How To Use Qualify In A Sentence

  • Stated income loans only deserve the moniker "liar loans" because they were abused by banks and given to borrowers who lacked the income to qualify full doc. Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
  • The only defence remaining alive at present is, therefore, I suggest, the disputed decision about qualifying privilege.
  • There are tight rules on the type of properties that qualify for the relief.
  • Anything less than a convincing victory by Graham Taylor's team will undermine their chances of qualifying from Group 2.
  • To make room reservation, please use the attached Form to qualify for special room rate.
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  • Along the way, I must qualify extreme principles in various ways and then challenge my students with examinations and term paper reports about my lectures.
  • With no requalifying for the Ryder Cup, no wild-card picks and no apparent animosity, the only thing to talk about has been how poorly many of the team members are playing.
  • Best of all, when you buy a cell phone from us and transfer your number, you will still qualify for all of our great rebates and discounts.
  • Shelbourne is the first Irish league team to reach the final qualifying round since the beginning of the competition.
  • She started the year winning three qualifying rounds of the Australian Open.
  • You need £100 in your account to qualify for free banking.
  • We have increased housing support grant so that all local authorities that incur a deficit in running a hostel will qualify for grant.
  • Alex McLeish's side came off second best to the Russian champions in the first leg of their final qualifying round tie.
  • Playoff teams qualify for the first leg in France is undoubtedly the most critical road game.
  • Many teachers qualify for an annual increment.
  • Then let the bureaucrats pre-qualify the bidders by carefully scrutinizing their track records, resources and proposed fees.
  • Employees will work to prequalify iPhone customers while they wait in line; those buyers will receive a claim ticket for the phone, which Apple says can be redeemed on the spot or later the same day by 6PM (or 4PM on Sundays). Apple stores opening early for iPhone customers
  • Those participants who qualify from each local market will join as a team representing their racetrack or off-track betting facility in Las Vegas.
  • Is it real America or does that community's name disqualify the Brazilians of the Mississippi Delta? Burns Strider: Just When You Thought You Were American -- Conservatives Say Not So Fast
  • Yet students who have completed expensive training face the same difficulties as an untrained actor in qualifying for an Equity card.
  • The classics are retained as a subject in which all must qualify; and the education provided for the ordinary passman is of a contemptible, smattering kind; it is really no education at all. From a College Window
  • So, more studies are needed before concluding the maximum amount of additives for each ingredient and deciding whether the foods qualify under the regulation.
  • If higher degrees qualify students to teach rather than become professional writers, it follows they must also possess critical skills.
  • Currently only 3 % of grammar school pupils come from families with incomes so low that they qualify for free school meals. Times, Sunday Times
  • All you have to do to qualify is provide Ancestry. com with a valid email address. Archive 2005-11-01
  • The bronze medal went to Russia's Yulia Pakhalina, who dropped from silver to bronze on the last dive, having led through the qualifying rounds.
  • Luxembourg have entered the World Cup 15 times and finished bottom of their qualifying group every time.
  • The Zambia Badminton team has started the qualifying rounds for this year's world badminton qualifiers with three victories in the series being played in Mauritius.
  • If you live in the area, you qualify for a parking permit.
  • The Twins have lost three in a row since qualifying for the postseason.
  • Playing the Short Stack Entering the final table with 8-12 blinds will qualify one as a short stack at the table.
  • She wondered whether the change would qualify that area for more public lighting and footpaths.
  • To qualify, candidates must get at least 10% of the votes cast.
  • The Inland Revenue is also understood to be considering a more radical scheme, where some taxpayers who qualify for self-assessment might not have to fill in a tax return.
  • Johnson must score 5, 600 points in the seven-event heptathlon to automatically qualify for the trials, June 14-23 in Atlanta.
  • If I were to cobble together a list of summer trash the 1st thing I would do is disqualify anything that shows up your standard school reading list. Archive 2009-08-01
  • Whether or not you qualify for a loan will depend on your financial circumstances.
  • She had suffered lymphoedema in her right arm due to the cancer treatment, which left her too weak to operate equipment, but she was told she did not qualify for incapacity benefit.
  • The equivocation of its affirmation - if affirmation it be - is first among the defects that ought to disqualify this proposal.
  • The department had sought suggestions from the teacher-training colleges for a modular course to enable the estimated 280 primary teachers without qualifications to qualify properly.
  • At a 6. 7\% annual rate, NOT including taxes and property insurance (called PITI payment), at max you can qualify for $238K …. and that's if that debt ratio fits in your income. Progressive Bloggers
  • Bryant and Kidd joined the team for last summer's qualifying Tournament of the Americas.
  • As she got used to the testing conditions, she pushed through to the third and final qualifying position, denying her opponent of a semi-final berth.
  • Now if, in the view of many Australians, lying does not disqualify you from national leadership, then it is no good just going on calling politicians liars?
  • To qualify for the Olympics, each country must have two shooters who have won first place in World Cup competition.
  • Is anyone seriously suggesting that, say, octogenarians should qualify for stacking shelves at Dunnes Stores?
  • The notion that bureaucratic infighting and occasional abruptness of manner should disqualify one from high office is laughable.
  • Real's defence of the cup has so far been unconvincing, even in last week's defeat of the Russians, but they are in little danger of failing to qualify.
  • Paying a fee doesn't automatically qualify you for membership.
  • This degree will qualify you for teaching.
  • Will our team qualify for the second round of the competition?
  • So why does this free entertainment not qualify for the description of good clean fun?
  • We question simplistic quantitative measures-based on Gross Domestic Product-of which countries are to qualify for debt cancellation.
  • To qualify as worthy of preservation, particularly if public money is to be spent, buildings must be more than mausoleums.
  • The only defence remaining alive at present is, therefore, I suggest, the disputed decision about qualifying privilege.
  • He also distinguishes clearly between criteria which qualify a firm's products to be considered and those which actually win the order.
  • You may qualify for unemployment benefit.
  • Three teams were eliminated in the preliminaries leaving Arrows, Buffaloes, Eagles and City of Lusaka to qualify to the semi-finals
  • To qualify for these rights you have to be human. Times, Sunday Times
  • Since it was a political junket, I'd say its quite cheeky for him to claim himself a former astronaut, but then again I don't think you'd want to 'disqualify' all Payload Specialists from being called astronauts. Is Senator Bill Nelson an Astronaut? - NASA Watch
  • Permanent authorization to work in the U.S. citizen, permanent resident or qualifying asylee News -
  • This is, of course, a ridiculous contradiction and probably would qualify as a first-class oxymoron.
  • A number of large Avens and Boulder Chambers add further intrigue to a fascinating area, which could almost qualify as a complete cave system in its own right.
  • And, having reached a nice rounded and witty conclusion, I'm going to spoil it by waffling on and qualifying what I've said.
  • Take an eight-hour course in most of the smart states and you qualify for a concealed weapons permit; note that owning a firearm is already assumed in those states. The Volokh Conspiracy » Changes in the Gun Culture over the last 25 years
  • You must have an income of 11,000 or less to qualify. Times, Sunday Times
  • You can claim money spent on doctors, physiotherapists, psychiatrists and qualifying medicines at your marginal rate of income tax.
  • Could you qualify his behavior as offensive?
  • They were not but, your Honour, what was happening was that they were erecting a contractual system and qualifying it.
  • A military appointing authority could choose to disqualify any panel member for good cause.
  • The art of hiding requires excellent moveability, and none of what you have will qualify.
  • Contributions to the Rotary DAF typically qualify for a U.S. income tax deduction.
  • The Tigers need to topple their archnemesis just to qualify for a bowl. Weekend Preview: Stakes are high as Big 12 race concludes
  • To qualify for organic status, farmers must adhere to strict limits on artificial fertilisers and pesticides. Times, Sunday Times
  • Foods that contain at least 350 mg of potassium and that qualify for the new health claim include: cantaloupe, orange juice, bananas, carrots, spinach, skim milk, non-fat yogurt and unsalted tomato sauce.
  • For I question not, but God can so qualify and determine the will of a rational agent, (and that without the least diminution to its natural freedom,) that the inclination and bias of it shall wholly propend to good, and that from a mere love of goodness itself, without any consideration of a further recompence. Sermons Preached Upon Several Occasions. Vol. III.
  • The PDF thing is kind of a drag, but I can see how it will prequalify people who want to participate. Capture the Fantasy and Escape your Reality
  • Trusts have long been used to hold assets that would otherwise disqualify the heir from public assistance.
  • Besides, you only have to finish in the top 20 to requalify.
  • Two game systems from my first article in this series qualify as board game systems without reserve: Orion and the piecepack.
  • According to the social worker's notes, the hospital anticipated that the patient would need long-term ventilator care and that, as a legal immigrant with less than five years in this country, he would not qualify for Arizona's Medicaid coverage. T r u t h o u t
  • I have already mentioned the stipulation that before l could qualify for married status I should have passed two language exams.
  • Use of a true adjective in the plural to qualify a plural noun is uncommon. Times, Sunday Times
  • We'll decide on our team as and when we qualify for the competition.
  • And to this day he can skite to one and all that he finished within three minutes of the qualifying time plus an hour!
  • Eighty per cent of this cash is divided equally amongst all holding qualifying status.
  • Sadly enough, your beamers don't qualify as ‘high velocity’ because they lack direction.
  • Get real, I say, and properly punish these people or alternatively disqualify them from driving if they can't pay.
  • Such is the importance of first qualifying under the new aggregated system that he was forced to keep pushing, but as the track became increasingly perilous during his out-lap, the car aquaplaned and hit the wall at turn eight.
  • The fact that the genealogy of such claims is so distinctively national does not in itself disqualify them: any general truth will have a local point of origin.
  • When they failed to qualify for USA 94, to us they were simply regressing to their natural state as rank outsiders.
  • WILLIS: Well, you may need a higher balance in order to qualify for what they call a consolidation loan. CNN Transcript Jan 16, 2008
  • Dwarfed by her jury-rigged splashboard, Lee had pushed to a handy boat length lead at the finish and will qualify for the A-final over Denmark's Fie Udby Graugaard.
  • Forget your zippy roadsters, your perky hybrids, your family sedans, your humble pickup trucks - to qualify for this tax break, your road machine has to be bigger than big.
  • If you have a qualifying with-profits plan, the lump sum you receive at the end of your term can be free of tax on income and growth. Times, Sunday Times
  • Yes, and I'm hoping that if the academy has a nomination for the best walk-on, I hope that I'll qualify.
  • The loser of that game can still qualify through a four-team repechage competition. Times, Sunday Times
  • After successfully qualifying, two people were advised by members of their own profession to do full-time voluntary work.
  • Sorry if I had to disqualify your entry for lack of taste or offensiveness in general.
  • The quickly qualifying and anxiety-ridden ‘of course’ indicates that, for Irene, his masculinity has to be rapidly recuperated from any trace of the feminine.
  • The most obvious yet often unasked question - why the term harem to qualify this pant? Racialicious - the intersection of race and pop culture
  • There's a real prospect that England will not qualify for the World Cup.
  • Neither bards nor balalaikas really qualify as ‘emerging sounds’.
  • Free school lunches are given to children who qualify.
  • To qualify for the $10m Ansari X-Prize, the craft must make two trips to an altitude of 100 km, carrying ballast equivalent to two passengers.
  • I hope to qualify as a doctor.
  • Half of them will soon qualify for their free bus pass.
  • The basic course does not qualify you to practise as a therapist.
  • Restraining from watching porn on a first date does not qualify for sainthood.
  • After six months in hospital he was invalided out of the RNAS - but managed to requalify at Manston and went back to France with 208 Sqn, RAF.
  • Council housing lists were long and slow-moving, and some desperate families squatted in disused Army huts in the hope of qualifying for a council house sooner.
  • Indeed, courts have recognized that developmental immaturity may qualify a juvenile for a finding of incompetence.
  • I don't even qualify for thinking man's crumpet.
  • The three will include both finalists and the winner of the qualifying final.
  • Financial assistance helps make treatment affordable for qualifying patients.
  • You do know that government creating policy and requirements for mortgage companies to lend to consumers who would not normally qualify is the reason for the housing crisis, right? Obama wants shield for consumers
  • He joined the company aged 25 just a year after qualifying as a chartered accountant. Times, Sunday Times
  • Much of the uncertainty surrounds the dizzying number of ways of qualifying for a provisional ballot, a sort of emergency ballot that allows voters to cast a vote at the polls, then have their eligibility checked after the election.
  • To loose new voter registrations, disqualify some because they are missing a punctuation mark, initimidate at the polls, challenge voters, disinform them, etc. Obama Leads By Over Five Points In Pre-Debate Tracking Polls
  • Although the club was formed only after the 1970 death of Jim Hendrix, it has grown to include those who qualify for membership and who predeceased him, if they died at the age of 27. Maggie Van Ostrand: Amy Winehouse: Newest Member of Club 27
  • Randle wasn't sure about the word prodigy, but "if being in the top one percentage in his age group in the planet would qualify, he's better than any five-year-old I've ever met, Top Stories
  • Streets called Knickerbocker and school bus drivers that think they're Schumacher on a qualifying lap at the Monaco GP... Going by the Book: Signs from Above
  • Break the speed limit in the pits, overtake when the yellow flags are out or cut a corner in qualifying and you'll find yourself facing the wrath of your team when you get back to the garage.
  • Therefore, a kiosk must be installed in retail stores that enables users to pre-qualify for service at the point of sale.
  • McCain will also try to "disqualify" you as an effective CinC given your lack of military service. Amb. Marc Ginsberg: Debate Prep #1: On Guard Against McCain
  • Every student in the program plays twelve major scales by memory to qualify for one of those three performing bands.
  • Maybe you should also disqualify those golfers who discharge phlegm from their mouths while playing.
  • While he had contacts aplenty who would qualify on most counts, that last criterion excused them all. WHOLE SECRET LOVE
  • EVERY entitlement program has a section entitled "Qualifications" that details how a recipient is to qualify for the program. CNN Truth Squad: Will health bill pay for illegal immigrants?
  • The city attorney rarely takes a position on the legality of proposed ballot measures before they qualify.
  • There are among honey bees three reported examples that appear at first glance to qualify as cognitive trial-and-error.
  • The basic course does not qualify you to practise as a therapist.
  • Listen in for the details of a life full of highs, lows and wonders that may seem to have changed a little bit in the retelling (i.e. being "electrocuted" by a stingray, or breaking a bone "right off my leg"), all of which certainly qualify him as "one in a hundred million! The Livin La Vida Low-Carb Show
  • We take specific actions to train, license, qualify, and certify pilots and weapon systems users - we must consider no less of a standard for the operation, security, and integrity of the GIG.
  • She had joined the profession late after quitting a career in banking to qualify as a solicitor in 1994.
  • According to federal legislation Dr. Henry Morgentaler did not qualify as Order of Canada recipient due to his prior unpardoned criminal conviction and past findings of medical malpractice. Ahenakew to be Retried for Hate : Law is Cool
  • France trounced Germany by five goals to one in the qualifying match.
  • Most employers require inspectors to have a high school diploma or equivalent even when they qualify on the basis of experience.
  • Both are hoping to kick-start their title bids at the fast flowing Portimao Circuit, starting with qualifying today (Saturday). Kos RSS Feed
  • On the other hand, McKinnon states that he didn't want to be a part of what would be the only strategy that was likely to work: to "disqualify" Obama. Mark McKinnon Dissents a Bit, But Also Defends Steve Schmidt - Swampland -
  • Clearly, a bank trust corporation will qualify and so should an accountant acting in a professional capacity.
  • While 24 agencies made specific reference to one or more possibly disqualifying attributes of prospective adopters, only 10 listed positive qualities they look for in assessing potential parents.
  • At age 65, you automatically qualify for a pension.
  • And Backley only lived to fight another day after qualifying for the final without reaching the automatic mark, fearing at one stage a repeat of Canada two years ago when he bombed out.
  • In a photo finish Russia held on to first with Italy nosing ahead of Lithuania in the last 30 metres to take the second qualifying spot.
  • We'll decide on our team as and when we qualify for the competition.
  • For a full list of qualifying documents, visit the government website gov. Times, Sunday Times
  • Only to represent my country and to qualify if possible. Times, Sunday Times
  • The maximum limit on single charitable gifts qualifying for Income and Corporation Tax relief has been abolished.
  • You will automatically qualify for a pension.
  • Many fans on Sunday were left scratching their heads at the fact that Hamilton could have qualified 10th on the grid at Silverstone a fortnight ago, and all but written off his title chances following his fourth place finish, only to storm back in Germany where he split the Red Bulls in qualifying before going on to take a brilliant victory. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • (The various flavors of LQG do not qualify, in my view, because no one has shown that any of them has the required semiclassical limit, and my intuition [which could be completely wrong] is that none of them do.) String Theory is Losing the Public Debate
  • Allenwood must now beat Celbridge in their last outing to be absolutely sure of qualifying for the next round.
  • After just one year back on the agenda, Friday qualifying has been binned again for 2004.
  • He is reconciled to pre-qualifying for the US Open, dismissing suggestions that victory in Germany could change the situation for the better.
  • He wants five percent of the electorate, so he can qualify for matching funds next time around.
  • In its first season under coach Matthew Driscoll, North Florida made clear strides from the helpless team it was in 2008-09, winning five more games and qualifying for the conference tournament in its first year of eligibility. Atlantic Sun Conference
  • Well, any time you disqualify military votes you should be very, very careful about it, because they certainly deserve to be counted.
  • I refuse to talk about my abortive attempt at qualifying for the Hanley Cup lest I depress myself even more.
  • Now there was a veteran aboard who because his years began to disqualify him for more active work had been recently assigned duty as mainmastman in his watch, looking to the gear belayed at the rail roundabout that great spar near the deck. Billy Budd
  • Â Â Depending on your individual situation, the replacement may qualify you for a rax rebate for 2009. SciFi, Fantasy & Horror Collectibles - Part 1125
  • One concern is that if the terminated plan had a disqualifying defect, any plan that accepts its rollovers runs the risk of being disqualified as well.
  • Bonehead alert: blogger Rob Pitingolo certainly does not qualify as an inhabitant of one of the "brainiest" cities. Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
  • So, much as I relish the phrase, I don't think I really qualify as a particularly diligent diarist.
  • Could I just qualify that last statement?
  • His time of 1 minute, 1.52 seconds in the backstroke was a state qualifying mark. The Bellingham Herald: Sports News
  • But Ballantyne is quick to qualify Hardin's confessional songwriting, especially his many paeans to the love of his life, his wife Susan (for whom he wrote Suite for Susan Moore), as a false indicator of a fragile soul.
  • To qualify as a commercial or industrial property, the building must fulfil these conditions.
  • In 1987, the agency had directed blood banks to similarly disqualify donors who have received pituitary-derived growth hormone.
  • The Post Leaving Certificate training programme is designed to qualify students to work professionally with young children.
  • The qualifying examinations were never objective, but descriptive.
  • In Hopkins's poetic practice, this is rendered by the frequent use of antilogies to qualify the divine.
  • However, orders for your Clean Air Power Dual - Fuel? system must be made soon to qualify.
  • The definition of qualifying R&D is surprisingly broad, with the tax credit available to businesses that are improving any technology for products or processes. Times, Sunday Times
  • Most financial institutions will prequalify you for a loan even if you don't know exactly what car or truck you're going to buy, says Gail Hillebrand, senior attorney for Consumers Union. Car dealers' loans often aren't the best deal, so shop for rates first
  • Individuals that do qualify for purchasing these savings bonds are restricted to a yearly limit of $30,000 face value, but the purchase of one series does not affect subsequent purchases of the other.
  • Her time in the backstroke was a new state-qualifying mark. The Bellingham Herald: Sports News
  • The native of Heidelberg, Germany earned a fourth-place qualifying result, extending his streak of top-four starts for all five events this season.
  • They are waiting to hear about whether they qualify. Computing
  • In order to qualify, all 100 contestants on the shortlist have to answer the same question.
  • All novices must compete at the amateur level for three races before qualifying for the professional category.
  • To qualify as a professional fiduciary, CPAs would have had to pass a test, meet minimum educational requirements and agree to abide by a separate code of ethics.
  • Disqualify pharmaceutical is prohibit to is import.
  • With a guaranteed 50 per cent coverage during the campaign in a two-horse race, it would be next to impossible not to get enough votes to qualify for State funding.
  • Only employees with two or more years' continuous service qualify for unfair dismissal rights.
  • You need to do all three levels to qualify as a canteen supervisor.
  • There are six to eight standard medical questions clients answer to establish whether they could qualify for a larger payout. Times, Sunday Times
  • Although called a vitamin, calciferol and its products fully qualify as hormones because they are made in certain cells, carried in the blood, affect gene transcription in target cells.
  • After finishing second to Bulgaria in their qualifying group, Croatia beat Slovenia 2-1 on aggregate in a Balkan play-off.
  • To qualify as buyers residents have to be worth $5m or their local currency equivalent.
  • Athletes must run three of the four races to qualify for overall prize.
  • I also have a student who wants to do a qualifying paper on extraposition from object.
  • This would mean that participants could qualify as chefs, skinners, trackers or professional hunters and be recognised for their skills.
  • It was one and done for Breaux Greer of the U.S. in javelin qualifying. - U.S. looks to add to medal haul with weekend track events
  • Four criteria must be met to qualify a person as a lawful combatant.
  • Also qualifying for the 400 free relay were Ashley Tappin and Amy Van Dyken, along with alternates Courtney Shealy and Erin Phenix.
  • As numbers rise, a decreasing proportion are found to qualify for refugee status.
  • The only exception is the Daytona 500, which uses two qualifying races and qualifying laps to determine the starting grid.
  • Upcoming qualifying matches for Israel's national team do not appear on the broadcasting schedule.
  • Supporters must collect enough signatures by Feb. 21 to qualify the initiative for the ballot.

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