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How To Use Putrid In A Sentence

  • They're trapped, on boats, roofs, porches, surrounded by black and putrid water.
  • I carry about no afterglow from the 1990s — they only look good compared to the 80s and the 00s which both stunk putrid economically for workers. Matthew Yglesias » It’s Stupid How We Always Seem to do It Again
  • ‘She doesn't want to eat with putrid garbage,’ Vincent put in.
  • You are stuck here sharing in the hopelessness and breathing the putrid air for the next seven days.
  • You don't want us to pace endlessly up and down the hallway, drinking putrid coffee in paper cups and looking forlorn?
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  • It is true, there were a few scraps of putrid fish in the boat, and Tom had found a fishing-line under the bottom-boards forward, so that, having a line and the wherewithal to bait it, they might possibly succeed in catching a _few_ fish. The Voyage of the Aurora
  • He tiptoed around it, trying not to get any of the putrid matter slop onto his fluffy bunny slippers.
  • These resemble the foot of some specialized bivalves (Solemya or Lucina) used to penetrate putrid sediment to release H 2 S consumed by symbiotic chemoautotrophic bacteria.
  • So, too, the zealous devil-worshippers of Travancore, whose diet is the putrid flesh of cattle and tigers, together with arrak and toddy and rice, which they have previously offered to their deities. The Diwan of Abu'l-Ala
  • By 1860, it had long served as a waste collector for the tanneries, dyers, and other factories in the area, and it had a notorious reputation for its brown color and putrid odors.
  • Well folks, that go-along attitude and curiosity have together congealed into a large putrid mass of disgust.
  • The foetor of decay hung over the town, clogging her throat like putrid dust. The Silicon Mage
  • Three days before Mr. Mubarak left office, al Qaeda in Iraq, an affiliate group, released a statement that highlighted the gulf between the protesters in Tahrir Square and the jihadis on the sidelines: "Beware of the tricks of un-Islamic ideologies, such as filthy and evil secularism, infidelic democracy, and putrid idolic patriotism and nationalism," it said. Uprisings Put al Qaeda on Sidelines
  • I'd nearly given up on trying to hatch duck eggs in an incubator - the hatch rote was typically small, and the incubator developed a putrid odor midway through the incubation in spite of following the directions.
  • Sure are imperviable to crumble, putrid, corrosion or insect infestation; be given barrier edifices formed in the Crosby Finance
  • The putrid green color coats the inside of his lids.
  • It tasted like the smell of a belch, and had the colour of putrid dishwater.
  • She was just metres from being swallowed by the putrid, disgusting gunk of grief.
  • Everywhere paint was chipping, wood was cracking, piles of putrid garbage were collecting, and laundry lines were being strung anywhere it was possible to do so.
  • Any argument about its fate that digresses from this fact threatens to dissolve into the putrid river of disingenuous excuses the administration keeps spewing forth to drown the truth.
  • This is when the ugly head of terrorism, spawned from the putrid heap of human rejects, knocks on the doors of civilized people.
  • I was surrounded by a disgusting and putrid evil wanting nothing more than to humiliate and destroy me.
  • The goop is a brown-green, and it delivers a putrid-looking earth tone to the yarn, but in a magic moment of oxidization, this color suddenly explodes into electric blue. Néojaponisme » Blog Archive » Infiniti Brand Journey: Kyoto
  • Tavis restrained the urge to kill me by taking another long gulp of his putrid coffee and sighing.
  • Ed Kemmick, that putrid purveyor of pussyfooted prognostication, waxes nostalgic for the days when newspaper vituperation was in style. The Iconoclast
  • She shivered as their chilled breath filled the air, suffocating her with its putrid weight.
  • She felt the scent of putrid alcohol and knew she was doomed.
  • She ignored my first comment, but to the second, she chirped, ‘No, you smell like putrid tuna.’
  • I cannot expose all the putrid facts as it would offend the sensibilities of some of you.
  • You cannot leave such putrid garbage for two weeks.
  • He'd divided the smells up, so he had a name for every one: putrid, musky, balsamic. SACRAMENT
  • Kill youself you pathetic depraves piece of putrid pigshit. Think Progress » Gen. Paul Eaton Comes Out For Repealing Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell
  • In the genus cynanche of the latter, are placed the common sthenic or inflammatory sore throat, or cynanche tonsillaris, and the putrid or gangrenous sore throat, the cynanche maligna: the former is a sthenic disease; the latter one of the greatest debility; yet they have the same generic name. Popular Lectures on Zoonomia Or The Laws of Animal Life, in Health and Disease
  • He felt he was melting and would end up as a putrid puddle of jellied meat on the floor of the cave.
  • (_erysipeloid_) observed on the fingers and hands of butchers, etc., starting from a wound, apparently as a result of infection from putrid meat or fish. Essentials of Diseases of the Skin Including the Syphilodermata Arranged in the Form of Questions and Answers Prepared Especially for Students of Medicine
  • In his opinion the true cause of the alteration of the cauliflower is the humid gangrene, that is to say, a gummy degeneration and putrid fermentation of the tissues, caused by the abundance of manure in the soil and the excess of water in the plant at a time when it is subject to sudden changes of temperature. The Cauliflower
  • They stepped into the tunnels of the sewers, in the ankle-deep, putrid water.
  • But only in the last three years have they gotten dangerously high, fueling algae blooms that strangulate fish, smother the water in a putrid green-and-turquoise foam, clog boat engines, foul the air with rancid odors, and emit toxins that can cause permanent health problems in people. David Kirby: The Price of Cheap Meat: A Lake Dies in Ohio
  • One side of the room was covered with blood, with coin-sized wafers of putrid flesh glued to the surfaces. DOLL'S EYES
  • Now, when the lights went on, she had ten seconds to be in the other room before the putrid gas was released.
  • - Javier Campos returned to his neighborhood for the first time in nearly a month Monday to find the serene little enclave of fishing camps and homes a putrid, mud-caked mess after the historic flooding of the Mississippi River. Mississippi River Floods 2011: Residents Return To Flood-Damaged Homes In Mississippi
  • Her huge lips smacked together with each chew of gum that gave off a putrid, sickening watermelon stench.
  • ‘But the stink was putrid, the smells were absolutely awful,’ he said.
  • 192 ACCOUNT OF THE PUTRID SORE THROAT. the firft, and which was thought by fome to be only iymptomatical, and had therefore the laft place 'in their confideration *, they had recourfe to fuch internal medicines as were deemed cordial and alexipharmac. A Complete Collection of the Medical and Philosophical Works of John Fothergill
  • She covered her face, coughing until she could taste yesterday's putrid cocktail on her tongue.
  • Putridity, from the avolation of its products, promotes levity, and that in proportion as its increase surpasses that of the general acid; and it is not until the action of the acetous becomes languid, that the putrid process gains the ascendency, when it is then difficult to overcome. The American Practical Brewer and Tanner
  • I then noticed the stench . It was an odor hat was putrid. I could barely breathe.
  • Just another scheme from the putrid sore of the northwest.
  • Having suffered a bone-crushing defeat on health care the republicants are figuring about now that the only thing that will save their putrid hides is a terror strike. Think Progress » Obama’s second TSA nominee backs out.
  • Your every utterance is like the slithering hiss of a fat maggot in the putrid guts of a decomposing rat; your face is fouler than the unwiped inner ring of Satan's rectum. Harry Cohen MP is an odious little cunt.
  • I was glad I wasn't on her side, because I could smell his putrid breath even from several feet away.
  • As I crunched my way through harvested, half-frozen cornstalks, the little ICBM roared to life and shot out a putrid, sulfuric haze of smoke. Another Body
  • the putrid atmosphere of the court
  • The young messenger whirled to face him and smelled his warm, putrid breath.
  • But now the clouds clamped down and a sharp scent of sulfur and putrid fish wafted on a dank puff of air.
  • In fact the smell of the putrid dust was nonexistent.
  • The exposed skin where his delicate patch usually lay was a vile, putrid yellow.
  • The paint had almost completely rusted off and the few remaining patches of color were a putrid shade of green.
  • Here floweth all blood putridly and tepidly and frothily through all veins: spit on the great city, which is the great slum where all the scum frotheth together! Thus spake Zarathustra; A book for all and none
  • Our skirts ballooned out and a putrid smell filled the room, making some of the pupils feel a bit faint.
  • If the odor of the urine is strong, record whether the urine smells urinoid, fruity (like acetone or fingernail polish remover), putrid (fecal smelling) or ammoniacal (like ammonia).
  • The Texans have been equally putrid offensively.
  • The dangers can be great: bacteria that can lead to botulism and listeriosis can grow in anaerobic environments like vacuum-sealed bags and cans, but in bags there is no visual trace — no dented can — or telltale rotting or putrid smell. Out of the Frying Pan
  • The sin sheep eat the soul grass, and the souls work off bad karma in the sheep's unspeakably putrid intestinal track.
  • Zhou Yilun is very bold to abandon restraint, face to the most primitive and true instinct of human, and the desire, expansion, putridity and pretence that growing from instinct.
  • The combination of sewage and oil has resulted in a putrid smell spreading over a wide area.
  • The putrid liquid spilled over the ground beneath the table, leaving the stench to rise up through the cracks.
  • A leaky gut is a condition in which the small intestine wall becomes inflamed and breached with tiny pinholes that leak putrid food particles into the blood stream.
  • The egg cracks open and a putrid gas squirts out.
  • The condor is a true vulture, gorging itself on dead and putrid carcasses. The Western World Picturesque Sketches of Nature and Natural History in North and South America
  • She held her nose closed, stepping over a river of some kind of brown putrid liquid.
  • Felicity to the putrid, Bronze Age admonitions of a savage sky spirit involving the ownership of desert real-estate only entombs the heart and mummifies the mind. OpEdNews
  • By midnight, save for the few who'd donned old sneakers and jeans, gay summer colors had become a uniformed dull, putrid, brown.
  • My last stepfather, upon catching me acting out the putrid stories, declared me crazy.
  • It is difficult to conceive how the seeds of this mucor can float so universally in the atmosphere as to fix itself on all putrid matter in all places. Note I
  • James MacDonald, for example, assured the public that modernism was 'gangrened stuff which attracts the human blowflies of the world who thrive on putrid fare'. Archive 2009-07-01
  • Putrid smells of raw sewage and burning garbage become acceptable after being exposed to these foul scents for a long enough time.
  • Zhou Yilun is very bold to abandon restraint, face to the most primitive and true instinct of human, and the desire, expansion, putridity and pretence that growing from instinct.
  • Consumers pay for poultry based on weight - including the putrid water added to it.
  • There was also a putrid stench befouling the air, which no regular person could tolerate.
  • Eugene Debs, the principal leader of the Socialist Party at the turn of the century, declared it his mission to “plant benevolence in the heart of stone, instill the love of sobriety into the putrid mind of debauchery, and create industry out of idleness.” A Renegade History of the United States
  • This time there were no putrid fish or noxious fumes.
  • As I breathed in the putrid air, a metallic taste formed at the back of my throat, making my stomach more than a little queasy.
  • Pointing to the blasted house and putrid water in the street, she exclaimed: ‘We have been pushed back to the age of boiling water.’
  • Wallace, like some self-poisoning pair of ragged claws, scuttling across the putrid floors of this silent poisoned sea represents another. The Bathroom Wall - The Panda's Thumb
  • Even the air seemed to hang with the putrid color.
  • Note 5: RHF, 18: 728B: "effosso sepulcro propriis manibus, corpus extraxit defuncti foetens admodum et putridum, magnum naribus offendiculum, utpote quod jam per menses aliquot ibi jacuerat tumulatione, et ab ipsa camera usque ad coemeterium Montis-Autrici, nudis pedibus, solis indutus lineis ut plebeius quilibet, ad tumulandum ibidem propriis humeris deportavit, sese humlians salubriter coram Deo". back A Tender Age: Cultural Anxieties over the Child in the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries
  • They all in general had putrid gums, the spots and lassitude, with weakness of their knees.
  • The air smelt putrid with the stench of rotting flesh.
  • A putrid smell drove us from the room.
  • Immediately, Felix's hand flew to his nose before the putrid, repulsive stench could.
  • Her huge lips smacked together with each chew of gum that gave off a putrid, sickening watermelon stench.
  • Dr. Priestley, which is universally produced in stagnant water, and the mucor, or mouldiness, which is seen on the surface of all putrid vegetable and animal matter, have probably no parents, but Note I
  • The dog growled again, its breath hot and putrid.
  • Navarro had little to no leverage in negotiations given his gnatty agent, his putrid 2009, and the fact that teams had been filling voids at catcher all week. DRaysBay
  • -- The same base stratagem for annoying those against whom they have taken an umbrage is practiced still by choking the wells with sand or stones, or defiling them with putrid carcases. Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • If that wasn't bad enough, it also smelled of putrid rotten eggs.
  • The creature came right up to us, until we could smell its putrid breath and hear it's snapping jaws.
  • I want to see jail time, and I want to see them serve nothing but the putrid sludge they have been trowelling out. CNN Transcript Feb 11, 2009
  • It fuels the putrid political climate we live in and the non-stop attempts since presidential election night 2008 to traduce and destroy the Obama presidency. Martin Lewis: Murdoch Most Foul
  • Note 5: RHF, 18: 728B: "effosso sepulcro propriis manibus, corpus extraxit defuncti foetens admodum et putridum, magnum naribus offendiculum, utpote quod jam per menses aliquot ibi jacuerat tumulatione, et ab ipsa camera usque ad coemeterium Montis-Autrici, nudis pedibus, solis indutus lineis ut plebeius quilibet, ad tumulandum ibidem propriis humeris deportavit, sese humlians salubriter coram Deo". back A Tender Age: Cultural Anxieties over the Child in the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries
  • She squeezed her eyes tightly, unable to bear the thought of her eyes coming in contact with the putrid water which engulfed her.
  • Besides the scourge of small-pox, the colonists were afflicted grievously with other malignant distempers, -- fatal throat diseases, epidemic influenzas, putrid fevers, terrible fluxes; and as the art of sanitation was absolutely disregarded and almost unknown, as drainage there was none, and the notion of disinfection was in feeble infancy, we cannot wonder that the death-rates were high. Customs and Fashions in Old New England
  • putrid decomposition
  • Pitching will be their undoing; the rotation is full of hold-your-breath types, and the middle-inning relief is downright putrid.
  • The occasional remaining eyeball, paw or lump of putrid entrail remained, missed by the trapper who had liberated the animal from its leg-hold trap and then gutted and skinned it in field; sometimes still partially alive, Wade told me. A DAY AT THE FUR AUCTION • by Stephen Taylor
  • Their potent antiphlogistic and antiputrid properties make them an excellent adjunct in combating the harmful effects of putrefaction of animal proteins in the intestinal tract. The Tao of Health, Sex and Longevity
  • As much rhubarb as may induce a daily evacuation, should be given to remove the colluvies of indigested materials from the bowels; which might otherwise increase the distress of the patient by the air it gives out in putrefaction, or by producing a diarrhoea by its acrimony; the putridity of the evacuations are in consequence of the total inability of the digestive powers; and their delay in the intestines, to the inactivity of that canal in respect to its peristaltic motions. Zoonomia, Vol. II Or, the Laws of Organic Life
  • That sick sense of something putrid and vile grew stronger and stronger as Bahzell concentrated upon it.
  • He clucked that putrid tongue of his and sighed a happy sigh, sending more dust pouring off the pedestal. Crossed
  • But they never make it better: it just discharges a whole load of putrid chyme, swells some more and hurts until it gets scratched again. Nurses for Reform
  • These are symptoms of a disease, the ugly, putrid sores of a deeper illness.
  • The actors in the commercial convincingly bulge out their cheeks to convey that they are full of putrid vomit.
  • By winter, the colour would all be gone, replaced by black bark and the putrid brown of decay set against grey sky and grey water.
  • The filial photo, on the other hand, is an acid nightmare of lime green and putrid pink.
  • Million is just putrid, stinking like that old container of chunky, skunky eggnog from last Christmas that you forgot to throw away.
  • horrible like raw and putrid flesh
  • Given the putrid offensive production it's frankly amazing that the Twins have been able to remain in contention.
  • When you are just about to die I hope the person who knows you best, that would be the person most sicked by your putrid existance should pour rubbing alcohol all over you and set your putrid child molesting self on fire then sprinkle salt on you while you burn to maximize your agony. Think Progress » DOJ official reportedly clears torture architects John Yoo and Jay Bybee.
  • What these boneheads don't realize or want to accept is the fact that most of the steps Obama has to take now is to remedy the putrid mismanagement of the last eight years. Obama touts financial reform, says GOP stance 'deceptive'
  • All this food waste results in putrescible waste i.e stuff that goes putrid, stuff that can go liquid and leach or ooze its way out of the landfil sites and contaminate the water etc... Snell-Pym » Putrescible Waste
  • However, the putrid coffee poured out of industrial Thermoses made me feel like I had just attended some sort of wretched business conference.
  • If the putrid odor of dead flesh had permeated the hot desert air, those buzzards would no longer be circling. HOUR OF THE HUNTER
  • To manure their date-groves they use the fins of a species of ray fish called _awwal_, steeped in water till they are putrid; _awwal_, by the way, was an ancient name of the Island of Bahrein, perhaps because it was the first island of the group in size, _awwal_ in Arabic meaning _first_. Southern Arabia
  • He is an awful, putrid man with a tattooed face and a huge gut.

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