How To Use Questioner In A Sentence
I am delighted to assure the questioner that I would not support any regime that I regarded as punitive.
It was a farrago of non-sequitur and half-truth, attacking the questioners for things they had neither said nor thought.
When you make an inference important to your study of the sources, you become a questioner.
A Short Guide to Writing About History
Poor air quality causes severe health problems, as was noted by the previous questioner.
Questioner : Is the witness - consciousness permanent or not?

It is one of the things that bugs agnostics, or questioners.
It also helps to prevent the discussion being hijacked suddenly by a questioner in a totally different direction.
His instinct was to blank his questioners, shake hands with the leader and exit swiftly.
Indeed, all progress depends on the sceptic, the questioner, the person who does not wholly conform.
Asked why one heavy user ( "dweeb" was the term of art from the questioner) could slow an entire network, McSlarrow said that capacity is still primarily devoted to downstream information, but upstream capacity has been strained by the rise of peer-to-peer networks.
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The congressional questioners seemed satisfied with his explanation.
How does he gain by fortressing himself and his administration away from critics, skeptics, and questioners?
The movie is brilliantly scripted by Aaron Sorkin, author of the courtroom drama A Few Good Men and the TV series The West Wing, and incisively directed by David Fincher, whose films (among them Se7en, Fight Club, The Game and Zodiac) show him to be a doubter of outward appearance, a questioner of accepted realities.
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Thanks to Clarke and Foster, such questions can now be asked openly, seriously, and without impugning the questioner's patriotism.
He raised a languid hand to indicate another questioner.
I am not an apologist for him - he did commit an enormous clanger in a very public way at the game - but all the time he has been open and accessible to his questioners.
We need more people who are both questioners of the status quo and visionaries.
The questioner assumes one is miffed by the question and does not include the option of relief.
The insistent questioners of mainstream practice will not go away and will not be silenced.
Hedonistic accommodation sunshine coast that as unreconciled questioner strongbox sulkily and neglectfully unmanful, our overhead with the grossulariaceae is callipygous.
Rational Review
To question the meaning of such a proposition or to suggest that such a faith is self-centered often leads to a counterquestion that measures the questioner within narrow parameters: "Are you saved?
A mathematician by training, he was an early questioner of value-free science and the arrogance of 19th-century scientific rationalism.
Times, Sunday Times
She worked as both moderator and questioner during the two-hour debate with the seven candidates.
Well, I'm glad to hear that at all events," retorted his questioner in rather an injudicial way.
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His lawyerly grasp of a brief on every subject gives him the edge over questioners every time.
She is seen as a tough questioner unlikely to be caught up in trivialities.
Archive 2008-10-01
It was a farrago of non-sequitur and half-truth, attacking the questioners for things they had neither said nor thought.
When he finally arrives, cameras line up in front of questioners and the boom mike circles the room, smacking writers in their heads.
My answer is mumbled and incomplete and leaves me and my questioner unsatisfied.
The city transportation engineer offered these encouraging words at a preferred-parking hearing, in response to a questioner who had raised the specter of counterfeit parking permits.
Taylor told the questioner that he supports reforms at the federal level to control the insurance industry.
In doing so, he has impugned the questioner and certainly has impugned the Clerk of the House.
But for the moment I just want to discuss an interchange which another of the members of the panel had with one of the questioners.
The questioner may be out to nail you to the wall.
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People often get so nervous they stop breathing and don't hear what the questioner is really asking.
Times, Sunday Times
The questioner is shouted down, accused of being a grammatical pedant.
Had the label hurt the party or the president, a questioner wanted to know.
Kaine: Socialist Taunts Hurt Tea Party More Than Obama
Some of the questioners seem to be hung up on the boozy nosh-up.
The monks tend to respond to their questioners simply and directly.
The difficulties that the questioner uncovers in this way are internal to himself.
He then looked his questioner in the eye and asked him to continue.
Times, Sunday Times
When the questioner is employed by the state broadcaster of one of the occupying powers, the respondents might be expected to answer warily.
The questioner entrapped him into an admission of guilt.
I tried to edge in on the singer to speak to him, but he was surrounded by other questioners.
When asked how long they spent making something, most artists assume that the questioner is a philistine.
I am a doubter, a questioner, a skeptic.
You are right to point out that I overlooked the scientific inaccuracy of the previous questioner and focused instead on the food being microwaved.
Instead of a passive receiver of information, the viewer is engaged as a highly activated questioner and discerner of aesthetic relationships.
A questioner in the studio audience asked the Labour MP to defend his party's recent statement.
Can the Minister enlighten the primary questioner and the House as to what policies this Government has in place to address benefit fraud and debt?
A questioner in the studio audience asked the Labour MP to defend his party's recent statement.
Angry questioners flocked round the speaker after the meeting.
Patrick told his questioner, "We did investigate."
Explaining reincarnatin as karma as anatman the doctrine of the insubstianitiality of the self usually sets my questioner's eyes aglaze.
5 questions, answered...
In many religious gatherings, to openly and perspicaciously question a fundamental assumption would be an embarrassment met with scorn; the questioner patted on the head and told that the questions are endearing but a sign of naïveté.
Steve Hindes: Think for Yourself: Is Science "Just Another Religion"?
The questioner entrapped him into an admission of guilt.
He did so, and he looked like the questioner in the studio audience rather than the answerer.
Notice his MO - laugh at the question, demean the questioner, shout invective, back his position with " I have studied", and then shut it down without providing any evidence from his extensive research.
Poo! poo!" said Captain Pharo, turning the whole flower indifferently to his questioner, and drawing a match with a slight, genteel uplifting of the leg; "I smoke, as the 'postle says, on all' ccasions t 'all men, in season an' outer season, an '' specially when I'm a darn min 'ter.
Vesty of the Basins
The city transportation engineer offered these encouraging words at a preferred-parking hearing, in response to a questioner who had raised the specter of counterfeit parking permits.
Ees, I beant dunch," replied the constable, turning and looking at his questioner.
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The planets included a conjunction of Venus and Mars, the ‘rulers’ of the first house (the questioner) and the seventh house (the husband).
He denounces climate change questioners and opines that the FOIA is a nuisance to climate change scientists.
But this year it could be said his actions are speaking louder than the torrent of words with which he showers his questioners.
People who confabulate are confronted directly often lash out at their questioners, which in President Bush's case could be a disaster for us all.
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She fixed her questioner with an icy glare.
Good journalists should be outsiders, questioners, sceptics, empathisers.
May I refer the questioner to a previous response?
Indeed, all progress depends on the sceptic, the questioner, the person who does not wholly conform.
How does he gain by fortressing himself and his administration away from critics, skeptics, and questioners?
He raised a languid hand to indicate another questioner.
Good journalists should be outsiders, questioners, sceptics, empathisers.
Ask yourself, "What does this questioner want?
Training with N.L.P.
If I were actually able to suggest to questioners and answerers that they keep their questions and answers succinct, question time would be over in about 20 minutes.
Governed under the authority of madam eliza, and the argument of the discourses or novells there to be recounted, doe concerne sudden, persons; who by some witty words (when any have checkt or retorting them) have revenged themselves, in a sudden, unexpected and discreet answere, thereby preventing losse, danger, scorne and disgrace, retorting them on the busi-Headed questioners
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Would you prefer a forum where what you refer to as "experience sharing" were in lock step among respondents and therefore unenlightening for the questioner?
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The government prosecuted Bronston "on the theory that in order to mislead his questioner, [Bronston] answered the second question with literal truthfulness but unresponsively addressed his answer to the company's assets and not to his own -- thereby implying that he had no personal Swiss bank account at the relevant time.
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Or, again, the questioner may himself distinguish the various senses of the term rendered in the definition, and then institute his argument against each: for if the expression used be not adequate to the subject in any of its senses, it is clear that he cannot have defined it in any sense aright.
The interviewer was the man who at the time was regarded as the most abrasive, trenchant, incisive (you get the point) questioner of the time, Robin Day.
She is mistress of herself, and the questioners, beaten back time after time, turn away in disappointment.
Angry questioners flocked round the speaker after the meeting.
He raised a languid hand to indicate another questioner.
Nicholas is rather out of his element now; he cannot see the kitchen as he used to in the old House; there, one window of his glass – case opened into the room, and then, for the edification and behoof of more juvenile questioners, he would stand for an hour together, answering deferential questions about Sheridan, and Percival, and Castlereagh, and
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Christ was always directing the questioners inward, telling people to look into themselves for the answers.
She is seen as a tough questioner unlikely to be caught up in trivialities.
The Academics took the part of the questioner, who puts questions to his interlocutors and deduces conclusions that are unwelcome to them from their answers.
A female questioner added to the mix, who would doubtless have had the same reaction to Hillary's noncollegial behavior that the men did, would have defused an ever-present danger in this campaign.
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If you do not understand the question, also say so and ask the questioner to clarify it.
Training with N.L.P.
Persistent questioners are much less prone to embarrassment than the rest of us.
The mountaineer regarded his questioner sullenly, scowlingly, and without much change of expression.
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He answers questions thoughtfully and politely, always thanking the questioner first when a compliment is offered.
An earlier questioner had made the same point.
With regards to the actual process of debate, well, you have two parties: a questioner and an answerer.
Some say we have veered from our training and subject matter (‘gone over to the enemy’ of post-structuralism, as one questioner put it to me).
Cain, as an invited questioner representing the National Restaurant Association, went head-to-toe with Clinton over the likely effect of his reform plan on small businesses and was so effective in parrying Clinton's replies that the president, visibly embarrassed, was forced to back down.
Stewart J. Lawrence: Is There More to Herman Cain Than Meets the Eye?
It's pure art to handle the ‘questioner’ who in fact is giving a mini-speech.
I tried to edge in on the singer to speak to him, but he was surrounded by other questioners.
It was a farrago of non-sequitur and half-truth, attacking the questioners for things they had neither said nor thought.
But such a questioner would indeed be a Pelagian, showing by his very question that he regarded the human side of the achievement as the prevenient, the conditioning, the determinative.
regarded her questioner with clear untroubled eyes
Hedonistic accommodation sunshine coast that as unreconciled questioner strongbox sulkily and neglectfully unmanful, our overhead with the grossulariaceae is callipygous.
Rational Review
On some of the questions, I will describe the questioner in parentheses.
He cast an indignant glance at his questioner, but Uncle John's serene expression disarmed him.
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Are listeners really going to mistake what the questioner is saying?
The same goes for the questionee to not interrupt the questioner until they have finished speaking.
Think Progress » VIDEO: Bret Baier Interviewing Obama Vs. Bret Baier Interviewing Bush
He raised a languid hand to indicate another questioner.
It appeared to me tha McCain laughed at the inaneness of the questioner and the position that it put him in.
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Augustine deplored the frivolity of the witty answer that before creation God was preparing hell for curious questioners.