How To Use Queer In A Sentence

  • What we do have here is a rather queer looking creature with a faceless Charlie Brown head, duck legs, two jointless yet pliable arms, and tentacles.
  • The causes which make dolente a solemn word to the Italian ear, and dolent a queer word to the English ear, are causes which have been slowly operating ever since the Italian and the Teuton parted company on their way from The Unseen World and Other Essays
  • It was something about how queer religions may be -- he was thinking of the juramentado. Terry A Tale of the Hill People
  • She gave him a queer sidelong glance, and it seemed that her voice suddenly became too light, too careless.
  • I have the queer, faint, pit-water smell of it in my nostrils now as I write, and my fingers have subconscious memories of the soft, “cloggy” feel of the long-damp pages. The House on the Borderland
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  • Of course, he could not pull it off, and in the times since when he did need it, it was too late, for his first failure had queered it. Chapter 9
  • Queer how the echo of Cutty's description of the drums calling a jehad -- a holy war -- should adapt itself to that The Drums of Jeopardy
  • The term 'transgendered', like the term 'queer', is a term conceived broadly enough to potentially include medieval people: a certain percentage of persons who describe themselves with this term live either in-between genders or in some other complex relationship with the binary of male and female. In the Middle
  • Well, let me tell you, I have been in very genteel society, without feeling any thing so human, so catholic, so pantheistical, (in the right sense,) as I did in making one of that queer company. The Continental Monthly, Vol. 1, No. 5, May, 1862 Devoted To Literature And National Policy
  • And it leads me to think that the notion of queer used here is strongly associated with neophilia and neophobia, ie degree of attraction to novelty.
  • After a hot, unlively march of four hours (= eleven miles), on mules worn out by want of water, we dismounted at a queer isolated lump on the left of the track. The Land of Midian
  • ` ` The bairn was a blessing --- that is, Jeanie, it wad hae been a blessing if it hadna been for my mother; but my mother's a queer woman. The Heart of Mid-Lothian
  • For example, queer theorists usually argue that one of the advantages of the term ˜queer™ is that it thereby includes transsexuals, sado-masochists, and other marginalized sexualities. Homosexuality
  • But Hiwilani queered that game by threatening to the sorcerer to practice apo leo on him, which is the art of permanently depriving a person of the power of speech without otherwise injuring him. SHIN-BONES
  • A glass of orangeade was brought to thesuppliant Empress; she looked at the glass queerly. FORGE OF EMPIRES 1861-1871
  • Disappointment queerly stirring her, she opened her eyes a trifle and ventured a peep at him.
  • Asexuals might form unconventional relationships and therefore identify as polyamorous or queer. MetaFilter Projects
  • Any unwelcome associations between this and the firm's frequent difficulties in getting its software delivered on time were obviously not enough to queer the deal.
  • Our concern here is to emphasize the billions of small wrangles that were altering the collective thought, to summon out of the past, for an instant, an elfin clamour of now silenced voices that prepared the soil for revolution, the not-at-all-lucid propagandists at street corners, the speakers in little meeting-houses, in open spaces and during work intermissions; to recall the rustle of queer newspapers that were not quite ordinary newspapers; and the handicapped book publications that were everywhere fighting traditional and instinctive resistances. The Shape of Things to Come
  • It requires a mindset that can embrace something other than polarities and binaries (including so-called subverted or queered binaries, which are still binaries if you believe they have a basis in reality). Archive 2009-05-01
  • Terry Galloway is a deaf, queer writer and performer, who tours her one-woman shows as a cheap way of seeing the world. Women Among Us: Terry Galloway
  • -- And then I have a queer humour o 'my ain, that sets a strolling beggar weel eneugh, whase word naebody minds -- but ye ken Sir Arthur has odd sort o' ways -- and I wad be jesting or scorning at them -- and ye wad be angry, and then I wad be just fit to hang mysell. The Antiquary — Complete
  • No queerer estray ever drifted along the stream of life. CHAPTER III
  • Majesty, John of Leyden, I doubt whether any Government has received or appointed so queer an ambassador. Notes of a Journey From Cornhill to Grand Cairo
  • This is a guest post by Queers United: The activist blog uniting the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersexual, asexual community & straight allies in the fight for equality! Archive 2009-05-01
  • It is averred that he is loyal and efficient, but with his calfless legs bared to the knee and feet shod in sandals, he looks a queer cousin of Fifth Avenue's "Finest" and of the East of Suez Ceylon, India, China and Japan
  • I have the queer, faint, pit-water smell of it in my nostrils now as I write, and my fingers have subconscious memories of the soft, "cloggy" feel of the long-damp pages. The House on the Borderland: Introduction
  • Her rigging is something queer, and the next sharp squall will bring her head-gear all about the shop. Chapter 10
  • It's a pharisaic fig-leaf for some really quite nasty queer-bashing. It's About That Old Fashioned Thing Called Shame
  • The essay is a personal one, about life lived through cinematic markers, childhood laughter and pants-wetting (the author's brother's pants, not the author's) while watching a Mickey Mouse cartoon, a queer adolescence that highlighted choices in screenings and choices society wouldn't let him make in the hormonally-charged back row seats, and adulthood musings on the Kiwi itch to travel and New Zealand's rediscovery of herself through her own filmmaking achievements. GreenCine Daily: New Zealand Dispatch.
  • Sue looked at him queerly.
  • The book references Star Trek, Queer Nation kiss-ins, the writings of Lenin and Max Weber, and the Paris Commune - it's groovy.
  • There's nowt so queer as Yorkshire folk but they've been accepted into the community.
  • So there were many types of guppies, tetra and this queer tortoise with a spout for mouth - really strange looking.
  • _On y va, patron_," cried one of the fellows, cheerfully, and jumped into his dinghey, while his comrade still stared and grinned, and the stalwart lads of the _Peregrine_ grinned back at the queer foreign figure with the brown cap and the big gold earrings. The Light of Scarthey
  • She gied a queer nicher and a paw wi' her fore foot, and bolted into the water.
  • With this in mind (in my opinion), legacy and new LGBT media should reflect in it's coverage that the term queer community isn't interchangeable with term LGBT community Pam's House Blend - Front Page
  • Okay, maybe it's just me, but David Copperfield and I have just visited Steerforth's family home, and between Steerforth calling the lad "Daisy," and the Queer Eye-view of the decor and inhabitants of the house, I feel like the book is just about to burst into little flamy flames. Archive 2006-04-01
  • I invite you to relive this most extraordinary of expeditions with me as we explore the strange and queer lands of England, Scotland, and the airport in Germany.
  • Price: 3,500,000 Euro ckolderup oh no, semantic polysemy! we've never had to deal with that before! csessums patched with rat stubble from a barber's dust pan cwaxler civil case Tiffany brought against eBay drothschild iT WAS A QUEER, SULTRY SUMMER, the summer they electrocuted the Rosenbergs, and I didn't know what I was doing in New York jessamyn Personally, I'm after the uncontrolled growth of pubic hair. Paste to Win! (A Twitter Contest) - Anil Dash
  • There's nowt so queer as folk. 
  • Some local people seem not to exactly understand Coleman's exploits that may radiate a queer mystery.
  • Among the things were three pistols, two "jemmies," some curious little bottles, and some queer-looking implements I couldn't guess the use of. The Four Faces A Mystery
  • We're fortunate that MoMA was from the start collecting richly from this new and diverse generation, comprised as it is of imagists whom in being less dissident and cliched than their forerunners, show and explorative aptitude for the more nuanced and varied aspects of queer life. G. Roger Denson: MoMA and AA Bronson Present "Queer Cinema: Today and Yesterday"
  • His cheating on the final examination queered his chances of graduation.
  • Also there were all Rose's queer black sheep who yielded meekly to her ribbon-wreathed crook, though they "butted" against George's methods. The Guests Of Hercules
  • How queer theory does so can be seen by looking at the term ˜queer™ itself. Homosexuality
  • The doctor looked after him with a queer expression in his eyes and then called his confrere to the pallet. Jane Cable
  • The nationalism (and hence the spoken heterosexuality and unarticulated lesbianism/queer sexuality) of the album, however, is compromised by its visual subtext.
  • His imagination played round that queer idea.
  • Well, he served for some time at a queer sort o 'trade -- the makin' o 'fireworks; them rediklous things they call squibs, crackers, rockets, an' Roman candles, with which the foolish folk o 'the settlements blow their money into smoke for the sake o' ticklin 'their fancies for a few minutes. The Prairie Chief
  • Perhaps it was the queer amphitheatrical effect of this setting that connected up some whimsical train of thought in Maynard's brain. Uncanny Tales
  • riddle-diddle-dow," Furlong wondered what a milliner could have to do in such an establishment, and his wonder was not lessened when his guide added, "The milliner is a queer chap, and maybe he'll tell us something funny. Handy Andy, Volume One A Tale of Irish Life, in Two Volumes
  • And it's the families that could wind up queering this deal.
  • Duncan was not so bowed in the intellect as ye imagine, and had some spice of cleverality about his queer manoeuvres. The Life of Mansie Wauch tailor in Dalkeith
  • Even though I am a genderqueer person and despite my growing uneasiness with the system, it still works pretty well for me.
  • Neither "my experience" nor the "100% intellectually valid" queer reading are meant to be identical to the author's intention, and so your sorites is still attacking a point I'm not defending. Whether true or not
  • I never thought of myself as having any morals but it seems a few firmly held convictions are lurking in there somewhere, doing queer things to my stomach when someone questions their validity.
  • Who the deuce was the queer-looking _cawker_?" we all at once inquired of Crony. The English Spy An Original Work Characteristic, Satirical, And Humorous. Comprising Scenes And Sketches In Every Rank Of Society, Being Portraits Drawn From The Life
  • I had a queer sensation as if a worm was creeping down my spine.
  • Master Milchku, queerest man in the benighted queendom, and, adcraft aidant, how he found the kids. Finnegans Wake
  • Oh, the queer sense of the good old Capri of artistic legend, of which the name itself was, in the more benighted years -- years of the contadina and the pifferaro -- a bright evocation! Italian Hours
  • Special those who remind is, the animal good-for-nothing or queer character that gives you builds a beautiful, easy environment, the mood that also can let you have a joy will treat them.
  • Half the folk I met between the arches and the Big Barns were strangers that seemingly never had tartan on their hurdies, but settled down with a firm foot in the place, I could see by the bold look of them as I passed on the plain-stanes of the street A queer town this on the edge of Loch Finne, and far in the John Splendid The Tale of a Poor Gentleman, and the Little Wars of Lorn
  • On the way home he wonders why he must be so queer and strange and spoil things.
  • The bar hosts a raucous monthly trans-friendly party called FKA that's one of the city's best queer events (pictured above), not to mention its weekly "Bear Den" happy hour, quarterly South Chicagoist
  • Lyndon is a 20-year-old polyamorous, pansexual genderqueer.
  • All that exists is the Elsinore, with her queer human freightage and her cargo of coal, cleaving a rotund of ocean of which the skyline is a dozen miles away. CHAPTER XIX
  • They said “bogue” for repulsive and “queer” for weird. Middlesex
  • He breathed stertorously, and in his throat were the queer little gasping noises of one overwrought.
  • The last time he performed there was with a well-known band that was a part of the queercore movement in the nineties.
  • Weary, listening to the whistling and the shuffling of feet, felt a queer, qualmy feeling in the region of his diaphragm, and he yielded to The Lonesome Trail and Other Stories
  • All the other houses in the street were new, with large window panes and smooth walls, but the old house had queer faces cut out of the beams over the windows, and under the eaves was a dragon's head for a rain-water spout. Tell Me Another Story The Book of Story Programs
  • The order forbade them from ‘approving of’ or ‘permitting’ a sick-out, queerly assuming that they might have the power to prevent one.
  • The queerest ship that ever sailed is a yacht on wheels, a graceful land-going clipper, that glides over the pathless stretches of sun-blistered plain, and carries her plucky navigators to and from their gold mine in the desert. 2008 April
  • She is sorry to find he is discontented, which is sinful and horrid, and hopes Mr. Squeers will flog him into a happier state of mind. Standard Selections A Collection and Adaptation of Superior Productions From Best Authors For Use in Class Room and on the Platform
  • He was “queer,” she said; and at another time she called him a crank when describing how he sat at the counter and peered at her through his spectacles, blushing and stammering when she took notice of him, and often leaving the shop in precipitate confusion. THE ENEMY OF ALL THE WORLD
  • At Johanna, or possibly at St. Augustine's, some of our officers and men, moved by that queer propensity of mankind to acquire strange objects, however useless, had bought animals of the kind called mongoos. From Sail to Steam, Recollections of Naval Life
  • Now why is the right foot a weird blue and left foot a queer red?
  • I've talked about the effect that story had on my life in my blogs before, but, though it couldn't be called a happy, queer-romantic story by any means, I had my head blown off by the concept that gender roles/expectatoins, etc. are often projected, rather than innate (ie as in how one of the main characters thinks about the "lovebirds" until their same sex-ness is revealed.) Day in the Life of an Idiot
  • William Benson was not a sentimental or imaginative person, and he confessed he couldn't make head nor tail out o 'the affair; said it was the queerest an' beatin'est weddin 'that ever took place in Bonny Ladies-In-Waiting
  • "He's a queer-looking chap, with his pale yellow skin."
  • All our indignation to the contrary, we prefer the complicated and difficult: we enjoy our buttons; we are withheld only by our queer sex-pride from wearing garments that button up in the back -- indeed, on what we frankly call our 'best clothes,' we _have the buttons_ though we _dare not button_ with them. The Perfect Gentleman
  • His cheating on the final examination queered his chances of graduation.
  • It is wrong to characterize the Stonewall Inn as having been a sanctuary for genderqueers (unless that term encompasses non-transgendered gay men).
  • A terricolous vively-onview this; queer and it continues to be quaky. Finnegans Wake
  • She was especially upset over literature that deals with queer sexuality.
  • The careful tailoring only made her look queerly skinny, not so much a boy as some tattie bogle set out in old clothes to scare the crows. LEVIATHAN
  • I think we’re underrepresented in cisgender queer theory, cisgender “third gender” anthropology, and armchair feminism, that those fields reify this gender-non-conforming/third-gender/gender-non-binary/whatever deal, and that subversivist communities look down on transsexual women (and sometimes men). Yet another trans 101, in which Helen tells cis people What’s What
  • He was looking at the brother and sister with a queer expression on his face, something akin to suspicion and mistrust growing greenly in his eyes.
  • When bisexuals, lesbians and gays use the word queer it is called reclamation, in the context in which you have invoked its usage it is called HOMOPHOBIA. Keep Talking Joe
  • Aware, in his mid-forties, that all the time off for cricket had queered his prospects for mainstream advancement at the bank, Alan seized the new career opportunity.
  • some definitely queer goings-on
  • And I rather doubt that any parent of a queer kid would profess to being "inculcated" by the media, or pressure groups, or individuals, into not recoiling in disgust from their own child. Archive 2007-01-01
  • Coveting your neighbors maidservant is Worse than being queer, because it made the Big Ten. On Same-Sex Couples and Catfish Derbies
  • Queer up there in the cockloft, alone, with stops and locks and keys. Ulysses
  • Little Bluewing, the dragoon's little bluewing, that is, was not like other children; she always talked very sensibly, but she often said queer things, and everybody was puzzled to know where she got them from. In Midsummer Days, and Other Tales
  • The ‘beer orders’ of 1989, which forced brewers to offload their vast tied estates, further queered the brewers' pitch.
  • Although he's best known as the axman for enduring queercore innovators Pansy Division, Goodwin's finding that his latest side venture, fronting the metallic Dirty Power, is keeping him far busier.
  • Since a viewer watching this collection would have spent three previous episodes of tedium hearing about the mystery women who queered things between Slaughter and the DEA, it's nice to have the non-entity fleshed out.
  • Nor can you presently pass the beerhouse with its brighter gas and its queer, screening windows, nor get a whiff of foul air and foul language from its door, nor see the crumpled furtive figure — some rascal child — that slinks past us down the steps. In the Days of the Comet
  • Dr. Strange is known for being the master of the queer and unusual dark arts of magic.
  • In its portrayal, former Texas Sen. Phil Gramm, R-TX, is wearing a suit so much nattier than his normal attire I thought a group of conservative Republicans had surreptitiously lobbied Bravo to revive “Queer Eye.” A Troubling Time
  • With a queer kind of croaking shriek, the memory of which disturbs my sleep even now occasionally, but which I intended to be a yell of rejoicing, I staggered to my feet, stumbled aft to the cockpit, and half leaped, half tumbled into it. The First Mate The Story of a Strange Cruise
  • He appeared to them to be a queer kind of pedant; they did not care for him, and made no overtures to him, and he avoided them. A House of Gentlefolk
  • Waal," Pete had rejoined, with a portentous wink at the boys, "you never kin tell in this wale of tears what you're a-goin 'up aginst -- queer shapes, fer instance. The Border Boys Across the Frontier
  • Moore wrote that she ‘is tall and has dark hair and eyes and wears queer shades of blue silk and pongees and Boston shoes and hand made watch-chains and pins etc.’
  • It was heavy, and the carrying of it was a queer sensation, inasmuch as it squirmed and "yipped" vociferously in transit, threatening so unmistakably to hatch in my hand that I was decidedly nervous. The Diary of a Goose Girl
  • Even when one is quite well, the breath has a queer "mousey" odor, so that we never like to breathe the breath of another person. The Child's Day
  • A quaint little figure, Lamb comes before our vision, in costume uncontemporary and as queer as himself, consisting of a suit of black cloth (they both affected dark colors), rusty silk stockings shown from the knees, thick shoes a mile too large, shirt with a wide, ill-plaited frill, and tiny white neckcloth tied in a minute bow. Stories of Authors, British and American
  • It looked just the same as the other parts of the curtains -- only half hidden among the bushy leaves near the rustic doorway that Lena called the arbour, she found out a queer brown little face that she had not seen before. Hoodie
  • There seemed to be miles of dark labyrinthine passagesactually, I suppose, a few hundred yards in allthat reminded one queerly of the lower decks of a liner; there were the same heat and cramped space and warm reek of food, and a humming, whirring noise (it came from the kitchen furnaces) just like the whir of engines. Down and Out in Paris and London
  • Pass. as the jark of e'er a queer cuffin in England --- and there's The Heart of Mid-Lothian
  • So sensitive is the detector that a single speck of dust within it could emit enough natural radioactivity to queer the readings.
  • In my previous post I said "unitarily" - I meant "unilaterally" (Maybe Queerty could add a edit option to this board). steve tabarez: Queerty
  • The two major parties use the tyranny of their majority to put their own people - their own stooges - on the commission, to make sure that they queer the pitch in their own favour.
  • I fancy I had been making queer faces enough, and perhaps talking to myself, When I saw myself used in this manner, I held out my clenched fists straight before me, stooped my head, and, like a ram when be makes his race, darted off right down the street, scattering groups of weatherbeaten lairds and periwigged burgesses, and bearing down all before me. Redgauntlet
  • Professor Levi – Brullo, F.D. of Sexe — Weiman – Eitelnaky finds, from experiments made by hinn with his Nuremberg eggs in the one hands and the watches cunldron apan the oven, though it is astensably a case of Ket’s rebollions cooling the Popes back, because the number of squeer faiths in weekly circulation will not be appreciably augmented by the notherslogging of my cupolar clods. Finnegans Wake
  • a queerly inscribed sheet of paper
  • She had lived with her father and sister in a queer old-fashioned, expatriated, artistic Bohemia, in the days when the aesthetic was only the academic and the painters who knew the best models for a contadina and pifferaro wore peaked hats and long hair. The Aspern Papers
  • Queer theorists have sought to demonstrate that a wide range of social institutions display heteronormativity, that is, the assumption of heterosexuality and of the gender difference that defines it, as a norm. Marriage and Domestic Partnership
  • this money had been queerly come by
  • It being self evident that the phallus occupies a central theme in the psychoanalytic theories of gender and sexuality, the course occupies a pivotal role in the Intercultural and Queer program.
  • The New York gay action group "Queer Nation" recently outed an American Congressman.
  • He's a talented musician - a straight bassist in a queercore band who composes himself by composing songs. Nick & Norah's Infinite Playlist by Rachel Cohn and David Levithan
  • Often and often I have mused quietly amid scenes where gamblers of various sorts were disporting themselves -- in village inns where solemn yokels played shove-halfpenny with statesmanlike gravity; in sunny Italian streets where lazy loungers played their queer guessing game with beans; in noisy racing-clubs where the tape clicks all day long; on crowded steamboats when Side Lights
  • Lord Valleys grimaced beneath his crisp moustache -- the word grandpapa always fell queerly on the ears of one who was but fifty-six, and by no means felt it -- and jerking his gloved hand towards Ann, he said: Complete Project Gutenberg John Galsworthy Works
  • a solitary, queer, self-centered old bachelor, a "quahaug," as my fellow-Bayporters called me. Kent Knowles: Quahaug
  • She opened her mouth to tell him so, and then a queer but utterly per-suasive sensation enfolded her: they were being watched. Wizard and Glass
  • It is an orgy, a debauch; and I am sure the addled sailors adjudge me the queerest creature on board. CHAPTER XX
  • Queer runes and letterings were scratched across the wallpaper, which was tarnished and weathered with age.
  • _Vexirfehler_ appears we should have to say that one point is above the threshold for twoness, which is a queer contradiction, to say the least. Harvard Psychological Studies, Volume 1 Containing Sixteen Experimental Investigations from the Harvard Psychological Laboratory.
  • Miss Slocum had a queer, mincing gait which her long limbs appeared averse to, and the result was a little hitchy. That Girl Montana
  • The New York gay action group "Queer Nation" recently outed an American Congressman.
  • He has thus refined his notion of alterity from a "priggish" one that would not acknowledge any resemblance (14) between ancient paederasty and modern homosexuality, to an alterity that now "acknowledge [s], promote [s], and support [s] a heterogeneity of queer identities, past and present The Uses and Abuses of Historicism: Halperin and Shelley on the Otherness of Ancient Greek Sexuality
  • As for the report that other people have made a collection to pay his fine - I can only think of the old adage, ‘There's nowt so queer as folk.’
  • Comprehending queer codes, exulting in nonconformity, expressing gender deviance, confronting assimilation, having to "pass": write about the theory of your life. Breakfast in Bed
  • The term "queer" was once an epithet, before gays and lesbians deliberately repatriated it for themselves. The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
  • His vocals alone possess so much diluvial strength that the ocean of queer chants, orchestral washes, and electronic elements of the album are rendered unnecessary.
  • Perez: You conceive its queer to fornicate with lax women?
  • If she asks Ian for a pay rise before I do, it will probably queer my pitch.
  • There's nowt so queer as folk. 
  • tyke" of a doggie -- a biography which had so lived in my recollection that when a queer little fluffy dumpling of a puppy was given me I could not help giving it the old familiar name, little knowing how aptly true the name would prove to be in after years. Wild Nature Won By Kindness
  • Your cousin Melchior was imprudent with his investments and got into a very queer street.
  • His actions for some weeks have given indication of queerness.
  • You see, when Queen Victoria was a little girl, dolls wore queer frocks and long pantalets and boy dolls wore funny frilled trousers and coats which it would almost make you laugh to look at. The RACKETTY-PACKETTY House
  • Hank was beginning to feel a little queer.
  • During the latter part of the term his conduct had not been by any means "unexceptionable"; but it was part of Gabrielle's queer policy of secrecy to hide any lapse on Arthur's part from her husband. The Tragic Bride
  • The only strange thing was a queer kind of mound, in a glade by the bank of a stream.
  • His imagination played round that queer idea.
  • Well, I felt queerer and queerer, and Southsea Castle began to spin round and round, and the kickers went dancing up and down, and the ships in the harbour were all turning summersets, and every sort of circumvolution and devilment you could think of took place. Will Weatherhelm The Yarn of an Old Sailor
  • Families in both of these control most of the stock and the families could end up queering this deal.
  • Gregory noticed a queer sheen in tha man's deep-socketed eyes which reflected from the tubes of cold light above. SHROUDS OF THE DEATH-CRYPTS
  • So they started talking about capital punishment and of course Bloom comes out with the why and the wherefore and all the codology of the business and the old dog smelling him all the time I'm told those jewies does have a sort of a queer odour coming off them for dogs about I don't know what all deterrent effect and so forth and so on. Ulysses
  • The sun had come, and queer blotty shadows were on the hills beyond the water. The Plumed Serpent
  • Primarily in academic milieus, greater emphasis and discussion is centering on what has come to be called "sexuality and gender studies" sometimes referred to as "queer studies" -- an area of critical studies where writers, educators, and students analyze and challenge current notions and categories of sexuality and gender constructions. Warren J. Blumenfeld: Tribute to Youth Activism & Possibility for a Better Tomorrow
  • Thus saying, he took a heavy draught of the liquor by which he was usually inspired, and the praises of which were the prevailing subject of his song; then, after much hemming, thrumming, and prelusion, and with many queer gestures and gesticulations, he began to effuse a lyric in the following fashion: -- Fanshawe
  • In 1997, the word queer and all its consistently vague connotations had yet to be introduced into my lexicon. The Full Feed from
  • I remember the first high school teacher who, without using the term queer theory, explained the idea that classic texts and films had subtexts that reflected non-normative experiences and that we could find something of our own experiences by looking a little closer. Sexuality
  • With a queer uncanny innocence, he seems always to have taken this one thing for granted.
  • This was the decade of "identity politics" and the "culture wars," which revolved not merely around whether or not Congress gets to decide what art is, but whether or not our national culture -- both high and low -- included the "subcultures" of women, queers, people of color, and immigrants. SeeLight:
  • As with any partnering strategy the question is how deep does the relationship run and how do the companies stop queering each other's pitch.
  • Squeers, Pumblechook; so with giraffes, baboons, dodoes, dromedaries, -- all are freaks from the æsthetic viewpoint, but think of the overflowing energy implied in creating them! Outlines of English and American Literature : an Introduction to the Chief Writers of England and America, to the Books They Wrote, and to the Times in Which They Lived
  • It was a queer remark, mediaeval in its construction, but searing in its heat.
  • Even so, the scene is in no need of being further queered by Brian Kulick, the director of the New York Shakespeare Festival's current Central Park revival.
  • And I was so happy, so wonderfully happy, that a great big something rose within me, and I felt so -- so queer, as if I could fly, and fly, and _fly_! The Sunbridge Girls at Six Star Ranch
  • There was a queer choking sound from Nora and she walked quickly down to the other end of the drawing room and earnestly fixed her gaze upon a portrait of one of the judge's ancestors, until she could gain control of her risibles. Grace Harlowe's Senior Year at High School
  • I don't mean to imply that gender identity is something that genderqueer people just wake up and decide each day.
  • We planned to visit the Great Wall last Sunday, but the rain queered our pitch.
  • ‘You want to have the most people hear about you, but operating on the queercore circuit alone keeps you from that,’ says Ernesto Foronda, who runs Heartcore Records, a label for the buzzed-about gay bands Crowns on 45 and Running Ragged.
  • - And then I have a queer humour o 'my ain, that sets a strolling beggar weel eneugh, whase word naebody minds -- but ye ken Sir Arthur has odd sort The Antiquary — Volume 01
  • Mr. Gordon performed a surpassing rataplan upon his long-suffering thumb-joint and wondered if this queer and direct being might qualify among the redeemable ten per cent. Success A Novel
  • I think the Gaylaxians do a lot of good work in agitating for visibility of queer representations in SF, and help ensure that space is made for those issues within the larger mainstream SF fandom world, at Worldcons and etc. Breakfast in Bed
  • Thus the scene is set when Nick -- the lone straight guy in a "queercore" alternative rock band The Jerkoffs -- reluctantly plays a gig at a club with both Norah and Tris (and the inebriated Caroline) in attendance. JAM! Showbiz
  • But the queerity was," he added, removing the cigar once more, "what made her look at us so? Say and Seal, Volume II
  • An infatuation with statistics impels investigators to queer the pitch of an investigation and resort to shortcut methods to solve a crime somehow.
  • When trans women and transfeminine genderqueers are assumed to be conformist, apolitical, and weak while trans men and transmasculine genderqueers are assumed to be radical, with it, and hip, that's transmisogyny (and femmephobia, and subversivism). The Bilerico Project
  • A terricolous vively-onview this; queer and it continues to be quaky. Finnegans Wake
  • In February 1929, a student paper reported that they had kept a severed dog's head alive for three and a half hours with "a queer-looking affair made of glass and rubber tubing".
  • He liked the queer look of her face, which began with a sort of squarishness in roundness and ended, with a sudden startling change of intention, in a pointed chin. The Combined Maze
  • She's always conspicuous because of her bright clothes and queer hair style.
  • He knew killing Vida would queer his deal with Zoltan and leave him worse off than before.
  • Like many young "genderqueers," Korey doesn't believe a male physique is necessary to be "male."
  • Thanks to QueerDay, I was alerted to this story about the divorce proceedings of Terry McMillan, the author of "How Stella Got Her Groove Back," a barely fictionalized account of her romance with a phyne Jamaican bwoy played by Taye Diggs in the movie! named Jonathan Plummer who is 23 years her junior. Archive 2005-07-01
  • This is a strange, queer, odd bunch - an odd assortment.
  • The careful tailoring only made her look queerly skinny, not so much a boy as some tattie bogle set out in old clothes to scare the crows. LEVIATHAN
  • You know I always was a queer little beast," said this letter, after a few pages in which such words as "chiffon," "corsage," "lingerie, Double Trouble Or, Every Hero His Own Villain
  • With Glasgow Accies and Lenzie queering the pitch, promotion would always have been hard this year - next year Cumnock hope to be among the favourites.
  • Here and there cluster flocks of light, portable booths, each also with a swaying lantern, where steaming tea is sold in thimble-cups; where saki may be drunk hot and hot, poured from long-necked porcelain bottles, or trays of queer, toothsome-looking sweetmeats are to be had for coins of infinitesimal value. In Seven Stages: A Flying Trip Around the World
  • This year's general election saw the media do several things which queered the pitch of the election debate.
  • In this queer pedantism of a man who had read, thought, lived, pen in hand, there is the sincerity of the attempt to grapple by the same means with another profounder knowledge. Under Western Eyes
  • The audience did not terrify her, nor the lights, nor the darkness, nor the queer smell of dust and paint and artificiality, that is a necessary part of the background of stage life. The Camp Fire Girls in the Outside World
  • The resinous glow of fire and candles mingled along the edges of the Five Mystical Forms carved from polished hematite, objects of mathematical meditation which had become semisacred to one of the more crackpot schools of dog wizardry and gave a queer life to the statues of the twenty-one Old Gods, lurking like watchers among the books of what had once been their faith. The Silicon Mage
  • I am glad you young gents come, for it was getting very unked and queer all alone. Fitz the Filibuster
  • Jon Ginoli Reading Powells Books on Hawthorne, @7:30pm: Jon Ginoli set off on a journey of self-discovery and musical passion to become the founding member of Pansy Division, the first out-and-proud queercore punk rock band to hit the semi-big time. Portland Book Events: March 29-April 4 - Reading Local: Portland
  • It helps to remember that in the early 1960s, before the Stonewall Nation, feminists, and anti-colonial guerillas rose up to fight for pride and empowerment, abject depictions of women, queers and the colonized were still the default expression buttressed by law and religion. G. Roger Denson: Jack Smith and the Aesthetics of Camp in an Era of Political Correctness
  • That's a queer go, bringing water and taking nowt back.
  • It's an old story, of course, that "adultness" attaches to innocuous registrations of queer and same-sex life while different standards attach to heterosexual desires and practices. Amor mundi
  • It is queer the fantastic things that quite good people will do in order to keep up their appearance of calm pococurantism. The Good Soldier
  • Or a flock of ostriches would career across our path, their huge strides covering the ground at an incredible pace; queer-looking hartebeest were also plentiful, and duiker, steenbok, and smaller fry abounded everywhere. A Rip Van Winkle Of The Kalahari Seven Tales of South-West Africa

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