How To Use Puzzling In A Sentence

  • How anyone could have read some sinister intent into those views is indeed puzzling, and illustrates well how those damned Jewshow certain hypersensitive and overly privileged people who feel superior to the rest of the world are willing to cut their own throats for short term advantage by using unjustified charges of anti-semitism to point out how they take advantage of their position in any nation or institution who trusts them so as to benefit their own in group at the expense of that nation or institution. The Volokh Conspiracy » Why Catholics and Jews?
  • This is his second puzzling triple morphemic repetition in recent days, following up on the biggest self of self is self ". Language Log
  • Neither type corresponds precisely to that seen in vertebrate enamel, and the extreme variation in crystal orientation is puzzling.
  • Often investigating history will allow us to understand why some puzzling synchronic details are the way they are.
  • the explanation was circuitous and puzzling
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  • ‘I've been trying to say this to you for the best part of 10 years, but never quite found the words,’ he said, puzzlingly.
  • All week I've been puzzling as to why there's been a heavy-duty garden sack neatly covering our washing basket.
  • Vivienne asked, puzzling over how his skin felt quite warm under her fingertips.
  • The most puzzling situation happens when a chick rejects you for a less attractive male.
  • This is not a moan or a gripe but something that's been puzzling me of late.
  • I just won't be spending a lot of time in the meantime puzzling over her identity.
  • From the beginning of the wars he had been puzzling over the performance of the French revolutionary armies.
  • On the mound, Willis relied on a windmill windup with a herky-jerky motion and a puzzling assortment of pitches to set National League hitters on their ears for a couple of months until he ran into a slump in mid-August.
  • Even allowing for the vicissitudes of history, the complete disappearance of an entire scheme of state furniture is puzzling.
  • For some time I have been puzzling the pros and cons of a regional assembly to replace the county council.
  • The spelling of English is often puzzling.
  • One of the world's smelliest tourist attractions has vanished, creating a mystery that is puzzling animal experts. Times, Sunday Times
  • It seems puzzling why the president is so determined to battle recalcitrant Senate Republicans over the size and makeup of the tax-cut legislation.
  • The first puzzling passcode that the researchers encountered was 2580 at 22nd. Times, Sunday Times
  • One of them, C. robertsi, is eaten in China and Tibet, where it has mysterious names such as the Chinese tung chong ha cho, meaning 'winter worm summer grass' sometimes shortened to tung chong cho, which translates even more puzzlingly as 'winter worm grass'. Cordyceps
  • And grand are their laws, so multiform, puzzling, evolutionary,
  • The year 1866 was signalised by a remarkable incident, a mysterious and puzzling phenomenon, which doubtless no one has yet forgotten.
  • Those that knew Levis as a friend, colleague, or teacher sometimes found it puzzling to try to reconcile the good humor, whimsy, and carelessness of the man with the artfulness, erudition, cunning, and darkness of his poetry.
  • But it was slightly puzzling that the album, believed to have been sold on through car boot sales and discarded during a house clearance, had been found in Liverpool, he added.
  • I've been puzzling over all the figures, trying to find what happened to the missing money.
  • He also cites the puzzling Cambrian explosion, a spectacular sunburst of marine animals 540m years ago that laid the foundations of all subsequent evolution.
  • Although astronomers are surprised to find a blue disk of stars swirling around a supermassive black hole, they also say the puzzling architecture may not be that unusual.
  • While he was scrimshawing it, he was reminded of a puzzling question which of course I don't know the answer to.
  • Maybe I have a twisted and conspiratory mind, but to me, it seems remarkably like the change from ongoing series to limited series was made AFTER these issues were written which would explain the puzzling pacing and the lack of a team so far based on the actual scripts themselves. Omega Flight #2 (of 5) | Major Spoilers - Comic Book Reviews and News
  • So he's still puzzling over what he regards as an anomaly, a farmerette who knows the difference between De Bussey and a side-delivery horse-rake, a mother of three children who can ride a pinto and play a banjo, a clodhopper in petticoats who can talk about Ragusa and Toarmina and the summer races at Piping Rock. The Prairie Mother
  • I can't sit puzzling over words when there are fresh-baked cakes to nibble.
  • But the signs were puzzling as they led us to every type of animal, from penguins to lions, EXCEPT the giant panda.
  • What was unremarkable to contemporaries, in other words, is precisely what seems most puzzling in retrospect. How Wars end
  • Time may appear puzzling in the film, but Gondry offers many clues that appear in the form of minute, seemingly dismissible details.
  • It got me puzzling about the points of the compass.
  • Note: McMahon below says that Terry “was known for his wide assortment of puzzling curves, including what Sporting Life called ‘the sharpest and speediest outcurve ever seen.’” The Neyer/James Guide To Pitchers
  • But that has not stopped some observers puzzling over why Kingdom should go public.
  • Yet they maintain just enough ambiguity so that the audience is left still puzzling over the piece afterwards.
  • This is a form of chest pain called microvascular angina -- a puzzling condition that defies most tests and may plague millions of Americans. - latest science and technology news stories
  • Among the more puzzling queries is whether, based on the many scream-inducing elements of its source material, “Breaking Dawn,” will draw an R rating instead of the usual, Twi-approved PG-13. TWILIGHT SAGA NEWS JULY 9TH: ECLIPSE & BREAKING DAWN | Open Society Book Club Discussions and Reviews
  • The weekend was a positive blur of flat-pack furniture purchasing, followed by hours of puzzling self-assembly at home, concluding with the dilemma about what to do with all that cardboard packaging.
  • Why the Feds aren't interested in pursuing more of them is puzzling.
  • It is puzzling that when the archdeacon of Stafford, George Hodson, reported on the Rushton chapel in 1830 during the course of his archidiaconal visitation, he noted the west gallery but not the singers.
  • The material is puzzlingly distributed. Times, Sunday Times
  • The phrase "are you hip?" appeared in the 1904 novel Jim Hickey by George Hobart, while "hep" was established enough by 1908 for the Saturday Evening Post puzzling as to whether you could "find anybody left in the world who isn't hep. Save The Hipster!
  • Booklist said of Berlin's first novel, The Puzzling World of Winston Breen: "Readers ... will surface from this unusual mystery with their hearts pounding and their brains limbered up for more. A Very Puzzling Blog Tour
  • The word "fruiterer" is also general as a name for a dealer in fruit; and "poulterer" as a dealer in poultry; while the words "top" and "bottom" are applied to streets in a very puzzling way. Fifty Years in the Gospel Ministry from 1864 to 1914. Twenty-seven Years in the Pastorate; Sixteen Years' Active Service as Chaplain in the U. S. Army; Seven Years Professor in Wilberforce University; Two Trips to Europe; A Trip in Mexico.
  • I will take just a very quick call to sort out one or two things that are obviously puzzling people.
  • This ethics of language, so central to Barthes's promotion of the avant-garde, may help to account for a puzzling feature of his criticism.
  • These things were puzzling to my young mind. ARE YOU TALKING TO ME?: A Life Through the Movies
  • If one room of Residency Towers, found MBA students puzzling over such teasers in the preliminary round of the business quiz, the other rooms had students caught in the throes of management games on Thursday.
  • This was all the more puzzling given that the city-government Web site for Hetian (the Uighurs call it Khotan) and another official Web site stated that an incident had taken place on market day, when as many as 100,000 people converge on the city's fabled bazaar. China Feels the Heat
  • A few years ago Lee and I were in the park library puzzling over the correct spelling of the name of a member of one of the early Yellowstone survey parties.
  • The puzzling question has been why there would be long stretches of junk or nonsense DNA in the genome.
  • One element in the puzzling Aberdeen which has changed, however, is the boss who, while still displaying the same lugubrious demeanour, has learned several savage lessons about the Premier League.
  • Collaboration is a vastly, puzzlingly superior piece. Times, Sunday Times
  • It explains the otherwise puzzling presence of the second, or false, pair of vocal cords.
  • There is really no way of reading these often rather costive and puzzling early books without wondering on every page what, in them, is leading towards the immense achievements of those two big last novels. The Skating Rink by Roberto Bolaño – review
  • More puzzlingly, they began to question themselves. Times, Sunday Times
  • Peirce's Hegelianism, which he increasingly professed as he approached his most mature philosophy, is more difficult to understand than his Kantianism, partly because it is everywhere intimately tied to his entire late theory of signs (semeiotic) and sign use (semeiosis), as well as to his evolutionism and to his rather puzzling doctrine of mind. Nobody Knows Nothing
  • To common people, impressed by his learning, erudition and experience, all this looks puzzling.
  • Particularly puzzling can be perfective verbs in the imperfect and imperfective ones in the aorist.
  • What remains puzzling about them is the sense they all have of taking things apart rather than putting them together. Times, Sunday Times
  • Hubbert also explained the puzzling displacement of enormous blocks of material, known to geologists as overthrust faults, as a consequence of fluid pressure between such blocks and underlying materials. Hubbert, Marion King
  • I remember reading that myself and puzzling over how this conclusion had been drawn.
  • The one puzzling thing I would like questioned is why Cheney and Bush LIED over and over that they did NOT waterboard, torture (and waterboarding is considered torture). Cheney: Investigating CIA interrogations a political move
  • They always find it puzzling until I explain to them that that Cantonese, Hakka, Foochow, Hainan, Teochew, Hokkien, etc. "dialects" can all be classified as Chinese language. THE CHINESE BABEL.
  • And in 1995, with Mike Jura at UCLA, we published a paper suggesting that if it was in space, it should be responsible for some very puzzling features that have been known for 90 years called the diffuse interstellar bands. Happy Birthday, Buckyballs!
  • The situation which I have outlined very briefly and insufficiently is puzzling enough, and I know that the questions which you would ask me might be these: How is it that a cabinet of presidential appointments, the members of which are not even members of the Reich-stag, can govern a country so entirely against the will of a large, perhaps the largest, part of the nation, against the strongest party in the Reichstag-and what has that cabinet or that form of government achieved to justify its existence? The New Germany
  • I noticed the ebook cover a few days ago, actually, and had been puzzling over it, trying to figure out if I could defocus my eyes and have a face appear in it. Book Cover Smackdown! 'I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream' Edition
  • It is immediately apprehensible, and needs to be seen again and again, because it remains puzzling, both as to its form and as to its meaning.
  • The criteria for who is remanded on bail and who gets remanded in jail is puzzling. Times, Sunday Times
  • Out go the puzzling proportions and lurid colours, so disastrous on pale and sunburnt skins. Times, Sunday Times
  • One of the most puzzling emanations of Sati appears to symbolize this: Chinnamasta, holding her severed head in her hand, drinking the blood spurting from her neck.
  • She had written the letters in a circle on a scrap of paper and was puzzling out what word they might add up to when, with a ballpoint pen in her hand, her heart stopped. My mother's notebook of Christmas past
  • She loved the advertisements especially, so gorgeously puzzling.
  • Well, I get the general drift of it - it has some familiar themes - but some references are puzzling.
  • The name "earwig" itself is sufficiently puzzling, but "coach-bell" seems, if possible, still more utterly unintelligible. Notes and Queries, Number 24, April 13, 1850
  • I even found a certain irony in the fact that Jennifer Grey's Jeanie tells him she goes by two names -- Jean and, for reasons that remain hilariously puzzling, Shauna. Charlie Sheen: What he could learn from his character in 'Ferris Bueller's Day Off'
  • Botticelli's work is puzzlingly varied in quality.
  • Prince-Ramus and his collaborators instead work around a group process of puzzling through more unartistic issues such as engineering, project sequencing and contract liability -- areas most other architects cede to engineers and planners. Joshua Prince-Ramus On The Myth Of Architectural Genius
  • Books assigned in school (with a few puzzling exceptions) were the most contemptible of all, since those dunces, our teachers, had heard of them.
  • Neither type corresponds precisely to that seen in vertebrate enamel, and the extreme variation in crystal orientation is puzzling.
  • The conviction that nice girls are engaging in no-strings-attached, semi-anonymous fellatio is based on a genuine and puzzling change in teen sexual behavior. Are You There God? It's Me, Monica
  • In unrelated experiments I observed a puzzling phenomenon with G6P isomerase. Irwin Rose - Autobiography
  • It goes from slow, puzzling beginnings to something sublime. Times, Sunday Times
  • The poem's initial strophe is careful, slow-moving, tonally sophisticated, and somewhat puzzling.
  • Strangest of all of them is a many-tinted and puzzling waxen symbol which sums up all the internal organs of the abdomen in one bold effort of artistic condensation; a kind of heraldic, materialized stomache-ache. Old Calabria
  • We hope these papers will fuel continued interest in the puzzling patterns of thermal plasticity and guide future efforts to reveal their causes.
  • I was puzzling - and chuckling to myself - over this when suddenly the air was filled with an almighty BOOM.
  • The signs of extreme rarity of certain presumed comparative and superlative forms are puzzling.
  • a puzzling statement
  • Puzzlingly, the tuba and bass are softly playing a different song.
  • Yet it is worth recalling that modern evolutionary biology was founded when a young naturalist - a creationist at the time - was struck by three puzzling patterns in nature.
  • Superficially these seem disconnected and doubtless traditional politicians and focus groups are puzzling over the underlying trends.
  • The "covenant." (berith) is somewhat puzzling from one point of view. Exposition of Genesis: Volume 1
  • Esthetically speaking, the notion that the magical is the wonderful is puzzling. Bukiet on Brooklyn Books
  • Just as they are puzzling over the bizarre anomaly, something more shocking happens.
  • Thanks Manchvegasbob for this great article … one concern i have, or should i say something that is puzzling, Daruis Miles knee surgery was once described as career ending, and several doctors concured. MVN
  • Althouse: It is "wreak," not "reak" and certainly not "reek" havoc, in case anyone is puzzling over it "Adventures in Identity Politics."
  • If you pin people down, they will tell you some puzzling things about stress.
  • One puzzling inaccuracy pervades the prints in this show, including those by the usually reliable Sadahide: While the Caucasian men are depicted sporting racial markers like facial hair, roundish eyes and broad gestures, the women invariably have Asian features. How Japan Saw Us
  • Scientists are puzzling over the results of the research on the drug.
  • Most puzzling among them are several species that hibernate even when the weather is warm.
  • Dudley delivered his puzzling harangue with a good deal of undertoned vehemence, and was strangely agitated. Uncle Silas
  • I'm still puzzling over the film almost a week after seeing it and have no precedent as to whether this means I'll like it or not.
  • To commemorate our year of puzzling together, we have four independent "cryptarithm" puzzles for our readers today. NYT > Home Page
  • But the accounts of his life were puzzlingly empty. Times, Sunday Times
  • The final piece of this puzzling jigsaw is Linda's gym assistant Chad Feldheimer, played by Pitt with a blithe goofball goodness.
  • Writer-director Bruno Dumont's latest film is a typically flat, affectless work in which you spend much of the film puzzling out exactly who is who and what is going on. Michael Giltz: Cannes 2011 Day Six: Malick's Latest Opus, A Dour Dumont and Australia's Most Infamous Serial Killer
  • Since meeting Jenny at her hotel in Basel, I had been puzzling at her eerie calm in the face of death, struggling to replace the image of the glass of spritzer she had been holding that day with a plastic cup of sodium pentobarbital. Death Becomes Him
  • His very last paintings are perhaps the most puzzling.
  • That's why the steady march toward a more liberal newsroom is so puzzling.
  • Disappointingly and puzzlingly, however, this is a one-off programme, not the start of a series. Times, Sunday Times
  • Another puzzling aspect of Connemara life for a midlander was the ease with which a few houses perched precariously on the side of a Connemara hillside could be referred to in conversation as the village.
  • What is so puzzling is why Brown is going out of his way to stick his fingers up the nostrils of the electorate at a moment when he needs all the help he can get in courting it. Archive 2008-06-15
  • Which means that eight years after arriving in the valley, he's still puzzling things out.
  • Nevertheless, it is puzzling how a bodiless creature thinks and feels.
  • These things were puzzling to my young mind. ARE YOU TALKING TO ME?: A Life Through the Movies
  • The remarkable division of India (splitting the country into two disparate halves) is particularly puzzling.
  • He was studying the map and puzzling about the easiest way to cross the mountains.
  • Yet puzzlingly, the threadbare portions had changed. Times, Sunday Times
  • What's puzzling is how the GOP failed to recognize and appropriately adjust to the stagnant fallaciousness of the Limbaugh-Republicanist political calculus when, prior to its colossal Palin error, Rush, for all his supposed influence on the body politic, had failed in his campaign to prevent McCain from capturing the nomination in the first place. BOOTLEG REPUBLICANISM
  • Scientists will also dig into the puzzling asymmetry in the Sun's magnetism that was discovered by Ulysses during the first polar passes.
  • It is still puzzling that the anisotropy and GP reported for laurdan do not show similar temperature-dependence profiles.
  • Neither type corresponds precisely to that seen in vertebrate enamel, and the extreme variation in crystal orientation is puzzling.
  • The criteria for who is remanded on bail and who gets remanded in jail is puzzling. Times, Sunday Times
  • Gary found her reaction puzzling.
  • All of which becomes rather puzzling when considering that the spying profession was rendered entirely obsolete with the passing of the Cold War.
  • Which, unfortunately, never occurs in this puzzlingly lifeless play, presented with respectful, dirgelike portent by director Alexander Strain. Theater review: Forum Theatre's dismal 'One Flea Spare'
  • Another puzzling aspect of the spotted hyena's social structure is that it closely resembles that of the socially complex old-world monkeys, a group including baboons and macaques.
  • But even more puzzling still, he wondered why the body wasn't mummified.
  • And so he rode overseeing about the plantation, with tightly drawn and puckered brows, puzzling over the problem, and steeling himself to the first attempt. Chapter 20
  • Also, looking back over a decade of stranding records from Britain, the researchers found seven dolphins and porpoises and one beaked whale with puzzling gas bubbles.
  • But the reaction Smith received when he brought in the local FBI office was more puzzling.
  • Here, merchants ruled supreme, though to outsiders, the hierarchy was extremely puzzling: why should Mrs. X whose spouse exports tea be “haut ton,” while Mrs. Y whose husband imports cigars is not to be called on? The Season: Colonies & Commonwealths | Edwardian Promenade
  • The simple scenes of Jack chewing strawberry twists, eating jawbreakers and puzzling over why he's being chased give this otherwise flat movie some level of cuteness.
  • He and his party have been felled, but he is puzzlingly sanguine. Times, Sunday Times
  • But where emic and etic accounts differ lies the potential for insights into, and explanations for, puzzling human behavior.
  • Out go the puzzling proportions and lurid colours, so disastrous on pale and sunburnt skins. Times, Sunday Times
  • WHISTLER While Norway flexes its muscles in biathlon, the American men are shaking their heads over some puzzling performances. Biathlete Tim Burke, U.S. team perplexed by performance
  • Scientists in South Africa announced a hoard of fossil finds documenting a puzzling forerunner to modern mankind belonging to the prehuman species Australopithecus Sediba that lived nearly two million years ago. Fossil Trove Sheds Light On a Stage of Evolution
  • If Bush goes Major Kong before or during the early primaries, it would have the further consequence of cementing the nominations for Clinton and Giuliani, who have become the "tough on terror" candidates for their respective parties -- though in certain cases (* cough, Giuliani, cough*), puzzlingly so. Nathaniel Bach: "Bomb 'Em and Bail" - Attacking Iran And The Collateral Damage To Our Democracy
  • The machines we have are perfectly serviceable - contrary to some of the puzzling accounts you may have heard last week. The Sun
  • Last month, a team of researchers headed by Robert Haley of the reported new brain-imaging confirmation of Gulf War illnesses, which it described as a trio of syndromes with puzzling symptoms. U.S. News
  • If you pin people down, they will tell you some puzzling things about stress.
  • Detectives puzzling over a motive say the girls were not sexually assaulted.
  • The puzzling result appeared when electrons were sandwiched between very smooth gallium arsenide semiconductor crystals and put under a magnetic field perpendicular to the plane - the famous quantum Hall state.
  • This lack of commitment helps explain a puzzling feature about switching and church growth. Sociology and Religion: A Collection of Readings
  • Why so many of us buy into these inherently antiman arguments is still puzzling to me. How to Think About Global Warming
  • Detectives puzzling over a motive say the girls were not sexually assaulted.
  • Yet they maintain just enough ambiguity so that the audience is left still puzzling over the piece afterwards.
  • It's puzzling why so many offshore nameplates have successfully brought roadsters to the North American market while domestic automakers stood by and watched the fun from afar.
  • While puzzling over this funereal oddment, the movement of something overhead pulls his focus. Grievous battily harm
  • What is even more puzzling is the set of beliefs that seems to go hand in hand with this incredible condescension.
  • The charge of blasphemy seems puzzling at first sight. The Times Literary Supplement
  • First comes a diagnosis of cerebral palsy, a label that seems right until other puzzling symptoms appear.
  • These are puzzling artifacts to be found with a nonmodern human species. Later On
  • In fact, critics around the world have been puzzling over how to classify Donnie Darko.
  • Indeed, the listener's main problem is puzzling out the connection between them. Times, Sunday Times
  • Until that moment, we get lots of characters fighting each other in imaginative, slightly puzzling ways, escaping perils of varying degrees of menace and lunacy, or realizing just how out of their depth they actually are. Pieces of One Piece
  • Her shoulders stiffened at his words, puzzling him.
  • Neither type corresponds precisely to that seen in vertebrate enamel, and the extreme variation in crystal orientation is puzzling.
  • I must admit, it's puzzling in the extreme just how these books found their way here.
  • The Aeneid has none of the meretricious involutions of plot, none of the puzzling half-uttered allusions to essential facts, none of the teasing interruptions of the neoteric story book. Vergil
  • From the reflection of grains of sand and crystals in tubes through to the advances of computers, kaleidoscopes have always been truly beautiful and even puzzling.
  • Such constant failure is puzzling, not to mention statistically improbable.
  • But there was something puzzling about their devoutness. Their puzzling devoutness
  • The absence in AC of eikon language is a little puzzling, but may reflect caution about one of two possible dangers from the probable theological standpoint of the compiler – either the risk of a contrast between the unknowable Father and the knowable Logos (Arius's theology) or that of a robust claim that the 'content' of image and prototype must be identical (Athanasian theology). The Creed and the Eucharist in the Fourth and Fifth Centuries Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms Universität, Bonn
  • This was rather puzzling, because she had been exercising vigorously until 10 days earlier, and enjoyed the sport of skydiving.
  • It goes from slow, puzzling beginnings to something sublime. Times, Sunday Times
  • An outbreak of mumps is sweeping across Iowa, the first in nearly 20 years, and it's puzzling health officials and worrying parents. Medpundit
  • It's pleasant, but puzzlingly inconsequential.
  • Hill's tribute for his 70th birthday, a sequence of 120 stanzas, offers many more, puzzling voices - impatient, sorrowing, joking, gentle.
  • This lack of commitment helps explain a puzzling feature about switching and church growth. Sociology and Religion: A Collection of Readings
  • And, by the way, the name of these cookies is somewhat puzzling, as they don't contain even the slightest hint of a nut.
  • Its seat was in her eyes, which many thought not at all beautiful, for they were like those gems called aquamarine, of a puzzling tint varying from blue to green, lustrous and lapping the beholder with their gentle lambency, except when passion moved her, when I have seen them glow with a menacing light as though they might shoot forth green flames. Romance of Roman Villas (The Renaissance)
  • Indeed, the listener's main problem is puzzling out the connection between them. Times, Sunday Times
  • Though puzzling at the time—and annoying, for he always managed to wake me after a long and bitter struggle with Somnus had been won—it finally occurred to me that the service I was providing was as indispensable to him as any other, perhaps more so than any other, perhaps the most vital service of all: to ease the dreadful burden of his loneliness. The Monstrumologist
  • Hoss straightened up and stroked his horse's soft muzzle, puzzling at the problem.
  • ‘I don't have the voice in my head,’ he says, puzzlingly, ‘It is on the paper.’
  • This whole business is very puzzling. There is a lot more to it than meets the eye.
  • It's a little puzzling at first sight how five maltsters could exist in a town in which there was only one brewer.
  • Often proposed but puzzlingly slow to materialise, much of its trackbed is still in place. Times, Sunday Times
  • The puzzling omission from Hamowy's account is any discussion of circumcision.
  • It sounds puzzling, until you realise the title breaks down as 'F. Entertainment - Female First
  • There's a sinister tie-in with Social Security, too, that needs puzzling over.
  • He was studying the map and puzzling about the easiest way to cross the mountains.
  • One evening he was sitting puzzling over a problem, talking to himself and becoming more and more feverish and restless.
  • It sounds puzzling, until you realise the title breaks down as 'F. *. ContactMusic Ltd | Latest News
  • With regard to the stock pasturing in the valley, a puzzling problem presented itself when they came to be gathered up and yarded. Robbery Under Arms
  • What makes this really puzzling to most girls is the fact that they feel completely deserving of their parents' trust - but their parents are nosing around anyway.
  • It is more than just another book on this puzzling book of the biblical canon.
  • No one has ever found an adult of these puzzling crustaceans, despite the plethora of these larvae in plankton, leading generations of marine zoologists to wonder just what y - larvae grow up to be. Archive 2008-05-01
  • She reappeared, puzzlingly, in the final tableau. The Times Literary Supplement
  • I need more caffeine, to offset my loss of an hour of sleep to my region's move to "daylight saving time," which as Bill Kauffman points out is "that puzzling ritual of mass clock-winding ill befitting freeborn Americans. Libraries
  • Another puzzling aspect of the spotted hyena's social structure is that it closely resembles that of the socially complex old-world monkeys, a group including baboons and macaques.
  • Statisticians are puzzling over some peculiar trends in vehicle sales.
  • Harris was unsuspicious, and in many parts of Australia young poets, painters, and persons attached to the arts were puzzling over the imaginative, sophisticated, but curiously disjointed verses of the late Ern Malley.
  • Although the unpleasant encounter is over, I have been puzzling over the cause of this gentleman's behaviour, which borders on rudeness.

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