How To Use quern In A Sentence
- And Parkinson's account is to the same effect: "The seeds hereof, ground between two stones, fitted for the purpose, and called a quern, with some good vinegar added to it to make it liquid and running, is that kind of Mustard that is usually made of all sorts to serve as sauce both for fish and flesh. The plant-lore & garden-craft of Shakespeare
- Home was where the quern was. The Times Literary Supplement
- Neolithic tools like points, trapezes and lunates made of chert and chalcedony, besides stone querns and grinders, decorated bone objects, pieces of ochre and human burials were also found here.
- _Fluthwerk_ and 'hydraulicking' would easily wash down the whole alluvial and auriferous formation to the floor of grey granite which has supplied the huge 'cankey-stones' [Footnote: This proto-historic implement, also called a 'saddle-quern,' is here made out of a thick slab of granite slightly concave and artificially roughened. To The Gold Coast for Gold, Vol. II A Personal Narrative
- Finds from the room included two querns, a handstone, an iron blade, a terracotta stopper, a loom weight, and a piece of a copper sheet, objects possibly associated with domestic functions.
- Phocnices Cretenfium co* louos, CO nomine fignificart alii arbitrantur, cujus fententis eft Aucnor in eadem radice fna - Phas* nices ab Creta originem traxifle, Cretenfiumte cofoniam Phceniciam cxtitiffe, dicunt aliqui fobodo - ran pofle, ex Phacnico porto, quern infulae Cretae adfcriptifle ferunt Ptolemaeum in ora auftrali. Collectanea de rebus hibernicis ..
- Crumb-snatcher am I called, and I am the son of Bread-nibbler — he was my stout-hearted father — and my mother was Quern-licker, the daughter of Ham-gnawer the king: she bare me in the mouse-hole and nourished me with food, figs and nuts and dainties of all kinds. Hesiod, Homeric Hymns, and Homerica
- The grinding of the grain was done with a grindstone called a Rotary Quern, or a Hand Quern (a small stone on top of a larger stone with the grain in between) if you were poorer.
- Roman debris was left scattered over the surface of the road, including a Roman boot - just the hobnails survive - a quernstone and broken pottery.
- Grinding corn with puddingstone querns was more important to the survival in that area of our Stone Age and Roman ancestors than oil is to us today. Times, Sunday Times