How To Use Quantum In A Sentence
The publication of Quantum Leaps is not a fluke; rather it is an exceptionally clear manifestation of the taint, stigma, and taboo surrounding the paranormal.
Specialty disciplines, such as chemical physics and quantum, bioorganic, polymer, radiation, and nuclear chemistry, are available within the four major areas.
By the time the higher elevations are reached, such strange notions as Einsteinian curved space-time and the quantum uncertainty principle, heavy meals indeed, seem not so difficult to digest.
Physicists like the mathematical beauty of string theory because it banishes the absurdities that pop up when quantum mechanics and gravity combine.
Faced with the new electric fields introduced by the sound wave, the electrons and holes in the quantum well seek out their respective points of minimum energy in the presence of the fields.

However, particle physicists (such as superstring theorists) tended to view black holes as being just another quantum state.
Singularities and Black Holes
‘In my opinion,’ he says, ‘there are lots of opportunities to engineer these quantum electrodynamic forces.’
The Nobel laureate Richard Feynman once made a tentative suggestion that a theory uniting quantum mechanics and relativity might lead to an objective state reduction, and others have taken up and built on this idea.
Such people often see their lives more effectively framed by the reality metaphors that modern quantum physics and chaos theory provide.
But this information about the distribution of matter is given to us only statistically by quantum theory.
The Origin of the Universe
Quantum mechanics, however, still remains far beyond the reach of Einstein's classicising imagination.
They are polar compounds and exhibit a high fluorescence quantum yield and lase efficiently both in liquid and in solid solutions, with some of them outperforming the laser performance of the reference dye Rhodamine 6G.
However, our sensors indicate that those creatures are composed of photons that are not moving relative to us, which according to quantum chromodynamics, is impossible.
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But that’s people who haven’t read about paradoxicality and the fact that this is a multilevel, post-quantum universe that we live in.
Interview with Stephen Larsen, author, THE FUNDAMENTALIST MIND
A quantum object ceases to exist here, and simultaneously appears in existence over there.
UC Berkeley physicist Richard Packard and grad student Emile Hoskinson managed to hear the quantum vibrations, known as quantum whistles, of a supercold condensed fluid as it's pushed through an array of tiny holes 1,000 times smaller than the diameter of a human hair.
Boing Boing: January 23, 2005 - January 29, 2005 Archives
He treats the multiverse as if it were a quantum computer.
In physics, the "graviton" is a hypothetical elementary particle that mediates the force of gravity in the framework of quantum field theory.
American Chronicle
I mean, I loved Somewhere in Time in its day ... and Time and Again ... and Quantum Leap and Voyager and, you know, that show with the weirdly dressed fellow blipping about in a 1960's Police Box.
RTD = Deceptively Playful
To get around conventional limitations, the researchers sculpted an array of sub-wavelength-wide grooves (dubbed a metamaterial) directly on the facet of quantum cascade lasers.
The Engineer - News
In the current study, the team used this multi-step process to attach semiconductive quantum dots to gold nanoparticles. - latest science and technology news stories
Compton proposed that the quantum of light could act as if it were a particle, and he christened this the photon.
The short answer is quantum weirdness like GHZ states demonstrate the quantum effects are interconnected in Einsteinian/Minkowskian space-time.
A Voice from the Middle Ground
In addition, they must consider the electrons not as particles, but as quantum mechanical waves.
It means that he can retire from spelling to focus on pursuing a career path in quantum physics.
Times, Sunday Times
The chapter on the quantum brain, for example, overinterprets the concept of decoherence, misapplies the word "acausal" and misses out entanglement altogether. all content
Working at about the same time, Heisenberg formulated matrix mechanics, which was the first complete and self-consistent theory of quantum mechanics.
But their grasp of quantum mechanics is notoriously weak.
Times, Sunday Times
In effect, Dr. Rosen did not give a report on the quantum of damages suffered by the plaintiff.
Yet later he admitted quantum mechanics doesn't contain any logical contradictions and is logically unexceptionable.
Robert Lanza, M.D.: Could This Theory Provide A Glimpse Of Our Ultimate Destiny?
Each one of these decoherent events amounts to a little kick on the moon, which is a sort of quantum zeno process of reducing the quantum state of the moon.
Quantum Hyperion
Erwin Schrödinger, one of the founders of quantum theory, used the word entanglement to refer to connections between separated particles that persisted regardless of distance.
It's like musical chairs played with quantum physics.
Times, Sunday Times
But this kind of blurring is not unique to quantum mechanics: the same happens to waves.
Are Changes Brewing and How Does the Mind Fit In?
This "second observer" situation captures the core conceptual difficulty of the interpretation of quantum mechanics: reconciling the possibility of quantum superposition with the fact that the observed world is characterized by uniquely determined events q, q², q³, ¦.
Relational Quantum Mechanics
Both quantum mechanics and chaos theory suggest a world constantly in flux.
However, I do believe recent discoveries of the inherent use of quantum conductivity in photosynthesis and quantum computation in DNA lends support to the idea that we may be getting closer to better defining the gray area between the emperical and the metaphysical.
Aiguy's Computer
They argue that quantum effects (such as intense radiation fields at the funnel) may close the Einstein-Rosen bridge.
The gravitational mass and the inertia mass are not equal in the microscopic quantum behavior.
For that matter, we don't know why mass-energy is conserved, or why the Planck length governs the scale of quantum phenomena, or why the speed of light in a vacuum is constant.
On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
The quantum of the difference between the respective parties' positions is $759,000, exclusive of interest.
The team has also made progress in using photons to carry quantum information between calcium qubits.
Zap-o-Matic, disintegrator ray, abducto beam, quantum deconstructor and anal probe.
Softpedia News - Global
In 1902, two years after the physicist Max Planck first coined the term quantum to describe the core reality of light, a young British writer named James Allen penned a little book entitled As a Man Thinketh, which drew its title and its message from the biblical verse “As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he.”
The Answer
Which detector is used to measure the twin photon is left up to quantum chance.
Are Changes Brewing and How Does the Mind Fit In?
But the same wires that would make qubit chips easy to manipulate and link together also connect them to the quantum-defiling messiness of the outside world.
B.when measured, unless the quantum state is an eigenstate of the measured observable A, the system does not possess any categorical property corresponding to A's having a specific value in the set B. Putnam seems to assume that a realist interpretation of (*) should consist in assigning to A some unknown value within B. for which quantum mechanics yields a non-trivial probability.
Puppet X: 1
The quantum efficiency of the photocathode decreases significantly at 830 nm creating an effective acceptance bandwidth of 650-830 nm in fluorescence detection.
Given an initial condition on a time-like hypersurface as a mathematical model for the universe, we can determine in which direction a dynamics (supposed here to be deterministic, whether applied to a quantum or to a classical state) causes the entropy to increase or to decrease.
Arrow of Time FAQ
Presenting simplified descriptions in terms of phenomenology is one thing, but presenting descriptions of something that you admit requires not only general relativity, but a theory of quantum gravity, in terms of classical mechanics should be a warning sign to most readers.
“Black Holes – a Simplified Theory for Quantum Gravity Non-Specialists”
The team is now working to create a quantum gate in which two or more qubits of the register will interact in a controlled way.
The term mechanics generally refers to the motion of large objects, whereas the study of motion at the level of the atom or smaller is the domain of quantum mechanics.
China one fifth of humanity braked its population growth, made a quantum leap from agrarian Marxism to industrial mercantilism, and thrived--largely because the U.S. was so open to being the "designated driver" of its export-centered growth strategy during this period.
Ian Fletcher: Free Trade Isn't Helping World Poverty
In the future the most extensive and complicated computing tasks can only be resolved with a quantum computer.
To us living our lives on the macroscale, the tiny world of quantum mechanics seems weird and nonsensical.
The quantum of interest rates we appear to be looking at I think is already factored into the market, " Hughes-Hallett said.
General relativity cannot tell you how an atom will behave; quantum mechanics ignores gravity.
Times, Sunday Times
We present trial wavefunctions in few - electron quantum rings to describe the spin - dependent rotating Wigner molecule states.
Ignore the kind of self-helpy title: this is a fabulous and rather dense tome that manages to synthesize the state of the art in neuropsychology (Schwartz is one of the pioneers of cognitive therapy for the successful treatment of patients with OCD), neurobiology, quantum physics, Buddhist philosophy, and the question of free will into a sensible whole.
Ashes to ashes baby, dirt to dirt
Its next best performance was in 1998 when the quantum of floodwater released touched a high of 10 lakh cusecs.
Using just two prisoners, they showed that they could find a better solution to the dilemma than the back-stabbing scenario if both played a particular quantum move.
Quantum dots - tiny crystals of semiconductor materials that fluoresce, or emit light, in response to photoexcitation - have enormous potential for use in a wide range of fields from solar energy conversion to computing and medicine," said Mircea Cotlet, a physical chemist at Brookhaven's - latest science and technology news stories
In the quantum theory of gravity, on the other hand, a third possibility arises.
The goal in immersive textuality, similar to that of McGann's quantum poetics, is to create
Living Inside the Poem: MOOs and Blake's Milton
With his resistance to McCarthyism and quantum uncertainty, was Einstein disillusioned at the end?
But there are conservatives, who, while acknowledging the successes of quantum mechanical methods, caution against complacency.
Eventually, quantum confinement effects and tunneling currents dominate the device design.
Additionally, it is now known that the effective quantum yield of MLCs can be increased by RET to high quantum yield acceptors.
Yet Einstein never accepted quantum mechanics because of its element of chance and uncertainty.
For example, nobody can explain what quantum entanglement is all about.
Matthew Yglesias » Cato’s David Boaz Joins George Will in Peddling Bogus “Global Cooling” Stories
I think that there are two aspects to the question of a quantum leap in nuclear weapons.
Retrocausality" contradicts the well-established principle of causality, which still applies in relativistic physics, quantum mechanics, and the product of their marriage, relativistic QFT.
Are Changes Brewing and How Does the Mind Fit In?
Based on J. Robert Oppenheimer's theories of quantum mechanics, as well as on Ruska's groundbreaking research, the field emission microscope allowed magnification up to two million times.
Einstein used Planck's quantum hypothesis to describe the electromagnetic radiation of light.
Before now scientists only managed to entangle a few atoms close together, raising a question mark over the practicality of quantum technology.
If quantum measurements appear random to us simply because we do not know the values of these hidden variables, experimental measurements should obey certain inequalities.
Are Changes Brewing and How Does the Mind Fit In?
We find that the quantum smectics are rather different from the usual classical smectics in that the density correlations along the direction of the stripes manifest a Bragg-Glass type behaviour whereas those in the transverse direction are infra-red divergent.
And, because the phonon and reddened photon are generated together, they share their quantum state-that is, the phonon and the photon are entangled.
Ars Technica
Shrinking electronic or mechanical systems further, he says, will inevitably require new paradigms involving quantum theory.
Predicted by quantum theory, ghost radiation is a negative energy field that dampens normal positive energy.
The article, "Quantum oscillatory exciton migration in photosynthetic reaction centers" by
Smart Economy
This process of random interactions destroying quantum effects is known as decoherence, because it’s destroying the coherence between the different parts of the photon wavefunction.
How to Teach Physics to Your Dog
In principle, tasks such as quantum cryptography, secret sharing and dense coding all benefit from using qudits larger than the qubit.
In this paper, a novel method so-called bioluminescence inhibition assay with luminous bacteria (Photobacterium phosphoreum) was introduced to evaluate the toxicity of quantum dots.
In quantum mechanics, angular momentum is quantized.
In October 1981, I went to Moscow for a conference on quantum gravity.
In the meanwhile, the quantum of water released to the Indira Gandhi Canal was also increased, he said.
A crypto-exotic, by contrast, is a hadron that does not have an exotic quantum number, but does not have a meson or baryon body plan either.
Metallic materials are known to affect the optical properties of quantum dots, either by enhancing or inhibiting photoluminescence, depending on a range of factors including the size and shape of the materials, the distance between them, and the wavelength of light used to induce photoexcitation. - latest science and technology news stories
Yet their treatment from a quantum point of view - a subject called quantum chaology - proves to be problematic.
The appointment of a female director is a quantum leap for women's equality.
We also require details of the quantum of the claim including a breakdown of the elements of the costs and how they have been incurred.
But their grasp of quantum mechanics is notoriously weak.
Times, Sunday Times
A popular interpretation of Quantum Mechanics called "decoherence" is one interpretation where a conscious mind is not an essential component to physics but is a passive spectator.
Another Look
Quantum mechanics is the study of the way atoms behave.
Most of the residents of the area are now keen on setting up vermi compost and aerobic compost units on their premises, which reduce the quantum of garbage that is pushed out into the general pool of city waste.
Quantum whistling is analogous to a phenomenon in another macroscopic quantum system, a superconductor, which develops an oscillating current when a voltage is applied across a non-conducting gap.
If the atom, at the same time as it receives from without a quantum of light, emits a quantum of light of a different magnitude, and if the difference between these two quanta is identical with the quantum of light which is bound or released when an electron passes from one path to another, the quantum of light coming from without is absorbed.
Nobel Prize in Physics 1930 - Presentation Speech
Bunnies Made of Cheese book (actual title TBA), in which I explain quantum mechanics through conversations with Emmy.
ScienceBlogs Channel : Life Science
My only point was that, no matter what your version of quantum BRST, you are using homological techniques to isolate an invariant piece of some non-trivial representation, and understanding how this works out requires working with non-trivial representations.
String Theory is Losing the Public Debate
June 13th, 2008 9: 03 pm ET reast in peace tim, you will be missed from sid in new york. thats for your great light quantummoxie
Obama, McCain react to Russert death
The double-slit is a fundamental, irreducible quantum phenomenon.
A Third Choice (ID Hypothesis)
This quantum calculation evaluates certain mathematical functions in one operation, although a conventional computer would require two.
Another thing that will come along - probably after more than a decade or two - is quantum cryptanalysis, where you would use a quantum computer to decrypt existing codes.
Not * too* difficult to explain (although maybe too difficult for a 1-hour show), but also avoids all the hype and questions about the engineering reality of quantum computation.
Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Quantum Mechanics, But Were Afraid to Ask
The researchers believe that these logic gates could be scaled up to include many qubits in a large, workable quantum computer.
Both of these clues should help quantum chaologists zero in on the one system that will prove the Riemann hypothesis.
While the word quantum is now used as an exotic adjective to augment the sales of everything from diets to fishing tackle, the connection proposed here is not trivial.
The orchestra's performance took a quantum leap forward.
relativistic quantum mechanics
This was the way in which uncertainty asserted itself in Heisenberg's original formulation of quantum mechanics.
By combining two squeezed entities, scientists can "entangle" them, linking their properties in predictable ways that are useful in quantum computing and communications.
Nano Tech Wire
Looks like the "middle ground" is where the quantum mystics hang out and propose unnecessary quantum explanations for well-understood chemical mutation processes based on an extremely vague analogy between photon capture in chlorophyll and base pair mutations in DNA.
A Voice from the Middle Ground
While that certainty foundered with the discovery of quantum mechanics and relativity, the quest has gone on.
Times, Sunday Times
A quantum vacuum is more like a plenum than like empty space.
Early quantum mechanics required that interactions between sub-nuclear particles and atoms occur in spaces which are free of energy and mass.
Early quantum mechanics required that interactions between sub-nuclear particles and atoms occur in spaces which are free of energy and mass.
Using quantum theory to understand gravity makes as much sense as trying solve a crossword puzzle with the key to your door.
Chaos theory has been ranked with relativity and quantum mechanics as the third scientific revolution of the 20th century.
Times, Sunday Times
Loop quantum gravity is a way to quantise space time while keeping what General Relativity taught us.
The parties agreed the Minutes of Settlement would be filed with the court and that the court would be asked to stipulate, in any reasons for judgment, the agreement as to the quantum of damages.
A single quantum state, a Bose-Einstein condensate (red peak), forms in semiconductor material.
Quantum Study Yields Unusual Results | Impact Lab
If a set of quantum systems compose a system whose quantum state is represented quantum mechanically by a tensor-product state-vector which does not factorize into a vector in the Hilbert space of each individual system, those systems are said to be entangled.
Holism and Nonseparability in Physics
A powerful quantum computer that could realize the remarkable potential of quantum computing would need at least many thousands of qubits.
Online shopping and banking rely on encryption that a quantum computer could blast through in seconds.
Times, Sunday Times
With the bills inside the strongbox is an incendiary device triggered by the quantum decay of Cobalt 60.
Whether the energy comes from fuel or a waterfall or goetic quantum-wave transference across a potential difference, or whatever, it's conserved, same as mass is conserved in a transformation.
Operation Luna
Quantum leaps are also happening to telecommunications, medicine and even in the world of entertainment to name but three.
He had invited friends and family to hear him give a lecture at the Science Museum on quantum computing.
Times, Sunday Times
The effect is (in some sense) as much the cause of A as (in a different sense) A is of B. (Aside: this makes John Cramer's transactional quantum theory sound weirdly Aristotelian.www. html) Consequently, when Hume and the other Early Moderns tossed out finality, they wound up tossing out causation as well and wound up with something weirdly like al-Ghazali's occasionalism.
November 4th, 2009
On the contrary, anti-decoherence stipulations of Orch OR include 1) transiently encasing bundles of dendritic microtubules in actin gel ” an isolated, shielded and water-ordered non-liquid environment for quantum processes, 2) quantum states extending among dendritic gel environments via quantum tunneling and/or entanglement through window-like gap junctions of dendritic webs, 3) microtubule quantum error correction topology (Hameroff et al, 2002) and 4) biomolecular quantum states pumped by, rather than disrupted by, heat energy.
A Third Choice (ID Hypothesis)
He adds that this classical output is nonrandom and yet cannot be described by the laws of physics because, as the quantum system decoheres, information is lost in a way that can never be retrieved.
2009 August - Telic Thoughts
To what extent can quantum mechanics apply consistently to the objects and the concepts in terms of which its metatheory is expressed?
Relational Quantum Mechanics
I am thinking less of quantum cosmology than of something like a distant (kpc) X-Ray source that reliably produces a small fractional crab that (thanks to a detector and some audio gear) produces a lot of “pings” within range of our hearing when the X-Ray source is above our detector.
Quantum Hyperion
Atoms and subatomic particles with integer amounts of spin are known as bosons, and according to quantum mechanics, identical bosons prefer to snuggle into a single quantum state at low temperatures.
Quantum teleportation is the transferring of tiny units of computer information, called quantum bits or qubits, from one location to another.
Venus and Mars follow Newton's laws, but electrons are governed by the laws of quantum mechanics.
~ Hidden order found in a quantum spin liquid -- An international team, including scientists from the London Centre for Nanotechnology, has detected a hidden magnetic quantum order that extends over chains of 100 atoms in a ceramic without classical magnetism.
Speedlinking 7/26/07
So we were talking about regular everyday stuff like quantum physics and artificial intelligence in robots, and the parameters by which we set the standards of sentience in robots.
she is ignorant of quantum mechanics
Postea habent ornamentum capitis, quod vocant botta, quod fit de cortice arboris vel alia materia, quam possunt inuenire, leuiore: et est grossum et rotundum, quantum potest duabus manibus complecti; longum vero vnius cubiti et plus, quadrum superius, sicut capitellum vnius columnæ.
The iournal of frier William de Rubruquis a French man of the order of the minorite friers, vnto the East parts of the worlde. An. Dom. 1253.
“It looks like GEO600 is being buffeted by the microscopic quantum convulsions of space-time,” says Hogan. Shadows on Plato's Cave: Giant Hologram Version
Since we cannot do this step faster than light, the quantum erasure process will not be superluminal.
This would be a quantum system with some black hole amplitude on the scale of a nucleon.
A Dark, Misleading Force
In quantum mechanics, there are correlated effects that are believed to have no common cause that screens them off.
He is convinced that quantum mechanics applies to large as well as small things.
Times, Sunday Times
There is evidence of complex quantum electrodynamic operations in chromatin – the form of DNA operative when the cell isn't replicating (thus dividing its DNA into chromosomes).
Coordinated Evolution
The uncertainty principle, derived from quantum mechanics, implies that at the subatomic level virtual particles, also called quantum fluctuations, pop in and out of existence.
The problem was that the atoms did not behave as they should according to the theory of quantum physics", tells Jan W. Thomsen and explains, that atoms have two fundamental states - they either rotate a complete revolution around themselves and are then called bosons or they rotate half-integers (½ or 1½) around themselves and are then called fermions.
One consciousness propagated into the future and bounced back with antiparticle quantum entanglement.
In the same article he takes the definition of a ‘ration’ from the New Shorter Oxford Dictionary as a fixed quantum of health care per person.
There is a divergent self-energy for the electron due to the energy of its coulomb field that diverges much faster (power law) in the classical case than in the quantum case (logarithmically), considered as a function of the cutoff on the “size” of the electon.
String Theory is Losing the Public Debate
According to name drop 1, name drop 2 bogus reference 1 and bogus reference 2 embrace the Godellian Quantum bijective ontological entanglement love dynamic resulting from entanglement with holographic universe.
New Scientist - Online News
This is a profound question, and present-day quantum theory does not really provide us with a satisfying answer.
The written section was tough - hardly anything on quantum theory, and a brute of a paper on the cell chemistry of Micronesian diatomic plankton.
THE FIELD of ultracold quantum gases is no longer in its infancy.
The vaccine represents a quantum leap in healthcare.
Recognizing the principle of law that I stated earlier, that although I find the wife's employment situation is not such as to disentitle her to any support, it is a factor which I accept should be taken into account in establishing quantum.
This classical, Laplacian picture has of course been superseded by the development of quantum mechanics, beginning in the first couple of decades of the 20th century.
Religion and Science
BRAHMS was designed to measure the momentum of scattered hadrons, part of the study of quantum chromodynamics (QCD), investigating the strong force that holds atomic nuclei together.
Siehe, ein Ackermann wartet auf die köstliche Frucht der Erde
It is possible that a theory of quantum gravity might enable physicists to calculate what happens deep inside a black hole without having all mathematical quantities becoming infinite.
Usually this measurement is done in the computational basis, but since quantum mechanics allows one to express an arbitrary state as a linear combination of basis states, provided that the states are orthonormal (a condition that ensures normalization) one can in principle measure the register in any arbitrary orthonormal basis.
Quantum Computing
String theory is supposed to contain the physics of the quantum behavior of gravity.
The usual group of spacetime symmetries in relativistic quantum field theory is called the Poincaré group.
For this sort of reason rejuvenated hidden variable theories have not found much acceptance among professional quantum mechanics.
We are re-writing a film script at the direct request of a studio, preparing a television series pitch, I'm writing a science fiction novel with my mentor Larry Niven, writing the third Tennyson Hardwick detective novel with my wifie, researching a contemporary thriller involving quantum physics, National Security, and the damnedest cult you ever saw.
Archive 2009-07-01
Tiny particles such as photons or atoms can readily be put into a quantum superposition existing in two different states or places at once.
If a cat's life was directly tied to a quantum effect in superposition, would the cat be both alive and dead at the same time?
Damn Duck
Contemporary cosmology even suggests that the whole universe might have appeared out of the quantum vacuum: the ultimate free lunch.
Quantum mechanics depicts space as a seething foam of uncertainty, with unimaginably short-lived elementary particles appearing and disappear ing.
This powwow is also one that requires 1/4 native blood quantum (at least one full blooded indian grandparent) for dancers.
March 20th, 2009
[109] "Hoc piarum mentium est, ut nihil sibi tribuant, sed totum gratiae Dei; unde quantumcunque aliquis det gratiae Dei, etiamsi subtrahat potestati naturae aut liberi arbitrii a pietate non recedit; cum vero aliquid gratiae Dei subtrahitur et naturae tribuitur quod gratiae est, ibi potest periculum intervenire.
After stabilizing pressure and temperature, they deposited a GaAs barrier and quantum wells at 540°C and 200 torr.
I'm a brilliant polymath, a clocked genius breasting the tape as an expert in philosophy, literature, sociology, quantum theory, a virtuoso on all stringed and keyed instruments, a capable visual artist, and an obscenely degenerate chain-smoking drunk!
Excerpt from Urdoxa 2.0
Therefore, quantum computers can be programmed in a qualitatively new way.
16: 26 @FrankTieriJesus,youAmericansarejustobsessedwiththecerulean quantum tadger, aren't you?
Tweets I have known
My perspective is based on ancient Hindu philosophy and quantum physics.
Times, Sunday Times
They feel they may be about to make sense of the huge complexities thrown up by the revolutions of quantum and relativity theory.
Times, Sunday Times
Related to this effort, the supercomputer will be used for calculations in quantum chromodynamics - the physics theory that describes the interactions of subatomic quarks and gluons.
Max K.E.L. Planck put forward his radically new idea that the radiated energy could only be emitted in quanta, i.e. portions that had a certain definite value, larger for the short wavelengths than for the long ones (equal to a constant times the frequency for each quantum).
The Nobel Prizes in Physics 1901-2000
Both quantum mechanics and chaos theory suggest a world constantly in flux.
The quantum critical point that plays a key role in high-temperature superconductivity is the tipping point that marks a shift to antiferromagnetism, a magnetic state that has markedly different subatomic characteristics from ferromagnetism.
Nano Tech Wire
If two photons from two different points on a source reach a homodyne detector they may enter into a quantum entanglement with some interference pattern.
Unprecedented Images Show Betelgeuse Has Sunspots | Universe Today
The people who formulated this hypothesis took a quantum leap in the wrong direction.
I have a vision at this point of Quantum Fields staggering back and, hand to brow, muttering ‘Godfrey Daniel, I've been hornswoggled!’
The appointment of a female director is a quantum leap for women's equality.
Thankfully, like Feynman himself, they incorporate many diagrams to explain his findings in quantum electrodynamics and quantum chromodynamics.
In some problems in quantum transition, time-dependent perturbation theory gives the first order approximation of transition probability amplitude.
That judgment reflected a reduction in the agreed quantum of damages suffered by the plaintiff.
He suggested that in the first split second after the beginning, the vacuum of the Universe existed in a highly energetic state, as allowed by the quantum rules, but unstable.
As a result, an Australian company Quantum Technology, the manufacturer of the Mountbatten, an electronic multi-sensory braillewriter, has donated a Mountbatten with recorded Spanish.
The 60: 40 split rear seats offer a further quantum leap forward in terms of everyday, easy-to-use practicality.
Some parameters such as molar refractivity, frontier orbit energy, dipole moment, atom net charge of triazines were obtained by using the method of quantum-chemistry calculation.
I am, indeed, seriously angry with you at the quantum of your luckpenny; but, vexed and hurt as I was, I could not help laughing very heartily at the noble lord's apology for the missed napkin.
The Complete Works of Robert Burns: Containing his Poems, Songs, and Correspondence. With a New Life of the Poet, and Notices, Critical and Biographical by Allan Cunningham
A qbit is a quantum bit, and is the basis for the soon to come quantum computers.
Beyond The Bleep
Quantum dots (QDs) have great electrical, optical properties and wide potential applications on nano-electronics, opto-electronics and quantum calculation in future.
This is a good time to take a quantum leap into unknown territory or new work situations.
New simulator is next step on the road to developing quantum computers
November 27th, 2006
Predicted by quantum theory, ghost radiation is a negative energy field that dampens normal positive energy.
Looking at the I Ching from a quantum physics perspective, Terence and his brother Dennis discovered a wave pattern in the ordering of the Tarot's trigrams and hexagrams that suggested time could be mapped.