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How To Use Qualm In A Sentence

  • The biggest qualm I have with fair trade is its basic ignorance of comparative advantage.
  • We're revisiting the venue to qualm any fears about its suitability.
  • The manager has no qualms about dropping players who do not perform well.
  • Its Sunday so I have no qualms about posting a slow boring post, if you're reading this today then you're probably bored too.
  • So he turned to Micheline Bernardini, an exotic dancer at the Casino de Paris, who had no qualms about appearing nearly nude in public.
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  • I'm glad to hear you say you have some qualms here.
  • The advertising companies, currently employed by the parties, have no qualms about emotional manipulation.
  • However these are small qualms against an excellent project that deserves every plaudit for its unique enterprise.
  • Dim as it was, it seemed to shift, wavering in a disturbingly qualmish fashion, and he shut his eyes, concentrating grimly on what he might do to Richard Brown, and he got the man alone someday. A Breath of Snow and Ashes
  • They had no qualms about banishing a Roger Williams or an Anne Hutchinson and few about hanging the occasional Quaker, all for the sin of daring to differ on points of theology.
  • The vital importance of love is to love all life without qualms, without wisdom or religion uppermost in the mind of the lover.
  • I felt a kind of qualm of faintness and downsinking about my heart and stomach, to the dispelling of which I took a thimbleful of spirits, and, tying my red comforter about my neck, I marched briskly to the session-house. The World's Greatest Books — Volume 06 — Fiction
  • You may think your home is babyproofed, only to learn the hard way that a crawling 10-month old has zero qualms about digging under a heating vent to find a Cheerio that rolled under there during the Carter administration - and then eating said Cheerio. Meredith Lopez: Adventures of the Tricksy Hobbit
  • When the war ends, the city is left with gangs of pre-adolescents armed to the teeth, who have neither qualms about murder nor basic reading and writing skills.
  • I will be off now, I am sorry for troubling you with my qualms… it is not a very noble thing, to tell a man who is not my husband each fear that crosses my mind.
  • Their pores were more magnified than their qualms; their scruples were invisible.
  • No moral qualms about encouraging non-stop gambling? Times, Sunday Times
  • The vital importance of love is to love all life without qualms, without wisdom or religion uppermost in the mind of the lover.
  • The Snoqualmie watershed plays a large role in the survival of the Sound's fish stocks, supporting wild runs of coho, chinook, pink and chum salmon along with steelhead and cutthroat trout.
  • There are no qualms about his technique. The Sun
  • Avex officials say young people have no qualms about copying and distributing music.
  • I would have no qualms about people having to take an oath of allegiance on entering the country.
  • How much he admires your freewheeling intellectual outlook, the way you aren't tied down by all sorts of moral qualms.
  • He uses their lies to confront the political opposition and force them to deny them without ever evidencing any qualms that he might be helping to spread falsehoods and wrong impressions by doing so.
  • So, while I was wondering what to do about it, she headed right in, leaving me with the valise and the umberella, and a kind of qualmy feeling that the old lady might strike a snag. Love, the Fiddler
  • He was simply not concerned with any of those internal qualms about quality that bothered most of the people I worked with. Times, Sunday Times
  • I have no qualms about talented straight actors portraying gay characters as long as they play the role completely and uncompromisingly.
  • I have recently moved house and my new neighbour has made no qualms about wanting to set me up with her daughter. Times, Sunday Times
  • No," said Dawson, "or if I have, it is a mere momentary qualm which is gone before I can realise it. Recollections With Photogravure Portrait of the Author and a number of Original Letters, of which one by George Meredith and another by Robert Louis Stevenson are reproduced in facsimile
  • But when I see cats prowling on my property, I have no qualms about dousing them with water.
  • He objects to foxes being termed as vermin, but has no qualms about referring to a section of humans as vermin.
  • The first is to assure you that I have no qualms about disagreeing with the governor. Times, Sunday Times
  • His footloose and fancy-free lifestyle means he had no qualms about buying a home in New Zealand and opening a restaurant in the heart of Newmarket where competition is brisk.
  • Their progeny are not going to feel many qualms about keeping 3.6 billion of somebody else's money. Times, Sunday Times
  • Doug Creutz of Cowen and Company said qualms ran deeper than whether "Up" will be a hit -- he thinks it will -- but rather whether Pixar can deliver the kind of megahit it once did. Michael Giltz: NYT Blows It On Pixar, The Safest Bet In Hollywood
  • Animals have no qualms about relaxing when they have exerted themselves. Why Am I Afraid to be Assertive?
  • His footloose and fancy-free lifestyle means he had no qualms about buying a home in New Zealand and opening a restaurant in the heart of Newmarket where competition is brisk.
  • Asked if the campaign had any qualms about using the legal action in a political ad, McMaster spokesman Rob Godfrey said the lawsuit is a key example of the candidate's courage and leadership abilities. GOP Attorney General uses health care lawsuit in campaign ad
  • Weary, listening to the whistling and the shuffling of feet, felt a queer, qualmy feeling in the region of his diaphragm, and he yielded to The Lonesome Trail and Other Stories
  • I hope there is no row between you;" for the idea of an open quarrel between Phil and Acton made Jack rather qualmish. Acton's Feud A Public School Story
  • He was too qualmish with the memory of Peter Marlowe's arm and the smell of it and the blood and the clotted mucused bandage that lay on the floor. King Rat
  • He had no qualms about giving young people lots of responsibility if they could handle it. Times, Sunday Times
  • Or, if we make you so “qualmy”, stfu and go someplace you only have the fondest of fuzzy feelings for, mmmkay? Think Progress » GOP Senate Candidate Rep. Mike Castle Takes Credit For Over $5 Million In Stimulus Funds He Voted To Kill
  • So it would be strange if he now showed any qualms. Times, Sunday Times
  • In a world of coded language and social niceties, Willis has no qualms about expressing his loves, hates, fears and passions in the bluntest possible terms.
  • No editorialist at a major newspaper or television news commentator has even hinted at moral qualms over the American onslaught.
  • I have no qualms with the premise of a pimp exacting vengeance from beyond the grave.
  • The legal age of consent is a curious weapon in the hands of those who would otherwise have no qualms about child marriage.
  • On the other hand, I have no qualms about offering a lower price than my competitors do if my costs are lower as well.
  • My muse is taken a little qualmish, therefore pray excuse her. Life and Remains of John Clare "The Northamptonshire Peasant Poet"
  • Something perhaps in his white set face gave her a momentary qualm, for at tea that afternoon there was toast on the table, a delicacy which she usually banned on the ground that it was bad for him
  • Republican governors told Mr. Obama they had qualms about what they called indiscriminate federal spending. Obama Backs Governors' Pleas for Aid to States
  • One passage reads: ‘I regard personal disloyalty as the worst crime of all, and have killed some guilty of it without a qualm.’
  • He was simply not concerned with any of those internal qualms about quality that bothered most of the people I worked with. Times, Sunday Times
  • If it closed, its customers would have absolutely no qualms about going elsewhere.
  • But Roger felt far otherwise; and this sudden qualm of conscience once quelled (I will say there seemed much of palliation in the matter), a kind of inebriate feeling of delight filled his mind, and Steady Acton plodded on to the meadow yonder, half a mile a-head, in a species of delirious complacency. The Complete Prose Works of Martin Farquhar Tupper
  • Plus, she thinks that I'm flaunting whatever relationship I have with him in front of her, and basically has a real qualm about us being tactile.
  • ‘Now,’ muses an underground rocker who has begun accepting sponsorships, ‘the only qualm I have is I usually don't like the stuff I get.’
  • My qualm is not with the message: We don’t tailgate. Dallas Blog, Daily News, Dallas Politics, Opinion, and Commentary FrontBurner Blog D Magazine » Blog Archive » Mustang Mania
  • The first is to assure you that I have no qualms about disagreeing with the governor. Times, Sunday Times
  • Then had come vertigoes and strange, inexplicable qualms, as if he were in an elevator that sank under him with terrifying rapidity. The Pit: A Story of Chicago
  • He had no qualms about cheating the tax inspector.
  • The street fighters had no qualms about drawing retaliatory bombardments on civilian areas.
  • Hrdy shows that neonaticide is sometimes to the benefit of the mother, in which case she has no qualms about offing the kid. Bell curves
  • Indeed when things are dissolved and made thus tender and soft, and are as it were turned into a sort of a carrionly corruption, it must needs be a great difficulty for concoction to master them, and when it hath mastered them, they must needs cause grievous oppressions and qualmy indigestions. Essays and Miscellanies
  • It is certainly true that some media organisations have no qualms about taking other media organisations to court.
  • Many famous raw foodists don't have any qualms about eating lots of foods that are grown on the other side of our planet (one famous raw foodist calls himself the Durian King, though he lives in New York and durians are grown in Malaysia).
  • But most point out that we have no such qualms about getting rid of viruses. Times, Sunday Times
  • The vital importance of love is to love all life without qualms, without wisdom or religion uppermost in the mind of the lover.
  • While mainstream US sitcoms paint a picture of a utopian world where everyone wanders around in skimpy clothing with permatans and oodles of cash, Little Britain had no qualms about portraying us as a nation of weirdos.
  • Kusum is peremptorily divorced by her husband who gives her talaq with no qualms.
  • You, of all people, should know the nature of my character - I have no qualms over using the most destructive, underhand methods to get what I want.
  • The P's take us from pandowdy to pompey to pudjicky; the Q's offer qualmish, quick start, and quiddle; in R we find ramstugious, redd up, robin snow, and rumpelkammer; and S yields saluggi, say-so, and smearcase. VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol XXIII No 4
  • The studio provided a review copy, which brings up my main qualm. Steel and the Warner Archive » DVDs Worth Watching
  • Animals have no qualms about relaxing when they have exerted themselves. Why Am I Afraid to be Assertive?
  • Even "snooty" mainstream authors such as Margaret Atwood or Doris Lessing have no qualm with admitting they write SF. MIND MELD: Science Fiction as a 'Geek' Genre
  • Despite my qualms, I took the job.
  • And this includes ethical qualms and doubts. Times, Sunday Times
  • And when it comes to romance, the Czechs certainly have no qualms about public displays of affection!
  • As to the main criticisms of conventionalism, my qualms here have to do with the fact that they are already so familiar.
  • If Britannia rules the waves," said a qualmish writing-master, going to The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction Volume 12, No. 331, September 13, 1828
  • ‘I had a momentary qualm when I was told that the plane was something called a Yak, but it delivered me in time to review the papers on Today’.
  • Pratchett's take on the elves is appropriately sinister, as they have no qualms placing a glamour on people and making them do their bidding. REVIEW: Lords And Ladies by Terry Pratchett
  • Even though he knows better, he has no qualms or reservations about putting his face two inches away from some of the most venomous snakes on the planet.
  • Though professionally chummy she is personally steely, a shrewd operator with no qualms about tough questions and drawing blood.
  • The decrepit fingers looked like ten claws as they clutched loathsomely at the greasy bread and butter; I felt qualmish, and passed by without addressing him. Hunger
  • Every member of the family, from the youngest to the oldest, bears a hand, shut in the qualmy rooms, where meals are cooked and clothing washed and dried besides, the livelong day. X. Jewtown
  • During this ascent Mr. Glaisher's hands became quite blue, and he experienced a qualmish sensation in the brain and stomach, resembling the approach of sea-sickness.
  • If the answer to those questions is'no' then he should have no qualms about standing down. Times, Sunday Times
  • My ONLY qualm is that the $5 martini's are made with well vodka.
  • Apparently he had no qualms about heaping fresh discredit upon the heavily criticised parliament, which it was his responsibility to sustain.
  • There are many people who do many right things under the influence of sickness, affliction, death in the family, public calamities or a sudden qualm of conscience.
  • Opposition MPs have had no qualms confecting anger, declaring Mr Blair's choice of garment to be a ‘sartorial outrage‘.
  • However these are small qualms against an excellent project that deserves every plaudit for its unique enterprise.
  • It was a matter of existence and nonexistence for her, which was a new and qualmy sensation. Roc and a Hard Place
  • As a mercenary and reaver he should not have any qualms as the gold trickled into his pockets, the gold of blood-letting.
  • Israel haters always complain that they get accused of being anti-Semitic, but you Carl have no qualms about flinging the label anti-Arab around even without any evidence. On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • He shows no qualms about exposing the mechanical underpinnings of a piece, making the power cords and electrical transformer integral parts of the work.
  • They had no qualms about putting on an act, playing on ethnic stereotypes people enjoyed to get audiences.
  • But while Congress wants to shield citizens against government snoops, it has no such qualms when private companies collect the data.
  • You have the usual momentary qualm in your belly and a bursting sensation in the ears, but not much sensation of movement till you get near the bottom, when the cage slows down so abruptly that you could swear it is going upwards again.
  • When it comes to salary, many business owners have no qualms about paying themselves a hefty amount.
  • But when I see cats prowling on my property, I have no qualms about dousing them with water.
  • She has also expressed qualms about what will be required of her during the campaign. Times, Sunday Times
  • And this includes ethical qualms and doubts. Times, Sunday Times
  • Entrepreneurs have no qualms about destroying traditional ways of life if they can make a profit.
  • George Clarke: Regarding the comment - If there's one qualm however, it's that it veers into overly serious ... cacomistle: Aside from too much wire work, it was awesome. Kung Fu Cinema
  • I have no qualms about my devotion to my work, nor have I suffered a second's guilt.
  • And these days it is not just a partner - legal firms have no qualms about poaching entire teams.
  • The vital importance of love is to love all life without qualms, without wisdom or religion uppermost in the mind of the lover.
  • It long remained a popular favourite in the theatre, its verve, bustle and wit, utterly defiant of the modest Josephs and qualmy prudes who censured these lively scenes. A Memoir of Mrs. Behn
  • So he turned to Micheline Bernardini, an exotic dancer at the Casino de Paris, who had no qualms about appearing nearly nude in public.
  • Yet he had no qualms about upsetting me. The Sun
  • She was a vegetarian but seemed to have no qualms about the goats being killed for food for other people.
  • A qualm, indeed, came across him, when he considered, as a lawyer, that this father was probably, in the eye of law, a traitor; and that there was an ugly crime on the Statute Book, called misprision of treason. Redgauntlet
  • They showed no qualms in spending £3 billion in a futile attempt to prop up the Pound.
  • I would have set out for London immediately after receiving this piece of intelligence, but my dear angel has been qualmish of late, and begins to grow remarkably round in the waist; so that I cannot leave her in such an interesting situation, which I hope will produce something to crown my felicity. The Adventures of Roderick Random
  • But Hughes has no qualms about handing another starring role to teenager Dean Lord.
  • My only qualm is that Angel didn't use a celebrity participant like Ray Nagin, just in case some strange complication occurred with the trick. Archive 2008-09-01
  • Suppose, that after a smacking run of about eight days before a fresh gale, (during the whole of which you are of course too sick and qualmy to leave your cot,) you awake one morning, and find yourself snugly at anchor in the bay of Funchal; and the romantic, sun-bright mountains of Madeira, gorgeously crested with a mass of brilliant clouds, looking in at your cabin-window. The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction Volume 10, No. 274, September 22, 1827
  • I have to admit, by this stage, I had no qualms whatsoever about being undiplomatic.
  • Doug Creutz of Cowen and Company said qualms ran deeper than whether “Up” will be a hit — he thinks it will — but rather whether Pixar can deliver the kind of megahit it once did. Pixar Finds Toy Retailers, Wall Street down on “Up” | The Disney Blog
  • She has also expressed qualms about what will be required of her during the campaign. Times, Sunday Times
  • I could have no qualms about it. The Sun
  • Because then they get to purge the jury panel of anyone who expresses qualms about the death penalty.
  • If I harp on how rotten the production is, it's because I have few qualms with the music, outside of the first track, which is just aimless.
  • The only difference was that they justified their greediness by business whereas the Aras justified their lack of qualms by the label scientific progress. Enemy in the Dark
  • My only real qualm is that BB, like every action film these days, uses the BLUR! Batman Begins
  • If the answer to those questions is'no' then he should have no qualms about standing down. Times, Sunday Times
  • It has to be one of the most personable documentaries I have ever seen and my only qualm is that I wish that there were some way to find out how they have progressed since the surgery. GreenCine Daily: Sundance. Hear and Now.
  • I could have no qualms about it. The Sun
  • Her ambition and drive are very much a part of her everyday work - she has no qualms about grassing on a colleague if it gets her out of trouble.
  • The type of commandos hired for these jobs are psychopathic killers for hire who would have no qualms against committing any act of cruelty.
  • Many Council members say they have few qualms about cutting millions of dollars earmarked for attracting new businesses and even subsidizing the Convention Center.
  • The first is to assure you that I have no qualms about disagreeing with the governor. Times, Sunday Times
  • Worse, there's no reason to think that he's the only person in the world who has ‘no moral qualms about developing weaponized anthrax and smallpox.’
  • They never know that exam make us qualm and dissatisfaction.
  • Selling guns to murderous dictators holds few real qualms for our 'hero'.
  • He was suddenly surprised to experience a sudden qualm of deep and genuine regret.
  • No moral qualms about encouraging non-stop gambling? Times, Sunday Times
  • She had shot him without qualm of conscience, without a second thought, and walked away without even looking back.
  • But we expect loyalty and have no qualms about throwing someone out of the group if they don't play fair with us.
  • The first is to assure you that I have no qualms about disagreeing with the governor. Times, Sunday Times
  • He had no qualms about giving young people lots of responsibility if they could handle it. Times, Sunday Times
  • Japan wants cheap fish for sushi and Russians have no qualms about evading heavy export taxes.
  • If money were no longer an object I would have no qualms about leaving London and the south behind and moving up there permanently.
  • He also added that he would have no qualms about seeking expenses for the trip.
  • Not very," said I, for I was qualmish still, although the fresh air had considerably revived me even in the short time since I had come out of the close cabin. The White Squall A Story of the Sargasso Sea
  • Earlier on he had sought to dismiss the moral qualms by learned allusions to cultural relativism (in East India, “Lepcha old men of eighty copulate with girls of eight, and nobody minds”) and literary history (Dante with nine-year-old Beatrice, Petrarch with twelve-year-old Laura, Poe with thirteen-year-old Virginia). The enactment of moral experience
  • He goes along with Jan's revolutionary mumbo-jumbo but has no qualms about helping himself to the spoils of war.
  • Yet he had no qualms about upsetting me. The Sun
  • I've got no qualms about lowering myself to Lemmer's level to get the information I want. ALASTAIR MCLEAN'S 'NIGHT WATCH'
  • It was the gallery's inaugural show so I have no qualms about being biased.
  • My only qualm on this album is the rather boxy sound of this overture, but this is a minor misgiving when compared to the joys on offer.
  • A true leader is one who, without any qualms, accepts the responsibility for a failure.
  • There are no qualms about his technique. The Sun
  • Despite winning his second gold, and getting ready for the standard pistol event, Samaresh said that he had no qualms in participating in the centre-fire pistol event on Tuesday, as a The Hindu - Front Page
  • Units, left to their own devices, react only to an 'aggro' radius put out by the enemy, and have no qualm against letting fellow soldiers get gunned down if they're resting spitefully outside of that radius. Gaming Nexus
  • How ludicrous to entertain qualms in the face of what appeared to be unparalleled success. Christianity Today
  • She felt an uneasy qualm at the thought of her garden-proud neighbour, who was already ill-disposed towards the foxes, discovering caches of putrefying cheese among her spring flowers.
  • And since I am by no means altogether pessimistic, in spite of my qualmy phases, it follows that I do not believe that the old spirit will necessarily prevail. What is Coming?
  • Fans of this show should have no qualms about picking this one up because of the mostly solid transfers.
  • The manager has no qualms about dropping players who do not perform well.
  • But most point out that we have no such qualms about getting rid of viruses. Times, Sunday Times
  • But these qualms are separate from another issue: the value of legal immigration to our nation.
  • Politicians who have no qualms about lying believe that politics is the highest form of skulduggery.
  • So it would be strange if he now showed any qualms. Times, Sunday Times
  • The first is to assure you that I have no qualms about disagreeing with the governor. Times, Sunday Times
  • He played a leading role in the king's trial, and unlike many of the regicides probably had few qualms about signing his death warrant.
  • Their progeny are not going to feel many qualms about keeping 3.6 billion of somebody else's money. Times, Sunday Times
  • Whatever qualms about the ineptitude of it, which are probably put into perspective at a time like that lobbyists and waste aside, our government has not lead The Great Satan without being reasonably effecient, trusting the lattermost was probably the best bet to those surveyed. "Faith" Means Not Wanting to Believe What is True, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • The thing that shocked me more was that he seemed to have no qualms about it.
  • He did not notice the well-worn carpets burned here and there by the hot cigar-ash; the strong smell of tobacco, impregnated in the curtains, did not make him feel qualmish. The French Immortals Series — Complete
  • He had not been seated ten minutes before Dick Blatchford drifted in, smoking a black cigar that gave Keith a slight qualmish feeling.
  • My only qualm is that you have a punctuation error in the first sentence – an error guaranteed to make an editor think twice about reading on. A GIFT • by Bosley Gravel
  • I really felt all the characters as they were so well drawn and my only qualm is the significance of the pious brother Henry and as he was of no significance. Reader reviews of The Crimson Petal and The White by Michel Faber.
  • He had no qualms or ‘superstitions’ about certain days or times being more propitious for carving than others, though he did try not to work on Sundays, when he attended his local African Church.
  • I have recently moved house and my new neighbour has made no qualms about wanting to set me up with her daughter. Times, Sunday Times
  • qualmish" for a few hours, but that (they fancy) will but highten the general enjoyment of the voyage. Glances at Europe In a Series of Letters from Great Britain, France, Italy, Switzerland, &c. During the Summer of 1851.
  • So, aside from flies, he had no qualms about letting insects crawl all over him.
  • If he can emulate this achievement, the fans will soon forget their qualms over his aggressive takeover.
  • No moral qualms about encouraging non-stop gambling? Times, Sunday Times
  • I was qualmish on Saturday, and for a minute sick, but pretty comfortable on Sunday, though wearied by the constant pitching and rolling.
  • Despite my qualms, I took the job.

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