
How To Use Qualified In A Sentence

  • A bit of background about me - I do hardware, firmware, and driver development by profession, so I think I'm qualified to provide a guess as to what and where it went wrong: for any computer, there's the initial "bootloader," which is what we commonly refer to as Discussions: Message List - root
  • But whether the industry can absorb all the qualified architects is a moot point.
  • Faceless, unqualified reviewers define our work, remove our colleagues from panels and routinely breach confidentiality.
  • She is a professionally qualified social worker.
  • inconceivability" is used in the sense of relative inconceivability, it is incorrectly used, unless it is qualified in some way; because, if used without qualification, there is danger of its being confused with inconceivability in its absolute sense. A Candid Examination of Theism
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  • This was the case that upheld a Washington law that gave academic scholarships to qualified students, but forbid them from using them to study theology.
  • In public education today, unqualified is the new qualified. Gary Stager: Wanna be a School Reformer? You Better do Your Homework!
  • Democrats believe in all those things too but if you choose not to, we don't lable you un-American or un-qualified to be in any political party. RNC resolution won't 'handcuff' Steele, co-sponsor says
  • In many cases, well-qualified songs from musicals, operettas, vaudeville, and revues, as well as variety shows, music hall, and cafe concert, were recruited for use in cabarets.
  • That's why he's egregiously unqualified for the job.
  • And half of the nation's middle and high school teachers are not highly qualified to teach their subjects.
  • About two dozen women qualified as attorneys by the end of the decade.
  • The preliminary research showed that the material used of the piston rod is unqualified , casting aliquation and much S element result in cracking on the edge of the casting aliquation.
  • Lets hope her constituents rise up in the next election and oust this unqualified and opportunitistic showboater who only won by running against an unpopular and dying incumbent. Archive 2009-08-01
  • She is a professionally qualified social worker.
  • The word can be applied to the removal of any part of the body, but it is usually restricted to removal of part of a limb, unless the word is qualified, as in ‘amputation of the nose’.
  • But unlike Karl Barth or Paul Tillich, for example, who saw themselves as fusing philosophy and theology, Rosenstock-Huessy refused to see himself primarily as a philosopher or theologian ” though when the term philosopher was qualified by the preceding ˜social™, he was more willing to accept that designation. [ Eugen Rosenstock-Huessy
  • (B) used by the taxpayer as a tertiary injectant in a qualified enhanced oil or natural gas recovery project.
  • Any golfer who qualified for the Tour had assuredly earned and paid for the privilege.
  • You should not allow unqualified people to carry out work on your house.
  • The cheerfulness he preached was always qualified by an awareness of the real world's iniquity.
  • In ruling out a Yes vote from the get-go, Israel conceded immediate defeat in the world body, in the process forgoing a range of tactical advantages it could have gained by signaling qualified support for a resolution and then negotiating to help shape its wording to a text Israel could have profited by backing. Bradley Burston: Ten Reasons Palestine Is Right to Bring its Case to the UN
  • If a health-care worker becomes latex hypersensitive, he or she may be qualified to receive workmen's compensation, depending upon the state in which he or she resides.
  • So, like any good Washington pundit who imagines that proximity translates into perceptiveness, I feel entirely qualified to look into the president's eyes to get a sense of his soul. John Feffer: Barack Obama's Secret State of the Union
  • Geron's H1 hESC master cell bank is fully qualified for human use and was shown to be karyotypically normal and free of measurable contaminants of human or animal origin. All - WTN News
  • In practice, the book is a rambling history of discoveries, geology, astronomy, palaeontology, chaos theory and graphing techniques with more than a few unqualified generalisations.
  • She's well qualified but has no relevant work experience.
  • She qualified for a spot on the U.S. Olympic speed skating team.
  • It has been an unqualified success. Times, Sunday Times
  • It would seem as though the historical monopoly on information previously enjoyed by real estate brokerages is starting to disappear, and the profession will involve less horse trading, and there will be a fewer number of more highly qualified and scrupulous agents adding value as advocates to real estate deals, paid not out of the proceeds – which I consider a real conflict of interest – but for their time. Real estate agents are next « BuzzMachine
  • Every year around this time, college admissions officers can be heard humblebragging about how painful it was to reject so many qualified applicants.
  • There are candidates qualified and experienced to hold the reins of this office, from within the ranks of the organisation.
  • It is qualified as a launch platform for the laser-guided anti-armour missile.
  • She qualified that by saying any other country, but she was in an emotional maelstrom. Times, Sunday Times
  • Flaming Bridle was subsequently disqualified and placed last in the field of eight.
  • Judge Shwartz was called "unanimously well qualified" in the American Bar Association's review of her nomination. NYT > Home Page
  • Nottingham Forest qualified for the final by beating Tranmere on Tuesday.
  • Golf addicts: Consider yourselves disqualified from the cabinet. Blogtalk: Rendell on Napolitano’s ‘No Life’ - The Caucus Blog -
  • The committee winkled out the unqualified candidates
  • We would also be willing to direct you to amply qualified optometrists, psychiatrists and educational institutions.
  • A specially designed programme for each stage of pregnancy by a fully qualified Body Control teacher will ensure you feel well throughout.
  • Pilots are qualified professionals who know the river well enough to guide ships through the dangerous sand banks around the mouth of the river.
  • But at the same time that the U.S. armed forces are hurting for qualified soldiers, they're also firing qualified soldiers just because they're gay.
  • One of the main provisos of getting it re-opened was to get 15 qualified lifeguards to patrol the popular spot but none have come forward despite applications closing today
  • And I'd even go so far as to say that nothing was more political than this sovereign and slightly unreasonable decision, qualified by some we shall be kind enough not to mention here as an "inanity" or a "crime" or a bet that was "lost in advance", to craft something European through the shared efforts of two national workshops. Bernard-Henri Lévy: Arte Is Twenty
  • Looking back at the second solicitation for votes, Brain sez "at least 6 issues of an ongoing title" and that "Series of mini-series count as ongoing", but my choice probably would have been disqualified since the two stories were inconsecutive. Top 100 Comic Book Runs #100-91 | Comics Should Be Good! @ Comic Book Resources
  • I am only qualified to speak on my own behalf so that is all my opinion can be based upon.
  • The medical superintendent of a hospital had to be a duly qualified medical practitioner of five years' standing.
  • All eight players were disqualified. The Sun
  • Instead of voting immediately, he suggested, regional groups should meet to choose the best qualified candidates.
  • It is similarly not true that employment in nurseries and daycare centres is for those who are young, unqualified or transient. Times, Sunday Times
  • His praise of her was not entirely unqualified.
  • Frankly, sir I'm well qualified for this position, Hopefully, you are willing to give me a probation work period to prove myself.
  • The stories begin to accumulate, each one a random intrusion by dumb, underqualified government authorities who seem to have watched too much television and have very little common sense.
  • Does this make me unqualified to write this review?
  • In the past, only specially qualified judges conducted legal proceedings against minors.
  • He was sentenced to 18 months in a young offenders' institution disqualified from driving for two years.
  • The HR department carefully chose a fully qualified domain name (FQDN) that was user-friendly and easy to remember.
  • Now qualified, has it been difficult to persuade others to take her seriously? Times, Sunday Times
  • A kind, good natured and most conscientious gentleman, Jimmy was well qualified in his career and always brought the personal touch to his dealings with people.
  • Not everything said or written on an occasion of qualified privilege is protected.
  • The two British breaststrokers both qualified for tonight's final.
  • Moreover, his fascination with B-movies, science fiction and the rest of pop culture was self-conscious but not qualified by archness or irony.
  • Ninety-seven percent of those qualified to vote did so and a new democratic constitution was adopted by unanimous vote.
  • Over these same three decades he built up his own canon of literary work that has qualified him as one of the most important writers of our era.
  • Gymnasts start early and children as young as two use soft apparatus to learn their first somersault and handspring, under the watchful eyes of more than 20 qualified coaches.
  • Bush is apparently "well qualified" considering the state he left the US in after an unpaid for Iraq-war-4-oil and a collapsed economy!!!! kudos to GW Bush for ruining the USA!!! rumrunner Bush on Obama: 'This guy has no clue'
  • This summer in Lincoln, after breezing through the seven-state regionals in Oregon, Sean qualified for the junior amateur category and won his own national championship.
  • The London club have now qualified for the knockout stages. Times, Sunday Times
  • The prize winner will also receive one FREE plumbing or drainage job from a qualified plumber. The Sun
  • The book starts by attempting to establish a commonly recognized definition of 'shipmaster', described in general terms as 'a qualified seafarer in charge of a ship '. - Photown News
  • For the sixth consecutive time that year, Prost had qualified ahead of Lauda.
  • Despite the shortage of qualified dhammaduta monks, scattered across the West there are a few Theravada viharas and Buddhist centres whose incumbents, in their own quiet and non-assertive way, are working to spread the Dhamma.
  • This would include prescribed medication and examinations by suitably qualified professions e.g. doctors, physiotherapists etc.
  • But it still wasn't enough, but he was qualified enough to become a tutor at the National Flight Centre at Celbridge, and it was there that the hours mounted up.
  • Only trying to help the site notify you of bugs etc, with over 20yrs of experience working at software firms and beta test for firms like macromedia, I think I was qualified to try to nail bugs. Plentyoffish is hiring. « The Paradigm Shift
  • Page 127 on Col. Rochester, whose wealth, enterprise, and intelligence well qualified him for the undertaking; and as it had been assigned him to cognominate the new village, I have heard it said that he jocularly gave his reason for selecting its present title, as follows: Twenty-two years a slave, and forty years a freeman--,
  • Split-receipting may be available where a donor gives a gift to a charity or other qualified donee and receives something of value or some other benefit in return.
  • It allows the agency to be found and pre-qualified and gets them into pitches.
  • At the age of sixteen he qualified for a place at the University of Hamburg.
  • Ken Ryan, a qualified quantity surveyor, spent 15 years as head of a construction company in Zimbabwe.
  • The trouble was, he got the team disqualified in the process. Times, Sunday Times
  • In a 6-to-1 decision, the Court held that the College's corporate charter qualified as a contract between private parties, with which the legislature could not interfere.
  • I have canoed, fished, sailed and more recently I have become qualified in powerboats.
  • At the 2003 games, the USA qualified a spot in three divisions: featherweight, welterweight and super heavyweight.
  • As well as being an architect, he is a chartered town planner, and is specially qualified in building conservation.
  • You would struggle to find a sector for which a strong pound is an unqualified benefit. Times, Sunday Times
  • Mr. Becker is qualified for the position now.
  • The Big Society option seems to be replacing the qualified librarians with local volunteers. Times, Sunday Times
  • Some rights, perhaps in an attenuated or qualified form, survived the making of the order.
  • Any athletes who tested positive could be stripped of any medals or disqualified from competition. Times, Sunday Times
  • In short, the young princes arguably had an unqualified right of succession to the British throne, a right that was much stronger than their uncle.
  • Statehood, even if qualified as provisional or interim, confers a degree of sovereignty.
  • Yet there appears to be a dearth of qualified people who are both willing and able to step forward and provide better leadership.
  • As far as the ABA is concerned, any lawyer who hasn't actually been disbarred is "well qualified. Sotomayor rated
  • He said it was of great concern to him that unqualified practitioners in healthcare were not answerable to any regulatory authority.
  • Yesterday, he finished his first round as joint clubhouse leader, but was then disqualified. Times, Sunday Times
  • There are few qualified teachers or other professionals who are able to work on a semi-voluntary basis.
  • Analysts say Golkar boasts the most qualified candidates and has a strong foothold throughout Indonesia.
  • In this article, we'll go over the preliminary steps of getting pre-qualified and/or pre-approved for a mortgage, and then we examine the different types of lenders.
  • On the grounds of weeding out incompetent and unqualified staff, every teacher in the city was dismissed by the municipal authorities and ordered to reapply for their positions.
  • Our specialist team of consultants recruit at all degrees of seniority, from newly-qualified to partner level.
  • Many products are unlicensed, often formulated by inappropriately qualified people using information gleaned from human herbals.
  • She qualified for a spot on the U.S. Olympic speed skating team.
  • Training qualified general practitioner is a key for development of community health service.
  • I've considered myself particularly qualified to weigh in on the subject ever since my philosophy professor pointed out to me as a college freshman that the Italian derivation of my name, Mal-erb-a, can be interpreted to mean "bad weed. Larry Malerba, D.O. : Medical Marijuana: The Pros and Cons of Legal Cannabis
  • When Billy Dalton, military special ops and star surfer, is disqualified from the pro-surfing tour, he takes off for the coast of Bali looking for the perfect wave. Point Break Gets a Sequel with Jan de Bont! «
  • Basso is qualified as an aeronautical engineer, having worked in the United States for NASA near Washington.
  • She is a qualified coach and umpire who has helped develop an impressive number of pupils from the school who play in the colts teams at Ealing, Brentham, Perivale and Wembley cricket clubs.
  • Certain disabling restrictions disqualified him for citizenship.
  • Ms Palin has disqualified herself from that responsibility by showing a woeful grasp of policy.
  • A qualified pilot would still need a conversion course to fly microlight aircraft.
  • Misconduct is not defined in the 1999 Act nor is the term qualified by any adjective such as ‘serious’ or ‘gross’.
  • Areas of high need are chefs and qualified and experienced hotel receptionists.
  • Those who are found to be taking bribes or kickbacks will face strict punishment and may be disqualified.
  • Zambia's women bowling rink team has qualified to the quarter-finals of the ongoing World Bowls Championships in Leaminton Spa, England.
  • In that capacity he would be acting as an insolvency practitioner and must be qualified so to act.
  • It's the only thing anyone can grab onto and criticize from a very qualified individual. look at the rest of her judicial record. you may not agree with some of her decisions, but that doenst make her unqualified to be a supreme court justice. Graham: Confirmation likely barring 'complete meltdown'
  • Gunson wanted Rittenband disqualified from the case because of misconduct, the filings state. Polanski lawyers seek sealed prosecutor testimony
  • She's extremely well qualified for the job.
  • She had not worked in at least 20 years, was therefore, probably not self-sufficient financially and due to her pre-existing condition was not qualified to seek out private coverage after the COBRA plan ran out. Think Progress » Woman Who Was Denied Insurance Due To Pre-Existing Condition Looking To Get Married For Health Care
  • However, I am underqualified to spout off about them in any depth.
  • In the women's race, Beijing Olympic finalist Jeanette Kwakye took the title ahead of world and European junior champion Jodie Williams, with Asha Philip, the top-ranked Briton before this weekend, disqualified from the semi-finals for a false start. WalesOnline - Home
  • So the problem is, in times when a job seeker is qualified to be a judge of relative merit, it would generally be in their field and thus they would be judging potential competitors to themselves, so they are given a powerful incentive to lie and surface the weaker person. TalentSpring – can it work? : #comments
  • Experience, we all assert, is a good thing, a necessary thing, the difference between a qualified practitioner and a tyro. Archive 2009-05-01
  • As subsequently qualified by the university's regents, the new policy proved a victory for the moderate center.
  • Qualified undergraduates are in the best position to help students in recitations.
  • Newly qualified nannies are usually available from the end of their final term in June. Double Income No Kids Yet?
  • A qualified auto electrician should be able to fit the wiring harness in about half an hour. Times, Sunday Times
  • In Belgium only qualified doctors may practise alternative medicine.
  • I know that the personnel is competent and qualified. Times, Sunday Times
  • Qualified in parasailing and paragliding, Rao has more than 350 skydives in different parts of the country to his credit.
  • And while there was a time when most administrations would at least try to find qualified candidates for sensitive appointive posts - like those involving police powers - that tradition also has gradually passed away.
  • Fifthly, there are three kinds of adverse selection behaviors of qualified technician in state - own enterprises.
  • Applicants must be qualified and experienced in accountancy and office administration.
  • Now aged 29, he has qualified as a forklift truck driver. The Sun
  • To find a qualified hair colorist, ask friends or acquaintances for references.
  • Three of the other 16 teams were also disqualified for various reasons. Times, Sunday Times
  • The footer document must be a fully qualified path and filename.
  • With all the shady politics and backroom deals disqualified from the discussion. Think Progress » ThinkFast: March 17, 2010
  • He qualified his coffee with cognac.
  • It would seem logical that reassignment need only be considered in respect of positions for which the disabled employee is qualified.
  • The original and copy of the valid Duplicate of Business License or other qualified certificate of legal person for recipient organization.
  • He then ran for the senator and lost, so that qualified him of course to run for president, and he turned out to be the greatest president in American history.
  • Nay, he goes even so far as to say that the passage-work is of the usual kind met with in the compositions of Hummel and his successors, and that the cantilena in the larghetto is in the jejune style of Hummel; the last movement also receives but scanty and qualified praise. Frederic Chopin as a Man and Musician
  • One idea has been to impanel two juries - one that would not be death-qualified, to decide upon guilt or innocence, and a second death-qualified one to decide on the penalty following a guilty verdict.
  • There is some truth in all of these views and any portrayal of the conferences either as an unqualified success or a total waste of time simply overlooks the complexity of the exercises themselves and of the contexts in which they take place.
  • My friend, however, was turned down, and it was explained to him that while he was in fact highly qualified for the position, he was not quite as overqualified for it as the people who were actually chosen.
  • This changed the ratio of qualified to unqualified staff from 61:23 to 58:28.
  • The awardees N. Athinarayanasamy, M. John Kennedy and K. Suresh qualified for the award after a stainless service without even a single punishment or memo for 18 long years.
  • Is it within the law to have such worthy but unqualified people in sole control of classes while fully trained teachers sit at home twiddling their thumbs? Times, Sunday Times
  • She has 17 years barbering experience and is fully qualified in all aspects of the trade.
  • The trust also provides qualified counselling along with factual and practical information.
  • This report is incredibly biased. The field judge who disqualified Yang is a Filipino judge of Korean decent.
  • Vikky Rose, 19, has worked there for seven months and has just qualified for her certificate and a diploma in childcare and education.
  • Of course, if you do say you have X skills which your other candidates don't have, there's the possibility you come off as either arrogant or over-qualified, unless you can justify the skill for the job and it really is a rare skill..or they may turn out to have other candidates with the skill that you think no-one else at that interview has. Negotiate Your Salary More Effectively | Lifehacker Australia
  • Some one wrote in all capital letters that unqualified disabled workers were slacking off and getting special privileges.
  • Best wishes to all our young competitors who qualified for the Munster Final.
  • Another way to help you get to the root of the problem is to find a qualified homeopath or medical herbalist.
  • It is similarly not true that employment in nurseries and daycare centres is for those who are young, unqualified or transient. Times, Sunday Times
  • Thou art a qualified guest, therefore do I desire to perform a sraddha. The Mahabharata of Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa Translated into English Prose Adi Parva
  • A title entity may teach classes on any subject they feel qualified to teach. Summit Daily News - Top Stories
  • She's also a qualified trampoline coach, a former bank manager - and she's potty about country music!
  • School officials can lose this qualified privilege if they act in bad faith or without regard for whether the statements are true.
  • The only people who could fight civil disputes were the rich or those who qualified for legal aid. Times, Sunday Times
  • Because you've voiced your frustration at the way the poor leadership of Tulsa's establishment has damaged our city's beauty, history, safety, and economic viability, you are disqualified for reasons of being a naysayer, a grump, a negativist, from voicing your opinion on city policy. BatesLine: November 2005 Archives
  • For almost four years, he had worked as an electroplater, and he had recently qualified as a forklift truck driver.
  • For both teams, the challenge is an unqualified disaster - just the way we like it. Times, Sunday Times
  • At the outset, comunicate with your clients about their goals and expectations in adopting a qualified plan.
  • The media tribune was overflowing with hundreds of reporters, all drawn to an event that has been hyped incessantly since Phelps entered and qualified for the 200 free at the U.S. Olympic trials last month.
  • The scheme was not an unqualified success, with persistent abuse and mockery from drivers and onlookers. Times, Sunday Times
  • And when a ship need underway replenishment or a shipmate goes overboard, this highly-qualified team s launched into action.
  • Others with different religious views and commitments to different churches or denominations are equally qualified participants in the political process. Sociology and Religion: A Collection of Readings
  • Each age group is run by a qualified rugby coach, but parents are encouraged to lend a hand.
  • When she is given the opportunity to hire an assistant, Carla plumps for the oddball Paul, a comprehensively under qualified but malleable parolee in whom she spots considerable potential.
  • He might have told you he was a qualified electrician, but the truth is quite otherwise.
  • And the "overqualified" have bills to pay like everyone else. Some Inconvenient Truths About Competition
  • Articles by the 5 jurors were disqualified from the entire process. One More Best of 2009: Comic Criticism » Comics Worth Reading
  • No member of the team was medically qualified and its methods were considered totally unscientific.
  • If they do not do so, that duty falls upon other qualified informants, which includes anyone present at the birth or having charge of the child.
  • And they are still out there now, killing the game and blundering into the path of backs who are far better qualified to attack. Times, Sunday Times
  • The profession of agrology embraces all those who are qualified to teach or practice the science and art of agriculture or to conduct related scientific experiments and research.
  • After three rounds, the top four pairs qualified for the final round.
  • He is also a qualified glider pilot. Times, Sunday Times
  • As a qualified fitness instructor you can expect to earn between 12,000 and 14,000 a year. The Sun
  • Visual inspection of qualified, followed by testing on the test line speed, exhaust, skid, brake, light.
  • Salter allowed the Mountie his prescience, realizing that however it was qualified, he was probably right. A BODY SURROUNDED BY WATER
  • Regulations require you to make qualified-plan loan repayments in level amortized amounts at least on a quarterly basis; otherwise, the loan could be treated as a reportable and taxable transaction.
  • How do you know the staff who arrive at camp are qualified to perform the duties you are requiring of them?
  • The preliminary research showed that the material used of the piston rod is unqualified , casting aliquation and much S element result in cracking on the edge of the casting aliquation.
  • The best qualified of all are chartered or certified financial planners whose qualifications are roughly equal to a university degree. Times, Sunday Times
  • Now you know why we're qualified to write about football.
  • This is a film guaranteed to succeed only to the degree that people find the puppets believable and on that count Strings is an absolute, unqualified success.
  • Even the newly qualified teacher manages time, pupils, resources and the curriculum within the classroom.
  • The problem is that very few teachers are qualified to teach the subject. Times, Sunday Times
  • The county under 25's double rink (male) have qualified for the regional finals at by beating Hertfordshire by 16 shots.
  • Homer, the only "coldhearted" decision was when your dad sold drivers licenses to unqualified drivers who not only killed the Willis children and put the lives of all of us at risk. - News
  • Congress is given power to regulate such commerce in unqualified terms.
  • American junior Courtney Kupets also qualified to all four events, and led the field on bars and beam.
  • a wife is usually considered unqualified to testify against her husband

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