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How To Use Quill In A Sentence

  • · The tailstock quill is brought into working position (Fig. 14) whereby special attention must be given to quill cleanliness. 3. Preparations for thread cutting by dies and taps
  • My Mom took a job as a nursing orderly in a mental hospital where sleeping pills and tranquillisers were easily obtainable.
  • Quills were the chief writing implement from the 6 th century AD until the advent of steel pens in the mid 19 th century.
  • From those two virtues derive the tranquillity, comfort, and content of domesticity.
  • Ancient parfleche and quillwork designs are reinterpreted in beadwork, a craft that arose in the post-Contact era, when glass beads became available beaded moccasins, right, $125 and up; baby mocs shown in additional photos at bottom, $35-$80; Melvin Miner beaded rattle, below, $70. Stephanie Woodard: Adventure Shopping Alert: Sale on Fine Lakota Crafts
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  • While I kept back the dogs, Uncle Denis, kneeling down, pulled out the quills, and then throwing my blanket over the animal, he secured it as we had done the urson. With Axe and Rifle
  • The treatment for people addicted to tranquillizers includes training in stress management and relaxation techniques.
  • The costuming is wonderfully authentic, and as fine quillwork as I've ever seen done.
  • Renowned as a haven of peace and tranquillity, its mystique is increased by its exclusivity, high prices and celebrity clientele.
  • She dipped her goose-feather quill into a jade inkpot, drained the red ink along the side, and unhurriedly marked a circle around the black tent the eunuch had pointed out to her. Shadow Princess
  • It started to become our word pen because quills made from feathers were some of the first writing tools ever made. Frindle
  • In fact, the emotion is more deeply felt and communicated because it is so tranquilly expressed.
  • Among the other Buddhist works is Suzuki Kiitsu ' s sublime 19th-century scroll painting of Sho-Kannon, who sits tranquilly on a floating lotus, backed by a golden moon and brilliant blue sky. In Search of Beauty
  • Coastal towns like Barranquilla were more supportive of innovative and imaginative literature.
  • Many of the Indians were already crowding about the train, some with polished buffalo horns for sale, and all magnificently dressed in buckskin, decorated with fine, old-fashioned bead work, and the quills of the porcupine. The Shagganappi
  • Prim鵰 igitur obijcit Germanicus hic noster, si Dijs placet, Historicus: Multos ex pastoribus Islandi� toto biennio sacram concionem ad populum nullam habere: Vt in priore editione, huius pasquilli legitur, quod tamen posterior editio eiusdem refutat: Dicens, eosdem pastores in integro anno tantum quinquies concionari solitos: qu� duo qu鄊 rit� sibi consentiant, videas bone Lector, cum constet Authorem mox � prima editione vix vidisse Islandiam. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
  • I wondered how long my pens would last: I'd used quills before, and would much rather use a ballpoint or even a modern calligraphic pen.
  • Well, I'll write you a prescription for a mild tranquillizer. I.O.U. - SOMEONE HAS TO PAY
  • And specialist zoo staff were drafted in to advise and potentially tranquillise the wild animal. The Sun
  • According to this interpretation, the phrase “the nature of the divine and the good” refers simply to a characteristic that is attributed to Pyrrho, and labeled by poetic hyperbole as ˜divine™, in another fragment of Timon, namely his extraordinary tranquillity; the couplet as a whole, then, is saying that tranquillity is the source of an even-tempered life. Picnic
  • As we reached the top floor the elevator doors slid open and, after announcing ourselves, we were ushered into a sprawling office that included the couch on which Quiller-Couch napped after lunch each day. Battle of the Bulging British Bridesmaids
  • In a small glass cabinet are examples of Tennyson's clay pipes and writing quills.
  • And if so what will you tranquillise her with on the day? Times, Sunday Times
  • What would you have thought of the poor little squilla, so prettily baptised by the fishermen, if The History of a Mouthful of Bread And its effect on the organization of men and animals
  • The hotel is a haven of peace and tranquillity.
  • There's squillions of charity shops in Edinburgh, and they all seem to have a copy of Naomi Campbell's Swan on their bookstands.
  • Set of clear crystal inkwell with quill, book, diploma and graduation cap; rhodium - plated details.
  • That troops have been passing over to them all day, and that the triumph of the federalists is so sure, he has little doubt that the following morning will see tranquillity and federalism re-established. Life in Mexico, During a Residence of Two Years in That Country
  • Some describe it as a red-eyed E. look-alike with porcupine quills running down his spine.
  • Upon the same occasion, they sometimes wear a kind of leathern cloak, covered with rows of dried hoofs of deer, disposed horizontally, appended by leathern thongs, covered with quills, which, when they move, make a round rattling noise, almost equal to that of many small bells. A General History and Collection of Voyages and Travels, Volume 16
  • Things will never be the same again in a village renowned for its beauty and tranquillity.
  • She had seen her general practitioner a week after the separation and he had prescribed a tranquillizer.
  • Among the squillion or so options is the choice of lounge chairs in the rear cabin, fully reclining, massaging, and climate controlled. Rolls-Royce Builds a Real Car20%
  • Lowering his quill once more, the ink trailed in a continuous line, curving and twisting on the paper.
  • His last years, lived by invitation in cottages in Sussex and Kent, fed and wined by beneficent admirers, provided a sort of rural coda of tranquillity.
  • These elaborately painted masks represent a pair of horned animals, each with a porcupine quill sprouting from its head.
  • He added trace amounts of alcohol and an amount of the tranquilliser diazepam were also found in her bloodstream.
  • These ‘resistance’ characters include such obvious traits as the quills on a porcupine or the puffing of a puffer fish.
  • She met Susan's eye and turned a pretty pink under her maquillage. MISS MELVILLE REGRETS
  • There is a quill pen on the desk. Times, Sunday Times
  • Large bulbs such as tulips and daffodils should be placed four to six inches apart while smaller bulbs such as crocus, snowdrops, and squill, should be placed one to two inches apart.
  • The crawfish has a tail, and five fins on it; and the round-backed carid has a tail and four fins; the squilla also has fins at the tail on either side. The History of Animals
  • Meeting a porcupine, he knows its tricks; he was a victim of its quills before.
  • The dogs were tranquillized with a dart gun and taken to a shelter.
  • It's a popular belief that moving to the country means rural bliss and tranquillity. Times, Sunday Times
  • But the life of a small-town solicitor, absorbed by matters of conveyancing and probate, settled on Henry Beard an even greater tranquillity.
  • Or they can take a hot air balloon and enjoy the tranquillity of the national parks from the skies. The Sun
  • As the snowdrops and winter aconite begin to depart, glory-of-the-snow, Siberian squill, dwarf iris, and puschkinia might arrive. Suzy Bales: Looking For Compounding Interest? Plant Bulbs!
  • Channel 9 news responded that: ‘I believe it was noted philanthropist, philosopher and phrenologist Shaquille O’Neal who said ‘Tell me how my ass tastes.’ Media Coverage October 2009
  • The Big Brother (eldest, as well as being most generously covered) had the tortellini with piquillo pepper, chorizo and served in a Parmesan cream sauce.
  • This is an island on which to relax and unwind in peace and tranquillity. Times, Sunday Times
  • Domestic tranquillity interested her much more than converting the unfaithful.
  • In a potentially intriguing sidelight, the game might reunite Bryant, Suns center Shaquille O'Neal and West coach Phil Jackson of the Lakers if the coaches vote O'Neal as a reserve. Popular vote: Magic's Howard leads NBA All-Star starters
  • Stock you pantry: good drinkable wines, fresh spices (buy small), good chicken broth, bottles of beans, piquillo peppers, capers, anchovies, etc.
  • Forby derives [cook-eels] from coquille, in allusion to their being fashioned like an escallop, in which sense he is borne out by Cotgrave, who has "Pain coquillé, a fashion of an hard-crusted loafe, somewhat like our stillyard bunne. Notes and Queries, Number 26, April 27, 1850
  • It's only a leg-pull, but according to Susan Quilliam, a relationships expert, poor communication is the biggest cause of problems and break-ups after affairs and domestic violence.
  • Our holiday soon passed in a haze of peace and tranquillity. Times, Sunday Times
  • So why, he says, tranquillise the poor tiger and then open fire less than two seconds later?
  • Row upon row of desks was spread out before the panel in an intricate latticework, and numerous academy students were already scribbling furiously onto sheets of parchments with well-inked quills.
  • The quills are not poisonous, the wound becomes septic simply because of the dirt on the quills, and bacteria always thrive where there is dirt.
  • That standard edition of _Diane de Lys_ which has enabled us to pick up such a pleasant _coquille d'imprimerie_ contains three shorter stories A History of the French Novel, Vol. 2 To the Close of the 19th Century
  • The sound of children excitedly running around their school playground and the drone of passing cars are the only noises that disturb the tranquillity of rural life.
  • The Aquilla area is scheduled to begin silaging corn the later part of this week.
  • From a windle the thread is conducted to the quills, and buzz, buzz goes Margaret's wheel, while a gray squirrel, squatted on her shoulder, inspects the operation with profound gravity. Margaret
  • Airen was waiting on Pier Seven the next morning, her satchel resupplied after having spent the last of her savings from home on quill pens, ink, and parchment.
  • I decided to use a wing feather from a golden eagle [Aquila chrysaetos], which is of course beautiful, reminiscent of both flight and of a quill pen.
  • Got to know everybody a little better (the primary effect of tequilla) and only got stuck next to the non-drinking boss for a little while.
  • But first he changed the quill for his own stylograph, and wrote with that. The Blotting Book
  • Quill has already identified several ionic liquids in which a wide range of inorganic, organic and polymeric materials are highly soluble, making them prime candidates for small reactor volumes.
  • There is not a quip nor a quillet from the slangy pen of the daily newspaper writers that she does not brood over and worry about as heartily as if it were an overdue mortgage on her pianoforte. Eugene Field A Study In Heredity And Contradictions
  • _ -- If you rub your bedsteede with squilla stamped with vinaigre, or with the leaves of cedar tree sodden in oil, you shall never feel punese. Notes and Queries, Number 212, November 19, 1853 A Medium of Inter-communication for Literary Men, Artists, Antiquaries, Genealogists, etc.
  • When we return, will a tale unfold whose lightest word will harrow up thy soul, freeze thy young blood, make they two eyes like stars start from their spheres, thy knotted and combined locks to part and each particular hair to stand on end like quills upon the fretful porpentine. Seven soliloquies
  • Remove the top two inches from the piquillo peppers and trim the bottoms.
  • Adult workshops/public programs that relate to the Victorian era are offered through the year, including china painting, Battenberg lacemaking, beginning watercolors, paper quilling, and Christmas goosefeather trees.
  • I can report that the Call handling centre dealt with 10 squillion enquires this year and all were met within the time frame and so met our targets by 100%. The Revolving Door System. « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • There is a race of quill-drivers, confined in the columns of the budget between the first degree of latitude (a kind of administrative Greenland where the salaries begin at twelve hundred francs) to the third degree, a more temperate zone, where incomes grow from three to six thousand francs, a climate where the bonus flourishes like a half-hardy annual in spite of some difficulties of culture. Father Goriot
  • Forming a vast expansion of the bony and fleshy framework are the quills, or flight-feathers, called collectively the "remiges. Our Bird Comrades
  • Without having first made this diversion, he would have found it impracticable to leave the house with tranquillity; but, when this bewitching philtre grew into an habit, her attachment to Ferdinand was insensibly dissolved; she began to bear his neglect with indifference, and, sequestering herself from the rest of the family, used to solicit this new ally for consolation. The Adventures of Ferdinand Count Fathom
  • Various analgesics, vitamins, tranquillisers, and antidepressants had had no effect.
  • Many are small bulbs, primarily Crocus tommasianus, snowdrops, Iris reticulata and striped squill or pushkinia.
  • He failed to snap out of a drugged sleep after he had been tranquillized to help move him.
  • Jobson's self-quilled script opens and closes with an oh-so-serious soliloquy, read against a montage of the solar system, along with a CGI whizz-bang ride across the planets.
  • The island is a haven of peace and tranquillity.
  • Its tendency to promote human happiness, and its sovereign eiBcaey to tranquillize the mind and administer con - solation 'under afflictions, disappointments, and trials. Memoirs of the Life of Martha Laurens Ramsay: With an Appendix Containing Extracts from Her ...
  • Associating contentment with modest circumstances, she visited poor rustics in order to ‘participate’ in their simplicity and tranquillity.
  • Governments' lists of essential drugs should include antidepressants, antipsychotics, antiepileptics, and tranquillisers, many of which are affordable even in low income countries.
  •  Bright windows stood undraped to the passing quill, and comfortable scenes of families at their business leaked out and warmed the chilly evening. The Feather
  • Look hard and you may see an eagle soaring on the thermals above you, or find a black-banded porcupine quill lying on the path at your feet.
  • 'I bet you,' said Ellie severely,'one million squillion pounds that by the time we do this plan, Annabel will be up the duff anyway. LOOKING FOR ANDREW MCCARTHY
  • He had in his spirit the classical outline of music, with nothing directly revolutionary, no sign of what we call revolt other than the strict adherence to personal relationship, no other prejudice than the artist's reaction against all that is not really refined to art, with but one consuming ardor, and that to render with extreme tranquillity everything delicate and lovely in passing things. Adventures in the Arts Informal Chapters on Painters, Vaudeville, and Poets
  • To serve, place a stuffed piquillo pepper in the center of a plate and spoon some fennel and orange salad and some orange segments to one side.
  • Though the centre is not immune from horn blare and tyre screech, a tranquillity hangs in the air, nurtured by luxuriant greenery and birdsong.
  • He has speared one of the sardines with the quill and is spinning it back and forth, spraying sardine oil.
  • ‘Its plectra - which pluck the strings to produce the harpsichord's sound - were replaced using black turkey quills, which they would have been made from originally,’ she said.
  • We operate six schools in three diverse regions of Colombia: Barranquilla , Quibd ? ? and Altos de Cazuc á.
  • It had the initials P.S.P. engraved onto the quillon. Dance Of Death
  • He looked tranquilly from the Englishman to the king. The Puppet Crown
  • It was a winged creature: if bird, then greater than all other birds, and it was naked, and neither quill nor feather did it bear, and its vast pinions were as webs of hide between horned fingers; and it stank.
  • Holding his bat with the precision of a monk wielding a quill pen, he waited patiently for whatever Mafouz should deliver.
  • The scene is a ludicrously expensive suite at Salford's Lowry Hotel, the kind of place record companies only book bands into after they've sold squillions of records, like New Order.
  • I had for some time before my retirement been investing in consols, which my dear wife termed "the true antibilious stock," and I have ever since had good reason to be satisfied with that safe and tranquillising investment. James Nasmyth: Engineer, An Autobiography.
  • One sudden and desolating change had taken place; but a thousand little circumstances might have by degrees worked other alterations, which, although they were done more tranquilly, might not be the less decisive. Chapter 6
  • The picture above shows volunteer Dutchman's breeches, blue and striped squills, and Trillium recurvatum.
  • I'd like to tranquilly deal with the problems between us, even though I don't fear to hassle with you.
  • One shouldn't judge a book by its cover, nor a fashion designer by her coiffure or maquillage.
  • There is a quill pen on the desk. Times, Sunday Times
  • This is the final instalment of the trilogy that began with the squillion-selling Man and Boy and continued with the merely hugely bestselling Man and Wife. Men from the Boys by Tony Parsons
  • Any suitable material may be used, including quill, parchment, wood, ivory, bone, horn, tortoiseshell, and plastic.
  • I at once saw that it was an "urson," or porcupine; although my companion supposed it to be another animal, as he could not see the long quills with which the English porcupine is armed. Afar in the Forest
  • LEBANON: Allegedly shady sheik suspected of staging his own kidnapping Quand une coquille se glisse dans l'Orient le Jour, ca donne ca! - A directory of Lebanese blogs
  • Cannabis remained the most frequently found drug, followed by tranquillisers such as valium, then opiates and cocaine.
  • Generation after generation of families of families, systematically marginalised by their supposed betters and tranquillised by welfare and drugs, are doomed to the underclass.
  • I'd like to tranquilly deal with the problems between us, even though I don't fear to hassle with you.
  • Tranquillus Deus tranquillat amnia -- When God is at peace with us he makes every creature to be so too. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume IV (Isaiah to Malachi)
  • But I could see from her eyes she was away with the fairies, courtesy of smack, methadone, or maybe some indiscriminate bottle of tranquillizers.
  • Place a stuffed piquillo pepper at one end of the coulis and a mound of Parmesan powder at the opposite end.
  • Efforts were also made to drive him out with filthy and rank-smelling drugs; and, among those which can be mentioned in a printed article, we may name asafoetida, sulphur, squills, etc., which were to be burned under his nose. A History of the warfare of Science with Theology in Christendom
  • She started to count how many people, who might not confess it in simple language, were relieved MacQuillan had gone.
  • It is very different with the crangon, or squilla; it has four front legs on either side, then three thin ones close behind on either side, and the rest of the body is for the most part devoid of feet. The History of Animals
  • The quill plant originates in Equador and is a relative of the pineapple. The Sun
  • After 25 years covering squillions of very similar speeches, you will forgive me for being a trifle sceptical.
  • It was described by the Arctic explorer Richardson in the mid-19th century as ‘a small white root about the thickness of a goose quill, which had an agreeable nutty flavor’.
  • He also took a seat, and readied his materials, inking his quill and poising his hand.
  • I try to let it sound natural and warm, more than drilling too much in the squillo ," he said, referring to the piercing sound singers use to project over an orchestra. The Smoldering Tenor
  • Her eyes gaze placidly out from skilled maquillage, her expression indecipherable.
  • I wept from the fulness of mine, with words of sweetest kindness and consolation, he soothed and tranquillised me. Evelina: or, The History of a Young Lady's Entrance Into the World
  • I received a pen and quill to go along with a thick green diary, a small lute and some music sheets to play some tunes, a checkers / chess board with pieces, and a jar of lip-gloss.
  • Not cattishly, but with patronizing pity, Miss Leigh, bookkeeper, remarked to Miss Javotte, filing clerk, that if Miss Kennard did not change that green toque with the white quill to something else pretty soon, she could be identified by her hat better than by her fingerprints. Joan of Arc of the North Woods
  • The prolonged use of neuroleptic drugs (major tranquillizers) can produce movement disorders, including tremors, tics, and smacking of the lips.
  • Harnessing the South American quillaia tree's natural functional properties, Q-Naturale provides a fresh alternative to traditional emulsifiers. BeverageDaily RSS
  • There's an air of calm about the place, an aura of tranquillity.
  • Today Pine Gap looks like an advance moon colony in the Sea of Tranquillity.
  • She stood tranquilly on the ground of their common womanhood. THE SCORN OF WOMEN
  • Now no-one's suggesting that we all go back to the old leather bound ledgers, with the day's business written in copperplate with a feather quill.
  • The sunlight was bright on his face, but he ignored the glare, his attention fixed mainly on the scratchy penmanship appearing beneath his quill pen, and occasionally, on the inkpot resting at his foot.
  • Fire-roasted shrimp with chorizo, piquillo peppers, grilled corn and black rice needed more time on the fire, and the heat of the peppers dominated.
  • In one arm, he cradled a stack of books, and in the other, a leather satchel full of feather quills and dozens of tiny glass bottles.
  • In the original historic area, authentic shopfronts tempt visitors inside to buy three-cornered hats and bonnets, quills and ink, block-printed stationery and sealing wax, candles, soaps, hams, jams, brass and pewter.
  • In the chapel, a room sadly truncated by the new entrance hall, the physical evidence of Catholicism had been ruthlessly excised, but the cloister retained its tranquillity, and the large, undecorated dining hall could still properly be described as a refectory. The Blackstone Key
  • It takes its name from the early Christians' anticipation of Christ's Second Coming, to be followed by a millennium, or thousand-year reign of peace and tranquillity.
  • If it was a sunny weekend, no mum or dad would be sitting on a rug eating stuffed piquillo peppers. Times, Sunday Times
  • Natalie Angier weighs in on the human proclivity for cursing in a lengthy essay in the NYT: "The Jacobean dramatist Ben Jonson peppered his plays with fackings and "peremptorie Asses," and Shakespeare could hardly quill a stanza without inserting profanities of the day like "zounds" or "sblood Science Project
  • The folk marvelled at this quill, when they saw it, and the man who was called Abd al-Rahman the Moor (and he was known, to boot, as the Chinaman, for his long sojourn in Cathay), related to them the following adventure, one of many of his traveller’s tales of marvel. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • Then, too, the ideal voice for this heroic part needs the sort of declamatory clarion brilliance that the Italians call 'squillo'.
  • For ceremonies, the men wore a deerskin shirt decorated with paint, feathers, porcupine-quills and scalps.
  • My classmates were as unastonished by their extravagant traits as a blowfish is by its quills. Middlesex
  • With a bit of imagination and a few dollars to spend a balcony can become a haven of green and restful tranquillity.
  • Certain drugs such as benzodiazepines, which are tranquillisers and hypnotics.
  • His books, wand , parchment, and quill the floor and his ink bottle smashed on the topmost.
  • When trouble's brewing at Wandsworth prison, London, staff calm down stir-crazy inmates by serving up drinks with names such as Valerian Plus and Tranquillity.
  • You pay us some money and we'll send your message to squillions of people.
  • The presence of bite marks indicated social stress and porcupine quills showed that the leopard had been in constant pain.
  • Abundant marsh-marigold, northern marsh-orchid and meadowsweet occur in wetter ground; carpets of spring squill, bird's foot-trefoil and heath spotted-orchid cover cliff tops; the wetter heaths turn golden with bog asphodel; and grazing-sensitive kidney vetch and wild angelica have re-colonised some seasonally grazed pastures.
  • A number of herbs including oleander, adonis, black Indian hemp, black hellebore, lily-of-the-valley, squill, and strophanthus contain an active cardiac glycoside that can potentiate digoxin.
  • She hoped for his sake the memory of his time working for MacQuillan would quickly fade.
  • Finding his op-ponent helpless, Emien crossed his dagger over his quillon and bore down with both hands. Stormwarden
  • In the case of both the hump-backed carid and the squilla the middle art of the tail is spinous: only that in the squilla the part is flattened and in the carid it is sharp-pointed. The History of Animals
  • Lowering his quill once more, the ink trailed in a continuous line, curving and twisting on the paper.
  • This gorgeous fruit is never much to my taste, but I had as yet eaten no such _peperoni_ as those of Squillace; an hour or two afterwards my mouth was still burning from the heat of a few morsels to which I was constrained by hunger. By the Ionian Sea
  • Together they make a wonderful gift, personal and entirely appropriate because the quilling is of a pair of golden daffodils and the calligraphy inscription is of Wordsworth's ‘Daffodils’.
  • One spaniel charged a porcupine five times — with a cost to remove the quills at $250 per poke. Another dog had buckshot removed from its hindquarters.
  • Your note, I can scarcely tell why, hurt me, and produced a kind of winterly smile, which diffuses a beam of despondent tranquillity over the features. Mary Wollstonecraft
  • Usually, a hypoglycemic patient does not manifest a sense of mental equilibrium and tranquillity.
  • He pulled it farther open and saw that a bunch of quill pens in an elastic band had been moved.
  • Lord hast taken of me; in that unshaken firmness which is given me in my sufferings, in a perfect tranquillity in the midst of a furious tempest, which assaults me on every side; in an unspeakable joy, enlargedness and liberty which I enjoy in a most straight and rigorous captivity. The Autobiography of Madame Guyon
  • Brings back memories of being in Barranquilla late last year. Global Voices in English » Colombia: Living with Flooding in Barranquilla
  • He spat his gum in the dirt and almost went to pick it up but unwrapped another stick like a tranquilliser and curled it into his mouth. WHITE LIES
  • Office workers take their sandwiches there to enjoy its tranquillity. Malory: The Life and Times of King Arthur's Chronicler
  • I have found a cork on quill Avon float to be perfect for the job of presenting a moving bait.
  • The golden stonefly of the Pacific Northwest and the Quill Gordon mayfly of the East both shed their nymphal husks on the bottom and swim to the surface as emergent adults. Fishing the Dry Fly Wet
  • Now the quills, they rattle their quills if they are being alarmed.
  • Some recall certain aspects of the colonial era with nostalgia, such as Ivorian Germaine Kouassi, 67, a retired civil servant who remembers that before 1960, "school was really free, we were given a pen-holder, a quill, all the supplies. Raw Story
  • Once inspected, the quills are packed into neat, 100-pound bundles before being graded and sold.
  • Liverworts, hornworts, mosses, clubmosses, resurrection plants, quillworts, horsetails, ferns, cycads, ginkgos, conifers, and flowering plants are all plants.
  • I remember my mother grinding up tablets of Largactil (the major tranquilliser chlorpromazine) to put in his tea in the hope of dampening his florid auditory hallucinations.
  • Because there's one last step missing from the recipe, don't know why, which is what it is called the "mantecatura" dunne where this comes from, maybe spanish mantequilla ? Risotto with Chicken, Prosciutto & Tomato
  • The decoration fashioned in beads, paint, and quillwork served to summarize the common values of the wearers - generosity, honor, and bravery.
  • After the tea and pleasantries had been dispensed with, Quiller-Couch launched his usual preemptive, presumptuous air strike. Battle of the Bulging British Bridesmaids
  • Government workers tried to catch the creature by laying cages and shooting it with tranquilliser darts, but they failed.
  • The pens used for writing were either made of reeds (calami) or of quills (pennae). Old English Libraries; The Making, Collection and Use of Books During the Middle Ages
  • THIS big bull refused to lie down after he had been darted with a tranquilliser and continued to shuffle for a while. The Sun
  • Among other highlights is a complete 1790s Anishinaabe suit of clothing – leggings, shirt, silver ornaments, otter-skin bag and moccasins ornamented with loom-woven porcupine quills – that has been traced to Fort Michilimackinac in the Upper Great Lakes. 'Infinity Of Nations' Exhibit Opening At The National Museum Of The American Indian
  • Today Pine Gap looks like an advance moon colony in the Sea of Tranquillity.
  • Quills were the chief writing implement from the 6 th century AD until the advent of steel pens in the mid 19 th century.
  • The tranquillity of countless thousands of people will be harmed, homes will be bulldozed and air quality degraded. Times, Sunday Times
  • If it's tranquillity you're after, the Spanish countryside has it in abundance, though if you don't have a good water source or a connection to the electricity grid, life can become a struggle.
  • Ergò, ne longis ambagibus Lectori fastidium oratio nostra pariat, ad ea narranda accedam, quæ maledicus ille Gennanus in suum pasquillum congessit: The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation — Volume 01
  • The Kutchin make pretty pipe-stems out of goose-quills wound about with porcupine-quills. Tobacco; Its History, Varieties, Culture, Manufacture and Commerce
  • The red pen, a calamus, was employed primarily for recording texts up until the 6th century, when the quill, the penna, the feather of a bird or a fowl, gradually replaced it.
  • That's hard to imagine, given the creature's resistance to domestication and its propensity for using its quills to keep humans away.
  • For dogs who travel in the family car, valerian is one of the most powerful herbal sedatives and tranquillisers.
  • I could certainly do something simple with pasta quills and a can of plum tomatoes.
  • A candle sat on the left corner of the desk, next to which sat a quill pen, a blotter, an inkwell, and various other writing necessities.
  • From the feuds with Shaquille, the sexual assault allegation -, to the trade demands.
  • He stood his quill pen in a rack on the desk, beside an inkwell.
  • A being at the hack of the crowd, a Quillp in full postmating plumage, craned its thin ostrichlike neck forward and asked in a high, squeaky voice, 'In what summer-month my hatchlings come a-bout will?' The Tar-Aiym Krang
  • It occupies another concavity 10 km west of Lake Enriquillo, separated from it by the Jimaní anticline. Haiti
  • The practice of tranquillity meditation, or shamatha, is common to the teaching of both the sutras and the tantras, and it can also be performed within tantric practice.
  • Although I applaud John Arquilla's concerns, I would also suggest that the warning "flare" is not too late. Letters to the Editor
  • I wondered how long my pens would last: I'd used quills before, and would much rather use a ballpoint or even a modern calligraphic pen.

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