How To Use Queen In A Sentence
Anybody who has ever been on a North Queensland pastoral lease knows that you can go 20, 30, 40 miles day after day and all you will see is a few brumbies and some wild pigs; you will not see any cattle anywhere.
After a bit of a stickybeak at the Queen's Scottish residence of Holyroodhouse, we made the most of the remaining daylight walking the length of the Royal Mile through the Old Town back to the castle, stopping by the Heart of Midlothian. TravelStream™ — Recent Entries at
I don't think they play at all fairly," Alice began, in rather a complaining tone, "and they all quarrel so dreadfully one can't hear oneself speak and they don't seem to have any rules in particular; at least, if there are, nobody attends to them -- and you've no idea how confusing it is all the things being alive; for instance, there's the arch I've got to go through next walking about at the other end of the ground -- and I should have croqueted the Queen's hedgehog just now, only it ran away when it saw mine coming!
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
[K. Philip and Queene Mary hereby do disannul Pope Alexanders diuision. 177].
The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
The duke bowed to the Queen.
I turned to air kiss Mr. Bailey and instead found myself falling as if in slow motion into the throne r oom where the Queen was holding court.
A Royal Engagement
Possibly one of the most compassionate pieces of music ever made, it asks us, no, arranges that we see the plight of what I'll be brutal and call a lovelorn drag queen with such intense empathy that when the singer hurts him, we do too.
Archive 2009-02-01
A swarm of princesses totter on stage, got up like topiary on legs in every shade of scarlet, crimson, cerise, cochineal, each foolishly imagining Prince Charming must choose her as his red queen.
Cendrillon; Rinaldo – review
In a key speech, the Queen indicated she was willing to pay tax.
They then head to Townsville in North Queensland for return matches against the AIS, Japan and Australia.
The Queen pulled back on the cross, leaving the Governess holding the thin tapered dagger that had been concealed inside.
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The relay offers an opportunity for millions of people to be directly involved in the games and celebrate the Queen's 50 years as British sovereign.
Speaking of rounding tight corners, the Daily News reports that some messengers attempted to promote cycling in Queens this past weekend by holding an alleycat called "BLVDS of DEATH:
Archive 2010-09-01
Queensland Orienteering Association development officer Liz Bourne says that probably more than any other sport orienteering has suffered from the loss of bushland, particularly around Brisbane.
Poitiers, dedicated to the queen of Clothaire I. -- who afterwards took the veil, and was distinguished for her piety -- there is shown on a white marble slab a well-defined footmark, which is called "Le pas de
Roman Mosaics Or, Studies in Rome and Its Neighbourhood
Tom captured John's queen at last.
Rosetti's queenly portraits of women
They were primarily portraitists, but Thomas is now chiefly remembered for his dramatic Boadicea monument at Westminster Bridge, London, showing the fearsome warrior queen in her chariot.
The Queen heard it as well, for Margaret saw her shoulders stiffen almost imperceptibly.
Filename K: \flacs from cd's and cd-r's\Country\Kitty Wells\The Queen Of Country Music [4 disc set] \disc 2\2-04 Satisfied, So Satisfied 1987. wav
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Teams often protect the yellow jersey like a queen bee, but he briefly dropped back on his own for a seat adjustment from a Saxo Bank mechanic before catching up.
Cavendish ices Tour de France stage victory; Cancellara leads
Rudyard Kipling's Recessional, in exultant recognition of Queen Victoria's Diamond Jubilee, embodied the spirit of that nostalgic period.
Responsible Nationhood
Paris is the queen of cities
Over coffee the Queen asked him ‘To what do we owe the unexpected honour of your visit?’
In either case, the story of queenly beauty would not be complete without the recognition that royal women have traditionally had far more chances than the average woman of actually being beautiful.
The Queen is on a state visit to Moscow.
THE CHRISTMASES OF QUEEN VICTORIA have been kept with much bountifulness, but after the gracious manner of a Christian Queen who cares more for the welfare of her beloved subjects than for ostentatious display.
Christmas: Its Origin and Associations Together with Its Historical Events and Festive Celebrations During Nineteen Centuries
(Bush and Dr Cheney legacy), not just lock it up in cupboards. another inspiration for my writing is this innovative musician and activist fighting racism, Islamo-phobia and injustice head on through his "Rhythm and beats". although his documentaries and DIY cook book music genre are termed irreverence bordering treason against queen and country and glorifying terrorism among the Pakistani and Muslim youth of Britain, But it is merely exposing the truth about the sentiments of equality, discrimination, integration and assimilation.
Pak Tea House
Pulling out of Queen's Park, heading towards Maida Vale through the smart terraces, it was all very nice, until at the Harrow Road a big gang of bus enthusiasts came on.
Only in later periods, when Queen Anne was superseded by Colonial Revival and Colonial Imitation, did gambrel roofs become synonymous with Dutch architecture.
England, and she kept Susan Talbot and her children in what she called their meet place, in which that good lady thoroughly acquiesced, having her hands much too full of household affairs to run after queens.
Unknown to History: a story of the captivity of Mary of Scotland
An independent senior lawyer will be appointed this year to monitor applications to have groups such as bikie gangs declared criminal organisations, the Queensland government says.
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The guy is submissive to the mc, which is the queen.
The Gor books
The person who answered the door was the artist, Yelton, who had even carved a talking stick for the Queen about 10 years ago.
There is some queeny banter going on around us.
Thereupon Shawahi came forward and kissing the ground before the Queen, took the hem of her garment and laid it on her head, saying, O Queen, by my claim for fosterage, be not hasty with him, more by token of thy knowledge that this poor wretch is a stranger, who hath adventured himself and suffered what none ever suffered before him, and Allah (to whom belong Might and
The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
Critics say the bill threatens some of the most ecologically unique areas of the Tongass forest, namely karst limestone habitat, as well as two subspecies: the Queen Charlotte goshawk and the Alexander Archipelago wolf. News
The foundation stone was laid by Mrs Brown on June 21, the 50th anniversary of Queen Victoria's accession to the throne.
What he says is probably true because he has the ear of the Queen.
The flag flying above the palace indicates that the Queen is in residence.
It was only through the abdication of Edward VIII in 1936, that, suddenly, she was thrust into the limelight, and became our Queen.
The queen was grief-stricken at his death.
Three winners will receive a set of 180-thread-count cotton-polyester-blend sheets, a comforter, two shams and a bed skirt; queen size only.
| Reply | Permalink broadbrush: "Hardball Barack - Marquis of Queensbury does not apply.
Obama Campaign Releases Recording Of Alleged Dirty-Trick Call Targeting "Barack Hussein Obama"
In Australia, we know that there is activity at official or semi-official level in South Australia, New South Wales, Queensland, Tasmania and Victoria at least.
He should be very afraid, closeted queenie that he is.
Think Progress » Virginia attorney general instructs state colleges to stop protecting gay students from discrimination.
He was at once a Queens pol and yet the most patrician figure in American politics.
Payments were made instead to courtiers to influence the queen's choice.
Although vigoro is mainly played in Tasmania, Queensland and New South Wales, Hendley said the origins of the game began in Victoria more than a century ago.
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My - dear - Count!" says I, astonished, and everyone stopped talking; the Queen looked pop-eyed, and even Albert left off prosing to the noble corpse beside him.
Much of the King's Indian is based on White having faith in his queenside play over Black's kingside chances.
In her current incarnation she is a demigoddess, the daughter of Zeus and Queen Hippolyta.
There's the chance you might also come across a statue of Queen Victoria, but you'll find few dedications to any other women.
In the following video clip you can watch her demolish the Queen of the Night's aria "Der Hölle Rache kocht in meinem Herzen" from Mozart's The Magic Flute.
George Heymont: Dose Damn Damsels in Dis Dress
We will have the book reviews continue on Monday and Wednesday, the Queen Stories on Thursday, and an article from the guest mzee every Friday.
The Student Operated Press
But it was restored as a chapel in 1662 by Charles II for his wife, Queen Catherine of Braganza, who established a friary in its grounds.
The Church of England has always taken pride in its "comprehensiveness" - a British tolerance for theological diversity dating to Queen Elizabeth I, who combined element of Catholicism and Protestant ism to form a "bridge" between the two traditions.
Pink Collars For Anglicans
( "effigies") of both king and queen to be erected at the Royal
London and the Kingdom - Volume II
What phlegmatical reasons soever were made you," wrote the Queen, who but three weeks before had been so gentle and affectionate to her, ambassador, "how happeneth it that you will not remember, that when a man hath faulted and committed by abettors thereto, neither the one nor the other will willingly make their own retreat.
History of the United Netherlands from the Death of William the Silent to the Twelve Year's Truce — Complete (1584-1609)
A Yorkshire historian is calling on the Queen to help to clear Richard III of the double child murder which has blackened his reputation for more than 500 years.
A number toured outback Queensland as travelling showmen later in that century.
I think it's safe to say that neither of them is quite ready for lunch at the palace yet, unless the Queen puts plenty of paper down and has a battalion of beefeaters on hand to hose them down afterwards.
Their conjugal affection still is ty'd,And still the mournful race is multiply'd:They bill, they tread; Alcyone compress'd,Sev'n days sits brooding on her floating nest:A wintry queen: her sire at length is kind,Calms ev'ry storm, and hushes ev'ry wind;Prepares his empire for his daughter's ease,And for his hatching nephews smooths the seas.
Mystery bird: Black-capped kingfisher, Halcyon pileata
The Curé would follow the Queen as she collected this small tax for her poor people, a levy which often totaled as much as much as one hundred 'louis' and never less than fifty.
Almsgiving of Louis XVI and Marie-Antoinette
Their allegiance is still to the Queen.
It's all very much of its time, and sounds a bit dated now, but Beats and Pieces holds up well, as does Find a Way (with excellent vocals by Queen Latifah).
Here, as we have seen, their ruler was the pro-Roman queen, Cartimandua whose seat may have been at Stanwick, near Scotch Corner.
In ‘The Queen's Court ’, the exhibition broadens out into a more thematic display.
Known as the queen of tropical fruits, the mango is probably the best loved tropical fruit worldwide.
The organ voluntary was the Arrival of the Queen of Sheba from Solomon, Handel
What he says is probably true because he has the ear of the Queen.
As Matthew Woodcock points out, there have been many studies of queenliness in Spenser's The Faerie Queene, but very few that made sense of the poet's use of fairy.
In 2002, when Sullivan was 15, things took what seemed to be a queen-size leap forward - an A&R rep from Jive Records caught one of Sullivan's Lily performances, which led to the label signing the then-sophomore to a deal.
The company's Queen's Award was approved by Her Majesty in April last year in acknowledgement of export excellence.
The English Renaissance, begun haltingly under Queen Elizabeth, reborn under Inigo Jones but repressed during the interregnum, now found its feet.
British architecture: the baroque in Britain
He was given the title of honorary physician to the Queen in 1967 for his public health work in Lancashire and for advising the Ministry of Health.
For their part, the people were thrilled with their new Queen.
Before the Second World War, actresses who played Titania usually aimed at an ethereal, queenly elegance and beauty.
Ministers will be put under pressure to scrap the law that bans the eldest daughter of a British monarch from becoming queen if she has a brother.
Mom, a proud coupon queen, toddles to her little local library in Brooklyn every day, to Web-surf for freebies, coupons and rebates.
Each heart scores one point, and the queen of spades scores 13 points.
She gave a highly creditable performance as the wicked queen.
He ornamented such unexceptional oaters as ‘The Last Outpost,’ ‘Tennessee's Partner’ and ‘Cattle Queen of Montana’.
Nekkid girls and boobies alert, distasteful showiness of much skin, and they all wanna fight each other in order to be the Queen of wherever the heck they are.
Anime Preview: Spring 2009 First Impressions – Batch 1 « Undercover
What air there was might touch all alike, but would affect least the "Lawrence," "Detroit," and "Queen Charlotte," because their sails were being rent; and also they were in the centre of the cannonade, which is believed usually to kill the breeze.
Sea Power in its Relations to the War of 1812 Volume 2
He purchased a new queen-size bed for the bedroom and constructed a small library, its bookshelves filled with biographies as well as volumes devoted to history, political science, and New Journalism, including the works of Hunter S.
American Legacy
A lock of hair believed to belong to Mary Queen of Scots sold at auction yesterday.
In Division One, Westwood's encouraging start continued with a 3-win at Queensbury Reserves.
Walsingham assigns assistant secretary and chief intelligencer John Shakespeare to investigate the scheme and quickly concludes the Drake plot is tied to the murder of a relative of the Queen Lady Blanche Howard, whose corpse mutilated with numerous stabbings was found in a London fire.
Martyr-Rory Clements « The Merry Genre Go Round Reviews
His family goes back to the time of Queen Elizabeth 1.
Dotty was destroyed after savaging one of the Queen's corgis at the Sandringham estate shortly before Christmas two years ago.
Hospitals including the Royal, City and Ulster need to achieve a quota of junior doctors to maintain their teaching status in conjunction with Queen's University.
Which is why Queensland's finest are on their way to Malaysia - home of the world's only herd of wild cattle - to prove that a carefree life of leisure reduces the incidence of bovine sapphism.
Individuals of the worker caste are usually effectively sterile, and reproduction is monopolized by the queen caste.
Also includes the site of the moated palace of King Edwin and Queen Ethelburga.
The world was a very different place when the Queen acceded to the throne.
Note—Peg told me that several days ago the queen miscarried; they eased her pain with mugwort and foxglove, and she is now recovering.
Exit the Actress
The whole hive flew after the queen bee.
I am nicknamed the ‘drama queen’ by my badminton friends, and funnily enough, I would have liked to become an actress
QUEENS - An assistant principal at a school in Queens died Sunday night. - Capital Region News, Weather and Sports from NEWSCHANNEL 13
He is the chastest prince for women that ever was, for he would often swear that he never kissed any other woman than his own queen.
Will gay unfriendly Southern Baptists expel King James?
Mary graduates from a tense, haunted guilt about her role in the murder of Darnley to a radiant, assured queenliness in the spiritual honesty and dignity with which she faces death.
Plumbers and electricians working on construction sites in Queensland will strike for two weeks starting February 26.
Naturally I had a few moans via videoscreen from the Troi Borg Queen, saying I am a disgrace to the Borg race.
Archive 2009-12-01
The government now seems confident that it will get the Communications Bill - which is expected to feature in the Queen's Speech in November - through the Commons unamended.
The lantern is suspended from chains fixed to the center of a shell cartouche with a representation of another royal crown painted on the ceiling of the Queen's Staircase.
The people of Namoris were, supposedly, descendants of the Lunarians, immortal beings, the subjects of the moon goddess Celhyst, banished to the Earth and subjected to mortality for some misdeed against their queen.
The guide showed us a little of the town, and we walked behind the castle to see the long walk where the queen goes riding.
The fact that the dim-witted and near-sighted MPAA has slapped an NC-17 rating on Steve McQueen's Shame implies that there is something prurient about this film, whose central figure is a sex addict, struggling with his demons.
Marshall Fine: Movie review: Shame
Touching the Queen was a breach of royal protocol.
He is kidnapped and his friends try to save him - but are are captured by the Queen's crafty cunning.
There were the Knights of the Round Table, vowed to the highest ideals of chivalry, and the greatest of them, Sir Lancelot, who, of course, has a tragic love affair with the Queen.
Hundreds of people travelled to the southeast Queensland home of RM Williams at the weekend to buy saddlery, tools and machinery from the estate of the bush legend.
As monsoonal rains poured down, the Gulf Country of Queensland, and extensive areas of the dry centre, were turned into vast inland seas, isolating pastoral stations and causing heavy cattle losses.
Newbury has better train connections, and also a straight mile for races such as the Royal Hunt Cup and Queen Anne Stakes.
Today, we see that the bees are still maintaining what I call queen cell Number 2, but have not yet capped it. - making science user-friendly
Flipping unbelievable, the Queen would rob the coffers of schools and hospitals so that her tawdry hangers on and distant relatives don't have to pay their way Grr If they are grace and favour, let the residents of them pay if Her Maj ain't got the dough but bollocks to us paying it, we don't pay our taxes so chinless hooray henries and Chlamydia Camilla's can have a ball at our expense.
The Independent - UK RSS Feed
He dies, vowing vengeance upon Rome, and sending messages to Queen Elizabeth, "whom God hath bless'd for hating papistry.
Bussy D'Ambois and The Revenge of Bussy D'Ambois
The long, narrow proportions of the 2,600 sf Patisserie is reinforced by a floating ceiling running the length of the interior, drawing the patron in from Queen Street to the depths of the kitchen.
His father was Louis VIII, of the Capet line, and his mother was the redoubtable Queen Blanche, daughter of King Alfonso of Castile and Eleanor of England.
While Mary successfully projected queenly serenity, her place in political theory was another matter.
Anderson has been named by a "supergrass" convicted of conspiracy to murder who will give evidence next week. marcpen: A supergrass is a high level ex-gang member who 'turns Queen's Evidence' to become a prosecution witness.
Original Signal - Transmitting Buzz
Never mind; we can make believe that the queen has sent them off, so as not to scare Pocahontas; that's what they call poetical license," said Polly.
Half a Dozen Girls
It examines two powerful queens, how they used their power differently and how they suffered in love; two women imprisoned by the powerful roles they inhabit.
Bit of a problem with cane toads in Queensland.
Times, Sunday Times
However, in reality it's a little blue-green algae, known to the science world as trichodesmium, a natural occurrence along the Queensland coastline each year. The Sunshine Coast Daily
However, she refers to the muster for a boat called Queen, 74 guns, with a ship's complement just of 300 men.
A range of events featuring freestyle, butterfly, sidestroke, backstroke and medley races saw the kids battle for supremacy as to who would be the king and queen of the pool in their age groups and for their swimming club.
This is done with a formal bow to the king or queen.
Baron of Bunkum - the best source for dross and drivel in the queendom!
He sought a private audience with the Queen.
Jonathan David Jagger, surgeon oculist to the Queen.
New Year honours: the full list
Serrell was given a contract to build a highway suspension bridge over the Niagara between Lewiston and Queenston.
Our fore fathers had the presence of mind to do away with king and "queenship".
King Bush, Knight Dick, and Princess Lynne!
The trainer of the Queen's pigeons, an East Anglian with the improbable name of Carlo Napolitano, was at Sun City.
I am to be Queen of England and sign my name Margaret Regina: Margaret R. But there is no opportunity for me to address them, to shine.
The Red Queen
Amid the midsummer heat and the excitement in central London, as citizens celebrated Queen Victoria's Diamond Jubilee, the principal contenders were becoming clear.
The list also includes Her Majesty The Queen, eight more Dukes, five Marquesses, thirteen Earls, five Viscounts, twenty-three Lords, seven Baronets, fifty-four Knights, two Dames and six Ladies.
The dealer flops an ace, queen and jack - two of them spades.
Much of south-east Queensland has become a carpark, almost, during commuter hours, and north-east New South Wales is not much better.
They were bowing as the king and queen walking in.
Unfortunately the next day was gray and "muggy" -- a quality which the Queen had been told was characteristic of the Irish climate.
Life of Her Most Gracious Majesty the Queen — Volume 2
This, of course, is a Haida totem from the Queen Charlotte Islands.
Endangered Spaces: The Future for Wilderness in Canada
Sometimes they only let couples in - I actually had to pretend to be gay and throw a queeny fit to glean admittance.
'Tut, tut, Buonesperado,' laughed he, 'you shall forget that Tyburn is not a fable if you care to have doubloons reminted at the Queen's mint.
Michel and Angele — Volume 3
For much the same reason, we support the continuation of the office of Queen's Counsel.
They stretch her hair back and put on this terrible wig and strap her in to the battle garments of queenliness and she comes out and she's the embodiment of power.
Fear And Clothing: Cintra Wilson's Fierce Fashion Prowess
The queen is in the formicarium now and seems quite busy exploring her new surroundings.
And guess what, we saw a surfboat from Queensland in the main street…
Tropic Temper
The Queen rode in state to the opening of Parliament.
'Rack his style, Madam, _rack his style_?' he said to Queen Elizabeth, as he tells us, when she consulted him -- he being then of her counsel learned, in the case of Dr. Hayward, charged with having written 'the book of the deposing of Richard the Second, and the _coming in_ of
The Philosophy of the Plays of Shakspere Unfolded
Court for being four days without dining with him; so I dined there to-day, and he has at last fallen in with my project (as he calls it) of coining halfpence and farthings, with devices, like medals, in honour of the Queen, every year changing the device.
The Journal to Stella
To the people of Atlantis she is Princess Naia, half-mortal daughter of the Oceanid Queen Metis and her long-lost human consort.
Archive 2010-01-01
Three maritime workers in Queensland face disciplinary action and may be sacked by their ship towage employer for attending the rally.
Well, I was visiting my relations in the warm, down-home community of Springfield, MO, Queen City Of The Ozarks.
Unfortunateley in Queensland they had a despot called Johannes Bjelke-Petersen, a Kiwi of determined jackboot disposition.
Cheeseburger Gothic » God bless you, big insurance company.
Queen's doubled their lead when Elger struck again with another field goal eight minutes into the second quarter.
Why is it only ever senior officers receive honours from the queen?
Later a refuge for Catholic priests in times of terror the Stuarts of Traquair supported Mary Queen of Scots and the Jacobite cause without counting the cost.
There was a lot of activity in preparation for the Queen's visit.
Trumped-up charges of conspiracy to overthrow the queen, and an unjustly conducted prosecution, brought conviction of treason and hanging at Tyburn.
Thylacinus macknessi, a specialised thylacinid (Marsupialia: Thylacinidae) from Miocene deposits of Riversleigh, north-western Queensland.
Australian Fossil Mammal Sites, Australia
When audiences first see her, for instance, she is in prison, while, by the end of the film, she has emerged as a gutsy warrior queen, who is more than capable of handling herself on the battlefield.
Hop on at Queen's pier and sail out for a few beers or supper at one of the waterfront restaurants.
Many councils will not be holding special civic functions to mark the 50th anniversary of Queen Elizabeth's accession to the throne.
He did sometimes express amazement that some of the great canonical books (The Faerie Queene comes to mind) were taken seriously; this was part of his conversational charm.
I came down and, in a pillared hall within the temple, the emperor stood in regal splendour - a queenly woman beside him - caught in a moment of deep crisis.
And what about Queen's Park, the Town Gardens and the concert bowl, and Lydiard Park and its beautifully restored mansion?
But most importantly, Kathie remains the undisputed queen of the council chamber.
The secretary of Elizabeth I's Privy Council is supposed to have submitted the warrant for the execution of Mary Stuart several times, concealed in a pile of lesser bumf, to help the Queen get over the hump. Pardon Update (Updated)
The flamboyant frontman of rock group Queen will be remembered at the concert at The Barbican in York on Saturday November 24.
December 28, 2007 at 4:43 pm ahhh yessss….memoriesees …..teh furst howse ai libbed in wen ai mobed out to go to colej….waz in Costa Mesa, teh queen sity ob taky liddle howses….
*fa la la la la - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
Any little diversion we plan - an afternoon drive to the Dairy Queen, a game of Monopoly after supper - Dad's nose vetoes.
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE NEW YORK DEALER CREDITS VAUTO FOR PRE-OWNED SALES HONORS QUEENS, N.Y. -- Paragon Honda in Queens, N.Y., and Paragon Acura in Woodside, N.Y., credit their use of vAuto for leading both of them to achieve top national status for 2008 deliveries of certified pre-owned vehicles.
Automotive Headlines
Veteran rockers Queen, along with Razorlight and Simple Minds, will top the entertainment line-up.
In the same year of 1927 he was also elected to a fellowship at Queen's College Oxford.
The current ensign wasn't adopted as a fully fledged flag until 1981, when the Queen visited and personally gave her assent.
The palace, they argue, should have invited gay partners to this evening's reception; last week in Glasgow, the Queen should have sat differently, her lady-in-waiting should have worn a different hat, and so on.
Note—Peg told me that several days ago the queen miscarried; they eased her pain with mugwort and foxglove, and she is now recovering.
Exit the Actress
To me the peach is the queen, the Koh-i-noor, the Cotopaxi, the Angkor Wat, the Bach unaccompanied cello suites of fruit.
The Peach
In queensland, but outside the actual region, it is said Beau-desert, with Beau being the same as th flyspray (Pea Beau) or the tyres (Beauregard).
Crikey » Canberra Calling
They jump effortlessly from new wave-tinged rockers to Queen-like bombast to stunning Beatlesque ballads to jazzy art-pop, without losing their touch with hooks that lodge themselves in your cranium and refuse to let go.
Tony Sachs: One More Once: A Listen Back At The Records That Made 2010 More Bearable
The wives of a king, prince, duke, marquess, earl, viscount and baron are queen, princess, duchess, marchioness, countess, viscountess and baroness respectively.
The second mile is a huge drop into Brooklyn, and by about halfway, in the borough of Queens, 12 flat miles are followed by a climb, a drop and another steep climb.
Her task was to steal an expensive diamond necklace from the Queen.
Cooper is a former B-movie queen.
The crew went out again a week later and caught a 14.6 kilo cobia, a 7.1 kilo cobia and a lot of queen fish and pompanos.
London is the queen of British cities.
I've no element of self-loathing but I do realise that part of my success is just me showing off, and wanting to queen it over other people, to be frank with you.
The screen veteran is the biggest name on the Queen's birthday honours list, receiving a knighthood.
Would Steve McQueen have been a skinny latte man?
Hemma meaning Queen, in Twi, the native language of Ghana, is a luxury lifestyle brand that merges authentic African Kente cloth with western world high fashion for a look that is high in both culture and style.
Feature: Harlem’s Hemma Couture «
Take a pack of playing cards and remove the jokers, tens, jacks and queens.
A kinswoman of and chamberer to Queen Kathryn Parr, she was with the queen dowager when she died.
Secrets of the Tudor Court
The story here concerns a pair of American innocents abroad—Lightning McQueen, the bright-red race car brightly voiced by Owen Wilson, and Tow Mater, the buck-toothed, good-hearted tow truck who speaks in the cornpone tones of Larry the Cable Guy.
Oy Story: 'Cars 2' Is a Dollar-Driven Edsel
Barry redressed the building, added tower elements and slathered the whole thing with a thick icing of period detail, and voila: The earls of Carnarvon had a house that suggested a long pedigree and hearkened back to the fantasy days of Good Queen Bess.
A Victorian fantasy, in stone
His daughter Queen Elizabeth I was the first to wear paste jewellery to make herself look richer that she really was.
From then - thanks to the stubbornness of the Queen's back line - the match seemed to fizzle out, and by the end the scoreline probably flattered the victors.
If we had in our power the pen which traced the delicate marvels of Queen Mab, not bigger than an agate that glitters on the finger of an alderman, of her liny chariot, of her diaphanous team, only then should we succeed in giving an idea of a purely ideal talent into which matter enters hardly at all.
Frederic Chopin as a Man and Musician
At the proposed arrival of the young Queen, who was well worthy of the most ardent devotion, the "leal" heart of Scotland swelled with glad anticipation.
Life of Her Most Gracious Majesty the Queen — Volume 1