How To Use Quantity In A Sentence

  • The use of steam-driven bellows in blast furnaces helped ironmakers switch over from charcoal (limited in quantity) to coke, which is made from coal, in the smelting of pig iron.
  • The distich caused discussion regarding the quantity of "hic", but the pope defended the prosody of Voltaire who confirmed his opinion by a quotation from Virgil which he said ought to be the epitaph of The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 2: Assizes-Browne
  • The food fares well in terms of freshness, quantity and effort, and there's a made-to-order pasta bar and a station where roast beef is carved before your eyes.
  • When the cupel shows signs of the presence of these metals in objectionable quantity, it is well to repeat the assay and scorify so as to remove them before cupellation. A Text-book of Assaying: For the Use of Those Connected with Mines.
  • Adopting, the additional computative burden imposed by it notwithstanding, Schonfeld's modification of Airy's formulæ, he introduced into his equations a fifth unknown quantity expressive of a possible stellar drift in galactic longitude. Scientific American Supplement, No. 829, November 21, 1891
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  • Whether wanting is measured in quality or quantity depends entirely on the individuals concerned.
  • Equally clearly, in these circumstances the quantity of will be a constraint upon.
  • Since draughtsmanship was the foundation of all his art, engravings, etchings, lithographs, linocuts, and drawings poured from him in astonishing quantity and quality.
  • Gas was detected in sufficient quantity to warrant careful monitoring.
  • During fever a large quantity of fluid is lost in perspiration.
  • This is procured by mixing massicot, or Naples yellow, with a small quantity of realgar, and a very little Spanish white. Young's Demonstrative Translation of Scientific Secrets
  • In our day the false currency of meaningless words has been made to circulate in quantity.
  • Gas was detected in sufficient quantity to warrant careful monitoring.
  • It is particularly by the mucilage, which is found in greater or less quantity in all vegetables, that the purity of oil is affected. Resources of the Southern Fields and Forests, Medical, Economical, and Agricultural. Being also a Medical Botany of the Confederate States; with Practical Information on the Useful Properties of the Trees, Plants, and Shrubs
  • Finally the realistic significance of spreading engineering quantity list valuation is given.
  • The company had for years the productivity 500 ton cobalt metal quantity cobalt blue production line.
  • With this movement type you provide the subcontractor with the components required for subcontract orders. The quantity is posted into unrestricted-use stock of material provided to vendor.
  • If the nominee is an unknown quantity as far as views on issues, then the nominee will likely make ambiguous statements about any issues the Republicans ask. Think Progress » Will: What conservatives truly want are activist judges.
  • The boy solves his problem in algebra, finding out the unknown quantity by those values which are given him; and can we not also infer something of the _unknown_ from the great panorama that passes unceasingly before us? The Life and Genius of Nathaniel Hawthorne
  • Our new director is still an unknown quantity.
  • Weight loss is accomplished both by restriction of food quantity and malabsorption of nutrients.
  • Besides, surely quality is better than quantity? The Sun
  • They were served in generous quantity, almost double normal size.
  • It seems they made a dreadful charivari at the village boundary, threw a quantity of spell-bearing objects over the border, a buffalo's skull and other things; then branded a chamur -- what you would call a currier -- on his hinder parts and drove him and a number of pigs over into Jelbo's village. Under the Deodars
  • Ten thousand birds and an equal number of chicks constitute an enormous quantity of meat.
  • I would like your temperate drinker to pause, and reflect upon the fact, that the quantity of brandy or rum that he took at a drink, when he commenced this downhill course, has been gradually increased; so that in the second year, what had been quite sufficient to please his palate and produce all the desired effects in the first, was then insipidly small; and more so in the third year, if, mayhap, he could with any decency lay claim to the title of _temperate drinker_ so long. Select Temperance Tracts
  • The four that can attain this mark, because they depend solely upon the intrinsic properties of ideas, are resemblance, contrariety, degrees in quality, and proportions in quantity or number.
  • So, if I could put it this way, ma'am, it is not only the quantity of your reign we are celebrating today, it is the quality.
  • It is an absolute impossibility for one kind of electricity to be generated without an equal quantity of the opposite kind being produced, although it is not strictly correct to use the term generated or produced in relation to electricity, as electricity cannot really be produced by any process whatever. Aether and Gravitation
  • It's better to underdo the quantity than overdo it. Times, Sunday Times
  • At $ 3, quantity supplied and quantity demanded are in balance; that is, equilibrium quantity is 7000 bushels.
  • In the continuous working of pits, even where "tubbing" is used to keep the water out of the shaft as much as possible, the quantity of water is not unusually seven or eight times as great as that of the coal raised. The Coal Question~ Of the Cost of Coal Mining
  • The "heavy daturine," of which only a small quantity is obtainable, is far from being a body of definite composition, that is to say, it is a mixture of atropine and hyoscyamine. Scientific American Supplement, No. 324, March 18, 1882
  • For the separation of the alcoholic constituent, which is present in the form of an apparently not very considerable quantity of benzoic ether, far more ilang-ilang oil would be required than was at command. Scientific American Supplement, No. 288, July 9, 1881
  • Finally 100 grams of whiting, dry and sifted, are mixed with 5 grams of pulverised supertartrate of potass; this new powder is dissolved in a portion of the above described liquid, in sufficient quantity to form a paste of the proper consistency to be spread with a pencil on the article or part to be gilded. Young's Demonstrative Translation of Scientific Secrets
  • The last step is to notify the client that the order shipped with the updated order values (the quantity shipped will now contain the amount that was actually shipped).
  • For the purpose of determining the total quantity of sulphur which the plants contain in their natural state, it is necessary to oxidise them by means of nitric acid; and from such experiments the following table, showing the _total_ amount of sulphur contained in 100 parts of different plants, dried at 212°, has been constructed: -- Elements of Agricultural Chemistry
  • As an econometrician I have my doubts about the ratio of a non-stationary quantity and a stationary one.
  • One night Stephens mixed a vast quantity of sleeping pills with a bottle of whisky.
  • Cumulative Density Function By definition, an uncertain quantity is one whose value can lie anywhere along a specified range.
  • -- Since calcium carbide is only useful as a means of preparing acetylene, it should be bought under a guarantee (1) that it contains less impurities than suffice to render the crude gas dangerous in respect of spontaneous inflammability, or objectionable in a manner to be explained later on, when consumed; and (2) that it is capable of evolving a fixed minimum quantity of acetylene when decomposed by water. Acetylene, the Principles of Its Generation and Use
  • -- Elegant half-hardy annuals, which can be grown as specimens for the conservatory, or in quantity for open borders. The Culture of Vegetables and Flowers From Seeds and Roots 16th Edition
  • The country teems with "poets, poetasters, poetitos, and poetaccios:" every man has his recognised position in literature as accurately defined as though he had been reviewed in a century of magazines, -- the fine ear of this people [22] causing them to take the greatest pleasure in harmonious sounds and poetical expressions, whereas a false quantity or a prosaic phrase excite their violent indignation. First Footsteps in East Africa
  • Medically, insomnia is marked by 'subjective complaints about quantity and/or quality of sleep', leading to 'a feeling of being unrefreshed on waking '. 'Insomnia: A Cultural History'
  • Modak said that a small quantity of the ship's oil had leaked but had been broken up and taken out to sea by yesterday's choppy swells.
  • Here we found a small quantity of the little pea-vetch, which is such excellent food for the camels. Australia Twice Traversed, Illustrated,
  • Jake had a reputation for being able to outeat everybody in terms of quantity and in the amount of time spent eating. How and When to Be Your Own Doctor
  • If the quantity is manageable, have someone address the envelopes for you.
  • I was informed, I believe by the late Dr. Whytt of Edinburgh, that of twenty cows in this situation two had died, and that he directed a pint of gin or whisky, mixed with an equal quantity of water, to be given to the other eighteen; all of which eructed immense quantities of air, and recovered. Zoonomia, Vol. II Or, the Laws of Organic Life
  • When you are drinking for flavor, not quantity, a wine glass works so much better.
  • For your heading-tape quantity, you will need to plot the curve as below and double the measurement.
  • There are also new quantity standards for the annual use of all biofuels nationally and specifically for biodiesel in Minnesota.
  • The graphing procedure is the same as that previously explained, but of course the quantity data and relationship involved are different.
  • In algebra the sign x usually denotes an unknown quantity.
  • She put in quite a reasonable quantity of time yarning with Norm Purves' good lady, and I had a beer or two with old Norm and some of the other chappies there.
  • In this study, the extent of reduction in seed production due to insufficient pollen quantity and quality were examined in a naturally pollinated M. stellata population.
  • While investigating the dyeing properties of the lichens, I made experiments, with a view to test their colorific power, on as many species as I could obtain in sufficient quantity, to render it at all useful to operate on -- that number, however, being very limited (between forty and fifty). The Commercial Products of the Vegetable Kingdom Considered in Their Various Uses to Man and in Their Relation to the Arts and Manufactures; Forming a Practical Treatise & Handbook of Reference for the Colonist, Manufacturer, Merchant, and Consumer, o
  • It's wrong to sacrifice quality to quantity.
  • The quantity of drugs she was carrying meant she could have received the death sentence. Times, Sunday Times
  • The quantity can enlarge obviously, the market initiative buying offer increases obviously, impelled the stock index bounce space greatly.
  • a sufficient amount of rope the last bearskin was cut up into strips, as it was necessary to have nearly a hundred feet, and the bearskin was a much-needed addition to the small quantity of ramie cord which they had on hand. The Wonder Island Boys: Exploring the Island
  • It's quality not quantity that really counts.
  • It is significant that many of the clay tablets bearing the cuneiform script refer to measurements of quantity, weight and length. MEASURING AMERICA
  • The minimum quantity of air at the end of the line brattice before starting each cut and the operating range after the scrubber is started will be measured by a certified mine official.
  • Ken Ryan, a qualified quantity surveyor, spent 15 years as head of a construction company in Zimbabwe.
  • For each Order Point rule, you can specify a number which will force the ordered quantity to a multiple given by this factor (rounded to above quantity).
  • In the eighteenth-century, this conversion shortened production time and reduced the quantity of heat necessary to complete the blue-dyeing process. reference The Saxon blue process (now called indigo sulfonate) creates colors that are bright and beautiful, and visually somewhat different from those obtained through the traditional indigo dyeing methods. The Creation of Color in Eighteenth-Century Europe
  • Prices vary according to the quantity ordered.
  • However, Member States may require that measuring instruments bear indications of quantity in a single legal unit of measurement.
  • It seemed to possess a double quantity of fins, -- lunated along their outer margins, and set thickly over its body, so as to give it a bristling aspect. The Ocean Waifs A Story of Adventure on Land and Sea
  • A bouza-like beer is more nutritious than bread made from an equal quantity of grain. Interactive Dig Hierakonpolis - Hierakonpolis 2007 - Field Note 1
  • This quantity of lasagne will feed six people.
  • To improve the efficiency of attribute reduction, a rapid reduction algorithm based on conditional information quantity is proposed.
  • Mathematics is the science of pure quantity.
  • The quantity of electrical household appliances sold rose by 19 per cent on the month and the amount spent rose 24 per cent. Times, Sunday Times
  • The quality, not quantity, of your participation is the key to a superior class participation grade. La Profesora Abstraida
  • Forensic examination revealed a large quantity of poison in the dead man's stomach.
  • Still, the quantity of the predicate is often an important consideration; and though in ordinary usage the predicate is seldom predesignate, Logicians agree that in every Negative Proposition (see § 2) the predicate is Logic Deductive and Inductive
  • _Potassium_ may be determined by precipitation as potassium platino-chloride thus: -- Dissolve 0.5 gramme in a small quantity (say 10 c.c.) of water, and carefully acidulate with hydrochloric acid, evaporate the resultant liquor to dryness in a tared platinum basin, and heat the residue gradually to dull redness. The Handbook of Soap Manufacture
  • He learned how to guess the quantity in his hand by their weight alone; how to memorise where in the pack certain cards were hidden and how to produce them on demand.
  • As the P concentration increases to a suitable quantity, the photoconductivity of the alloy en-hances 2-3 orders of magnitude and the conduction mechanism changes from P to N type.
  • Debrecen were an unknown quantity and they played very defensively, which is their right.
  • Quantity and location of rust markings is important and should not exceed ten percent of body colour.
  • Call our Sales Department to inquire about reseller, education, or government quantity discounts.
  • An exchange occurs when at least one incoming, and at least one outgoing process undergoes a change in the value of the conserved quantity, where ˜outgoing™ and Causal Processes
  • Our new director is still an unknown quantity.
  • Simply put, no federal outreach effort can substitute for the quality and quantity of contacts that local police officers have within the neighborhoods they serve.
  • Hence a competitive market will produce a socially efficient quantity of private goods.
  • His ability to make decisions in a crisis is an unknown quantity.
  • The Ramsey rule stipulates that to minimize excess burden, tax rates should be set so that the proportional reduction in the quantity demanded of each good is the same.
  • [55] The words ladles and ladler seem to have descended from a time when the exactions were made in kind by ladling the quantity out of the sack. Life of Adam Smith
  • The total quantity of ground to be excavated is 125,000 cubic yards.
  • We sum vertically at a given quantity because everyone consumes the same quantity of a public good by definition.
  • In the planked room, or magazine, were placed one hundred barrels of gunpowder in bulk; and on the deck, immediately above the powder, were laid fifty thirteen-and-a-half-inch shells, and one hundred nine-inch shells, with a large quantity of shot, pieces of kentledge, and fragments of iron of different sorts. The Naval History of the United States Volume 1 (of 2)
  • It is significant that many of the clay tablets bearing the cuneiform script refer to measurements of quantity, weight and length. MEASURING AMERICA
  • In the city, 19 waterways currently serve as conduits for domestic waste water, and the quantity of phosphorus in Guangzhou's Pearl River has reached 1.4 times the standard amount.
  • Hence the equilibrium quantity Q is socially inefficient.
  • And they bear but one shield and one spear, without other arms; and they wrap their heads and their necks with a great quantity of white linen cloth; and they be right felonous and foul, and of cursed kind. The Travels of Sir John Mandeville
  • There are only a small quantity of flowers left in the garden.
  • The goshawk is a royal fowl, and is armed more with boldness than with claws, and as much as kind taketh from her in quantity of body, it rewardeth her with boldness of heart. Mediaeval Lore from Bartholomew Anglicus
  • The bidding model of quantity list is an international general model.
  • And by frequent repetitions of exhaustion by great stimulus, these vessels cease to acquire their whole natural quantity of sensorial power; as in the schirrous stomach, and schirrous liver, occasioned by the great and frequent stimulus of vinous spirit; which may properly be termed irritative paralysis of those parts of the system. Zoonomia, Vol. II Or, the Laws of Organic Life
  • The manner of using arnotto is to tie up, in a linen rag, the quantity deemed sufficient, and put into half a pint of warm water over night. Young's Demonstrative Translation of Scientific Secrets
  • The small apparent quantity of matter that exists in the universe compared to that of spirit, and the short time in which the recrements of animal or vegetable bodies become again vivified in the forms of vegetable mucor or microscopic insects, seems to have given rise to another curious fable of antiquity. The Botanic Garden A Poem in Two Parts. Part 1: the Economy of Vegetation
  • It's such a pleasure, though, to eat good sushi, and you can do that in quantity at Sushi Yoko.
  • Add 50 grams of butter, and the same quantity of sugar.
  • We use x as the symbol for an unknown quantity.
  • I also related my first experiment in the arboricultural line, when I cut from two thrifty rows of young cherry-trees any quantity of what I supposed to be ` suckers, 'or ` sprouts,' and was thereafter informed by my gardener that I had cut off all his grafts! '' Life of Hon. Phineas T. Barnum
  • It slopes downward and to the right because the relationship it portrays between price and quantity demanded is negative or inverse.
  • Elsewhere Thomas Spooner, mercer and draper, wanted York people to know he ‘has at present by him a quantity of fine old Jamaica Rum’.
  • If a large quantity of a given drink intoxicates, then a small quantity of that drink is forbidden.
  • It is quality rather than quantity that matters. Seneca 
  • A consensus was reached during the workshop that both the quality and quantity of raw materials were a source of great concern in the leather industry of the Eastern and Southern African region.
  • Like anorexia, it often involves severe weight loss, but so-called orthorexics are obsessed with food quality, rather than quantity, and strive for personal purity in their eating habits rather than for a thin physique.
  • Five days after this last trial I gave him assafetida in large quantity, flattered by a hope that his extreme sufferings from the state of his respiration, might perhaps arise in part from spasm, but my hopes were in vain. An Account of the Foxglove and some of its Medical Uses With Practical Remarks on Dropsy and Other Diseases
  • Ten thousand birds and an equal number of chicks constitute an enormous quantity of meat.
  • The quantity of building material must be able to withstand the expected traffic.
  • In fact there was a series of catastrophes, all viticultural, which had devastating effects on both the quantity and quality of wine produced.
  • Broadly the results were that to get an extrudable dough it was necessary to add a quantity of water equal to 35% by weight of the weight of the flour.
  • They also invested in specific items, including six retro chairs and a quantity of teak reclaimed from school science benches from the Fifties. Times, Sunday Times
  • This is a constant quantity of a trans-historical nature, independent of all concrete specific political issues, and represents the level to which the right wing public collectively can be induced to believe that the Rest-Of-The-World (ROTW) is practicing collective deception upon them, preparatorily to a planned stealth conquest by subversion of ‘America’. The libertarian right hoax quotient
  • Two quantities are considered correlated when they are affected by a common quantity.
  • The NHS is using the extra £5.9bn to good effect, with major improvements in quality and quantity.
  • This would implant an electronic smart card in cars' engine-management systems, to monitor the quantity of polluting emissions.
  • Or is the idea of a ‘classic’ dying, because of the vast quantity of books published each year, and the merging of book and magazine formats?
  • There is a discount for goods bought in quantity.
  • The competition is certainly hotting up in the mobile market, but at the moment the expansion is more about quantity than quality.
  • From this gross _Diallælos_ (as the logicians call it), or see-saw, we are now liberated; for the first step, as we are now aware, is false: the value of commodities is _not_ determined by wages; since wages express the value of labor; and it has been demonstrated that not the _value_ but the _quantity_ of labor determines the value of its products. Memorials and Other Papers — Volume 2
  • During harvest time boxes of the golden large sweet hanepoot grapes are on sale at road edges, attracting wasps and purchasers in about equal quantity.
  • If you add a quantity of, say, fresh sawdust to your garden soil, chances are your plants will suffer from a lack of nitrogen.
  • A wineglassful taken each morning before breakfast is the full dose, but at first it may be desirable to give only half this quantity.
  • Butter-milk, skimmed milk and whey were also drunk but probably not in such great quantity at a feast.
  • The pond in our garden is a contained space and there has been much celebration of the quantity of newborn fish spotted recently and respectively by the wife, the cat and the local heron.
  • In the same ratio, the camels which composed their train were fifty, sixty, seventy, and eighty; the size of their oriental pearls was distended till they almost got to the egg of the ostrich: but as a bulse of diamonds sounded well for a Nabobess, the exact quantity contained in a bulse was increased only in the same proportion with the rest of the eastern importation. Substance and Shadow; or, the Fisherman's Daughter of Brighton
  • A great quantity of jalap, which is so much used in medicine, is obtained from this place. Pattie's Personal Narrative, 1824--1830
  • If there is a quantity of smoke or other airborne pollutant particles present, it is known as smog.
  • The problem is that the sheer quantity of football on the telly has diluted the overall quality. Times, Sunday Times
  • -- Six parts Persian Blue, one quart Oxalic Acid; triturate with little Water to smoothe paste, add Gum Arabic and the necessary quantity of Water. One Thousand Secrets of Wise and Rich Men Revealed
  • The date palm could sometimes reach 100 feet / 30 meters, and produced a great quantity of fruit on a single tree.
  • When a fish or shellfish is served in a generous quantity of its cooking liquid, however supplemented with other ingredients, the French fittingly call it a preparation à la nage, or “aswim.” On Food and Cooking, The Science and Lore of the Kitchen
  • Some suppliers have large quantity minimums and it may be worthwhile to go in with other area growers for an order.
  • All is as unsubstantial, as vague and shadowy, as Coleridge's "image of a rock," or Bishop Berkeley's "ghost of a departed quantity," as he once defined a fluxion. Life: Its True Genesis
  • Herbert was not mistaken: he broke the stem of a cycas, which was composed of a glandulous tissue, containing a quantity of floury pith, traversed with woody fiber, separated by rings of the same substance, arranged concentrically. The Mysterious Island
  • Using our technology in exploiting biogas will improve production by 60 per cent from the same quantity of material.
  • The line element, we know, is incredibly useful, as it provides us with an invariant quantity and also imparts information about causal structure. Bad Language: Metric vs Metric Tensor vs Matrix Form vs Line Element
  • The proportion of soda to molasses that can usually be relied on for hot breads and cakes is _1 teaspoonful of soda to 1 cupful of molasses_, or just twice the quantity of soda that is generally used with sour milk. Woman's Institute Library of Cookery Volume 1: Essentials of Cookery; Cereals; Bread; Hot Breads
  • For many years he kept bees, supplying family and friends with a seemingly endless quantity of honey. Times, Sunday Times
  • The quality and quantity of his autobiographies makes them an exceptionally valuable resource for students of Loisy's role in Roman Catholic modernism.
  • The proportion of the dearness which the increased quantity of money brings about in the State will depend on the turn which this money will impart to consumption and circulation.
  • The relationship between quantity demanded of a commodity and its price is normally measured by the price elasticity of demand.
  • The timber of the kauri is the most valuable production of the island; moreover, a quantity of resin oozes from the bark, which is sold at a penny a pound to the Journal of researches into the geology and natural history of the various countries visited by H.M.S. Beagle
  • In speech, this feature is reflected in phonological quantity.
  • Valla's idea is that notions such as divisibility and quantity are properly at home only in the world of ordinary things. Lorenzo Valla
  • It isn't a tangible quantity; it can't be measured or gauged.
  • Prices vary according to the quantity ordered.
  • While supplementation was able to reduce thiobarbituric reactive substances, it was only able to slightly lower the quantity of conjugated dienes formed.
  • The _diarrhoea crapulosa_, or diarrhoea from indigestion, occurs when too great a quantity of food or liquid has been taken; which not being compleatly digested, stimulates the intestines like any other extraneous acrid material; and thus produces an increase of the secretions into them of mucus, pancreatic juice, and bile. Zoonomia, Vol. II Or, the Laws of Organic Life
  • The second meaning indicates gradations of quantity on thermometers or measuring cups.
  • This process unfortunately requires for its prompt success the use of a very large quantity of spiegel or of ferro-manganese, in order to sufficiently carburize and deoxidize the burnt iron, which is the final product of the blowing. Scientific American Supplement, No. 315, January 14, 1882
  • The quantity has been whittled down because the quality was not high enough. Times, Sunday Times
  • Make money regardless or not, all guarantee the quantity of the goods, quick time hair goods.
  • Chris Travers: A pollard is a “beheaded” tree (“pollard” meaning “beheaded”), i.e. a tree which was the upper branches and trunk cut off so that it produces a large quantity of upright shoots. The Volokh Conspiracy » To Meld — What Does “Meld” Mean?
  • Some wine-makers throughout history sought to enhance either the quality or quantity of their product by adulterating the basic raw material, grapes, with other products.
  • The quantity of electrical household appliances sold rose by 19 per cent on the month and the amount spent rose 24 per cent. Times, Sunday Times
  • When any new material appears in quantity - especially something as exciting as these gemmy and perfect crystals - there is always speculation about where it comes from.
  • The quantity of money circulating in the local economy would suddenly plummet, killing off what remains of local economic life and services.
  • It is impossible to say what quantity of gold the Kunsi may get; but their pretence that they _get none_ must be false, when every common Malay obtains from half to one bunkal per month. The Expedition to Borneo of H.M.S. Dido For the Suppression of Piracy
  • The total quantity of materials required to complete the development will be about 1.25 million cubic metres.
  • The city consumes large quantity of electricity in summer.
  • Likewise, the Calico borates, and those mined subsequently at other sites, ‘opened up a new and permanent supply [in the form of colemanite) and in quantity sufficient for whatever demand might be made upon it.’
  • The balsam is a beautiful tree; though not aspiring to the dignity of the pine and hemlock, it shoots up in the most perfect and gradual spire-like form, to a height of thirty or forty feet, remarkable for its elegance; the foliage is very rich in color and quantity. Rural Hours
  • In each bladder was a small quantity of dried pease or little pebbles (as I was afterwards informed).
  • For some people, timber-framed buildings are an unknown quantity. Times, Sunday Times
  • In one case a pensioner paid nearly £300 for a quantity of fish which was unmarked, unlabelled, and unweighed - and only got his money back because of immediate action by police.
  • In liquid form, the quantity of retarding admixture is measured as liquid ounces per hundred-weight of cement in the mix.
  • In that case the link in catenation, that is, the first of the associate train, is rendered torpid by defect of excitement of its usual quantity of the sensorial power of association, and from there being no accumulation of the sensorial power of irritation to increase its associability, and thus to contribute to actuate it by overbalancing the defect of the excitement of its association. Zoonomia, Vol. II Or, the Laws of Organic Life
  • This is related to Grice's first maxim of quantity ( "Make your contribution as informative as required") and is held responsible for the inference of so-called scalar implicatures, among others. Pragmatics
  • Police found a large/small quantity of drugs in his possession.
  • Then after they had cut it up, she tried out the fat and made a great quantity of oil from the bear.
  • Article 10 A food label for prepackaged food with fixed content shall declare the net quantity of contents.
  • Characteristic is a reluctance to admit the quantity consumed, drinking secretly alone, and taking gradually increasing amounts.
  • By the quantity of provision which I had consumed I should guess that I had passed three weeks in this journey; and the continual protraction of hope, returning back upon the heart, often wrung bitter drops of despondency and grief from my eyes. Chapter 7
  • But the end of that answer is perfectly correct - the issue is the reradiation back down to Earth, which a small quantity of CO2 can of course do indefinitely without limit on the total energy exchanged. Rabett Run
  • Bamboo forests grow very fast and with a very little burden on environment because the quantity of CO2 that they can absorb is very high. Global Voices in English » Japan: A brief review of the eco-technologies
  • The fame difficulty accounts for the large proportion of nitre required to deflagrate with it completely; a quantity required, not becaufe there is much combuf - tible matter to be burned, but becaufe a long conti - nued and elevated heat is neceiliiry; by which means much of the nitre is decompofed, and its vital air flies off, without having been employed in the combullion, as appears by the two thirds of the elaftic produft, which will fupport the flame of a candle. The first principles of chemistry
  • Whether, therefore, the sample contains a certain proportion of nitrogen, or whether it contains albumen, fibrine, and caseine in sufficient quantity, it may still want the very condition which is essential to the manufacture of good bread. The Commercial Products of the Vegetable Kingdom Considered in Their Various Uses to Man and in Their Relation to the Arts and Manufactures; Forming a Practical Treatise & Handbook of Reference for the Colonist, Manufacturer, Merchant, and Consumer, o
  • In theory, skilled authorities would regulate the issuance of paper money, increasing its quantity to foster desired economic growth.
  • Besides the benzoic ether and, probably, a phenol, mentioned above, there may be recognized in ilang-ilang oil an aldehyde or ketone, inasmuch as upon shaking it with bisulphite of sodium I observed the formation of a very small quantity of crystals. Scientific American Supplement, No. 288, July 9, 1881
  • Chelsea's preseason has already demonstrated an interesting fluid style of play, utilizing the fullbacks as an attacking quantity, very similar to Bielsa's highly successful Argentinean side in the recent Copa
  • Momentum is a physical quantity measuring the intensity of the mechanical motion of a material body.
  • Another harm of this kind of medicine is that you have to step up the quantity when you have taken them for a period.
  • The ‘Richardson number’, a fundamental quantity involving gradients of temperature and wind velocity is named after him.
  • The winning bidders must then buy the quantity requested and pay the price that they bid. Microeconomics: Price Theory in Practice
  • Another harm of this kind of medicine is that you have to step up the quantity when you have taken them for a period.
  • Paman's explanation looks like our present definition of infimum and supremum, but whereas our infimum and supremum given a set (of real numbers) gives a real number, the Maximinus and Minimajus of a quantity is a quantity of the same kind.
  • Along with the increasing string quantity, correlation algorithms of string are also being widely studied, which provides profound theoretical basis for its application in other fields.
  • This move becomes evident in certain physical questions, e.g., in the study of condensation and rarefaction, where Albert openly disagrees with his Parisian master by arguing that condensation and rarefaction are possible only through the local motion of the parts of a body, and without needing to assume some quantity that would have a distinct reality on its own. Albert of Saxony
  • The police also found a quantity of ammunition in the flat.
  • The real wage is measured along the horizontal axis and the quantity of labour is measured along the vertical axis.
  • If, in addition to the above symptoms, he pass a large quantity of watery fluid from his bowels, the case becomes one of _watery gripes_, and requires the immediate attention of a doctor. Advice to a Mother on the Management of Her Children

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