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How To Use Quadrilateral In A Sentence

  • The sella turcica is bounded posteriorly by a quadrilateral plate of bone, the dorsum sellæ, the upper angles of which are surmounted by the posterior clinoid processes: these afford attachment to the tentorium cerebelli, and below each is a notch for the abducent nerve. II. Osteology. 5d. The Interior of the Skull
  • These are known as the diagonals of the complete quadrilateral.
  • The students were also not aware of relationships among quadrilaterals, such as whether all squares are rectangles or vice versa.
  • Quadrilateral foundations, however, could support only a roof consisting of one or several panels, but not a dome with its rounded base.
  • Cut an 8x8 chessboard into two triangles and two quadrilaterals.
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  • A quadrilateral meeting with Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam is also planned on the sidelines of the series of regular meetings.
  • In Treatise on the quadrilateral al-Tusi gave the first extant exposition of the whole system of plane and spherical trigonometry.
  • Klein had noticed that given five points, four of them always appeared to define a convex quadrilateral.
  • These most rarely occurring topics were: angles in a quadrilateral, fractions, fraction multiplication, properties of triangles, and the Pythagorean theorem.
  • Through each of its vertices draw a line perpendicular to the line joining that vertex with its incenter P. The four lines form a cyclic quadrilateral ABCD with perpendicular diagonals that pass through P.
  • Bennin then showed that the quadrilateral formed by a triangle's equalizer is, indeed, always a Pythagorean quadrilateral.
  • A figure that is bounded by four straight lines is termed a quadrangle, quadrilateral or tetragon. Mechanical Drawing Self-Taught
  • My guess is that these X's and quadrilateral shapes are caused by windows across the street reflecting the light of the low sun.
  • Posteriorly the ramus forms a large swelling, the tuberosity of the ischium, which is divided into two portions: a lower, rough, somewhat triangular part, and an upper, smooth, quadrilateral portion. II. Osteology. 6c. The Bones of the Lower Extremity. 1. The Hip Bone
  • Follow quadrilateral rolling, strengthen accuracy and shorten error.
  • the shear changed the quadrilateral into a parallelogram
  • The terrain I generated had a total of over 570000 quadrilaterals.
  • As in Simone's painting, all the carpets depicted consist of rows of octagonal or quadrilateral compartments.
  • When four points are joined, they form a quadrilateral - a four-sided figure.
  • The cross sectional outline is a quadrilateral having a foot surface, a dorsum and two ‘sides.’
  • Austria ruled directly only in the newly formed Kingdom of Lombardy-Venetia, but from the impregnable fortresses of the Quadrilateral in the central Po Valley Austrian bayonets could reach any part of Italy.
  • The complete quadrilateral is nothing but a 4-line in Morley's terminology.
  • Scalene triangle; a quadrangle; quadrilateral or tetragon 59 Mechanical Drawing Self-Taught
  • It is clear from the quadrilateral case that these spaces have several connected components.
  • This point is labelled A 3b, to emphasize that it is a degenerate quadrilateral.
  • The expression for the radius of the circle in which a cyclic quadrilateral is inscribed, given in terms of the sides of the quadrilateral, is usually attributed to Lhuilier in 1782.
  • The scene here has a total of 800701 quadrilaterals, and looks like this.
  • He said it had been decided to construct service roads for the highways being built under the golden quadrilateral project.
  • Consider the first nontrivial instance of the equal-area problem, the quadrilateral shown in Figure 1.
  • It's this quadrilateral KLMN we are going to be interested in.
  • The structure was little more than a hundred story tall segmented cylinder protruding from a quadrilateral base.
  • The bilobate living area has quadrilateral contours and is partly flanked by some horizontal logs and a vertical slab.
  • By contrast, when I examine what figures can be inscribed in a circle, it is in no way necessary for me to think that this class includes all quadrilaterals.
  • This point is labelled A 3b, to emphasize that it is a degenerate quadrilateral.
  • It stood at the summit of the great platform, a quadrilateral mass of unburnt brick, which from a remote antiquity had supported the residence of the old Susian kings. The Seven Great Monarchies Of The Ancient Eastern World, Vol 5. (of 7): Persia The History, Geography, And Antiquities Of Chaldaea, Assyria, Babylon, Media, Persia, Parthia, And Sassanian or New Persian Empire; With Maps and Illustrations.
  • Extending lateralward from the posterior half of the condyle is a quadrilateral plate of bone, the jugular process, excavated in front by the jugular notch, which, in the articulated skull, forms the posterior part of the jugular foramen. II. Osteology. 5a. The Cranial Bones. 1. The Occipital Bone
  • The Quadrilateral Area Coordinate Method ( QACM ) is a powerful new tool for developing 2 - D element models.
  • You might define a more-general class polygon, which would have triangle as a subclass, along with other subclasses such as quadrilateral, pentagon and hexagon.
  • Wings moderately broad, veins rather irregular; discal areolet large, quadrilateral; externo-medial veins, subanal vein, and anal vein very slight; subanal vein and anal vein united at some distance from the border. Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society - Vol. 3 Zoology
  • No lover of France certainly should die without having seen Carcassonne, foremost of what I will call the pictorial Quadrilateral, no formidable array after the manner of their Austrian cognominal, but lovely, dreamlike things. In the Heart of the Vosges And Other Sketches by a "Devious Traveller"
  • The motifs and figures represented include polychrome images of bison, masks, and quadrilateral signs of unknown meaning.
  • It turns out there are many different pairs of quadrilateral shapes that form a nonperiodic tiling pattern.
  • Treat the well face as internal boundary section the region with quadrilateral grid.
  • The cell interior was discretized in space with 4/1 quadrilateral axisymmetric mixed (u/p) solid elements.
  • For a quadrilateral ABCD find P minimising AP + BP + CP + DP.
  • In front of the classroom, her teacher babbled on about how to prove a quadrilateral was a square.
  • Yet being red should not be analysed into being coloured plus something else, in the way that being square can be analysed as being quadrilateral plus being equilateral and equiangular.
  • However, Brahmagupta in 628 presented formulae for solving a dozen problems involving cyclic quadrilaterals that were not solved in the West before the Renaissance.
  • The square, another bench mark, has the smallest contour ratio of all quadrilaterals.
  • You might define a more-general class polygon, which would have triangle as a subclass, along with other subclasses such as quadrilateral, pentagon and hexagon.
  • This implies that the marked quadrilaterals (and so, by symmetry, all the quadrilaterals) are congruent.
  • Formulae for the areas of triangles and quadrilaterals can be discovered and applied. Times, Sunday Times
  • As part of this project the golden quadrilateral was merged with the East-West and North-South corridors.
  • I am quite aware of the danger in the curved shapes in contrast to the relative safety of quadrilateral shapes.
  • The Quadrilateral Area Coordinate Method ( QACM ) is a powerful new tool for developing 2 - D element models.
  • The motifs and figures represented include polychrome images of bison, masks, and quadrilateral signs of unknown meaning.
  • He said it had been decided to construct service roads for the highways being built under the golden quadrilateral project.
  • The curved, expanded plate behind the foramen magnum is named the squama; the thick, somewhat quadrilateral piece in front of the foramen is called the basilar part, whilst on either side of the foramen is the lateral portion. II. Osteology. 5a. The Cranial Bones. 1. The Occipital Bone
  • The perimeter wall, up to 2.75 m. thick, encloses an irregular quadrilateral area of about 1.59 ha.
  • A square is a regular quadrilateral.
  • In which Barbara gets a little taste of karmic justice, as the eternal triangle becomes a quadrilateral.
  • What is the length of the perimeter of that quadrilateral? Times, Sunday Times
  • In the second case, if the convex polygon is a pentagon incorporating all five points, then any four of these points can be connected to form a quadrilateral.
  • Connect the dots to produce a kite-like quadrilateral. Times, Sunday Times
  • Techniques were developed that guaranteed all quadrilateral surfaces were planar.
  • Does the historic episcopate include the priesthood and diaconate, which are not mentioned in the Quadrilateral?
  • This type of superstructure could be erected on foundations with either round or quadrilateral contours.

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