How To Use Quillwort In A Sentence
Liverworts, hornworts, mosses, clubmosses, resurrection plants, quillworts, horsetails, ferns, cycads, ginkgos, conifers, and flowering plants are all plants.
First described by Pfeiffer in 1937, and recircumscribed by Brunton et al., I. virginica is a tetraploid quillwort of intermittent woodland streams and low, wet wooded areas of the southeastern Mountains and Piedmont.
The other is a quillwort, or Isoetes, which reproduces through male and female spores and thus is considered more closely related to ferns than to flowering plants.
This extinct order of giant scale trees includes relatives of the modern quillworts (Isoetes).
The specialized flora includes the rare plantain shoreweed, water lobelia, and quillwort.