader.
  • She is quite actressy - that air of refined largesse - and also seems quintessentially English.
  • Jen looked poised and beautiful, the quintessential bride, in red patent-leather Betty Boop heels.
  • This music sings with the burning passion and intensity of human emotion that is quintessentially Mahler.
  • The advantages of this direct approach are twofold and quintessentially Melbourne.
  • The town, with its nautical history, its foghorns, its steep bluffs and clannish folk, is quintessential Minesota.
  • Male or female, narcissists are the quintessential sharks: Self-confidence and charm make them highly appealing in the early stages of attraction.
  • Groups of three, five or more will result in that quintessential English look. Times, Sunday Times
  • His dark olive complexion, jet black hair, and deep brown eyes gave him the quintessential Mediterranean look favored by women.
  • I don't want to sound excessively alarmist, because I do believe that in the end the quintessential Australian qualities of egalitarianism, the fair go and mateship and so on will come out on top.
  • The end product is quintessentially rich and rewarding.
  • It's quintessential to being British. Times, Sunday Times
  • The changeling is the quintessential symbol of the child who feels detached from her family.
  • The appearance of the quintessential English country house is maintained, but all manner of surprises await inside. Times, Sunday Times
  • Listen out for a relaxed, almost effortless performance: the quintessential garden singer. Times, Sunday Times
  • This harmony between properties provides an uninterrupted period setting that is quintessential of the British countryside. Times, Sunday Times
  • Plus it's Hugh and Drew, being quintessentially Hugh* and Drew**. Archive 2007-04-01
  • He was the quintessential tough guy.
  • He insisted on the development of a force de frappe, a nuclear deterrent, which at the time was considered a quintessential underpinning of superpower status.
  • Isolated and ruined, it sits on 1000 acres of windswept, forbidding land, and is the quintessential haunted house.
  • These comprise the quintessential sights and sounds of Maritime coastal communities.
  • Whatever his faults and many quirks, Monty is the quintessential team player.
  • Well you see there was this billion dollar moment back in September 2008 before PIMCO turned tail on its reputed investment strategy of quality only, and made huge investments in quintessential junk, namely Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac subordinated debt. Raymond J. Learsy: Bond Fund Goliath Pimco Hires Head Of Government's $700 Billion Tarp Program; Citizens Pick Up Your Slings!
  • Such movies are quintessentially melodramatic.
  • Until recently, feathers were the quintessential feature of avians, associated only with flight.
  • Uncle Satch was a real piece of work -- the quintessential Irishman with a big red face, loudhailer voice, shock of white hair, bawdy laugh, fiery temper and wicked sense of humor. Cathleen Falsani: It's What You Do, Not What You Say: Requiem For Uncle Satch
  • But for that money, you get a car that is as far advanced from the beige 1982 Toyota Starlet I bought new to beat the gas-price crunch of the early 1980s as that quintessential econobox was from a Mercedes-Benz of its day. Auto Makers Sweeten the Recipe for Small Cars
  • Roasted garlic with sheep's milk cheese is the quintessential Corsican meal.
  • I am far from the first to emphasize what has been regarded by many as our quintessential postmodernist predicament.
  • The quintessential American sports car is to go on sale in Europe. Times, Sunday Times
  • But the quintessential gold bug is an investor who expects every form of paper wealth to collapse,(Sentencedict) along with civilisation itself.
  • Roasted garlic with sheep's milk cheese is the quintessential Corsican meal.
  • John properly described Bill as the quintessential English gentleman and he will be much missed by everyone.
  • Groups of three, five or more will result in that quintessential English look. Times, Sunday Times
  • The film is quintessentially British and showcases some of the country's finest talent.
  • The regulatory gene set into motion the quintessential cybernetic dialogue: What controls genes?
  • Houses are decorated with colourful festoons, stars and cut-outs depicting the Lord Jesus' life and, of course, the quintessential Christmas tree.
  • Arctic Monkeys are a quintessentially British band, with songs infused with British slang, such as references to a "mardy bum" (a whiner) and the "icky man" (an ice-cream vendor). Monkey Business
  • Meanwhile, music for the home centred on the piano, which was now the quintessential domestic instrument, badge of female gentility and social respectability.
  • My visit to this restaurant represented the quintessential contemporary Irish dining experience.
  • A more quintessentially Formalist approach to narrative is contained in Shklovsky's essay on Tristram Shandy.
  • The five track EP is quintessential American lo-fi.
  • Listen out for a relaxed, almost effortless performance: the quintessential garden singer. Times, Sunday Times
  • Queuing , along with warm beer and afternoon tea, was once a quintessential British trait.
  • Retail sales of the quintessential red meats are plummeting, whilst vegetarianism has become a fashionable norm.
  • It has a quintessentially English feel.
  • Artists pilgrimaged to his turf to get the "Maine experience" and to paint their own versions of his quintessential 1896 seascape, "The Northeaster. Homer's Where The Heart Is
  • Despite the enjoyment which many of us derive from the exquisite platters and the unmistakably slumbersome combo of the turkey + red wine, many Thanksgivers know frighteningly little about the origins of this quintessentially American festival. Thanksgiving
  • There are a lot of you who think Mark ought to get tanning and take a quintessential British lobster colour to the party.
  • Upside This quintessential English country pub is surely one of the nicest houses in the village. Times, Sunday Times
  • Far from being a pampered poodle, I was quintessential Mother "" shopper, shlepper, builder, financier, adviser, & cheerleader. ' Boston Time-Out or What I did on my summer "vacation"
  • There was this billion dollar moment when the very same Pimco turned a massive about face on its much vaunted investment strategy of quality only, making huge investments in what was then widely recognized as quintessential junk, namely Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac subordinated debt. Raymond J. Learsy: Did Pimco Play a Role In S&P's Downgrade of U.S.Debt
  • The psychical match to the quintessential individuality of the Lensman was exact-so perfect, in fact, that it released latent parapsychic or psi powers, telepathy in particular. The Dragon Lensman
  • For me, the quintessential cinematic take on Treasure Island will always be, naturally, Muppet Treasure Island; any other retelling is extraneous. The Success of SHERLOCK HOLMES Ensures Audiences Will Take Another Trip to TREASURE ISLAND –
  • His tale is quintessentially a tale of a Bihar in transition, and he tells it very well - in short, crisp telegraphic sentences for most part of the time, with an endearing simplicity and candour.
  • You can see that coloration that he displays, like if I turn him around, you see the colors right there which are quintessential markings that basically mean stay away, what we call aposematic coloration. CNN Transcript Feb 13, 2007
  • Chance is a minor ingredient in the Darwinian recipe, but the most important ingredient is cumulative selection which is quintessentially nonrandom.
  • For those looking for that quintessential Bordeaux character of blackcurrant and cedar, which always reminds me of an empty cigar box, and rich, ripe roundness, it is worth casting your net further. The Heart of Bordeaux
  • I opted to try that most quintessential of Greek dishes, the moussaka.
  • He is the quintessential brainiac. Times, Sunday Times
  • Brands once regarded as quintessentially British now adorn the backs, arms and feet of shoppers around the world. Times, Sunday Times
  • We asked a number of people at this high-profile church, widely identified as quintessentially evangelical, how they described their religious affiliation. American Grace
  • Poets, writers, singers and filmmakers have all mythologized the shearer as the quintessential Australian - an honest, hard-working, hard-drinking, no-nonsense man.
  • 'Guys and Dolls' is the quintessential American musical.
  • He was quintessentially labor, he was uncompromising in his stance for the poor and the dispossessed, and he was unyielding in his respect for the dignity of work.
  • The liminal position between tradition and adaptation has been described by Ralph Ellison as the quintessential American identity.
  • And he developed a healthy following on Instagram, where he comes across as the quintessential California surfer bro.
  • A child of the beatnik generation, Ruscha's artistic epiphany came appropriately, on that quintessential US icon Route 66, which, as the song has it, runs from Oklahoma City, his home town, all the way to his adopted Los Angeles.
  • The plot involves Danny who was born with a nose like an olive, fixes it and tries to fix his life by lying to women just to get laid... and "get laid" is the appropriate terminology, as he is the quintessential chauvinist pig. Carole Mallory: Jennifer Aniston Just Goes With It
  • It is also the ideal place to go for a quintessential English-style tea.
  • But Don's the quintessential quiet guy who must overcome his cowardice and be a man.
  • The first point that should be made about Collins is that he is the quintessential army man.
  • It is the quintessential use of the dative case, the dative of means, grammatically speaking.
  • To distinguish semantically between "gourmandise" in its proper application ( "la gourmandise proprement dite") and the common understanding of "gourmandise" as gluttony one must partake in the gourmand's powers of discrimination — unlike the lexicographers, but quintessentially like Savarin, whose prose, in portraying the gourmand's enjoyment of his expertise, takes pleasure it itself. Economies of Excess in Brillat-Savarin, Balzac, and Baudelaire
  • He transcends the autobiographic into something quintessential, something close to the quiddity of experience.
  • After all, seeing as the rather clunky series, a quintessential bit of cornball Canadiana, was pretty bloody grim, it means the new series doesn't have a whole lot to live up to.
  • He was a quiet, unassuming and quintessentially modest man. Times, Sunday Times
  • The quintessential British confectionery is huge in Japan. Times, Sunday Times
  • Amiri Baraka is only exaggerating a bit when he calls Lee ‘the quintessential buppie, almost the spirit of the young, upwardly mobile, Black, petit bourgeois professional’.
  • Standing in line should become a quintessential convention for any society.
  • Owning a home offers a sense of pride, security, and enfranchisement that is quintessential to our stake in the American dream.
  • Roasted garlic with sheep's milk cheese is the quintessential Corsican meal.
  • Guber, the quintessential New Age yuppie, is seen heading off his divorce because it would cost him too much, and participating in hand-holding group therapy sessions with business partner Peters. Archive 2005-12-01
  • It is a quintessential village high street with a couple of pubs, a shop and a hairdressers. Times, Sunday Times
  • They also evoke nostalgia for a quintessential British lifestyle. Times, Sunday Times
  • The quintessential banned record: its notoriety took it to number one.
  • Stark and tattered around the edges, it was the quintessential diamond-in-the-rough debut, but its very rough-hewn nature made it so vibrant.
  • With knock-knees and pigeon toes, he was not your quintessential runner, but he trained like a demon.
  • The quintessential English bloom is a sure sign that summer is around the corner, and this is one of the best displays anywhere. The Sun
  • They also evoke nostalgia for a quintessential British lifestyle. Times, Sunday Times
  • We will be closer to elucidating the basis of quintessentially human qualities like language and self-awareness.
  • In the quintessential professionalism of the Yankees 'clubhouse, you hear it, often in understated tones. - Suzuki, Jeter set tones for M's, Yanks By Mike Dodd, USA TODAY By Cheryl Hatch, AP Seattle's Ichiro
  • An eminent scientist and founder of top Pentagon contractor OsCorp, Norman Osborne / Green Goblin is the quintessential archetype of the greedy American capitalist.
  • They have been described as the quintessential English pop group, with a string of hits bemoaning late-teen angst.
  • This is also, unfortunately, a quintessentially human thing: to expect others to fail spectacularly before your eyes in order to fulfill a kind of voyeuristic pleasure in their incompetence, to laugh at the delusional aspirants of greatness who are too foolish to recognize their own personal shortcomings. I Dreamed A Dream « Unambiguously Ambidextrous
  • It is quintessentially English to look at something dull as ditchwater and find it interesting," said Hamish Thompson, who runs a public-relations firm and was in the audience. Boredom Enthusiasts Discover the Pleasures of Understimulation
  • He is the quintessential storyteller, who likes to write his tale and have it read.
  • He is the quintessential tragic music teacher, wild hair and too many kittens.

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