How To Use Quasi In A Sentence

  • Now that I think about it, direct property distraint was a recognized means of compelling welchers to fulfill their obligations in the quasi-anarchic Brehon laws of Celtic Ireland, even if it was a case of tenants or debtors going after landlords or creditors. Shameless Self-promotion Sunday #30
  • Remember that we also know that in many body systems there are quasiparticles which act very much like normal particles.
  • Wilson also dispensed with the ceremoniousness hamstringing Boston's other lyceums, such as their practice of staging elaborate quasi-military "Banner Marches," which they sometimes even performed before military veterans. Henry Louis Gates, Jr.: Harriet Wilson's Sunday School
  • This quasi-historical fiction is followed hy a succession of fabliaux, novelle and historiettes which fill the rest of the vol.iv. and the whole of vol.v. till we reach the terminal story, The The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • Critics credit it with transforming millions of indiscriminate guzzlers into quasi foodies. Times, Sunday Times
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  • These used rotating discs to initiate a quasi-musical sound which was then filtered, processed and reproduced at different pitches.
  • The Servian action is that by which a landlord sues for his tenant's property, over which he has a right in the nature of mortgage as security for his rent; the quasi-Servian is a similar remedy, open to every pledgee or hypothecary creditor. The Institutes of Justinian
  • Since markets are interconnected and some banks occupy quasi - monopolistic positions, we must consider breaking them up.
  • Calculations of evaporative flux density and conductances were the same as those under quasi-steady-state conditions.
  • Going into a somewhat different trajectory, specifically to continue a line of speculation from a previous post on an African bridge house: can someone be fundamentally altered — like the corn they're cultivating to produce cancer cures — while living quasi-permanently in flourescent-lit dampness and hermetic seclusion, detached from the vagaries of weather, time and natural pollination, amidst pure geology? Cave Pharming
  • The practice is quasi fraudulent and ought to be outlawed. Times, Sunday Times
  • New stellarators beat the confinement problem by creating a quasi-symmetric field - trading fiendishly complex magnetic fields for fiendishly complex magnets.
  • This war and occupation was founded on Bush's lies and these lies have infected everythingabout thisillegal warand occupation~ from the quasi Iraqi American-controlled government to the purposely misleading body and wounded count and why, you ask? BRING THEM HOME NOW / NOT LATER IN BODY TUBES
  • They took a quasi-religious attitude to Confucius, worshipping him as ‘the uncrowned king’ rather than respecting him simply as the greatest of teachers.
  • During the Eastern Zhou royal power declined and there was a concomitant growth in the feudal fiefs, some becoming quasi-independent kingdoms.
  • Thus we musy consider the situation of the concept of a quasi-particle is applicable. The Libertarian Alliance: BLOG
  • In his later paintings he used quasi-Oriental calligraphic forms that he called logograms.
  • The most famous of the Pop artists, the cult figure Andy Warhol, recreated quasi-photographic paintings of people or everyday objects.
  • The research method used for system assessment is quasi - experimental design. The experiment adopts nonequivalent - control group design.
  • The interrogating carbineer who is invested, during such preliminary enquiries, with quasi-judicial functions -- being permitted to assume the role of prosecuting or defending counsel, or to remain sternly unbiased, as he feels inclined -- desired to learn how he had come by this jewel. South Wind
  • Ora quando vado da Roma a Nizza (Francia), viaggio quasi sempre di giorno per potermi godere le bellezze naturali: dei piccoli villaggi del Lazio e della Toscana o gli scenari mozzafiato delle Cinque terre o delle altre località della Sua Liguria. Global Voices in English » Japan: Reactions to the Japanese tourist rip-off in Italy
  • As the evening wore on, bit by bit his head slipped lower and lower until it somehow finished up under his lady friend's arm and it looked like she was carrying the head of Quasimodo.
  • And her accent, which had once sounded so alluringly foreign, had flattened into a quasi-American drawl.
  • There is also a Greek cuisine promotion, which features quasi-traditional Greek dishes, including the appetizer platter with pita bread, hummus, tzatziki, eggplant dressing, Greek yogurt and feta cheese.
  • In Gerome's quasi-photographic version of academic painting, tone came first.
  • Captain John Frankford, commanding the 18-gun privateer Belvedere out of Philadelphia, had several spirited engagements with French xebecs and privateers off the Spanish coast in the spring of 1799 during the Quasi-War with France.
  • After more than a decade in which the balanced budget had assumed quasi-religious status, many were suddenly converted to the necessity of a major dose of deficit spending.
  • At longer time-scales, plate tectonic activity appears quasi-periodic and self-organizes into the supercontinent cycle.
  • Postremo illud affectus omnes atque ipsum appetitum rebellione infecit; haec renovata sanctitas in ordinem cogit perturbatas affectiones, et ipsam rebellem concupiscentiam dominio spoliat, et quasi sub jugum mittit. Pneumatologia
  • In the lamello-columnar phase obtained at low salt concentration, NCPs order into either a two-dimensional columnar hexagonal phase or into three-dimensional orthorhombic (quasi-hexagonal) crystals.
  • There's a quasi-religious, Gospel feel about it all as grown women clap and cheer.
  • The serialists / atonalists wrapped themselves in quasi-mathematical systems at the expense of the subjective, though they insisted that the works were meant to be expressive.
  • I am not in the business of trying to enrich people who would like to sit in the middle as bureaucrats, as sort of quasi-political business people.
  • Earlier forerunners rely entirely on intransitive or quasi-transitive verbs, with the object preceded by a preposition.
  • Dudeism, a quasi-religion based upon the teachings of the film's antihero The Dude, has been the result of its slow-burn success and this event brings its founder Oliver Benjamin to the Idler magazine's west London slacker school for a debate on tenpin bowling, naps and kicking back. This week's new events
  • The contratenor, usually moving in 2nds, 4ths and 5ths, lends a quasi-harmonic feeling to the music, but sometimes produces awkward combinations with the other voices. Archive 2009-05-01
  • The court held that for the purposes of the Brussels Convention, now the Brussels Regulation, this was a claim in tort, delict, or quasi-delict.
  • The work artfully juxtaposes two complex, quasi-symphonic percussion instruments piano and gamelan ensemble, East and West each making fluent-sounding attempts at adopting the accent of the other, with the piano's unusual tuning giving a quirky tinge to its tones, a slight acridity to would-be octaves. Music review: Post-Classical Ensemble recognizes the work of Lou Harrison
  • By ensemble average method, the concentration distribution and error threshold of quasispecies on single peak Gaussian distributed fitness landscapes were evaluated.
  • No-one would nowadays identify the two (except, perhaps, for certain quasi-realists and anti-realists), but the view that imaginability is a solid test for possibility has been strongly defended. Dualism
  • And beyond the jobs which are known to the Government, more damage will be done by the disappearance of a wide variety of quasi-legal 'shadow economy' jobs and their close cousin, the 'blackmarket' and illegal occupations. Archive 2005-08-01
  • But this has not impeded them from posing as quasi-journalistic independent observers elsewhere ever since, whether on CNN, CBS, Fox or in these pages, identifying themselves as experts rather than Pentagon junketeers.
  • Similarly, incoherent quasielastic neutron scattering experiments provide information on the mean-square displacements of the hydrogen atoms.
  • Glew believes the memoirs imply Quasimodo is based on a real-life figure as they reference a carver named Trajan, who was employed by an unnamed scuptlor whose French nickname was le bossu, or "hunchback. Notre Dame's 'Real' Hunchback Uncovered By U.K. Archivist
  • It won't last long, this curious quadrille of quasi-courtship.
  • We shall therefore say that knife, fork and spoon are quasi-hyponyms of cutlery, and cutlery is a quasi-superordinate.
  • Irish side when courting her as a humorous short cut to a quasi familiarity, for you may call a girl "acushla" and "Ellin darlint" when otherwise you are fully aware, but for the Irish of it, she would have to be referred to as Miss Dodworth. By Advice of Counsel
  • So long as all labor continues to be performed exclusively or usually by slaves, the baseness of all productive effort is too constantly and deterrently present in the mind of men to allow the instinct of workmanship seriously to take effect in the direction of industrial usefulness; but when the quasi-peaceable stage (with slavery and status) passes into the peaceable stage of industry (with wage labor and cash payment) the instinct comes more effectively into play. The theory of the leisure class; an economic study of institutions
  • Fecisti quod quædam mulieres facere solent, quando libidinem se vexantem extinguere volunt, quæ se conjungunt quasi coire debeant et possint, et conjungunt invicem puerperia sua, et sic, fricando pruritum illarum extinguere desiderant? The Priest, The Woman And The Confessional
  • The real essence of the conceiv - able quasi rigid continuation of a body Bo is the infinite Out Of My Later Years
  • The effective masses of the electrons are therefore increased - by a few percent in simple metals and by factors of up to 1000 in ‘heavy fermion ‘systems - but the quasiparticles still carry the same charge and spin as free electrons.’
  • Yet for all its eclecticism it builds in a single arc -- its core the long second movement, propelled upward by quasi-Minimalist rhythmic repetitions -- until the exuberant jam session is capped by the churchly sobriety of the orchestral idiom, returning as if to remind everyone of where they are, though more focusing the mood than interrupting it. In performance: NSO and Yo-Yo Ma
  • Quasimodaspis, along with the inarticulate brachiopods that are the only other fossils so far recovered from this locality, was probably transported from a shallower facies.
  • These estimates are based on independent observations and widely varying physical phenomena: the heat balance of a warming planet; the feedbacks involved in short-term radiative perturbations; and quasi-equilibrium climate states under different boundary conditions. RealClimate
  • But it ` s definitely being tied as a sort of quasi-religious or even satanic -- the word satanic has also been used ritual connected to Halloween night. CNN Transcript Nov 3, 2008
  • Purism, however, also has its barbarisms, such as the quasiclassical plurals octopi and syllabi for octopus and syllabus, competing with octopuses and syllabuses.
  • Other usual reasons for disqualification, including adjudgement of incompetence or quasi-incompetence, shall also apply.
  • One is the quasi-Democratic tilt of the screenplay, with bad guys bellyaching about taxes on the rich and encroaching Socialism (gee, that sounds familiar). 2009 September :
  • “Our procedure uses multiatepr spectral estimation in concert with a robust noise level determination to allow for optimal detection of periodic and quasi-periodic signals buried in cliamtic red noise” Graybill and Idso [1993] Online « Climate Audit
  • The musicians blueprinted the combination of a pale, angst-ridden singer backed by quasi-industrial pop in the early 1990s, then split in 1994, only to see virtual soundalikes rise to superstardom.
  • For the Frankfurt School critics, romantic and postromantic lyric dramatizes with special intensity modern aesthetic quasiconceptuality’s more general attempt to stretch conceptual thought proper; this special intensity arises from lyric’s constitutive need musically to stretch "objective" conceptual thought’s very medium, language — to stretch it quasiconceptually all the way towards affect and song, but without relinquishing any of the rigor of conceptual intellection. [ Sociopolitical (i.e., _Romantic_) Difficulty in Modern Poetry and Aesthetics
  • one of the quasi-royal rulers of Africa
  • Both kinds of form, it may be noted, though they specify their resultant essences, or quasi-essences, are individuated by the quantified matter in the one case, and the subject of inhesion in the other. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 6: Fathers of the Church-Gregory XI
  • In wargames, theme is everything, as the designer is attempting to model a game on a historical or quasi-historical event, and the rules follow from trying to simulate aspects of that event.
  • At around this same time, other liberal Puritans were discovering via English Unitarian intermediaries and adopting as their own the antitrinitarian Christology and quasi-Pelagian soteriology of the radical Reformers. Philocrites: The UU gospel according to Fausto.
  • Note 31: Salimbene de Adam Chronica, ed.O. Holder-Egger, MGH SS 32.30: "Eodem anno, scilicet MCCXII, trium puerorum quasi duodennium, qui se visionem vidisse dicebant, crucis signaculum assumentium in partibus Colonie persuasu multitudo innumera pauperum utriusque sexus et puerorum de Theotonia peregrinantium in Ytalia crucesignatorum accessit, unanimi corde et una voce dicentium se per siccum maria transituros et terram sanctam Ierusalem in Dei potentia recuperaturos; sed demum quasi evanuit universa." back A Tender Age: Cultural Anxieties over the Child in the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries
  • Furthermore, as you noted in the original comment, very long-tailed stochastic processes have been identified in solar behavior, while other quasi-periodic astronomical phenomena eg changes in earth orbital parameters, fluctuations in cosmic ray influx etc that have been identified as possible climate drivers would also lead to long period autocorrelations in climate variables. Cohn and Lins [GRL 2005] « Climate Audit
  • Also, his quasi-anarchist political views coexisted uneasily with his conservative traditionalist leanings. The Volokh Conspiracy » The Books that Influenced Me the Most
  • So the whole ritual is a sublimated performance in glittering vestments and ceremonial gestures which transform everydayness into a quasi-encounter with the otherworldly.
  • The roads and pavements of these cul-de-sacs are quasi-private places, gated communities without gates.
  • Recover devices of samples treated under super-pressure loading by quasi-spherical converging shock wave using nitromethane liquid explosive were studied.
  • Then she goes off on one of the quasi-mystical flights of fancy that have led many who have interviewed her to conclude that she's quite barking.
  • Because preventive services are quasi-public goods or of positive externality, the government should provide these services through subsidy or directly public supply.
  • Living in the shadows of quasi-legality, abandonware, programs once commercially sold now absent from store shelves, are popular on the Net.
  • At this point we no longer discuss electrons but quasiparticles.
  • I was hoping he'd share some of Bessie's choicer Yiddish bons mots, the randier the better, but his favorites seemed somewhat tame, summing up the "frustrated fatalism," as he put it, of his own peripatetic, quasi-show-business existence. Sharing the Chutzpah
  • Can you imagine a skilled constitutional lawyer debating a quasi-jounalism student that hunts from a helicopter?! Poll: Palin decision doesn't change minds
  • Many of the aphorisms having to do with the Fall, suffering and redemption show a progressivist chiliastic or even quasi-Hegelian structure culminating in some aspect of the coincidentia oppositorum, the final freedom promised by man's release from the prison of the principle of contradiction. Kafka and the Coincidence of Opposites
  • A tornado of energy, she pushes a vision that varies from minimalist, quasi-architectural purity to funky playfulness.
  • As Darwin argued in Descent, this quasi-polygenetic version of coevolution was unable to explain primeval man's initial dominance over rival ape-like populations. Citizendium, the Citizens' Compendium - Recent changes [en]
  • Verily, gentlemen, this is, as the lawyers would say, "quasi agnum committere lupo, ad devorandum. Speech of Hon. John W. Ellis, Delivered before the Democratic State Convention, in Raleigh, March 9, 1860
  • In concert with contemporary theory, she posits a world of belated, thwarted deixis, of quasi-chimerical example.
  • 7 Again, the Servian and quasi-Servian actions, the latter of which is also called 'hypothecary,' are derived merely from the praetor's jurisdiction. The Institutes of Justinian
  • Again, behind the Coal Sack is a long, massive cylinder, a quasi-Terching-Effect shell enclosing a neutronium core. Covergent Series
  • I don't think too many folks these days, even those of us of the Marxish persuasion, believe in some essentialist notion of "progress," with its quasi-religious teleology and its unilinear social-evolutionary implications. Archive 2008-07-01
  • Metelli primos suos praetergressum videt, praesidio quasi duum milium peditum montem occupat, qua Metellus descenderat, ne forte cedentibus adversariis receptui ac post munimento foret; dein repente signo dato hostes invadit. C. Sallusti Crispi De Bello Catilinario Et Jugurthino
  • And the Department of Education's quasi-governmental accrediting oversight body comprises many university presidents, including the provost of the University of Phoenix and the board chairman of the Association of Private Sector Colleges and Universities, a chief lobbying group for the for-profit college industry. Buying Legitimacy: How A Group Of California Executives Built An Online College Empire
  • To have this quasi-feudal law in the 21 century is an outrage, but what sticks in the gullet is the contempt the sneering Beeboids have for us while they take our money. stanley Jerusalem On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • Cambaleth quæ est ciuitas multum antiqua, et veni ad Catai, et eam ceperunt Tartari: Et iuxta eam ad dimidium miliare aliam ciuitatem fecerunt, quæ vocatur Caido et haec 12. portas habet, et semper inter vnam et aliam sunt duo miliaria, et medium inter illas ciuitates benè inhabitatur, ita quòd faciunt quasi vnam ciuitatem; The Journal of Friar Odoric
  • Universities could foster a work culture for university students by making student obligations clear to students before they start their university education and continuously thereafter, preferably in the form of quasi-contracts.
  • (NB Se li cuoci per 10 minuti esatti, all’assaggio sembrano quasi crudi ma tutto sommato piacevoli e si sciolgono in bocca; se li cuoci di più, diventano più asciutti e perdono la loro ’scioglievolezza’ … cuoci quindi according to your taste). Ovis Mollis « Baking History
  • In it, in fact, Beethoven may be said to have broken away from form, for after the word sonata he adds the qualifying phrase "quasi una fantasia," signifying that, although he calls the work a sonata, it has the characteristics of a free fantasy. The Pianolist A Guide for Pianola Players
  • The main question is how close this approximation is to the actual quasistationary distribution.
  • Quasimodo was a wise and kindhearted guy, but he had an ugly face and a hunchback.
  • These compositions, which set up intriguing architectonic relationships, consist of quasi-symmetrical configurations of flat, interlocking bands of opaque color, often blues and reds.
  • A number of national or quasi-national bodies have entered the arena, each with its own vocabulary.
  • Quasicrystals are unusual metallic alloys whose atoms are arranged in orderly patterns that are not quite crystalline.
  • Hemingway later blamed the damage on woodworm, a witty reference to absinthe's quasi - magical ingredient - wormwood.
  • And I suppose I'm technically "writing" our new D&D campaign, in which Gwenda plays a purple quasi-immortal shaman who is quite literally a deva. One Day In April
  • But by the end of the year guess who was speaking quasi-fluently and who was still stammering and stuttering and all too frequently referring to his pocket dictionnaire to make sure he got everything perfect before it came out. Best Tips for Learning French - French Word-A-Day
  • First, researchers found that when the polymer polyacetylene acquires an extra electron, the particle seems to split into two quasi-particles, or excitations of the molecule as a whole.
  • An initial exponential decay of current corresponds to the inactivation of monomer channel conductance and a longer time scale quasi-steady-state represents the diffusion of ions to a bimolecular surface reaction.
  • Stax got $ 6 million up front as a quasi loan / advance and retained creative autonomy.
  • That place down there is certainly the one where a weary man can be dead sure of working off his tired feeling. nam ubi illo adveni, quasi patricus pueris aut monerulae, aut anites aut coturnices dantur, quicum lusitent itidem mi haec advenienti upupa, qui me delectem, datast sed erus eccum ante ostium, et erus alter eccum ex Alide rediit. Amphitryo, Asinaria, Aulularia, Bacchides, Captivi Amphitryon, The Comedy of Asses, The Pot of Gold, The Two Bacchises, The Captives
  • A flexible inference rule in belief networks is designed and quasi-information filtering provides a new approach to studying uncertai...
  • The film was originally shot on 16 mm film stock and retains a very worn, rustic look that actually helps the film achieve a quasi-documentary feel.
  • And although their songs are often About Stuff, U2 patented this stubbornly pervasive tone of wafty, inchoate, non-specific, quasi-spiritual yearning that has come to typify big stadium acts. Are U2 bad for Glastonbury?
  • Thus, Crowns are required to act in a quasi-judicial role in deciding whether to press the prosecution. 40% of Ontario Prosecutions Fail Before Trial : Law is Cool
  • The folded half-moon, a sort of quasi-calzone, hides a cache of fontina cheese gigged with emphatic sun-dried tomato: simple and effective.
  • Governors of the Mughal empire also took advantage of growing feebleness - the nawabs of Bengal, Oudh and Hyderabad were soon to establish quasi-independent states which owed only nominal allegiance to Delhi.
  • The stomach ulcer bacterium Helicobacter pylori is a good example of how homopolymeric tracts can enable quasi-directed evolution of particular genes. Citizendium, the Citizens' Compendium - Recent changes [en]
  • Videbam enim ibi post quandam cistam, quæ erat eis loco altaris, super quam ponunt lucernas et oblationes, quandam imaginationem habentem alas quasi Sancti The iournal of frier William de Rubruquis a French man of the order of the minorite friers, vnto the East parts of the worlde. An. Dom. 1253.
  • Where Livy seeks to build a seamless account of Rome's noble and quasi-mythological heritage, Augustine seeks to bring to light the logical contradictions, cruelty, and impiousness of pagan Rome.
  • Their misogyny, bigotry, selective quasi-fundamentalism and sexual dysfunction have given way to a perfect storm the likes of which Upper Room Catholics are well-fortified to weather. Michele Somerville: Pentecost: The Flaming Dove Of Upper Room Roman Catholicism
  • Ora quando vado da Roma a Nizza (Francia), viaggio quasi sempre di giorno per potermi godere le bellezze naturali: dei piccoli villaggi del Lazio e della Toscana o gli scenari mozzafiato delle Cinque terre o delle altre località della Sua Liguria. Global Voices in English » Japan: Reactions to the Japanese tourist rip-off in Italy
  • With quasi-judicial powers, NHB will be able to recommend attachment of property in case of default in loan repayments.
  • The quasi-quotation is synonymous with the following verbal description: Quotation
  • There was a shifting system of quasi-independent states concerned to maintain or improve their positions in a struggle to control the national government, whose authority these very rivalries prevented from being more than nugatory.
  • I know that the current view of sex is unbridled recreation, but that fact is the very reason why the word chaste is quasi obsolete and often equated with marital infidelity. The Right Word in the Right Place at the Right Time
  • What makes this almost parodic is the self-conscious whimsy that conjoins animate and inanimate in a gesture of closeness conventionally reserved for animate beings alone, an archness that often cloys in Hunt but that points to a more serious scrambling of subjects and objects in bibliophilic writing generally, where books repeatedly turn into quasi-subjects and persons into quasi-objects. Bibliographic Romance: Bibliophilia and the Book Object
  • Most legal systems recognize some species of liability in restitution or quasi-contract, in addition to that based on contract or tort.
  • * Nam et Porphyrius quandam quasi purgationem animae per theurgian, cunctanter tamen et pudibunda quodam modo disputatione, promittit, reversionem vero ad deum hanc artem praestare cuiquam negat, ut videas eum inter vitium sacrilegae curiositatis et philosophiae professionem sententiis alternantibus fluctuare: [1675] 1 The Mission and Expansion of Christianity in the First Three Centuries
  • Mass accreted onto the white dwarf can result in flickering and quasi-periodic oscillations. Unprecedented Eruption Catches Astronomers By Surprise | Universe Today
  • So chemistry divided and sub-divided down to atoms; then, in the essential insecurity of all quasi-constructions, it built up a system, which, to anyone so obsessed by his own hypnoses that he is exempt to the chemist's hypnoses, is perceptibly enough an intellectual anæmia built upon infinitesimal debilities. The Book of the Damned
  • The formulation of quasi-static reliability analysis for fixed offshore platform is established in this paper.
  • Sure, his inner beauty might be glorious, but visually he's more like a Quasimodo.
  • Si puo' quasi vedere l'appartamento in questa foto - e' l'edificio al margine sinistro della foto, l'appartamento e' a uno dei piani piu bassi, ma si vede comunque un po di panorama...trooooppo bello. So many achievements!
  • So we need 5 indices for polygonal quasicrystals and 6 indices for icosahedral quasicrystals. A Third Choice (ID Hypothesis)
  • The only quasi political distinction that now means anything is between fascists and liberals, but none of this has anything to do with establishment politics, i.e., the pugs are the dems and the dems are the pugs. What's happening now in America is a life and death struggle between the American people and the literal neo-Nazis.
  • As I enjoyed the quasi-fictional depiction of President Nixon's trip to China at the Metropolitan Opera, my mind wandered as to whether his excursion to foreign territory and his interest in accelerating America's ties with Asia also catalyzed his passivity towards the tumultuous transformations in his own country; just as President Clinton's premature overtures to China for expansive trade catalyzed income inequality at home in hopes of futural prosperity fueled by the prospects of global demand for American products from a growing and wealthier global consumer. Milton Curry: Nixon in China and the American City: Radical Urban Revitalization Needed
  • Lord Baltimore purchased a plantation in Newfoundland in 1620, which he called Avalon, and quasi-royal authority was given him. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 3: Brownson-Clairvaux
  • Cibo Matto makes collages of odd fragments of jazz, hip-hop, soundtrack music, pop, quasi-profundities and profanities.
  • This was the time when Marvin Gaye first duetted with Tammi Terrell, Stevie Wonder was emerging as a major talent, The Temptations were coming on strong under producer Norman Whitfield, and The Supremes went glam-tastic with “The Happening” and the quasi-psych masterpiece, “Reflections.” 2008 October :
  • An unfriendly critic might conclude that Jefferson was projecting his own disunionist intentions on to his opponents, whose only "crime" was to attempt to buttress the authority of the federal government in a period of global political crisis -- and "quasi-war" with France -- when national security was in jeopardy. Thomas Jefferson, Federalist. Peter S. Onuf
  • But that is the point: too much quasi-Marxism has lost Marx's chief insight by reading Marx sloppily.
  • If the ascetic moralist was a quasi - mathematician, the casuist was a kind of medical man. CASUISTRY
  • C鵰 autem ad flumim peruenerunt, maiores habent rotundum ac letie corium, in cuius summitate per circuitum ansas erebras facientes funem imponunt ac stringunt, ita quod in circuitu quasi ventrem efficiunt, quem vestibus ac rebus c鎡eris replent, fortissimeque ad inuicem comprimunt. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
  • We select this level of quasi-rigidity at 0.23 following a previous investigation of the dynamics of double helical nucleic acid oligomers.
  • And there I see she has given birth to twins, boys, and not a soul of us noticed when it happened, or is ready for it! sed quid hoc? quis hic est senex, qui ante aedis nostras sic iacet? numnam hunc percussit Iuppiter? credo edepol, nam, pro Iuppiter, sepultust quasi sit mortuos. ibo et cognoscam, quisquis est. Amphitryo, Asinaria, Aulularia, Bacchides, Captivi Amphitryon, The Comedy of Asses, The Pot of Gold, The Two Bacchises, The Captives
  • Each of the Houses discharges a quasi judicial function in relation to the regulation of its own affairs.
  • To return to Bracton, it must be understood that the description of assigns as quasi heredes is not accidental. The Common Law
  • Based on the structure, the method to design the coordinator is made, which is a combined method from quasi-steady state and analytic relationship of the motion.
  • I fear that the million of whatever currency it is dazzles the British literary world to such an extent that the rest of the laureate's author-compatriots often remain quasi-invisible.
  • He had only ‘asked Sri Lanka to consider a quasi-federal or confederated setup under a constitutional system that accorded full rights to the Tamils’.
  • The Cardinal's reflections elaborated an understanding that the charismatic and institutional aspects are quasi coessential to the constitution of the Church.
  • * Nemo suspicetur alium Spiritum Sanctum fuisse in Sanctis, nimirum ante adventum Domini, et alium in apostolis caeterisque discipulis, et quasi homonymum in differentibus esse substantiis; possumus quidem testimonia de divinis literis exhibere, quia idem Spiritus et in apostolis et in prophetis fuerit. Pneumatologia
  • The rent reviewer sought to defend an action for negligence on the basis that he was an arbitrator or quasi-arbitrator.
  • The entire system is set up so that scientific conclusions can be spoon-fed to them by scientists mainly from the government or via quasi-governmental institutions such as the NAS or AGU but, *especially when the policy-makers do not like the implications of what the usual experts are telling them*, from other scientists. Warmest in a Millll-yun #2 « Climate Audit
  • Using the quasi-birth-and-death process method, we derive the equilibrium condition of the system and the matrix-geometric solution of the steady-state probability vectors.
  • Craig's platform is a veil of obfuscating rhetoric and quasi-philosophical logic see his "possible worlds" argument combined with a pretty rampant fideism hiding behind a facade of rationalism. Chris Hitchens meets the Christians | RELIGION Blog |
  • Do send me further examples of this quasi-crookery by the agents and landlords. The Sun
  • Non procul ab insulis Hebridibus, Islandia, &c. ex parte Boreali, est maris qu鎑am miranda vorago, in quam � remotis partibus omnes vndique fluctus marini tanquam ex condicto fluunt, & recurrunt, qui in secreta natur� penetralia se ibi transfundentes, quasi in Abyssum vorantur. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
  • She was cited for ‘pioneering work on the surface structures, stabilities and other properties of metal films and quasicrystals, and elucidation of surface structure and chemistry of water on metals.’
  • Lectio quasi solidum cibum ori apponit, meditation chews and breaks it, meditatio masticat et frangit prayer attains its savor, oratio saporem acquirit, contemplation is itself the sweetness that rejoices and refreshes. The secret to prayer; Lectio Divina (For the feast of St. Romuald, June 19)
  • To the extent that an agency exercises "quasi-legislative" or policymaking powers, a substantial measure of political responsiveness and accountability to elected officials seems highly desirable .
  • The later so-called indicative *-i (or should it be renamed declarative?) must have been agglutinated to the existing objective endings in Mid IE at the time of QAR (Quasi-penultimate Accent Rule). The trouble with the PIE 1st & 2nd person plural endings
  • And his parents always caught him at the wrong times - and then there was always Quasim to overshadow him and make everything worse.
  • Most are quasi or absolute monopolies, all of them rent-seeking activities by their very nature. Times, Sunday Times
  • The more I looked at everything in the house, the more I was struck with its quasi-European character; and had the walls only been pasted over with extracts from The Illustrated London News and Punch, I could have almost fancied myself in a shepherd's hut upon my master's sheep-run. Erewhon; or, Over the range
  • A small note below told the address of the family's home, and was signed with a loopy quasi-calligraphic flourish; Save a spot for me Robyn.
  • The serialists / atonalists wrapped themselves in quasi-mathematical systems at the expense of the subjective, though they insisted that the works were meant to be expressive.
  • Quasi-delictual, also, were the obligations of persons employed in a public calling, such as shipmasters and innkeepers, for the wrongful acts of their servants. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 9: Laprade-Mass Liturgy
  • Each of the Houses discharges a quasi judicial function in relation to the regulation of its own affairs.
  • Saith he, “Aurum, quod pravis diaboli persuasionibus quasi lutum sterni potuerit, aurum ante Dei oculos nunquam fuit, qui enim seduci quandoque non reversuri possunt, quasi habitam sanctitatem ante oculos hominum videntur amittere, sed eam ante oculos Dei nunquam habuerunt.” The Doctrine of the Saints��� Perseverance Explained and Confirmed
  • Unfortunately, quasi-socialistic import substitution did not work anywhere it was tried.
  • Another area which Suvorov worked on was the theory of conformal mappings and quasi-formal mappings.
  • Fidejussors might be taken in cases ex delicto et quasi ex delicto* The Institutes of Justinian
  • He's a mean, mingy quasi nutcase curmudgeon who threatens players, gives them cold pricklies, and who demands attention to things like gameplan, tactics, and skills.
  • Dominus de Campdi, natus de Anglia, Medicinæ professor, deuotissimus, orator, et bonorum largissimus pauperibus erogator, qui toto quasi orbe lustrato, Leodij diem vitæ suæ clausit extremum. The Voyages and Travels of Sir John Mandeville
  • The first is that of a quasi-Weberian re-enchantment of a denuded reality through re-conceptualisation. Ballardian » Better Living through Psychopathology
  • The French and British continued this excessive and quasi-anarchical exploitation of the Mauritian trees, during their colonial periods.
  • Dobzhansky set forth that the individual is not the embodiment of some ideal type or norm, but rather a unique and unrepeatable realization in the field of quasi-infinite possible genetic combinations.
  • Fecisti quod quædam mulieres facere solent, quando libidinem se vexantem extinguere volunt, quæ se conjungunt quasi coire debeant et possint, et conjungunt invicem puerperia sua, et sic, fricando pruritum illarum extinguere desiderant? The Priest, The Woman And The Confessional
  • As a quasi-court, the OEB is all legal formalism.
  • As a quasi-synchronous strategy, index-based checkpointing algorithms have the autonomy similar to asynchronous strategy, while it is domino-effect free as same as the synchronous way.
  • The tribunal is a quasi-judicial body which decides on disputes in the telecom and media sectors. Tribunal to Hear 3G Roaming Case on Feb 16
  • It could well be that there is a way of getting to the quasi-local, infinity-free expansion by solving the spacelike commutativity/anticommutativity requirement directly, but if there is, I have not found it yet. String Theory is Losing the Public Debate
  • What it says is that with significant but bearable cost, in terms of sluggish growth and a kind of profitless quasi-prosperity for a couple of years, we can work out of this unique animal that Reaganomics produced in the early 1980s. The United States: Economic Outlook
  • Hemingway later blamed the damage on woodworm, a witty reference to absinthe's quasi - magical ingredient - wormwood.
  • Cyclic shift permutation structure is an important part of partial parallel decoder for quasi-cyclic LDPC codes.
  • Not only does no part o the definition of neutral monism in any way require that it be even quasi-phenomenalistic, there is no phase in Russell's intellectual development at which he would simultaneously have considered himself a neutral monist and any kind of phenomenalist at all. Neutral Monism
  • An error estimate in L2 norm with quasi-optimal accuracy in space and second order accuracy in time is derived.
  • The asthenosphere, in its capacity as a quasi-liquid, has convection currents that extend throughout its whole surface, under the entire area of the plates. THE GREATEST SHOW ON EARTH
  • Again, behind the Coal Sack is a long, massive cylinder, a quasi-Terching-Effect shell enclosing a neutronium core. Covergent Series
  • She says that the documentary is disappointing and that the depiction of the zoophiles as quasi-mystical animal fanciers is strangely sympathetic. Times, Sunday Times
  • * Hic est qui operatur ex aquis secundam nativitatem, semen quoddam divini generis, et consecrator caelestis nativitatis; pignus promissae haereditatis et quasi chirographum quoddam aeternae salutis; qui nos Dei faciat templum et nos efficiat domum, qui interpellat divinas aures pro nobis gemitibus ineloquacibus, advocationis officia, et defensionis exhibens munera, inhabitator corporibus nostris ductus, et sanctitatis effector; hic est qui inexplebiles cupiditates coercet: [5522] 1 Pneumatologia
  • Stax got $ 6 million up front as a quasi loan / advance and retained creative autonomy.
  • Again, the agreement between the full wave and quasi-static calculations is due to the use of equations 4 and 5 to find the surface impedance of the lossy semiconductor layer.
  • Unfortunately, quasi-socialistic import substitution did not work anywhere it was tried.
  • At one level, this consolidation is a fundamental premise of the quasi-ethnographic gaze which now mediates all of Equiano's observations on the The State of Things: Olaudah Equiano and the Volatile Politics of Heterocosmic Desire
  • The claim is pleaded in contract alternatively in quasi-contract.
  • Deinde, ubi dies advenit et ei nuntiatum est Jugurtham haud procul abesse, cum paucis amicis et quaestore nostro quasi obvius honoris causa procedit in tumulum facillimum visu insidiantibus. C. Sallusti Crispi De Bello Catilinario Et Jugurthino
  • * Likewise, I was bemused by one of the later commenter’s insistence that I must’ve been raised in/rebelled against a quasi-libertarian fringe sect of Adventism, which is not at all the case. Randomness to let you know I’m still alive
  • All the quasi-fuchsian subgroups correspond to pairs of once-punctured tori, but as one tends to the boundary a certain curve on one of the tori may get squeezed to a point.
  • No one has ever found the semi-bat or the quasi-whale, and no one has ever managed to envision the common ancestor of the fantastic bestiary of mammalian orders.
  • Atqui Philosophiae fas non erat incomitatum relinquere iter innocentis; meam scilicet criminationem uererer et quasi nouum aliquid acciderit, perhorrescerem? The Theological Tractates and The Consolation of Philosophy
  • He kept a secret journal of his assignations with high-power closeted Hollywood players and revelled in his clandestine life as a quasi-hooker.
  • Well, Andrew Dequasie was a rocket scientist of a sort.
  • However, practical constraints mean that some citizens resort to other means of dispute resolution than the judicial or quasi-judicial process.
  • Federal, quasifederal, and confederal constitutions aren't perfect by any means, and there are plenty of bad precedents to point to in constructing an argument against them.

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